Hamster carrier and container, is it possible to transport a hamster in a train, car and plane

Even the most harmless-looking creatures can turn out to be scoundrels - British Amanda Johnson from the city of St. Athan in the County of Glamorgan learned from her own experience . She had been thinking about buying a hamster for her children for a long time, and when the time finally came, Amanda stopped by a pet store. There, a woman bought a Syrian hamster, a cage for it and all kinds of toys, and the sellers put her new pet in a cardboard box so that it would not run away. But on the way, the animal managed to escape from captivity and turn Amanda's life into a nightmare.

Hamster carrier and container, transportation in transport

Many owners of hamsters are interested in whether it is possible to transport a hamster, both on a train and in other vehicles. It often happens that a move affects absolutely all family members and even its pets. To make the animal comfortable on the train and other types of transport, you need to purchase a container for the hamster in advance. When choosing it, it is worth taking into account the basic rules for transporting these animals, the internal equipment of their temporary home, and the features of certain models.

Basic rules of transportation

Before organizing the relocation of hamsters, it is worth buying a container for the hamster. It is much more convenient, adapted for transporting animals on a train, allowing the animals to bury themselves in the sawdust poured inside and sleep the entire way. The animal carrier must be equipped with containers for water and food, and in no case should it be placed in a draft or left where it is very cold. To reduce the stress of pets during transportation, it is worth following its basic rules in various types of transport.

Article on the topic: Hamster cage: how to make the right choice

In airplane

For hamsters, transportation by plane is highly undesirable. There is information that Djungarians and Syrians may not survive the flight at all, dying from a stroke, which occurs due to sudden changes in pressure. In addition, it is important to find out in advance the conditions for transporting animals, because when checking documents, if some of them are missing, the pet will be confiscated.

By train

Transportation by train is one of the most successful “travel” options for individuals of the hamster order. The main thing is to make sure you have the following documents:

  • form No. 1;
  • certificate for transportation (taken from the state district clinic);
  • ticket indicating “baggage with you.”

If you are planning to travel on a train for a long time with your pet, you should take care of a large number of accessories inside the temporary home so that he does not get bored and does not feel the change in the situation around him.

By car

When thinking about whether it is possible to transport a hamster in a car, you should not look for reasons to refuse such an idea. This method of transportation is considered one of the most convenient when it comes to traveling from one city to another within the same country. The animal will not need any additional certificates about its health status or vaccination. Pet carriers used in the car must be well insulated, especially in the winter. It is best to wrap them in scarves, warm blankets, and put as much sawdust and napkins inside as possible so that the pets do not freeze.

Is it possible to take a hamster on vacation?

We're going on vacation by car and there's no one to leave the hamster with for three days on the road, can we take it with us or could it die?

in a cage you can. and don't let it go so you don't get lost

Well, why drag him with you? Hamsters are nocturnal animals. During the day they sleep. Why do you need all this trouble? This is not a dog or cat, which can get sick without your attention. The main thing for a hamster is to eat and sleep. Place yourself with family or friends while you are away.

Any shaking is harmful for hamsters, and even more so traveling by car. And hamsters should absolutely not be disturbed during the day; this may even shorten their already short lifespan. The hamster must SLEEP all day - this is the nature of these animals. And he probably won’t be able to sleep well in the car. In addition, the animals are nocturnal, and heat, bright light and the sun are far from useful to them. From the heat and overheating, they immediately begin to drool and then, very quickly, die. Therefore, the best thing to do is leave it with friends. A hamster is not a kitten, there are no problems with him, since he only eats and sleeps, and he doesn’t need anything else in his life. If he rustles at night, then let him put the cage in the bathroom. I just can’t believe that among your friends there are no people who would not agree to shelter a HAMSTER for such a short time.

If it's summer, it will be very hot, and there is a smell of gasoline in the car. We took the hamster and he felt very bad. He then slept for a day. Put a head of cabbage in the cage, more water... And more breadcrumbs. And there is no need to carry it anywhere.

It’s possible, the main thing is to feed and water, don’t forget, then he won’t die


How to choose a carrier?

When choosing a container for your hamster, you need to take into account the time of year in which the transportation will take place. A temporary house for hamsters, even if they travel on a train in winter, should retain heat perfectly and provide enough space to move around inside it. Preference should be given to high-quality plastic, hard, strong, which definitely does not deform under high pressure.

Article on the topic: How to make a house for a hamster with your own hands at home

It is important that the temporary housing for hamsters is well ventilated, otherwise they will die from lack of oxygen. This aspect must be taken into account first of all when creating a house for a hamster with your own hands. If you have a long journey on the train, you should make sure that it has the following equipment:

Naturally, the cost of such a device will be many times more expensive than usual, however, its use will allow you to transport your pet with maximum comfort for him. In addition, it is important, before sending the baby into a new home, to place sawdust from the old cage there. Hearing his native smell, the hamster will not experience much stress when traveling on the train.

Types of devices

A carrying bag allows you to cheaply purchase a comfortable means of transportation for your pet.

It will not only make it easier for the animal to move, but will also help the fashionista look elegant and original.

Today there are different types of devices. These include:

Fabric carrier bags are the most convenient device for the owner.

They have minimal weight and are easy to carry.

There are many variations of fabric devices.

A girl can buy a beautiful shoulder bag that is no different from an ordinary one.

A bag is not only comfort for a pet, but also a way for the owner to stand out

Large fabric carriers are suitable for long trips.

They are made of synthetic material that will protect the animal from bad weather conditions and guarantee its safety.

The bag has a hard bottom, allowing your pet to feel comfortable.

The container door is made of transparent material that allows air to pass through well.

The pet will be able to observe the world around from its shelter.

The price of baby carriers may vary depending on the manufacturer.

Popular models include:

Ibiyaya is a foldable carrier that is suitable for carrying both cats and small dogs, such as Russian Toy Terrier, Pomeranian Spitz, Japanese Chin and Pekingese.

The device has earned positive reviews from its owners.

It is suitable for transporting animals whose weight does not exceed 6 kg.

If a person prefers the Triol brand, he will be able to acquire a device suitable for carrying small breed dogs and cats.

The price of a container varies from 1,500 to 5,500 rubles and depends on the volume.

READ How to make a cat toilet with your own hands?

For cats, bags of medium size and price category are suitable.

SturdiBag Cube is an ideal choice for owners of small breed cats.

The device weighs 700 g and takes up little space.

It is convenient to store and carry. The container is designed for a weight of up to 9 kg, but animals weighing no more than 4 kg will feel most comfortable in it.

Before you start using the carrier, your four-legged friend needs to be introduced to it.

Incognito is a carrier that is no different from a regular bag.

It is suitable for owners who do not want to stand out from the crowd while transporting their animal.

The device has many pockets, which allows you to take not only the pet itself, but also care products.

The bag has excellent ventilation.

However, due to the thick walls, the carrier cannot be used for long-haired felines.

They will be hot in the container. The bag is suitable for air travel with your pet.

SturdiBag Large is the most popular bag among the manufacturer's products.

The manufacturer claims that the device can support an animal weighing up to 18 kg.

However, the bag will provide comfort while traveling only for cats that weigh no more than 6 kg or kittens.

When choosing a carrier, the owner should first of all take care of the pet’s comfort.

You should not buy a container that is too small for a long trip. The pet will get tired of sitting in it.

A girl carrying a cat in such an original bag will definitely be noticed even in the largest crowd

Carrying rules

With proper care, a container for a hamster, so necessary on a train and other means of transportation, can last for decades. After transportation of the animal is completed, the built-in amenities and accessories must be disinfected, washed, and dried. Such a temporary “home” of an individual should be stored in a box or case. It must be stored in a dark place, since when the plastic is constantly exposed to sunlight, it begins to crack, dry out, and deteriorate.

Features of containers

After purchase, the hamster can be placed in a cardboard box with ventilation holes made in it. Such a dwelling is not suitable for transporting a hamster and will not last long, since the animal will definitely gnaw additional holes in it after an hour of travel. The lid of the box must be firmly secured so that the restless baby does not have the opportunity to get out. In terms of reliability, plastic containers are often chosen. Before transporting the animal, a sufficient number of holes are punched in it. If the trip will take several minutes, you can use glass containers.

How to make your own carrier?

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to make a carrier for such an animal as a hamster with your own hands. It's actually quite simple. In addition, in this way you can save additional financial resources that would be spent on purchasing a carrier for transporting an animal on a train, for example.

There are several options for homemade carriers designed for hamsters. These include:

In the first case, it is extremely important to make sure to make several holes in the transport container to allow sufficient oxygen to enter the baby’s temporary home. Otherwise, he may suffocate. In the second case, you should give preference to strong, breathable fabrics, since, experiencing a feeling of strong fear and anxiety on the train, the pet may chew off part of the homemade container.

Related article: Is it possible to keep a hamster in the same cage with a guinea pig, rat, rabbit or degu?

Some people prefer ordinary glass jars so that the baby cannot get hurt during the move on sharp corners, which are often present in homemade carriers made for hamsters. In addition, it is important to consider that when traveling on a train or other types of transport, the animal will still experience a shaking sensation, and therefore it is worth checking from time to time how it behaves and whether everything is okay with it. In order to understand how to make a carrier for a hamster, just watch training videos, of which there are plenty on the Internet.

Rules for flying with rodents

The general rules for air transportation of a chinchilla, rat, guinea pig or transportation of a hamster on an airplane are as follows:

  1. Transportation is carried out in factory-certified containers that must correspond to the dimensions of hand luggage.
  2. It is necessary to provide all the required basic and additional (you need to clarify their need with the consulate or the airline) documents.
  3. You will need to go through veterinary control at the airport.
  4. It is necessary to check whether this type of rodent is on the Rosselkhoznadzor list.
  5. If there is, then everything is fine. If not, you will need to obtain an individual permit to import/export the animal according to the international CITES list.

It is especially important that when transporting rodents on an airplane, the cage must have a dense frame and good ventilation. Sharp corners are unacceptable to prevent injury to the animal, and when transporting rats on board an airplane, a reliable lock will be required.

Carrying for the chinchilla during the flight

As for specifically transporting chinchillas in the cabin, you will need to proceed as follows:

  1. Find a public veterinary clinic in your area.

Find out the opening hours, take the chinchilla and go to get a “veterinary certificate” authorizing transportation of the animal by plane.

The certificate must indicate the full name of the accompanying person, the point of departure and arrival, a note indicating that the animal has undergone all vaccination and quarantine measures, as well as a note about deworming. One certificate allows you to transport two chinchillas.

  1. Buy a closed type carrier with a rigid frame.
  2. Find the airline representative at the airport and confirm the transportation of the chinchilla.
  3. Take a carrier with rodents, a veterinary certificate, a passport, a ticket and go to the veterinary control point at the airport. A veterinary control representative examines the chinchillas and puts a stamp (issues a boarding pass) on the veterinary certificate (the procedure is usually paid).
  4. You go to registration and then to security. Go through the metal detector and then through the scanner. But don't put your chinchilla carrier on the luggage belt.
  5. During the flight, never remove rodents from carriers in the aircraft cabin. Do not feed or water your chinchillas during the flight, as this will make it easier for them to bear it.

All information about the rules for transporting rodents must be clarified directly with the carrier.

It is important to note that many airlines do not allow rodents on board because they are a potential threat to the safety of the aircraft, as they can easily crawl into some crevice. In addition, proximity to rodents may be undesirable and even dangerous for other passengers.

For example, when transporting rabbits on an airplane, allergy sufferers often experience attacks of bronchial asthma or other allergic reactions. That is why it is so important to clarify all the information about transporting your furry friend with the air carrier in advance. In addition, even if you manage to take your pet out, it is not a fact that upon arrival in another country they will be able to accept it. Therefore, check in advance whether you will be allowed to bring your rodent to the place where you plan to fly with it.

Thus, if you familiarize yourself with the airline's rules in advance and strictly follow them, transporting a bird, turtle, rodent or other small animal on an airplane will be easy and comfortable - both for you and for your pet.

Sometimes hamsters travel with their owners, so to ensure everything goes smoothly, you will need a hamster carrier. With such a device, you can transport your baby to a new place of residence, on a visit, or take it with you on vacation. It is more convenient to transport in a container than in a regular cage, because it is bulky. The hamster is not picky when transporting, but the owner must make sure that he has food and water

It is important that air enters the carrier; it should not be left in the cold, near heating devices

Is it possible to transport a hamster on a train? Definitely yes, and you can use a hamster container for these purposes. Plastic retains heat - just put a little of the usual bedding on the baby, he will burrow and sleep the whole way, especially if the journey falls during the daytime.

Carrying for a hamster and transportation rules

Almost everyone has a day when they need to properly organize their move. The difficulty often lies not in small children, but in their pets. It is imperative to find out how they tolerate this or that type of transport and how to transport it without harm to the health and life of the hamster. Choosing a carrier for an animal is not difficult, but we must not forget the rules of transportation and the necessary equipment of the home.


When transporting a pet, you need to pay attention to weather conditions. Extremely high and low temperatures can have a detrimental effect on an animal's health.

In summer, keep the container with your pet in the shade to avoid sunstroke. Hamsters do not tolerate cold easily, especially frost. It is possible to transport a hamster in winter, but you need to monitor your pet more closely. If he is exposed to cold air for a long time, he may fall into a stupor. Place napkins in the carrier and cover the container with a scarf or blanket. It is important to keep your hamster warm.

Air travel

You can transport your hamster over short and long distances using different types of transport. Before transporting an animal on an airplane, you need to find out how this species tolerates stress on the body. Veterinarians warn that dwarf hamsters and Syrian hamsters do not withstand such stress well. Having understood the characteristics of the rodent, you can move on to choosing a container.

It will be difficult to adapt to the requirements of the airline and the country where the hamster’s owners are moving. You need to prepare documents for export from the country in order for your pet to be allowed on the plane.

In addition to your own troubles, you can also harm your pet. You need to think 10 times before finally deciding that there is no other way to transport a hamster. The animal may not survive the air travel at all. With the above species of rodents, there is a possibility of death from stroke due to pressure surges.

About 20 minutes into the ride, the woman felt something furry touch her left ankle.

The second time this happened, Amanda decided to see what was going on there. And I saw a hamster sitting under the clutch pedal. But there was no place to stop on the road, so she had to drive home, where she immediately jumped out of the car and saw a fur ball flash under the pedals. All evening Amanda tried to lure the fugitive out of the salon, but in vain.

Travel by rail

It's easier here than in the air. But the majority of those who transported pets in this way are clear that the handlers do not really like such passengers, since they are convinced that they are contagious. Therefore, you must take the appropriate documents and a carrier for your hamster.

The carrier can be purchased in the form of a container for transporting animals. Place shavings or other filler there for the hamster's convenience. And take his favorite food. There is nothing difficult about it.

You must have the following documents with you:

  • Form No. 1.
  • Certificate of permission for transportation.
  • When purchasing a train ticket, indicate “baggage with you.”

Animal bag

A carrier for hamsters is necessary not only for travelers, but also for walks in the fresh air. The right container will provide a comfortable home for the duration of your walk or trip.

Article on the topic: Drinking bowl for a hamster: how much does it cost, types, methods of attachment

Hamster carriers are sold in regular pet stores. You can choose a container to suit every taste and budget. The price depends on the size and model. Varies from 10 to 20 dollars. For 15 you can find a durable plastic carrier, which will have holes for air and devices for the animal’s comfort. Approximate container size for hamster comfort: length at least 20 cm, width – 30 cm, height – 25 cm.

Main types of carriers:

  • The bag has a window and air flows in. Suitable for very small pets.
  • Plastic ones are transparent, let in more light to the hamster, and are easy to wash.
  • Metal - for those who need to save money. The advantage is that there is almost no difference from the usual rodent home.

When purchasing a carrier, you need to consider the availability of amenities:

  • Containers for food and water.
  • Drum, ladder and other entertainment.

Such carriers will be more expensive, but then you don’t have to worry too much about the comfort and safety of the hamster. Before going to your pet’s new home, it is better to put old sawdust, he will feel a familiar smell and will not be afraid of the journey.

We sew a house for a hedgehog or guinea pig

My name is Marina, and handicrafts are just a disease for me, sometimes I scold myself for it :). There are so many interesting and exciting things, and I want to try everything.
At the moment, all my attention is given to sewing interior and portrait dolls from photographs, as well as modeling from polymer clay.

And then the question arises!

How does a hedgehog house fit in here? The fact is that not long ago a wonderful hedgehog girl, Lyalya, appeared in our family. And so I wanted to make her home beautiful, warm, soft and comfortable.

So I decided to share how you can easily and quickly create a home for your pet in any color your soul desires.

And so we need:

I started by making two patterns for the walls and floor of our house.

I made the square that was used as a floor 20/20 cm in size (a house for an African hedgehog).

The walls are made of four parts, the height is 17 cm, the width is the same as the square, the height of the side is 20 cm, you can make it at your discretion, I made it 7 cm.

Using these templates, we cut out two squares of padding polyester so that the floor is softer, and four side parts without seam allowances (you can make a house with three walls)

Then we cut out the same parts from fleece and cotton, but with seam allowances plus 0.5-1 cm

We sew the fleece and cotton parts together with the right sides facing in. We do not sew the bottom so that we can turn the parts inside out later.

Then we turn it inside out and insert the padding polyester, straightening it thoroughly.

To ensure that the house holds its shape well, we cut strips of padding polyester 20/7 cm and lay them along the bottom.

We sew up all the details: three walls and the floor. We do not sew up the fourth wall, in which there will be an entrance.

We also sew a seam from the bottom 7 cm, as in the next photo.

Now we are making a central wall from the entrance to our house.

We take the part and make markings for the entrance on the material and on the padding polyester (on the padding polyester we cut the entrance 0.5 cm larger) and cut it out.

We insert the padding polyester inside.

And bending the edges inward, we sew our entrance.

We also make a seam at the level of 7 cm, as on all parts.

Just like on other parts, we strengthen the bottom of the wall, measure the height of the threshold in our door, cut off a strip of padding polyester and insert it along the bottom, and stitch the bottom.

These are the details we got.

First we sew together the parts of the walls.

Sew all four sides, and then sew the bottom.


DIY hamster carrier

It's not difficult to make a carrier for your hamster with your own hands. To do this, you will need to take a bucket with a plastic lid, cut holes on the walls and lid to allow air to enter, put in some filling and a treat. But in the heat it can be stuffy and unpleasant for the animal.

You can take a plastic food container. There are also a lot of holes to be made there. Wash thoroughly and dry dry. You need to put regular napkins on the bottom. To make a handle, make four holes in the lid and thread strong knitting threads through them. This is more of a disposable carrier for short trips, since such plastic is not strong enough for constant use. In the same way, you can make a container for a hamster from a plastic bottle.

Article on the topic: Cage for the Djungarian hamster, housing for the Djungarian hamster (photo)

Some people believe that rodents will be fine in glass jars. This option is only suitable as a last resort.

No matter how hard the hamster owner tries to choose the best carrier for the road, the animal will get a little stressed. Therefore, while traveling, you need to monitor your pet’s behavior to see if he is feeling well. But the better the temporary housing, the easier the hamster will endure the trip.

Brief overview of popular models

  • Plastic. Easy to clean, you can observe the animal through the transparent top. Versatile: can be used for both short trips and long trips.
  • Carrying bag. Made of dense fabric, ventilation and a window for observation are provided. The animal bag is suitable for transportation over a short distance.
  • With metal rods. It resembles a familiar cage for a rodent, the most budget option. The bottom is made of plastic so that filler can be poured in and it is more convenient for the pet to move around the container.

How to make a carrier bag or container for a cat with your own hands
You can make a simple carrier yourself.

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