Gerbil - proper care and maintenance at home

As a responsible pet owner, one of the main aspects of caring for your pet is eating a healthy and balanced diet. This diet is usually as close as possible to what the animal would be fed in the wild. If you are a gerbil owner, feeding them a balanced and nutritious diet is important to keeping your gerbils healthy and happy. Therefore, it is very important to understand their nutritional needs. Here's everything you need to know about feeding gerbils.

What to feed gerbils?

As a gerbil owner, you should try to give your gerbil a diet that is close to what it eats in the wild. This means they should eat foods high in carbohydrates and fiber, as well as foods containing protein. It is important that they get the minerals and vitamins they need.

The main source of food you should feed your gerbil is gerbil food formula or gerbil pellets. These foods are formulated by pet food manufacturers to meet the special dietary needs of gerbils, so they give them most of the nutrients they need.

You should also give your gerbils small treats of fresh fruits and vegetables. However, you should always check which ones are safe for your gerbil as there are some that contain dangerous toxins or are high in fat, sugar or acid that are harmful to gerbils. Even if fruits and vegetables are safe for gerbils, it is best to give them in small amounts once or twice a week.

In addition to fruit and vegetable treats, there are other treats you can give your gerbils. Some of them include:

  • Hard boiled egg
  • Mealworms
  • Lean cooked meat
  • Legumes

Water is another important aspect of a gerbil's diet. They don't need much water as they will only drink one teaspoon per day. Despite this tiny intake, it is vital that they have daily access to fresh, clean water. Not drinking enough water will cause dehydration, which can lead to death.

Where to buy a pet gerbil mouse

Gerbils can be purchased from pet stores and reputable breeders. If you are looking for a specific breed of gerbil, you should definitely talk to the breeder; Be sure to check the breeder's reputation. When purchasing a gerbil, look for bright eyes and shiny fur.

Observe until you see a healthy appetite and normal water intake in your chosen pet and in other animals in the same group. Make sure all animals show high energy (unless they are sleeping) and select only animals with clean, dry hindquarters (no signs of diarrhea).

What should you not feed your gerbils?

There are many foods that can make your gerbil sick or that are so toxic to gerbils that they can kill the animals. There are even fruits and vegetables that are not safe for gerbils. These include:

  • Salad
  • Cabbage
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Rhubarb
  • Raw potatoes
  • Citrus

In addition to this list of fruits and vegetables that you should not give your gerbils, you should not feed your gerbils food intended for humans. Many contain harmful chemicals, salt, and high levels of fat or sugar. Here are some examples of such products:

  • Chips
  • Chocolate
  • Cakes
  • Cookie
  • Candies


A fairly thick layer of bedding (two to three inches) in the cage provides a good foundation and allows gerbils to dig. Avoid cedar or pine shavings. Aspen shavings can be used, but most owners prefer one of the many types of paper bedding.

Nesting material that gerbils can shred and use to line their nests is also a good idea. Nesting material sold in pet stores is not suitable for this, as small legs can get tangled in the strands.

It's best to use a plain white face cloth that is unscented and chemical-free and can be cut into strips for your gerbils. You can also use paper towels and/or grass hay for this purpose.

How much and how often should gerbils be fed?

Not only is it important what you feed your gerbil, but also how often you feed your pet. Most gerbil food formulas and gerbil pellets will be labeled on the packaging as to how much food to give and how often. However, as a general rule, one gerbil will eat one heaping tablespoon of these foods per day. You should give this to your gerbil in the morning or evening.

You should also offer your gerbils a fruit or vegetable treat twice a week. One teaspoon of chopped fruit or vegetables is enough, as too much can cause tummy upset in gerbils. It is important to check which fruits and vegetables are safe to eat before offering them to your gerbil. You can also offer your gerbil an extra treat in the form of mealworms, cooked meat, or a hard-boiled egg once a week.

It is important to remove all uneaten food from your gerbil's habitat as it can quickly rot. If your hamster eats rotten food, it is potentially dangerous and will almost certainly lead to digestive problems.

Food options

Seed collections in the form of loose mixtures of seeds with the addition of granules and/or pieces of dried vegetables and fruits.

Most formulas are nutritionally balanced as long as your gerbil eats the entire contents. However, they like to choose their favorite foods and ignore the rest. If certain components are persistently avoided, this leads to dietary imbalance.

Who has teeth in their stomach? The answer is at the end of the article

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