Raising and training a pit bull: how to subdue a muscular fighter?

Pit bulls are good protectors for their owners if well trained.
Dogs of this breed have developed skeletal muscles and a powerful chest.

Due to their high physical characteristics, they were used for fighting and bull baiting.

But despite the purpose of their breeding, pit bulls are not aggressive.

These are smart and stubborn animals, for whom it is important to show their place in the hierarchy.

If a dog perceives its owner as a leader, then with good training it will become an obedient pet.

Character and temperament of the pit bull terrier

Pit bull terriers are difficult dogs with a strong fighting spirit and a high level of excitability. Representatives of this breed cannot be kept on a chain and left to their own devices.

Raising representatives of this breed is often complicated by their tendency to make independent decisions.

Despite their stable psyche and willingness to serve humans, pit bulls have an inherent desire to dominate. Gambling and strong dogs constantly strive to take a leadership position.

Given the complex and stubborn nature of the pet, it is necessary to understand that its upbringing should only be done by a determined person who has already had experience in training dogs.

Can it perform security functions and protect the owner?

Despite many stereotypes, pit bulls are loyal pets . With the right relationship, they will love not only their owner, but also his entire family and friends.

At the same time, the dog will treat strangers unknown to its owner with suspicion.

The pit bull breed is distinguished by well-developed muscles with a voluminous chest and short legs. Thanks to such a stocky build, they become good protectors for their owner and his home.

During a fight, male pit bulls produce large amounts of testosterone, which strengthens skeletal muscles and reduces sensitivity.

Therefore, the dog will not only warn a potential enemy with a powerful bark, but will also attack him. To train a dog to attack or to do nothing is an individual decision of the owner.

Pit bulls have a keen sense of smell and hearing . Thanks to their developed sensory perception, they can assess the level of threat to a person from afar and come to his defense.

Basic rules of training

The key to successfully raising a pit bull puppy at home is following two main rules:

  1. Consistency. During the training process, the dog is taught a certain routine and is monitored for its implementation. The Pit Bull Terrier should walk and eat at the same time. Not only the success of education and the comfort of the owner, but also the health of the animal depends on the implementation of this rule.
  2. Consistency. You should not allow your dog to do today what was prohibited yesterday. Once the pit bull terrier was not allowed to jump on the owner’s sofa, the dog is not allowed there in the future.

How long to train

Pit bull training begins at 2-4 months. At this age, puppies are not yet capable of long-term concentration. Therefore, the first training sessions last no longer than a quarter of an hour.

As your pet gets older, the training time is gradually increased.

On a note. The training lesson continues as long as the dog shows interest in the lesson. As soon as the puppy stopped listening to commands and began to get distracted, the pit bull’s training immediately stops.

Rewards and punishments

The correct behavior of the puppy during the training process is reinforced by:

  • a treat;
  • praise;
  • favorite toy.

The main emphasis when training a pit bull is not on food, but on verbal encouragement. If, during the training process, you constantly reinforce the desired behavior with a treat, the puppy will not follow commands when the owner does not have another tasty piece in his hand.

During training, physical punishment should not be used on a Pit Bull Terrier. Dissatisfaction with the dog is expressed in a loud but calm voice, and unwanted behavior is stopped with a prohibiting command. If the puppy does not react, he is lifted by the scruff of the neck and shaken slightly.

Important! Abuse of punishment in the process of education has a detrimental effect on the fragile psyche of the puppy and leads to the fact that it grows into a cowardly or aggressive pit bull.

What should be prohibited

An important point in raising and training a pit bull is setting the boundaries of what is permitted.

From the first days the puppy is prohibited from:

  • show aggression towards family members or animals;
  • growl if the owner takes away food or a toy;
  • bark for no reason;
  • lie on the master's bed;
  • beg;
  • jump on people.

Important! In order to raise a well-mannered pit bull from a small restless puppy, each family member must adhere to the established rules.

Raising a pit bull terrier puppy

While the puppy is small, it will be easier for you to gain his authority, which is so important for training. You will also need to be able to show that you are the head of the family. Under no circumstances, we repeat once again, should force methods be used. This can provoke aggression or internal resentment, and thus you will go from being a trainer to an attacker.


  • If your pit bull terrier puppy begins to behave aggressively during training, turn him over on his back. Hold it for a few seconds. This position is considered the need to obey. This fact was noticed by zoologists while observing school behavior;
  • Also note that as your puppy grows, his gums may become itchy. Therefore, you need to stock up on toys, which, by the way, can be used to redirect the dog’s attention if it starts biting your hand;
  • Training a pit bull puppy is a process that requires regular training and planning. You can contact a special training center;
  • Follow the rule of not changing prohibitions. And to do this, carefully think through your communication with the dog.

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Pet socialization

Pit Bull Terriers are extroverts and are designed to be social. For the best results, they need to be taught to communicate with their peers from an early age, although adult pets can be taught to be friendly. In order for the puppy to get used to communication, you need to:

  1. Take him for a walk where other dogs gather. Some breeders advise enrolling your pet in training courses: there he will not only learn commands, but also get to know other puppies.
  2. Introduce your pet to the neighbor's puppies. You can do this on a walk with potential friends, but only in a neutral place so that one of the pets does not start defending its territory. It may take about a week to get through the dating stage.
  3. Keep your pet under control when interacting with other animals. If you leave everything to chance, the dog may become overexcited from active play, attack the new friend to play, and inadvertently scare him.
  4. If the puppies liked each other when they met, you can allow the pit bull to sniff the new acquaintances. During the process, the puppies must stand so that the pit bull is not in visual contact with the dog. If one of the dogs tenses and tries to rise on its paws, it is better to separate them to the sides.

    You need to teach your pit bull puppy to socialize with other dogs from an early age.

  5. Games without a leash. After a successful sniff, you can allow your pet to play with another puppy without a leash. It is better that one pet has a strap and the other does not. The games take place in a fenced area, from where unnecessary objects (toys, bones) must be removed, because the animals may quarrel over them. If the game is comfortable, you can release the second dog if the owners are nearby and control the process.
  6. An overly sensitive pet. If, when playing without leashes, the pit bull becomes overexcited and begins to attack too actively, pick it up in advance. For example, you notice that 20 minutes after playing the puppy behaves inappropriately. Therefore, next time, pick him up 15 minutes after the start of the walk.
  7. A pit bull that is constantly overexcited in the company of other dogs may not enjoy socializing at all. In such cases, it is better to provide the pet with its own space where it can play alone, and not force it to make friends with animals if it does not want to.

Video - Socialization of a pitbull puppy

Important! Just in case, take a spray bottle with you when going for a walk with other dogs. If your pit bull gets too aggressive or something doesn't go according to plan, spray him.

Pit bull terrier communicates with a small dog

Communication with children

When the pit bull terrier is already accustomed to the basics of good behavior, knows how to follow commands and obey the owner, you can teach him to communicate with children. To do this, the dog must trust the owner, feel comfortable in a number of situations and perform well in socialization with animals.

Pit Bull Terriers love to play with children, but it takes some getting used to

You shouldn’t let a pit bull near children too early: it can actually attack the baby and bite. It’s worth holding off on introductions if the owner is not sure that the pet is ready to behave with dignity in any situation.

Important! Pit bull terriers love to play with children, but it takes some getting used to. The belief that representatives of the breed cannot tolerate children is another myth. However, if you often walk with children, but the pit bull is not used to them, you will have to give up the pet.

Chatting with strangers

If the owner intends to teach the pet to communicate with strangers, for example, guests often come to the house or the dog will have to travel frequently, the dog needs to trust the owner unconditionally. You must go through the entire training cycle and raise your child with dignity before allowing him to see people. During training, you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. Invite a person who is unfamiliar to the dog and with whom you have undergone preliminary training. The guest must know how to behave so that the dog does not get angry.
  2. The visitor should not touch the dog, come close to it or look directly into its eyes. The person should act as if he does not notice the dog's presence, moving slowly around the apartment.
  3. “Ignoring” will give the pit bull the opportunity to sniff the unfamiliar person and get used to his presence.

There may be several such “excursions”. When the dog behaves calmly around strangers, they can get closer to him. But the owner should always be nearby.

Video - Puppy, games, children, strangers and control

Where to start education?

Training puppies requires patience and affection..

From the moment you acquire a pit bull, you need to start taming it to your hands and its name. It is necessary to help the animal adapt to the presence of other people and pets.

The dog should not be afraid of loud noise, bright colors, sharp sounds . The dog should be accustomed to the toilet and daily routine.

When walking outside begins, it is necessary for the puppy to get used to his collar and leash.

You cannot use equipment as a means of punishment, otherwise the puppy will hide at the sight of accessories in the hands of the owner and run away . To train a pit bull up to 4 months old, each skill should be given 10 to 15 minutes every day.

At the same time, it is necessary to remain calm and treat training responsibly. Gradually, the time for training increases, as does the volume of skills acquired by the dog.

Training continues for 7-12 months.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

A dog of this breed is stubborn, not suitable for beginners and requires training at the age of 2 months. Basic commands can be established up to 4 months of age. For training, you need a balanced, active pet with no chronic diseases. Education takes place in a playful way; it is necessary to change the intonation so that the puppy knows when he is being praised or scolded. There is no need to punish the dog or show fear in its presence; it is necessary to suppress all attempts at a playful bite or attack by the puppy on a person. At such moments, you need to turn the pit bull on its back and hold it for a few seconds to show your dominance.

How to behave as an owner

To maintain authority in the eyes of a pit bull, the owner must not only educate and train the pet, but also behave correctly.

To emphasize the leader’s position, the owner is recommended to:

  1. Enter the room first.
  2. In the process of education, adhere to consistency and constancy.
  3. Never yell at your dog or use physical force.
  4. Spend more time with your pet.
  5. Be sure to ensure that the given command is carried out.
  6. Make sure that when walking, the pit bull walks on a leash next to you, and not in front.
  7. Do not leave your dog alone with children or pets.

Maintenance and care

The pit bull's coat is very short, so care consists of regular bathing of the dog and rare brushing.
Pitas are very sensitive to cold, they cannot be kept outside on a chain, besides, this can ruin their character. You need to walk your dog 2-3 times a day, and at least one of the walks should last about an hour. In public places, the pit bull must be muzzled and on a short leash. Of course, you know that your dog doesn’t bite, but passers-by don’t. Do this to avoid rudeness and protect yourself and others from surprises from your pet. For example, if a pet wants to run up to a child to play, the child will most likely be afraid of an unfamiliar dog. You don’t want to have to justify yourself to your angry parents later.

Outside of crowded places, you can let the dog run only if you are absolutely sure that it will return when called. If you are not so sure, buy a leash 5–6 meters long. This way the pit bull will be able to run and frolic, and you will be in control of the situation. In addition, this accessory can be used to teach the commands “near” or “to me”, because in case of disobedience, you can always pull the dog towards you and show what kind of reaction to the command you expect from it.


When feeding pit bull terriers naturally, it should be taken into account that the main component of proper nutrition should be proteins: meat, fish, liver. Be sure to add foods such as cottage cheese, cereals, eggs, fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits to your diet.

The serving size should be such that the dog feels full, and not heaviness in the stomach from overeating.

Be sure to adhere to the established feeding regimen and avoid foods from the table. Products such as baked goods, pasta, sausages, and sweets will not benefit the animal. It happens that a dog really loves chocolate, and the owner, in order to please it, sometimes treats it with a piece. This should not be done under any circumstances. If your pet has a sweet tooth, you should go to a pet store and purchase special chocolate for dogs. It is completely safe for your pet's health.

Chocolate for dogs can be white, milk and even bitter. However, it does not contain prohibited substances.

When feeding your pit bull terrier dry food, you won’t have to come up with a daily menu yourself and waste time on cooking. Dry food is fully balanced and fortified. Naturally, if it is premium food, and not lower.

In the description of each food you will find its composition and the required daily dose for the dog.

How to raise a pit bull adequate and healthy?

In order for a pit bull terrier to grow up adequate and healthy, it is necessary to work daily on its future. This is long and painstaking work, so the owner needs to be patient. A happy future rests on three axioms, which both the dog and the owner must get used to following every day.

Axiom 1. Touch your dog's nose regularly.

It may sound fun, but only at first glance. Your pit bull's nose should be cold and damp. A warm and dry nose indicates problems in the body, which can be quite serious, and your pet should be taken to the doctor immediately. A sick pet is passive and refuses games and food. His eyes may water. Over time, the owner will determine at first glance whether his four-legged friend is healthy or sick.

Axiom 2. Control your diet

The Pit Bull Terrier should not be hungry after eating, but it should not be overfed either. The food must be properly balanced and given daily according to the established schedule.

Important! To find food that will help your puppy grow healthy and strong, consult your veterinarian. He will develop a diet that meets the individual needs of the pet. Perhaps it will be dry food containing microelements and vitamins.

Axiom 3. Daily training

By nature, pit bulls are calm, they easily learn commands, but require constant repetition. If commands are not practiced daily, they become aggressive and uncontrollable.

When to start training

Training a pit bull can begin immediately after it arrives in its new home. Usually the move happens when the puppy is 1.5-2 months old. And this is the best age for acquiring social skills and developing unconditioned reflexes.

Training scheme

Raising a pit bull begins with simple tasks, gradually making them more difficult. The puppy is taught basic commands until he is 6 months old. By the age of six months, the dog should:

  1. Move calmly next to the owner on a leash and without a leash.
  2. Run up at the first call.
  3. Calmly wait for the owner at a store or other establishment.
  4. Be indifferent to food scattered on the street.
  5. On command, stop unwanted actions.
  6. Using your voice and gestures, perform the “Stand!”, “Sit!” complex. and “Lie down!” at a distance from the owner and next to him.

Subsequent training of the pit bull terrier comes down to reinforcing learned commands and filling gaps in education.

Features of caring for a puppy at home

Caring for a small pit bull is more troublesome than caring for an adult dog. A puppy requires more time and attention. He needs to be toilet trained and follow a strict routine, as well as fed and taken out for walks more often.

Until the puppy has received all its vaccinations, it should not be placed on the ground - it can catch an infection from an animal running there.

Until 4 months, a small pet should not be allowed to jump from heights or go down stairs on its own. A weak puppy can get injured or have bad posture.

In order to raise a stately pit bull terrier from a clumsy baby, he needs to create the correct feeding regimen:

  • A 3-4 month old puppy is given food 5 times a day.
  • At 4 months he is transferred to 4 feedings a day.
  • At 6 months the pet is fed 3 times a day.
  • A one-year-old Pit is given food twice a day.

Where to start training

You need to start raising a pit bull puppy by getting used to its name and establishing close contact. A small pet is taught to follow a certain regime, to be calm about a collar and leash, sharp sounds, and the company of people and other animals.

Housetraining a puppy to use the toilet in the house

Until all vaccinations have been completed, the little pita cannot be taken outside. Therefore, the puppy will go to the toilet at home. To prevent the home from turning into a litter box, the baby is taught to defecate in a certain place.

Where the puppy relieves himself, diapers are laid out. Gradually their number is reduced until there is only one left in the most suitable corner.

Behavior on the street

Socialization is an important aspect of raising and training a fighting dog. After completing the post-vaccination quarantine, the pit bull puppy can be taken for walks. For the first trips outside, choose a quiet, calm place where no one will scare the baby.

Subsequently, the puppy is brought to busier and noisier streets so that the little pet learns to be indifferent to passers-by, cars, bicycles and other irritants. To prevent the pit bull from developing aggression towards other animals in the future, the dog is introduced to friendly dogs.

A mature pet is walked not only on a leash, but also in a muzzle. A pit bull muzzle should be made of metal or durable leather. The equipment is selected exactly in size so that the dog does not feel discomfort.

Training in endurance

You can teach a puppy to wait patiently for its owner from 4-5 months. To begin, the pet is placed near the leg and held in this position for 20 seconds.

Gradually, the time is increased, and the dog’s position is changed to standing or sitting. Subsequently, the task is made more difficult by moving away from the animal.

Let's start serious training

The powerful body of a pit bull simply “screams” that the dog is created for sport. A representative of the breed will be happy to engage in agility , a sport involving overcoming many obstacles and competitions. Such activities train muscle strength, agility, endurance and intelligence well.

Pit bull in agility

However, if the owner does not intend to connect the pet’s life with professional sports, this does not mean that one can forget about supporting muscle definition and activity. It is necessary to fully load the dog, for example:

  • ride a bike with her: the pet will happily run after the owner;
  • swim with your pet;
  • play ball or Frisbee;
  • walk a lot in the forest and in areas with obstacles.

Full-fledged weightlifting can be included in the upbringing of a pet, starting from one to one and a half years old. You should first show your dog to the veterinarian. The doctor will explain which exercises are available to the animal and which are prohibited.

Jogging with a cyclist owner

So, due to certain diseases, certain exercises may be contraindicated for pit bulls. For example, for a dog weighing more than 40 kg, only calm walking over long distances is suitable. They should not jump or run to avoid heart or paw problems. The reason lies in the special structure of the body of large dogs.

Frisbee game

Training in endurance

It is recommended to accustom your dog to the art of endurance from 3-5 months. The puppy must learn to patiently wait for the owner or orders from him. To start training you will need:

  • take a leash and your baby’s favorite treats;
  • Go for a walk with your pit bull.

You need to start training after the baby has had enough exercise. The principles of the lessons are presented in the table below.

Table 2. Algorithm for training endurance in a pit bull terrier

Puppy's starting positionStanding, lying, sitting.
What should you achieve?The puppy must remain in a given state for as long as possible, even if the owner moves a long distance
End of the exerciseA successful end to the training is when the puppy approaches the owner only after his permission command
PromotionBe sure to praise the puppy and give him a treat if he sits still.

Learning process:

  • It’s easier to start training from a lying position. When the puppy sits near the owner’s left leg, you need to give the command “Lie down!” and make sure that the dog lies down for at least 20 seconds. Then you need to praise the baby and play with him a little, take a break from the training;
  • After a few minutes, put the puppy down again and let him lie there for about 40 seconds. Praise again and interrupt;

Executing the command “Lie down!”

  • in this mode, you need to continue training until you reach 1-2 minutes of quiet lying;
  • if the dog does not obey and tries to run away, you need to pronounce the order louder and in a more stern tone. Then pull the leash to return the pet to its original position;
  • when the dog gets used to this variation, you can change the position to sitting or standing. The principle is still the same - to ensure that the animal remains calm in the selected state for as long as possible.

Once mastered, the exercise can be made more difficult. The owner gives an order and gradually moves away from the dog, without giving a treat. If the pet was contained and did not run after the owner, praise and give a treat; if not, repeat until the command is mastered.

Command training

Pit bull behavior is controlled by obedience commands. They are taught from puppyhood and gradually brought to automatism.

To achieve better results, you should not start practicing a new command until the previous one has been mastered.

To me!

To prevent an adult pit bull from scaring someone during a walk, the dog is taught from childhood to unquestioningly run up to its owner at the first call.

To do this, loudly and clearly pronounce the command “Come to me!” and show the baby a tasty treat. As soon as the pet approaches, it is praised and rewarded with a treat.


They snap their fingers over the sitting pet and say the command “Voice!” As soon as the dog barks, he is rewarded with a treat.


A hand with a treat is raised above the pit bull's muzzle. At the same time they say the command “Sit!” and lightly press the dog’s sacrum with the other hand.

As soon as the dog performs the desired action, he is rewarded with a treat.


It is better to start learning this command from a sitting position. A hand with a treat is lowered in front of the sitting puppy's muzzle.

At the same time they say “Lie down!” and lightly press the pit bull’s withers with the second palm.


When the puppy is sitting or lying down, he is lifted by the stomach and placed on his paws. At the same time, they pronounce the command “Stop!” and reward your pet with a treat.

It is forbidden!

The important prohibition command is practiced on the street. As soon as the puppy tries to grab something or perform another unwanted action, he is sharply pulled back with the leash and said “No!”

How to teach basic commands

There are several commands that all well-mannered dogs should know. Separate commands and orders are required by watchdogs.

Pit bull training


First you need to prepare your pet's favorite food or just take dry dog ​​food. To avoid distraction of animals, a quiet place is selected. If your pet doesn't speak, you shouldn't give him a reward. As soon as he barks, you can give him a small piece.

Important! You need to repeat the exercise for 15 minutes. every day.


After giving the command, you need to press on the dog’s croup and at the same time pull the leash. After sitting the dog down, you need to give it a reward. The “lie down” command is taught in the same way.


If after a walk the dog wants to rest, you need to take advantage of this moment for training. You just need to move the dog to the desired place and give the “place” command.

When training, intonation plays an important role:

  • the first command is always given cheerfully and loudly, the voice should mobilize the dog into action and stimulate its nervous system;
  • if the order is not carried out, a second command should be given, threatening with sound. You need to imitate snoring or roaring in a quiet voice. You cannot shout or beg your pit bull;
  • words of encouragement should be full of enthusiasm. In an inspired voice, you need to let the pet know that the owner completely agrees with his behavior.

Preparing for the hunt

Physically strong, resilient and tenacious, the pit bull is an excellent hunting assistant. It instantly reacts to prey and is able to hold a large animal. To ensure that the working pit bull does not lose its hunting skills, the dog is trained at home.

The skin of the animal is given to the dog to sniff and tied to a long stick. The resulting structure is raised above the pet's head so that the dog reaches out to the prey and barks at it.

After some time, the trophy is given to the dog to pat.


Caring for a pit bull is no more difficult than caring for any other short-haired dog. To keep the dog healthy and tidy, it is regularly combed and subjected to simple hygiene procedures.

Bathing puppies and adult dogs

The animal should be washed no more than 2-3 times a year, except in cases of severe contamination. This is done in a warm room where there are no drafts. Apply a special shampoo to the pet's wet fur and then rinse with warm water. After this, the dog is dried with a towel and, if necessary, dried with a hairdryer.


It is very easy to care for the Pit's coat. It is combed weekly with a special mitten or a stiff brush. Manipulations are carried out in different directions to remove all dead hair and activate the sebaceous glands.

After the procedure, the dog is wiped with a cloth mitten, on which a little burdock oil is applied. This will make your pet's coat shiny.


The area around the eyes is wiped daily with a cotton swab, which has been moistened in advance with chamomile infusion or boiled water.


To prevent plaque from forming on your pet’s fangs and incisors, they are regularly cleaned with a special brush and paste. The procedure is carried out at least once a week, and the dog is accustomed to it from an early age.

To prevent tartar, pets that eat natural food are allowed to gnaw on large bones. If the dog eats dry food, then chewable treats are periodically offered to remove plaque.


To keep them dry and clean, they are periodically wiped with a cotton pad soaked in a special lotion. Neglect of this procedure leads to the occurrence of otitis media and other ear diseases.


If you often walk your dog on the asphalt, his claws will wear down naturally. In all other cases, they are shortened with a nail cutter. If you don’t do this, they will quickly grow and begin to interfere with movement.

Breed Features

As you know, pit bulls are fighting dogs. This is something to consider before getting them. It is very important to give them the opportunity to socialize. To do this, the puppy must spend a lot of time among other animals. Ideal if you have a cat or other dogs at home. Otherwise, a grown-up pit bull will perceive any animal as prey and a threat - after all, they were bred to fight with dogs and even bulls.

These dogs are amazingly fond of praise. And they are ready to do anything for her - like tearing the neighboring dog into pieces, or bringing slippers to their beloved owner. Combined with his remarkable intelligence, this gives the owner an excellent opportunity to mold the puppy into exactly what he needs. Therefore, owners who justify the cruelty of their dogs by the characteristics of the breed usually either did their training incorrectly, or skipped this process altogether, hoping that everything would somehow work out without their participation. Of course, one should not hope for this. In general, it is not advisable to have a pit bull as your first dog - it is better to have some experience at this point.

Factors on which the success of education and training depends

Key points about effective pet training:

  • conditions of detention. This requires a bright, dry room, proper nutrition, long walks every day, which fully meet the needs of the game. In this case, the puppies will be fully developed physically and psychologically and will be more receptive to training;
  • the second necessary condition is the correct teaching technique. It is important for the owner to understand what he is doing and what he wants to achieve. To do this, he needs to have some knowledge and at least a little experience. It is also important to understand the psychophysiological characteristics of the dog and the basics of its behavior.

How to pump up a pit bull terrier

You can pump up your pit bull using weight-pulling strength training. The essence of this training is for the dog to move a load over a certain distance.

This exercise not only develops the strength and power of the animal, but also helps to consolidate the learned commands.

You can engage in waitpulling no earlier than 12-18 months. To train a pit bull, a special harness is put on the dog, to which a weight in the form of a car tire is tied.

It clings to the surface of the earth and makes it difficult for the pit bull terrier to move, which must cover a certain distance and reach the finish line.


Pit bull terriers cannot be called long-lived and healthy. Inbreeding (inbreeding to consolidate breed qualities) leads to the inheritance of genetic diseases, which is why pit bulls have a lot of them. To the credit of many breeders, they try to prevent sick individuals from breeding and carefully monitor genetic abnormalities. But if a puppy is purchased from a private person - on the market, through an advertisement on the Internet - it is not known what set of genes he inherited.

The most common pathology in pit bulls is congenital heart disease. This disease can be detected in a pet at an early age: the baby breathes heavily and gets tired quickly. Subsequently, he becomes apathetic, suffers from shortness of breath, prefers to lie down, and his tongue turns blue. At the slightest suspicion, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. If treatment is started on time, the dog may well live to old age.

The organ of vision in pit bulls is also vulnerable. Thus, representatives of this breed are often diagnosed with cataracts. Since they navigate in space using sense and hearing, it is difficult to recognize pathology. However, if the owner notices that his pet constantly bumps into objects or misses during play, he should consult a veterinarian. Cataracts can be treated, but only if measures are taken in a timely manner.

Like other large breeds, pit bulls are prone to hip dysplasia. The disease manifests itself in lameness, joint pain and, if left untreated, can lead to immobilization of the pet.

Among the diseases associated with keeping a dog are the following:

  1. Obesity. A real scourge of domestic dogs. Leads to the development of heart disease, diabetes, and increases stress on the joints.
  2. Allergy. Pit bulls can have allergic reactions to pollen, dust, and foods such as rice, beef, wheat, and corn.
  3. Hypothyroidism. Develops in middle-aged individuals. The disease must be corrected with medications.

Like other dogs, American Pit Bull Terriers are not immune to infectious diseases, so it is extremely important to follow the vaccination schedule and timely deworming

Dog appearance (standards)


A pit bull dog has an average height of 44 to 49 cm. The weight of an adult dog is 20-30 kg.


The animal's coat is short and coarse, lying tightly to the body. There is no undercoat.


The standard allows any type of color. The only thing unacceptable is uneven coloring of the coat, manifested in the form of dark and light spots of the same color.


The photo of the pit bull shows that its head has a pronounced square shape.

Teeth and jaws

The jaws are powerful and have a scissor bite. The teeth are evenly spaced and white.


A pit bull's eye color can be any color. The shape is almond-shaped.

Body and limbs

The body of the animal is powerful and muscular. The body can be represented in the shape of a rectangle. The limbs are long and strong, stable.


The tail is relatively short, set low. Thick at the base, tapering towards the tip.

Rock defects

The defects include the following:

  • uneven color;
  • presence of long hair;
  • malocclusion;
  • short tail;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • deafness;
  • excessive aggressiveness or, conversely, timidity.

The right diet

Bull Terriers are not picky eaters and have an excellent appetite. Dry and natural feeding are equally acceptable for them.

When purchasing dry food for a bull terrier, you should give preference to high-quality super-premium or holistic class products. It is advisable that the pack be marked “for active dogs”.

This food is more nutritious and high in calories. The daily intake should be calculated according to the table on the package. In this case, you need to focus on the age and weight of the pet.

When feeding your dog natural food, you need to make sure that beef predominates in it. For variety, you can replace it with boiled sea fish or chicken twice a week.

In addition to meat, the dog’s menu should include:

  • porridge (corn, millet and buckwheat);
  • offal (beef heart and liver);
  • vegetables (carrots, beets and zucchini);
  • fermented milk products (yogurt, yogurt and cottage cheese);
  • eggs.

You cannot feed a bull terrier:

  • river fish;
  • tubular bones;
  • sweets;
  • baked goods;
  • legumes;
  • sausages;
  • chocolate;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • fatty and fried foods.

It is enough to feed an adult bull twice a day. It is advisable to do this after a walk.

The daily portion size should not exceed 3-4% of the dog’s body weight. On average, an adult bull terrier eats 400-600 g of food per day.

Basic mistakes in parenting

Mistakes that inexperienced owners make when training a pit bull terrier:

  1. Unsystematic actions. Practicing a new command begins only after the previous one has been perfectly mastered.
  2. Irregularity of training sessions. Pit bull training should be done daily.
  3. The use of physical force in the process of education. You cannot achieve obedience by shouting and beating. Physical abuse will turn the pita into a frightened and angry creature.
  4. Manifestation of excessive softness during training. You can't let your dog do whatever he wants. The dog must clearly follow the command received.

Kangal karabash

The height of an adult reaches 90 cm, weight is 45-70 kg. Karabash has a large build, well-developed muscles, and a slightly elongated muzzle. The forelimbs are slightly shorter than the hind limbs. The nose is black, the eyes are deep-set and dark in color. The ears are triangular, drooping on both sides, and are not cropped. The tail is long, set high, curled into a ring, and raised. Animals come in any color, but you can mostly see red, sandy or gray-brown obeys. A distinctive feature of the karabash is the “mask” on the muzzle.

The Turkish Cattle Dog or Turkish Wolfhound is very hardworking, intelligent and independent, not prone to aggression, but if trouble threatens, it will certainly rush to protect its owner. Karabash gets along with children, but he has neutral relationships with other pets. For the owner, this is an excellent loyal friend, companion, protector.

Cost of training classes

Dog handler services are not cheap. The price of 1 lesson in Moscow depends on the chosen training course and varies between 1400-2000 rubles. Correcting the behavior of an adult pit bull costs more. The price of 1 lesson on eliminating gaps in education starts from 2000 rubles.

The Pit Bull Terrier is not a breed that any beginner can easily handle. If you take him as your first dog, it is better that it be a female pit bull. Females are softer in character than males. They are not as eager for leadership and are easier to train.

Development from 1 to 12 months

AgeSize (height)WeightDescription
1 month20-25 cm2.5-4 kgImmediately after birth, the puppy is almost completely dependent on its mother. Of all the reflexes, he only has: sucking, motor, olfactory and tactile. A newborn baby's ears and ears are closed, and there is no thermoregulation. By the end of the first month, the baby's eyes and ears open and he begins to actively explore the world, eat solid food and play with his fellow tribesmen.
2 months25-30 cm6-9 kgThe 2nd month is called the period of first socialization. At this age, puppies are separated from their mother and find new owners.
3 months30-36 cm9-14 kgThe baby is actively growing, gaining weight and changing significantly in appearance. At this age, the dog’s future exterior begins to be visible, the musculoskeletal system is actively developing and teeth begin to change.
4-5 months35-45 cm14-24 kgThe pet grows and develops at a very fast pace, and a relationship between it and the owner begins to be established. At this age, the change of teeth is completed.
6 months40-48 cm23-28 kgEarly adolescence. The puppy learns the meaning of the hierarchy and tries to find its place in it. At this age, pets can become stubborn and disobedient. Growth and development slow down by the end of the 6th month.
7 months45-50 cm28-35 kgThe puppy begins to show sexual activity, and also tries to take the highest possible place in the domestic hierarchy. At this time, females are already in heat, and males become more active and can show aggression.
8 months48-50 cm30-35 kgAt this age, the puppy increasingly takes on the appearance of an adult dog, and also begins to exhibit character traits that will be characteristic of it throughout its life.
9-12 months48-50 cm30-35 kgBy this age, the pet’s body is almost completely formed. The exterior and character are also formed. If before this time it was not possible to teach the puppy the rules of behavior and commands, now it will be much more difficult to do so.

Mandatory actions of owners when keeping pit bulls

Since the American Pit Bull Terrier is a fighting breed, it has excellent physical characteristics

which must be supported. Pit bulls can be kept in a city apartment, but the most important thing is not to forget that for psychological and physical balance she will need to walk in the fresh air for at least two hours a day. Without constant and regular walks, pit bulls, especially young ones and puppies, can become unbalanced and aggressive.

Given the general non-aggression of the breed, pit bull puppies are not recommended to be left alone with small children. Children are unconsciously, but quite noticeably able to hit the puppy, and he can remember and take revenge in the future or scare the child.

It is mandatory for pit bull puppies to learn the basics of training. Young individuals should already be able to carry out simple commands.

Training will be the most important assistant in raising a calm and obedient dog.

Daily walks, balanced nutrition, vitamin therapy, training - all this will help raise a wonderful and good-natured dog.

It is generally accepted that the pit bull terrier is a very dangerous dog that must be avoided and avoided. This is a mistaken opinion, since everything depends on the owner. An abnormal owner can turn a poodle into a killer dog that will rush at people and bite. Thus, it is wrong to believe that since a pit bull is a fighting dog, it means that it is the most cruel and merciless. Dog handlers characterize pit bull terriers as obedient, loyal, very smart, courageous and stubborn animals. Of course, they know how to attack due to the fact that by their nature it is inherent in them. They must protect a person or some place from strangers.

Dogs of this breed can have different colors (red nose):

  • chocolate;
  • chocolate white;
  • light chocolate;
  • white, etc.

In general, these dogs, like others, are highly trainable. With the right approach to education, you can train a true four-legged friend and family protector.

Why is it important to properly raise pit bulls from puppyhood?

Selectors try not to use aggressive puppies for further breeding. Despite this, it is important to raise a dog with dignity so that in the future psychological qualities that are dangerous to humans do not creep into its character.

Important! Do not encourage the desire to bite and other aggressive actions of the puppy, create comfortable conditions for the pet for further development and everyday life. This is the only way to raise a calm, friendly and devoted friend.

How to choose an obedient puppy?

In order for upbringing to improve immediately and training to be successful, it is important for the owner to choose the right puppy. After all, it is almost impossible to rehabilitate a naturally aggressive child, a cowardly puppy will be afraid of active games, and an underdeveloped puppy will not be able to handle training and physical activity. When choosing a puppy, you need to look at all sides. It happens that the owner and the puppy immediately show mutual interest in each other. In this case, you don’t have to think for long.

Pit bull puppies

Table 1. Characteristics to look for when choosing a Pit Bull Terrier

What should you pay attention to?A well-developed baby should have a small head, straight, strong paws, and a slightly noticeable hump at the withers.The most valuable pit bull terriers are those of the same color: gray, brown, black, whiteThe baby should not behave fearfully or viciously - hide from guests behind “mother” or attack a person and start biting
  • the qualities of a security guard are more noticeable;
  • you don’t have to bother with matings, childbirth and estrus
  • more intelligent and affectionate;
  • don't mark territory

Before you start searching for a seller, you need to decide on the purpose for which you are buying a pit bull. If as a pet, just choose a puppy you like. But, if participation in exhibitions and performances is expected, and the pet should bring only gold medals, the choice must be approached with special care:

  1. Examine the dog's parents, get acquainted with the documents. Parents must be healthy and adequate individuals.
  2. Do not buy an animal on the market or from private breeders. You should contact kennels where dogs are kept in decent conditions and vaccinated. A seller found through a private advertisement can easily deceive the buyer.
  3. Monitor the price and analyze. If the cost is very low, then perhaps the buyer is offered a mestizo - a cross with a mongrel or other dog.

The price of a puppy also depends on its age: the older the animal, the cheaper it is sold. It happens that animals at the age of 6 months are given away for practically nothing. It is very difficult to retrain a dog at this age, and the owner will have to put a lot of effort into training it.

Important! You cannot choose a pit bull based on a photograph: you need to come to the kennel in person, or better yet, several times to make sure that you have made the right choice. The breeder socializes the puppies very early, so already at 2 months the difference in character becomes apparent. It becomes clear how the puppy will grow up - angry or affectionate, friendly or withdrawn.

Preparation for purchase

Before the puppy appears in the house, it is necessary to create a pleasant, comfortable environment for him. The baby needs to allocate his own corner where the bed will stand. It is better to place it in the far corner of the room away from radiators and drafts. You need to prepare the following items:

  • two bowls - for water and food. First, simple ones are taken; when the dog grows up, metal bowls on a stand are purchased;
  • dry food, if such a diet is expected;
  • a diaper where the puppy will pee. An oilcloth or rubberized mat should be placed under it so as not to spoil the covering on the floor. At first, the baby will do his business in the apartment, so you need to teach him to perform the ritual in a certain place;

Diapers for puppies

  • collar and strong leash. There is no need to prepare a muzzle, because the puppy’s muzzle will still grow. They buy it for an already grown-up pet and take the puppy out for a walk only in a muzzle, because many people are afraid of pit bulls due to established stereotypes about aggressiveness;
  • rubber toys, bones, ropes. The puppy needs to constantly chew on something to scratch the gums under the teething teeth;

The puppy chews on various objects

  • cage or carrier. As a rule, newbies are frightened by the prospect of locking a puppy in a crate, but this is, first of all, to protect property and the pet itself. The puppy may chew on the owner's things, find a bottle of toxic cleaning substance, drink it, or lick the socket.

The baby's access area should be cleared of wires, fragile or expensive items. Pit bulls quickly get used to the fact that they are only allowed to chew on toys, but at first they all try to test their teeth.

Pit Bull Terriers love to drop things and see what happens.

Appearance and special features of the breed

Since the ancestors of the pit bull terrier are the bulldog and the terrier, it would be logical to expect that the dog resulting from their fusion would combine the features of both breeds. However, in the character of the pit bull there is practically nothing left of the calm and lazy bulldog. In our “American” - cheerful, playful, restless - the terrier genes won.

The Pit Bull Terrier is a dog with, as they say, wide specialization. Do you want to get yourself a pet and almost a full member of the family? He's perfect for this role. Need a sports competition participant who earns medals? Or is a sniffer dog required? If you choose a pit bull for these purposes, you will not go wrong. Powerful build and extreme muscularity and at the same time athleticism are the main features of the ideal representative of the breed. Pit bulls are bred to perform a variety of tasks, which is why some individuals can look like a tank while others remain skinny.

general description

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a strong dog of medium height with short hair. Athletic and fit, with an alert gaze and a shiny coat, she combines strength, power and confidence, while remaining agile and graceful. Real pit bulls that meet the classic standards of the breed do not look lazy, overfed or heavy, that is, they are never obese. Quite the contrary: adult individuals are even somewhat thin. The other extreme, namely muscles not visible under the skin, is also not about them.


Rectangular in shape, dry, medium length. Flat skull, widened between the ears. The muzzle is wide and deep, the square shape characteristic of this breed, the cheeks are convex. If you look at a pit bull from above or from the side, the outline of the muzzle resembles a slightly tapering wedge towards the nose. It only looks round when looking at the dog from the front.


Cool pitbull

The pit bull's teeth are tightly closed, strong and strong. Scissor bite, correct.


Medium size, almond-shaped, elliptical or round. Low, set wide.


Pitbull ears are small and half drooping. They are characterized by high delivery and wide placement. At the owner's request, the ears are left at natural length or cropped in the shape of a triangle.

Nose and lips

The nostrils are wide open, the nose is large and shiny, its pigmentation may vary from dog to dog. The lips are dry and fit tightly to the upper and lower jaws.

Pitbull muzzle


The pit bull's neck is strong and powerful, dry. Widens towards the withers.


I'll sit here for a while

American pit bull terriers are longer than they are tall, which is noticeable to the naked eye. This ratio of proportions is especially noticeable in females, which are longer in body than males. Representatives of this breed have a powerful and strong back, with a slightly sloping topline. The loin is short, strong and somewhat arched, the croup is slightly sloping. The abdomen is moderately tucked.


The Pitbull's tail is of medium length and naturally follows the line of the top, tapering towards the tip. The landing is low. If your pet is in motion or excited about something, the tail rises to the line of the back.


The pit bull's forelimbs are straight, their length, if counted from the floor to the elbow joint, is equal to half the height of the dog at the withers. The bones are strong. Wide and muscular shoulder blades are set obliquely. Pasterns straight, strong, vertical.

The hind limbs are strong and muscular, long at the thigh. Low hock joint. The paws are medium-sized, oval in shape, with toes gathered into a ball.

The pit bull moves quickly and energetically, with a springy step. His movements are light, with good push and reach.


Close fitting, short and stiff. There is no undercoat.


Here the breed standards are very democratic; all colors and shades are allowed, including the presence of white spots. The only exception is the merle color - it is unacceptable in pit bull terriers.

Possible defects

Deviations from the above characteristics are classified as deficiencies. The degree of severity of the latter is indicated by the degree of their severity.

Defects of the breed include a narrow muzzle, a weak lower jaw and so-called jowls (raw lips). The absence of a certain number of teeth (except for their loss for “good” reasons or removal by a veterinarian), as well as underbite, overbite and an asymmetrical jaw are also considered a deviation.

Defects of pit bulls include protruding eyes, blue eyes and discrepancy in eye color (so-called heterogeneity). You should also pay attention to your pet's neck. If it is weak and thin or, conversely, too thick and short, then this also applies to shortcomings. The “sheep” neck and dewlap do not correspond to breed standards.

Look at the pit bull's shoulders. Are they straight or loaded, and are the elbows turned either outward or inward? There should not be such defects, not to mention twisted wrists, weak pasterns, splayed legs, crooked forelimbs, clubfoot, and loose paws. The same list includes underdeveloped muscles, sparse, curly and wavy hair, narrow set of hind legs, cowhide, excessive expression or complete absence of the angle of the knee joint, barrel-shaped set, sickle-shaped hocks.

Disqualifying faults

  • A pit bull is a fighter by nature, but excessive aggressiveness or, conversely, cowardice are serious vices.
  • A healthy male dog must have two testicles descended into the scrotum, therefore unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism is a pathology leading to disqualification.
  • Is your dog hard of hearing in one or both ears? Does he have a short tail? Suffering from albinism? These faults, including long hair and merle color, are also considered disqualifying.

Training at 3 months. Socialization

Correct formation of the nervous system

This must be done very carefully, gradually, over and over again increasing the time spent in noisy places, so as not to overload the puppy or frighten him.

A city puppy must grow up in the city, in conditions that are saturated with external stimuli, such as: noisy streets, large crowds of people, other animals, birds, cyclists, cars, etc.

Meeting people and dogs

Puppy behavior on the street

The emergence of new places leads to new rules that need to be consolidated:

I recommend: 15 professional tips for raising a dog

Training and practicing commands

Who is this breed suitable for?

First, let’s decide who this dog is suitable for, and who would be better off choosing a representative of a different breed. The existing stereotype that pit bulls are not suitable for families is very far from reality. In fact, these dogs love children very much and, with proper upbringing, will never cause them the slightest harm; they will patiently endure ear tugging and even tail bites.

But it’s worth talking about activity separately. The Pitbull is an athletic dog that needs high activity. In other words, if you don't have time to go for a run with her after work and help her get rid of excess energy, then purchasing such a dog would be a mistake. Usually it is a sedentary lifestyle that leads to the fact that the accumulated energy breaks out with aggression - the dog becomes either withdrawn or snaps at any reason.

But if there are teenagers in the family or simply active adults who would happily play with their pet in the park, run in the evenings, or ride a bike, forcing the pet to run after them, then the choice is completely justified. Of course, we must not forget that pit bulls need very strict, and sometimes even cruel, training.

What an adult dog should know

The Bull Terrier is a companion dog. He doesn't need complicated training courses. It is only enough:

  1. OKD. Includes vital commands: “Come”, “No”, “Place”, “Near”, “Stand”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Fetch”, leash walking skills, correct attitude towards a muzzle and loud noises ;
  2. Specially controlled city dog. Bull Terrier training is aimed at the dog’s ability to follow its owner, walk on a leash, react normally to other people, animals, children, cyclists, and stay on a leash.

To give the pet the necessary physical and mental stress, he is taught sports disciplines - agility, dog pulling, canicross, flyball. Instructors at the training grounds will tell you how to train a bull terrier in these areas.

The wrong position is to train an animal for protective guard and guard service. The breed is constantly alert, ready for a fight and suspicious. And after completing the course, the dog will perceive everyone and everything as a threat. It is difficult even for experienced dog handlers to control such a dog.

A bull terrier puppy is plasticine; what comes out of it depends on the owner. Unlike humans, a dog does not think in complex ways - it is driven by instincts and reflexes. Anyone who understands this axiom and puts it into practice will raise a balanced, obedient, and most importantly, a happy dog.

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Tips from dog handlers

There are programs for monthly training of a bull terrier.
Experts advise turning to them in order to raise your pet step by step and without missing something important. If you are new to raising dogs in general, and have not had any training experience on any breed, then do not start your dog breeding practice with a bull terrier. Of course, later you will still have to learn how to raise this particular breed, but with training experience and advice from a cynologist guru it will be easier. Keep in mind in your education that the breed has a hierarchy

As soon as you scold the children in his presence, he will immediately “put” them on the lower level after himself. Start serious education at 6 or even 8 months.

  • If you feel irritated during the education process, then it is better to stop.
  • A golden mean is needed: without training and attention, the dog will be aggressive and uncontrollable, but if you go too far, the effect will be the same.

Be balanced, calm and kind, then your pet will be the same. He will become a devoted companion and good friend.

The purpose of the dog, its features

Pitbull - the characteristics of the breed are determined by several features:

  • courage;
  • friendliness and tenderness towards people;
  • sharp mind;
  • absolute devotion and recognition of the owner as a leader;
  • excellent learning ability.

Despite its stern appearance, the dog is a surprisingly sensitive and gentle nanny in its relationship with children. The pit bull willingly participates in children's games, especially during walks. Representatives of this breed are capable of performing incredible tricks - jumping up a tree, jumping over any obstacle, playing ball and fetching sticks gives the dog as much pleasure as the owner.

Long-term selection has made the animal more domestic and family-friendly. Today it is a pet with a balanced and friendly disposition, easy to train and capable of protecting its owner in any dangerous situation. As a watchman, he will always be on guard of the territory, barking to warn his owner about the intrusion of an uninvited guest. The dog will feel equally good both in an apartment and in an enclosure on the site of a private house. For outdoor life, your pet definitely needs a warm shelter, since short hair does not protect it from frost. You cannot put a dog on a chain - this spoils its character, humiliates it and makes it uncontrollably aggressive.

A dog of this breed listens to its owner unquestioningly and faithfully waits for his return from work. A pet will never try to dominate someone. The person who chooses him as a friend will always be adored and loved. The pit bull gets along well with pets, cats and other dogs if it grows up with them.

Teaching your dog commands will make his behavior quite adequate even when he meets any animal on a walk. An active lifestyle is a prerequisite for keeping a pit bull, since the dog retains its hunting instincts, which it uses in outdoor games and long walks. That is why such a dog will become an excellent friend for your child, a playmate, and a faithful bodyguard.

By nature, this dog is a warrior; its courage and determination have found application in the service of law enforcement agencies. High dedication, a keen sense of smell and intelligence allow the pit bull to be considered in demand in the field of security and safety. His endurance and agility make any obstacle surmountable, and his intelligence and devotion will help a person in a dangerous situation.

When you decide to get a pit bull, take into account the need for daily physical and mental stress and be prepared for it. A dog from idleness and loneliness will ruin furniture and shoes

But keeping two male dogs is unacceptable; it is better to have pets of different sexes.

Exercises for training an American Pit Bull Terrier

It is important to exercise your pit bull regularly because dogs of this breed are in dire need of exercise. A satisfied pit bull terrier is a dog tired from a walk or training. Given the intelligence and intelligence of these dogs, the training process will not cause any special problems

Classes need to be carried out at regular intervals so that the dog develops a “routine”, this will help increase the effectiveness of training. Try not to overload the puppy with information, because after all, he, like any baby, wants to frolic and play. Dose your training, gradually increase its volume and this will bring brilliant results, because pit bulls are diligent and diligent students

Given the intelligence and intelligence of these dogs, the training process will not cause any special problems. Classes need to be carried out at regular intervals so that the dog develops a “routine”, this will help increase the effectiveness of training. Try not to overload the puppy with information, because after all, he, like any baby, wants to frolic and play. Dose your training, gradually increase its volume, and this will bring brilliant results, because pit bulls are diligent and diligent students.

Teaching a puppy endurance

A dog should be taught to wait patiently for its owner or any command from 4-5 months. For training, take a small pit bull, a leash, a treat and go to training. The dog can learn endurance while standing, lying down or sitting. The bottom line is that your pet should remain in a given position for as long as possible, even when you move a long distance away. The dog is allowed to run up to you only on command.

It’s better to start from a lying position: the dog sits next to your leg on the left side, order him to lie down and make sure he lies down for 20 seconds. Praise the student and continue training in the usual puppy style, but for 40 seconds and so on until you achieve the dog lies quietly at his feet for 1-2 minutes. For good completion of the task, treat the dog with a treat. If the dog does not obey and runs away, raise your tone and pull the leash to return it to its original position.

In subsequent classes, you can change the position to sitting or standing, but the essence remains the same - to achieve a calm stay of the dog in the position you have designated for the maximum amount of time. In the future, you can complicate the task: give a command and slowly move away from your pet, and do not give a treat for completing it. But don’t forget about praise, because pit bulls are very happy when their owner is happy with them.

We are preparing for the hunt

Since the pit bull has great strength, endurance and tenacity, it is an excellent hunting assistant, capable of holding large animals.
It is not always possible to go out into the forest for prey, but you can periodically train your dog at home so that he does not lose his “grip.” You will need the skin of some animal and a long stick to which you will tie the “prey”. Show the dog its future trophy and let it smell it. Then raise the stick higher, you can do this near the tree trunk - this will make it easier for Pete to “get” the skin. Command your pet to “Take!” and hold the structure above the animal's head. Let him reach for the trophy and bark at it. After a while, give him the skin, let him fray it a little. Don't forget to praise your hunter.

We do power towing

Weight-pulling is popular among pit bull terrier owners, the essence of which is to move the dog over a certain distance. Considering the phenomenal endurance of dogs of this breed, their strength and power, this activity perfectly trains not only physical fitness, but also allows you to consolidate already learned commands. This type of activity should be used when the dog is one to one and a half years old.

For practicing at home, a regular car tire will do. Specialized weight-pulling equipment is sold in specialized stores - something like a harness that is put on an animal and can be used to attach a load. The main thing is not to overdo the weight of the tire to avoid injury.

The essence of the lesson is to train the dog’s endurance, since the tire will cling to the surface of the ground and slow down the movement of the pit, which must ultimately cope with the task and reach the “finish line”. During the process of waitpulling, you can practice commands already known to the dog: “Come to me!”, “Bring it!”.

Getting to know the house

The age of up to 16 weeks is very important in raising and socializing a puppy.

During this period, the owner needs to pay increased attention to him, often stroke and caress him, and also encourage similar behavior on the part of other family members.

The pit bull must be introduced to strangers; he must realize that they are not dangerous to him.

It is necessary to introduce the puppy to the entire house, having previously closed those to which he will not have access.

This way he will get used to his surroundings and surroundings. Regular walks in crowded places serve the same purpose: this way he will learn to behave in different situations and get acquainted with a large number of different situations.

During bathing, the puppy should learn to behave quietly and not try to be aggressive.

general information

The external characteristics of pit bulls are not strictly regulated. Their weight usually ranges from 20 to 30 kg, but there are individuals that reach 50 kg. Pit bulls can be any color except merle. Heterochromia and blue eye color are considered a defect. But puppies often have blue eyes; with age they will change shade. The pit bull has long ears. At the owner's request, they are cut and placed. The tail is not docked. Life expectancy is 10–12 years.

The Pit Bull Terrier is often confused with the American Staffordshire Terrier. These breeds are really very similar. Staffords were bred as a decorative branch of the pits. Currently, the Staffordshire Terrier is an officially recognized breed, but pit bulls can often be seen at their shows.

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