Causes of a pet's aggressive behavior
Aggression in pets is observed after purchasing a rodent or in an adult animal. Finding the reasons why hamsters bite is the primary task of the rodent owner. The animal's bites are dangerous: its fangs are carriers of bacteria and pathogenic microflora. For animals, teeth are a “tool” through which they understand the world. The little hamster explores the new territory and bites anyone who picks him up.
New hamsters bite to get information. Rodents are guided by three senses: hearing, smell and taste. There is nothing threatening in the aggressiveness of a new pet; if the animal has a calm disposition and begins to bite, the owner should consider the possible reasons for the change in the pet’s mood: in the external environment and in the pet’s well-being (the pet is sick). If the hamster did not bite and suddenly became aggressive, the reasons why the hamster bites, in most cases, lie in the behavior of the owner: the pet feels a constant threat.
Misbehavior of the owner
If a rodent bites occasionally, it doesn't like its environment. The rodent will not go to hands that smell bad. Rodents perceive foreign odors ten times more strongly. A pet bites when it smells food or new treats. Dzungarika tries to find out the source of the new smell and bites the owner. This behavior is not the pet's fault. You should wash your hands before handling furry pets.
The second reason for a pet’s aggressiveness is abuse. The rule that works with rodents is “carefully handle your pet and no one will get hurt.” You shouldn’t get a sleeping pet out, and children can only be trusted with a calm animal. Feeling a threat, the individual tries to free itself and instinctively bites. Accustoming a pregnant female to handling is dangerous. The expectant mother protects her offspring with teeth and claws. A pregnant Dzungarika hides in the corners of the cage and does not go to the hands of the owner until the birth of the offspring.
Environmental conditions
A sharp sound or noise scares your furry pet. If your pet suddenly becomes aggressive, runs around the cage and does not go to your hands, the rodent shows stress. The furry pet is kept in a warm room away from household noise. It is better not to place the cage in the kitchen. If the rodent calmly walks towards the hands, the owner should not make sudden movements or shout: such behavior will cause a response from the rodent.
Djungarians bite in unfavorable conditions: if the cage is dirty and the room is cold. Rodents have a hard time withstanding sudden changes in the environment, moving and constant noise. A frightened rodent will rush at everyone.
Poor pet health
Your pet is growing and teething are starting to itch and hurt. If Dzhungarik's cage does not have a special branch or roots, he will have to bite the owner's hands. At home, cages are created for growing rodents at no additional cost: a branch of a fruit tree or a dandelion root is brought to the growing pet. Hamsters grow up quickly, and soon the pet will wean itself from biting its owner.
The sick individual tries to hide: it hides in the corner of the cage and buries itself in the sawdust. It is not advisable to touch such a rodent. Sick hamsters can injure a finger, palm, wrist, and make deep wounds. During treatment, the pet remains in a cage and does not have contact with people.
One of the most important indicators when choosing a hamster. The older the hamster, the less time it will live with its owner. Also, an adult is more difficult to tame. Adult hamsters take longer to get used to their new place of residence and take a long time to adapt to new conditions.
The optimal age of a hamster is 1-2 months. If you take a hamster that is less than 1 month old, there is a high probability that it will die.
Before deciding on the breed of hamster, you need to decide what gender to choose for your future pet.
Males and females can be distinguished by their behavior. If several individuals are sitting in one cage, then by looking closely you can accurately determine where the female is and where the male is.
Males are slightly larger in size and have a calm disposition. They often act more affectionate and friendly. It is easier to establish contact with a male.
Females are slightly smaller. They are more active, mobile and playful. They do not sit still, constantly running around the cage or rummaging through the litter.
Only individuals of different sexes can be kept in one cage. Same-sex individuals will quarrel and divide territory. They also do not tolerate other types of hamsters on their territory.
But when keeping different-sex individuals, the female will give birth. Such small animals are not sterilized, so the appearance of offspring cannot be avoided. If there are no plans to engage in breeding, then you need to keep one hamster in one cage.
When choosing a male, it is worth noting the disadvantages of keeping it. Firstly, the male has a stronger and more noticeable odor than the female. Secondly, he will mark his territory and his urine will also smell stronger than the female's. Therefore, when keeping males, in order to avoid an unpleasant odor, the cage is cleaned somewhat more often.
How to stop biting
The animal can be tamed
For a biting pet, a number of measures are carried out on how to wean a hamster from biting: you need to choose the right cage, arrange a separate corner where the hamster can sharpen its teeth and claws, and provide the pet with peace and quiet. The taming process takes place over several days:
- Before contact, the pet is appeased with a treat. Hamsters love sweets and fresh fruits. While the rodent is eating, a hand is placed in the cage so that the pet gets used to foreign odors. At first, the domestic rodent hides and takes the food to the corner. There is no need to disturb your pet.
- The next day, the treat is placed on the palm of your hand. Hamsters sniff and examine an unfamiliar object: it is normal for a rodent to sniff a finger or palm.
- When the rodent climbs onto your hand, you can pet it. Hamsters are cowardly, so it is dangerous to accustom them to hands without sweets the first time. You cannot touch the rodent's head, otherwise a bite cannot be avoided.
- On the third day, during feeding, the pet is carefully removed from the cage. Djungarian rodents get along more easily in pairs. A lonely male or female hides for the first days.
Precautions after a bite and wound treatment
So, the Djungarian hamster bites - what to do? As a rule, bites from domestic rodents do not cause much harm to human health, but they can be quite painful. After all, hamsters’ incisors are very sharp and long, growing throughout their lives. Therefore, when bitten, a laceration usually forms, causing pain.
Having received such damage, immediately send the animal to the place and start treating the wound. To do this you need:
- urgently rinse the wound with water at room temperature using an antibacterial cleanser;
- disinfect with any antiseptic;
- cover the wound with a bactericidal plaster;
- if sharp painful sensations occur, take an antispasmodic.
If the temperature increases due to inflammation of the wound, see a doctor immediately.
Possible problems
You should stop your pet from biting from the first days after purchase. To begin with, the pet is petted, but not taken out of the cage. The pet slowly gets used to the smells and behavior of the household. The adaptation of the animal depends on the following factors:
- Breed. Djungarian hamsters are friendly, and Campbell's are rarely handled (a beautifully colored pet does not accept people).
- Floor. The behavior of the male depends on the time of year. The aggressiveness of the male is explained by the mating season of rodents.
- The character of the pet. Dzungarika is known for its playful character, while Syrian rodents are calm and quiet - this breed is best chosen for small children.
- "Neighbors." If one rodent from a pair begins to bite, the animals will have to be relocated for a while.
- The attitude of household members towards the animal. You must not touch the animal from the back or shout at it. It is impossible to wean a frightened animal from a bad habit. If a hamster bites, you cannot punish or beat the rodent.
The animal needs to adapt to new conditions and get used to a change in environment. Carefully rearrange the cage with the new pet.
Anyone can stop any breed of hamster from biting at home. Hamsters do not bite if the owner takes care of them.
Hamsters rarely infect people with diseases, but it is important to remember this and carry out disease prevention in a timely manner.
- When purchasing an animal, you must obtain a certificate of its health.
- After purchasing the pet, quarantine is required - from 2 weeks to 1 month. It is better to consult a veterinary clinic about specific dates.
- If your animal is unwell, you should not self-medicate; you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. He will quickly make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment, and most importantly, protect his household from infection.
- Regular animal hygiene. This will help protect the animal from various infections and bacteria.
- A complete and balanced diet with added vitamins and minerals. This measure will strengthen the immune system and keep the hamster healthy.
- Animals should be regularly treated for worms using special products that are added to the feed.
- Clean the cage daily and periodically disinfect. The cage should only be washed using rubber gloves.
- After each contact with the animal you need to wash your hands with soap.
With proper care and implementation of all preventive measures, cases of the disease are unlikely.
Do not deny yourself the pleasure of communicating with a hamster. If certain rules are followed and disease prevention is carried out, hamsters do not pose a danger to children and adults. If you properly care for your pet and pay enough attention to it, then the animal will always lift your spirits with its energy, excellent health and good health.
What to do if a hamster bites
Is the bite of a decorative hamster dangerous? A hamster bite is a potential threat. A pet’s teeth are a source of pathogenic microorganisms that can enter the human body through the wound.
A rodent bite is dangerous for adults and children if the pet has bitten a finger or hand:
- the bite is processed: the bite is washed with disinfectant liquid and antiseptic;
- If a rodent bites a child, it is necessary to get vaccinated from a doctor.
Many people love hamsters. These funny and easy-to-keep cheerful pets can bring a lot of positive emotions into the life of an adult and a child. Alas, sometimes owners have an important question: why does a hamster bite? His aggression may seem completely unreasonable and frighten owners. Let's try to find the answer to this difficult question.
How dangerous are animal bites?
How dangerous the bites of domestic hamsters are is a controversial question. Of course, if the pet has not had contact with other rodents, then it is unlikely to be a carrier of rabies. However, hamsters can be carriers of diseases common to humans, such as:
- tuberculosis;
- listerosis;
- toxoplasmosis;
- meningitis;
- salmonellosis.
Therefore, when a Djungarian hamster bites (or other breeds), if it is aggressive, agitated, or sleeps little, it is recommended to check the animal for infections.
Practice shows that there are very few cases of owners becoming infected with hamsters; it is still recommended to see a doctor if the bite becomes red, itchy or tingling. In other cases, simple treatment of the damaged area is sufficient.
Unusual environment
One of the most common reasons for aggression is an unusual stop. Very often, hamsters bite in the very first hours after they were brought from the pet store. In such a situation, you shouldn’t even think about why hamsters bite when you pick them up. A new environment, unfamiliar smells, separation from the usual group of fellow animals - all this plunges the unfortunate hamster into a state of real stress. Well, the only defensive reaction available to the rodent in this case is a bite.
How to avoid this? In fact, it’s quite simple - equip the animal with suitable housing (a feeding trough, a drinking bowl and, of course, a house where you can hide and get used to the changed environment a little) and wait a few days. Of course, you want to play with your new pet as quickly as possible, but it’s still better to be patient a little so as not to spoil your acquaintance with your pet with an act of such aggression.
What other types of hamsters are there?
Existing species of rodents are very diverse. But they are not very friendly, they prefer a natural lifestyle, so they are rarely found in the home cage:
- The rat hamster looks like a rat. The gray fur is soft and smooth, and the long tail is covered with feathering. In nature, he likes to dig holes. Under the ground, the rat-like hamster builds entire settlements where it stores supplies.
- The shaggy hamster is very similar to a porcupine: its coarse hair creates the appearance of quills. The animal protects itself from predators by releasing a foul-smelling liquid from its scent glands.
Shaggy hamster
Interesting! The wombat, a marsupial mammal, lives in Australia. The animal is often called the Australian hamster because in appearance it is very similar to the thick-cheeked rodent.
Hamsters with red eyes and white fur are easy to recognize, but they are not a distinct species. Albinos are born in many rodent breeds. In nature, white animals will not be able to survive, because their white fur will immediately give them away.
Albinos prefer solitude and do not get along with other tribesmen. Red eye color is normal for an albino. But their retina is very sensitive to sunlight, so it is advisable to keep the cage in the shade.
It seems that hamsters are cute pets. In fact, each rodent has its own character. There are breeds that are sociable and affectionate, and there are also aggressive and unsociable ones. Before getting a pet, you should carefully study its habits and create the necessary conditions. And then living together will not bring any trouble.
However, sometimes even experienced owners who have owned a rodent for months ask why a hamster bites. A very common reason is simple fear. Don't forget: this pet is not very smart and is quite weak. In the wild, the only way to survive in a dangerous situation is to attack a potential enemy with lightning speed. Without this habit, which became a reflex, hamsters would simply have died out many years ago.
Make sure that you do not frighten the hamster or provoke it into aggression and bite. A variety of things that seem very ordinary to you can frighten him: a sharp unfamiliar sound, a changed situation (installation of a new house or wheel, changing the cage), sudden grabbing. Do not forget - each of these situations can be perceived by the hamster as critical, and he will not hesitate to use his small but very sharp teeth.
Other breeds of hamsters
Let's take a look at the representatives of hamsters that are not recommended to be kept at home. You need to know about them, at least so that they don’t slip you a wild animal under the guise of a domestic, soft and fluffy pet.
Hamster Radde
The very prolific Radde hamster is a wild pest that can gain 1 kg of weight with a length of up to 28-30 cm. Appearance: the main brown color is combined with light inserts on the abdomen and face.
Eversmann's hamster
Eversmann's hamster, which lives mainly in Mongolia, has an average height of 15 cm and a short tail (up to 2 cm). The predominant color is a brown back with a light belly with a dark spot on the chest. There is a variety of Eversmann's hamster - Mongolian. Differences from the first:
- Mongolian is a little less
- The color is lighter (closer to gray)
- No spot on chest
Chinese hamster
The Chinese hamster lives, as the name implies, in the former Celestial Empire. A small (10 cm) brown animal with a dark stripe along the ridge. Very similar to a mouse, the bare tail adds to the similarity.
Hamster Sokolov
Even scientists know little about Sokolov’s hamster. It lives in Mongolia and China, reaching a length of slightly more than 10 cm. The skin on the back is gray with a dark stripe, the belly is light.
Barabinsky hamster
The Barabinsky hamster is native to Western Siberia and Mongolia. Grows up to 13 cm. Color – light brown, sometimes reddish, with a stripe on the back. The belly is lighter, sometimes even white. An interesting feature is the two-color ears (with a white border at the edges).
The Daurian hamster is a variety of the Barabinsky breed. It is distinguished by a darker color and a clearly defined spinal stripe.
Newton's hamster
Similar to the Syrian, both in shape and size (grows up to 17 cm). The fur on the back is gray-brown, the muzzle and chest are reddish. Unlike the Syrian breed, the character is vicious.
Short-tailed hamster
The short-tailed rodent is a high-mountainous inhabitant, the main habitat is Tibet. Grows up to 8-10 cm. Color is a mixture of gray, yellow and brown.
Long-tailed hamster
The animal is 9-12 cm long, dark gray in color, and comes from Transbaikalia. The long-tailed hamster is very similar to a common field mouse (tail length up to 5 cm).
Do you know any other breeds of domestic hamsters?
If we have overlooked a breed suitable for keeping at home, write in the comments and we will add it. And subscribe to us on social networks - there will be a lot of interesting things!
Parents often buy pets for their children in order to instill in them a love for living things. Most often the choice falls on fluffy hamsters. He attracts with his handsome appearance and friendly character. But sometimes problems arise. Owners often ask why their hamster bites and how to stop this habit.
Unusual smell from hands
Another fairly common problem that can provoke a hamster who has lived in your family for many months, knows and loves all its members very well, is smell. Although their eyesight is not the best (in dense grass or underground it is still not very useful), they can boast of an excellent sense of smell. Therefore, a smell that you do not notice seems quite distinct to him. And the aroma that you rate as pungent may seem simply disgusting to him.
Of course, it will not be possible to protect against this 100%. But if a hamster bites you, try to analyze the situation - did you cut garlic shortly before the attack, did you get lotion or perfume on your hands, did you use scented soap. Usually, if the smell is familiar, it will be associated with the owner and will not cause the hamster to panic. But if you suddenly decide to change the strawberry-scented soap to a mint counterpart, this can confuse the hamster, making him think that it was not his beloved owner who took him out of the cage, but a completely unfamiliar stranger. In such a situation, from his point of view, aggression is not just justified, but the only right decision. However, he can bite in the opposite situation - for example, if you rubbed a carrot in the kitchen and decided to pick up the hamster in your arms. Having smelled its favorite treat, the rodent may well decide to taste your finger.
Why does a hamster bite your finger?
Even an already tamed and domesticated hamster can bite its owner. This is a rodent, and trying everything by tooth is a natural instinct. Therefore, this cannot always be regarded as a manifestation of aggression. The reasons may be different, let’s consider them in more detail.
Article on the topic: Why does a hamster chew on its cage, what to do, how to wean it off
Female pregnancy
During pregnancy, females perceive any changes very aggressively. Even replacing water with clean water or giving food can provoke a desire to bite the owner.
Hands smell like food
Your hands may smell like food. The smell is not noticeable to you, but the hamster picks it up immediately. It is logical that instinctively he must now taste what attracted him so much with its aroma.
Mistreatment of animals
In defense, the hamster may bite you if you pick it up incorrectly or pull it out of the cage. It is correct to grab the animal by the side or from below.
It’s even better to open your palm and wait, the inquisitive fluffy will become interested, sniff it and climb into your hand.
Wants to play with the owner
When playing with its owner, the animal may lightly pinch the fingers or skin of the hands. This is not aggression, rather, on the contrary, a playful mood. But if the bites become noticeable and painful, most likely the pet is tired and it’s time to take a break.
Grinds down teeth
If your hamster's diet does not contain mineral stones, branches of fruit trees, or dry dandelion roots, he has a clear problem with his incisors. And with such a deficiency, your fingers are the least he can grind his teeth on. This is a very serious gap in the care of this rodent, which negatively affects its health.
Overgrown teeth
Experienced owners are well aware that Djungarian hamsters, like many other breeds, have constantly growing teeth. Therefore, they need to be constantly ground down. The cage must contain suitable twigs (preferably from fruit trees), mineral stones or suitable roots. The hamster will happily chew on them, grinding down their teeth to an acceptable size.
If he does not have this opportunity, his teeth may grow so long that he will not be able to close his mouth or eat. In this case, without the help of a veterinarian, the rodent is doomed to a slow and painful death. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that in the absence of suitable objects for grinding teeth, your pet begins to chew everything it can reach. Fingers – yours or those of your loved ones – will be no exception.
Albino hamster with red or black eyes
And again we have to disappoint you - there is no separate breed of albinos with a specific eye color. Almost any living creature (even humans) can be born an albino.
Usually hamsters have black eyes, but albinos often have impaired eye pigmentation (this is the color on the inner surface of the eyeball). As a result, it becomes transparent and the red color we see is blood vessels.
An albino with any eye color is no different in caring for an ordinary animal of the same breed.
Campbell's Evil Hamster
Djungarian hamsters are one of the most beloved and popular species of rodents. Many beginners buy them to gain experience - they are very easy to maintain. But it soon becomes clear that they are aggressive - they can attack at any time, without any provocation. In this case, there is a high probability that a not very experienced (or not too honest) seller sold you a Campbell hamster.
Unfortunately, there are no breeds of hamsters that do not bite in nature - they would simply die out if they did not know how to fight back. But this cannot be said about aggressive breeds, for which it is impossible to bite a person who regularly feeds them and plays with them. And the most evil ones are Campbell's hamsters.
It is quite difficult to distinguish them - to do this you need to know several signs.
Let's start with body shapes. If you look at the jungarik from above, it resembles an egg - round and elongated. But Campbell is more likely associated with a figure eight - there is a waist, but there is a noticeable thickening in the area of the shoulder blades and hips.
The stripe running along the back is narrower in Djungarians. And in Campbell's hamsters it is wider and reaches the very forehead.
The former are the happy owners of smooth, dense fur. The second ones have more ragged fur.
The second most popular species is the Syrian hamster. This species is medium-sized and much larger: the body length is considered to be 12 cm, but there are individuals up to 20 cm tall (this is the largest hamster among pets). The usual color is golden (reddish, peach). Often, for marketing purposes, sellers call this breed Royal, and the name Yellow Hamster is found. Many consider it the most beautiful breed.
There are simply countless decorative colors obtained as a result of selection. The Syrian can be of almost any color, as well as multi-colored.
The character is a little more absurd than that of the Djungarians, but you can tame the Syrian. Females are angrier than males, so we recommend boys for solitary housing. If you are planning to get several Syrian animals, house them separately, even in pairs (only house them for the duration of mating).
They live 3-4 years; long-livers have been known to live up to 5 years.
We have outlined everything you need to know about the maintenance and nutrition of the Syrian breed in this article.
Angora hamster
There is no breed of Angora hamster. This is often the name given to Syrians who are extremely shaggy and have long hair (up to 10 cm). Decorative breed, famous for its fluffiness. The coat requires additional care - keep this in mind if you are planning to get a shaggy hamster.
Golden hamster
Naturally colored Syrians are most often called golden, but there are also representatives of other breeds of this color (for example, tangerine dzhungarik).
How to solve a problem
We have already explained above why a hamster bites - be sure to take these tips into account to reduce the risk of repeated aggression.
You can also give several recommendations that can reduce the likelihood of getting bitten:
- Do not pick up a sleeping or sleepy hamster - if he is asleep, he may simply not understand and bite you.
- Not all rodents like it when someone puts a hand into their cage, even for games - let the hamster go out through the open door and only then pick it up.
- After touching any foods with your hands (both those your hamster loves and those with a strong smell), be sure to rinse them thoroughly - preferably without using soap or gel with a strong smell.
- Don't pick up your pet unexpectedly. Say at least a few words in advance so that he understands that you are nearby, which means that he is not in any danger.
What to do if bitten by a hamster
If a rodent does bite you, drawing blood, you should not panic. This can greatly frighten him, violate fragile trust, which will lead to an increase in the number of attacks.
There is nothing to be afraid of here - unlike wild hamsters, domestic ones almost never carry dangerous diseases. It is enough to rinse the wound with cold water, treat it with brilliant green or iodine and bandage it.
Of course, you should never punish a hamster for biting - by screaming or hitting. Don't forget: a bite is almost never accidental. Usually you provoke the hamster yourself without even realizing it.
Tips on how to stop your hamster from biting
- Don't hurt your hamster, especially when he's sleeping. He should wake up naturally.
- Let your hamster know your presence before you put your hands in his cage.
- If they are territorial, play with them on neutral territory away from the cage.
- Wash your hands after handling food to remove any traces of food from your skin. Otherwise, the hamster may think that your fingers are their food.
- Develop a good relationship with your hamsters and make an effort to train them to interact with people.
Why do hamsters bite? (Dzungarian, Syrian, etc.)
Do hamsters bite? is a common question asked by new pet hamster owners. Parents who are planning to purchase an animal for their children also ask this question.
The short answer is yes. Hamsters, including the dwarf Djungarian and Campbell's, bite, but only under certain circumstances.
Fright . Perhaps you are making a lot of noise? Is your hamster in a noisy part of the house? Noise is a common reason why a hamster may become scared. In addition, the rude attitude of young children can also upset the hamster. When you first bring your hamsters home, leave them in their new cage for a couple of days to allow them to settle in and become accustomed to their surroundings. Gradually teach them the presence of a person and a human voice so that it is not a strong irritant for them.
The smell of food . A hamster may bite you simply because it thinks your fingers are food, not out of fear or aggression. Their sense of smell is very developed and they can easily mistake their hands for leftover food. Wash your hands after handling food to minimize the risk of your hamster biting you.
Article on the topic: How long do Syrian hamsters live at home?
Protective instinct . Hamsters are territorial animals, so they may see you as a threat if you stick your hands into their cage or nest, especially if you are unfamiliar to them.
Frightened, upset hamster . If you suddenly offend your hamster, do not expect a kind reaction from him. The usual cause of the disorder is sudden or unexpected awakening or nest intrusion. It's best if you let them wake up on their own if you want to play or interact with your little pets.