Transportation of turtles around the city, veterinary certificate f.4

Photo Credit To David Mark from Pixabay

Owners of turtles often face the problem of transporting the animal. This could be moving to another city, country, or simply delivering the reptile home. Of course, it is better to transport the turtle in a special carrier, which can be purchased at almost any pet store. This article contains information on how to transport a turtle by any type of transport and at any time of the year.

What breeds of dogs can be transported in the cabin?

Only small dogs weighing up to 10 kg can travel in the cabin with their owner as hand luggage. Dogs of large, aggressive and fighting breeds are transported in the luggage compartment in a heated compartment - this is the rule of all airlines. In the cabin of an airplane, a cage with a dog is placed on the floor under the seat.

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Transportation of turtles around the city, veterinary certificate f.4

When keeping reptiles, sometimes you have to deal with the need to transport them. Transportation is a complex undertaking, and if done incorrectly, it can lead to undesirable consequences and even the death of animals. Therefore, before transporting reptiles, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the animals, their preparation for it, as well as the selection of transportation containers, taking into account the travel time and transportation conditions. In the summer there are no problems with transportation - I put the turtle in a box and took it wherever needed, but in cold weather the turtle needs to be warmed. This could be a heating pad or human warmth. Transporting turtles over long distances is even more difficult - you must take into account that the turtle will scratch, defecate, and also want to eat and drink. It is necessary to take into account that there is no hypothermia or overheating.

Transporting turtles around the city or outside the city in summer

In summer, terrestrial and semi-aquatic turtles (red-eared, marsh, etc.) can be carried in any plastic containers or cardboard boxes (for example, shoe boxes) with sawdust, wood chips, hay or crumpled toilet paper/soft towels without water for no more than 2 times days.

The turtle can be placed in a plastic or cardboard box, storage container, or a special plastic carrier with ready-made ventilation. If you use a regular container or cardboard box with a lid, you need to think about ventilation. Holes can be drilled independently in the lid of such a box or on the sides. We need to make sure our carrier container closes well, as turtles can be adept at escaping. Place a good layer of bedding at the bottom of the container, such as: a towel (but avoid fabric with loose threads or loops that could entangle the turtle's claws), paper towels or napkins, sphagnum moss, sawdust, wood chips, meadow hay, absorbent wipes . The carrier should be spacious for the turtle, but not give the turtle a lot of room to move around (the goal is to transport the turtle in comfortable conditions and make the move safe.) If several turtles need to be transported, each one is placed in a separate carrier so that they do not injured each other. If the transport is hot and the temperature is above 27-28 degrees, you can put a small piece of cloth or napkin soaked in water in the container, or sometimes spray the turtle (not with cold water). To avoid overheating, in hot summer weather, you can place a thermometer in the carrier, which will allow you to check the temperature without opening the lid of the carrier. Check your pet's temperature and condition regularly. To make sure that it does not roll over, and also to remove waste that may be present, since during the journey, the turtle may defecate. Keep the carrier out of direct sunlight. Make sure that the turtle does not overheat or overcool. Do not leave your turtle carrier in a sunny or drafty place.

It is better to transport completely aquatic turtles (trionics) in plastic containers with a small amount of water or, for a short period of transportation, covered with dampened towels or in damp linen bags. But a turtle can spend a day or two without water without serious consequences. It is important not to catch a cold in your turtle.

Since turtles can quite easily go a couple of days without food, you may want to avoid feeding your turtle for 24 hours before your trip (and the duration of your trip if it's no more than 1 or 2 days).

Transporting turtles around the city or outside the city in winter

At temperatures below + 15-20oC, when transporting turtles, they must be warmed. There are two ways to do this: human warmth or a heating pad. No amount of rags, wool or felt boots will warm a turtle. Cold-blooded animals warm themselves from external heat sources.

In the first case (human warmth), you need to pack the turtle in an absorbent diaper or thick fabric and put it in the inner pocket of a jacket or coat, or in a small bag and also under the jacket, or simply press it to the body with your hand under the jacket and carry it like that. If you are driving somewhere by car, and the heating is on in the car, then there is no need to put the turtle in your bosom, unless it is on the street while you are carrying it to the car.

In the second case, the turtle is placed in a maximally closed container on a rag, sawdust or other bedding, and a heating pad is placed next to it. It is important not to overheat the turtle, so it is better to place a layer of cloth between the heating pad and the turtle. There are different types of heating pads: water (rubber, sold in pharmacies, or just a 0.3 liter bottle of water), salt and others.

Water heating pad - fills with hot water and keeps the temperature for about an hour. - does not retain heat for long - you need to have a source of hot water + they are cheap

Salt (salt) heating pad - pressing the valve starts a chemical reaction, due to which salt and heat are formed (up to 54 ° C, less under the fabric). - to remove the salt and renew the heating pad, you need to boil it or keep it in hot water for about an hour + heat it stronger and keep the heat longer + you can choose a heating pad of a convenient shape that will warm not only the bottom of the turtle, but also the sides

How and what is the best way to transport a turtle?

Veterinary certificate form No. 4 (for exhibitions)

According to current legislation, when moving animals within the city of Moscow (to visit exhibitions or for sale in pet stores), a mandatory condition is the execution of accompanying documents: veterinary certificate form No. 4.

Today, to obtain a veterinary certificate form No. 4 you must:

  • Provide an animal for clinical examination and luminescent diagnostics. Only clinically healthy animals are allowed to move around the city of Moscow.
  • Provide a “Veterinary Passport” for the animal (not necessary for turtles)
  • Provide the result of a coprological test for helminthiases from the laboratory (owners of exported animals must deliver a sample of the animal’s feces to the laboratory in advance for testing for helminthiases).

Veterinary accompanying documents are valid for 5 days from the date of issue until the start of transportation of the animal.

Brief instructions

  1. Prepare the turtle for transportation. Limit food without denying water. Transporting a turtle on an empty stomach will be much smoother.
  2. Prepare a container suitable to become a temporary home for the turtle. It’s better to use a plastic container, since a cardboard box can get wet and tear due to the reptile’s constant attempts to break free.
  3. Cover the bottom of the container with a thick layer of paper or sawdust. In cool weather, it is advisable to place a heating pad in the container. Hypothermia has consequences for the turtle's health.
  4. Place the reptile in the prepared container, fill the remaining empty volume with soft paper to avoid hitting the walls. Cover with a lid to allow air access.
  5. If you transport sea turtles over long distances, be sure to transport them in containers with water!


  • Hypothermia and drafts are unacceptable.
  • A turtle can be kept without food and liquid for no more than 2 days. If the journey is longer, provide access to water.
  • If several animals need to be transferred, it is advisable to place them in separate containers.
  • If the animal is transported by public transport outside the region, be sure to stock up on a certificate, which can be obtained at any state veterinary hospital.
  • To transport reptiles across the border, you must obtain a special permit.

Based on materials from:

Transport your beloved pets carefully and do not forget that we are responsible for those we have tamed. Don't forget how to transport turtles correctly.

General recommendations for transportation

  • When you transport a turtle on an airplane, if the trip is short, you can simply put it in a cardboard box with holes made in it for air access. Freshwater reptiles can easily survive for several hours without water. Place a damp towel or sawdust lightly soaked in water at the bottom of the container or box.
  • For long trips, it is recommended to purchase an aquarium. Construct the bottom in such a way that the turtle can sometimes get out onto dry land. Pour a little water into it.
  • When you have several reptiles traveling with you on a plane, prepare different containers for them.
  • Protect the carrier with the turtle from direct sunlight. Overheating is no less dangerous for a reptile than hypothermia.
  • The transport aquarium must allow free movement of the turtle.
  • Do not take a sick or pregnant reptile on a plane trip.
  • Choose the shortest route from the possible options.

Filling the aquaterrarium

The larger the area of ​​the turtle's home, the more opportunities for creating beautiful decor.
Stones are usually placed at the bottom of the aquarium; you can buy colored stones for aquariums - but be sure to choose all of them that are smaller in size than your pet’s head, so that he does not swallow them and choke. Sturdy shells without sharp edges also look great. Turtles love to dig and dig, turn over and drag everything that gets into their aquarium. Even plastic algae, usually sold with a base, can be easily peeled off. Therefore, it will not be possible to arrange a beautiful, neat landscape - the turtle will quickly arrange everything the way it likes.

In this regard, it is better to place on the bottom either something that can be easily moved and that changing places will not affect the overall appearance - for example, stones, shells and pieces of glass, or large objects that cannot be moved. These can be special driftwood, inside of which, by the way, you can hide a heater, or ceramic elements. You should not buy hollow snags and caves; the turtle can climb into them while it is small, however, it is just as likely to get stuck there.

You can glue photo wallpaper to the back of the aquarium. It is useless to plant algae near turtles; very soon they will be torn out and most likely eaten. However, in general, placing them in the aquarium is a good idea, but they are specifically edible and tasty for the turtle to enjoy. Those that float on the surface are most suitable.

How to transport a red-eared turtle

If transportation takes a short amount of time, the pet can be transported in a regular container. It can survive no more than a day in an unnatural habitat.

If you have a long journey ahead, then it makes sense to think about purchasing a portable aquarium for freshwater turtles made of impact-resistant glass. You need to place a small island of sushi in it to make the animal feel comfortable. If this is not possible, periodically hold the animal in your arms.

To empty the intestines, it is not recommended to feed the animal for a day before the trip. The temperature in the aquarium cannot be lowered.

Be prepared for the fact that after arriving at a new place, the turtle may refuse to eat and not react to you in any way. This is how the process of addiction takes place, which lasts no longer than a couple of days.

Why do baby turtles die?

Like any other creature on the planet, the turtle

may die.
This happens due to illness, improper maintenance, old age. Death from old age is extremely rare, especially when maintaining a home. turtle
reaches adulthood, a number of diseases accumulate and make themselves felt.

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How to transport a turtle on a train

To transport a turtle on a train you need very little.

Is it possible to carry turtles on a train?

First, check whether animals can be transported on the train at all. Most often, the answer is “yes”, if the pet does not interfere with other passengers and cannot provoke allergies. If necessary, buy a ticket for the animal; they are usually inexpensive.

Secondly, find out what the weather will be like during transportation and take care of the animal's comfort.

Of course, you can try to transport your pet without notifying the staff, but this may result in a fine if you encounter an intractable conductor.

Transportation of animals. Legal points

To transport a turtle on an airplane, you need to know how to prepare the necessary documents.

Transportation of exotic animals by air is permitted only if there is a certificate from a veterinarian.

Also, be sure to get a certificate that the turtle was acquired legally and was born on the territory of the Russian Federation. Based on this document, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation issues a permit for the transport of animals. The third certificate must indicate that the reptile is not in the Red Book.

Important! If you plan to fly with a turtle to another country, find out information about the procedure for importing exotic animals there. Foreign import rules may differ significantly from Russian rules.

It is quite rare for passengers to take a turtle on a plane, and it can be difficult to find the necessary information about transportation conditions. Each airline has its own policy. To ensure your reptile can be transported, please contact the airline before booking.

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