freshwater red-eared turtles
Arrangement and design of an aquarium for a red-eared turtle
Turtle aquaterrariums are a vessel with a microclimate that includes aquatic and surface environments. Usually
Diseases of red-eared turtles: prevention, treatment, symptoms, photos, videos.
In many countries, many families keep freshwater reptiles, the greatest popularity in recent years
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
Which perches are best for a parrot and do the birds need them?
Home Parrot Arrangement 05/18/2019 If you have chosen a parrot as your favorite pet, you need to organize
Sugar glider: latest reviews, living conditions, breeding and care
On planet earth there are unusual animals called sugar flying squirrels. Their main places
Is it possible to give oats to rabbits: how to feed them and in what quantities
I try to feed my rabbits properly and give them a variety of grains - wheat, corn,
Parrot screams
Why does a parrot scream and what to do to wean him off it?
Among all the sounds that domestic animals and birds make, the cry of a parrot is one of
Parrot bites
Effective ways to help stop a parrot from biting
Curious, cheerful, energetic - all these epithets belong to pet parrots. They give a lot of positive
Swamp turtle
Swamp turtle: where they live, what it looks like, size, features, main differences (photo + interesting facts)
Many people are interested in turtles due to the uniqueness of their way of life. One of
How to stop a ferret from biting
Why does a decorative ferret bite and how to wean him from it?
Livestock » Ferrets 0 1608 Article rating Kira Stoletova Ferrets have long been from the wild
budgerigar died 2
Causes of death of budgies at home
Owners of budgies are confident that their pets will live a long and carefree life,
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