Hamster sounds: why does your pet squeak, yell or cry?

Hamsters are fairly quiet animals, but in special situations they can make different sounds. This behavior cannot be ignored, because this is the only means of so-called communication between pet and owner.

Let's find out what some of the hamster's sounds mean, and how the owner should act in an unusual situation.

Variety of sounds

Newborn hamsters are quite sociable. They constantly whistle, coo and even chirp like chicks. An adult hamster makes sounds when it is overwhelmed with emotion or pain.

Observations of small pets have shown that not all breeds tend to make sounds. For example, the Syrian hamster squeaks only in acute pain, and the Djungarian hamster tends to express any feelings with its voice.

Sound options:

It is very difficult to accurately determine the emotions that the Djungarian hamster is trying to express through sound. The owners, in addition to hearing, will have to turn on their powers of observation. For example, a rodent may hide in a house, coo quietly, and thus refuse to go for a walk.

If you try to catch it, it will squeak, dodge and slip through your fingers. In such a situation, it is better to leave the hamster alone.

Important! When a rodent cries and squeaks for no apparent reason, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Health problems

Uncomfortable living conditions

Sometimes a squeak means that the hamster is screaming for help. There is no drinking water or food in the cage, it is too hot - all this provokes the pet to declare itself. When thinking about why a lonely Syrian hamster squeaks, check its conditions of detention.

Respiratory diseases

If your pet constantly makes strange sounds - sniffles, whistles, snorts, this indicates difficulty breathing. A rodent can have either a common cold or pneumonia. You should contact your veterinarian.

Strong pain

If a hamster cries in pain, it means it is beyond the pale. A rodent can silently endure even a broken leg. The most common cause of suffering is colic. If the stomach growls and increases in size, and the hamster is worried and whines pitifully, the cause is bloating. Analyze the diet: there are foods that cause fermentation (cabbage).

With strong gas formation, the animal may die.

Discomfort and itching

When infected by a subcutaneous mite, the itching is so severe that the animal squeals in pain and becomes nervous and aggressive. If it is not clear why the Djungarian hamster squeaks and at the same time there are skin problems, you should check your pet for demodicosis.

How to decipher sound signals

Caring owners will not deliberately tease the animal in order to hear the hamster squeak. The added stress shortens a hamster's already short life. But it's helpful to have an idea of ​​what beeps might mean.

Djungarians make a faint squeak as a greeting. Little hamsters are happy to meet their owner and try to attract his attention. But the reason may be more mundane: the pet has run out of food and is asking for a refill on the feeder.

Interesting! Males use squeaks to attract the attention of females. The hamster squeaks love melodies to his beloved before mating.

Pets sometimes make strange squeaking noises when they sleep. During an exciting dream, the hamster may move its legs. However, constant squeaking at night indicates pain, so you will need to consult a veterinarian.


Hamsters sometimes begin to snort or snore loudly. The most common cause is nasal congestion. A short sneeze will help clear your pet's airways of dust and crumbs, but a cold will require special treatment.


Heavy breathing signals a problem in your pet's body. Most likely, the animal was in a draft for a long time and caught a cold. If the snoring is accompanied by shortness of breath, the rodent needs to be treated immediately.

Screaming and crying - these sounds are made by hamsters very rarely. Small animals cry in an unusual environment when they are brought to a new home. The only means of calm is loneliness. Owners should only approach the cage to change food and water. After a few days the situation stabilizes.

Hamsters willingly communicate with humans, sit on hands and play. But rodents do not tolerate rough treatment. Constant pestering can turn a good-natured pet into a screaming hamster that can sink its teeth into the hand of the offender.

Important! When rodents cry, tears do not flow. If drops are visible on the face, then the pet has caught a respiratory infection.

The hamster screams from overexcitation of the nervous system. Owners with constant attention can aggravate the situation, and a quiet squeak will turn into a hysterical roar. The only thing that will console the animal is complete loneliness in its own house.


Periodically, a chirping sound, like the sound of a woodpecker, is heard from the cage. This means that the animal takes care of its fur. These animals carry out hygienic procedures with the help of their hind legs; sometimes they touch the walls of the cage, and the owners hear a crash.


The loudest sound is hissing. This is how the rodent tries to scare the enemy and make him flee. The aggressiveness of the animal's intentions is evidenced by its posture: the mouth is wide open, the front teeth are exposed, the body is arched. If the enemy ignores the warning, a fight may break out.

The hamster screams from strong fright. Usually he tries to escape, but if unsuccessful, he turns over with his paws up and makes a piercing sound.


  1. Marriage games.

When a male hamster courts a female, he sings a song to her. The most gallant individuals perform a serenade for the female before starting mating.

  1. Good mood.

There is no need to worry prematurely. Quiet squeaking can mean joy from a pleasant meal or meeting with the owner. If your hamster is cheerful and energetic, but starts squeaking when he sees you, know that this is how he says hello!

The hamster may become agitated, for example, when moving. New surroundings and smells frighten the fluffy, and he may squeal. It usually takes a rodent about a week to get comfortable in a new space. During these days, it is recommended not to disturb the hamster, not to squeeze it, not to pick it up. Over time, the pet will adapt and stop squeaking.

  1. Defense of the territory.

The cute hamster becomes aggressive when it comes to protecting his territory from any other rodents, including his own brothers. If the owner carelessly places two hamsters in the same cage, a fight will inevitably occur. Before a fight, the hamster makes loud sounds similar to squeaking and hissing, as well as crackling and chirping to scare the enemy.

  1. Need for help.

If your hamster squeaks when it hasn't done so before, check to see if it has food and water. Perhaps he is tormented by hunger or thirst. An animal may also vocalize if it is hot or its cage is dirty.

Oddly enough, some are sure that hamsters do not drink water, but get all the necessary moisture from juicy food. In fact, hamsters, excluding newborns, need water. You need to place a drinking bowl in the cage where there will always be fresh water. It is necessary to train your pet to use it.

When a hamster squeaks and twitches in his sleep, he is simply dreaming. He can twitch his limbs, make faces and make sounds.

  1. Bad feeling.

Illness is a serious reason why a small rodent may squeak. Behavior can tell about it: lethargy, loss of appetite, decreased activity, drowsiness. Appearance also says a lot about the health of the animal. He stops cleaning the fur, which makes it look sloppy.

The first thing you need to do is examine your pet: examine its paws, teeth, and skin. Both squeaking and loud screams can indicate discomfort. For example, a squeak after a fall indicates injury. After all, hamsters do not know how to fall and jump correctly, like cats. Therefore, falling from a height, they often receive serious damage.

After being bitten by a subcutaneous tick, the hamster experiences such acute itching that it screams, squeals, gets angry and nervous. If it is not clear why your pet is squeaking, and there are skin problems, demodicosis should be suspected.

Hamsters may experience discomfort due to poor diet. Sometimes they squeak for this reason. In this case, it is worth reviewing your pet’s diet.

How to train a hamster to come when you call

Co-author(s): Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and the care of companion animals. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. He has been working at the same animal clinic in his hometown for over 20 years.

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Hamsters can be trained to come when called, just like dogs and cats. The key point in this matter is to find a favorite treat that will motivate the animal; thanks to the treat, the process of so-called “training” will be consistent and regular. If you want your furry pet to come to you as soon as you call his name, stock up on healthy treats that your hamster will love, and also be prepared to set aside a few free minutes every day for training. In addition, you can use a special clicker for more effective training - this will help the hamster learn its name faster.


If you are still thinking of a suitable name for your new pet, try to choose something shorter and simpler, because this will make it much easier for your hamster to remember his name. For example, a simple nickname like "Ruby" is easier to remember than "Prince Charles."

Did you know?

In fact, hamsters do not understand and do not remember their names, as people do, they only recognize a familiar set of sounds. If you regularly say the same word (animal's name), over time the hamster will associate a set of these sounds with something good and pleasant (for example, receiving a treat).


Classification of sounds

The busy rustling of paws can often be heard from the hamster cage, but not all owners hear the voice of the pet. The Syrian hamster is a calmer and more silent breed; it begins to bawler only in cases of extreme dissatisfaction or illness. But Djungarians more often express their feelings with their voices. It happens that a hamster makes strange sounds, and the owner cannot correctly identify them. Accordingly, it is impossible to establish the reason for this pet’s behavior.

Here are the sounds a hamster makes:

  1. Squeak. The sound is high-pitched, but the animal’s mouth does not open.
  2. Hissing or wheezing. Nasal dull sound.
  3. Cry. He sounds pitiful, his mouth slightly open. At the same time, the animal is inactive.
  4. Snorting. Sounds like a muffled sneeze.
  5. Scream. A repeated sound comes out of a wide open mouth. At the same time, Khoma makes sudden aggressive movements or tries to hide.

Having determined the type of sound, you need to understand why the Djungarian hamster makes it. In general, the reasons are the same for all small rodents, it’s just that the jungarians are the most “talkative”.

Why do hamsters squeak?

The most common sound is the squeak of a hamster, which can vary in volume, from a barely audible squeak to a clearly audible whistle. What causes this behavior?

  • the animal is happy to see its owner and greets him. If your pet is cheerful and cheerful, but every time you appear it begins to squeak quietly, rejoice: the fluffy one says hello to you!
  • the pet wants to talk about his problem. If the hamster squeaks, but he has not done this before, check the contents of the feeder and drinker, in case he has nothing to eat or drink. Also, by squeaking, a homa may hint that the cage needs to be cleaned;
  • cares for the female and sings a song to her. There are very gallant hamsters who perform serenades for their chosen one, squeaking before starting mating.


First aid

Change of filler and heat. The room temperature is maintained at about 24 C, but the air should not be dry. Lots of white paper towels are placed in the cage: this is both material for a warm nest and a hypoallergenic environment. If an allergy is suspected, corn filler is also recommended.

To increase immunity, add liquid vitamins for rodents and ascorbic acid to the water, and drink an echinacea decoction. They also give dry nettle and coltsfoot.

The eyes and nose are cleaned of secretions with a damp cotton pad to make it easier for the animal to breathe. Sometimes a hamster sniffles a lot due to the fact that the nostrils are clogged with dried secretions.

Local treatment

For ordinary rhinitis, local treatments are prescribed: the antiviral drug Roncoleukin 50,000 units, 1 drop 2 times a day and Tsipromed (drops with antibiotic) in the same dosage. The Syrian hamster is larger than the Djungarian hamster, but it is equally difficult for both of them to put drops into the nose: during the procedure, the animal constantly twitches and spins. You can simply place a drop of the medicine on the nose and wait for your pet to inhale the liquid. Then he snorts himself.

Systemic treatment

If you suspect a serious infection, you should consult a doctor . But in the absence of a rodent specialist, if a hamster sneezes, every experienced hamster breeder knows what to do at home. Pneumonia is treated with antibiotics. It is not advisable to drink them inside; it can be difficult for an animal with a respiratory infection to swallow. Subcutaneous injections are given with the drug “Baytril 2.5%”. Dose - 0.4 ml (10 mg) per 1 kg of weight. If the hamster weighs 50 g, its dose is 0.02 ml. The drug is administered once a day, in severe cases - 2 times a day, 7-14 days.

Decoding other sounds

Sometimes rodents snort, like many other animals. If a hamster makes a short, repeated snort, it is simply trying to clear dust or small pieces of food from its nose. Usually homea manages to clean the spout quite quickly.

But if you hear hissing or snorting, then this is a reason to sound the alarm. The little creature could get sick from dampness in the cage or draft. What to do if your hamster is constantly sniffling and choking? The answer is obvious: contact your veterinarian immediately.

Sometimes you may hear your hamster crying. Then think about your behavior: maybe you disturbed the animal at the wrong time, or offended it in some way? By the way, if you continue to pester your hamster, peaceful crying may turn into an angry scream. Small hamsters often cry; they are afraid because they are not yet accustomed to their new home and owner. But if no one has offended the animal, and the pet makes plaintive, drawn-out sounds, then something clearly hurts. Be sure to visit your veterinarian soon.

For one reason or another, the homa may become angry. Then you will hear the hamsters scream, and you will regret that you angered a harmless creature. An animal in a state of aggression is capable of not only screaming heart-rendingly, but also rushing at people. But rage and anger are not the only reason for this behavior. A hamster can also scream from very severe pain.

Attention! Do not pull your pet by the ears or pick it by the scruff of the neck. This kind of disrespectful behavior can make your pet angry!

Excessive attention from owners

Special attention, overprotection will harm not only human relationships, but can also cause cannibalism in female hamsters. Since this rodent is a solitary animal, and after the birth of the cubs the female needs a secluded and calm environment even more, excessive care for these animals will only harm. Do not pick up the hamster and go into the cage less often. Let your family see less of you.

Alien smells repel the hamster's mother. Sensing someone else's scent, he does not identify the puppies as his own creatures and, as a result, abandons them and destroys them. Do not touch the hamster family for a week or two after the babies are born!

You need to prepare in advance for the new offspring of furry rodents. If you find any hamster accessories while cleaning the cage, do not touch them. This is a strategic supply of food, which unpleasantly traumatizes the animal’s psyche if it is lost, even to the point of irregular decline in a pregnant female. Only spoiled food should be thrown away to avoid the growth of putrefactive bacteria, unpleasant odors and poisoning.

For self-organization of the nest, it is recommended to put several paper napkins. Your task is to fill the bowl with clean drinking water and put the food in the feeder on time. This is the only thing the rodent needs from its owner at this time. Nature will do the rest.

What to do if Homa makes sounds?

If your Syrian or Djungarian hamster squeaks or makes other sounds, do not ignore it! First, figure out why your hamster is screaming, and then try to eliminate the cause.

  1. A newly acquired rodent should be left alone for a while so that it can settle into its new home. You will see: in a few days the pet will stop crying and begin to arrange its life.
  2. Check if everything necessary for a hamster's happiness is present in the cage.
  3. If the fluffy screams with anger, tries to rush and bite, there is no need to approach the animal, you will irritate him even more! Leave the homa alone for a while, let him come to his senses and restore his peace of mind.
  4. But plaintive crying or cries of pain should not be ignored. Find a good Aibolit who will save your funny friend from all ailments.

Respect for the animal, proper care and care are the key to a good mood for your pet. When the fluffy is healthy and happy with everything, you will only hear a joyful squeak of welcome from him.

Remember: a hamster's emotions and the reasons that cause them are very similar to human ones. Think about what kind of treatment you yourself would like and do everything to ensure that your baby has a good life. Don’t bother with it at inopportune times, but don’t forget to visit the animal so that it doesn’t get bored.


Behavioral reasons


The most common complaint: the hamster at the pet store was so calm and quiet, but at home he started crying and squeaking. The reason is a sudden change in environment, which caused stress. A frightened animal not only squeaks, but also constantly digs at the litter and tries to hide. There is only one way to help the baby adapt - leave him alone for a while.

Remember, although the animal suffers greatly from sudden changes, animals cannot cry and shed tears in the usual sense for us.

The “crying” hamster at the poultry market is infected with a respiratory infection, and does not miss its mother.

If a rodent has been living in the house for a long time, stress may be caused by other factors: loud sounds of household appliances (vacuum cleaner, hair dryer), TV, or music that is deafening by the standards of the animal.

It is impossible to say with certainty why a hamster squeaks in its sleep, because you cannot read the animal’s thoughts. The animal may have a nightmare, an anxious dream - echoes of the shocks that have occurred. The pet's legs twitch and he wakes up easily.

If a hamster moans in his sleep, you should not wake him up, much less pick him up, this will frighten the rodent even more.

Defensive behavior

When an animal is cornered and cannot escape from the enemy by flight, it will try to intimidate the predator. There is nowhere to run in a cage. If your hamster hisses or screams loudly when you try to pick him up, he is scared and ready to fight. The next step is to sink his tiny sharp teeth into your hand.

An untamed rodent squeals and twitches if you try to pull it out of its cage. Dzungarik, defending himself, falls on his back and squeals. The screaming hamster looks very scary, despite its tiny size.

It is very important to explain to children why a hamster screams. Otherwise, little owners will never be able to make friends with their pet.

Hamster sounds - what to do?

Hamsters hiss when they try to defend themselves and sense danger. Just don't offend the little rodent and he will calm down.

Sometimes owners of Djungarian hamsters feel like they are cracking. That is, it makes sounds similar to the cracking of a woodpecker or something similar. The reason here is simple. Hamsters groom their fur frequently. Sometimes, sitting somewhere in a house, they begin to scratch with their hind legs with very fast, frequent movements. If a paw touches the wall of a house, for example, the result is a frequent knocking sound similar to the cracking of a woodpecker.

If the hamster is crying, then something may be hurting him. A screaming hamster can signal that all is not well. If your pet is crying or yelling, try to watch him carefully. It might make sense to go to the vet.

But the most common sound hamsters make is squeaking.

Why do hamsters squeak?

What causes a hamster to squeak? First of all, understand that hamsters, although quiet by nature, are living beings, and with their squeaks they signal something that is extremely disturbing and bothering them.

  • Check containment conditions
  • Review your diet; it may require more balance.
  • Is your hamster getting enough water?
  • Is the hamster getting enough food?
  • Fear. Excitement.

Of course, rodents, which includes your pet, receive virtually no water in the wild. But do not forget that domesticated hamsters were tamed by people many generations ago, and are accustomed to receiving food and drink in sufficient quantities. The hardships of living in natural conditions already create discomfort , which they can signal to us with their squeaks. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to whether your pet is getting enough water and food.

Health problems

In many ways, the health of your pet depends on the food it receives. Domesticated rodents, although omnivorous, need sufficiently balanced food . A lack of vitamins and microelements alone may well lead to internal problems, which your pet signals to you. What to do in this case?

Make his diet more varied.

How many times a day to feed

Khomkis love to eat and almost never refuse a treat. But don't get carried away with excessive feeding. This is fraught with obesity and other problems associated with excess weight.

Video: feeding the Djungarian hamster It is recommended to feed the animals no more than twice a day. Since hamsters are nocturnal, their main meal should be in the evening.

The baby will spend all the energy received from food during wakefulness. In the morning you can give lighter food and in small quantities. It will be ideal if you can feed your pet at the same time. This is very useful for the full functioning of his gastrointestinal tract.

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