Is it possible to keep a guinea pig alone and what could be the consequences?

Pets certainly need companionship. Moreover, it should not just be in the form of contact with a person or other pets. Animals with pronounced social behavior need communication with their fellow tribesmen. This applies primarily to guinea pigs. If you bring several animals into the house at the same time, they will quickly find a “common language”. However, there are situations when you have to be patient when it comes to meeting fellow tribesmen, especially same-sex people. How to make friends with guinea pigs? How to prevent bloody conflicts and sad consequences?

Can an animal exist only with its owner?

To figure out whether a pet can live alone, you need to consider its behavior in the wild. In their natural environment, animals live in groups. They live together, hide from adversity, take care of each other. In the company they feel safe and happy. Therefore, the statement that a guinea pig can live alone is a misconception.

Most owners say that the pet experiences happiness from the presence of the owner and playing together. If a rodent feels good next to its owner, this does not mean that he does not want a friend to live nearby who will lie with him, eat and clean his fur. And we must not forget that the owner does not have the opportunity to constantly be near his pet.

It is not recommended to keep your pet with other rodents, but a rabbit, hamster, or rat would be a good companion. It should be borne in mind that they can harm each other, so it is better to plant them separately, but so that they can see each other.

How do guinea pigs behave?

These animals are cute and interesting pets, and watching how they behave is a real pleasure. By the behavior of a guinea pig you can understand what mood it is in, how it feels; determine whether she is hungry. If the person who gets a guinea pig already has such animals, he will quickly be able to distinguish their characters.

For example, one pig is calm, another is active, and the third is timid.

Guinea pigs, or cavias, are social and friendly animals by nature. They are not characterized by attacks of aggression and other habits that are seen in other rodents.

They are characterized by poor tolerance to loneliness, a high need for daily communication with the owner and movement around the apartment.

People who get such an animal for the first time note that after a while the animal’s behavior changes. If the owners do not have time to communicate with the pet, the animal will be bored, become lethargic, lose appetite, its skin will begin to itch and its hair will fall out.

To eliminate all complications in the animal’s well-being, he needs to purchase a pair. The second guinea pig may be of the opposite sex. Two females can also get along well together, but whether two males can get along in the same house depends on the breed of pets purchased.

If the animal is not the only pet, this is not a problem. He will easily make friends with the rest of the residents of the house. Pigs have good connections with rabbits, hamsters, dogs, cats and even birds.

The main dangers for a guinea pig are large differences in diet with other animals and possible infections.

Their owners also note that animals quite often lick their owner's hands. Sometimes this is due to the fact that the hands have a specific smell, and in other cases this action of the animal is a gratitude for the attention received. A guinea pig can express its devotion to its owner by licking its owner's hands.

Making friends with two pigs is quite easy. By their natural qualities, they are communicative, and living together is not only more convenient, but also more fun. Thanks to active games, they are in motion most of the time, which has a positive effect on their physical fitness and health.

Pair for the animal

Two guinea pigs in one cage is definitely a good thing, but you need to know that some pairs do not get along well together:

  • Animals of different sexes;
  • several males;
  • Kavya girls raised separately.

It must be taken into account that once a male and a female are together, they will definitely begin to reproduce. But at a young age, ligaments are harmful and can even lead to death.

Two male guinea pigs in the same cage may begin to compete and fight after a while. Two girls who grew up together get along well.

Tricks, tricks and fun

All of them are based on habits associated with treats. Choose your favorite treat, give the animal a short fasting break in food (7-10 hours) - and you can start.

  1. We push the ball. The reflex inherent in nature to push away interfering objects with your head, plus the desire to get to the coveted carrot - this, coupled with your patience, is quite enough for one of the simplest tricks. A light ball is placed on a piece of treat, the pig, having smelled the delicious aroma, eventually finds its source and tries to free it by pushing the ball away. Several such activities - and your pet will happily run to the ball to get his favorite food from under it. And when the trick is mastered and there is no longer any need to hide the carrot under the ball, don’t forget to reward the animal with the same piece of treat at the end of the game. You deserve it!
  2. Kisses. Focus is for the squeamish. The owner takes a piece of the tasty treat with his lips and brings the pet closer. The pig, smelling the smell, grabs the treat with its teeth.
  3. Hi! You can train the animal to greet its owner at the cage door by giving your pig a treat in this very place every time you come home from work or wake up in the morning.
  4. Dances. Raising the treat over the animal’s head, say the word “dance” or any other word. When the pig stands on its hind legs several times to reach the food, it receives a well-deserved trophy.
  5. On the shoulder. Moving the fragrant prize from the palm of your hand to your shoulder, you need to calmly and affectionately pronounce the command. If the animal reaches your shoulder, you can treat it. A few patient lessons - and at a familiar command, the pig will fly up onto its owner’s shoulder, knowing that a well-deserved reward awaits it there.

You can come up with a lot of tricks to turn an ordinary guinea pig into a little circus performer at home. The choice is up to your imagination.

How to choose a company

You need to be guided by the fact that how rodents get along together. Don’t be nervous that the animals will start competing, because they are easy to make friends with. A large cage, toys for both and separate bowls will help avoid conflicts between rodents. It should be remembered that you cannot place a male with a female, since the inevitable mating will only interfere, especially at a young age, there is a risk of death. Even if the birth is successful, the animal will need rest for about 3-4 months, and the male will not stop, which can cause another pregnancy.

Features that cannot be ignored

And, of course, before you choose tricks for your pet or come up with your own, you definitely need to know the peculiarities of the psyche and behavioral reflexes of guinea pigs. Without exception, they love:

  • peace and quiet, a noisy or nervous environment makes the animal’s psyche unstable, and therefore training is unlikely to bear fruit;
  • an abundance of dry grass or filler in a cage or enclosure - the desire to rummage through something is partly what gave them their name;
  • fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits - the microelements and vitamins they contain cannot replace any balanced store-bought food, and a healthy animal is always more willing to communicate than one that does not receive the necessary nutrients.

Finally, many pigs have an inexplicable craving for human hair. If you notice that your pet is trying to migrate from your shoulder to your neck and “make a nest,” then there is no use in weaning it off. Just exclude from the range of tricks those where the temptation for the guinea pig would be too obvious, and direct his energy in a different direction.

Some breeds, for example, Sphynxes, are overly demanding about room temperature, get cold easily and can get sick. And in general, these animals, despite the dense fur of most breeds, do not tolerate cold well and are very sensitive to drafts. When an animal experiences discomfort, there is no time for entertainment.

Never try to play with your guinea pig until he is comfortable with changes in his environment. If you have guests and you want to show them your pet's skills, give the animal time to get used to new smells, faces and sounds. At least half an hour. And only then, continuously talking to her, start the show.

Guinea pigs are very grateful animals. They always respond to love and care a hundredfold, so it is not difficult for an attentive owner not only to get an excellent companion in the person of a funny piggy, but also to organize his own mini-circus at home.

Simple but exciting toys

Entertaining a rodent is not difficult. Here are some examples of toys that will not let your pet get bored.

  1. Mirror. It is better to hang it outside, as the pig may get the idea to try the object on its tooth. The rodent will enjoy admiring and playing with its reflection, and will spend a lot of time doing this activity.
  2. Paper ball The rodent will love chasing crumpled paper balls, because they rustle so funny.
  3. Stuffed animals stuffed with hay. An old holey sock or a toilet paper tube can be used to make a stuffed animal. The animal will happily take dried grass out of it.
  4. Branches of fruit trees. Delicious twigs are a real treat for rodents.
  5. Balls. Small tennis balls and rubber bouncy balls will also work. The pet chases them with pleasure. The main thing is not to let her start gnawing on them.
  6. Cardboard box with holes. This is a real hit with rodents. Holes are made in the box for the animal to crawl through. The pig will be captivated by this maze for a long time.
  7. Wooden toys are a good option for sharpening your teeth. Wooden items must be made from natural wood, without paint or other toxic substances.

Tips and tricks

Pigs are shy animals and must first get used to their new surroundings. Therefore, it is recommended to gradually accustom the animal to games, walking in the house and on the street. First, the pet is taken out of the cage for a short period of time. They watch his behavior. Then they begin to interest me in various games.

When walking, furniture suffers from rodent teeth. For safety, it is covered with covers.

It’s easy to catch your pet at the end of a walk; just lure him with a treat.

If you take your pet outside after rain or in the morning when there is dew on the grass, you can blot the area with a paper towel. This way the pig will not be wet.

Rules for sharing

The new tenant must spend two weeks in a separate cage so that the owner can make sure that the rodent is healthy. After quarantine, you can introduce the guinea pigs to each other. Before attempting, you need to make sure that both rodents are full and in a good mood. It is better to introduce guinea pigs on neutral territory.

The first meeting place should be:

  • new for both rodents, not marked by odors;
  • protected by high sides, or located closer to the floor;
  • spacious so that there is enough space for pursuit and escape;
  • equipped with through shelters for a passive individual.

Article on the topic: Guinea pig and cat in the same house: can a cat get along with a rodent?

Competition for food is not typical for the species, so while the animals are getting to know each other, you can try to defuse the situation with treats. During the procedure, you need to be vigilant, since a fight may arise for the owner’s attention, or simply out of principle.

When joining a group, it is recommended to rub the newcomer from behind with sawdust from the common cage. Sensing the familiar smell, the flock will accept the guest more loyally.

After several meetings on neutral territory, if the pigs behave calmly, you can put them in one cage. Before doing this, you should wash it thoroughly and change the location of the accessories. For each individual, you need to install separate feeders and drinkers on different sides of the cage. The room will look unusual for both pigs, which will allow the rodents to inhabit the territory on equal terms.

Choosing the right pet store

Let's imagine this situation. You walk into your local pet store and see an adorable guinea pig that makes your heart melt, and then you notice that the cute animal is huddled in a small glass aquarium with four other rodents.

You, of course, will think that by buying the animal you like, you will save it from such maintenance. In fact, your best bet is to leave this store that treats animals this way. Supporting such outlets is a common mistake of novice owners.

As a rule, to keep rodents they use small aquariums that are not suitable for keeping guinea pigs, as well as other rodents, which are small even for one animal, and they accommodate up to five “tenants” at a time. Naturally, in this case the pigs may not be in the best condition.

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Find a large pet store where animals are kept in decent conditions and have a veterinarian who can advise you on how to keep such a pet.

Incorrect covering in the cage

There are several options for keeping guinea pigs. But the main rule is not to keep rodents on bare corn or wood filler. Sprinkle it with fine sawdust or cover it with a PVC mat. Some owners cover the floor with diapers and sprinkle sawdust on top, which is also not prohibited. It is important that the animal is not on pellets, which cause wounds on the pigs’ legs that do not heal for a long time, or on a bare floor.

You can use ready-made fleece coverings. Such bedding is inexpensive. Using this material will make daily cleaning of the cage easier. Your pet will feel very comfortable.

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