What does a cross between a Yorkie and a Chihuahua look like - a Chorkie: a description of the nature of the breed and reviews of the owners

Chorkies are a breed of dog that is the result of crossing a Chihuahua and a Yorkshire Terrier.

There is no way to predict what your Chorkie will look like.

But character and upbringing depend only on you.

These are loyal friends who love and honor their owner.

If you are attentive to them from the very beginning, then there will be no problems with this breed.

So, let's look at everything in detail.

Chihuahua appearance

General impression

Modern Chihuahuas have gone quite far from their Techichi ancestors in appearance, and they have also acquired a ringing voice. The genes of other decorative breeds were added to the genes of sneezes. You can find in their appearance traces of matings with Toys, Papillons, Pinschers, and Spitz dogs. The Chihuahua is a fearless, inquisitive dog with fast movements. She must be friendly; aggression or timidity is considered a serious defect in this breed. The photo of the Chihuahua shows that the dog is not pampered.


Chihuahuas have two skull shapes – “apple” and “deer”. Apple is preferred for dogs of all types. Sneeze is one of the few breeds that can have fontanel. The forehead is wide, with a clear stop, the nose is short and slightly upturned.

The eyes are round, spaced apart, may be slightly bulging, but in no case protruding. The preferred color is dark brown. The Chihuahua has a scissor bite, a full dental formula of 42 teeth. The ears are widely spaced and at rest are located at an angle of 45 degrees.


The Chihuahua's nose is quite large in relation to its physique, slightly snub-nosed. It is desirable that the entire earlobe be light in color, but a lighter tone is allowed - for example, brown. Light-colored Chihuahuas may have coffee-pink lobes.


The eyes are round, spaced apart, may be slightly bulging, but in no case protruding. The preferred color is dark brown.


The body is strong and square, the back line is straight. The square shape is ensured by a short lower back. Bitches that are stretched in length are treated leniently, since their ability to reproduce depends on this. The bottom line is taut.


The forelimbs are straight and long. They may appear to be quite thin, but the muscles are clearly visible, especially in the shoulder area. The paws are tiny, oval-shaped, the toes are spread apart, but do not spread to the sides.

Hind limbs

The hind limbs have good articulation angles and pronounced muscles. Set straight and parallel – this is noticeable when viewed from behind.


The tail is of medium length, tapering evenly from base to tip. Ideally, the tail is saber-shaped; in no case should it hang between the hind legs.


Chihuahuas have long or short fur. Individuals of both species grow a small undercoat. The coat of long-haired dogs is long, soft, and a slight wave is acceptable. The neck, ears and paws are best groomed.

Short-haired Chihuahuas have a guard coat that is quite hard, close-lying, and short in length.


Chihuahuas can have a variety of colors; the only undesirable color is blue merle; it is not recognized in all countries due to the fact that dogs of this color often have various developmental anomalies. Other Chihuahua colors are allowed.


In terms of size, the Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. The height of a Chihuahua is not of great importance and on average ranges from 17-25 cm. By weight, Chihuahuas are divided into standard 1.8-3 kg and mini 0.5-1.8 kg. The weight of a breeding bitch is permissible up to 3.5 kg, and bitches less than 1.5 kg are not bred due to problems with reproductive function. The ideal weight of stud dogs is 1.2-1.3 kg.

Appearance defects

Common deviations from the standard include:

  • problems with the tail - too curled or straight;
  • ears too sharp;
  • malocclusion;
  • an unovergrown “fontanelle” on the crown of the head;
  • violation of proportions: too short limbs or small head, elongated torso or narrow sternum;
  • aggression or fear of everything.

Also, underweight (less than half a kilogram) or overweight (over 3.5 kg) is considered a defect.


A cross between a dachshund and a Yorkshire terrier (dorki) is the result of research carried out presumably at the end of the 20th century. breeding work in the USA. The choice fell on these dogs, since both of them belong to decorative and hunting breeds and are suitable for each other in size. Dorks are small rectangular dogs, weighing about 4 kg and reaching a height of more than 30 cm at the withers. They are similar in appearance to dachshunds, but have a wider muzzle and small, semi-erect, triangular-shaped ears.

Today, there are 2 varieties of these mestizos, differing from each other in coat. The first type has long, soft and slightly wavy hair, which is easy to comb and does not tend to bristle in different directions, making the dog look neat. The coat of the second variety is shorter and very hard; caring for it requires regular brushing only with metal brushes and haircuts at least twice a year.

Almost any coat color is allowed, but the most common is black and tan with a little gray.

The hunting blood of Dorks is the cause of some problems in their character:

  • stubbornness and willfulness;
  • jealousy of other pets;
  • the need to dig holes;
  • constant barking;
  • hunting instinct aimed at small animals.

Any character flaws can be corrected with proper upbringing, socialization and training. In addition, Dorks need regular active walks and games, which help get rid of accumulated energy and extinguish the hunting instinct. Basic care for these pets consists of feeding them a high-calorie diet appropriate for their activity, daily cleaning of the ears and eyes, and trimming their nails as they grow back.

What dog breeds are similar to Yorkies?

There are several breeds that are similar in appearance to Yorkshire Terriers:

  • Australian Silky Terriers (Silky Terriers). Small dogs, weighing on average 3.6-4.5 kg and about 23 cm tall, have long, silky fawn-blue fur. Silkie Terriers are active, intelligent, loyal and fearless. They love children, are easy to train, and get along with pets;
  • Biewer Yorkshire Terriers. A breed that originated in Germany in a litter of regular Yorkies as a result of a mutation in one of the genes. They have a long, straight coat, colored white-black or white-blue on the body and white-golden-blue or black-white-gold on the head. Beavers have a calm character and a stable psyche; they are agile, affectionate, inquisitive and loyal.

IMPORTANT! A genetic examination carried out by American scientists revealed differences in the DNA of Yorkies and Biewers, which confirms the fact that the blood of other breeds was used in breeding the latter and makes Biewers not just another variant of the Yorkie color, but an independent breed.

Australian Silky Terrier:

Beaver York:

Basic colors

The standard does not specify the main coat color.

It can be different, but the main ones are black and gold, as well as a combination of these colors.

The puppy inherits its color from the Chihuahua, so if one of the parents was black, then the puppy is most likely to inherit that color.

Character and training

According to reviews from successful owners, Cherkis have a rather serious character. Dogs are very playful, but if they get carried away, they can bite. Four-legged animals are not particularly affectionate with children, especially if the child behaves rudely. Cherkas have a developed sense of self-esteem and need to regularly confirm their status. Mestizos are loyal and devoted to the owner, and are patient with other family members. Little ones are jealous of other animals, so accustoming them to new pets should be done unobtrusively and gradually.

The stormy mixture of blood of two brave dogs makes Cherka a fearless little devil who, without fear, will rush into a fight with a large dog. The pet should not be let off the leash unnecessarily, especially if same-sex relatives are walking nearby. Unbridled courage, or rather recklessness, pushes the little ones to protect the home and the owner. Blacks bark often and a lot, so they need appropriate training and training.

Mixed Yorkie and Pug

The Pugshire is a hybrid breed that does not inherit the health problems typical of Pugs. This miniature crossbreed is a charming family dog ​​and devoted companion.

It’s hard to deny Pugshires’ friendliness and sociability: they love hugs and kisses. Without constant communication, they begin to feel sad - such pets should not be owned by people who rarely appear at home.

This crossbreed can be accused of slight selfishness - the dog loves to be the center of attention. She will be an excellent friend for a school-age child who knows how to treat animals with care.

Photo of a cross between a pug and a Yorkie:

Mixed Chihuahua and Mini Pinscher

Another amazing cross is the chipin. Like its parents, the puppy will be miniature, “pocket” size. Therefore, it is very small and fragile and requires only careful handling.

From the miniature pinscher, the mixed breed gets high intelligence: chipins learn very quickly and learn new commands. Unlike independent and willful Chihuahuas, they feel great in families with small children.

Chipins do not require special care: all you need to do is brush their short, stiff coat from time to time. Do not forget about the timely socialization of the mestizo so that he grows up as a friendly and good-natured creature.

Photo of a cross between a mini pinscher and a chihuahua:

Photo gallery

Let's take a look at these cute dogs that were the result of crossing two breeds. Their appearance is certainly not very rustic, but they are as loyal and cheerful as their parents.

What kind of people is this or that breed suitable for?

They may differ in character, identical to people.
If the owner is energetic and leads an active lifestyle, then Toy will suit him. For those who like regularity, sneezing is typical. If you have children who are ready to walk the kids for a long time and play with them, an Englishman will do. This breed loves to run, jump and be outdoors. It is not recommended for those who have children of kindergarten age. They see the animal as a toy.

For a Chihuahua, being active can be a burden. Toys have fragile bones. Active play with young children often leads to injury.

Separate attention should be paid to the comparability of breeds. If there are others, you need to take into account the nature of both

Toys get along well with Yorkies or Pinschers. They have similar, active characters.

For a sneeze, the best friends can be: Shih Tzus or Papillons. Both will calmly coexist with large, purebred dogs. Thus, Toy Terriers are dogs that have a longer muzzle, a docked tail and erect ears. They are more mobile and aggressive. Susceptible to injury. They have thin, fragile bones.

A fringe of hair emerges from behind the ears. Long-haired dogs have uneven hair. Most of the body is practically hairless. No undercoat. The color is monochromatic. There are only red and fawn colors, in various shades.

Chihuahuas have a more measured character. Small length and smaller paws than the English ones. The pedigree breed has a slightly flattened muzzle. Ears droop. The fur is evenly distributed. The color is different.

Various shades and color schemes are combined. For both it is necessary to create special living conditions. The house must be on the floor. They are afraid of heights and can get injured when jumping. The choice is yours!

Shih Tzu (Shorki)

The practice of mating Yorkshire terriers with Shih Tzus is also widespread, also aimed at producing designer puppies called Shorkies. These dogs are distinguished by their compact size, wide, pretty muzzle, body type, reminiscent of a Shih Tzu, and the color of a Yorkshire terrier. At the same time, some individuals may have spots of various shades on their fur.

Some sources note that Shorkie wool is hypoallergenic.

Feeding the dog

Pekingese do not require a special feeding regimen or diet. Being meat eaters by nature, they feel great if they receive porridge with meat every day.

Natural feeding

However, for those who want to know how to care for a Pekingese, we note that in order to maintain the health and well-being of the pet, periodically it should also eat cottage cheese, boiled fish, boiled or raw eggs (white only).

It is important to note that meat, like other foods that can be cooked, is recommended to be given to the animal in boiled form. Sometimes you can give raw bones (if there are no dental problems)

You can include dairy products, but without fanaticism

Sometimes you can give raw bones (if there are no dental problems). You can include dairy products, but without fanaticism.

Milk, however, is contraindicated, since the dog may get a stomach ache. You should not exclude vegetables and fruits from your diet.

Pekingese especially love apricots, peaches, apples, pears and bananas. As for vegetables, dogs enjoy eating sweet peppers and tomatoes, as well as grated carrots with sour cream.

Feeding a pet of this breed is not difficult. The main condition for the dog’s nutrition and well-being is the complete exclusion of sweets, pickles, chocolate and spicy foods.

Dog experts recommend feeding the animal in the morning and evening. Water should be in the bowl at any time of the day.

All this is natural feeding. Perhaps not perfectly balanced, but certainly more beneficial for the animal.

Artificial feeding

At first glance, this option may seem simpler for the dog owner and beneficial for the animal.

The presence of a large amount of advertising, a significant reduction in the time required to care for a Pekingese, and the relative cheapness of food allow us to think that feeding an animal with artificial food is the best way to take care of it.

The reality is that despite the loud promises of dog food manufacturers, such products are made from food waste.

Packaging technology almost completely destroys vitamins and nutrients.

Experienced dog experts and veterinarians will confirm that with regular feeding of artificial food, the animal develops many diseases, becomes obese and the need for water increases significantly.

All this leads not only to a deterioration in the health and appearance of the pet, but also to a shortening of life.

You can avoid the sad consequences of artificial feeding. To do this, it is recommended to choose products from trusted manufacturers whose packaging contains reliable information about the contents.

The purchase of feed should be made in a specialized store, preferably after consultation with a veterinarian.

Along with nutrition, when artificial feeding, it is important to take care of vitamins. This issue is especially relevant for older animals.

The introduction of drugs into the diet should also be carried out after consulting a doctor.

This issue is especially relevant for older animals. The introduction of drugs into the diet should also be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Breed standard

The first breed standard was developed in the 20s of the 20th century, and the first official standard was adopted in 1934. The FCI breed standard, which is now used to evaluate Chihuahuas, was adopted and published in the summer of 2009.

According to the breed standard, the Chihuahua has a compact body shape.

The most important features are the apple-shaped head and a medium-length, curved tail that the dog holds high.

The body should be square, in females it should be slightly stretched.

Dry, tight lips, straight or scissor bite. Deviations from this norm are considered a flaw.

Attractive, big eyes, big ears wide open. The fore and hind limbs are muscular, set parallel

The paws are small, oval in shape. The fingers are spread out, but not spread out. Elastic paw pads

The fore and hind limbs are muscular and set parallel. The paws are small, oval in shape. The fingers are spread out, but not spread out. Elastic paw pads.

The standard characterizes Chihuahuas as attentive and active dogs, very brave and intelligent. It is emphasized that they are attached to a person.

Among the serious shortcomings and defects of the breed, the standard lists: a narrow skull, bulging eyes, an excessively long muzzle, manifestations of aggression or excessive shyness, floppy or small ears, lack of a tail, excess body weight (more than three kilograms).

Weight and height

The standard defines the ideal weight of a Chihuahua as 1.5-2.5 kilograms. Individuals from half a kilogram to three kilograms are allowed. Going beyond 0.5-3 kilograms is considered a flaw.

The ideal height was taken to be between 15 and 23 centimeters.

Breeders crossed tiny Chihuahuas with other “dwarf” dogs: pinschers, toy terriers, Spitz and Papillons. This is why puppies from the same litter often differ from each other in size, color, coat length and character.

How long do they live?

Chihuahuas are long-lived dogs. Their average lifespan is 12-15 years, but individuals are often found that live up to 19-20 years.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by good health. They get sick extremely rarely. But there are important facts that you need to know about Chihuahuas in order to provide proper care and, accordingly, prolong the dog's life.

Chihuahuas are the only dog ​​breed whose puppies are born with an underdeveloped skull. As they grow older, they develop a soft zone in the center of their heads, which makes them quite vulnerable. Chihuahuas are very mobile, but the owner should monitor his pet and protect it from falls and head injuries.

Chihuahuas' bones are prone to fractures, so they should not be allowed to jump from heights.

The coat of dogs of this breed is short; depending on the type, the undercoat is either not formed at all or is practically invisible. Therefore, in the cold, Chihuahuas can freeze. You also need to understand that in domestic dogs, unlike those that constantly live on the street, thermoregulation works differently. Domestic dogs are by definition more vulnerable to cold temperatures, and Chihuahuas are especially vulnerable. Therefore, it is better to dress your pet warmly for walks in the cold season.

Other factors are also important: proper nutrition, daily routine, care, as well as regular medical examinations by a veterinarian.


Famous experts, as well as experienced breeders, worked on the Chihuahua standard. They recognize two types: “heavy” (cobby-type) and “light” (deer-type).


The main characteristic of the Cobby Chihuahua is the large size of its head, as well as the increased distance between the eyes and ears. This type of Chihuahua looks more massive, powerful and muscular. This Chihuahua's paws are slightly shorter and more compact, and have thick fur with noticeable undercoat.


Deer-type (literally - “deer” type, characterized by a small head, with large ears reminiscent of the ears of bats. Such dogs are not very massive, they have a small chest volume. The movements of “deers” are lighter, more elegant, The limbs are longer. These are graceful dogs. Their fur is not very thick, the undercoat is invisible.

There are also Chihuahuas that are classified as “semi-types.” The totality of external signs does not allow them to be classified into any one group. The fact is that until recently, matings between “dire” and “cobby” were common - both types of dogs were recognized as equal for a long time. Nowadays deer-type is preferred at exhibitions.


After a sharp drop in prices for Pekingese at the end of the 20th century, in well-known kennels, bitches of this breed began to be bred with Yorkshire terriers, which were expensive and had a small number at that time. Females born after such matings were again crossed with Yorkies. Such puppies were more expensive than Pekingese, but cheaper than Yorkshire terriers.

Mixed breeds of Pekingese and Yorkies (Yorkinese) have the following features:

  • loud, booming bark;
  • desire for self-affirmation;
  • no need for long walks;
  • bad reaction to one's own kind;
  • difficulty in learning;
  • fearlessness;
  • jealousy of the owner and his attention;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • luxurious coat.

Yorkies have an attractive appearance and an aristocratic character, but due to their poor health they are rare. Puppies obtained as a result of crossing Yorkies and Pekingese do not always inherit only the positive qualities of their parents, so it is impossible to know in advance what they will be like. Often, mestizos have an undesirable set of characteristics and, as a result, poor hair, squint, non-closed fontanel and other problems.

Mestizos are not recognized by any canine organization, therefore they cannot participate in exhibitions and official breeding, they do not have a pedigree.

What dog breeds are similar?

Parson Russell Terrier

Until 2001, the Parson Russell Terrier had the same standard as the Jack Russell. These dogs have the same origin, which explains their similarity to each other.

However, now these are completely different breeds with different standards.

The Parson Terrier is higher at the withers and has a more square body outline; Parson's legs are more elongated.

This dog has excellent hunting qualities, but has a more conflicting nature.

Parsons often show aggression towards other animals and strangers.

They adapt to urban living conditions somewhat more difficult than Jack Russells.

Smooth Fox Terrier

A small but very powerful dog (height - up to 39 cm at the withers, weight - up to 8 kg).

It has a muscular but compact build and a dense, straight coat with brown and black spots.

The Fox Terrier is an active, friendly and sociable pet, sometimes quite stubborn. Needs constant attention, new experiences and frequent walks.


Tireless hunter of foxes and rodents, originally from Scotland. It is distinguished by its compact size (up to 30 cm at the withers) and dense thick hair.

This is a very smart animal, persistent and energetic. Kerns are born watchmen and protectors. They are easy to train and feel the owner very well.

In return, such a dog will require increased attention and active walks together.

West Highland White

Companion dogs, once bred as rodent hunters.

Being small in size (up to 28 cm at the withers), they feel good in a city apartment, but need frequent walks.

They have an excellent character, which allows them to get along with any company. However, the owner must pay enough attention to raising this dog from the very beginning.

Otherwise, the pet will grow up too stubborn and self-willed.

There is no doubt that all mestizos are cute in their own way and are in no way inferior to purebred dogs in character or intelligence. However, they require no less attention.

You need to remember this when choosing a pet. And then for many years the owner will receive a tireless and faithful companion, unique in all respects.

From the video you will learn what mixed-breed Jack Russell Terrier puppies look like:

Mixed breeds combine the properties of two breeds, and because of this, they are usually stronger and more resilient than their parents.

Sometimes the crossing is unsuccessful, and the puppy is born weak - this happens if the two breeds are not compatible in terms of physical characteristics.

Fortunately, a Toy Terrier-Chihuahua mix is ​​a good combination.


Chorkies make excellent pets and adapt easily to a wide variety of situations. So, whether you're looking for a companion to travel the world with you, or a dog to snuggle with while watching your favorite TV shows, a Chorkie may be the perfect addition to your home.

Just keep in mind that they don't like to be left alone, so if you work a 9-5 job and no one is home, now may not be the time to adopt one of these adorable pups.

How to care?

Like any other pet, Chorkies require some care. For them, given their artificial origin, various diseases are relevant, most often genetic, which can be transmitted to the puppy from one of the parents.

Chorkies are characterized by the following ailments:

  • joint diseases;
  • hypoglycemia.

Before you get such a pet, you need to go to a pet store and buy everything you need. Among your purchases there should be a special comb or brush for caring for the dog’s coat. Chorkies need to be brushed 1-2 times every three days. The puppy must be taught to comb from birth, as he does not like this procedure.

Several times a month, the dog should be bathed, its nails trimmed, its fur checked for fleas or ticks, and also checked for ringworm. Proper puppy care also includes regular visits to the veterinarian for examinations and all vaccinations.

As for walks, they should be frequent and long, but only in warm weather. In winter, the dog needs to be dressed in a special suit and it is better to carry it in your arms so that its paws do not freeze.

You also need:

  • Use a cotton swab to wipe your eyes every day;
  • using a special toothbrush for dogs, carefully brush your teeth so that plaque and tartar do not form later;
  • periodically inspect the ears;
  • cut your dog's hair every 2-2.5 months.

The dog's condition and appearance are greatly influenced by its diet. This breed does not require special nutrition. You can feed Chorkies both natural food and dry food.

It is very important that the dog’s body receives the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements along with food, which ensure good development and well-being. Feed must be balanced

Feed selection

This crossbreed is not picky when it comes to nutrition and care, but if you choose between feed and natural food, vegetables, fruits, cereals and lean meat will be much healthier for the dog’s health.

It is advisable to give vegetables raw, and fruits can be considered a treat for your pet. When choosing meat, it is better to give preference to beef, since pork is very fatty for the stomach of these crumbs.

To care for the coat, it is enough to brush your pet once or twice a week. And also we must not forget about teeth and claws.

But they really love affection and care; if you don’t communicate with them, they become closed and sometimes aggressive.

They are also excellent guards, thanks to their excellent hearing, which they inherited from the dachshund.

They hear the approach of any person long before he is in sight.

There are no contraindications when purchasing this species, since they are not jealous, love children, are not aggressive and do not need any special care.

Jack - Russell

A cross between Yorkshire Terriers and Jack Russells, these are small dogs growing to a maximum of 30 cm at the withers, with a long and soft coat of black-brown or white-black-brown color. Yorkie Russells have a friendly and fearless personality and get along easily with other animals and people. These pets do not tolerate loneliness well and need constant attention from their owners, the lack of which is reported by loud howling and destructive behavior.

These dogs cannot tolerate cold and are not suitable for outdoor living. These are exclusively domestic pets, which, however, require regular walks and exercise. The coat requires careful care, as it tends to get tangled and very dirty after walks. In addition to possible genetic pathologies, Yorkie Russells are prone to dental diseases, which means it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pet’s oral cavity and brush its teeth 2-3 times a week.

Life expectancy is on average 12 - 16 years, subject to proper care and comfortable living conditions.


The result of crossing Yorkshire terriers and Maltese dogs became Morkies or, as they are also called, Yorkties - affectionate, friendly and devoted designer puppies, characterized by high endurance and stamina. These dogs have a long, straight and silky coat, similar in color and texture to that of a Yorkie. Disadvantages include a tendency to early tooth loss, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of your pet’s oral cavity, teaching them to hygiene procedures and brushing their teeth from a very early age.

Morkies are stubborn dogs and difficult to train. They are not suitable for people with a soft character - with such owners, Yorkies will feel like leaders of the “pack” and behave according to their status.


Most of them resemble the Yorkie in appearance, containing only some characteristics of the Chihuahua. Dogs of this breed have a small, well-built body, the head is equally small, usually raised high.

It is impossible to determine the exact color before their birth, since it can have any color, most often golden and black. The color of a dog is influenced more by the genes of a Chihuahua than a Yorkie.

As the dog gets older, the color of the coat of a mestizo can change dramatically; a similar change occurs when the Yorkie genes predominate in the dog.

The length of the coat can also be completely different, as it is a mixture of a long-haired Yorkie and a short-haired Chihuahua.

Most often you can find red mestizos with long, straight and soft hair. It is not uncommon for a mestizo to be born almost naked, with only a small amount of fur on the paws, tail and ears.

Weight is at least 2 kilograms, but sometimes there are cases when the weight does not reach 1.5 kilograms. Maximum weight – 4 kilograms.

The Chorkie is a very smart, but extremely stubborn dog that is difficult to train, precisely because of its character.

More than anything else, the dog loves to play with people and other animals, but you shouldn’t flirt with it too much; you can get a good rebuff in the form of a bite from sharp teeth.

It is better not to let her near small children; she does not like having her ears or tail pulled, and, as mentioned above, she is capable of biting a child.

Naturally, this does not apply to all Chorkis; among them there are quite peaceful and extremely patient individuals.

Chorkies have absolutely no sense of fear, so when going for a walk with them it is better to hold them by the leash. Since it is possible that she will try to attack a pit bull passing by, or someone else larger.

It is better not to leave your pet alone for a long time, as they tolerate separation very poorly, become nervous and wild, and a long recovery will be required before the dog returns to normal.

In addition, the dog is considered to be very touchy; an attempt to shout at it for any offense may result in a refusal to communicate with the owner throughout the next day.

A similar character trait was passed on to the Chorkie from the Chihuahua.

In general, the character of a mestizo is most suitable for those who lead an active lifestyle, walk a lot and play sports; small dogs will be happy to keep their owner company, not missing the opportunity to have plenty of frolic.

It should be noted that pets are difficult to retrain, so the rules of behavior in an apartment need to be explained to the dog from birth.

Chorkies rarely get sick, but have a predisposition to certain genetic diseases passed on to them from one of their ancestors.

The most common symptoms among Chorkis are hypoglycemia and joint diseases. Life expectancy is generally no more than 15 years.

The smooth coat of long-haired Chorkies requires careful care; it needs to be combed at least once every 3 days, using a special comb for cats or small dogs.

It should be noted that the pet does not like to be combed, therefore it is necessary to accustom it to such a procedure almost from birth.

A dog kept in an apartment must be bathed, trying not to do this more than 2 times a month. Around this time you should trim your nails. Frequently walking pets should be examined for the appearance of fleas, ticks, and any lichen.

Visits to the veterinarian and all necessary vaccinations are required, otherwise the dog may pick up an infection through contact with yard animals, which is unlikely to be avoided during a walk.

You need to walk often, but only in good weather.

In winter, it is better to keep them warm at home, or walk with him in your arms, having previously dressed him in a warm suit.

The owner of a long-haired Chorkie should be guided by the care rules developed for the Yorkshire Terrier:

  • wipe your eyes daily with a cotton swab;
  • brush your teeth to prevent the accumulation of plaque and the formation of tartar;
  • regularly inspect the ears and free them from any hair that may be there;
  • cut at least once every 2-2.5 months.

So, the Chorkie is a small, agile dog that combines the qualities of a terrier and a Chihuahua, which, in general, is quite good, as it makes this breed unique.

Toy - terrier

Perhaps the most controversial mixes of Yorkshire terriers are the result of crossbreeding with toy terriers. By nature, these are active and independent dogs. The appearance of mestizos can be attractive or not. One can only judge with certainty the size of such dogs: Torques do not grow large, since their parents are representatives of small breeds of dogs.

As a rule, Torks have medium-length fur and not very thin paws, so they are liked by people who do not want to care for the long coat of Yorkshire terriers and who do not like Toys for their thin and slightly crooked limbs.

Options for purebred Chihuahua crosses

Mixing Chihuahuas with other breeds leads to interesting results.

Despite their shortcomings, mestizos can take on the best traits of their parents.

The most popular partners for mating with a Chihuahua are:

  • Spitz;
  • Yorkies;
  • Pekingese;
  • toy terriers.

Mixed breed with Spitz

The result of such a union was called pomchi.

The miniature dog has:

  • rounded ears;
  • wedge-shaped head with an elongated but not pointed muzzle;
  • large, but not bulging eyes with irises of dark shades;
  • muscular and compact body, not exceeding 20 cm in length and weighing no more than 4 kg;
  • a small tail curled into a ball;
  • 2 coat options: short, without undercoat, and long, with thick undercoat.

Mixed Chihuahua and Spitz
Among the characteristic features of the Pomcha are:

  1. Devotion. Loyalty is kept only to one owner. The animal experiences cooler feelings towards the rest.
  2. Playfulness. The pet will gladly support any activity. In games, the dog prefers to interact only with a person (preferably an adult). The pet will not get along with other pets, and small children can injure her.
  3. Distrust of strangers. When meeting for the first time, it is better not to irritate the dog. Wait for her to take the initiative.
  4. Mind. The Pomchi is easy to train and has excellent obedience.
  5. Loud voice. The loud barking came from the Pomeranian. This unpleasant feature can be easily corrected with training.
  6. Militant disposition. Do not let your pet off the leash while walking. The little animal will definitely get into a fight.

Yorkie mix

Breeders call these puppies Chorkies, noting that most of them were taken from Yorkies.

The resulting crossbreeds have:

  • small and slightly raised head;
  • small body weighing 2-4kg;
  • long and straight coat with golden or black colors.

Some puppies bred between Chihuahuas and Yorkies are born hairless.

A small amount of hair is observed only on the ears, tail and paws.

The dog does not like children's pranks and can stand up for itself, so a child who is playing may get hurt.

Mixed Chihuahua and Yorkie

Chorks are different:

Affection. The pet is sensitive to the owner's attention, so it cannot stand loneliness and can be jealous. Try to take your dog with you to avoid mental disorders. Cocky behavior. The small animal does not conduct a comparative analysis with its opponents, so it provokes a larger opponent without fear

IMPORTANT! The pet is not willing to be trained, so it will not be possible to wean it from its addiction. Try to minimize the risks and do not let him off the leash.

With Pekingese

Unlike Chorks, these representatives, called Pekachi, carry characteristic features from both parents:

  • miniature dimensions, rounded head and large wide ears, inherited from the Chihuahua;
  • thick undercoat and dense guard hairs inherited from the Pekingese.

Mixed Pekingese and Chihuahua

The character of a pekachi is made up of training and care shown by the owner:

  • if neglected, dogs grow aggressive and loud, bully other animals and annoy neighbors with their loud barking;
  • with the right approach, the pet shows friendliness and affection, responds to commands and does not look for problems for itself and its owner.

With that terrier

Toy terrier mixed breeds are born fit and have thin legs.

The color and length of their coat depends on the parents. The coat can be either long or short, and among the colors black and tan are more common.

Like the other crossbred options discussed above, these puppies are:

  • not suitable for children;
  • afraid of loneliness;
  • jealous.

A dog can show cowardice and aggressiveness, as well as courage and good nature.

This is determined by upbringing and environment, so it is impossible to predict them in advance.

Mixed chihuahua and toy terrier

Why is this done?

Attempts at crossing are usually called designer breeding of dogs - with a competent approach and knowledge of the basic laws, you can get quite interesting results. The results of the mixture are not suitable for exhibitions, but they have a rather interesting exterior, which contains features of both varieties. In addition, the character of a mixed breed from a Yorkie and, for example, a toy terrier, also combines the characteristics of both parents.

It is important to follow one of two rules:

  • Crossing two purebred individuals;
  • A union of two identical design crosses.

Crossing of different breeds is done to develop new designer breeds. As mentioned above, the main goal of designer breeding is the exterior of the future dog - a Yorkie and a toy terrier or Spitz provide a very interesting amount of external data.

In addition, in some cases, in this way they try to obtain mixed breeds with hypoallergenic properties for people who love dogs, but are allergic to them.

Let's also not discount the desire of some breeders to be known as pioneers - if you manage to get a new unique species, you can become famous and earn a lot of money. Although many dog ​​breeders are quite skeptical about such an idea as crossing breeds.

Most dog breeders are quite skeptical about breed crossings.

Popular types of mestizos

There are seven varieties of mestizos, the descriptions of which every dog ​​breeder should familiarize themselves with.

Toy Terrier and Chihuahua mix

Most often, dogs obtained by crossing these breeds grow small and short-haired. The color of the coat can be varied. They often have white, red or black fur.

The result of a mixture of Chihuahua and Toy Terrier is a dog with a calm character. They are distinguished by their affection for their owner, playfulness and cheerfulness. Also, such animals need constant attention, and therefore they should not be left alone for a long time.

Yorkie mix

Mixed Yorkie and Chihuahua - a very beautiful little dog

A mixture of a Chihuahua and a Yorkshire Terrier allows you to produce compact dogs weighing about four kilograms. Their distinctive features include a small head and a small body. The coat of such mestizos is quite long.

Additional Information. Sometimes these dogs have hairless areas on their paws and tail.

The dog has a difficult character. She does not tolerate loneliness well and is very jealous. Therefore, people who have little free time should not have such mestizos.

Pinscher mix

A mixed breed of Chihuahua and Pinscher is not very common, as it is not particularly popular among dog breeders. These dogs are distinguished from other varieties by their small tail, large ears and long legs. Mixed breeds have a short coat. It can be painted in the following colors:

  • black;
  • ginger;
  • ashen.

Dogs have a complex character. They do not get along well with other animals, and therefore, apart from them, there should be no other pets in the apartment.

Pekingese mix

Pecachi is the result of crossing a Chihuahua with a Pekingese.

Dogs resulting from a mixture of Chihuahua and Pekingese are usually called peccachi. These dogs absorbed the genes of their parents in equal quantities. They have long and fairly thick fur. Their paws are small and their faces are flat. The Pekingese-Chihuahua mix needs proper care. The pet must be washed regularly and also take care of its fur.

Important! Such dogs do not live very long as they often develop respiratory diseases.

Spitz mix

Mixed chihuahuas crossed with a lapdog and a spitz are called pomches. These are compact dogs with thin legs. They grow up to 18-20 cm in height and weigh no more than four kilograms. These dogs differ from other mestizos by their rounded ears and pointed muzzle.

Despite the fact that this dog is small, it has well-developed muscles. Also, the distinctive features of such a dog include a short tail and unusually beautiful eyes.

Dachshund mix

Representatives of the Chihuahua-Dachshund mix have a fairly long body and small paws. At an early age, such mestizos have short fur. However, it gradually lengthens every month. Dogs have very long ears, which can be drooping or raised up. The dog's character is calm. She is affectionate, kind and very loyal to her owner. This mixed breed loves to play, and therefore is ideal for a family with small children.

Pug mix

Pug mixes are very cute and beautiful dogs.

Mixed breeds obtained from Chihuahuas and pugs are most often called chagi. Such hybrid dogs appeared quite recently. However, despite this, many dog ​​breeders have already fallen in love with them. The Chihuahua/Pug mix has a flattened face, short fur, and a rounded tail. Their body is the same as that of pugs.

Additional Information. Every dog ​​breeder will like the character of such mestizos. They get along well with other animals and are very affectionate and loyal in nature.

The appearance of the Chorkie

The popularization of Yorkies and Chihuahuas eventually led to the emergence of crossbreeds, the so-called mixed-breed dogs.

Chorks, which are the result of crossing two individuals of different breeds, can be classified as such mestizos. To name these dogs in the professional literature, such terms as: Yorkie-Chi, Chia-Yorkie, Yorkie-Huahua are also used.

The exact date of the appearance of mixed breeds of both breeds is unknown; they presumably appeared in the early 90s of the last century, as an ideal animal for keeping in an apartment.

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