Is it possible to give banana to hamsters, in what quantities?

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To pamper their beloved pets, many owners are ready to provide them with the most exquisite dishes, including exotic fruits. But some of them are worried, thinking about the question, are hamster and banana compatible? Let us answer right away - there are no special contraindications regarding the presence of this vegetable in the diet of a furry animal, but some precautions are worth following.

Beneficial properties of banana

The pulp contains sugars, vitamins, microelements, and complex carbohydrates. The tropical fruit is high in calories, cleanses the intestines of toxic films, and has a mild laxative effect.

The banana brings the greatest benefit not to the rodent, but to the housewife, whose mood improves at the sight of a funny animal eating the delicacy with appetite.

Banana during hibernation

Can Djungarian hamsters have a banana during hibernation? After all, it is in winter that this breed of hamster goes into hibernation. Therefore, it becomes inactive. The presence of a banana in the diet can adversely affect the functioning of the digestive system, which at this time acts much more slowly than in the summer.

Hamsters are active animals, and they often enjoy not only running around the cage, but also performing acrobatic acts. To do this, you just need to put a small running wheel and several ladders in the cage. All this will be instantly checked by the pet, and you can often watch the hamster exercise in the evening. It would be nice to purchase a special transparent ball. A hamster can be placed in it, and you can let it travel throughout the apartment. During the day, an animal can run across the entire living space and at the same time be in front of its owners.

Is it possible to give banana to Djungarian hamsters?

Miniature rodents love sweet fruits, but it must be borne in mind that tasty food is rarely healthy. Owners believe that when dwarfs eat sweet fruits, their blood sugar increases. When fruit is given in abundance, the pet overeats, and the body gets rid of excess sugar by converting it into fat.

The hamster is gaining excess weight. Shortness of breath appears, the rodent loses activity. The pulp sticks to the palate, making breathing difficult. The solution is to feed banana chips. They have a firm texture, but contain three times more nutrients than fresh fruit.

Hamsters live in an apartment, but respond to shortening day lengths. They distinguish natural light from artificial light; the shortening day slows down the metabolic rate. Therefore, ratologists do not recommend treating rodents with sweet fruits in winter.

Whole fruit

Is it possible to give hamsters a whole banana? No, the fact is that such a fruit is quite large in size in relation to the hamster’s body.

Therefore, the animal simply cannot cope with so much food at once. The remaining banana begins to quickly deteriorate and can cause poisoning to the animal. In everything it is best to know when to stop and not to overfeed your beloved fluffy.


Hamsters are used to hard food, and banana is a soft berry. A viscous sticky mass forms in the mouth, which enters the breathing tube. Fruits contain substances that cause an allergic response.

The pet experiences the following painful symptoms:

  • the hamster is constantly itching;
  • eyes turn red;
  • breathing quickens;
  • wool falls out.

The hamster gains weight, loses mobility, sleeps a lot, and refuses to communicate with its owner.


Most often, hamsters of the Djungarian and Syrian breeds are sold in pet stores. Although now you can also find Angora, furry animals. But these are already the fruits of human selection work. Syrian hamsters have golden fur. Body length can reach 20 centimeters. Dzungarian individuals are smaller than their Syrian relatives. Their body length is up to 10 centimeters, and their color is distinguished by several dark, almost black stripes running along the back. Both breeds of hamsters are undemanding in terms of living conditions.

You just need to install a sufficiently voluminous cage, lay down sawdust or a special filler, install a feeder, a drinking bowl and a play wheel for physical exercise.

Portion size and feeding frequency

Bananas are not a component of the diet, but a delicacy. Hamsters weighing 40-60 g are offered bananas once a week. The slice is placed on the hand and the uneaten piece is not allowed to be dragged into the hole.

Syrians every 2-3 days, serving is 1/4 teaspoon. Chips retain the benefits of fresh fruit and do not have its disadvantages. Make sure your pet eats the entire portion from your hand.

Is it possible to give hamsters banana peels?

No. Banana peels are not allowed for hamsters. Bananas are a perishable product, therefore, in order for them to retain their presentation longer, they are treated with various preservatives. All of them are absorbed into the peel. Even if it’s mine, or not mine, it’s still poison. Why does your pet need all this?

You can't give it in full. Better in small pieces of 5-7 grams

The benefits of fruit for rodents

The composition contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

Magnesium and potassium have a positive effect on the animal’s musculoskeletal system, its cardiovascular, nervous and urinary systems.

Iron increases hemoglobin content, helps relieve fatigue, hunger and restore strength.

Phosphorus is necessary to strengthen the animal’s bones and teeth.

The main thing is to use the product in moderation. Digestion is normalized, the blood vessels in the rodent’s body will become flexible and elastic.

Morning time is most favorable for eating fruits

When choosing a banana for your pet, pay attention to the peel. It should be yellow and strong

Rotten, blackened fruits should not be given.

You can start feeding your pet these fruits in the second month of life.

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In what proportions is it given?

Hamsters love bananas and are ready to consume them in unlimited quantities. This preference negatively affects the health of animals, and therefore requires compliance with the exact proportions of the supplied amount.

One serving of product for a hamster should not exceed 5 grams, this amount is equivalent to the size of the top of the smallest finger - the little finger. For the Djungarian breed, this piece must be reduced somewhat, for example to 3 grams.

Such a portion guarantees complete consumption of the entire amount, without the possibility of hiding it “for future use.”

How many times a day should you feed your hamster?

Nutrition and diet are of particular importance for the healthy existence of a hamster.

Feeding frequency

Due to the increased activity of these pets at night, two main feeding options are preferable:

  • once - late in the evening;
  • twice - in the evening and early in the morning.

In this case, the main volume of food should be consumed in the evening feeding.

If the owner determines for himself a comfortable time for feeding the animal and sticks to it, then the rodent will always wait for the food it is supposed to eat at exactly this time. And such stability in the timing of food supply has a positive effect on the animal’s digestive processes.

Also, due to their accelerated metabolism, these pets may wake up several times during the day to snack.

The breeder is also recommended to:

  1. Do not overfeed the animal - feeding twice a day is most optimal.
  2. Do not disturb the rodent's sleep by constantly feeding it throughout the day.
  3. Regularly audit inventory, removing spoiled products.

Amount of food

The owner must determine the amount of food for the animal, taking into account the following points:

  • what is his physical activity;
  • what age is the animal, since young animals need more food;
  • what is his physiological state - painful condition, pregnancy or lactation period;
  • what are the environmental conditions – room temperature.

The breeder does not have to resort to such precise mathematical calculations. It is enough to observe the animal for several days to determine how much food it needs.

It is important not to overdo it with the amount of food, otherwise the hamster will quickly gain weight. This will have an impact on his health and life expectancy

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Some tips

To arrange the animal's cage, it is worth remembering that hamsters are burrowing animals. Therefore, they need a shelter where they can rest in silence and make their supplies for a rainy day. Cleaning the cage should be done every two days, cleaning out all contaminated areas of the bedding and spoiled supplies. The feeder should always be filled with food, and the drinking bowl with fresh water.

Hamsters rarely live in pairs. They do not like it when strangers enter their territory. Therefore, you should not get a couple of hamsters and keep them in the same cage. To breed rodents, the female and male are kept in separate cages and only brought together at the time of mating. Born babies are separated from their mother 2-3 weeks after birth.

That’s probably all that future and current owners of cute creatures – hamsters – need to know. Taking care of such a small creature will bring a lot of positive emotions and pleasure.


This particular joke doesn't give the audience a wide range of interpretations. The most common form the meme in question takes is a basic picture of a rodent plus a photo of a loving couple. Sometimes, to enhance the comic effect, a third image is inserted into the gallery - a large emoticon with an ironic or greasy grin. As a conclusion, here is a selection of the brightest and most effective memes based on the photo “A hamster eats a banana.”

Owners' opinions

People who have hamsters say that they are omnivores. Sometimes they may even eat something they shouldn’t, such as smoked sausage or chocolate. Can hamsters have a banana? As we have already found out, yes.

The owners say that this fruit can be given to hamsters, but little by little. The owners also advise: you need to monitor the condition of the pet. If, after consuming a new fruit, you notice any signs of illness in your animal, then you should not give this fruit to your rodent.

What can you give?

Hamsters can easily eat oats. But they eat rice only in limited quantities. Corn, wheat, rye and barley can be given without a doubt. But buckwheat and lentils can be used only in small quantities. As for berries and fruits, they can be given both fresh and dried.

All fresh fruits are cleaned of seeds and seeds in advance. Without these components, such food does not pose any danger. It is worth considering that the bulk of juicy fruits are rich in carbohydrates and glucose. Therefore, a strict limitation is imposed on the quantity of such ingredients.

Their maximum share in the daily menu should not exceed 5%. Otherwise, the hamster's life is at risk. Fruits and berries are accumulated in advance. Both dried and frozen preparations are suitable. Dried fruits (bananas, dried apricots, raisins, dates) are soaked for 3 or 4 hours before being placed in the feeder.

Juicy food of any type must be thoroughly washed. In addition, we must try to remove as much pesticides and nitrates as possible. To do this, you will have to soak the greens and peel the apples. Djungarians love:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • barley;
  • oats;
  • beans;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • pumpkin and melon seeds;
  • Walnut;
  • peanuts and hazelnuts;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • sprouted oats;
  • cashew nuts.

It is quite reasonable to feed Djungarian hamsters with sprouted alfalfa. Recommended green plants include nettle leaves, clover, basil, and celery. It is appropriate to use dill and pea pods in their entirety. Vegetables such as:

  • broccoli;
  • cucumber;
  • carrot;
  • cauliflower;
  • tomato;
  • turnip;
  • beet;
  • pumpkin;
  • radishes and other crops.

Good berry and fruit crops include plums, peaches, pears, cherries, gooseberries, grapes, cherries, and rose hips. Both blueberries and apricots go quite well. A hamster's teeth are strong enough for the animal to eat small twigs and bark of deciduous and fruit crops. The main “candidates”: cherry, apple, poplar and maple.

Beech, willow and birch twigs, pieces of the bark of these trees are also suitable for rodent food. He will be able to sharpen his teeth on such solid food.

Protein dishes should be added to the hamster’s diet every 2-3 days. The best options: boiled chicken, boiled eggs (quail eggs are also acceptable), worms from a pet store or dug up yourself, shrimp. Some hamster breeders use yogurt (only without any additives) and low-fat varieties of cottage cheese.

Alfalfa and timothy will provide hay for your hamster. Such food will provide the animal with plant fiber.

About fruit exotics

Tropical fruits on our tables no longer surprise anyone. We have already rated avocado, pineapple, and kiwi. And, naturally, the question immediately arises about them. Since the question of whether bananas can be given to hamsters has been answered positively, does this also apply to other tropical fruits? Unfortunately no! Pineapples, avocados, kiwis, and persimmons are contraindicated for hamsters. And citrus fruits too, because they contain a lot of acid, which is harmful to this most delicate creature - the hamster.

The exclamation “alas” refers to the owners. Hamsters have nothing to do with all this exoticism, and there will be no regrets on their part. In the life of small domestic rodents there are other joys, including food. They will somehow manage without this exoticism.

Do not forget about maintaining the correct diet for rodents. After all, the health of your little animal largely depends on what it eats.

Should you let your pet stuff your cheeks?

A hamster with big cheeks most often causes affection among its owners. However, in reality, this is an undesirable habit that can cause inflammation, injury and even the development of diseases.

When the tissues of the oral cavity are damaged, visual disturbances often occur in addition.

They are located close, so they also become inflamed. In the absence of timely help, the hamster may even lose sight or die.

Meaning and significance

The hint that hides “The hamster eats a banana” has an erotic, even vulgar connotation. This picture is complemented by photos of colorful, often famous couples - a man and a girl - in which a tall, large, muscular guy meets or marries a fragile woman of miniature height and weight. The hamster eating a banana is most often located to the right of the photo of the couple, and the meme is superimposed with an obscene remark or a comment about the characters on the left. Jokes superimposed on "Hamster Eats Banana" may concern:

  1. Disproportion, disharmony in the appearance of the couple.
  2. Possible difficulties in their intimate life.
  3. Good luck in your personal life and a good choice of girl.
  4. Unexpected business, or simply life acumen, at first glance, of a fragile, modest and defenseless person.
  5. Poking fun at men's over-indulgence in bodybuilding.
  6. Irony about inflated ambitions that often hide envy.

In rare cases, when the meme consists of only one picture, “A hamster eats a banana,” it may hint at greed, a good appetite, or the desire to bite off more than you can chew. However, the erotic context is the most popular. Therefore, you should quote a joke with caution, so as not to offend your interlocutor, or expose yourself to ridicule.

Pomegranate seed tincture

Pomegranate tincture is easy to prepare at home. It contains alcohol (vodka, moonshine), pomegranates, lemon, cinnamon, granulated sugar. What the body lacks can be supplemented with a tincture, which has excellent taste and benefits.

Its regular consumption helps:

  • reduce the number of cholesterol plaques;
  • carry out prevention against infections;
  • relieve inflammatory foci of various nature;
  • relieve premenstrual condition.

To feel good, it is enough to consume 1 tbsp. l. before meals twice a day and drink for 2 months. The tincture is stored in the refrigerator and taken for a maximum of 3 months (it cannot be stored longer).

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