Accessories for guinea pigs: essential supplies. Detailed checklist

The house is the heart of the pet's cage

In the cage or enclosure itself, you will need to equip a place where the guinea pig will hide or just relax. The house must have a good, strong roof, because the animal will often climb onto the “roof” in order to observe the world around it from a height.

The house should be spacious so that the rodent does not run wild in its shelter.

Primary requirements

Before making a cage with your own hands, you should consider the size of the housing.
You can make a small table of standard sizes of structures for rodents. For one rodent, the cage dimensions should be 80x110 cm, for two - 80x150 cm, for three - 80x180 cm, and for four - 80x220 cm.

If you need to make the territory larger, then you should add a little footage so that the animals move freely throughout the free space.

Before constructing a home, you need to know certain conditions.

  • The area where the rodent will be kept must be dried and cleaned and have adequate ventilation.
  • To have more contact with your pet, you need to make a house in a room where the whole family will gather. The pet easily adapts if it hears human speech.
  • The dwelling must be installed on a flat, smooth surface so that there are no slopes or shaky areas.
  • The pet's home must be level so that the pet does not get hurt.
  • The height of the house should be about 36-41 cm. If the rodent is large in size and, standing on its hind legs, can reach the upper wall of the house, then the height needs to be increased.
  • If there are other pets in the apartment, then the animal’s home should be constructed directly under the ceiling. The ceiling will be able to protect the pet from other aggressive pets, and in this case, no things will fall on top of it.
  • If the pet is already several years old, then there is no need to make a cage for it, which has many levels.
  • All walls and floors in the house should have good lighting. It's better if it's natural light.
  • Do not install your home near heating appliances. Also, the cage must be installed no closer than 52 cm from the external walls of the house.

The feeder is a guinea pig's favorite accessory.

Guinea pigs eat both dry and succulent food.
That is why you will need to equip two feeders. The first container is filled with grain and granulated feed. The second container is filled with vegetables and fruits. Feeders must be stable, otherwise the animal may knock over the bowl. The optimal material for the container is metal, since plastic feeders can be chewed by animals. If there are several guinea pigs living in the enclosure at once, then you will need to choose a wide feeder with low sides. This way, several animals can eat at the same time and will not interfere with each other.

Mineral stone - for dental health

This is a necessary element in the cell. Mineral stone is used for sharpening teeth. In addition, thanks to it, the animal’s body receives the necessary microelements. You can buy it at any pet store.

Choosing and arranging a home

To keep your pet, it is advisable to purchase a plastic or metal cage - it is easier to wash and disinfect. The cage size is at least 0.5 square meters. m for 1 individual. The bottom of the cage should be solid so as not to damage the paws when moving. Sawdust is placed on the floor in a layer of 1–1.5 cm, which is changed regularly. A drinking bowl and feeder, as well as items for games and recreation, are installed inside.

Cage or aquarium

An aquarium is an almost enclosed space. Air enters it only from above, which increases the temperature inside and worsens gas exchange. The disadvantage of an aquarium is that the pig constantly lives at elevated air temperatures, inhaling vapors from urine and feces. This is bad for your pet's health. Among the advantages of such maintenance is that the aquarium does not absorb odors after cleaning and satisfies the skinny's need for warmth - it requires 4 ° C higher than for representatives of woolen breeds.

When keeping a cage, you need to take into account that the cage should be spacious, non-traumatic and easy to maintain. Height is not an important parameter, since an almost 2-kilogram pig is unlikely to climb anywhere. The length is much more important - it should not be less than 100 cm, since the pet needs room to run.

We recommend that you learn how to choose and arrange a cage for a guinea pig.


You can find very attractive cage options on sale, or purchase a long cage and customize it to suit your pet’s characteristics. The cage must have:

  • house;
  • drinking bowl;
  • feeder

The floor is sprinkled with sawdust. The pet’s natural needs are managed in a bedding made of sawdust, which needs to be changed as it gets dirty. In large cages, a pig may choose a corner or several for the toilet. Regularly replacing sawdust in these corners will eliminate the smell without wasting bedding material.

In the side part of the cage you need to build a “house” - a fenced area with a roof:

  • height – at least 8 cm (animal height – about 7 cm);
  • width – along the width of the cell;
  • length – about 16–20 cm.

The house must have an entrance. A drinking bowl is installed on top of the structure so that the animal does not pollute the water with sawdust. The feeder is placed in the side niches of the cage or on a hill in the corner. There is no need to keep the sand bath in the cage for grooming. It is better to place it in the cage 1-2 times a week for the whole day. This will reduce your costs for sand and cleaning the cage.

Did you know? The guinea pig sleeps with his eyes open. To sleep, 8–10 minutes are enough for her, after which the next 3–4 hour stage of wakefulness begins.

Singles or need a couple

Pigs are kept both together and individually. Among the opinions on forums you can easily find arguments both for and against keeping several pigs. Opponents of shared content argue their point of view by saying:

  • a pair of a boy and a girl means frequent births for the female and the need to place the offspring somewhere;
  • a pair of two boys may fight frequently;
  • livability depends on the individual characters of each individual.

Proponents of cohabitation often say that a pet is bored alone and needs to communicate with its own kind. There is no scientific evidence for this fact, but it is worth considering that in the wild, pigs live in flocks of 5–10 individuals, dig holes together and, naturally, intersect in the same territory.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether to have two pigs or one depends on your personal preferences.

Hay holder

The basis of a guinea pig's diet is hay. The pet must have constant access to this food. Hay can be purchased at a pet store or made yourself if conditions permit. Before the food reaches your pet, it is recommended to sort it out. But if you just put hay in the cage, the animal can get dirty and trample on it. That is why special holders made of metal or plastic are purchased.

Best solutions

The best decision would be to buy an enclosure made taking into account all the needs of guinea pigs. Such cages have a plastic bottom, which is equipped with a pull-out tray. This feature will make it easy to clean up your pet’s home, and the plastic sides will prevent sawdust from flying around the room.

The walls are made of metal, and special places are equipped with fasteners for feeders and drinkers.

Enclosures presented in pet stores can be equipped with a second tier. This adds more space for your guinea pig to move around. The two-story structure allows you to place many passages inside the enclosure and divide the space into zones.

Carrying - just in case

This element is used to transport an animal. Guinea pigs are easily stressed, they get scared quickly, and the road is a serious irritant for them. That is why you will need to take care of a reliable shelter for your pet. Pet stores offer a ready-made cardboard version with holes for air supply. But a plastic container is more reliable: it is durable and is a more practical option.

The main purpose of a plastic carrier is to minimize the stress of travel.

Types of leashes

A harness for guinea pigs is the most difficult thing in preparing for walks with your pet. The fact is that a collar is strictly contraindicated for them: the neck muscles of rodents are extremely fragile

One careless movement and a fracture will occur. Therefore, harnesses are selected for them that wrap around the body, safely distributing pressure

The easiest way to get a harness for your guinea pig is to go to a pet store. If the product you are interested in is not available, you cannot buy goods for other animals - even if the seller assures you otherwise.

For a guinea pig, design is not important - convenience is important to him. There are several acceptable harness options for them:

  • A vest attached to the bottom is the best option for them in terms of convenience. It does not restrict movement and even protects from damage. There is only one downside - if the pig grows up or changes a lot of things, the clothes will not fit her.
  • A figure eight harness is an original solution for walking your pet. Reliable fastening and practicality. A vest, for example, needs to be washed sometimes - guinea pigs are mobile, but a figure-eight harness - much less often.
  • If the pet is still growing, a harness in the form of stripes is best suited for it - they are adjustable and fit tightly around the animal's body.

It is worth remembering, however, that during a walk the pet’s comfort is a priority. A finger should fit freely between the harness and the rodent's body; in no case should the fabric fit tightly. They have delicate skin, so only moderately spacious, but strong harness.

Additional accessories

There are certain products for guinea pigs that are aimed at diversifying the animals' lives. These include various kinds of toys, comfortable loungers or hammocks.

Toys are not just for kids!

Guinea pigs are playful animals. Pet stores offer a large number of balls and coils that make ringing sounds when rolled.

You should choose toys made from natural materials, because rodents love to taste everything.


An active animal needs certain sports activities. Guinea pigs have a special affinity for tunnels: they are made of fabric or plastic, and the rodent will actively move in them. You can connect several parts, thereby constructing a labyrinth. A curious animal will be happy to explore it. You can make a tunnel yourself.

DIY tunnel equipment sequence:

  1. Take a metal wire and make several rings. Their diameter should allow the guinea pig to move freely between the elements.
  2. Each ring is covered with thick fabric. Fleece is often used for this purpose.
  3. The rings need to be connected to each other. For this purpose, fabric pieces are used.
  4. The edges of the rings are equipped with hooks. This is necessary to secure the tunnels to the rods.

The tunnel can be made from the remains of pipes. Plumbing communications are made of durable plastic: a guinea pig cannot chew such material. The pipes can be sheathed with colorful fabric, thereby giving it an interesting and bright color.

For the maze, you can use cardboard or thick paper. An ordinary box is taken, holes are made, various kinds of barriers and places for shelter are equipped. This will be worthy entertainment for the rodent, but, of course, not for long: the animal will chew it with the same joy.

A lounger - to have somewhere to rest after the game!

To sleep, guinea pigs climb into the house. But rest can also take place on special beds. You can make interesting mattresses yourself or purchase ready-made options at pet stores.

How to make a sleeping bag for a rodent:

  • Take fabric from which squares are cut out. Their sizes are determined by the dimensions of the guinea pig. Traditionally, 10 cm should be added to the body length.
  • The inside of the bag is equipped. A soft cloth is used for this.
  • The top of the bag is covered with padding polyester. Leave 10 cm on the side of the hole.
  • A denser material is used for the outer part. The inner part together with padding polyester is placed in the outer bag.
  • The previously left 10 cm of fabric is wrapped and hemmed.

A sleeping bag will serve as a reliable shelter for your guinea pig. That is why animals often prefer them to a house. The products will have to be washed frequently, so the fabric must be prepared for this: you need to choose a thick, good quality option. Bags of bright and unusual colors will look stylish.

Hammock - heavenly pleasure!

You can hang a small hammock in the cage for your guinea pig. This is a convenient product where your beloved pet will love to relax. The hammock is hung at a height of 10-15 cm. Otherwise, the animal may suffer if it falls.


Many guinea pig owners like to photograph their pets in interesting clothes, so the clothes are purely decorative. You can buy bright dresses and suits in pet stores. Some owners sew outfits to order. You can try making clothes yourself.

"Low" fashion

Guinea pigs, like other pets, don't really need clothes. Sewing outfits for your pets is more of a hobby for the owner, an opportunity to show off his pet’s original ideas and cuteness.

The Peruvians began dressing pigs in costumes. In the homeland of the animal, a Guinea Pig Festival is held annually. Animals dressed as kings and queens, Disney and other characters, take part in a ceremonial procession. At the end of the general show, the jury selects the largest, most elegant and fastest pig, who are awarded prizes. After the awards, all participants are treated to goodies. The holiday is accompanied by loud music, fireworks and dancing.

Pigs dressed as menacing dinosaurs

Sewing miniature dresses is also done in other countries of the world. This hobby has been popular in Thailand for a long time. Russian designers switched from dog and cat fashion relatively recently, but have already managed to release collections varied in style and purpose:

  • nautical theme with vest and sailor suit;
  • vintage style with beads and embroidery;
  • glamorous outfits with lace;
  • comic costumes - Santa Claus, clown, etc.
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