Breeding hamsters at home: rules and recommendations

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In their natural habitat, animals give birth from late spring to early autumn. Reproduction of hamsters at home depends on the owner of the rodents, since animal owners prefer to keep rodents in separate houses. Living in the same cage, rodents conflict, fight and reproduce uncontrollably. Let's look at the main questions about mating in hamsters: when rodents reach sexual maturity, when and under what conditions to mate, how to determine pregnancy, what to do if animals do not mate.

Sexual characteristics of domestic rodents

For the mating process to be successful and effective, you will need a male and a female. There were incidents when the owners tried to bring two girls or boys together. Naturally, such pimping did not bear fruit. Therefore, first, determine the sex of the individuals selected for reproduction.

In the case of adult animals, this is not difficult to do, because the male most often has healthy testicles! But if you buy young animals, hoping to further breed Djungarian, Syrian (or any other breeds) of hamsters at home, carefully examine their tummy.

  1. Signs of a female: the body is slightly larger than that of boys; The genital opening is located under the tail next to the anus.
  2. Signs of a male: the body is slightly smaller, the distance from the anus to the genitals is significant; starting from 2-3 months of age, eggs begin to appear clearly.

Although sexual dimorphism is expressed in the size of animals, you should not rely on this feature. After all, rodents from different litters can live in a pet store; they have different ages and different degrees of fatness. Therefore, estimate the distance between the holes.

The photo shows a female:

Creating suitable conditions

At home, before breeding, the female and the male must be kept in different cages, since Djungarian hamsters are very aggressive towards relatives on their territory. During mating, it is best to use the third cage and launch the future parents into it at the same time.

The mating cage should be spacious, and the temperature in the room should be 20-25 degrees Celsius. In addition to the house, feeder and drinking bowl, there should be no distracting elements (ladders, pipes, toys). It is advisable that mating takes place in a quiet, separate room, where there are no drafts, at a sufficient distance from heating devices and in isolation from other pets.

It is most optimal to use a one-story cage with a simple house for breeding Djungarians at home, in which the couple can retire (you can put a little Chumiza in the house - a favorite delicacy of hamsters). It is better to place shavings of fruit trees in a layer of 5-7 cm at the bottom of the cage.

Reproduction statistics

Every owner should understand that breeding hamsters at home is a responsible process. It cannot be carried out at random, and the offspring that appears 3 weeks after birth will have to be accommodated. Many owners are simply shocked by the fertility of these small rodents!

Here are interesting facts about the mating of Djungarian hamsters, expressed in numbers:

  • 3 weeks – age of puberty of dzhungarikas;
  • 5 minutes is the average duration of sexual intercourse;
  • 21 days is the optimal period for bearing offspring;
  • A female can give birth to 18 babies in one litter (but more often 5-9);
  • The girl rests for 7 days after giving birth, and then she is ready to become pregnant again.

As you can see, khomas begin to ripen very early. But if early mating is not at all harmful for the male, then an incompletely formed hamster may die during early pregnancy. Therefore, the optimal age for breeding Djungarian hamsters is 3 months. The maturation and gestation periods for Roborovsky hamsters are the same, but the offspring are slightly smaller: 3-9 hamsters.

Syrian hamsters also reproduce interestingly. The female shows interest in mating only during the period of estrus, and the male, like a true gentleman, is constantly interested in girls. The Syrian hamster bears its offspring for an average of 18 days. Sometimes this period lasts up to 3 weeks. Syrian hamsters are born in numbers from 5 to 15 pieces.

Choosing a partner

You already know at what age jungariks and other animals will reproduce best. If you have one Homa living with you, it’s time to choose a mate for him.

  1. Firstly, the partner must be the same breed as your pet. That is, a Djungarian hamster must mate with a Djungarian hamster, and a girl Syrian hamster must mate with a Syrian, etc. Interbreeding of hamsters at home rarely brings results.
  2. Secondly, the partner must be of the opposite sex. And you already know how to determine the gender of rodents.
  3. Thirdly, both animals must be healthy, free from external pathologies and infectious diseases, so as not to give them to future babies.
  4. Fourth, choose a partner who is similar in appearance to the female. This will increase the chances of producing a pure line of hamsters (line breeding).
  5. Fifth, try to avoid inbreeding, when hamsters that are siblings, parents and children mate. Such crossing will increase the chance of pathologies and deformities in the offspring.

The couple must not only match in appearance, the male and female must like each other. Choose a time when both animals are active, fed and happy. This will increase the chance of having intercourse “on the first date.”

Is it possible to castrate a hamster

Rodents are solitary by nature. Regular estrus does not cause much trouble for either the animal or the owner. Castration of a hamster is carried out extremely rarely, since miniature creatures do not tolerate anesthesia well.

If from the owner's point of view this operation is necessary, consult a specialist.

There is no chemical sterilization for hamsters. Rodents are castrated in emergency cases, in the presence of serious diseases. Sexual heat does not harm the hamster's body, so mating is not necessary.

Calculating the time of mating

The Djungarian hamster, Syrian and representatives of other breeds are crepuscular animals, which is why they prefer to breed at night. But not only the daily rhythms of these animals are important, but also the individual cycles of the female. While the furry Don Juan is ready to mate any day, the female shows sexual activity only during estrus.

Breeding hamsters at home depends on how correctly you calculate the time to introduce the male. But this is not easy to do, you have to seize the moment, because the female’s readiness lasts only 4-12 hours, and after that there is a break for 3-5 days. Typically, estrus begins in the evening, so you only have one night to mate your hamsters.

Here are the signs by which you can determine when a female is in heat:

  • the pet becomes too active;
  • small mucous discharge appears under the tail;
  • often the mucus has a peculiar smell that attracts males;
  • the hamster tries to bend her back, spreading her paws, while her butt and tail lift up a little;
  • The female reacts loyally to the approach of the male.

Syrian hamsters very clearly display all of the listed signs, but girls of the Djungarian breed are more modest, so it is much more difficult to determine when they are in heat.

Choosing a place to mate

For the breeding of hamsters to produce results, the couple in love must be left alone. The owners will only disturb the animals and distract them from their work. Many are worried that the boy and girl will not understand why they were put together. But this is stupid! In the wild, animals somehow find each other on their own and calmly reproduce. So why shouldn’t small pets cope on their own, because no one has canceled their instincts!

First, you need to find a cozy corner in your home where there will be no drafts, noise and threats in the form of curious pets. The marriage bed is placed there. It is best to keep hamsters not in a cage, where there are a lot of distractions (a wheel, other toys, food), but in a separate box made of thick cardboard or plastic. But it should be spacious enough, don’t forget to add filler. If you have a spare cage, that will work too.

So, you need to place two hamsters, a boy and a girl, in a love nest. At first, you can watch your pets and see how they get to know each other. If the hamster reacted favorably to the appearance of the gentleman, then move the box with the pets to where no one will disturb them. This is how hamsters of all breeds are reproduced.

The photo shows how the Dzungarians look closely at each other.

Prevention measures

Having gotten rid of the unpleasant guest, you should think about how to protect your site from his sudden return. The best option is to plant nothing else and do without your own harvest. Only those who are tired of fighting with an animal or do not believe in lasting results will take this step. Optimists can leave a dog on the property for permanent residence and additionally get a rat-catcher cat. And the main thing is not to despair, your efforts will certainly be rewarded.

In addition to the above mentioned harms caused by karbysh, there is another unpleasant moment - this animal is a carrier of various diseases. Therefore, while fighting for the safety of the harvest, you should not forget about your own health.

Friends, I still struggle with mice at the dacha. For me this is already a standard procedure:

But recently an unknown force appeared on the site! Digs holes right next to the house, in the barn. I never knew before that there were such rodents: KARBYSHES. In appearance, it seems to be an ordinary, real, hefty field hamster.

For some reason they call it karbysh! It looks like a rather cute and harmless creature:

But, in fact, it is a monster!

Here's what other people are saying about him:

“First they gnawed the tops of the carrots, and then the roots themselves.”

“First, look where its holes are, there may be two or three of them (about 10-15 cm in diameter), fill it with water and see where its muzzle appears, don’t grab it right away, let it come out completely. I don’t know any other ways. Be careful, a seasoned animal can rush and bite. It is better to fish with cloth mittens. I used to catch it, a beautiful tricolor, but as angry as a dog. An adult carbysh is about 30 cm in size. You can hit it with a shovel right away so you don’t have to suffer.”

“It seems to me that it’s better to radically solve the problem, the karbysh is not a herd animal))), he killed one or two and forgot. But then how to live with it?))”

“Hamsters in the garden are not those tame, cute and gentle creatures that children really like to breed. The agricultural pest, the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus), has a body length of 25-35 cm (tail 2.5-6.5 cm). He digs a hole with many spare and false entrances and exits, in which there is a nest and spacious storerooms, storing in them up to 15 kg of grain and other supplies for the winter (during hibernation, in the middle of winter, hamsters wake up, feed and even appear on the surface without only during thaws, but also at low temperatures down to -20°C). The hamster is omnivorous; its main food is cereals, root vegetables, fruits, but it also eats small animals: earthworms, frogs, lizards, chicks, hares and other rodents. A hamster gives birth to 10-20 babies 2-3 times a year. Hamsters are not afraid of human proximity: they settle in gardens, vegetable gardens and even in residential buildings

When hamsters appear, it is important that “the whole world” regularly exterminates them. Hamsters are distinguished by their evil disposition and aggression - it’s not for nothing that they are called “evil karbysh”, they often even bite each other to death

It’s not so much the hamster’s teeth that are scary, although they leave lacerations on the body, but the fact that hamsters are carriers of about 30 diseases that are deadly to humans and animals. Mechanical catching of hamsters is more convenient and simpler; it is carried out using a small arc trap, which is used for catching small fur-bearing animals.

a disguised trap is placed at the horizontal entrance to the hole, securely attaching it to the ground so that the hamster caught in it does not run away with the trap.”

“Hamsters are kind and funny, but an ordinary hamster is still that kind of creature. Last year he shot one and fucked him when the corpse examiner examined him. I had no idea that he could have such huge teeth. By the way, he turned out to be frostbitten as fuck. Instead of running away, he took the fight))) The first shot was not successful, the bullet (I fired from a pneumatic pistol) only irritated him)) and he rushed at me. I barely had time to reload the gun and shoot the rodent.”

So, if I don’t want carbysh to eat my carrots at the dacha, then I’ll have to buy arc traps!

Afterword: I already caught one at the dacha. This is a monster!

Sexual intercourse in hamsters

It is not customary for domestic rodents to have long foreplay; usually, after a short introduction and sniffing, they immediately get down to business. And why wait, because their life is so short!

So, you left your pets alone in a secluded place. If the female is completely ready for mating, then the male piles on top of her and hugs his girlfriend around the waist with his tiny paws. The submissive bride does not object, she leads the seed quietly and meekly, but Don Juan is very active! The mating process for representatives of the Dzungarian breed and other dwarfs lasts no more than 5 minutes; Syrians usually inseminate a hamster longer.

If a couple consists of a very calm girl and a small active boy, they may have intercourse several times throughout the night. In such cases, in the morning the male falls exhausted. Such a vigorous sex life can undermine the health of a hamster and even temporarily drive it into stupor.

In the photo, Roborovsky’s gentleman hugged his chosen one:

Sometimes problems arise during or before sexual intercourse. You need to know when it is better to place a couple in different cages.

Preparing the room

Animals of different sexes are kept in different apartments. During mating, the female is placed with the male. The father is resettled immediately after fertilization. A pregnant hamster becomes nervous and the male irritates her. This negatively affects the health of the cubs.

There are several rules for preparing a room for breeding animals.

  1. For mating, prepare a carrier or a spacious box.
  2. One cell is left in reserve. Place newborn hamsters in it.
  3. The cage size for a pair of rodents is 50 by 40 cm.
  4. To prevent your animals from having health problems, install a running wheel in your home. The optimal wheel diameter is 20 centimeters.
  5. Animals should always have clean water and fresh food in their house.
  6. You cannot install a cage with newborn animals in a room where there are drafts.
  7. The temperature in the room with animals should be about 25 degrees. Ventilate the room.
  8. Place the rodent cage in a quiet, dark place.

When the young animals are one month old, the animals can be separated from their mother.

When to place rodents?

The sudden appearance of a cat next to hamsters preparing to mate, or an unexpected sharp sound can drive the animals into severe stress. They are capable of not only abandoning the task assigned to them, but also starting to fight. The mood of those getting married changes very quickly, regardless of their type. Fights can be so serious that one of the animals is severely injured or killed. Usually the strongest blows go to the male.

The following describes situations in which it is better to postpone mating of hamsters until better times:

  1. The girl initially did not like the male. In this case, you need to introduce the hamsters gradually or choose another boyfriend for your pet.
  2. The girl is not ready. If the hamster is not currently in heat, she will react especially aggressively to a furry man who appears nearby. Be sure that the lady will use not only her claws, but also her teeth. In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently remove the Djungarian boy and wait for the moment of estrus.
  3. Sudden fear. Due to stress, both hamsters can simply go wild and start fighting. In this case, their separation is necessary.
  4. The process is over. Not all hamsters, unlike individuals of the opposite sex, are ready to copulate all night. When the female decides that she has had enough, she will become restless and begin to show bouts of aggression. In this case, the partner should also be removed.

Sometimes hamsters can be left alone for half an hour to do their simple task. But you can leave only if the pets have established contact and they treat each other favorably. Still, it’s better to be nearby in case of a hamster force majeure. Usually the gentleman manages to inseminate the female within half an hour, then he can be separated.

By the way, some rodents have no complexes at all: they manage to mate in the presence of their owners, almost sitting in their arms!

In the photo copulating Syrians:

Determining pregnancy

Not everyone knows how to determine whether a pet is pregnant or not. The fact of conception is usually established 10 days after mating, since in the early stages there are practically no external signs.

Here are the symptoms of pregnancy in a hamster:

  • the tummy increases in size (sometimes this is not noticeable due to the luxurious fur);
  • nipples swell;
  • the hamster’s behavior becomes abnormal: too aggressive or atypically affectionate;
  • appetite increases;
  • the desire to stockpile increases;
  • the female approaches the running wheel less often.

All these signs indicate that there will soon be a new addition to the hamster family.

Where to keep and what conditions should be created for a pregnant hamster

A pregnant female needs more attention. There should be no obstacles to drinking and food. During pregnancy, the female needs to be provided with walks , but it is important that she is not frightened.

The walking ball allows the hamster to move freely around the room or apartment. This allows him to maintain the necessary activity, as well as periodically change the environment, which is important for the psychological state of the rodent.

It is necessary to monitor the constant temperature and humidity in the room where the cage is located. During this period, the cage should be cleaned less often and not moved to another place. But before the expected birth, it should be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and placed in the place (house, shelter) in which the birth will take place, fresh bedding (preferably chopped hay).

While waiting for offspring, the female hamster's diet should be balanced and contain more proteins and calcium. The diet should include greens (alfalfa, clover), carrots, sprouted cereal grains, give more cottage cheese and pieces of boiled meat. You can also add beaten eggs and dairy cheeses to the menu. It is also recommended to add a piece of chalk or calcium gluconate, as well as a tablet of activated carbon and phytin.

We recommend reading about the nutritional habits of hamsters.

Before childbirth and in the first seven days after it, glucose and preparations containing calcium are added to the drink. In the first 7-10 days of pregnancy, the amount of food for the expectant mother is increased by a third, but in the next 10 days the increase occurs twofold.

2-3 days before giving birth, the hamster becomes very thirsty, so it is important to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of liquid in the drinking bowl and change it constantly. It is advisable that the drinking temperature be about 20 °C. You can use tomato juice and rosehip infusion as a drink.

Video: caring for a pregnant hamster

How does childbirth occur?

Usually the female gives birth in a squatting position or on her side. Depending on the number of cubs, birth lasts from 1 to 2 hours, that is, quite quickly. The interval between newborns coming out is about 15 minutes. The hamster chews the membranes, uses its teeth to cut off the umbilical cord. She eats the membranes and placenta.

If you took good care of your pet and fed it properly during pregnancy, then childbirth will be easy. But there are also some complications in which the hamster can die or give birth to non-viable offspring. In such a situation, only a doctor can help, and not always.

Newborn animals are bald and helpless. Because of this, their mother has to take care of them. She builds a comfortable nest for them and begins to feed them milk.

A few words about the kids

Newborn hamsters develop quickly and learn about the world. But for the first week they do not leave the nest at all, feeding on the milk of their furry mother. Breastfeeding lasts from birth to 3 weeks. During this period, it is better not to touch the animals, because a hamster may lose milk due to stress, and an angry mother in labor may abandon her babies altogether. In this case, you will have to feed the hamster offspring yourself, and many of the babies will die.

To prevent this problem from arising, provide the family with peace for the first 2 weeks. The bedding is also not changed during this period, but only a little food is added. At one week of age, babies begin to crawl blindly around the cage. And already at the age of 2 weeks they open their eyes. Around this period, complementary foods consisting of low-fat yogurt and peeled seeds should be introduced.

At 3 weeks, babies are already covered with thick fluff and can eat on their own. This means that it is time to remove them from their mother. Watch the babies for another week, and already at the age of 1 month you can give the miniature animals to new owners.

If you decide to keep the kids for further breeding, then at the same age determine their gender and place the boys and girls in different cages. This precaution will not allow the reproduction of small rodents to take its course.

There are many nuances in the reproduction of hamsters. You need to remember that mating of animals must be timely, voluntary and safe for both participants. At the slightest sign of aggression, separate the animals from each other! An important aspect of reproduction is the gestation period. In this position, the pet needs absolute rest and increased nutrition.

Caring for the female and offspring

Even experienced owners were not always able to see newborn jungarians. They are born weighing no more than 2 grams, completely naked, with pink thin skin and closed eyes. The body length of a newborn hamster is comparable to the phalanx of a finger. Defenseless babies are completely dependent on their mother. They don't see or hear anything, but they find nipples by smell, so they must be close to the hamster.

Only the female needs care and maintenance. She takes care of her children on her own. Moreover, newborn rodents should not be touched with hands until their eyes open. If a foreign smell remains on the babies, the hamster will refuse them.

After giving birth, it is better not to disturb the new mother and her babies at all. You just need to provide it with a varied diet and make sure that the Djungarian hamsters do not fall out of the nest. If this happens, the baby will die, so he must be placed with his mother.

You can only handle a newborn dwarf with gloves or a napkin.

Small Djungarian hamsters grow very quickly. Already on the fifth day they develop hearing, soft fluff grows on their body, and after 12-14 days their eyes open. From this time on, the owner must begin to accustom them to handling. By the age of one month, the young animals become sexually mature and capable of reproduction.

For this reason, it is necessary to separate the males from the females. After 2-3 weeks, Djungarian hamsters are given to new owners.

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