Dog food Innova EVO (Innova Evo) - reviews and description

It is difficult for a novice dog breeder who has not received recommendations on feeding his pet from a breeder or veterinarian to find his way in a pet store among the huge number of colorful packages of dry food. Every dog ​​owner dreams of his pet growing up healthy, beautiful and cheerful. This largely depends on proper nutrition.

Unfortunately, not all formulations on sale today can be called high-quality and safe. To make your choice easier, this article presents Innova dry dog ​​food from US manufacturers, which is one of the top three best pet products in the world.

Innova EVO Diet Options

Innova EVO dog food is manufactured in America and belongs to the super premium class of holistic products. Nutrition undergoes many quality checks and is ranked among the top three holistic providers in the whole world. The food is aimed at the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • allergies and dermatitis;
  • indigestion;
  • renal failure;
  • heart failure;
  • joint problem;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • heart failure.

The food is presented with dry croquettes and wet canned food, the composition is rich in the following ingredients:

  • meat of several types;
  • fruits;
  • vitamins;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • complex of vitamins;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • fish oil;
  • vegetable ingredients.

It is important that the food is divided into several series and lines. Therefore, there are options for puppies, mature dogs, large and small breeds, and for obese animals.


Innova cat food is available in dry kibble and wet canned forms. The composition of the dry or wet feed mixture, as well as its purpose, is indicated on the packaging. Innova croquettes and canned food can be used for cats of all breeds, at any age and state of health, with any degree of activity of the animal. This is ensured by the availability of a wide range of special types of food (for adult cats, kittens, obese animals or old cats).


This type of food is prepared by extrusion, mixing its components with water, and then passing the mushy mixture through an extruder. The output is small granules, which are then dried and packaged in sealed bags. They should be stored for no longer than 90 days, and an opened package for a week, placing it in a cool, dark place and protecting it from moisture.

The daily amount of dry food is calculated depending on the weight, age and activity level of the animal. Approximate figures can be seen in the table below.

Cat weight Daily norm
up to 2 kg 30÷50 g.
up to 3 kg 50÷70 g.
3÷5 kg 70÷110 g.
5÷7 kg 110÷140 g.
more than 7 kg 140÷ 160 g.

Natura Pet Products offers several Innova dry menus. Let's look at one of them, Innova EVO Cat. It includes:

  • turkey and chicken meat,
  • meat and fish meal,
  • chicken and fish oil,
  • egg,
  • vegetables (carrots, tomatoes),
  • apple,
  • cottage cheese,
  • amino acids taurine and methionine,
  • 12 types of vitamins,
  • 9 types of microelements.

Such a rich composition makes the food a complete food product that provides the cat with a healthy, active life. The Innova dry food range also includes:

  • Adult Cat.
    Dry food for adult cats based on chicken meat.
  • EVO Herring & Salmon .
    Menu based on salmon, herring, vegetables and eggs. Designed for adult cats.
  • EVO Turkey & Chicken.
    Croquettes for kittens and adult cats. The composition includes poultry, eggs and fruits.
  • Designed for kittens, pregnant and lactating cats. The main product is chicken meat.
  • Light/Indoor Cat.
    Menu based on chicken meat for cats prone to obesity, as well as animals over 7 years old.
  • Croquettes for cats with sensitive digestion, the food contains special additives that help remove hair from the gastrointestinal tract. The main product is fish.

Innova croquettes are packaged in sealed bags. The price of the package depends on its weight, and on average is:

  • 400 g - 235÷ 250 rub.;
  • 1.5 kg - 820 rub.;
  • 4 kg - 1795÷1955 rub.

Important! The protein content in dry food is high, in Innova Evo it reaches 30÷50%, so felinologists recommend it for active, healthy cats. For animals with liver or kidney pathologies, elderly and neutered cats, it is better to choose a diet where the proportion of proteins is not so high

It is not recommended to mix dry food with wet or home-prepared food.

Canned food

This ready-made cat food is available in the form of sterilized meat stew or pate. The meat can be drenched in broth or jelly, or mixed with vegetables. Holistic canned food does not contain grains, potatoes, chemical preservatives or flavors. The price of a 156-gram jar of Innova wet food is 125 ÷ 140 rubles.

Innova canned cat food can be mixed with natural food and can serve as a main or additional food product. The daily norm is determined at the rate of 50÷55 g per 1 kg of animal weight, that is, if your pet weighs 3.5 kg, its daily portion will be 1.25 jars. An open jar can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days. Before feeding the cat, the contents of the jar should be warmed to room temperature.

The Innova EVO line of canned cat food is presented in two types of menus.

Chicken & Turkey Recipe in Gravy Canned Cat Food.

A complete, balanced menu for adult animals leading an active lifestyle. Compound:

  • poultry meat and liver;
  • fish fat;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • guarana (thickener, stabilizer);
  • vitamins A, E, D, B9, B12;
  • trace elements sodium, potassium, iron, zinc;
  • salt.
  • Energy value - 13.3 kcal/100 g.

Duck Recipe in Gravy Canned Cat Food.

Minced poultry meat and liver. It also contains fish oil and the same vitamin and mineral complex as in canned Chicken & Turkey. Starch and guarana were used as thickeners. The energy value of the product is 13 kcal/100 g.

The benefits of nutrition

Innova EVO dog food has many advantages, including:

  • high quality product, availability of international certificates;
  • a large amount of fresh meat, from 50%;
  • a large amount of proteins, fiber and other minerals;
  • variety of lines;
  • a large number of vegetables and fruits.

It is important that the diet is completely free of soy and grain products, flavorings, and chemicals. Therefore, the occurrence of allergies and other health problems is excluded.



  • meat and meat derivatives: turkey, chicken, duck, chicken liver, chicken fat;
  • fish: salmon, herring, fish oil;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetable oils;
  • vegetables, fruits and plant components: apples, peas, tapioca, alfalfa sprouts, cranberries, tomatoes, chicory root, pumpkin, rosemary extract;
  • natural starch, guar gum, salt, prebiotics;
  • vitamins and minerals: A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, D, carbonate, potassium iodate and chloride, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, cobalt.

Your cat should not lack drinking water! This is especially dangerous if the cat eats only dry food. Keep the drinking bowl clean, change the water 2 times a day. The liquid can either be purified using a kitchen filter or allowed to settle.

Which series should you choose for your pet?

Innova EVO dog food is presented in several lines: Innova evo, Red Meat and Reduced Fat, which are divided into series according to the age, weight and breed of the animal, which is indicated on each package.

Innova evo

This series is suitable for all adult dogs and puppies; there is a separate division into breeds. But the diet options differ only in the size of the croquettes, composition, and flavor solutions. You can give food from three months of life to seven years. There are about 10 options to choose from, in addition to wet canned food.

Red Meat Series

In the Red Meat line, almost all food is presented in the form of canned food, so it is considered high in protein, protein and nutritious. The peculiarity of the diet is a large amount of meat, from 60%, and an almost complete absence of other components besides vitamins. The food is suitable for adult dogs of all breeds and for active pets from one year of age.

Reduced Fat

The Reduced Fat series is a therapeutic, hypoallergenic diet that is aimed at preventing obesity, getting rid of dermatitis, and constipation. Suitable food for adult dogs and aging animals. The basis of nutrition is a large amount of venison, chicken and turkey; additionally vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs, chondroitin, fish meat, and mineral complexes are used.

Remember that you can hardly find Innova evo canned and dry food on the domestic market, and the existing options are represented by only a few flavors for mature dogs and puppies.


Food from the famous Canadian company Champion Petfoods, which has been producing cat and dog food products for many years, is extremely popular among owners who are concerned about the health of their pets. This is due to the quality of the ingredients used. A well-known manufacturer exercises strict control at all stages of production.

In addition, in Canada it is almost impossible to write on the packaging that the food contains fresh meat, but only put corn and bone meal inside, which, unfortunately, is often the sin of Russian manufacturers. Acana food is a complete, balanced product that does not require any additives in your cat's diet. It contains no grains, allergens, or chemical additives.


Cat owners note that pets receiving Acana food eat much less food than when using cheap analogues. Cats drink more water, which has a beneficial effect on the health of their kidneys. The disadvantage of this product can be considered a not very large assortment and the lack of medicinal compounds.

Experts believe that this food contains too much protein, so it is not recommended for castrated and sedentary animals. In addition, owners note that sometimes excess protein provokes food allergies, which are manifested by severe shedding and scratching in particularly sensitive animals.

Reviews of Innova Evo food for dogs

Anna: To be honest, we personally haven’t used this food yet, but we would really like to. Our friends from America told us that he is very good, plus we read a lot of positive reviews, and the veterinarian also recommended him. The only thing that bothers me is the price. But at least for fun, you can buy a small pack.

Lera: We were lucky enough to feed the puppy Innova evo food for three months and we are very happy about it. We bought medicinal food because we had problems with poor digestion and terrible allergies. With great difficulty, we were able to buy Inova online. The price, of course, is high, but the result was not long in coming. Afterwards, we selected a good analogue.

Valya: We order on one website all the time, because we can’t find it in our stores. This food cannot be compared with similar holistic products, so the cost is quite reasonable. The food is very nutritious, healthy, even the regular series, and not just medicinal. The veterinarian said that the dog was healthy and quite savvy, and had a good appetite.


  • Belcando food reviews;
  • reviews of Farmina food.

Cold cuts – the opinion of veterinarians

Convenient release form - tin cans with a key, a wide range for animals of different ages.

Cold cuts for kittens include beef with additives.

  1. With beef - include heart, tripe, taurtine, liver, vegetable oil.
  2. Chicken – chicken, beef meat, offal, additional components.
  3. Lamb - the composition is similar to the previous dish, only the ratio of ingredients is different.

Cold cuts for cats. Manufacturers use easily digestible beef as a basis. Various dishes are obtained by combining it with offal and poultry meat.

  • Beef – pure meat with the addition of vegetable oil, taurine as a natural preservative;
  • Liver;
  • Heart;
  • Bird;
  • Giblets;
  • Language;
  • Turkey.

Available in cans of 100, 250, 300 ml.

There is nothing superfluous in the composition - only meat and the indicated by-products. The food is suitable as a main dish for every day. The cat receives the necessary supply of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. A strong immune system is formed, she is healthy and energetic. Kittens grow quickly and develop properly. According to experts, it is one of the best products on the domestic market. There are all quality certificates, awards, and grateful customer reviews.

Enova Dog Food Review

Dry dog ​​food Enova (“Enova”, “Enova”) is produced in Germany at the Bosch Tiernahrung GmbH Co. plant. The official website is (available in English, French and Italian), it contains information about production, composition of all lines, and feeding recommendations. There, this food is classified as “ultra premium”, but we will classify it as super premium.

The Enova brand also produces cat food. Dog food includes two lines - Enova Dog Classic (we are studying this today) and Enova Dog Formula (Italian grain-free formula).

Composition of Enova feed

Let's look at the composition of Enova food using the example of the Adult Lamb Rice option (for adult dogs of all breeds, with lamb and rice). You can view it below, we recommend left-clicking on the image to enlarge it for easier reading:

Above is the composition taken from the importer’s website, below is the composition from the official website. The data matches.

In first place is dehydrated lamb meat 26%, which is a good source of proteins. Egg powder and rice bran are also quite rich in protein (they contain about 20% protein, they also contain a lot of carbohydrates and fiber). The main sources of carbohydrates are rice 26% and brown rice.

In addition to dehydrated meat, the grain-free line also contains about 20% fresh meat, and potatoes are the source of carbohydrates.

Protein hydrolyzate is primarily a natural flavoring additive. Dried seaweed is rich in iodine. Potassium chloride and sodium chloride are potassium and sodium salts. Glucosamine and chondroitin phosphate are beneficial for joints. Rosemary extract is a natural antioxidant.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of this food:

  • the main source of protein is dehydrated meat, not processed meat products;
  • there is a grain-free line (but even the regular one does not use wheat or corn);
  • natural antioxidants are used (tocopherols, rosemary extract);
  • relatively low price (lower than many analogues).

Disadvantages of Enova food:

  • a relatively small vitamin and mineral supplement (although not bad);
  • It is not very common and cannot be purchased in all pet stores.

One of the disadvantages could also be attributed to the fact that the feed uses prolyl galate (antioxidant E310). But it is considered moderately safe.

Super premium

  • 1st Choice Kitten Healthy Start;
  • Bozita Feline Funktion Kitten;
  • Brit Premium Kitten Chicken;
  • Royal Canin Kitten;
  • Hills Ideal Balance Kitten;
  • Leonardo Kitten;
  • Bosch Sanabelle Kitten;
  • Eucanuba Kitten Healthy Start.

These foods aren't perfect, but they're still very good. They contain a good amount of high-quality protein (although the sources are usually poorer and less varied than holistic ones), without too many carbohydrates. They may contain allergenic corn and wheat, as well as not the best fats.

If we turn to human analogies, this is approximately the same as food in a good cafe: tasty (natural flavors are added to these foods) and contains all the substances necessary for life, but in some places it is too sweet or too fatty, and sometimes it seems that it was fried on cheap oil.

However, most kittens on this food feel great, look great, grow well and do not get sick, and purebred babies are successfully exhibited. Many nursery owners feed their animals with food of this class.

Enova dog food - reviews

Despite the fact that these foods have been sold in Russian stores for several years, there are not many reviews about them on the Internet. Below we have published a few of what we found.

Reviews from veterinarians

We did not find any direct reviews from veterinarians about Enova brand food. If these appear in the future, we will definitely supplement this review with them.

Customer Reviews

Marina writes:

I ordered Enova Adult Sensitive for my Toychiki and Shih Tzu to try - so far the flight is excellent, I like the “output”, the appearance, the small amount, and almost no smell. Now I will watch how the white fur behaves, I hope it won’t turn pink.

Julia writes:

We ate Enova food for puppies with chicken and Maintenance for adults. Now I have taken another lamb for puppies and a sensitive one for show adults. Well, maintenance for the rest. Everything seems to be fine for now. For the money the composition is very decent.

The food looks very good. They eat well (but mine eat everything well). Food for puppies is fatty - if I overfeed my pregnant one, then the stool will not be so great. I also took Enova for cats, it didn’t make them particularly delighted, but they eat it little by little. In the near future we plan to raise the litter after the starter on this food.

*The photos above are not a direct illustration of the reviews published in the review.

Andrey writes:

My dog ​​usually ate Farmina Cibau, but they stopped taking him and took ENOVA food. He seems to eat with pleasure, but not so much that he pounces. I think this is good, as if evidence that there are no flavor enhancers. The first time I tried Junior Chicken Rice with chicken and rice, and now I took Simple Formula. He also seems to go to the toilet normally.

The composition seems to be good, especially in grain-free food. But grain-free eats a little worse. So far he’s finishing the 2 kg package, and there are thoughts of trying GO!. Although I'm not sure yet

it's a bit expensive.

Questions that the buyer may have

Dry food storage

Dry food should be stored in a cool place with low humidity, preferably protected from direct sunlight. In this case, the top part of the bag should be tightly wrapped and secured with a paper clip. It is not recommended to pour food into food containers. If such a need arises, then the entire bag of food should be placed in the container. Opened packages can be stored for 90 days.

Wet food storage

Cans of wet food are stored in a dark place, protected from high temperatures. You can store opened jars in the refrigerator for 72 hours under a plastic lid.

Thermal treatment of feed

Innova feed does not require additional heat treatment. All products are either baked or canned immediately before release.

Is it possible to give a cat dog food?

Cats should not be given dog food as it digests slowly and can cause harm to the digestive system. As a last resort, you can feed dogs cat food, but such nutrition is incomplete.

Accustoming an animal to a new type of food

New food should be introduced into your cat's diet gradually. To accustom an animal to wet food, mix it into the animal's main diet, gradually increasing the amount of new food and negating the previous food. Give your animal dry food one to three times a day, gradually increasing the portion. This process usually takes 4 to 6 weeks. If your cat has an upset stomach, you should stop feeding the new type of food until the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is restored.

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I want to change my dog’s food to a better quality one. I read the characteristics of dry food and settled on Innova. I just don’t know which one to choose. There is one for puppies of large breeds, and there is one for all breeds... As I understand it, they have two lines of food, but it doesn’t seem to be divided into puppy food.... And another question: is it sold in regular stores or only through the Internet? I want to take a small package to try, but online stores usually cost from 1500-2000 rubles. order….

We recently switched to Innova Dog for large breeds. There is also Innova Evo - but in my opinion there is too much protein for retrievers (this has been discussed many times on the forum). Although some eat - and nothing. But we decided not to risk it. I don’t know how it is in Moscow, but in St. Petersburg there is currently Innova Dog for large puppies, for large adult dogs, and for small adults, all chicken and turkey. Here we are eating food for large adults (the dog is 9 months old) - he is not a skinny boy, I decided that it is already quite normal to eat adult food. The transition (from Hills) went without problems, we eat well too, we ate about 5 kilograms :) I don’t notice much difference in the dog, but the amount of “waste” during the walk has decreased

We recently switched to Innova Dog for large breeds. There is also Innova Evo - but in my opinion there is too much protein for retrievers (this has been discussed many times on the forum). Although some eat - and nothing. But we decided not to risk it. I don’t know how it is in Moscow, but in St. Petersburg there is currently Innova Dog for large puppies, for large adult dogs, and for small adults, all chicken and turkey. Here we are eating food for large adults (the dog is 9 months old) - he is not a skinny boy, I decided that it is already quite normal to eat adult food. The transition (from Hills) went without problems, we eat well too, we ate about 5 kilograms :) I don’t notice much difference in the dog, but the amount of “waste” during the walk has decreased

We are also almost 9 months old, but it seems to me that it is still too early to switch to an adult... What age is indicated on your package?

They do not have a separate crate for adult dogs. breeds There is simply Innova Dog. It's suitable for everyone. Good food, but problems with supplies, so we left it.

Modified October 12, 2009 by AnitaBlake

What did you switch to? I'm really lost in thought...

What did you switch to? I'm really lost in thought...

We switched to grain-free Orijen. But I don't know how you feel about high protein foods. My dog ​​is better on it than on Innova. The ears have stopped getting dirty and are in excellent condition.

If it weren’t for the supply shortages of Innova, we would have stayed with it. But to be honest, at the end of the month I got tired of frantically looking for food

Modified October 12, 2009 by AnitaBlake

We switched to grain-free Orijen. But I don't know how you feel about high protein foods. My dog ​​is better on it than on Innova. The ears have stopped getting dirty and are in excellent condition.

If it weren’t for the supply shortages of Innova, we would have stayed with it. But to be honest, at the end of the month I got tired of frantically looking for food

Orijen...oh, so many bad reviews about him...Yesterday I went shopping in search of food, because... I want to take a small bag to try. I didn’t find Akana, Orizhen, or even Innova for puppies. I had to take Ekanuba...we'll see!

Orijen...oh, so many bad reviews about him...Yesterday I went shopping in search of food, because... I want to take a small bag to try. I didn’t find Akana, Orizhen, or even Innova for puppies. I had to take Ekanuba...we'll see!

which ones for example? I’ve heard a lot of bad things about ekanuba. but on the other hand, you have to look at the dog. If you are from Moscow, then you can buy Innova in Strogono, directly from the company. they have samples there

Modified October 13, 2009 by AnitaBlake

which ones for example? I’ve heard a lot of bad things about ekanuba. but on the other hand, you have to look at the dog. If you are from Moscow, then you can buy Innova in Strogono, directly from the company. they have samples there

Where in Strogino?

We are also almost 9 months old, but it seems to me that it is still too early to switch to an adult... What age is indicated on your package?

I once compared the composition of puppy and adult food from the same companies - the differences are almost exclusively in the amount of proteins and fats. Our dogs tend to be overweight, so they don't need a lot of the proteins and fats that are usually in puppy food at this age. And many professional foods do not have a division at all into puppy and adult food; you just need to give them different amounts relative to weight. And who in nature divides what to feed puppies and adult animals? Animals eat the same thing, just different amounts. Innova has puppy food (at least for large puppies for sure), but I think at 9 months it’s quite possible to eat adult food. But if in doubt, buy a puppy one!

In St. Petersburg they say no interruptions are expected, I buy from the store..

We switched to grain-free Orijen. But I don't know how you feel about high protein foods. My dog ​​is better on it than on Innova. The ears have stopped getting dirty and are in excellent condition.

If it weren’t for the supply shortages of Innova, we would have stayed with it. But to be honest, at the end of the month I got tired of frantically looking for food

When there was an interruption with Innova, I also bought Orijen. And she intervened very gradually. However, my entire belly became covered and the skin on my back began to peel off.

Innova arrived and came back. Everything has returned to normal. TTT

Everything is very individual

  • 8 months later...

Can you tell me where I can buy Innova cheaper? (Saint Petersburg). We decided to switch to it

Modified on June 18, 2010 by Lilya and Lucky

Can you tell me where I can buy Innova cheaper? (Saint Petersburg). We decided to switch to it

So it seems there are no supplies yet.

Plus, ProctorGamble recently bought them.

So it seems there are no supplies yet.

Plus, ProctorGamble recently bought them.

You killed me... I spent so long choosing food, studying the ingredients.... I chose a pancake.


Modified on June 18, 2010 by Lilya and Lucky

So it seems there are no supplies yet.

Plus, ProctorGamble recently bought them.

Yes, there are no supplies.

I didn’t know about Procter & Gamble...thanks for telling me.

no one needs 13 kg of innovation?

Yes, there are no supplies.

I didn’t know about Procter & Gamble...thanks for telling me.

Yes, just recently PG bought Natura (feed manufacturer: Innova, Evo, California Natural, Healthwise, Mother Nature and Karma).

Yams and Ekanuba are not enough for them, they wanted to expand into the holistic feed market.

Modified June 18, 2010 by Sheldon

no one needs 13 kg of innovation?

Maybe you can give it to Poteryashki?

Since Innova disappeared we have changed 3 foods...

Now on Kanide. But I sense that some problems are’s been 3 days already and the store is silent

oh forget me, forget me

In general there is no food left...

I’m reading how you divide food into good and not so good.

And I wondered, am I feeding my child good food or not?

We eat DOG CHOW from PURINA for large breed puppies with turkey and rice.

I’m reading how you divide food into good and not so good.

And I wondered, am I feeding my child good food or not?

We eat DOG CHOW from PURINA for large breed puppies with turkey and rice.

Read about your food on the forum.

And you can also look at its composition by comparing it with other foods

  • 2 weeks later...

no one needs 13 kg of innovation?

With what and what is the price?

With what and what is the price?

for adult dogs, 2500

The best canned food for cats made from natural whole meat and fish

Products consisting of high-quality meat and fish are very popular with pets and their owners. These products are quite expensive, but they provide the animals with energy and health.

The best canned foods include:


The product has an excellent natural composition and does not contain any GMOs or preservatives. It comes in a wide range of flavors, so the buyer can regularly surprise his pet. Cats will remember this treat for a long time.


Not too expensive, the food contains useful minerals and vitamins necessary for the cat, as well as the absence of grains and chemicals. Of course, many owners and their pets like it, but it has several disadvantages. Most often, people note that when purchasing they do not have the opportunity to choose the size of the pack, since they are all the same. In addition, a portion in one package is only suitable for one meal, so you have to buy several pieces at once.

Our Brand

A domestic product intended for adult pets is often classified as Premium. It is presented to customers in a fairly wide range of flavors. The composition contains the well-known taurine, which is not so easy to find in competitive products. This food is sold in almost all pet stores, so you won’t have any problems finding it. Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the presence of corn and wheat, which act as allergens, as well as the abundant content of by-products of dubious quality, for example, poultry meal.

Brit Care

A special Czech food is sold in tin cans that open in a couple of seconds. In addition to the main components (meat and fish), the composition also contains certain valerian formulations, thanks to which pets gobble up the treat with great pleasure.


Italian food can be used as the main food for pets of different ages. It comes in a variety of flavors and is low in fat.

What is the best dry cat food according to veterinarians? Rating

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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