Young guinea pig
The age of a guinea pig: determined by weight and compared in relation to a person
Guinea pigs are energetic and funny animals that are purchased for positive emotions. Pets
The importance of water for a chinchilla: how much should a chinchilla drink, possible reasons for refusing water
ChinchillasChinchilla is a rodent from the chinchilla family, externally similar to something between m... known
secrets of how to make guinea pigs friends
Is it possible to keep a guinea pig alone and what could be the consequences?
Pets certainly need companionship. Moreover, it should not just be in the form of contact
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
Is a chinchilla lying on its side normal or a symptom of a disease?
Home Chinchilla Health 03/22/2019 Chinchillas are pets that are quite difficult to control. They are self-willed and self-sufficient
Soviet chinchilla
Soviet chinchilla: description of the universal rabbit breed and features of its maintenance
Soviet chinchillaSoviet chinchilla is one of the most popular meat and skin breeds... - one
How to wake up a land turtle
How to wake up and bring a turtle out of hibernation at home
In nature In nature, both land and freshwater species of turtles hibernate.
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
How to tame a decorative rabbit: main steps and important tips
Home Rabbits Character 02/19/2018 The domestic rabbit is an amazing animal, affectionate and friendly towards
Do hamsters get rabies and what danger does it pose?
Do hamsters get rabies For some reason, many are sure that hamsters and rabies are incompatible concepts.
Nuts in a chinchilla's diet
What nuts can you give a chinchilla and in what quantity?
If a chinchilla rodent lives in your house, you need to understand that nuts must
Two rats on a hammock
Rats: description, types, what they eat, how long do decorative rats live
What is it really like to have a pet rat? Owning a decorative rat is wonderful
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