Guinea pig squeaks: what's wrong with it, what does it mean and what to do

The guinea pig squeaks, purrs, whistles, growls and, in general, is musical and talkative. Everything that people explain in words, the animal expresses in various sounds and movements. According to the observations of experts, the language of a rodent is very diverse and includes more than a dozen different sounds. Each sound signal has its own meaning, so it’s quite possible to understand what your pet wants to say. To learn your pet's language, you only need observation. A little time - and the animal can be understood at a glance, or rather, at a half-sound.

Guinea pig squeaks: what's wrong with it, what does it mean and what to do

The guinea pig squeaks, purrs, whistles, growls and, in general, is musical and talkative. Everything that people explain in words, the animal expresses in various sounds and movements. According to the observations of experts, the language of a rodent is very diverse and includes more than a dozen different sounds. Each sound signal has its own meaning, so it’s quite possible to understand what your pet wants to say. To learn your pet's language, you only need observation. A little time - and the animal can be understood at a glance, or rather, at a half-sound.

What signals do guinea pigs make?

In various circumstances, a pet may:

If an animal lives with a relative, it is important to distinguish when neighbors communicate with each other and when they turn to the owner. The latter cannot be ignored. The pig turns to the owner - it means that she needs him and she needs his help, care and guardianship.

The animal makes most of its sounds at night - this is the time of its activity. In order not to think until the morning what to do if a guinea pig squeaks (whistles or makes another sound), it is important to know what exactly the animal is signaling with this or that sound.

Chirps or tweets

The pig can not only squeak and purr, but also chirp and chirp like a bird. The feeling from such sounds is as if the pet is singing. Such sounds mean an extreme degree of excitement.

The pig sometimes chirps for up to half an hour, not noticing anyone around, immersed in an exciting state. This is how she experiences severe stress.

The expectant mother can thus announce to everyone around her that she will have cubs. The male can use his chirping to attract the female to mate. If two pigs are chirping among themselves, you don't have to worry. Nothing bad happens.

How to understand what a pig needs

The main thing that the owner of the animal needs to learn to understand it is diligence and attentiveness. Many animals have their own, characteristic style of communication. But still, the meanings of most sounds are the same for all pigs. Therefore, it will not be difficult to find out why guinea pigs squeak, whistle, sniffle and make other sounds. But in order to correctly understand your pet, it is important to correctly recognize the sound being made - growling or rumbling, hissing or snuffling, etc.

Why does a pig squeak, sniffle, whistle, growl, hiss, coo or chatter his teeth?

Guinea pigs squeak most often out of pleasure. A guinea pig squeaks when you pet it, which is a good sign that your pet is enjoying what is happening. If the animal is doing well and is happy with its life, the pet can squeak lightly or grunt all day long. Therefore, if a rodent squeaks all the time, this is not a reason for concern, but quite the opposite - you can only be happy for your happy pet.

A pet's wheezing is a common occurrence, indicating excited or impatient anticipation. Noisy snorting or whistling can be heard when the animal is in anticipation of a treat. But sometimes such sounds indicate a lack of attention - the pet is really waiting for the owner to play with him or simply pay attention.

The animal's whistle can be both a greeting and a reminder of feeding. In the first case, the guinea pig whistles when it sees its owner after separation (for example, he comes home from work, etc.). Usually, when the greeting whistle is given, the pet stands up on its hind legs to demonstrate how glad it is to meet you. Sometimes, instead of whistling, the pet squeaks loudly as a greeting. In the second case, the animal whistles when it is hungry and there is no food in the bowl. Owners who do not want to constantly receive sound “reminders” should make sure that their pet’s feeder is not empty - fill it in a timely manner and put in more food.

Rumbles, purrs or growls

When an animal purrs, it often means a negative attitude towards the situation. This sound is different from purring, which expresses pleasure and approval of what is happening around. If you sit a rodent on your lap and stroke it, it will purr like a cat.

Rumbling can also express pleasure if this sound is combined with body vibration. The pig can express joy vigorously. If it purrs and vibrates, in 99% of cases this means anticipation of a happy moment. For example, when they lay out an enclosure in front of a cage for walking. The animal’s mind is ingrained in the understanding that the enclosure is a pleasant walk, and he will be happy.

If a rodent growls, it does not always mean that it is angry. During the mating season and at the moment of mating, the animal can growl in a low pitch. If you listen closely, such a growl is radically different from the sound that a pet makes when angry.

Why does the pig scream, squeal and whine?

These sounds are equivalent to an alarm. Hearing them, the owner should run to the animal - it calls for help. The reasons can be different - the pet is scared of something, he feels bad or is in pain. In any case, he needs support and love.

If your pet screams or squeals, first of all you need to examine him. Perhaps he fell or got into a fight with a relative, or someone offended him. It is imperative to make sure that the animal is not injured and there are no abrasions on its body. If damage is detected, medical attention must be provided to him.

By moaning and whining, the little furry is able to express his dislike for someone (a person or a relative) or simply signal his loneliness. Regardless of the reason, the animal needs to be comforted and cuddled. Nothing makes a pig as happy as the owner's love. Well, and a delicious treat, of course.

Cotton pad pig

You can create a craft in the shape of a pig with your own hands and from very simple materials, for example, cotton pads. This does not require any special skills and even children can cope with this task.

First of all, you need to paint cotton pads with diluted gouache, watercolor or acrylic paints, depending on what you have in the house. Then we cut out the legs of the future pig, ears and snout from one disk. Then we assemble our pig, gluing all the parts in order.

The eyes can be made from beads or colored paper, and the nostrils can be drawn with a black pen. And now the little charming pig is ready. You can use it to decorate a postcard or make an original panel.

Here are just a few interesting and creative ideas that will help you create truly unique things with your own hands and give joy to those for whom they are intended. And when imagination is connected to the creative process, the thing will acquire even greater value.

What do guinea pig movements mean?

The sounds made by the pig are often accompanied by movements. In order to correctly understand what is wrong with her, it is important to pay attention to both. For example, the meaning of rumbling may differ depending on the combination with movements. If the rumbling is quiet and the movements are smooth and natural, the animal is happy and satisfied. If the rumbling is shrill and the movements are jerky, the pet expresses its dissatisfaction. Upon closer examination, you can see that when it purrs, the animal shakes, as if it were having a chill.

Meanings of movements outside of sounds

Guinea pigs are distinguished not only by their sociability, but also by their mobility. They are able to express their thoughts, requests and desires through movements.

Rising on its hind legs, the pet wants to please the owner - it shows itself in all its glory. Stretching forward (in the usual position - on four legs), the animal looks around and examines the surrounding objects - a manifestation of alertness.

If a pet is jumping, it is in a good mood and wants to hint to the owner that it is time to play. The animal shakes, shudders, clenches its paws and tries to hide in the far corner - it is very scared.

If your pet is frozen and does not move, as if he were a toy, it means that he feels a threat, danger, and wants to wait it out. A grin is evidence of aggression. If the owner does not want to get bitten, it is better not to come into contact with the animal at such a moment.

Learning to understand a furry pet is not difficult. Yes, pigs don't speak human language, but that doesn't mean they don't speak. Their system of communication with people and relatives is quite simple and understandable. The observations required to learn their language will not take much time. After this, the owner is guaranteed complete understanding with the little pet.

Why does she constantly squeak?

A rodent makes a similar sound in several situations when:

The first point is quite clear: a hungry pig will give a “squeaking” signal, persistently and almost continuously, unless it takes a rest for about two seconds. How else can you show that you really want to eat?!

Another loud squeak will be associated with food (but not necessarily with hunger!): the animal, quite possibly, heard the refrigerator door slam and the owner rustled probably something tasty. How can one not ask, or better yet, demand?

Don't forget to give your pets treats. Of course, you can treat a little beggar, but keep in mind in the future: this can become a habit at the level of a conditioned reflex.

Try to pick up a guinea pig and pet it affectionately - and get ready: it may squeak quite a bit. She squeaks when you pet her - such is the pleasure this gesture gives her.

Now return the little animal back to the cage. The squeak will be repeated, but in a different tone, it will be sharp and drawn-out - protesting: this is how she will express dissatisfaction with your action.

Guinea pigs are very sociable animals. So, they squeak loudly when they see the owner - they are bored and require attention.

Squeaking is also a way to communicate that pigs of both sexes have a need to communicate in an intimate environment—you can’t cancel nature.

If you are the happy owner of a whole family of guinea pigs, then you have the opportunity to hear a menacing squeak, sometimes turning into a roar. It is the male who is carrying out “educational work”: it’s time, they say, to calm down. And at the same time, this shows the superiority of the head of the family over the rest - those who are weaker.

Pig made of fabric or felt

Crafts in the form of the symbol of the year of the pig, sewn from fabric, will look very original. You can sew wings and a loop on it and you will get a charming flying pig. There are a huge number of patterns on the Internet, from which you can choose according to your liking and capabilities.

Coffee positives deserve special attention - this fragrant stuffed toy will not leave anyone indifferent. The whole secret is that before stuffing, a solution with coffee and glue is applied to the blank of the future pig.

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If desired, you can add cinnamon and vanilla to the mixture for more flavor. And then all that remains is to paint it with acrylic paints and add buttons or other decorations to your taste.

If sewing a pig from fabric requires skills and experience working with this material, then even a beginner can master a pig from felt. With it you can make crafts in the form of an applique or a three-dimensional figure.

In addition to ordinary piglets, you can make a craft in the form of Peppa Pig, popular among children, especially since the range of shades of this material allows you to realize the most daring ideas.

And he behaves strangely...

Owners who have recently acquired new “tenants” are often bothered by the squeaking of their charges in a variety of situations.

Problems with stool and urination

Does he squeak when he goes to the toilet? Often such a sound is accompanied by the need to cope with natural needs - both small and large needs.

In this case, you first need to simply observe the further behavior of the animal. If a slight inflammation occurs, then simply ensure your pet is clean and warm in the cage. However, a squeak can be a signal of disorders both in the genitourinary system and in the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is necessary to urgently take the animal to the local Aibolit.

And suddenly it bites!

Pets may squeak when they are angry. It was already noted above that a squeak can mean dissatisfaction or protest.
The same applies to bites. Most often, they can be “rewarded” by an animal that is unwell, and against its will (he doesn’t realize that for purely humane reasons!) they take it in their arms - how can you not be indignant!

And good luck, and the treatment procedures will begin. Here both teeth and voice will come into play.

The same applies to pregnant females, who are annoyed by any attempt to invade their personal space.

Are your teeth itching?

Chewing on rods is not dangerous. Owners often notice that the guinea pig seems to be gnawing on the bars of the cage. And the question naturally arises: maybe this is how she grinds her teeth down?

Pig from a bottle

If there is another competition planned at school or kindergarten, an interesting option for him would be a craft made from a plastic bottle: it is easy and simple to do, and looks very impressive.

To do this, you need to cut the plastic bottle into three parts and remove the middle one - it will no longer be needed. Then we glue the remaining two parts together and begin making the remaining parts.

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Cut out paws, ears and eyes from thick cardboard or colored paper and glue them onto a bottle wrapped in pink paper. On the lid, if it is pink, we draw dots, and if the lid is a different color, then first we paint it pink - this will be a patch.

But how can you make a pig craft that is original and stands out among everyone? You can come up with a bright outfit made of New Year's tinsel, decorate her with large sequins, or add a chic bow of satin ribbons to her head.

The next idea will be useful for those who know how to knit: you can tie a small bottle or jar using pink yarn and add knitted legs, ears, and also use the lid of the container as a snout.

Hissing and whistling - what does that mean?

Sometimes the animal gets bored and whistles out of sadness. Guinea pigs squeak or whistle out of boredom and loneliness .
Let's say, two friends were separated, placed in different cages, and the whistle of the animal left alone will tell others about this sad event. Some pigs have a habit of whistling at night: they also require play, communication, and even food, which is over by night. These same animals have their own “life routine”: they, as a rule, are active at night and, unlike their owners, sleep during the day.

If it’s just a matter of food, then in the evening you can pour in more of it than usual so that there is enough for the night, adding to it the rodent’s favorite treats, which will distract him from the desire to make “sleepless” sounds.

And beggar pigs are also capable of begging for treats in this manner.

Hissing can be directed at a possible enemy; it rather indicates aggression. In the same way, a pig can show that she is tired of playing and wants peace.

It happens that two pigs are placed in the same cage and no squeaks or whistles are heard from there. What would that mean? It is worth taking a closer look at their behavior: how good their appetite is, how active and cheerful they behave. If everything is in order with this, it means that the neighbors have chosen each other to their liking.

If you pay more attention to your pet, you can eventually master his “language” and learn to understand when and in what situation he communicates the pleasure he has received, when he asks for something, and when he complains.

Plasticine pig

In every home where there are children, there is a box of plasticine. Modeling develops fine motor skills, allows you to use your imagination, and is also an excellent option for spending time together.

The process of creating a craft in the form of a plasticine pig can be divided into several stages:
  • preparing the necessary materials: before work, knead the plasticine thoroughly and divide it into pieces, which in the future will be the legs, head and body of the pig;
  • sculpting the main elements: roll out a piece into a thick sausage - this will be the body of the pig, then use a skewer or toothpick to attach the ball of the future head to it. Then roll out four small sausages, make a characteristic notch on them, forming a hoof, and apply them to the body;
  • finalization of small details: make a flat cake from a small ball, use a toothpick to make two holes in it and glue it to the head of the future pig - this will be a snout. Then roll two small balls from black and glue the pig’s eyes. Use a toothpick or a utility knife to carefully draw a mouth, and glue the ears onto the head. And don't forget about the curl ponytail.

To facilitate the creation process, you can use similar shaped objects as the body, for example, a Kinder Surprise egg or large acorns. And now the cute plasticine pig is ready and delights everyone with its carefree nature.

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