Degu cage: how to make a wire aviary or display case with your own hands

So, the decision to purchase a Chilean squirrel has already been made. But before you bring a new pet into your home, you need to prepare a home for it. After all, unlike a kitten or puppy, a rodent cannot be “settled” in a chair or on a doormat.

You can purchase a degu cage at a pet store or make one yourself. And expert advice can help you set up a house for a restless animal.

What kind of cell should a degu have?

Before you start creating a cage for a degu, you need to study the lifestyle of this rodent in order to provide it with comfortable conditions. The Chilean squirrel is called the bush squirrel due to the fact that it does not run through trees and forages for food in low thickets.

This fact should be taken into account when designing the cage - degus are not adapted to climb trees, but a route up and down must be provided for them.

In the wild, this unusual animal lives in burrows underground. In them, the squirrel arranges a bed and escapes from foxes and birds of prey. At home, there will be no such danger to life, but the habit of hiding in holes will remain. Therefore, you will have to place a piece of pipe in the degu’s cage to simulate an underground shelter.

It is recommended to purchase a couple of rodents at once, since Chilean squirrels in the wild live in large groups. Therefore, the size of the degu cage must be large enough to accommodate several animals.

Squirrel owners often share observations of how their pets chew holes in insufficiently strong wire mesh, not to mention exposed wooden structural elements. Therefore, all parts of the degu house must be designed to withstand heavy loads. In addition, the structure must be made of high-quality and safe materials.

Experts recommend focusing on the universal size of the structure for squirrels: 1 m (width) x 60 cm (depth) x 1.2 m (height). But these dimensions are considered minimal, and if possible, it is necessary to organize a larger space for the degu.

This is interesting! In nature, the Chilean squirrel is diurnal. The degu comes out for food early in the morning and spends the whole day searching for food, returning to its hole for a short time.

Rat breeding

Domestic rats can be bred by purebred crossing or selection of different breeds.

  1. Inbreeding. Close relatives with good characteristics are selected to produce offspring. The method is used if the owner wants to get rat pups with certain breed qualities. As a result of such crossing, non-viable offspring are often born.
  2. Outbreeding. This is the best way to breed healthy rats. For crossbreeding, purebred animals without common ancestors are selected. In this case, unplanned qualities may appear and after several generations the size of the rodent will change.
  3. Outcrossing. The method is used to obtain litter with valuable qualities. Parents should not have common ancestors in the 4th and 5th generations.
  4. Linebreeding. Involves the reproduction of rats that have a common ancestor. The brood is viable and homozygosity is maintained.

Even if all mating rules are followed, it is impossible to guarantee the expected result. The offspring may have coats of different colors and lengths, health problems, and other differences.

Caring for a decorative rat is a pleasant and interesting activity. The pet will bring the owner a lot of positive emotions. At the same time, a great responsibility is placed on the owner, since rodents require a lot of attention and effort. And errors in care can lead to illness and rapid death of the animal.

Making a wire enclosure for degu with your own hands

Making a degu cage with your own hands is not a difficult task, but it requires some experience. Many manufacturers prefer wire frames precisely because of their primitiveness and simplicity. But making such a house yourself can be problematic.

The fact is that factory-made products are most often formed according to the frameless principle, but for an individual home project you will have to prepare a wooden base.

The lower closed part of the squirrel cage is made of bars. It should provide two functions:

  • provide a reliable foundation for the entire superstructure, which will be fixed on top;
  • make it possible to remove the bottom tray to replace the bedding on which the degu sleeps.

The height of the “zero” floor is 10-15 cm.

Material – timber (section 30-50 mm).

The sheathing for the cage is plywood.

All internal sides of the cage must be “sewn up” with metal or at least plexiglass. Smooth surfaces are resistant to the teeth of a rodent; he will not be able to make a hole in them. But plastic is strictly unacceptable here.

The bottom tray can be found ready-made, but there is a problem with the exact dimensions. It is desirable that it tightly covers the bottom and does not leave any gaps. The point is not only that the degu can use its teeth to widen these gaps - in such places the squirrel can easily injure its paw. The best option would be a metal tray, which can be easily removed through a special opening in the front wall.

Another option for making the lower part of a degu cage with your own hands is simpler. There is no need to make extra slots for the tray in the design, and it is cleaned and the bedding is changed through the rear door.

After the problem of the first floor has been solved, frames for the front, rear and two side walls are made from a block with a cross-section of 3-5 cm. A metal mesh is attached to them (except for the back part) and connected to the lower element. All that remains is to make the door in the rear vertical plane. It can be made of plywood or in a combined version - of wood and mesh.

Important! It is strictly unacceptable to use any glued chipboards as materials for the cage. Adhesion in them is achieved due to various chemical compositions - if the squirrel’s teeth get to such elements, then it will probably be poisoned.

Buying a squirrel

Buying a squirrel is quite difficult. This is a rare animal to keep at home, and it is strictly forbidden to take it home from the forest - it is a wild animal, it cannot be tamed, but it can easily be tortured to death. In this case, the squirrel may get sick.

The purchase can be made at a specialized nursery, if there is one nearby, you can try to place an order at a large pet store. At worst, you can try to go to the zoo, but you better not hope for that.

Little squirrels

Do not buy protein at the poultry market if your health is important to you.

The price of an animal varies from 5,000 rubles and above, which can also be considered an advantage of a pet.

Characteristics of a rodent

  • Proportionally built body;
  • Color – fiery brown, in winter – silver-fawn;
  • There are long dark tassels on the ears;
  • The tail is fluffy;
  • Eyes – black;
  • Body length - up to 31 cm. The tail is the same length;
  • Weight – up to 1 kg;
  • Life expectancy is up to 15 years at home. For comparison, in the wild they live 3-4 years.

The squirrel has a playful, inquisitive character and inexhaustible energy. She can spin the wheel for hours, jump off it at the same second, make a couple of dozen circles around the floors of the cage, and jump into the wheel again.

Cell research

The only thing is that at first they are cowardly, but this is just a precaution, then the squirrel will become gullible. But let us warn you - petting and cuddling her like a kitten is unlikely to work, they do not like physical affection, this is not a guinea pig. But there are exceptions

But there are also exceptions.

You also need to constantly communicate with them, because... Squirrels have a very short memory, they quickly run wild, and this is fraught with bites.


You need to feed the squirrel the same thing that it eats in nature:

  • Berries;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Pine and spruce seeds;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Nuts (except almonds, which are poisonous to squirrels);
  • Buds, shoots.

Contrary to the general belief that they are herbivores, squirrels eat insects, their larvae, frogs and shelled eggs. You can drink both water and milk. We fill the feeder 2 times a day - morning and evening, about 50 grams at a time. To prevent supplies from rotting, do not add too much food.

Squirrel eats

Never give a squirrel sweet, fried, salty, or any food from our table.

Beautiful fluffy animal

Of course, the squirrel is a very beautiful animal, but before buying, think again about whether you really need it, because there are more domestic rodents that bite and scratch less. And if you don’t change your mind, then be prepared to devote a little more time to communication than you expected, after all, the beauty, as in the photo above, is a wild animal.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Making a display cage for degu

A display cage differs from a wire cage in the materials used to make the front and side walls. They can be made of glass or plexiglass. In general, this design is very similar to a large aquarium, which is visible from all sides.

This cage for a degu squirrel has the following advantages:

  • the pet will not get hurt on the metal mesh, which he will definitely chew;
  • the rigidity of the vertical surfaces and additional stability of the entire structure are ensured - the wire mesh has to be pulled tightly so that it does not sag.

You can use an old linen or bookcase to create a display case:

  1. The mezzanine is moved to the lower tier. It is very convenient to store all kinds of tools for cleaning the cage, food, toys and other attributes of a squirrel’s life. Otherwise, you can make such a box yourself.
  2. The wood is completely cut out from the side walls so that only a solid frame remains. Transparent plexiglass is inserted into it.
  3. Mark the floors (25-35 cm) and cut ventilation holes in the side walls at each level. In the future, they should be covered with a net so that the degu does not escape through the holes in the cage.
  4. The back side should transform into a door, and the front plane should be left completely transparent.
  5. Next you need to work on the roof of the cage. In it, a part of a wooden structure is cut out from the middle, and the hole is covered with glass or plexiglass. Now you can organize outdoor lighting - there will be light in the display cage, but the lamp and electrical wires will be outside the Chilean squirrel’s habitat.

Important! You should not install a degu cage in areas with bright sunlight or at the level of doors and windows - drafts will not benefit the health of a small rodent.

Other furnishings

When purchasing a house and all additional equipment for a degu, you need to take into account all the needs and wishes of the animal. If the animal does not have the opportunity to sharpen its teeth, then it will suffer from the unpleasant sensations that appear as new fangs grow.

That is why stones, twigs and other solid objects must be kept within the cage. Most of all, degus like to gnaw the branches of pears, chestnuts or willows along with the bark.

The cage can accommodate as many pipes and complex tunnels as possible through which the animals will move. They love narrow, dark spaces that resemble burrows. You can make the pipe yourself from metal corrugation. The edges should be processed so that the animal cannot be injured.

Degu cage

The litter is sawdust, white paper, and corn cobs. The side surface allows you to place drip drinkers with clean water and convenient feeders. All equipment can be made of plexiglass and thoroughly disinfected.

In order to create an enclosure for a degu, you need to take into account all the needs of the animal and know its preferences. The well-being and mood of your pet completely depends on the environment.

It is very important to consider available space. You shouldn’t fill the entire cage with toys and utensils, as the animals are constantly moving and jumping.

Each element must be safe for the health of the animal.

Thus, the animal will feel happy and calm being in the house where everything is created according to its needs.

Equipping an enclosure for degus

If the external elements of the cage are aimed at preventing the degu from escaping, then the internal parts are designed to create a comfortable environment, the ability to move around in a small space and maintain an active lifestyle.

Shelves in a cage for degus

Housing for squirrels must have at least 2 levels. They will be separated from each other in the cage by horizontal wooden partitions. To move degus across floors, holes are made in the shelves, to which ladders, rope cords, or, for example, tree trunk cuts are connected.

The shelf can be made from plywood and blocks, but its end edges, accessible to the degu's teeth, should be covered with metal elements. An aluminum corner or profile works well in this role. With their help, all wooden ribs are carefully closed, which will save the partition from merciless and rapid destruction.

Feeder and drinker for squirrels

If you can easily make the entire cage for a squirrel with your own hands, then the containers should be picked up at a pet store. Dishes for degu can be glass, ceramic or metal:

  1. A transparent glass drinker is convenient because it allows you to see how much water the squirrel drinks and control the level of its contamination.
  2. Ceramics perfectly resist attacks from rodent teeth, but they are heavy and not always comfortable.
  3. Metal bowls of various diameters are usually equipped with special brackets for hanging. This is a very comfortable type of utensil that can be securely fastened in a cage.

House or shelter for degus

A squirrel house can be of any shape. They even put boxes with an open front in the cage. Rodents do not spend very much time in them, only when they want to hide from prying eyes.

For degus, another element is much more important - imitation burrows, which will be completely closed on all sides. You can use cardboard tubes for this. They are easy to find in hardware and construction stores or even made yourself from suitable material. The pipes will become a favorite place for Chilean squirrels, who are accustomed to living in underground passages, to spend the night and rest.

You should be prepared for the fact that the degu will begin to chew on all these items and from time to time the internal elements of the cage will require updating. Therefore, it is recommended to make wooden props from hardwood, and protect the edges with metal edging. This way they will last much longer.

Other devices and items that need to be installed in the cage

The degu cage must be equipped with additional accessories:

  1. A hammock is an essential element of the cage. A piece of any rough fabric or even an old sweater will do. The fastening is made of a rope or wire base, and the suspension is fixed on carabiners. The place for the hammock should be chosen based on the individual needs of the animal. Some squirrels like to climb higher and inspect the entire cage from their bed, while others, on the contrary, want to rest somewhere below.
  2. A running wheel that is quite difficult to make with your own hands. You will have to purchase an accessory in a specialized store and modify it a little. The fact is that a thin squirrel tail often gets caught in the holes between the metal rods. And when the cubs appear, they injure their paws in the same place. It is recommended to sew a cover from thick fabric and put it on the running surface. From time to time the protection will have to be changed, but this is better than treating the pet.

Another very important device that needs to be installed in the cage is a bathtub. Degus do not like water and experience extreme stress if they get into it. But the Chilean squirrel cleans its coat with sand. Choose a sand bath taking into account the following nuances:

  1. An ordinary tray is not protected from gnawing, and the filler from it scatters throughout the cage.
  2. The swimsuit from the pet store meets all safety requirements, but you will have to pay for it.
  3. You can put a container made by yourself in a homemade cage. A large 5-7 liter drinking water bottle is suitable for this. A hole is made in the side wall for entry, its edges are carefully cleaned and covered with cloth so as not to injure the degu. Sand is poured inside (river sand and construction sand are not suitable for this purpose).


Anna Koteeva, 32 years old, Kropyvnytskyi

For our daughter’s fifth birthday, my husband and I decided to give her a gift – a degu. Since our apartment is not large, my husband decided to use the niche wisely, where they placed a house for the pet. We did not buy a ready-made cage, since they are not very cheap, and despite the fact that houses for hamsters or rats are not suitable for the Chilean squirrel. Therefore, the husband himself made a cage from plexiglass on one floor. Since we knew that such animals live in pairs, we gave the baby 2 degus. Imagine our surprise when a year later one “boy” brought us offspring. As a result, the husband had to finish 2 floors and another house, since it turns out that until the babies grow up, the males need to be kept separately. I would also like to add that such rodents need their own houses, that is, one housing per individual. Otherwise they fight.

Timofey Kolt, 51 years old, Uman

I work in a pet store and they often buy Chilean squirrels from me. When a buyer purchases an animal, he tries to buy everything necessary for it. Unfortunately, cages for such rodents are not very cheap, so many people simply buy furnishings for them, making the house themselves. And here not everyone doesn’t know that baby degus need their own corner. I make cells for sale myself, so I want to give one piece of advice. Since such animals do not like direct sun, they need a place where they can hide from it. If it is not possible to buy a ready-made house, then you can simply cover one of the corners with thick dark fabric.

Kristina Lebedeva, 24 years old, Moscow

My beloved gave me a degu on February 14th. We made the cage ourselves. I insisted on plexiglass, as it is easier to fit into the interior. I paid special attention to the comfort of pets. Therefore, having studied a lot of literature, I want to give a couple of tips. Degus secrete a lot of liquid, which is why we change the tray almost every day. Once every 3-4 months, my boyfriend makes me new wooden shelves, as they absorb moisture very strongly and begin to smell unpleasant. Also, so that my little ones wouldn’t get bored, I sewed a hammock myself and hung it on the “2nd floor”. When I first set up the cage, I bought ordinary rodent houses for them. Literally by the second month, they no longer resembled anything. So then I bought them a home made of pine needles. It turns out that this breed is absolutely safe for degus, but it tastes bitter, so they don’t touch the houses anymore.

Structure care

Regardless of the development of events and the temperament of the animal, almost all elements of the cage will need repair and restoration. This is especially true for the internal parts - stairs, passages, houses and holes.

Squirrel teeth will definitely chew everything they can reach. Of course, this behavior causes anxiety to the owners, but it is beneficial for the pet’s health. After all, degus’ teeth grow constantly, and the animals also have to grind them down every day. So if the squirrel stops chewing the “furniture,” then this is a good reason to take the animal to the veterinarian.

Sand for bathing

Degus need to regularly take sand baths to cleanse their fur of sebum and to get rid of excess moisture. Any container can be used. It is recommended to place a bathing suit in the cage every day, but you can reduce the number of such baths to two or three per week. The container should not be kept in the enclosure all the time, because it will quickly fill with garbage, and the degus will use it as a toilet.

Ordinary sand is not suitable for these animals. It is too rough for them and can damage their delicate skin. Therefore, you should purchase a special mixture for bathing chinchillas at a pet store.

Why her?

There are many other small animals!

  1. Because Chilean squirrels are unique. Few exotic animals are capable of learning and training. Degu - can follow simple commands and makes contact easily, unlike other rodents. She will become an excellent friend to the child, while demanding very little in return.
  2. Degus have an interesting appearance. They look like a mouse, a jerboa and a squirrel at the same time. Its size is small - about 30 cm. But there is more than enough activity in this small body! This cute animal loves to run around and stick its curious nose everywhere, almost purrs when it is petted and carried in arms, and happily responds to communication.
  3. The most important advantage of the degu is its tendency to diurnal lifestyle. How many rodents can boast of this? With this animal, you won’t have to sleep with a pillow on your head at night; it will sleep with its owner, and not instead of him!
  4. Chilean squirrels are long-lived, living about seven years with proper care and attention. So they are not suitable for those who want to take a “one-time toy”.


It is proposed to build a labyrinth from clapboard. The house will be voluminous with 2 compartments. You can provide it with 2 tiers. Round holes are made in each panel. This is some kind of imitation of holes. Squirrels love to sleep or hide in them. To build a degu maze with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • thick board 20 mm, width 20 cm;
  • screws for fastening;
  • a drill with a round bit to cut holes in the panels.

First, the blanks are made. 2 trapezoids are cut out of the board: length 20 cm, height 35-40 cm, top side 10 cm. A round hole is cut out in one of the blanks. Next, mark the walls. The length of the panel is 40 cm, the height is measured along the trapezoid. 3 pieces of such blanks are made. 2 panels are intended for the walls, 1 board for the internal partition of the labyrinth: a hole is made in it for the passage.

More partitions can be made. Animals welcome this. Next, cut out the blanks for the roof. A window is drilled on one of the slopes. All edges of the panels must be sanded. The blanks are connected to form a labyrinth.

It is recommended to cover the circumference of the windows with denim. This way the squirrel will not chew them. The fabric is reinforced with a stapler. A little hay or wood shavings are placed in the house. The labyrinth will serve as both a toy and a refuge for the animals. All surfaces of the house can be covered with scraps from an old knitted product. Such protection will make the labyrinth more comfortable and warmer.

Maze for degus

It is difficult to find a suitable cage, display case, houses and “bathhouse” for degus. Accessories for rodents made from wooden sticks, coconut, and hay are available for sale, but they do not differ in volume. They are often not suitable for degus. Shelters are good for decorative rats and guinea pigs. Degus breeders prefer to build their own homes for their pets.

Basic parameters

In this case, size really matters. Rodents love to lead an active lifestyle, so there should be enough free space in their house. For dwarf species of rodents, the ideal size is 50x30 cm, and for Syrians, 60x40 is best. You can buy larger cages, but they will be more difficult and take longer to clean. In addition, many people get hamsters precisely because these animals take up little space. If you see huge houses in a pet store, then know that they are intended for large rodents like a chinchilla or guinea pig. For a simple hamster, such space will be unnecessary.

There are also cages with a size of 20x25. Basically, these tiny dwellings are used for short-term keeping of animals (as a quarantine room or for depositing young animals). An ordinary individual will not be able to adapt to life in a small cage purely psychologically - animals value personal space very much. They mentally divide their home into rooms (bedroom, toilet, place to play, and so on). In a small cage, animals will feel like they are in prison, and the lack of comfort will not bring them a long and happy life.

The distance between the rods also plays an important role. It should not exceed one centimeter, as large gaps will cause the hamster to escape. The rods must be strong so that the animal cannot gnaw them.

What types of homemade wheels are there?

It’s wrong to start building an attraction right away

First you need to understand the types of wheels and the criteria by which it is important to choose a toy for an animal

First of all, pay attention to the diameter of the simulator. It depends on the length of the animal itself

For the Syrian fluffy, the diameter of such equipment varies from 12 to 18 cm, and for the Zungarian - from 10 cm. If the animal is dwarf or is still growing, then a wheel of a smaller diameter will do

As the animal grows, it is important to replace the attraction with a suitable one.

The wheels also differ in the way they are mounted. There are only 2 types:

  • Those that are installed on a stand.
  • Those who are attached to the bars of the cage.

The last option is considered the safest and most reliable. A wheel on a stand can harm the furry one if the necessary distance between the parts is neglected.

Distinctive features

One of the characteristics of the degu is its powerful, ever-growing teeth. To maintain their integrity and beauty, squirrels need to eat tree branches to regularly grind their teeth.

As a rule, rodents try to chew anything that attracts their attention.

The owner must store all the furniture in the house in a safe in advance while the pet walks around the rooms. Like all living things, degus mark their territory. A person does not detect unpleasant odors emanating from degus, because they are not there.

In a family with a small child, it is not recommended to talk about buying a degu. Babies are attracted to furry animals who pet, pick and cuddle them, something squirrels hate. The animal may forcibly bite or cut the baby's delicate skin with its sharp claws.

Bite wounds do not heal for a long time. If a degu is angry, it may even bite a bone. The animal must not be held by the back, pulled or touched by the tail. The animal will perform this action when attempting to attack.

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