18 breeds of decorative rabbits 2022: how long they live, what to feed at home

Pets are found in almost every home. The decorative rabbit is rapidly gaining popularity. These animals do not need walks outside, take up little space, and are very easy to care for.

However, before you get such a pet, you should find out how long the animal lives, what to feed it and how to properly maintain it. The average life expectancy of dwarf rabbits is 6-12 years.

INTERESTING! The diet of such animals consists of vegetables, grains, fruits, twigs, hay, and licks. They especially love watermelons, sweet apples, carrots, and cucumbers.

PS. Prices are indicated with a wide range and are approximate. Much depends on where to buy a rabbit, under what conditions, availability of documentation, vaccinations and other important points.

Hermelin red-eyed and blue-eyed

There are two varieties of hermelin: with red or blue eyes. The first appeared at the end of the 19th century. Blue-eyed hermelines were obtained at the beginning of the 20th century. Initially, a weight of 750 grams was considered ideal, but in such females fertility was noticeably reduced.


  • Weight: 1100-1350 g.
  • Ear length: 3.5-7 cm, straight.
  • Wool: medium.
  • Color: white.
  • Price: 4-10 t.r.

In 1992, Austria released a new standard in which the weight of animals was changed. Hermelines have a strong build. The body is cylindrical, the limbs are short. The coat must be white.

Colored dwarf

The breed was founded by the German breeder Hoffmann. By 1957, he had received a fairly large population of different colors: Marder, black, gray, Siamese, blue, etc. This breed is distributed throughout the world and is the most numerous.


  • Weight: 1000-1500 g.
  • Ears: 5.5 cm, straight.
  • Coat type: medium.
  • Any colour.
  • How much does it cost: 3-7 tr.

The body of a colored dwarf has the shape of a cylinder. The front legs are short, the head is quite large, but short. The coat is shiny, medium length, thick. There should be no dewlap. Any color is allowed.

Colored dwarf Dutch

A breed that was obtained in the Netherlands. It was officially recognized in 1940. To obtain it, they used hermelins and local small rabbits. Such animals appeared in Russia in 2013.


  • Weight: 800-1300 g.
  • Ear length: 5-7.5 cm, straight.
  • Wool: medium.
  • Color: any.
  • Price: 2-7 t.r.

Small rabbits whose weight should not exceed 1300 grams. The head has a rounded shape. The muzzle is wide, the eyes are round and large. The ears are located close to each other. The limbs are short and adjacent to the body.


Home-kept decorative rabbits often suffer from vitamin D deficiency because they do not go outside. Walking in the fresh air is good for health, but only in dry, windless weather and in a secluded place.

It’s good if the owner of the animal has a dacha with a green yard, where you can install a spacious enclosure for your long-eared pet. The main thing is that it is partially in the shade of trees.

There is nowhere to walk a decorative rabbit in the city, except perhaps in park areas. However, in such places there is a high probability of stumbling upon the excrement of stray dogs and cats. The courtyards of high-rise buildings are too noisy - a timid rabbit is unlikely to enjoy a walk in such conditions. If there is a quiet place with a green lawn near your house, you can take your pet for a walk on a harness. But in this case, we cannot exclude the risk of infection with skin parasites - fleas and ticks, and helminths.

Netherland dwarf rabbit

The ancestor of the breed is the red-eyed Hermelin. They have spread throughout the world. These rabbits were brought to Russia from Finland in 2014. There are two lines of the breed: English and American.


  • Weight: 900-1150 g.
  • Ears: 5-7.5 cm, straight.
  • Coat type: medium.
  • Any colour.
  • Cost: 4-8 tr.

The ideal weight of an adult Netherland rabbit is 950 grams. The body is compact, the body has a rounded short format. The length of the ears varies from 5 to 7.5 cm. The breed standard includes 37 colors: solid, agouti, Siamese, tan, etc.

Won't they grow up like meat ones?

I am often asked about the size of dwarf rabbits, some are afraid that they will be very large, like meat rabbits, and others want an adult palm-sized rabbit, so I decided to make a brief overview of the parameters of different breeds of rabbits.

As we can see in the photo above, even the largest dwarf rabbits will never approach the size of meat breeds. The maximum weight of a lop-eared rabbit is 2 kg, while meat rabbits weigh 5 kg or more, that is, their meat counterpart is at least 2-3 times more. So, we should not forget about the character of the animals, the selection of dwarfs is carried out not only by size, but also by the character of the animals, they must be kind to humans and not have bad habits. While meat rabbits are selected only for productive qualities and good manners, this is not a prerequisite for admission to breeding.

Polish rabbit or Dwarf hare

This dwarf rabbit is considered the smallest of all decorative breeds. Such animals came to Russia only in 2014. The most common Polish rabbits are in England and Scandinavian countries.


  • Weight: 500-1400 g.
  • Ear length: 5-6 cm, straight.
  • Wool: medium.
  • Color: any.
  • Price: 7-15 t.r.

Outwardly, these rabbits resemble a wild hare. The head is light and egg-shaped. The legs are long, thin, adjacent to the body. The coat is thick and about 2 cm long. Polish rabbits should not have dewlaps.

Where is the best place to buy a dwarf rabbit?

First of all, decide on the gender and breed of your future pet, and also make sure that you can provide it with proper care and maintenance.

You can buy a dwarf rabbit at a pet store, in a special nursery, or by hand. The last option is the most unreliable; instead of a purebred rabbit, they may give you an ordinary one with defects. A pet store also has its drawbacks - sellers may have poor knowledge of breeds and will not tell you the basic rules for care.

The best option is a dwarf rabbit nursery. Here, future owners will receive advice from professionals, official documents and a pedigree of a guaranteed healthy rabbit of the desired breed.

Dwarf rex

The first dwarf rexes appeared in France in 1919. They differ from other breeds in having very short hair. It is velvety and “plush” to the touch. Another feature is a short and curly mustache.


  • Weight: 1000-1500 g.
  • Ears: 3.5-7 cm, straight.
  • Coat type: short.
  • Any colour.
  • Cost: 5-10 tr.

The Rex's body is stocky, compact, and slightly elongated. The length of the coat does not exceed 17-18 mm. It grows vertically and should not be curly or wavy. When stroking, the hairs return to their original position. The head is short, rounded, large. The eyes are large and expressive.

Basic rules of care

Pets are not toys.

  • Before purchasing, be sure to purchase the necessary equipment and a house.
  • It is strictly forbidden to pick up the withers and ears.
  • Play and educate more.
  • The long-eared animal should walk around the apartment under supervision.
  • They do not like drafts, stuffiness, or cold.
  • The home must be cleaned in a timely manner.
  • Wash if absolutely necessary.
  • The water must be changed daily, the litter twice a week. Remember, the better the care, the longer your pet will live.
  • Feed the rabbit with special food and keep it in a cage.
  • On the street, when buying hay for a rabbit, you must remember that there are poisonous plants (nightshade, wild radish, belladonna, geranium, datura, henbane, celandine, wrestler).
  • Nail trimming is carried out once a month.
  • Visit the veterinarian for a general examination and dental bite check – once every 4 weeks.
  • Vaccinate the animal in a timely manner.
  • Don't drop rabbits, they have weak spines.

Satin dwarf

An American breed of rabbits with a special guard hair structure. It has a hollow shaft that reflects light well and gives the wool a unique shine. The first mutation occurred in 1934, after which these animals began to be purposefully bred.


  • Weight: 1500-2200 g.
  • Ear length: 6-9 cm, straight.
  • Wool: medium.
  • Color: white, black, chocolate, red, chinchilla, Siamese, otter, opal.
  • Price: 2-9 t.r.

A dwarf variety of satin rabbits was obtained not so long ago. Their body is slightly elongated, their back is rounded. The peculiarity of satin rabbits is their shining and iridescent fur, thanks to which it is impossible to confuse these animals with other breeds.

Taming and raising rabbits

Adult dwarf rabbits are quite intelligent animals. Proper training and education can make them real artists. When a pet appears in the house, it must first be tamed. Do not cuddle or carry the animal in your arms. Let the baby first master the territory and get used to the new environment. To make him feel better, you need to give him something tasty. When the rabbit eats, you can pet it lightly. You can raise an animal only when it feels confident in a new place.

After the little rabbit has become comfortable, you can begin further taming and training. The first step is to accustom your pet to the tray. You don't need to install it right away. In the first days, keep track of where the animal goes to the toilet. Then take some litter with excrement and place it in the tray. Place a feeder next to the litter tray; rabbits often eat and eliminate at the same time. But you need to make sure that they do not stain the food.

Small decorative rabbits can be trained to their nickname. Take a treat in your hand and call your pet by name. First he will follow the smell of food, and then he will develop a conditioned reflex to the nickname. In the same way, rabbits are taught to jump through hoops or other obstacles. They place a treat on one side and push the animal on the other. If the baby responds to his nickname, you can simply call him.

Fox dwarf rabbit

These animals were bred in Germany. To obtain them, ordinary medium-sized fox rabbits were crossed with miniature Hermelines, and dwarf Angora rabbits were also used to lengthen their fur.


  • Weight: 1110-1250 g.
  • Ears: 4-6.5 cm, straight.
  • Coat length: medium-long.
  • Any colour.
  • Cost: 3-7 tr.

The fur of fox rabbits is thick and quite long (from 3.5 to 5 cm). It feels very soft and silky to the touch. The body is cylindrical, strong, and well-knit. The legs are short, the head is round and large.

Features of the view

Buyers often confuse the concepts of “dwarf” and “decorative”. These words cannot be called synonyms at all. Any rabbit that is kept as a pet is considered decorative.

Dwarfs are small fluffy creatures. Such animals comply with the breed standard and have strictly acceptable colors.

Lion-headed dwarf rabbit

These animals were the result of a genetic mutation and appeared from crossing the Belgian dwarf and Swiss fox breeds. Subsequently, breeders used Angora dwarfs to improve the quality of the wool of lion-headed rabbits.


  • Weight: 850-1500 g.
  • Ear length: 4.5-6 cm, straight.
  • Coat: medium, long on the head.
  • Color: any.
  • Price: 5-9 t.r.

The peculiarity of such rabbits is very long hair around the ears and on the cheeks, forming a characteristic “mane”. At the same time, the hairs on the body do not exceed 3-5 cm in length. These animals are very common; they can be found more often than others in apartments and houses.

Maintenance at the dacha

With the onset of spring, many owners begin to travel outside the city to their dachas. Before taking your pet with you on a trip, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Remember that rabbits are not only cute in appearance, but also extremely gentle animals. Therefore, it is not recommended to transport them from place to place unless absolutely necessary. They do not tolerate stuffiness and heat well, and air conditioning can cause colds. Stress will also have a detrimental effect on your pet’s well-being. Therefore, if your stay at the dacha is short (up to five days), it is better to leave the rabbit at home.

When keeping a pet at your dacha, take care to protect it from other animals.

Being in nature is fraught with many dangers, so you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • limit contact of the fluffy with other animals, for example, dogs, cats, birds;
  • make sure that your pet does not dig up and eat the roots of plants, for example, tulips, daffodils or peonies, that contain substances that are toxic to him;
  • install a portable enclosure, placing it in the shade and covering it with netting.

Dwarf Angora

The first dwarf angoras appeared in Russia in 1997. They were brought from Poland. Breeders began active work to improve the breed and received a large group of animals with the same pubescence and body weight.


  • Weight: 900-2000 g.
  • Ears: 5-7.5 cm, straight.
  • Coat length: very long.
  • Color: white (with blue or red eyes), Siamese, yellow, black, blue, Havana, etc.
  • Cost: 5-15 tr.

Outwardly, the Angora rabbit resembles a fluffy cloud. The fur of these animals is long and grows vertically. The head is very well pubescent, so the animals have almost no nose or eyes visible. These animals require regular grooming.

Common diseases

Decorative dwarf rabbits are fragile and delicate creatures, susceptible to stress and a large number of diseases. However, with proper care and timely contact with a veterinarian, almost any ailment can be treated.

Owners need to be careful and alert if:

  • the animal hides, hides in a corner and other places unusual for it;
  • the coat looks disheveled and dull and begins to shed;
  • appetite worsens;
  • there is diarrhea or constipation;
  • discharge appears from the eyes or nose.

At the first alarming symptoms, it is better not to self-treat, but to immediately show your pet to a veterinarian

Stomach upset

The most vulnerable part of a rabbit’s body is the stomach. Therefore, any disturbances in the animal’s diet can lead to digestive disorders, primarily diarrhea.

Stomach upset is most often caused by:

  • eating moldy bread or dry food;
  • entering the diet of food affected by pests, for example, weevils;
  • sudden change in diet;
  • eating excess amounts of vegetables and fruits;
  • viral infections;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • unsanitary conditions in the cage.

As first aid for diarrhea, you can do the following:

  1. Give the animal a chamomile solution prepared according to the instructions. Dilute the resulting product at the rate of 0.5 tbsp. l. decoction for 1 tbsp. l. water and give three times a day for a week. If the rabbit refuses to drink on its own, you can forcefully pour the product into the mouth using a syringe without a needle.
  2. Clean and disinfect the cage well. Lay down new bedding.
  3. Remove all food, vegetables and fruits from the diet, feed only hay and give water.

If the diarrhea does not go away within one or two days, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.


Paralysis often affects the hind limbs and lower spine. The rabbit becomes inactive and lies on its side. This condition leads to constipation and poses a high risk to the life of the animal.

It is known that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to ensure that the rabbit does not jump from a height (sofa, table and other furniture), and also does not slip on a smooth surface. In addition to traumatic causes, paralysis can be caused by a lack of vitamins and microelements, as well as infectious diseases. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult a specialist.


As mentioned above, rabbits are very sensitive to drafts and do not tolerate unfavorable environmental conditions. Due to decreased immunity, bacteria develop in animals' bodies, causing runny noses and sneezing. Long-term illness leads to profuse discharge from the eyes and nose, weight loss, and loss of shine in the coat.

From the following video you can learn how and with what to treat a runny nose in rabbits:

Dwarf ram

Dutch breed of domestic dwarf rabbits. To obtain it, ordinary French large rams were used. These animals are distinguished by their flexible disposition. They are quite phlegmatic, rarely show aggression, and are easy to keep.


  • Weight: 1400-2000 g.
  • Ear length: 24-28 cm, drooping.
  • Wool: medium.
  • Color: any.
  • Price: 10-15 t.r.

Small rabbits with long floppy ears. The head is round with large eyes and a wide, slightly flattened forehead. Rams have a wide back, a rounded back, and a strong and well-built physique.

REFERENCE! These animals are prone to gaining excess weight, so food should be given to them in portions and in limited quantities.

Pros and cons of content

Dwarf rabbits are affectionate and clean, but very susceptible to disease

There are advantages and disadvantages to owning these small, cute animals. Let's start with the pros:

  1. Cleanliness. Dwarf long-eared cats quickly become accustomed to the litter box, and there is very little litter from them in the apartment.
  2. These are affectionate, kind pets that immediately become attached to their owners. When they are happy, they click their teeth funny and make pleasant sounds.
  3. Rabbits are unpretentious in care and nutrition, and their maintenance is quite inexpensive.

The main disadvantage of animals is their pain. They can fall ill not only from infection, but also from sadness. Frequent visits to the veterinarian can take a lot of effort and time. Another disadvantage is the problem of constantly gnawing on something. Buying toys will help solve the problem: the rest of the things in the house will remain intact.

It is also worth considering that each rabbit, despite its small stature, is a personality. They are very touchy and remember bad treatment for a long time.

Dwarf rex ram

To obtain these animals, such breeds of decorative rabbits as dwarf lop-eared rams and rexes were used. Breeding work began at the beginning of the 21st century. These animals appeared in Russia only in 2007. They were officially recognized in 2015.


  • Weight: 1700-1900 g.
  • Ears: 24-28 cm, hanging.
  • Coat length: short, plush.
  • Any colour.
  • Cost: 7.5-20 t.r.

Quite rare and very beautiful animals. The body is of medium length, the head is rounded, slightly elongated. Fold-eared rex rams have round, expressive eyes and long ears. On the head there is a “crown” characteristic of the breed. The coat is short, velvety and plush to the touch.

Training and playing with your pet

Decorative rabbits just love to play

Dwarf rabbit breeds love to play and can learn some interesting tricks. They perceive training not as coercion, but as an opportunity to have fun. To achieve success, you need to eliminate negativity and aggression from the educational process. The best assistants in training will be praise and treating your pet with treats.

You should not start training your baby immediately after purchase. We need to give him a couple of months to adapt, after which he can begin training.

Lion-headed dwarf ram

To obtain such animals with an unusual appearance, dwarf rams and lion-headed rabbits were used. The breed was officially recognized in 2007 in the UK. In Russia this happened in 2010.


  • Weight: 1600-2200 g.
  • Ear length: 24-27 cm, drooping.
  • Coat: medium, long on the head.
  • Color: any.
  • Price: 4.5-12 t.r.

The lion-headed ram has a dense, cylindrical body. The ears are long, hanging, rounded at the ends. The coat on the body is of medium length, but around the ears and on the cheeks it is noticeably longer (up to 15-18 cm).

The smallest rabbit in the world

Molossians (dogs): breed varieties and overview

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the smallest rabbit in the world is a pygmy. The weight of the animal is 400 g, and the body length barely reaches 27 cm.


Thus, it was explained what the smallest breeds of rabbits look like. The choice among them is quite large. But before buying, you need to read about the temperament of pets, so that the eared baby does not end up growing into an aggressive pet, surprising the breeder.

Dutch lop-eared dwarf rabbit

The first representatives of the breed were obtained about 30 years ago. To breed them, breeders crossed Dutch rabbits and French fold rams. For several years, experts have been working to reduce the size of the breed.


  • Weight: 1250-1700 g.
  • Ears: 21-26 cm, hanging.
  • Coat length: medium.
  • Color: brown, gray, black, blue, marten, isabella, black otter, chinchilla.
  • Cost: 3.5-8 tr.

The body of these animals is strong, the back is rounded. Skin without folds, dewlap is not allowed. The head is quite large and round in shape. The neck is short. The eyes of Netherland rabbits are large and expressive.

Sizes: furry giants and babies

During selection, two hundred breeds of animals were bred, and they all differ not only in characteristic habits, color and length of fur, but above all in weight and size.

Breeding standards

The range of values ​​is so wide that all domestic rodents are classified into four main groups:

  • Dwarf breeds grow up to 20 cm. Dwarf. For the smallest, dwarf breeds, the standard weight is from 1 kilogram to one and a half. Animals weighing 1.3 kg and measuring no more than 20 cm have an ideal proportion.
  • Small ones. The main distinguishing feature of a small ornamental animal from an ordinary meat rabbit is its relatively small weight. An adult rarely exceeds the limit of 2 kilograms with a body length of 25 to 30 cm.
  • Average. Rabbits of this group, when growing up, quickly gain weight up to 4 kg, and the length of the body extends to 57 cm.
  • Large ones. Real giants, striking the imagination with their accumulated mass. The record weight is 8 kg, and the size of the carcass reaches 70 cm.

Eared giants

Among some breeds, animals of truly outstanding size stand out:

  • Eared giant. English fold. The breed is considered the oldest and remains the most popular in England. The weight of an adult giant rabbit reaches 5.5 kg.
  • French Fold. At the end of the 19th century, a new breed was obtained by crossing the English and French rabbits, the representatives of which grow up to 6.8 kg.
  • Dutch, the weight of the animal reaches 5 kg.

But the real giants are the rodents bred by Soviet breeders in the middle of the last century. Combining the desire to obtain animals with high vitality, precocity and excellent health, scientists crossed the English breed of large animals with local ones, which were distinguished by their large body weight. Thus, scientists obtained giant rabbits with good genetic characteristics:

  • Breed Gray giant. Gray giant. The average weight of an adult animal is 4-6 kg, and record-breakers weigh more than 7 kg.
  • Soviet chinchilla. The weight of an adult animal reaches 5 kg; for particularly large rabbits it is 7–8 kg.

The leading place in terms of size is occupied by the Belgian Flanders. A long rabbit, growing up to 70 cm, with thick, luxurious fur. Ordinary animals weigh from 7 kg, some grow up to 10-12 kg, and the recorded record is 25 kg.

Mini lop

The breed was bred in Germany. These animals were obtained by crossing Dutch fold rams and dwarf chinchillas. The first mini-lops were white, but later other colors were obtained. The breed was officially recognized in 1980.


  • Weight: 1400-2700 g.
  • Ear length: should be 2-3 cm below the jaw, drooping.
  • Wool: medium.
  • Color: any.
  • Price: 8-17 t.r.

Mini lop has a strong body. The head is rounded and quite large. The neck is very short. The limbs are thick, not curved, and short. These rabbits are very good-natured, so even small children can communicate with them without any problems.


For most owners, the issue of breeding decorative rabbits is not relevant. It is enough that one pet lives at home.

When choosing the sex of an animal, you should take into account that males are more aggressive and impulsive than females. The urine of males has a very unpleasant odor, especially noticeable when they exhibit the instinct to mark territory. To exclude the latter, it is necessary to take care of timely castration .

Rabbits are known for their fertility. Therefore, if you decide to breed animals, with proper care you can get up to 8 litters per year. As a rule, representatives of decorative and dwarf breeds are able to become parents from 6-7 months of age. Pregnancy lasts 31 days. During this period, caring for the rabbit does not change much, but the diet should be diversified by adding foods rich in vitamins to the diet.

Mini lop lionhead

These animals were obtained in England in the early 2000s, but they are not yet officially recognized. The best representatives of the lion-headed dwarf and mini lop breeds were used for breeding.


  • Weight: 1500-1600 g.
  • Ears: 21-25 cm, hanging.
  • Coat length: medium, long in the head area (up to 7.5 cm).
  • Any colour.
  • Cost: 6-13 tr.

These animals are quite miniature. A characteristic feature of the breed is a very thick mane on the head, while the hair on the body is short (no more than 2 cm). The body is dense, strong, the back is rounded. Lion-headed mini-lops have a round head proportional to the body.


Nadezhda, 33 years old, Moscow

Dwarf rabbits are a real miracle! They are very cute and pretty. Many people write that these animals can be trained, but I couldn’t. My little rabbit turned out to be wayward and goes about his business on walks, completely ignoring my attempts to tame him.

Anna, 20 years old, Ekaterinburg

We organized a cage for our decorative little lamb according to all the rules: we selected a spacious room, attached a hay holder, a special drinking bowl, a bowl, and even equipped a toilet. But the animal did not want to use it carefully; after 5 minutes the hay was scattered, the bowl was turned over, and he began to chew on the tray. I wonder if it was me who was so violent or if everyone is like this?

Marina, 41 years old, Omsk

I spent a long time choosing the breed of my future pet. I weighed all the pros and cons, comparing the conditions of detention, the appearance and character of the animals. In the end, I chose the Hermelins, and did not regret it. A very smart animal, it recognizes its owners and even responds to its name. At the same time playful and very cute! She enjoys sitting in her daughter's arms.

Mini lop cashmere (long-haired)

The first long-haired rabbits were obtained by chance in a litter of standard dwarf rams. This happened in 1980 in England. It was these animals that became the founders of the Cashmere Mini Lop breed.


  • Weight: 1300-1600 g.
  • Ear length: 20-24 cm, drooping.
  • Coat: long (from 3.8 to 5-6 cm), shorter on the head.
  • Color: any.
  • Price: 7.5-13 t.r.

Cashmere mini lop has a dense, strong, but small body. The croup is rounded. The neck is very short, almost invisible. Both the forelimbs and hind limbs are thick and short. The peculiarity of the breed is its long, soft, but not plump, hair that is always straight.

A little history of the formation of a line of rabbits with the dwarfism gene

In the second half of the 19th century, breeders began to actively use small silver rabbits for breeding, which have a special gene that ensures small size offspring. Already in 1870, the first dwarf breed was registered in England: the Polish white downy mini rabbit (Britain Petit). In 1920, German breeders introduced the world to a completely new breed - the curly-furred Hermelin. In 1930, colored dwarfs were bred in Holland, and the breed standard was approved in 1940. Dwarf lop-eared rabbits appeared at exhibitions in 1952, and the breed was registered in 1964. The newest among all is the lion-headed dwarf, bred at the beginning of this century. The authorship of this breed of dwarf rabbits is disputed by the Belgians and Americans.

The “best” mini-rabbits – interesting facts

Before describing the breeds, we would like to present to your attention some interesting facts about these funny animals.

  1. The smallest dwarf rabbit from the USA, registered in the Guinness Book of Records, weighed only 400 g. Although a female weighing 297 g now lives in Chelyabinsk and her owners have applied for the record.
  2. The rabbit has the longest ears - 79.06 cm.
  3. The longest life a domestic rabbit has lived was 19 years and 2 months.

On average, dwarf breeds live 7-9 years, and this depends only on the quality of care for the animal, and not on what species it belongs to.

Holland lop

This breed is the result of crossing Dutch dwarf rams and French lops (the weight of these rabbits reaches 4.5 kg). It was officially recognized in America in 1979.


  • Weight: 1400-1800 g.
  • Ears: 12 cm, drooping.
  • Coat type: medium.
  • Color: fawn, silver, chocolate, white, brown, red.
  • Cost: 8-14 tr.

A distinctive feature of Holland Lop rabbits is their almond-shaped ears. Their average length is 12 cm. The body of rabbits is muscular, strong, and the back is rounded. The legs are short and thick, very strong.

Breeds of dwarf rabbits are numerous and varied. At home, they are kept both in cages and freely. They do not require complex care, and most of them have a good-natured and easy-going character.

Care and maintenance at home

Keeping long-eared pets is not particularly difficult. It is important to choose a healthy animal and prepare a suitable room for it. It should be well ventilated, but without drafts. Heat is also contraindicated for rabbits; they cannot be placed near a radiator.

It is better to buy a cage with galvanized metal rods. Two males will not get along in it, but females or rabbits of different sexes can be placed together. Of course, the size of such a house should be larger.

Many breeders are afraid of unpleasant odors. If you properly care for animals, they will not exist. At the bottom of the cage, it is necessary to pour bedding from pieces of newspapers, sawdust or straw in time. These materials absorb odors well and can be quickly removed.

Long-eared dogs with thick hair need to be brushed regularly. In addition, approximately once every 3 weeks your pet needs to have its claws trimmed.

What to feed a dwarf rabbit

Dwarf rabbits can eat up to 30 times a day

Dwarf rabbits are big eaters: they eat up to 30 times per day. The owners must provide them with adequate nutrition and not restrict food, otherwise they can harm the digestive system. The food that the animal eats is quickly digested and reaches the intestines only after the next meal.

A pet's diet should be varied. It is better if it is based on ready-made balanced food from pet stores. You can also give hay. If the eared dog refuses to eat it, the hay is slightly moistened with water and salt.

The menu must be supplemented with grass, including meadow grass, as well as bone meal and chalk - a long-eared animal cannot do without minerals. It is useful to give oats or wheat soaked in water, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Important: You can give cabbage, which rabbits love, but red cabbage is contraindicated for them.

Sometimes rabbits eat the waste left in the cage. There is no need to be afraid of this: they are harmless to long-eared animals.

Hygiene and bathing

You should only bathe babies if they are very dirty.

Since dwarf rabbits are very clean, there is no need for regular bathing. But if the baby gets very dirty at home or on a walk, it is better not to let him clean himself, but still give him a bath. The rest of the time, you should not expose your baby to stress. He will take care of his own skin, which is also replaced with a new one every six months.

Diseases and treatment

Vaccines and vaccinations are necessary for dwarf rabbits. These gentle creatures, even in comfortable room conditions, can catch a disease such as a cold or conjunctivitis. Both hypothermia and heat stroke are equally dangerous for them. Timely vaccinations will protect rabbits from infections and dangerous diseases such as rabies.

Therefore, the condition of pets must be constantly monitored. The following symptoms may indicate the disease:

  • Vomiting, nausea, bloating.
  • Loose stools or constipation.
  • Belching, rumbling in the stomach, bad breath.
  • Fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness.

Even if there are one or two symptoms, the baby should be shown to the veterinarian: delay can be disastrous for him.


The smallest rabbits are protected from diseases by maternal immunity. When they switch to adult food, the body weakens. Vaccinations can begin as early as the sixth week. Animals are vaccinated against rabies, salmonellosis, listeriosis and some other diseases.

Before vaccination, you need to prepare: take care of the prevention of helminthic infestation, monitor the pet’s health, and stop bathing it a week before.

Selecting a cage and accessories

Take care in advance of entertainment for the rabbit in the cage

The dwarf rabbit is a delicate and fragile breed, which must be taken into account when choosing a cage. It is desirable that each individual has its own house. Its size must be 4–5 times the size of an adult rabbit so that the animal can move. It is advisable that its rods be made of unpainted iron: when the baby gnaws on them, his health will not suffer . It is better to choose a plastic pallet.

It is worth taking care in advance about purchasing accessories: tray, feeder, drinking bowl, toys. You also need to buy a manger into which hay will be poured. This is necessary because it quickly deteriorates on the floor.

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