Do I need to do a PCR test for coronavirus if I have been vaccinated?

Infectious disease doctor, hepatologist, parasitologist. Deputy chief physician of the O-Tri clinic.

Graduate of the Military Medical Academy named after. S.M.Kirova.

She deals with a wide range of infectious and parasitic human diseases, dispensary observation of those who have recovered from the disease, provides consultations to pregnant women with concomitant infectious pathologies, and treatment of viral hepatitis B and C.

In her work she is guided by the latest scientific achievements and developments in the field of medicine, legislation and requirements. Uses modern medicines from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine. If necessary, involves specialized specialists in the interests of the patient.

Phone number for registration: +. Reception is conducted at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Shpalernaya, 34, medical (consultation cost 1600 rubles).

Hamsters are extremely clean. They divide their home into zones: a bedroom, which is usually adjacent to a storage room, a toilet and a place for living. When cleaning the cage, which is recommended to be done once every 3-5 days, or the aquarium, which is cleaned once a week, try not to disturb the location of these zones, because hamsters do not like it when someone rebuilds their “burrow” in their own way. The animals are also extremely sensitive to changes in the position of their home in space.

Changes can not only cause panic in the hamster, but also lead to the development of serious diseases. This especially applies to the pantry, which is of great importance to the hamster.

Probably, many owners of these funny animals have seen such a picture. Seeing how the owner fills the feeders with food, the hamster gets out of its shelter and, without touching the food, begins to beg. At the same time, he rises on his hind legs, sharply shakes his front legs, and sticks his muzzle out between the bars of the cage. Having received the long-awaited treat, the animal rushes headlong into the pantry, hides the food and immediately returns back to beg for something else. This can go on indefinitely.

Having filled the pantry, the hamster constantly carefully sorts out his supplies, moves them from place to place, covers everything on top with new layers of sawdust or paper, and tries to hide his pantry from prying eyes as carefully as possible.

How is coronavirus treated now?

Despite the fact that today doctors know much more about the course of the disease with the new coronavirus infection, there is no single treatment regimen for all patients with COVID-19.

In case of a mild course of the disease and in the absence of risk factors, the patient can undergo treatment at home under the supervision of a doctor .

In severe and moderate forms of coronavirus disease, the patient is hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital or clinic specialized in the treatment of COVID-19.

Experience of treatment in Russia and the world, recommendations of the Ministry of Health and WHO

Among the drugs recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation are the following: favipiravir, remdesivir, interferon-alpha and umifenovir, as well as human immunoglobulins IgG. According to the latest data from WHO and the Ministry of Health, drugs containing hydroxychloroquine are not effective in treating COVID-19 and are excluded from the recommended list. According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health (version 11 of 05/07/2021), glucocorticosteroids (for example, dexamethasone) should not be used to treat mild or moderate coronavirus. At the same time, WHO notes that the use of dexamethasone can reduce the length of stay on mechanical ventilation and save the lives of patients with severe and extremely severe disease.

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