How a hamster was able to earn $12,000 on NFTs and continues to do so

Today the Internet occupies an important place in the life of every person. After all, most people turn to the World Wide Web . It's fast and practical. In Poland this is no exception; Poles actively use Internet resources for their needs. And now we’ll look at what are the most popular Polish sites.

All Polish sites can be divided into several categories.

Online stores

  1. . One of the largest online stores, which is popular not only in Poland, but also far beyond its borders. You can probably find everything here! And these are not only all kinds of goods, but there may also be, for example, tickets to a concert. By the way, if you want to learn more about this online resource, you can view the article.
  2. . A well-known service that presents advertisements for the sale and purchase of cars. Here you can find cars, trucks, special equipment, and spare parts for cars. The site has been operating for more than 10 years and has earned the trust of its users.
  3. . Also one of the popular online stores where you can find a wide variety of products. And this is not without reason, more than 4,900 stores already cooperate with this site, and more than 5 million visitors view products monthly. Here you can compare prices from different manufacturers.

There are also many online stores that are popular among Poles. If you are interested in this topic, you can learn more about it from the article about online stores. Here you can find sites for men's and women's clothing, children's online stores, shoes, electronics and equipment, sites for music, automotive products, everything for beauty, sports and leisure products, home life and comfort. You may also find information about how you can order from Polish online stores useful.

What to feed your Syrian hamster

Can I give my Syrian hamster fruits and vegetables?

The Syrian hamster will enjoy a meal of nuts, grains and seeds (commonly found in commercial formulas), supplemented with fruits and vegetables such as apples, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower and pears.

Is it possible to feed a Syrian hamster an egg?

And since Syrian hamsters are omnivores (they eat plants and animals), you can give the occasional hard-boiled egg or insect food for extra protein.

Is it possible to feed a hamster with rodent food?

If you are using a commercial food formula, the supplementary foods should generally not make up more than 10% of your hamster's total diet. But check with your veterinarian as food may vary depending on age and size.

Do you need a bowl of water in your hamster cage?

Always keep a bowl of food in the cage and discard uneaten food after 24 hours. Hamsters generally like to store food in their cheek pouches and hide it somewhere for later.

Your hamster may even wake up several times a day to eat and then go back to sleep. When feeding fresh foods, it is best to offer them in the evening when your hamster is awake from sleep and ready to eat.

Always leave a clean source of water for your hamster and refresh it daily.

Many people prefer to use water bottles because they are easy to store. But you can use a shallow saucer for water until your hamster learns to drink from a bottle.


Social media

The most popular network in Poland is Facebook, but it is a world famous network, but Poland also has its own social networks.

  1. . World famous social network.
  2. . A social network similar to Odnoklassniki.

"Media sites"

  1. . A site for sharing photos and videos. You can find videos by section. Also, there is always a top of the most amazing videos.
  2. . Everything about films, film premieres, many films and TV series, information about actors and films, wallpapers, photos related to this topic. You will need to register to gain more rights. Also, there is a forum where you can always discuss your favorite films.

Internet portals, information and entertainment services

  1. . This is the largest Polish web portal. It contains news from sports, politics, show business, culture, and economics. Also, there is mail, forums and chats.
  2. . A popular web portal that has many information services and various services. Visitors are presented with news, everything about sports, finance and other current topics. There is also mail, forums and chats, games, television programs. On the portal you can always find profitable offers, for example on the purchase of a TV.
  3. . Large entertainment and information service. According to the Poles, it is a very important resource. After all, there is always information about discounts and promotions; you can even purchase a discount coupon. In addition, you can always chat and find out your horoscope for the week. There is always news, as well as articles on topics of interest to visitors. Games, music and movies only complement the usefulness of this portal.
  4. . A site that contains a collection of demotivators. There are new demotivators, there is a top of the best demotivators. You can register and add your own demotivator.
  5. . Information and entertainment site. The site has TV programs, mail, a forum and blogs, videos, as well as an interesting section for women. You can always find the latest news on various topics on the portal.
  6. . Famous blog, all the news of show business, cinema and music. Gossip, rumors, events from the lives of famous people attract the attention of society, and the site has all this.

What are the diseases of the Syrian hamster?

Syrian hamsters are generally hardy animals. However, there are a few conditions that you should pay attention to.

Wet tail

Gastrointestinal infection, usually associated with stress and bacterial overgrowth, is the most common health problem for this hamster.

Symptoms: lethargy, diarrhea, lack of appetite and wetness in the tail area. If you suspect an infection, take your hamster to the vet immediately.

This problem can be fatal if allowed to develop, but antibiotics can treat it effectively.

Fur and ear mites

Hamsters can also become infected with fur and ear mites, especially in unsanitary conditions. If your hamster has mites, you may notice itching and patchy hair loss. In this case, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible for treatment.

Overgrown teeth

Additionally, some hamsters may develop overgrown teeth that make feeding difficult. You may notice that your hamster's teeth look a little longer than usual and that he is losing weight.

The veterinarian will be able to trim the teeth and then recommend ways to maintain the hamster's dental health, such as adding more chews to the cage.


  1. . Useful for those interested in career growth. If you need to find a job, you will need to register and submit your resume. There are also useful articles that will help you make a good resume.
  2. . Virtual Bank of Poland, one of the first. Popular among users, it has deservedly received trust.

There are several other popular sites for finding work in Poland, about which you can learn more in the article “Working in Poland.”

What to feed a baby hamster

Category: Care and maintenance • Published June 10, 2016 • Author: Khrumik •

Many people ask: what to feed a hamster at 2-3 weeks?

It's a pity that you left your hamster without its mother so early. He is supposed to be with her for up to 4 weeks, because with mother’s milk the baby receives protection from diseases (immunity).

In addition, at 2 weeks it is too early for him to eat like an adult. Now it needs to be fed with water-based porridge, protein foods and cottage cheese (low fat to 0-1%). Attention: it is written here in detail what and how to feed the hamster - only protein foods and cottage cheese should be given more often so that the body develops better.

Read more…

Sites about attractions

  1. . General tourist service. You can book an overnight stay on the website, read travel articles and watch the news.
  2. . A site for tourists who want to spend time in the mountains. On the website you can find all the information that will make your vacation comfortable and exciting. Accommodations, routes, mountain attractions and parks, all about safety and much more.
  3. . Service about tourist places in Poland. The site contains not only information about Poland, but also about Europe and the world in general.
  4. . Everything about Polish castles, descriptions and maps, as well as news related to this topic.

Diabetes in dwarf hamsters

Category: Homotherapy • Published January 06, 2022 • Author: Khrumik •
Diabetes is a pathology of the pancreas, which stops producing insulin (the hormone responsible for the absorption of glucose).

At the same time, the hamster experiences increased thirst and often pees a lot. The disease is hereditary, predominantly in Campbell's hamsters, but is increasingly found in other dwarf species. A person provokes the disease by giving the hamster various treats that are difficult to digest. Even carrots can be dangerous for a dwarf hamster, and even more so sweet fruits and honeyed grain sticks.

There is no treatment, but it is necessary to try to control the diet to help the animal maintain viability.

Symptoms of diabetes in a dwarf hamster:

  • behavior changes - lethargy or increased activity (itching, running back and forth, digging, jumping);
  • severe exhaustion or obesity;
  • drinks a lot and, accordingly, pees. The drinking rate for a dwarf hamster is 10 ml per day.

Special diet

Sweet and colored (colored) foods, red and orange vegetables are prohibited. The diet includes more green and white vegetables - zucchini, cucumber (without peel), Chinese cabbage, lettuce, non-bitter radish, celery, Jerusalem artichoke. Limit fats (nuts, sunflower seeds), give low-fat cottage cheese, boiled meat and egg whites.

We recommend reading this material: DIET for DIABETES IN Dwarf HAMsters

How to test for sugar in urine

To find out if your hamster has diabetes, you can use test strips. It is believed that the composition of human and hamster urine is different, and the test strips will not show the desired result. But in practice they work.

Buy test strips for determining urine sugar levels at a regular pharmacy (for example, Uriglyuk). During the day, do not give your hamster foods that may contain sugar. In the morning, place it in an empty, clean, dry container and wait for it to pee. Use a syringe to collect a drop or two of urine and apply the test strip according to the instructions. If the glucose norm is significantly exceeded, given the combination of other symptoms, the hamster can be suspected of having diabetes.{jcomments off}


In principle, many news are contained on almost every website, especially on information portals. The most popular news sites are:

  1. Onet;
  2. Gazeta;
  4. Pudelek;
  5. Rzeczpospolita;
  6. Super Express;
  7. Puls Business;
  8. Nasz Dziennik;
  9. Przeglad Sportowy.

To learn more about Polish news sites, see the dedicated news article.

Polish websites have long become an indispensable part of every Pole. These sites will provide you with information about any area of ​​life in Poland.

Top 10 most useful sites in Poland

Save it to yourself so you don’t forget!

1. – one of the most useful Polish sites about public transport.
For anyone who comes to Poland (whether a student, a worker or a tourist), this site is the most useful, as it helps to quickly navigate unfamiliar territory. To begin, select your city, and then simply enter your location (in the mobile application, your location will definitely be automatically) and the address of the place you need to get to and you will see how to get to your goal. You will be provided with detailed information about when and by what means of transport you can complete your route. In most cases, you will be offered several options, among which you will choose the most convenient for yourself. You can also download the application to your phone for any operating system. Website There you can download the application to your phone. 2. – website about the Polish railway. Timetables for all trains are available. The right site for those who prefer this type of transport for their trips. Website

3. is the largest Polish online auction. One of the most popular Polish sites. A huge number of different offers, both from companies and individuals. You can buy almost any thing you need. There are both new and used goods available. Payment can be made in two ways: online or by paying cash directly to the seller. There is also the opportunity to sell the goods yourself. Website

4. – one of the largest Polish classifieds sites. Previously known as Using this site you can find housing, work, buy all kinds of things (from cars to textbooks). There is even a special category “Otdam za darmo” (I’ll give it away for free), in most cases this is, of course, unnecessary trash, but you can also find the thing you need. Another interesting category is “Zamienię” (I will exchange), where visitors to this Polish site can exchange their goods. You can place your ad for free, but if you want to make it stand out from others, you must pay. Price for 7 days – 4zl. Website

5. – another ad service. It is a competitor to the previous one and even surpasses it in popularity. There are also a large number of advertisements that relate to work, housing, sale/purchase of goods, and all kinds of services. As in the previous option, it is possible to highlight our ad among others, which will significantly increase the chances that it will be noticed by the people we need. But on this site it will cost more – PLN 9.99. in 7 days. By the way, in the form of advertisements, we can leave our information for employers, and they will call, write, and offer you a job. Website

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