The hamster's eye has come out and other problems of these rodents

Escape is not the only cause of this disease, however, it is one of the most common.

It often happens that conjunctivitis appears due to the fact that the owner of the animal forgot to change the bedding in the cage in time.

Also, the development of this disease is fraught with treating your pet with fruits and vegetables from the list of prohibited ones. In this case, inflammation develops based on allergic reactions, and a careless owner will have to find out why the hamster’s eyes fester, what to do in such a situation, and how to save the pet.

Causes of eye diseases

Hamsters are susceptible to various infections and age-related diseases. Eye diseases are quite common among them. If you don’t know why the hamster doesn’t open its eye, look into this issue. This will help to heal the fluffy faster and avoid illnesses in the future.

Here are the main reasons:

  1. Unsanitary conditions. The most common cause of eye infections in hamsters. In a filler that has not been changed for a long time, pathogenic microorganisms multiply at incredible speed. But homa likes to burrow into the litter, so the likelihood of picking up an infection is very high.
  2. Allergy. If you feed your pet all sorts of exotic foods, then don’t be surprised that your hamster’s eyes are watery. This is a common allergic reaction. Allergies can also be triggered by the chemicals you used to wash the cell.
  3. Injuries. Injuring the eyes of hamsters is not that difficult. The animal can prick its eye with hard hay or drive a piece of sawdust litter under the eyelid. But if a hamster has one eye closed, most likely the animal’s cheek is damaged: it is so swollen that the eye closes by itself.
  4. General decrease in immunity. It has been noted that conjunctivitis in hamsters is often accompanied by pneumonia, tuberculosis and viral diseases of the respiratory tract.

There are also senile changes in the organs of vision, in which white spots appear.

Differences in appearance

The Djungarian hamster and the Campbell's are very similar. They have approximately the same weight and size and can mate with each other, so it is likely that a pet store may sell hybrids that have characteristics of both species. But still, each type has its own differences.

By coat type and color

The greatest differences between these types of hamsters are external.

Distinctive features of dzhungariks:

  1. White belly and arches on the sides, which are called vaults.
  2. There is no pattern on the fur other than its natural one.
  3. Smooth dense fur.
  4. But on the head there is a darkening of the fur in the form of a diamond. There are also dark spots on the sides.
  5. The base of the hair on the abdomen is white.

Did you know? Hamsters are one of the few animals that already have teeth at birth. Rodents' teeth grow throughout their lives, so the animal must constantly grind them down. Based on color, Djungarian hamsters are divided into :

  • brown-gray with white belly (standard);
  • white-gray (pearl);
  • gray-blue with a white belly (sapphire);
  • red-cream (mandarin).

Two types of hamsters have a dark stripe on their back, but in the Djungarian it is wider. Winter molting is also typical for animals of this species. This process depends on the length of daylight hours. As soon as the days become short, over the course of 6 weeks the dzhungarik changes color to almost white. This is due to the production of the hormone melatonin.

Did you know? Male Campbell's hamsters help females during childbirth: they remove the cubs, clean the newborn's nostrils, and carry them to the nest. If the female leaves the nest, they remain to look after the offspring.

Distinctive features of Campbell's hamsters:

  1. Some individuals of this species also have arches, but they are not as clearly defined as those of the Dzungarians.
  2. The fur is more protruding because it grows at a greater angle to the body.
  3. The color is mainly red, but they can be of various colors: from white to black. In nature, the coat color is dark gray with brown areas.
  4. On the back the dark stripe is narrower, but more clearly defined. There is no darkened diamond on the sides and head.
  5. The base of the hair on the abdomen is gray.
  6. Does not change coat color for the winter.


The size of individuals of the two species is the same - 7–10 cm in length, the weight of an adult rodent is 60–70 g. Since the size of the animal is small, it can live in a small cage or a small aquarium.

Body type

The Djungarian hamster is shaped like an egg. The line of his head flows smoothly into his nose. Campbell's hamster's body is shaped like a figure eight. That is, this species has a pronounced waist. Their nose looks like a small bump. An animal of this species has smaller ears.

Did you know? Campbell's hamsters were named after a member of the British consular service in China, Charles William Campbell.

Eye color

The eye color of hamsters is mostly black. But it is possible to meet healthy animals with red and ruby ​​eyes. These are mainly white and ivory rodents. An animal inherits eye color depending on dominant or recessive alleles. Sometimes an ordinary couple gives birth to a completely white baby with red eyes. This is an albino. For rodent breeders, such a specimen is very valuable, since the absence of the melanin pigment is not transmitted by genes, but is obtained by chance.

Common symptoms of eye diseases

How can you tell if your Homa has problems with his eyes? It is necessary to examine the animal daily so as not to accidentally miss the disease. You should be concerned if:

  • Hamsters' eyes are wet;
  • swollen eyelids;
  • mucous discharge from the eye appeared;
  • the pet does not open its eyes or at least one of them;
  • fur began to come out on the eyelids;
  • The hamster's eye turned white in the pupil area.

Cloudiness of the pupil is typical for old animals, but other symptoms occur in pets of all ages. Most often they are caused by diseases of bacterial origin.

Rules for caring for albino hamsters

Caring for snow-white hamsters is almost no different from caring for other rodents. But there are several features in their content that should be taken into account so that the pet feels calm and comfortable:

  • Animals with white coats do not like to be close to other hamsters, so it is advisable to keep them in a separate cage. This is especially true for miniature albino jungarians, who often show aggression towards other rodents;
  • The owner will have to frequently change the bedding in the pet’s home to prevent infection from entering the animal’s sensitive eyes;
  • Cage size is also important when keeping these unusual animals. The cage should be spacious and equipped with a running wheel, shelves at different levels and a swing;
  • Snow-white rodents love secluded places where they can hide from everyone. For example, the albino Syrian hamster needs a house in which it spends most of the daytime, escaping the light and sun;
  • Hamsters with snow-white fur should not be bathed. To make their coat look well-groomed, just put a bath with special sand in the cage;
  • These animals are very shy, so it is necessary to protect them from noise and loud sounds. It doesn’t matter what breed your pet is, a miniature Djungarian hamster, or a fluffy snow-white Syrian, the main thing is to devote enough time and attention to your unusual pet, because each of them needs the love and care of the owner.

Age-related changes

If a hamster has a white spot on its eye, this indicates that the animal is beginning to undergo senile changes in its body. This disease is called cataracts and occurs in all mammals. It is caused by clouding of the lens. More often the eye becomes cloudy in the area of ​​the pupil, less often along the periphery. At first the spot is gray, gradually turning white.

The development of cataracts in rodents is caused by stress, eye injuries, and sometimes the disease results from other ailments: diabetes mellitus in dzhungarik, food poisoning. The risk of cataracts increases if the animal's cage is regularly exposed to the sun.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for this eye disease in hamsters; it is impossible to get rid of it. But there are tips that will help significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease:

  1. Do not leave the animal's house in the sun.
  2. Don't give your home a lot of sweets.
  3. Make sure your diet is rich in carotenoids; they are found in carrots, parsley, zucchini and other foods of plant origin.
  4. Treat your animal's eye infections promptly.

In rare cases, furry cats have congenital cataracts. What to do if your pet has an eyesore? Hamsters don’t have very good eyesight anyway, but with this problem they can see completely poorly. Therefore, do not clutter the cage with furniture, as this can lead to injury.

Treatment of diseases

After the examination and identification of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes treatment for his “little patient,” which consists of several stages:

  • if a hamster’s eye festers, this is a sign of a bacterial infection that needs to be destroyed;
  • saving the eyeball, if possible;
  • reduce the risk of further damage to the organ of vision;
  • numb the painful area;
  • and only at the very end the specialist begins to treat the underlying disease that caused inflammation of the visual organs (glaucoma, dental disease, injury, etc.).

Diet restrictions

Consider one more point: the immunity of a sick rodent, like that of any pet, weakens during illness. Therefore, special attention should be paid to nutrition here. You can feed the animal only approved products. You should also exclude some permitted treats from your diet so as not to aggravate the course of the disease.

Dietary treatment consists of cereals, a small portion of animal protein. The animal's water needs to be changed several times a day.

If within a few days you have not noticed an improvement in the condition of your sick pet, you have no other choice but to take him to the veterinarian.

Bacterial infections

If you notice that your hamster's eyes are festering, it means that your pet has picked up a bacterial infection. Its common pathogens are spherical and rod-shaped bacteria: staphylococcus, clostridium, E. coli, streptococcus, etc. Once under the eyelid, they begin to actively multiply. To fight them, the body sends protective cells - leukocytes, various enzymes and other substances that destroy the bacterial wall. As a result, pus is formed - a viscous substance containing living and dead bacteria.

There are several bacterial eye diseases. If your hamster's eye is festering, it could be one of the infections discussed below.


The disease is not dangerous if left untreated. The disease in most cases is caused by pathogenic microflora and only occasionally has an allergic origin. First, the animal’s eyes begin to water; at this stage, few are able to recognize the disease. Then more reliable symptoms appear:

  • The hamster's eye is rotting. Pus is a yellow or greenish mass that collects in the corners of the eye;
  • the eyelids become inflamed and may swell;
  • the palpebral slits narrow until the eye closes completely;
  • the animal becomes apathetic and may lose appetite.

If a hamster's eyes fester, it is important to start treatment on time, since pathogenic flora can spread to the eyelids from the inside and outside, the hair will begin to come out, and the pet will be very uncomfortable. As a result of advanced conjunctivitis, the eyes may close completely, and this is a huge stress for the animal.

Few people know how to treat conjunctivitis in domestic rodents and whether it is possible to use a human first aid kit. Of course, it is better to make an appointment with your veterinarian to get professional advice. But if this is not possible, you will have to care for the fluffy yourself.

Doctors do not recommend smearing the eyes of rodents with tetracycline ointment. It is better to use Albucid drops, drip them three times a day. Treatment of hamsters, depending on the degree of neglect of conjunctivitis, will last from 3 days to 2 weeks.

Important points in treatment and prevention:

  1. A sick hamster should be isolated from healthy individuals if you have several rodents.
  2. Every eye of the animal is treated, even if suppuration is noticed in only one. This is done so that the animal does not transfer the infection from one eye to the other while washing.
  3. During conjunctivitis, it is better to change the litter daily.
  4. Eliminate sweets from the diet for a while, give only grains, nuts and unsweetened vegetables.
  5. To reduce the chance of eye infection, clean the cage frequently. Also make sure that children play with the hamster after washing their hands first.

Conjunctivitis cannot be left untreated; this will lead to the eye not opening at all, or, on the contrary, it may “pop out.”


Usually a complication of conjunctivitis, with inflammation spreading to the eyelids. They turn red and itch terribly, the hamster rubs its eyes, which is why the hair quickly falls out. If you bring your pet with these symptoms to the veterinarian, he will tell you in detail why the hamster's eye is swollen. The doctor will tell you how to properly treat blepharitis.

Usually, in case of purulent inflammation of the eyelids, the same eye drops are prescribed as for conjunctivitis. In addition, it is recommended to smear the animal’s eyelids with tetracycline ointment. Sanitation and diet are also similar to those for conjunctivitis.

bulging eye

It happens that one eye of a homa becomes larger than the other and seems to stick out a little. If a hamster's eye pops out, this is a consequence of injury (for example, falling from a height) or an advanced infection. Conjunctivitis can spread not only to the eyelids. Bacteria can penetrate into or under the eyeball. There they begin to divide, a lot of pus is formed, which seems to squeeze the eye out.

The situation is very serious, you will not be able to cope with it on your own. The prognosis is also disappointing: in most cases, the animal is prescribed surgery to remove the organ of vision.

“False” eye diseases

Sometimes the reason why a hamster's eyes won't open is due to other illnesses. For example, a severe inflammatory process in one of the cheek pouches. Because of this, the animal's cheek swells and props up the lower eyelid. As a result, the hamster is unable to fully open its eyes.

To help the animal, you should take it to the veterinarian for a cheek cleaning procedure. Eye drops and ointments are not needed at all.

The main condition for maintaining the health of your pet's eyes is cleanliness. Wash the cage often and do not touch the animal with dirty hands. But if your pet has an inflamed eye, treat it with special drops. Do not forget to isolate the sick rodent from a common cage if you have several hamsters, because eye diseases are very contagious.


This disease may be a consequence of advanced conjunctivitis. In this case, the inflamed eyelid sticks together, and the inflammatory process spreads deeper and deeper inside. At an advanced stage, both organs of vision may be closed. This disease is accompanied by redness and swelling of the eyelids.

What to do in this case? This disease can be treated if you consult a veterinarian in time. Often the treatment regimen is identical to the treatment regimen for conjunctivitis. Often, special eye drops are used in the treatment of this disease, for example Tsiprovet or Floxal, as well as additionally tetracycline ointment.

With this disease, the hamster should be put on a diet and the cage should be disinfected.

Bulging eyes

This is more likely not a disease, but a consequence of injury to the eyeball, which has a bad effect on the general condition of the animal. A hamster can damage its eyes both in the fight against other rodents for survival and from dangerous objects contained in the cage - wood chips, sawdust, wire, etc.

Albino hamsters with red eyes

The “classics” are albino hamsters with red eyes. In their case, the red color of the cornea is absolutely normal and does not pose any danger to the health of the animal. This color is due to the fact that blood vessels are visible through the pigment-less cornea.

It is generally accepted that animals with red eyes are necessarily blind from birth, but this is not at all true. In most cases, “red eyes” do not have problems with vision. Moreover, blindness is weakly associated with eye color. If blind animals regularly appear in the litter of animals, then such producers should be excluded from the reproduction process due to the presence of some defective genes.

Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of diseases that can lead to eye loss, preventive measures should be taken in a timely manner. These include:

  • Regular cleaning of the bedding in the hamster's cage;
  • Avoid free walks around the apartment without a special ball so that the animal does not hurt itself on sharp corners or falls from a height.
  • Avoid spraying chemicals or aerosols near the hamster's cage;
  • Regular cleaning of dust near the animal’s cage;
  • Balanced feeding and timely hygiene procedures;
  • Regular examination of the animal and timely contact a veterinarian at the first signs of illness.

Tumors and neoplasms

Tumors (malignant, benign), pathological growths on the body, legs. ears is a fairly commonly diagnosed pathology in rodents, which can develop for a variety of reasons. Bumps can appear due to injuries, severe bruises, or falls from a height. To begin treatment, you need to establish a diagnosis, so take your pet to a veterinarian.

For benign and malignant tumors, surgical treatment will be prescribed. If the cancer is localized in a hard-to-reach area (oral cavity), the tumor has metastasized, veterinarians recommend euthanizing the patient.

Preventive measures

Agree, it is better to prevent any disease in domestic hamsters than to treat it later. And for this you need to create the necessary conditions for your pet.

Considering the causes of such diseases, caring owners should:

  1. Use cage mats specifically designed for hamsters. Such material should not contain piercing or cutting objects, as well as a lot of dust.
  2. You should not keep a large number of rodents in one cage. They can injure each other, which will result in various diseases, including eye diseases.
  3. Genetically predisposed individuals must be immediately excluded from the general “herd.” Such hamsters can be a carrier of an infection from birth, transmitted to them from their mother or father.
  4. During the keeping process, the cage with rodents must be placed in a bright place, but protected from the sun. Direct exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the health of pets.
  5. Regular examination of animals will help you at an early stage to identify not only carriers of diseases, but also to prevent the development of an already established disease in hamsters.
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