Why does a hamster squeak, scream, make strange sounds of screaming and crying?

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01/25/2019 Sometimes the owner may notice that his hamster squeaks.
The volume and reasons for the squeak vary and depend on the character and breed of the hamster. For example, sounds can be heard extremely rarely from a Syrian hamster, while Djungarians are more temperamental. Caring owners are disturbed by squeaking, snorting and other unusual sounds. Hamsters are usually calm, quiet and unpretentious, and squeaking may indicate discomfort. First of all, you need to find out why the hamster squeaks. There may be several reasons.


  1. Marriage games.

When a male hamster courts a female, he sings a song to her. The most gallant individuals perform a serenade for the female before starting mating.

  1. Good mood.

There is no need to worry prematurely. Quiet squeaking can mean joy from a pleasant meal or meeting with the owner. If your hamster is cheerful and energetic, but starts squeaking when he sees you, know that this is how he says hello!

  1. Stress.

The hamster may become agitated, for example, when moving. New surroundings and smells frighten the fluffy, and he may squeal. It usually takes a rodent about a week to get comfortable in a new space. During these days, it is recommended not to disturb the hamster, not to squeeze it, not to pick it up. Over time, the pet will adapt and stop squeaking.

  1. Defense of the territory.

The cute hamster becomes aggressive when it comes to protecting his territory from any other rodents, including his own brothers. If the owner carelessly places two hamsters in the same cage, a fight will inevitably occur. Before a fight, the hamster makes loud sounds similar to squeaking and hissing, as well as crackling and chirping to scare the enemy.

  1. Need for help.

If your hamster squeaks when it hasn't done so before, check to see if it has food and water. Perhaps he is tormented by hunger or thirst. An animal may also vocalize if it is hot or its cage is dirty.

Oddly enough, some are sure that hamsters do not drink water, but get all the necessary moisture from juicy food. In fact, hamsters, excluding newborns, need water. You need to place a drinking bowl in the cage where there will always be fresh water. It is necessary to train your pet to use it.

  1. Dreams.

When a hamster squeaks and twitches in his sleep, he is simply dreaming. He can twitch his limbs, make faces and make sounds.

  1. Bad feeling.

Illness is a serious reason why a small rodent may squeak. Behavior can tell about it: lethargy, loss of appetite, decreased activity, drowsiness. Appearance also says a lot about the health of the animal. He stops cleaning the fur, which makes it look sloppy.

The first thing you need to do is examine your pet: examine its paws, teeth, and skin. Both squeaking and loud screams can indicate discomfort. For example, a squeak after a fall indicates injury. After all, hamsters do not know how to fall and jump correctly, like cats. Therefore, falling from a height, they often receive serious damage.

After being bitten by a subcutaneous tick, the hamster experiences such acute itching that it screams, squeals, gets angry and nervous. If it is not clear why your pet is squeaking, and there are skin problems, demodicosis should be suspected.

Hamsters may experience discomfort due to poor diet. Sometimes they squeak for this reason. In this case, it is worth reviewing your pet’s diet.

What is the meaning of the meme?

The scared hamster meme helps a person express his reaction to an event. This meme reaction is used when a person experiences severe shock, horror, or feels very helpless. The situation itself to which such a reaction arose is usually indicated in the caption to this meme. In addition, the screaming cute animal looks very funny. This hero is often compared to the famous cartoon Pokemon. It’s not for nothing that a frightened hamster is called “Surprised Pikachu” on the Internet.

Learning how to care for a hamster

When getting a pet, you need to find out as much as possible about its habits and the peculiarities of caring for it. Here are some tips:

  • In new conditions, the animal may initially experience stress, so it should not be disturbed.
  • When changing bedding, leave a piece for the animal to recognize its smell.
  • Periodically do a general cleaning of the cage.
  • Do not put several individuals in one cage. Each of them should have their own territory.
  • Study the dietary features of hamsters of this breed.

If a Djungarian hamster squeaks and at the same time gnaws the bars of the cage, it means that the owner is not caring for him correctly.

Excessive attention from owners

Close attention and excessive care will harm not only human relationships, but can also cause cannibalism in female hamsters. Since this rodent is a solitary animal, and after the birth of the cubs, the female needs a secluded environment and tranquility even more, excessive care will only harm these animals. Do not pick up hamsters and do not get into the cage. Let your family see you less.

Foreign odors repel the mother hamster. Sensing a foreign smell, she does not identify the cubs as her own creatures and, as a result, abandons them and destroys them. Do not touch the hamster family for one to two weeks after the babies are born!

It is necessary to prepare in advance for the new offspring of furry rodents. When cleaning the cage, if you find hamster supplies, do not touch them. This is a strategic supply of products, which unpleasantly traumatizes the animal’s psyche in the event of its loss, even to the point of an uneven breakdown in a pregnant female. Only spoiled products can be thrown away to avoid the growth of putrefactive bacteria, odor and poisoning.

To arrange your own nest, it is recommended to put a few paper napkins. Your task is to fill the drinking bowl with clean drinking water and pour food into the feeder on time. This is all that the rodent needs from its owner at this time. Nature will do the rest.

Why does a hamster squeak and how to help a small rodent

If your Djungarian or Syrian hamster squeaks or makes strange sounds, find out the reason and try to eliminate it.

Check the contents of the cage. Add water or food if necessary.

It is better to leave a hamster that has recently been brought into the house alone. After about a week, the animal will adapt, stop crying and begin to settle down.

If a dwarf is screaming with rage and clearly wants to pounce and bite, there is no need to bother him - this will make him even more angry. Hamsters are scary when angry. In this state, they scream loudly and even rush at people. Therefore, when you hear a hamster scream, it is better to just leave him behind for a while.

If a hamster squeaks at night, in his sleep, there is no need to wake him up and pick him up, this will only scare the animal. Let him sleep on.

The pitiful crying and cries of pain cannot be ignored. An early visit to the veterinarian is necessary. If a pet cries and squeaks in pain, it means it is terrible, because these animals can remain silent, even if they break a leg. The most common cause of pain is colic. They are accompanied by rumbling and enlargement of the abdomen. You need to remove foods that cause fermentation (for example, cabbage) from your diet. If the intestines become severely bloated, the animal may die.

Health problems

Uncomfortable living conditions

Sometimes a squeak means that the hamster is screaming for help. There is no drinking water or food in the cage, it is too hot - all this provokes the pet to declare itself. When thinking about why a lonely Syrian hamster squeaks, check its conditions of detention.

Respiratory diseases

If your pet constantly makes strange sounds - sniffles, whistles, snorts, this indicates difficulty breathing. A rodent can have either a common cold or pneumonia. You should contact your veterinarian.

Strong pain

If a hamster cries in pain, it means it is beyond the pale. A rodent can silently endure even a broken leg. The most common cause of suffering is colic. If the stomach growls and increases in size, and the hamster is worried and whines pitifully, the cause is bloating. Analyze the diet: there are foods that cause fermentation (cabbage).

With strong gas formation, the animal may die.

Discomfort and itching

When infected by a subcutaneous mite, the itching is so severe that the animal squeals in pain and becomes nervous and aggressive. If it is not clear why the Djungarian hamster squeaks and at the same time there are skin problems, you should check your pet for demodicosis.

Decoding other sounds

Sometimes hamsters snort. If the sounds are short and repetitive, it means that dust or small particles of food have entered the animal’s nose. Usually he quickly manages to get rid of them.

But if the hamster began to hiss or sniffle, then this is a cause for concern - he could have caught a cold from dampness or a draft. If your pet does not stop sniffling and choking, you should urgently take him to the doctor.

Sometimes you can notice that the hamster is crying. Then the owner should analyze his behavior: he probably disturbed the animal at the wrong time, or upset him in some way. If you continue to pester, crying may give way to angry screams.

Baby rodents often cry, frightened by an unusual environment. But if no one has offended the hamster, and he makes plaintive, drawn-out sounds, then something definitely hurts him. Go to the vet immediately.

Please note: hamsters cry without tears. If tears are visible in the rodent's eyes or face, it most likely has a respiratory infection.

First aid for a child if a hamster bites him until he bleeds


Some tips on what to do if a hamster bites a child:

  1. Wash the bitten area with warm water and antibacterial soap.
  2. Treat the wound with an antiseptic. It is best to use Chlorhexidine or iodine, but if you don’t have them on hand, you can moisten the wound with hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green.
  3. After treatment, seal the wound with adhesive tape. If your hamster bites your finger, you can put on a special rubber finger guard. If necessary, you should give a painkiller tablet.

Do you need to go to the hospital if a rodent bites your baby until he bleeds? If this was done by a pet who perceived playing with him as aggression and decided to defend himself, then there is no need to worry. Suspicion of an animal's illness is a serious cause for concern. If your hamster has been overly aggressive lately or, conversely, lethargic and eating poorly, this may be a sign of illness.

You need to take the bites of hamsters sold in markets or pet stores very seriously. What should you do if an animal bites a child while you are buying it? You need to go to the hospital immediately. You should take the rodent with you so that the laboratory can check whether it is a carrier of the infection.

In this case, a person always needs first aid.

And it consists of such activities as:

  • The bite site must be washed with warm soapy water. It is advisable to use laundry soap, since it, among all other types of soap, helps eliminate infections and bacteria.
  • After washing the wound, it should be treated with a medical antiseptic. For this purpose, preparations such as a solution of ode, brilliant green, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide are excellent.
  • Then, in order to prevent infectious agents from entering the bite wound, it is best to seal it with a bactericidal adhesive plaster. And if the bite occurs on a finger, it will be convenient to use a rubber fingertip while working around the house.
  • If an intense painful syndrome develops, you can take a pharmacological agent with an analgesic effect.
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