We are looking for the ideal place in the house or where to put a cage with a budgie

When purchasing a budgerigar, the future owner must take care of all aspects of the pet’s comfortable stay in the house. First of all, this concerns the arrangement of its home - the cage where the bird will stay most of the time.

Today in pet stores you can buy a wide variety of models, of different shapes and made from a variety of materials. However, it is also important where in the house the cage will be located. It should be noted that not every room is well suited for this.

Your parrot's cage is his home

When buying a cage for a parrot, it is better to buy a larger one than you need rather than a smaller one. Cage size is extremely important, so don't let cost considerations influence your sizing decision. The more space you provide your bird, the better.

According to the recommendations, the bird should be able to fully open both wings.

All parrots require multiple perches. Some poorly designed cages may have cheap plastic perches. It's better to remove them immediately. They are not good for birds' claws and feet. Buy quality perching sticks, making sure they are the right diameter for your bird's feet.

Trees in your personal garden are an exceptional source of quality natural perches. Natural branches are what parrots actually prefer. Remember that the tree should not be treated with pesticides. The branches should be washed well with hot water and dried.

How to Keep Pets Away from Parrots

An adult bird coming into contact with domestic cats or dogs for the first time may be seriously frightened. Without a long period of desensitization and acclimation, you can't do much other than separate them.

The problem is not insurmountable, but it can be challenging. When my four-year-old niece ignored my warning not to put her fingers in the cage, he grabbed her. If puppies and kittens are raised with parrots, they accept them as part of the household, but parrots will never stop biting, and if you don't like the idea of ​​that, you shouldn't get a parrot.

Just as a farm dog won't attack the farm it is protecting, a bird or cat can become accustomed to living with farm animals.

How to determine a place in a room

Having decided on the room, you need to think about where in the room the cage will be located.

It is highly not recommended to install it in the center of the room. An open space around the cage is best; it can frighten the bird, leaving it constantly visible. It is best that one side of it faces the wall.

As for a specific location, in this case it is better to list those where it is not recommended to place the cage:

  1. Near heating devices. As a rule, heating devices dry the air around them. In this regard, a bird whose cage is located near the battery may experience not only overheating, but also problems with the respiratory tract.

  2. At the door. It is not recommended to place a cage near the door. The fact is that there is a constant movement of air through the doorway and drafts occur. There is a possibility that the bird may get sick.
  3. Near the workplace. It is not recommended to place a parrot house near the owner’s workplace. The fact is that in the process of life, the bird produces a lot of garbage, which easily spreads outside the cage itself.
  4. Near the air conditioners. Modern air conditioners and climate systems are convenient in the heat, but they pose a certain danger for parrots, which are extremely sensitive to drafts and sudden changes in air temperature.

It is also useful to read: What to feed a budgie

In which room is it better not to place a bird house?

At the end of the article, it is impossible not to mention the rooms in the house where it is undesirable to place a cage and explain the reasons for this.

  1. Kitchen. Many parrot owners place their pets' homes in the kitchen. However, this room is not the best for a bird’s comfortable stay. The fact is that food is prepared in the kitchen, and various types of household chemicals are also used. All this leads to an unfavorable indoor microclimate, which negatively affects the health of the feathered pet. In addition, many housewives periodically ventilate the kitchen, which increases the risk for the parrot to get sick due to a draft.
  2. Corridor . The corridor is a passage room where the owners do not spend much time. In addition, being near the front door is fraught with the risk of getting sick due to a draft.
  3. Children's room Being in a children's room is undesirable for a parrot for the reason that children are not always there, and in the absence of people, the bird may lack attention and communication.

It is also useful to read: Pros and cons of budgies

Why can a parrot die?

A rapidly progressing process without treatment is what parrots die

more often.
The list of deadly diseases is quite long: cancer, viral infections, feather damage. Endocrine and cardiovascular diseases occur in parrots
no less frequently than in humans.

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The number of both feeders and toys directly depends on both the feathered pet and the configuration of the house. With the first, everything is quite simple - you will need two or three pieces, but the number and types of the second depend on the feathered pet. Separately, you should take care of the bathing suit - parrots like to keep themselves clean and periodically carry out bathing procedures. You should also purchase sources of calcium (regular chalk or eggshells) and add them to food or mineral supplements as needed.


A cage is a home for a feathered pet; without various amenities, living in it will be very uncomfortable. It is necessary to arrange the most necessary things, but not to overdo it, otherwise the variety will only get in the way. It is impossible to do without perches, which wavy animals constantly use not only for entertainment, but also to maintain the health of their paws. And problems with the latter can lead to serious illnesses. Installing perches is a good prevention of possible problems.


In pet stores you can immediately purchase a cage with perches inside. They are made of wood, plastic or composite materials. Not only the cost, but also the quality of the perches depends on the material of manufacture.

Plastic is the worst option. When using such perches, the pet cannot relax its paws because the material is too smooth. You need to improve them yourself, in several ways. One of them is to go through sandpaper to create artificial unevenness. But in the future they will still have to be changed. One of the problems with plastic is toxicity. Wavys are active birds, so the parrot will definitely taste its perch, and this can lead to dire consequences.




The second most important condition for using perches is the height and location of their installation. The crossbars should not interfere with the flight of the wavy, that is, they should be placed along the edges of the cage, and not in the center. They must be secured away from the feeder and water bowl, as otherwise there is a risk that waste products will get into your pet’s food and water.


One of the biggest problems when buying a perch is choosing the material to make it. It was said above about plastic, and the crossbars of coniferous trees, bird cherry, poplar, aspen, lilac or oak will also be dangerous for the wavy. Each of these trees will retain harmful substances or contain resins and tannins.

It is better to choose perches made from plum, pear, hawthorn, maple, ash, birch, linden, and apple trees.

Choosing a feeder

The feeder should not clutter up the space of the cage and at the same time the daily amount of food should be placed in it - 1.5-2 tsp. grain mixture for one wavy. For proper nutrition, you need to purchase two permanent feeders (for grain and mineral supplements) and one temporary feeder (for purees, cereals, sprouted wheat and other perishable foods). If there are more than two birds in a cage, the number of food containers needs to be increased.

Let's consider the options:

  • Automatic feeder. Ideal for grain - the husk does not linger in the container, which simplifies the feeding process and also prevents playful birds from scattering it.
  • Hanging bowl. This type of feeder is usually made of stainless metal, is easy to clean and handle, and is therefore recommended for wet food. For the convenience of the bird, it can be equipped with a wooden rim.
  • Standard open plastic feeder. It is universal, the only drawback is that the perch is too thin, which is uncomfortable for the bird to sit on. It wouldn’t hurt to attach a mini-perch to it.
  • Floor feeder. Usually used by breeders. Well protects grain from spillage and contamination.
  • External mounted feeder. Typically, each manufacturer creates special models for each line of its own cells. They save living space and are very hygienic, but sometimes parrots take them apart or get injured, panicking and hiding in the feeding compartment.

At what height is it better to attach the structure?

The height of the cage is no less important than the correct location in the house chosen for it.

Experts and experienced parrot owners recommend installing a pet house so that the bird is at eye level of the owner.

It has been noted that the height of the house directly affects the mood and formation of the pet’s character . So, if a budgie is too low, it will become depressed. If you place it too high, the parrot can feel dominated and become quite aggressive.

Today, quite tall and even multi-level cages are available for sale. Placing perches at different heights will allow the parrot to be where he feels comfortable.

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