How to beg your parents for a dog - in a house or apartment

Not all parents are ready to agree to have a hamster, let alone a dog. Requests and persuasion sometimes do not bring the desired result at all, so the only way out for the child is to prove that he is completely ready to take responsibility for the life of the pet. There are several ways to beg your parents for a dog, but this will require a lot of effort and, first of all, adjusting your own behavior.

For a child, a dog is the most faithful and reliable friend

“I want a dog” - a game or a conscious decision

Often, many parents, especially mothers, flatly refuse to buy the dog that their child dreams of. A negative answer arises from fears that the child will eventually play enough with the animal and all responsibilities for caring for it will fall on the shoulders of adults. That is why it is worth figuring out whether this is really a conscious decision or whether the dog will serve only as a temporary toy.

Most often, children ask to buy them a dog if:

  • they lack attention, and a four-legged friend in this case is associated with an ideal friend;
  • I want to feel protected;
  • a partner for games is needed;
  • stop being shy about yourself and learn to meet people;
  • there is a need to take care of someone.

If this is so, then probably his desire is a conscious decision, and not a game that will become completely uninteresting after a short time.
Attention! If the desire to get a dog arises immediately after communicating with a family where there is already a cheerful four-legged friend, then in most cases this indicates a temporary impulse.

What to ask yourself before asking for a puppy

Not all children understand that a pet is a big responsibility, because over time it becomes a full-fledged member of the family. That is why, before asking parents to buy a puppy, the baby must honestly answer several questions:

  • Is he disciplined enough?
  • Do you like an active lifestyle?
  • Is he doing well at school?
  • Does he always keep his promises?
  • is he responsible?
  • Is helping around the house your favorite thing to do?
  • Is he capable of sacrificing his own interests for the sake of someone else?
  • does the whole burden of responsibility represent?
  • Is he a fairly independent person?

Before you persuade your parents to get a dog, you need to make sure that all of the above questions have a positive answer, otherwise you need to think carefully about your own desire before you start “persuading” adults.

Before asking your parents for permission and bringing a dog into the house, you need to analyze your own strengths

Social engineering

First, let's be clear: I clearly distinguish between the concepts of “buying a hamster” and “getting a hamster.” You can buy an item. Play with it, put it on a shelf and forget it. A pet, even a small hamster, is not a thing. He is alive. If you decide to buy a hamster, then this is better (by the way, a good gift for the New Year):

The term "having" implies that you are aware that this is a living creature that needs to be cared for and cared for. Therefore, in conversations with parents, use “buy” less and focus more on “start.” At the same time, you will be the one who feeds and cares for him. By the way, “buying” also means spending money, and parents already have enough expenses. This word will give a negative connotation to your request.

This is how we get to social engineering. Now it will be more interesting.

Why parents don't want to get a dog

There are several reasons why mom and dad categorically reject the idea of ​​purchasing an animal:

  • It takes a lot of money to maintain a dog;
  • an allergy to wool may occur;
  • a burden of additional responsibility for his life arises;
  • loss of personal freedom;
  • some breeds are complex and may not be trainable;
  • Before any trip, you need to think about how and where to place the dog;
  • there is a risk of property damage.

Important! Some parents are also afraid that their child may suffer childhood trauma if an accident happens to their pet.

Why parents are against it and what to do about them

If your parents refused you, this does not mean that they are bad and do not love you. This means that they have reasons for this. Most likely they are like this:

  1. the hamster stinks;
  2. There are already enough worries at home to take care of a hamster;
  3. what to feed this beast;
  4. where will he live;
  5. Perhaps someone in your family is allergic to wool.

Let's deal with each of these points in order.

Unpleasant odors in the apartment

Yes, there is such a thing, because you can’t go against nature. The hamster must have a toilet somewhere.

But these odors spread throughout the apartment if you don’t take care of your hamster. Therefore, it is better to make a schedule for cleaning the cage in advance and explain that parents will not have to worry about it. On strictly defined days, you will clean everything yourself, and even more often if an unforeseen situation arises. Explain to Mom and Dad that you are quite capable of taking care of a small furry creature. By the way, this is also the answer to the second point about additional troubles.

There should be only one performer in the schedule of all work. It is you! And not “Mom on Tuesday, Dad on Friday.”

What to feed a hamster

Not everything that humans eat can be given to hamsters.
Half of our food will simply kill the poor fluffy. For example, Djungarians are not allowed watermelon, melon and many other sweets. But since you take full responsibility for your pet, you read the necessary articles in advance and made a list of what you can feed your hamster and what it is better not to show him at all. Moreover, you visited several pet stores, found out how much food for hamsters costs, what types of food are available, and which one is best suited for the breed you want to get. We recorded this information in our notebook. That is, now you know exactly what you can feed your hamster and how much it costs. This step will once again prove how responsibly you approach the issue of your pet’s well-being.

How to choose the right moment to talk

You should not choose a time to talk when mom and dad are busy. It would also be a bad time to have guests in the house.

It is best to choose evenings or weekends for conversation. A prerequisite is that mom or dad be in a good mood, otherwise the conversation will be doomed to failure.

A child who studies well, helps around the house and does not upset his parents with bad behavior increases the chances that his request will be answered positively.

Important! An excellent moment for conversation is the time after watching a movie about the life of our little brothers, because under the impression your loved ones may allow you to buy a dog, and you won’t even have to beg them.

The right moment for conversation will significantly increase the chance of approval from adults

How to beg a hamster from your mother?

I ask you not to buy for half a year

thank you everyone but no brother. Erol Guru sorry

Promise - but when you give your word, keep it! - that you will be quieter than water, lower than the grass, you will clean the room, do your homework regularly and help with the housework. You will also take care of the hamster personally.

I do this: when we are in the city, I ask mom and dad for money, as if to buy something for myself, and then I go and buy a hamster. Mom has no choice but to accept him!

tell him that you will clean his cage yourself and they eat little, there is almost no cost for them

In general, a hamster is an inexpensive animal, the biggest expense is the cage, it costs up to a thousand rubles, the hamster itself is around 150-350 rubles, food costs about fifty dollars per pack, about two packs a month. I don't think the reason for the refusal is money. Hamsters stink, that's the thing. To avoid stench, the cage should be cleaned 1-2 times a day, depending on the strength of the smell. Well, they are also nocturnal, that is, they sleep during the day and rage at night. So if you convince your mother that the hamster’s shit will be cleaned up in a timely manner, the chances will increase. True, the promise will have to be fulfilled and the cage will have to be cleaned and washed every day.

How to convince your parents to buy a dog

To convince parents to buy a four-legged friend, the child needs to prove that he is capable of caring for her. This argument will become powerful, but where to start? There are several rules:

  • The child must prove that he is able to take care of himself first and foremost.
  • If there is a problem with grades at school, they need to be corrected, because if a child tries and does not stay in the same class for the second year, then most likely mom and dad will meet him.
  • Before you make an offer and try to “persuad” adults, you need to analyze the issue of purchasing a pet, namely, choose a suitable breed, study its characteristics and the intricacies of caring for its representatives.

Important! First of all, you need to start with yourself, because an obedient child will most likely agree to a meeting and the question of how to ask your parents for a dog will not become particularly difficult.

It is very important to prove to parents that a dog will unite the family and make it more active.

How to persuade parents to buy a dog - effective methods of influence

First we should talk about dogs, how cute and smart they are. You can ask whether your parents had pets when they were children. It is better to prepare for the conversation early. If doubt arises and parents are against it, then they should learn about dog breeds, their appearance and advantages.

What to do if a dog is bitten by a snake: is a viper really dangerous?

It is necessary to emphasize that a pet will bring the family closer together. And you will have to walk more in the fresh air, eliminating the use of the phone and computer for a while. It’s worth remembering that communicating with a dog has a positive effect on a person’s mental state. A dog is a protector and is safer with it. Any animal will teach responsibility. After such advantages, you often no longer have to persuade your parents.

Advice! You can adopt a pet not only from a specialized nursery, but also from a shelter. This will save money and give a home and care to an animal in need.

Resolving Parental Concerns

The child must demonstrate that he is able to walk the dog himself. Parents are afraid that in a week their child will forget about their promises and stop caring for the dog. It is better to immediately create a feeding schedule, choosing the appropriate food. Additionally, it is worth preparing a list of veterinarians, vaccinations and drawing up an action plan for the duration of your family vacation. The first step is to force your pet to go to the toilet and clean up after him.

Parents must be sure that the animal will not destroy the house. When talking with them, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • what measures will be taken if the dog gets dirty on the street;
  • It is necessary to purchase toys to prevent the dog from chewing the furniture;
  • weekly bathing;
  • During molting, house cleaning becomes more frequent.

Friends who have gone through this can tell you how to ask your parents for a dog. But it’s better to wait to buy a dog to prove your loyalty to your goal.

Regular pet training

Demonstrating personal responsibility

First, you should make sure that buying a pet is not a passing whim. It is necessary to share in the costs, because you will need to buy a toy or treats, visit the veterinarian, and get vaccinations. You should perform your business duties in good faith. If there is order and help, then parents will more easily agree to a new family member. This also applies to studies. Good grades always increase the chance of getting what you want. Another demonstration of your responsibility will be a trial attempt. You can borrow a dog from friends or relatives for a while and show your willingness to care for the pet.

Important! Having an allergy to wool becomes a problem. If someone in the family suffers from such manifestations, then it is better to convince them to adopt a hypoallergenic breed of dog.

Can you talk about the benefits of living with a dog?

Most parents are categorically against it when their child spends a long time at the computer, thus moving into the virtual world, in which it is so easy to live. They often share memories of what a wonderful childhood they had, where there was no place for the Internet. You need to take advantage of this moment and talk about the benefits of living with a pet. It is necessary to describe to them how the life of the family will change, naturally for the better.

It is best to emphasize that the family will become friendly, and all thanks to caring for a defenseless animal.

Benefits of living with a dog

Having a four-legged friend in the house has a number of advantages that parents must point out, for example:

  • an active lifestyle, because with the appearance of a pet in the house, you will need to reconsider your usual lifestyle and focus on long walks;
  • good mood, because there is simply no time to be bored with a dog;
  • stress relief - the animal senses the mood of its owner and tries with all its might to help him overcome stress;
  • the opportunity to become responsible;
  • security.

Parents need to prove that the decision made is conscious and the dog will not become just a toy

How to beg your parents for a dog

For a child who has a burning desire to become the owner of a dog, the question of how to beg a puppy from his parents becomes the most pressing. In this case, a simple experiment can help. To do this, you should ask one of your friends for a dog for the day and bring him home and take on the role of his owner. And you need to agree with your mother that if you manage to cope, then she will think seriously about purchasing a pet.

Important! After such an experiment, many children lose the thought of a pet, as they become aware of the whole burden of responsibility.

But what to do if your parents do not allow you to have a dog? In this case, you can take a risky approach - just bring home the dog.

Some parents cannot refuse their child, seeing his eyes filled with tears, and not everyone raises their hand to drive an animal out onto the street.

A dog will bring bright colors into a child’s life and make him more responsible.

How else can you convince your family to get a pet?

It can take a long time to persuade mom and dad to have a four-legged friend, but it’s best to help them decide to do this for this purpose:

  • invite you to go to the shelter and tell them how noble it is to help an animal find a new home;
  • choose or view a training course, but so that mom and dad see this process - let them see that their child is absolutely serious;
  • become a volunteer at a dog shelter: this will help demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions.

What to do

To convince your parents of the seriousness of your intentions, you must first start with yourself. If a child studies well, knows how to take care of himself and is not averse to helping around the house, then in this case the likelihood that loved ones will make concessions will increase.

Important! If a request is refused, there is no need to throw tantrums and be offended, since such behavior demonstrates immaturity.

If all persuasion does not help, you can ask your grandparents for help

Sports and part-time work

If a child is dependent on a computer and does not like to leave the house, then in this case the request will most likely be refused. This decision will be due to the fact that they will not want to take on the responsibility of caring for the pet as well.

If buying a dog is so desirable, the baby needs to change his lifestyle. It is best to focus on physical activity, because having a pet requires an active lifestyle.

If a child wants a certain breed, for example, a Spitz, Chihuahua, Yorkie or Jack, which are quite expensive and the parents are not able to pay for such a purchase, it is best to get a part-time job, for example as a volunteer. When the time comes to talk, an additional argument will be the availability of funds for the purchase.

Which breed to choose and where to buy a dog

Before begging your loved ones for an animal, you need to choose a specific breed and decide where to buy it.

The question of how to persuade your mother to buy a dog can be greatly facilitated if during the conversation you offer to buy the breed that she likes so much.

It is best to choose breeds that can take care of children and love to play with them, such as Labradors, Collies, Shelties, Jack Russell Terriers, Pugs or German Shepherds.

It is strictly forbidden to allow a child to bring representatives of fighting breeds into the house.

It is also worth considering the place where the pet will live, whether it will be a house or an apartment, as well as its size. You can choose large and medium-sized breeds to keep in a house, but choosing a huge dog for an apartment is not recommended.

You can buy a four-legged pet either at a nursery or at a shelter, but in this case you need to ask the opinion of adults.

Before asking the parents for a puppy, you need to decide on a suitable breed in order to come up with a specific offer.

How to convince dad

Often dad is the rational link in the family. He is responsible for financial well-being, monitors the general order in the house and must also authorize the purchase of a puppy. If the mother agrees to the dog, then it will be much easier to persuade the father. First, you should figure out why he is categorical on this issue and needs to be asked. If money is a problem, you can adopt an animal from a shelter. Some breeds are quiet, so they won't make noise. You can ask to build an aviary near a private house.

Evening dog walk

What to do if parents don't buy a dog

The question of how to ask a mother for a dog is quite difficult. Sometimes it can take a long time to get the desired result. If persuasion does not work, then:

  • you need to be patient, because sometimes it can take more than one year for loved ones to agree to allow you to bring a dog into your home;
  • follow the chosen line of behavior: if a child tried to prove that he is an adult, but received a refusal to his request, there is no need to start studying with bad marks as a sign of protest.

Before begging your parents, you should soberly assess your own strengths, because caring for a dog takes quite a lot of time

What you should never do

If you have already tried to persuade your parents to get a hamster, but were refused, well, the first attack has been repulsed, but the battle is not over yet.

This is not our method. You are unlikely to persuade your parents with hysterics. But it’s easy to reduce the chances of a positive answer.

We'll try again and again. The main thing to remember:

  1. no hysterics or whining;
  2. don’t try to blackmail your parents - “if you don’t buy a hamster, I won’t do my homework”;
  3. don’t even think about getting a hamster in secret and then presenting your parents with a fait accompli - “Hello, Mom and Dad, this is Khoma, now he will live with us”;

And one more funny “bad advice” on what not to do:

I hope you understand that this is comic advice and you shouldn’t do it either.

Advice for children: how to persuade parents to get a dog

There is no need to give up, you need to believe in your own dream. Mom and dad should see to what extent a four-legged pet is a welcome gift for their child. With the help of paintings, you can convey your dream: draw pictures in which the dog will be present, and give them to your loved ones: such an act will certainly attract the attention of adults. Do not forget that parents were also children once and perhaps also dreamed of a puppy. They need to be reminded of this. You can also ask for such a birthday gift.

Advice. If all this does not help and mom and dad are still against it, sometimes it’s worth reminding of your desire, choosing the right moment for this.

A dog is a reliable, faithful and best friend, caring for which is a rather painstaking process. The decision to get an animal should be balanced and deliberate, because it is not a toy, but a living creature that also needs love, games, food and care.

How to persuade parents to have a pet? Life hack for children: 8 ways to prove your adulthood!

Every parent knows that children love animals very much, and every child dreams of having a cute furry animal at home.

Moreover, sometimes it doesn’t even matter who exactly it will be: a cat, a dog, a hamster, a rabbit or even a rat. The main thing is that the fluffy be soft, affectionate and bring joy to the baby.

It often happens that parents take a categorical position on the issue of keeping pets. They are sure that when they bring a cat into the house, it will immediately damage the furniture, begin to destroy repairs and mark corners.

Parents almost always refuse their child's intention to have a pet. How to be?

Today we’ll talk about how to persuade parents to take a fluffy into the house.

So how to do this?

  1. "Responsibility"

Before you start persuading adults to adopt a cat, think carefully about your decision again. Are you really ready to take on such responsibility? Yes?

Then let's move on.

  1. "Pros and cons"

Write your own list with objective pros and cons of having a pet. Think about why parents don’t want to have an animal in the house, because it’s not just like that. There are likely good reasons. Think about how you can level them out, and maybe then the parents’ hearts will melt.

  1. "Cat Exhibition"

Try dragging mom and dad to a cat show. This is a very cute sight, and you may hope that adults will fall in love with the cute, handsome animals and allow you to bring such a creature into your home.

  1. "In all seriousness"

Don’t beg or throw hysterics - this will once again prove that the cat is your whim, and you don’t need it at all. Speak judiciously.

  1. "First Mate"

Help around the house: wash dishes, clean up after yourself, vacuum and cook breakfast. This will help your parents understand that you can be treated as a responsible adult.

  1. "Press for pity"

Putting pressure on pity is one of the forbidden techniques, but if nothing else works, then you can resort to it. The main thing is not to go too far, otherwise your parents will very quickly see through your tactics and will not take them with due seriousness.

Hang a portrait of yourself suffering on the wall, dreaming of a cat. Tell me a touching dream. Bring your neighbor's kitten to play and look pitifully into your mother's eyes.

  1. "Scientific facts and accurate calculation"

Try to write a report that provides scientific facts about the benefits of having a pet in your family.

For example, the fact that cats cure many diseases and can even stop the development of asthma in children is a scientifically proven fact. Again, such zeal on your part is sure to impress your parents and is sure to melt their hearts.

And lastly: try to have an open conversation with mom and dad about the pet. Tell us why and how you came to want a furry friend. Perhaps you want to save an animal from being euthanized at a shelter, dream of helping the homeless when you grow up, or simply feel lonely in your own home. Be frank, open your heart to your parents and then you will see how much closer you will become to each other!

Remember that your parents are your protectors and they love you very much, no matter what. Be open, honest and responsible, and then very soon you will hear a thin, weak meow or bark in your home - and you will become the proud owner of a four-legged furry!

Good luck! )

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