What to feed your toy terrier: proper natural diet and ready-made food

A properly selected diet is important for any dog. The growth and development of the animal depends on it. Food for the pet is selected based on the characteristics of the breed. The question of what to feed the toy terrier is important, since the dog is small in size, and you need to choose a diet that will provide the dog with all the necessary nutrients.

Proper nutrition is the key to the normal development of the toy terrier

Toy Terrier: care and maintenance - what to feed your pet

These dogs are very prone to obesity, so it is important to watch what they eat. The portion size for babies is also very small, but it must contain all the necessary substances. It is recommended to consider the following rules:

  • Food may be monotonous, but complete in composition.
  • Feeding should take place at the same time and in the same place.
  • Your pet should always have clean water freely available.
  • You need to feed the animal after a walk; you should not do this before eating to avoid intestinal volvulus.
  • All food should be warm, but not cold or hot.
  • Treats should only be given during main meals.
  • If the dog has not eaten everything, then the leftovers must be removed after 15-20 minutes so that the food does not spoil.
  • It is unacceptable to give your pet food from the table - it is harmful.
  • After eating, the animal should be given a little rest.

Compliance with all the rules will allow the pet to eat properly and develop.

Some recommendations from personal experience

1. Meat, fish, cottage cheese can and should even be frozen in portions. This way, it will be convenient for you to always keep the necessary products at hand, and also rid them of bacteria.

2. Porridge can be lightly salted, using sea salt.

3. I buy fortified children’s kefir for my baby and recommend it to you.

4. You can find low-fat cottage cheese, but it will not be homemade. I preferred homemade, even if it was greasy. It's healthier than store-bought. I give it a little at a time so that the fat content doesn’t hit the baby’s liver.

5. Feeding your dog beets is very healthy. Don't be scared when you see her peeing burgundy urine. This is fine.

6. Do not increase portions more than necessary.

7. Many experts recommend giving dogs vitamins. My dog ​​grew up in excellent strong shape even without them. You can try treating yours with vitamins. But, it is better not to accustom her body to ready-made artificial vitamins, let her suck them out of natural products. That's why we feed them.

Feeding, no matter how correct, will not save your dog from diseases or allergies if you initially bought a puppy prone to diseases. Do not buy dogs at low prices, be sure to analyze the health status of their parents, and also check all the necessary documents that are provided to you along with the puppy.

What to feed a toy terrier at home - what type of food to choose

There are two food options for toys: industrial feed or natural food. Each type has its own characteristics. In some cases, owners can use mixed nutrition, when both finished products and natural food are used.

Natural products

Many owners prefer natural food, arguing that this way they can provide their pet with all the necessary elements.

Natural food has only one disadvantage - it needs to be prepared every day

Permitted and prohibited products

When choosing natural food, the owner needs to know which foods can be given to the dog and which ones should be avoided.

Acceptable foods include:

  • Meat - beef, turkey, chicken (it is better to boil it). Beef meat can be given raw.
  • By-products can be lungs, heart, tripe (beef stomach). It is allowed to give your pets beef liver, but no more than a couple of times a week to avoid eating disorders. All such products must be boiled.
  • Boiled sea fish.
  • Boiled eggs, preferably the yolk. You can give such food once every three days.
  • A variety of porridges, except pearl barley - it is quite heavy for a small stomach.
  • Fresh vegetables, finely chopped. It is allowed to give just tomato juice.

The number of permitted products is quite large, so it is quite possible to develop a varied menu for your dog. Some people wonder if a Toy Terrier can have milk. It is recommended to give this product in diluted form only in childhood. Adult dogs should not be given milk.

Prohibited foods include:

  • pork, lamb;
  • sweets, baked goods;
  • smoked meats;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • fried foods;
  • mushrooms;
  • pasta;
  • small bones;
  • legumes and soy products;
  • ground meat.

On a note! It is important to ensure that prohibited foods do not end up in your pet's bowl.

Prohibited Products

Foods that should not be given to dogs:

  • raw sausage, eggs and fish;
  • spices and seasonings;
  • pork;
  • sour cream and cream;
  • legumes;
  • fatty broths;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup.

If your pet has eaten a product from the prohibited list, then if his health worsens, it is better to call a veterinarian. The body’s reaction manifests itself depending on the dog’s degree of endurance and its overall health.

Weekly menu for a toy (natural food)

If you wish, you can create any menu for the toy for a week. An example option is described below:

Day of the weekMorningEvening
MondayBoiled rice with finely chopped meat and herbsCottage cheese, flaxseed oil, yolk
TuesdayOatmeal with herbs and rabbit meatSea fish, fermented baked milk or kefir
WednesdayBeef heart, finely choppedSea fish, carrot, apple
ThursdayRice porridge with zucchini, finely chopped boiled veal and herbsFish, cabbage, croutons
FridayOatmeal with beef liver, stewed pumpkin and vegetable oilLow-fat cottage cheese, pear
SaturdayBuckwheat with finely chopped chicken and herbs, peachBoiled fish, carrots
SundayBoiled rice with beef, zucchini and herbsCurdled milk, banana, pear

Any vegetables can be given, except those containing starch.

How much and how often to feed

If you choose ready-made food, then it is worth remembering that babies should not be given only dry or only wet food - it is recommended to alternate them. For the first time, soft food can be given only from one and a half months of age.

Additional Information. Dry products are permissible in a dog’s diet only after the process of changing teeth has been completed. In this case, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian - the animal must have a formed bite and be free from various pathologies of the oral cavity.

Useful video

Here you can find out a lot of interesting information about the Russian Toy Terrier. The video provides advice regarding small pets.

Feed comparison

Currently, you can buy a variety of foods for your Toy Terrier. All products are divided into several groups with specific features:

  • Premium class. Most toy owners choose this kind of food. They have a balanced composition and are quite affordable for any buyer. Almost all brands have similar products, so you can choose the right food. It is important to carefully read the composition of feeds of this class - some of them can be very good, while others remain at the level of the economy segment. Good products should contain a large amount of proteins. The most popular brands are Hills, Pro Plan, Royal Canin.
  • Super premium class. These foods belong to the first class, often containing various poultry meat, eggs, rice, and first category by-products. The composition of the products is so balanced that there is no need to supplement the menu with various vitamin complexes. The food is well digestible, does not contain chemical components and does not provoke allergies. Special technologies are used in the production of food, thanks to which all nutrients are preserved. Popular brands are Monge, Brit Care, Trainer.
  • Holistics. This is the highest quality food. There are statistics that dogs fed these products from childhood practically do not get sick. There are no chemicals in such food, and the ingredients are selected in such a way that the dog has enough of all the elements. Popular brands are “Acana”, “Canidae”, “Holistic Blend”.

Before choosing food, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian and choose the most suitable option.

Dry food is divided into several groups, you need to choose the most suitable one

Vitamin supplements

Dogs on premium, super premium and holistic food classes are not required. For the rest, it is necessary to fortify the diet, especially in spring and autumn. There are ready-made multivitamin-mineral complexes:

  • for wool (group B, H, fatty and amino acids) - Yumega Boost;
  • for joints (D, E, glucosamine, chitosan, probiotics) - “8in1” Glucosamine;
  • for small breeds (group B, A, H, Omega3) - Vita Bon,
  • for puppies (A, C, E, D, group B, F, minerals) - “8in1” Excel,
  • for puppies and lactating bitches (D, C, folic acid (B9), Omega3, calcium, iron) - Pro Bio Booster;
  • for old dogs (A, B, E, fatty acids, zinc) - Radostin for dogs over 6 years old.

Mixed feeding

Mixed nutrition is often used when raising a toy terrier. It is allowed to replace one meal of ready-made food with natural food. Or do the exact opposite - pamper the dog with dry “sweets” on a mostly natural diet.

Note! Under no circumstances should ready-made food be added to porridge or other natural dishes.

It is recommended to monitor your dog’s reaction to new products. Dry food can be introduced into the diet gradually if you are planning a trip and there will be no opportunity to cook. However, you need to check them in advance for possible allergic reactions.

NOW FRESH salmon, duck, turkey (2.72 kg)

Canadian quality holistic. Products of this brand do not include grain crops, by-products, chemical preservatives, aroma or taste enhancers.

High-quality meat, vegetables, and cereals maintain the required level of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the animal’s body.


  • Unfastened packaging;
  • Large granules may be difficult to digest if not chewed.


  • Pronounced smell.

How to change the power plan

A change in diet can negatively affect the pet’s condition, but in some cases it cannot be avoided. For example, if your dog has an allergy, then it is necessary to change the diet as quickly as possible. It is permissible to change food once every three months. Before feeding your Mini Toy Terrier new food, you need to offer the animal several foods to choose from and observe its reaction.

Important! The diet is changed gradually, over approximately 7-10 days. The old diet is gradually replaced with a new one.

Under no circumstances should you switch your dog from natural food to dry food and vice versa, this can negatively affect the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Wolfsblut Gray Peak Small Breed (15 kg)

German quality holistic specialist. The products of this brand include only those components that are easily absorbed by the dog’s body, without causing any digestive problems.

No wheat, oats, corn, starch or gluten. Meat makes up more than half of the food - cod, mackerel, haddock, pheasant, rabbit, trout, salmon, lamb.



  • Excellent balance of vitamins, minerals, healthy supplements;
  • Complete absence of chemical ingredients (flavor and aroma enhancers and dyes);
  • Moderate size granules;
  • No noticeable odor;
  • Elegant, high quality packaging;
  • The company has an official website with a detailed description of the product and instructions;
  • The condition of the coat improves.


  • Rarely available in pet stores;
  • In isolated cases may cause constipation

What to feed a toy terrier puppy

The correct diet of the baby determines how he will develop and grow, as well as what health the adult dog will have.

What foods should be in a puppy's diet?

The puppy's diet should include fermented milk products, liquid porridge, lean meat and fish, various vegetables and fruits.

Babies need to eat properly and on time

Diet: frequency of feedings and volume of portions by month

Puppies eat in small portions, but more often. In the first month, the main product is mother's milk. No additives are used at this time. It is recommended to simply monitor how the month-old baby develops.

What to feed a 2 month old toy terrier puppy is of interest to many owners. At this time, you can begin to introduce complementary foods and gradually transfer the animal to solid food. Children can be given boiled meat and low-fat cottage cheese. Such a puppy is fed up to 6 times a day. You can cook milk porridge.

When the puppy reaches four months of age, he can be given vegetables and fruits. You need to feed your baby 4 to 5 times a day. Dairy foods are reduced, it is better to choose sour milk.

Important! As the dog grows, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of feedings, and, on the contrary, increase the serving size. After six months, the toy terrier can be switched to an adult diet. Up to 9 months, cubs are fed 3 times a day; after 9 months, you can give your pet food twice a day.

What grains should not be given to dogs?

It is not recommended to feed pearl barley, corn, millet, semolina and legume porridge. All of them not only do not bring any benefit to the dog’s body, but can even cause harm. They are not even absorbed by the body, are poorly digested and lead to indigestion.

Also, for example, corn and pearl barley porridge cause allergies. Therefore, you need to be very careful when planning your pet’s diet. Semolina, millet and corn can lead to volvulus (especially if you immediately go for a walk after feeding).

Now you know what cereals can and cannot be given to dogs of large and small breeds.

Features of feeding during pregnancy and after childbirth

During pregnancy and after birth, the dog requires more nutrients. The mother needs to be fed up to 6 times a day. In this case, the dog is given calcium supplements and a little salt is added to the food.

To replenish the necessary balance of fats, it is recommended to give your dog 10% cream. The pet needs clean water; you can give it rice water. After the puppies are given away, the bitch is given three meals a day.

Cottage cheese is very healthy for kids

What's not allowed?

In general, all representatives of the Toy Terrier breed are prohibited from eating any food from the master’s table.

Since food prepared for humans contains an excessive amount of salt and sugar, which is extremely harmful for the pet.

The list of products, the consumption of which can lead to serious consequences for the toy terrier’s body, is as follows::

  • any smoked meats, sausages, frankfurters;
  • grilled meat;
  • crackers, chips, baked goods;
  • chocolate, sweets;
  • pasta;
  • fatty meat, incl. pork;
  • raw offal and raw fish;
  • potatoes and legumes;
  • raw eggs;
  • cream, sour cream;
  • spices.

If your dog refuses to eat: possible reasons

An animal may refuse food in different cases. It is important to pay attention to his condition - perhaps the dog is sick. In some cases, the pet may not like the food, then it is better to replace it. But it may also be that the dog is simply being mischievous and begging for “yummy food.” In this case, you need to make sure that nothing is left in the bowl after feeding.

The dog may not eat well due to any stress. It is necessary to pay more attention to it and try to eliminate the causes of the ailments.

The dog must have water available at all times.

Feeding a toy terrier is an important point in its development. It is recommended that you carefully and carefully select your dog's diet to ensure good health for your pet in the future. It is important to monitor the animal’s reaction to different foods. You need to carefully care for the baby, then the adult dog will have excellent development and health.

Features of the diet for small breeds

Toy terriers, despite their small weight, can eat raw meat, which they do with great pleasure . But experienced owners do not simply give their kids raw purchased beef. The meat is cut into portions and placed in the freezer, which is necessary to destroy parasites that may be in the meat.

In addition, before feeding the meat to the dog, it is not only defrosted, but also scalded with boiling water. Some owners cook the meat in boiling unsalted water for 5 minutes.

You can do the same with fish and cottage cheese - divide into portions and put in the freezer, and give to the animal after defrosting. By-products are good for dogs; they are not frozen, but doused with boiling water or boiled for several minutes.

No spices are added to the porridges given to toy terriers, nor to stewed vegetables. An exception is that sea salt on the tip of a teaspoon is added to the porridge, but this is not done often. If your dog eats yogurt, it should not contain dyes. Cottage cheese for toy terriers is often made from children's cottage cheese. You can mix meat with porridge (1/3 porridge and 2/3 meat) if your pet does not want to eat porridge in its pure form.

Advice! A dog that eats healthy food has a cheerful appearance, its coat is glossy and shiny, its eyes are not watery, its nose is moist, its breath is clear, and there is no smell from its mouth. If you see negative changes in your dog's appearance, contact your veterinarian.

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