Is it possible to give a hamster cookies, how to make them yourself

Is it possible for hamsters to have cookies? Everyone who is happy about acquiring a nimble fluffy ball wants to know. Take the time to study the principles of diet formation in advance. After all, you can harm the health of such a baby very quickly if you offer him something forbidden to eat. Pay special attention to what your children feed him, because they will share with him confectionery and cookies that he should not be given.

Why are cookies harmful?

Hamsters have a very low tolerance for sweets, salty and fatty foods. Especially harmful for Djungarian hamsters, which are predisposed to diabetes. You can occasionally offer your hamster dry, unsalted biscuits. But we are not immune from the fact that even such store-bought cookies contain a lot of harmful additives and chemicals. They have a detrimental effect on the liver and digestive tract of the rodent. Salt, which is very high in crackers, damages the heart and kidneys. As a result, the immune system weakens and other vital systems suffer. A hamster with a cookie looks very cute, crunches funny, and crumbs remain on its antennae. But you shouldn’t risk your pet’s health to admire this picture; it’s better to choose a healthy alternative to the treat.

What can replace watermelon?

Hamsters are big fans of treats, but you shouldn’t follow their lead and give everything they ask for. Instead of giving your Djungarian or Syrian hamster watermelon, it is better to offer watermelons that are approved for this type of rodent. You can also please your pet with a small one. As a last resort, it is permissible to offer a small piece of sun-dried without adding preservatives, sugar or spices. Rodents love seeds, so raw seeds also make an excellent treat.

The rodents' small size and delicate digestive tract require owners to pay serious attention to their diet. And no matter how much you want to treat your baby to something, you must first find out whether the hamster can eat watermelon and how he will tolerate the new treat. Proper feeding of rodents is the key to their health and full life.

Can a hamster have watermelon?

Nutrition of Djungarian hamsters: what can and cannot be given to Djungarian hamsters. Is it possible to give a hamster citrus fruits, nectarines and mangoes?

Owners of small rodents often wonder what kind of treats they can treat their pet to, whether hamsters can have honey, cookies, chocolate and other sweets. This is due to the fact that in addition to ready-made food, pets’ menus include foods that humans eat – seeds, nuts, cereals, fruits and berries. However, you should be careful when choosing “sweets” for your hamster - much of what the owner eats is completely unsuitable for domestic rodents.

DIY hamster cookies

Considering the question of whether hamsters can have cookies, we will give an affirmative answer if they are homemade cookies. Making cookies for your baby is not difficult at all. But you will be completely confident that the hamster’s health is safe.

Below are the simplest recipes for treats for your little pet:

  1. For the test, take dry food and dilute it with egg whites. Place the resulting mass into molds and bake in the microwave for 40-60 seconds. Then you can sprinkle the cookies with finely chopped fruits or vegetables that are approved for hamsters and microwave for another 30 seconds.
  2. This option is more suitable for the Syrian breed of hamster, since it contains banana, which, due to its increased starchiness, is contraindicated for dwarf hamsters. A piece of unripe banana should be grated and mixed with dry food. Next, see the first recipe.

Cookies prepared using these methods can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Don't bake it for future use!

Black and white bread

In natural wild conditions, bread is inaccessible to rodents, unless they live near populated areas. Only domestic hamsters can enjoy it, but veterinarians unanimously do not recommend feeding them fresh flour products.

White flour is made from wheat, which is always present in dry mixes, and is acceptable and healthy for your hamster. However, in the process of grinding and processing, grain changes not only its structure, but also its qualitative composition. The product is additionally bleached to make it look presentable and last longer. As a result, the flour is deprived of most of its vitamins, minerals and beneficial fiber.

The resulting starch is a heavy carbohydrate; it can cause obesity in a hamster and, as a result, diabetes, as well as joint problems. In addition, it has the following negative effects on the body:

  • negatively affects the functioning of the urinary system;
  • provokes disruptions in the normal functioning of the adrenal glands and pancreas;
  • leads to disruption of the endocrine system (thyroid gland).

Yeast is added to the dough kneaded for bread, as well as leavening agents, flavorings, stabilizers and other synthetic additives. A hamster's consumption of these completely unhealthful components is fraught with digestive disorders, manifested by increased gas formation and even (in rare cases) alcohol poisoning (due to yeast fermentation). Yeast is especially dangerous because it can radically change the intestinal microflora.

If you give a hamster bread, he will develop quite painful conditions:

  • flatulence, vomiting, nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • refusal to eat due to loss of appetite;
  • breathing problems (choking);
  • lethargy and decreased activity;
  • heart failure;
  • disorientation;
  • and even death.

White bread, especially soft and fresh bread, just baked, is absolutely contraindicated for hamsters.

The same attitude applies to black bread, because it is also made with yeast. Although rye flour is less starchy, and there is no need to bleach it, hamsters still cannot eat baked goods from it. The ban is associated with the increased acidity of the baked product, due to which disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract are observed. If you give a hamster rye or black bread, it can cause:

  • heartburn;
  • gastritis;
  • constipation;
  • colitis;
  • ulcer.


If fresh bread has no place on the hamster’s menu, then the attitude towards crackers is different. After all, during heat treatment (drying in an oven), most of the yeast fungi die. Dried bread pieces (both wheat and rye) contain enough fiber, much less carbohydrates, and also contain a number of essential and beneficial minerals (Mg, Fe, Ca). Considered dietary, dried bread no longer causes fermentation; when consuming it, the hamster does not experience flatulence. Rusks normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and restore metabolic processes in the endocrine system.

A piece of dry bread will serve as a worthy and healthy replacement for mineral or chalk stones, on which hamsters have to grind down their front teeth, which grow throughout their lives.

On store shelves there is a huge assortment of crackers already prepared and packaged in beautiful wrappers; it is tempting to buy and pamper your pet hamster with them. But this should not be done under any circumstances, since all sorts of flavor enhancers, flavorings and stabilizers are added to purchased products at the factory. These substances, even in small quantities, are deadly to small rodents. It is more desirable and much safer to dry bread yourself, giving preference to grain and bran products.

Feeding your hamster correctly

Now you can enjoy the fun picture of watching your hamster eat cookies that are both tasty and healthy for him. But you won’t be satisfied with just cookies. What else can you feed your adorable baby?

The basis of the diet is cereals (oats, barley, wheat, buckwheat). You can buy ready-made cereal mixtures in the store. Nuts and sunflower seeds will also be beneficial. They just need to be given infrequently due to their high fat content. Fresh grass (burdock, clover, plantain) and branches of some trees (birch, oak, maple) will not harm the animal. Just keep in mind that you need to collect these complementary feeding components away from the city, in an ecologically clean area. You can sometimes give a number of fruits (apples, apricots, peaches), vegetables (zucchini, carrots, broccoli) and berries (raspberries, strawberries). But apricot and cherry pits are harmful to the digestive system of small rodents. And remember that hamsters should always have fresh, clean water in an amount of at least 50 ml at the place where they are kept.

Here is the menu for your pet. As you can see, it can be very diverse, despite the fact that there is no place in it for store-bought cookies. Take care of your hamster's health, because feeding it correctly from the beginning is much easier than treating it due to improper nutrition.

Other flour products

It’s not just factory-made butter and salty cookies that are harmful to rodents. Buns, cakes, and other flour products will also harm the baby’s health. It is only possible to eat regular white bread, but very little at a time.

Before you treat your furry friend to a new product, you should think about the composition of this treat. Spices, salt, sugar, fats, flavorings - all these are substances prohibited for rodents.

You should also avoid feeding the animal with plants picked within the city. It is better to take care of your pet differently: feed it with specialized food, give it fresh water, and change the bedding often.

Is table food good for cats and dogs?

First of all, you need to understand what human food is. Even if we exclude from it semi-finished products, sausages and frankfurters, which are not complete nutrition not only for animals, but also for people, what remains is a combination of various types of fried, boiled or stewed meat, sources of carbohydrates - cereals and flour products, vegetables, fruits , as well as various fats, both animal and vegetable.

Such a variety and mixture of ingredients is a complete nutrition for a person, since by nature he is omnivorous, which means his body is able to extract the substances it needs from almost any organic matter. Dogs and cats, which are carnivores, are not designed this way at all.

Features of digestion in dogs and cats

Their digestive system is designed to consume animal proteins. They have a short gastrointestinal tract, their saliva does not contain the amylase enzyme, which promotes the primary digestion of plant foods, and their body cannot independently synthesize vitamin D, the source of which is only animal products.

And if dogs can still independently produce such essential amino acids as niacin, taurine and arginine, then cats are deprived of this too - their body receives energy only in the process of gluconeogenesis, that is, the metabolism of glucose from non-carbohydrate compounds.

In addition, human dishes are usually generously seasoned with salt, spices, sauces, and various additives designed to satisfy the highly developed taste buds of humans, but are completely useless and even harmful to animals.


Unfortunately, cookies are one of those products that are prohibited for the animal. The fact is that they cannot eat fried, fatty, salty, or sweet foods. What cookies are not sweet and not salty at the same time? The Djungarian hamster, which is prone to diabetes, is especially at risk. Violation of the diet is fraught with serious consequences. Even ordinary poisoning can have fatal consequences. And their body is not able to digest fats at all. Therefore, in order to preserve the life and health of your pet, you need to properly care for it, first of all, this concerns nutrition. But curing an already sick hamster is a very difficult matter and not always realistic. Moreover, you need to be able to treat, not everyone has money for a veterinarian. Before you get a pet, find out how to feed a hamster at home and what exactly.

In general, chemistry is contraindicated for hamsters. This cannot be neglected. Some cookies contain a lot of it.

Advantages of the game

The simulator really evokes only the most pleasant emotions for the following reasons:

  • Unusual characters of the game. They will be virtual hamsters, and they are very cute. Playing for them is an absolute pleasure.
  • The opportunity to think through your strategy. There is no linear plot, although you need to open confectionery products and expand the factory. This is important in order to have a chance to turn the virtual store you start with into a full-fledged confectionery factory.
  • Opportunities for discovery. Over time, as you progress through the story, you will be able to open new types of baked goods and production lines. This is especially important for good profit performance.
  • Nice atmosphere. The game is so well made and cute that players will definitely improve their mood with such entertainment.

It is not surprising that the simulator deserves attention and popularity.

What then is possible?

First of all, special dry food. It contains many nutrients and vitamins necessary for the functioning of a small organism. In addition, its composition is specially designed for hamsters, taking into account their needs.

In addition to the main diet, they are fed vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts. They must be included in the additional diet. This vitamin complex cannot be neglected. Moreover, only dry food in the diet will also not have the best effect on health.

But you need to know what vegetables your hamster can eat without harming them. Water is a must, no matter what anyone tells you. It is difficult to survive without water, and completely impossible on dry food. It's more about survival than life. Therefore, do not limit your pet in such an important nutritional element. If the question “can a hamster have cookies” can still be challenged by finding a fresh one that contains a minimum of sugar and salts, then there is no way to survive without water.

What to do if a hamster chews on its cage? It's simple, he has no place to grind down his teeth, which grow throughout his life. Therefore, you need to put a wooden block or twig in the cage that the animal can chew.

Biscuits and homemade cakes

Another question that worries owners of furry pets is whether hamsters can have cookies like biscuits, as well as homemade products? Biscuits are the safest option of ready-made products available on the market. However, feeding your pet with them is allowed only occasionally. It is better for a loving owner to prepare a treat for the baby himself.

It's easy to bake healthy cookies for your hamster. You don't even have to use the oven. You need to take a lightly beaten egg white, mix it with the rodent’s usual dry food until a thick consistency is obtained, and pour the mixture into molds. Bake the “dough” in the microwave until hardened, about 30-60 seconds. After the mixture is baked, you need to sprinkle it with pieces of your baby’s favorite fruits or vegetables, and then put the molds back in the microwave for 30 seconds. After complete cooling, such special baked goods can be given to your pet. The hamster will like the treat, and the owner will be pleased to watch his pet, knowing that he is healthy, cheerful, and full of strength.

Brief summary

It is forbidden to give cookies to hamsters. Only if you have something that does not contain salts, sugar, fats, and therefore no taste. And you can’t even have a lot of this, put a small piece and then very rarely. But the hamster can be fed vegetables and fruits.

Many go further and look for whether hamsters can have raisins and other foods. This way I better understand what kind of diet a fluffy needs.

The appearance of a hamster brings joy to everyone watching him. He is funny, inquisitive, playful and smart. The children in the family adore these fluffy balls the most. They are given what they themselves love most - sweets. And now the hamster is sitting in his cage with a cookie and gnawing on it. At the same time, no attention is paid to how it feeds in natural conditions. But such food can be harmful, can hamsters have cookies?

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