Why is a cat the first to be allowed into a new house or apartment when moving?

Not all people consider ancient traditions to be relics of the past. Many, especially in villages, still honor them. Villagers try to adhere to ancient rituals as much as possible.

Numerous superstitions have been passed down from mouth to mouth for centuries, revealing the mysterious abilities of cats. These restive animals are credited with not only nine lives, but also:

  • connections with supernatural forces;
  • mystical abilities to cure people from diseases.

It is generally accepted that a cat symbolizes prosperity and financial stability.

What happens if you ignore this sign?

We managed to find out why the cat is the first to be brought into a new home. But what happens if this ancient sign is ignored? According to statistics, people who neglect this procedure are forced to look for a new place of residence after a while. They experience discomfort in the purchased property and cannot stay in it for a long time.

Main reasons for castration

What does sterilization do, and why do many veterinarians advise it to be mandatory? Let's look at a few reasons that demonstrate the benefits of castration:

In the natural habitat, reproduction is the raison d'être of any sexually mature animal . Males expand their areas of influence and try to fertilize as many females as possible. As a result, animal clashes are inevitable. In serious fights, cats not only risk getting injured, but can also catch all sorts of infections.

"Cat Diplomat"

In ancient times, the Slavs firmly believed that spirits live everywhere and that they surround a person almost always. Among the spirits there are evil and good. Residents, invisible to the eye, exist in every house, even if it is completely new. Therefore, when entering the house first, the cat “conducts reconnaissance”, she gets acquainted with the local spirits, makes friends with them, thereby ensuring a good attitude of the spirits towards the new owners of the house.

There is also a version that when moving, the owners take their brownies with them to their new home. And since the main function of these creatures is to protect the peace and prosperity of those who live in the house, they must be in a good disposition towards the owners. Otherwise, the brownies will misbehave.

The relationship of the cat with the world of spirits and its friendship with brownies (as the ancients believed) led to the fact that not a single housewarming party was complete without a cat. It was believed that a brownie, invisible to the human eye, entered a new territory riding a cat, bringing wealth into the house ahead of its new residents.

More strange behavior

Some “weirdness” is not a deviation from the norm - it is nature. The cat has found itself in unfamiliar territory, where everything is “foreign.” It is necessary to examine every corner and apply your own scent. In a word, “mark” the territory. Do not prevent a cat that is carefully exploring the house from rubbing its back or face against some objects or things. Don’t be surprised when your pet suddenly craves love and affection - it will spin around you, get under your feet, and “butt” its face. In fact, this is how a defensive psychological reaction works: the animal is nervous, huddles close to its owners, as if waiting for confirmation: nothing terrible has happened, everyone is alive and well, safe. Be sure to caress and stroke the cat at such a difficult moment!

How should you introduce a cat into a new apartment?

Many people think that it is very easy to let a cat into an apartment. In fact, this is a real ceremony, for which you must adhere to certain rules.

  • Undoubtedly, you can be present in the apartment until the pet has been there. But you should not bring furniture into it until this time. You can make repairs and cleaning in it, but the arrangement of important parts should be postponed to another time;
  • There is one important question: what kind of animal should be allowed into the house. Here, it doesn’t matter at all what breed it will be, it is important that it has a connection with the guest. It is advisable that the cat belongs to you or sits in your arms for a while. The age of the animal and color also do not matter;
  • Now, we should directly talk about the procedure for the appearance of a cat in a new object. You need to open the front door and place it a short distance from the threshold. Next, she herself will decide whether to go inside the apartment or not. If her desire does not coincide with yours, then you should not force her to enter the house, which means there is negative energy in it;
  • If, after all, the animal has crossed the threshold of the apartment, then you should not distract it from studying it. It is recommended to carefully observe her behavior from the corridor and try to understand which place she liked best;
  • After the cat has done its examination, it needs to be thanked with a treat.

If all points are correctly followed, then you can be sure that your purchased apartment will be charged with positive energy.

What should you consider when introducing a cat?

Some people believe that a kitten should be the first mover into a new home.
Traditions that have taken root among the people require that they be carried out according to the following rules:

  • Housewarming and arrangement of the premises are carried out after the cat examines the housing.
  • Some people emphasize that the first person entering should be a cat or a kitten, but not a cat. However, everyone agrees that mutual understanding is necessary between the animal and the owner, and gender, age, and breed do not matter.
  • Having opened the doors in front of the murka, you need not to disturb, step aside and observe. After a while the animal will make a choice. He will come in, sniff, and look around.
  • If Murka stubbornly refuses to enter the house, it makes no sense to force the cat in.
  • At the end of the procedure, the cat must be cheered up with a treat.

Cat behavior

The place where the animal lay down is not suitable for installing a bed.
Psychics and parapsychologists determine geopathogenic areas in the house using different methods. Cats feel this on an instinctive level, more subtly. But opinions on the interpretation of cat behavior are divided:

  • Some believe that where the animal sleeps most often is a place of negative energy and it is not worth placing a children’s corner or bed there. This is how the cat “heals” bad areas.
  • Others argue that a perceptive animal will not lie down where it is dangerous. Therefore, it is in these locations that strategically important household items need to be placed.
  • There is also a third opinion. By placing itself in negative fields, the pet transforms them into “plus”.

However, a caring and attentive owner will make the right decision while watching his pet. Active running and jumping are interpreted as clearing space. The cat's reluctance to look into the mirror indicates that it is not hanging in the right place. The same is evidenced by ignoring the TV, although it is known that cats are interested viewers. Neglect of tradition leads to the fact that new residents begin to experience discomfort, and there is a feeling that there are strangers in the house. Sometimes the feelings are so strong that you have to look for new housing.

The more love the cat receives, the stronger the relationship with the person and the more effective the protective effect of the furry energy drink on the home.

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If the kitten is stressed due to addiction

In the first days of your kitten's arrival at your home, he may experience severe stress. Anxiety and restlessness on the part of the “mustache” can be easily determined by a number of symptoms outlined below.


If a pet constantly meows, then he simply misses his mother. In a couple of days, maximum a week, the condition should stabilize. Just in case, the process can be accelerated with a special fumigator with cat pheromones.


Mainly appears at dusk. It is better to ignore it for the first days. The feeling of freedom will help your pet settle in faster. But later, night runs that interfere with sleep should be stopped so that unwanted behavior does not have time to become a habit.

Shyness and secrecy

If the “mustache” moves around the apartment sideways with fluffy fur, crawls on its belly or simply hides, try not to put pressure on it. During the adaptation stage, interact with the baby only during feeding. In this case, you will gain a foothold in the cat’s head in a purely positive way.


It is caused by fear, which prompts you to defend yourself from strangers located around you. This reaction is normal if someone tries to pet or pick up a pet. In this case, you just need to leave him alone.

Lack of appetite

Fasting for a few hours or even a whole day is not dangerous, so just make sure your pet drinks water. If this does not happen, forcefully inject it through a syringe.

Toilet problems

They occur even more often than loss of appetite. Mostly constipation is noted. If there is no stool for more than 1-2 days, and the baby looks completely healthy, then there is nothing to worry about.

Clean your new home

After you have let the cat into the house and he has safely settled down in a warm and cozy place, the question arises about cleaning the house. Just in cleaning a new house, another ritual is hidden. It is believed that the old owners leave behind some unwanted energy that needs to be gotten rid of before you start arranging your corner. Therefore, first of all, sweep out all the garbage, wash all the floors and windows, and wipe down the furniture.

It is advisable to sprinkle holy water in all corners. It was also believed that if you walk through a house or apartment with a lit church candle, all evil spirits will instantly leave your home.

Why do they do this?

Why do cats need to be neutered? The population of stray animals is declining; they are everywhere dying under the wheels of cars, dying of hunger, and freezing on the sidewalks.

Every person who owns an animal must be responsible for their uncontrolled reproduction. Castrating a cat means ridding yourself of worries about unwanted feline offspring.

Castrated cats live longer than their uncastrated relatives by an average of 1.5 - 2.5 years. Moreover, their quality of life is noticeably different for the better.

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A castrated pet is protected from many diseases of the genitourinary system to which uncastrated animals are susceptible. His behavior becomes much softer and calmer, uncontrolled aggression and anxiety disappear, giving way to imposingness and affection.

If you feel sorry for castrating your pet, then think about the fact that after castration the pet stops marking the apartment with stinking urine, the smell of which is not so easy to remove from the floor and furniture. The old smell of acrid urine can appear even after several wet cleanings, which causes many problems for the owners.

Along with the reproductive instinct, the animal loses the desire to mark its territory, scaring off other males and attracting females.

They tell you where it’s safe

When our ancestors let a furry pet into the house, they began to closely monitor it. The place where the animal would lie down, curl up and sleep peacefully, was considered the most favorable.

And all because cats subtly sense the energy of the house. They pick up the slightest negative vibrations and know how to skillfully bypass them.

Thus, in the place that the cat has chosen, the safest and brightest aura is. This is where you need to place a crib, desk or sofa where the whole family will gather.

A friend asked

A friend from the suburbs is planning to move into a new apartment soon. So he asked me a question: listen, is it true that the cat is the first to be let in? Or is this custom outdated?

I thought and answered that folk traditions have long been centuries old, and it’s not without reason that they are remembered. Believe it or not, this is also a good reason to get yourself a four-legged friend: the holiday will be double. This is definitely better than using the services of a special moving service, that is, renting someone else’s cat.

What do you think, readers?

The history of the sign

No one knows where the tradition of letting the cat into the house first came from. It is so old that it is almost impossible to identify its founders. However, to this day everyone adheres to it and there are only several interpretations of this sign, which have changed over several centuries.

  1. In ancient times, people did not strive to change their place of residence. For them, moving to a new home was a difficult and dangerous procedure. For them, the cat acted as a victim, taking upon itself all the misfortunes that a person might encounter in the future;
  2. Further, there was an opinion that the animal was endowed with incredible strength. It can establish a signal with the spirit present in the new room and negotiate with it for the safe residence of its owners;
  3. The latest version says: the cat must be introduced into a new apartment in order for it to determine the most favorable place in it. This is the interpretation that people still adhere to today.

An old horse won't ruin the furrow

Or why stick to traditional principles?

Believe it or not, check it! But folk customs during housewarming have never harmed anyone, and on the contrary, they become a decoration of the holiday. Of course, I would like to come up with a new family tradition, but it’s also good to remember old signs.

A housewarming in any family is a grandiose event and you need to thoroughly prepare for it: collect and pack what you need, but you can leave the old one - they don’t take it to the new home.

That's why moving is a good opportunity to get rid of unnecessary things and renew your energetic living space. But a holy place is never empty...

Since ancient times, humanity has believed in invisible energy connections: it studies and tries to prove by scientific methods the presence of energy in the house.

But in fact, he uses the cat - he lets it into the house first so that it checks the bad or good energies. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a cat or a kitten, the main thing is to follow the custom and be confident in the purity of the surrounding aura of the room.

People pass on rituals from generation to generation, from mouth to mouth, which is why beliefs have not lost their relevance in the 20th century.

What are these traditional foundations?

The cat allows you to identify safe places

Subtle energies are perfectly read by felines, so it will not be difficult for the animal to identify areas in the house where there is good or bad energy. When mastering a new territory, the pet first sniffs all the places. You should not force an animal over the threshold. He needs a certain time to feel the energy flows and pass them through himself. A cat may also experience stress when moving, so don't rush it. When she gets used to it a little, you should carefully observe her behavior. In places where she easily lies down on the floor, purrs, or shows with all her appearance that she likes it here, it is worth placing a bed.

Since the times of Ancient Rus'

There are five traditions, namely:

First version

is connected with the fact that the Slavs since ancient times believed that evil and good spirits lived in their world. And people have endowed and are endowing the cat with the ability to communicate with otherworldly forces.

That’s why they let the animal into the house first, so that it gets to know and make peace with the invisible creatures of the house.

The third custom is related to the brownie.

They say that the “invisible owner of the house” must ride in on a murka. The well-being and abundance of the home depends on his presence and good disposition. The brownie will choose a corner for a new home on his own, but for order, there should be a broom in the corner with the whisk facing up.

The fourth sign

“drawn” on the cat’s forehead in the form of the letter “M”. After all, according to the old belief, the Mother of God herself awarded the furry one with a letter sign in gratitude for the fact that the kitty warmed little Jesus in the bitter cold.

This is why many peoples consider the cat to be an almost divine creature. That she is capable of protecting the family hearth from all negative wickedness that has accumulated in the secluded corners of the new home.

Fifth interpretation

the most modern: if a cat walked around the house and found a place to lie down, then there should be a bed for sleeping. After all, purrs will not sleep anywhere.

Parapsychologists' version

Most parapsychologists agree that felines sense energy well and can understand which places have positive and negative effects. Therefore, they pay attention to which areas the pet likes most and which ones he avoids. Most often they are remembered and, if possible, they try not to spend a lot of time there. It is not recommended to place chairs, sofas or tables there. If the cat has chosen a spot where it wants to lie down, that will be the best place for the bed. If the room does not allow placing a bed there, it is recommended to place a cat bed there.

Take care of furniture, curtains and carpets

You also need to keep this scenario in mind! A cat will tear curtains and scratch carpets if you keep it indoors and do not let it outside. Whatever one may say, this is a defensive reaction! We warned you that you risk not recognizing your furry friend!

How to deal with the problem? Arm yourself with double-sided tape for carpets. Cats hate sticky surfaces and avoid them at all costs. Having noticed that the cat is “not indifferent” to the curtains, think about how you can save them. Either remove them completely or fasten them - it’s more visible in place. Do not indulge the cat's whims: if you release the animal, you risk never seeing it again! Just a week or two of patience, and life in your (new!) home will flow as usual.

Photo: pets4homes.co.uk

Energy version and ancient signs

Parapsychologists know for sure that subtle energies are perfectly felt by cats. Therefore, it is not difficult for the animal to identify those areas in the apartment where the energy is not the best. But then the opinions of experts differ.

Some argue that the places that the furry favorite of the family avoids are not suitable for long-term stays by people, and where the cat goes to sleep is the best place for the bed. Others believe that an energetically strong animal takes on all the negativity that has accumulated in the home, cleansing it, so in no case should you put a bed where the pet liked to lie.

For many years there has also been a belief that since the character of the brownie in the new home is unknown, it may turn out to be quite nasty. That is, if he doesn’t like the arriving residents, he will take out his anger on them by pulling various tricks. Usually all his negativity was directed at the one who enters the house first. Thus, this “honorable duty” was assigned to the cat.

Feeding and diet

Feed your pet the same as the previous owner. If you are not satisfied with the brand, then wait a couple of weeks and gradually change the diet by gradually mixing more and more new food into the old one.

Until 3 months, give your pet food 6 times a day. Next, the number of meals will need to be gradually reduced so that by the age of 1 year the “mustache” can eat like an adult – twice a day.


The volume of the daily portion can be found on the packaging of the finished food, and when feeding “natural” it should be approximately 5% of body weight.

Taking the “fire” upon themselves

Every home has negative energy. Even if no one lived in it before.

And, as a rule, the main blow falls on the one who first crosses the threshold of the house. Therefore, our ancestors decided to let the one they feel least sorry for into the house first. That is, a cat.

The animal takes on everything bad that is in the room, clearing the energy space for the owners. But you shouldn't worry too much about your pet.

In terms of energy, cats are much stronger than people. They are protected from various magical influences, and therefore contact with negative energy is completely safe for them.

What will change with the arrival of a kitten?

Before purchasing a kitten, you must understand that having one in your home will change your life. It's a lot like having kids. Perhaps he will become the center of your home universe, push your ego aside, cause a lot of trouble, but also a lot of pleasant moments. The main thing is to remember that this is a new family member who, if everything goes well, will live with you for 15-20 years, that is, a good part of your life. Therefore, from the very first days, treat him in such a way that these years will be pleasant for everyone in your family.

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How to properly let a cat into the house?

It would seem that what is so difficult here? Getting a cat into the house is much easier than running a car engine in the cold. However, here too there are rules that should be followed in order for the sign to work as it should.

It is worth remembering that the breed, age and gender of the cat do not matter. You can bring a small kitten with you, or you can invite a respectable cat to your new home. The main thing is that this cat is yours. Not just an animal borrowed from neighbors, but one who will live in a new home with you.

What exactly does the procedure look like and when should you introduce a cat to a new apartment? Everything is very simple:

  • Open the front door and place the cat in front of the doorway at some distance from the threshold. You should not force her into the apartment; she must go there herself.
  • Do not shout, clap or make a fuss around the animal. It may become frightened and refuse to enter even a completely safe and energetically clean room.
  • When the cat starts exploring the rooms, do not distract her, do not follow her around, do not grab her in your arms. Let the animal get comfortable and feel at home.
  • Observe exactly where the cat stays and what place it chooses to sleep. This is the most favorable place in the house.
  • Don't forget to thank the animal for its help with a treat!

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How to pick up your baby

After preparation, the kitten can be picked up from the breeder with peace of mind. To do this, you will need a previously purchased carrier.

Suitable age

The cubs are separated from their mother at 2.5-3 months, when they stop breastfeeding and completely switch to adult food. Losing their native “nest” too early can affect their psyche.

What should the breeder give?

When meeting with the breeder, make sure that he has given you a veterinary passport, birth certificate and a sales contract. Also, be sure to ask about the feeding regime of the little “mustache” and ask for recommendations on care. With the dry type of feeding, you should be given some of the food that the kitten ate in its home, as well as filler.

To minimize the stress of moving, take a toy or any other thing with a familiar smell to your baby from the breeder. At the end of the meeting, exchange phone numbers with him so that you can ask for help in case of force majeure.

The way to a new home

When choosing transport, give preference to a personal car or taxi. If it is very cold outside, spread a warm cloth inside the carrier, not forgetting to hide an absorbent diaper under it. After that, put the item taken from the breeder inside and place the “mustachio” there. During the trip, hold the carrier on your lap, trying to minimize shaking.


Do not hold your baby directly in your arms, because in order for him to relax, he needs to get used to you. The most comfortable and safest place at this stage is carrying.

The cat is a symbol of well-being

Since ancient times, the cat has been considered a symbol of wealth and well-being. By entering the room first, she will bring favorable impulses into the apartment or house, which will become the initial stage for further well-being and prosperity for the household. According to beliefs that exist in some regions of our country, the cat takes upon itself all the negativity left by past residents or builders who were dissatisfied with working conditions and pay. All troubles in this case will be transferred to the animal that entered the room first.

People who did not have such a pet could rent one or ask friends to borrow one. Even in this case, the cat coped well with the responsibilities assigned to it. When the pet was returned to its rightful owners, figurines or paintings depicting cats were placed near the door. This helped protect the house from evil spirits entering it.

Which icon protects the house?

Such amulets can be called the following:

  • Icon of St. Nikita of Novgorod. Protects the house and its members from external negativity. ...
  • Icon of Saint John. Helps protect your home from burglars and property thieves. ...
  • Burning bush. ...
  • Icon of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.

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