Is it possible to grab a rat by the tail, what is it for, how do tailless rats live?

Why does a rat have a bald tail?

Most people have the misconception that a rat's tail is completely hairless.
If you look carefully, you will notice that its surface consists of many tiny hairs. By touching it, you can make sure that it is not at all slippery and bald. On the contrary, a little rough and warm. The rat's tail has this appearance due to the evolutionary process. Rodents are excellent swimmers, and their tail with a smooth surface helps them comfortably cross bodies of water, so they often live near water. If we think logically, then a rat with a bushy tail would always have a lot of problems due to contamination of this part of the body, because rodents crawl in a variety of places.


Many people mistakenly believe that rats have a tail without hair, but upon closer inspection and touch it becomes clear that the tail is covered with many small hairs. The tail is warm and slightly rough to the touch.

The rat's tail became this way due to the process of evolution. Rats are excellent swimmers; they often live near bodies of water, and it is their smooth tail that allows them to easily and comfortably stay in the water. If a rat's tail were fluffy, it would cause many problems and inconveniences.

Bone tissue injuries

The most common injury is a broken tail in a rat, which occurs as a result of being pinched by a cage door. It is not uncommon for owners or family members to unintentionally step on a rodent.

Veterinarians are confident that if a rat breaks its tail and is examined by a specialist in time, breeders can rest assured. Typically, the broken part must be amputated, but in rare cases the animal may chew it off. If a wound is found on the tail, the area is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If the owner accidentally steps on a rat and the animal is injured, it is important to act quickly:

  • place the animal on a flat surface;
  • if a rodent has broken its spine, it will drag its hind legs;
  • when an animal drags one paw, then we are talking about a fracture of the limb.

After initial measures, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the rat’s paw fracture so that the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.


Another interesting fact about the rat and its tail is its ability to balance. After all, it will not be difficult for a rat to climb a vertical surface or crawl along a branch or wire. And in all these situations, her tail comes to her aid. It is he who allows the animal not to fall and maintain its balance, performing the function of an invisible hand. The length of the rat’s tail is of particular importance in this case: the longer it is, the more confident the animal feels.

Now you know about the value of this rat’s dignity, which not only adorns the animal, but also saves the animal from danger.

Location of internal organs

The anatomical atlas also informs about what the general arrangement of the internal organs of a rodent looks like.

This information can be obtained visually by performing an autopsy on the rat. Once the procedure begins, the diaphragm is the first to open, separating the thoracic and abdominal areas.

Directly below the diaphragm is the rat's liver. It is distinguished by its bright red color and partially covers the stomach, which is pear-shaped.

Below, the bulky mass of the intestinal tract opens. It is covered by the omentum - an organ for the accumulation of animal fat.

A characteristic feature of this type of rodent is the absence of a gallbladder. Bile is supplied through a duct from the liver directly to the duodenum.

The vascular system is clearly represented by the inferior vena cava for the outflow of blood to the heart from the peritoneal organs. The aorta, which is necessary for a complete blood supply to the hind limbs, is also found there.

When examining the chest cavity, a pair of pink lungs and a heart with large vessels are immediately visible. The lungs hang loosely on the bronchi, rather than being attached to the chest. Deeper is the esophagus, which connects the pharynx to the stomach.

How are the organs located inside the animal’s body?

The anatomy of the rat is well studied. The thoracic and abdominal regions of the animal are separated from each other by a diaphragm, under which a bright red liver is located. It partially obscures the pear-shaped stomach. To the left of the stomach is the oblong spleen.

Below these organs is a voluminous intestinal tract, covered with an omentum necessary for collecting animal fat. Behind the intestines, at the bottom of the abdominal cavity, there is a pair of bean-shaped kidneys. In rats they are asymmetrical - the left kidney is located deeper, as the stomach puts pressure on it.

The bladder is located in the lower abdomen of the animal. The ureters lead to it. In the same part of the body are the genital viscera:

  • Males have testes;
  • females have complex reproductive organs.

A peculiarity of the internal structure of rats is that they do not have a gallbladder. Bile flows from the liver through the duct directly into the duodenum.

The animal’s vascular system is the inferior vena cava, through which blood flows from the abdominal organs to the heart. The aorta runs nearby.

The heart, surrounded by large vessels, is located in the chest cavity. There is also a pair of pink lungs (the right one consists of four lobes, and the left one - of one). They are not attached to the chest, but hang freely on the bronchi. The esophagus is located deep in the sternum, playing the role of a connecting link between the stomach and pharynx.

Black rat

Black rat
This type of rat is no less common. Black rodents live in Europe and Asia; they are also found on the American, Australian and African continents.

Black rats are inhabitants of megacities. They prefer to live on the upper floors of high-rise buildings. Very often, mammals can be found on livestock farms. Favorite habitats for animals in the private sector include attics. For this reason, they began to be called roof rats. Animals are very inquisitive, they are in constant motion, exploring new territories.

Under natural conditions, black rats live in forest areas, constructing nests from small branches and grass. They can also settle on low-growing trees, feeding on plant foods, nuts, cereal grains or sunflower seeds. The animals do not disdain worms and mollusks. Animals do not dig holes on their own, but they are easily able to take over the abandoned shelter of any small animal.

Not everyone knows what color rats of this species are. It is surprising that the color of the rodent’s fur, which has a metallic sheen, can vary from black to light brown. The abdomen of the animal is often ashen or gray in color.

But in terms of reproduction, black rats are not as prolific as their gray counterparts. They do not breed in the winter season, and they have fewer cubs per litter.

Behavior and lifestyle

Rats are usually nocturnal. At night they are active, going out hunting or looking for food. During the day, the rat chooses the safest possible shelter and sleeps, gaining strength. Rodents sleep very lightly, so how long their sleep lasts depends on environmental conditions. If the rat is disturbed by any sound or movement, it immediately wakes up.

One of the features of rat behavior is their ability to easily adapt to the proposed conditions. For example, decorative individuals living with people switch to the daily routine of the owner.

Rats are very mobile and hardy; during the day they can run 10–13 km, swim and hunt well in water, climb trees, overcome obstacles, jumping to a height of up to 1 m.

Rats usually live in large packs and hunt together. But there are individuals that live separately. Rat habits are largely explained by the aggressiveness of the animals. By the way, this is precisely what the education of the so-called rat-catcher rats is based on. A large number of rodents are placed in a closed space and given little to no food, forcing them to fight and eat each other. The surviving rat is tamed, and it protects the house from the invasion of its relatives.

A pack of rats

It is clear that in a battle against a mouse, the rat will always emerge victorious. An angry or cornered rodent can even attack a dog or person.

Functions of the tail

Anatomically, a rat's tail is an extension of the spine. The shape of the tail resembles a cone - the middle part has small bones that are surrounded by tendons, which, in turn, are covered with skin. The tail along its entire length is penetrated with blood vessels.

  1. Balancing - thanks to the presence of a long tail, the rat can easily move along narrow vertical surfaces, such as a rope or wire. The tail controls balance, thereby allowing the rat to maintain balance. In addition, with the help of its tail, the animal can grab onto something, roll over onto its paws from its back and stand on its hind legs. The longer this process, the more dexterous and confident the rat’s actions.
  2. Thermoregulation - inside the tail, as mentioned above, there are many blood vessels. When a rat is hot, the blood vessels dilate, cooling the blood passing through them. Thanks to this process, the rodent's overall body temperature decreases. Conversely, when a rat experiences cold, the blood vessels constrict, causing blood to circulate more slowly, maintaining body temperature.

Important! In cases of real danger, the tail can shed its skin - this is a natural defense. The peeled skin remains with the enemy, giving the rat a chance to escape

Unfortunately, the rat's tail does not recover, like that of lizards, and in the future the animal has a not entirely attractive appearance.

They are indestructible

This quality unites many movie monsters, especially serial ones: you kill them, you kill them, and by the time the next part comes out they are as good as new again.

Well, what do rats have to do with it, you ask. Common rodents. No hint of immortality. They can be anything they want, but considering them invincible is too much.

However... What is the surest way to kill a rat? I? So here it is. When rats find food they aren't sure is safe, they taste (.pdf) it first—just a little. And if they feel somehow wrong, they don’t touch this food again. They are well aware of our insidious plans and know how to destroy them.

In addition, we are increasingly faced with a completely new variety of these creatures, which scientists have already nicknamed “super mutant rats”, which are no longer affected by practically any poison.

Rat. Part 1, anatomical

Rats, like cats, can “stretch.” But the reason is somewhat different - in rats the spine is actually a couple of vertebrae longer. And the legs are shorter relative to the body, which is why the rat initially looks elongated.

The odontoid process of the second cervical vertebra (axial) has a conical shape. This allows the first vertebra (atlas) to rotate not only about the axis, but also in other directions. This skeletal feature provides rats with exceptional head mobility, which allows them to defeat even larger opponents.

Thanks to its powerful hind legs, the rat can jump up to a meter in height. The front legs are much smaller. To cushion them when jumping, rats have a structural feature: on the spinous process of the second thoracic vertebra there is a joint connecting it with a triangular bone plate directed forward. From below, tendon cords are attached to this plate, extending to the first thoracic and four posterior cervical vertebrae. When landing, this “structure” springs and absorbs the impact. Nutria has the same feature.

Rats have a visual angle of 160′ and are nearsighted. A rat can see clearly no further than a meter, so if you stand quietly in the opposite corner of the room and don’t move, you don’t exist for the rat. The animal does not see in the red spectrum, but distinguishes ultraviolet light; in general, the world for a rat is gray-blue-green, like for a dog.

How can one live with such vision? That's how. The rat constantly turns its head, and its eyes move independently of each other, and they always move in the opposite direction relative to the head: if the rat lowers its head, the eyes look towards the tail, when the rat raises its head, the eyes become “in a bunch”, when tilts his head - the lower eye looks up, and the upper eye looks down. The difference in the direction of the eyes is up to 40′ in the horizontal plane and up to 60′ in the vertical. Thus, the rat sees the surrounding space in fragments.

Rats have a unique hearing; they hear the slightest rustle, as well as ultrasound. But they do not distinguish pure tones. A rat may not hear a wailing siren, and ultrasonic rodent repellers do not work on them because their sound is quite acceptable to rats.

Rat noses have twice as many olfactory receptors as humans, and they smell through each nostril separately. In just fifty milliseconds, the source of the odor is identified and analyzed.

Rats make whistles in the ultrasonic range. Moreover, they whistle not with their lips, but with their throats and are able to suddenly change the frequency of the signals. Rats have a rich “vocabulary” of screams with special intonations and meanings. Scientists have found that rats are even capable of laughing: when “laughing,” the rat emits a series of identical ultrasounds.

Rats are the only living creatures that can sense X-rays. At the same time, they can withstand very high levels of radiation.

The tail is almost equal in length to the body, it is covered with fine bristles and scales, the tail is rough and hard to the touch. The tail has two functions - thermoregulation and balancing. Tendons run along the tail, thanks to them the rat can cling to its tail.

When a predator attacks a rat and grabs it by the tail, the skin is removed, exposing the spine bone. Over time, the bone dries out and falls off, after which the rat continues to live with the “stub.” A tailless rat, as a rule, does not live long. So do not grab or lift your pet rats by their tails, they may come off!))

The second part will be devoted to the “service” of the rat to man


Caring for dysocactus at home

Lighting for disocacti

“Rat tails” are today considered one of the most light-loving representatives of succulents. But unlike many other cacti, these ampelous beauties with climbing shoots do not tolerate direct sunlight very well. For dysocacti, it is necessary to provide bright, diffused lighting. Window sills of eastern and western orientation or southern windows with appropriate shading at noon are considered ideal for them.

Since the plant develops buds during winter, the lighting regime during this period is very important for it. For aporocacti, during the cold season, the lighting is increased by moving the containers to brighter places. If correction is not carried out, abundant flowering will not be achieved.

Bright lighting is also critical during warm winters

The vast majority of disocacti do not like artificial lighting and need a naturally bright location.

Comfortable temperature conditions

Unfortunately, magnificent dysocacti cannot be counted among those subspecies of the main indoor succulents that are able to bloom under any conditions. The easiest way to achieve flowering is to winterize it in a warm room. To produce flowers, “rat tails” need to be kept cool or carefully monitor the lighting and dramatically adjust their care.

During the period of active development, this not the most heat-loving cactus is best kept at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. Disocactus will tolerate hotter conditions only outdoors. But during the dormant period, it is better to provide aporocacti with a cool temperature of 7 to 10 degrees. Warmer wintering will lead to a reduction in the number of buds, and if the lighting is not corrected, there will be no flowering at all.

Unlike many cacti, disocactus can be taken out into the fresh air, placed on balconies and terraces (and even in the garden), provided it is protected from direct sunlight and precipitation.

Disocactus flagelliformis is better known as Aporocactus flagelliformis. Olgapro

Watering and air humidity

The intensity of watering for this cactus directly depends on the stage of development. Regular procedures will only be needed in spring and summer. In this case, as for all other representatives of the cactus family, it is necessary to carefully avoid any waterlogging and only keep the substrate slightly moist. Stagnation of water in the pan, too much and frequent watering can lead to the death of the plant. The following procedure is carried out only after the top layer of soil has completely dried and the substrate in the middle part of the pot has partially dried.

During the dormant stage, dysocacti require much more limited watering. Regardless of the temperature, the following procedure in winter should be carried out only when the substrate is completely dry. If disocacti are kept in cool conditions, then watering is carried out extremely rarely in accordance with the low rate of soil drying. When wintering in warm conditions, the cactus needs almost dry conditions.

In their preferences for air humidity, “rat tails” are somewhat different from their other counterparts. Disocactus does not need conditions of high humidity at all, but at the same time it really likes spraying during the summer if the air temperature rises above 24-25 degrees Celsius. Spraying is usually carried out with warm water, slightly moistening the plant. During autumn and winter, spraying is strictly prohibited.

Ackermann's disocactus (Disocactus ackermannii). John C.Disocactus biformis. Universität GöttingenDisocactus speciosus. Universität Göttingen

Fertilizers for disocacti

Fertilizers for this type of cacti are applied exclusively during the period of active development. Typically, plant fertilizers are added to irrigation water from March to mid-summer. The easiest way to navigate is by the timing of stopping fertilizing at the end of flowering. As soon as the cactus sheds its last flowers, you must stop applying fertilizer in any form. During the active period of development, special mixtures of fertilizers intended for representatives of the Cactus family are used for dysocacti. The optimal frequency of procedures is 1 feeding per month.

External structure of a rat

Upon external initial examination, a significant amount of hair can be noted throughout the body. This is a characteristic of this class of mammals. Main functions of wool:

  • thermal insulation;
  • involvement in touch;
  • protecting the skin from damage.

The animal's head is large in size relative to the body. The muzzle area is pointed, the rear section is adjacent to the short neck. The rat skull includes 3 sections:

At the end of the muzzle there are vibrissae - bristles intended for touch. Rats are characterized by the presence of a nictitating membrane and a red glow in the eyes.

Experts divide the rodent’s body into 3 sections:

  • dorso-thoracic;
  • lumboabdominal;
  • sacrogluteal.

The tail of rodents is thick, accounting for 85% of the total body length. The female has a longer tail. The surface is covered with scaly rings and yellow fat. Instead of fur there are bristles.

Female animals are characterized by 6 pairs of nipples, two of which are in the armpits, one on the chest and three on the belly. Outside of pregnancy, they are hidden by thick hair. The sex of the rat is determined by examining the rear part: in females the rump has the shape of a triangle, while in males it is shaped like a cylinder.

Mature males can reach a weight of 400 g. Females are much smaller.

The animal's skeletal system consists of bone and cartilaginous parts, and includes 264 bones of various shapes and sizes. The skull has an elongated shape. There are several sections of the spine:

The vertebral part in the rat skeleton is characterized by more than 2 dozen discs.

Description of the breed

Dumbo rats have large ears on a small skull. The shape of the auricle differs in different species, they are:

  • pointed;
  • round and flat;
  • slightly curled;
  • resembling half-open petals with a pointed tip.

The animals have a short, pear-shaped body with greatly expanded pelvic bones. Males reach a length of 18-20 cm, body weight ranges from 250 to 500 mg. Females reach 15 cm and weigh about 250-400 g. Dumbo differ from other types of ornamental rats by a wide and flat skull with a blunt muzzle, and a longer tail.

On average, Dumbo rats live about 2-3 years. Life expectancy strictly depends on the quality of feeding and care of the pet. With timely treatment of diseases and a balanced diet, rodents can live to a ripe old age and delight their owners for 5 years.

Types of dumbo rats

There are several varieties of the Dumbo breed, differing in coat color.

Dumbo Rex Rat

A characteristic feature of the Rex is its strong, curly fur. There are rats of different colors: white, black and gray. In some cases, a baby may be born with variegated fur consisting of 3 or more colors. When removed over a considerable distance, the rodent without movement resembles a soft toy. In addition to fur, the rat has curled antennae. When you carefully examine the animal, you will notice thick and wavy fur, which will be rough when touched.

Dumbo Siamese rat

Rats of this species are distinguished by dark tails, paws and the front of the muzzle, which resemble Siamese cats. Areas of black or brown fur create a sharp contrast against the white body fur. Cubs rarely inherit this color. Siamese rodents are irritable and often show aggression towards their owners.

Dumbo sphinx rat

For people predisposed to allergies to wool, there is a special type of Dumbo - the Sphynx. Rats are completely hairless. Rodents are warm and soft to the touch, their skin is quite delicate and traumatic. The skin may not only have a pink color. There are animals with chocolate, white and bluish colors. These rats were specially bred through numerous crossings and genetic mutations.

Dumbo Husky Rat

Husky is rare. Such rats are often called chameleons due to the change in coat color throughout life. If a rodent baby is born with a white-gray, black or brown coat, it may later change to a new coat with white patterns.

Dumbo rat blue mink

The rarest variety of Dumbo rats is the blue mink, which is characterized by a purple-blue fur color. The texture of rodent fur can vary. The most common animals are those with straight, smooth hair. Rats with curly fur or long hairs on their faces are considered more expensive.

Dumbo Manx Rat

Features of behavior and character of the Dumbo rat

Smart rats quickly find a common language with people and get used to being picked up. They fearlessly climb over humans, displaying friendliness and sociability. Dumbo has a good sense of smell, so their activity increases when the owner approaches with various treats: sweet fruits, sugar or grains. At the same time, in everyday life, rats are not very mobile. They love to snooze at the bottom of the cage, basking in the sun's rays.

Rats are social animals, so without the attention of the owner or other relatives, they begin to get bored. Zoologists recommend purchasing rodents in quantities of several pieces.

Why do rats need a tail?

The rat's tail is a subject of great controversy. The question of its need and functional properties still arises today.

However, given the fact that there is nothing superfluous in nature, this means that this appendage is of no small importance for the animal. This article will tell you why a rat has a long tail.

Scientists know more than 60 species of rats, and most of them have a tail length that matches the rodent's body size. Even small rats have a long tail. Many people believe that a rat's tail is hairless. However, this statement is not entirely true: if you look closely at the appearance of the rat, you will notice that the tail is covered with small bristles that have the same color as the animal itself. The hairs are especially clearly visible against the fleshy background of the skin of white and black rodents. Below you can see what a rat's tail looks like in an enlarged photo.

There is another myth according to which the tail of a rat is noticeably cold and slippery. This opinion is also incorrect: the surface layer has no mucus at all, but on the contrary, it is quite rough. It consists of small scales tightly adjacent to each other. The extension of the spine can be cold if the animal is frozen.

Rat tail or pro-Tail.

This part of the rat causes the most heated debate and the most conflicting opinions. Some sing odes to the rat's tail, while others become hysterical at the sight of it and run across to another part of the street. But it’s true, such a beautiful animal is a rat, and such an incomprehensible thing is its tail. Why does she need him?

We, the rat breeders club, very often go to various events and promotions, together with our pets. So that people can communicate with these animals personally and learn more about them. There are always people who are afraid or do not like rats. To the question: “Why?” our interlocutors make a terrible grimace and say: “Well, it’s a rat! She has such a disgusting bald tail! At such moments, it is “a matter of honor” for every rat breeder to dispel the myths and prejudices of people. There are actually several myths about the rat's tail.

  1. “The rat’s tail is bald” - this is actually not true. Of course, a rat is not a squirrel, it does not have a gorgeous fluffy tail. But if you look closely at the rat’s tail, you will see soft short hairs, the color of the main color of the rat itself.
  2. “A rat’s tail is slippery and cold” - that’s what those who have never touched it say. A rat's tail simply cannot be slippery. It is covered with “scales” that are pressed against each other, and there is no mucus on it. As for the temperature, it depends on the body temperature of the rat. And if it becomes cold, then it’s time to warm the rat.
  3. “The tail of a rat is poisonous” - well, here we can only laugh and recommend that people who claim this stop watching horror films.

Rat breeders' trip to the Tikhvin orphanage. Photo by Elena Deino

Seriously though, its tail helps regulate body temperature. If the rat is very hot, then we can help it by wetting its tail with cold water. And the most important function of the tail is to maintain balance. She uses it when she needs to hold on to something, such as a branch or rope. Or stand on your hind legs for a long time. Well, with its help, turn over from your back to your paws. Holding, grasping, clinging and balancing is its function.

Rats are very clean animals. Being a hunter in nature, a rat is not allowed to have any scent on itself. That's why she washes her beautiful fur coat most of the time. She washes her coat, but still doesn’t reach her tail. There are a lot of neat rats who keep his order. But there are even more rats who forget about it, or are simply lazy. Therefore, caring owners have to wash the rat's tail themselves before exhibitions or important events.

The most important thing to know about a rat's tail is its fragility! If in nature, a rat is caught by the tail by a predator, then a defense mechanism will work. The skin will be removed, exposing the bone (spine) of the tail.

The rat will be able to escape at this moment. But a rat is not a lizard! Her tail won't grow back. The bone will later dry out and fall off, and our animal will live with the “stub”. This, of course, is not very convenient for her, but she is safe

If you accidentally crushed it at home, or picked it up carelessly, and the tail came off, then it is important to stop the bleeding. If possible, treat the tail with chlorhexidine and cover the breakage area with a bandage.

Everything else will work out.

After communicating with rat breeders, people who were previously afraid of rats or tails change their point of view. They begin to perceive rats completely differently. Such people are offered a unique opportunity to get rid of their phobia - to touch the tail here and now. Those who did this get rid of their nightmare forever. And if they don’t fall in love with rats, then at least they begin to respect them. Isn't this wonderful?


Fun Features

If your rat is making a loud noise, he is likely unhappy. She may protest your treatment of her or show her displeasure at being taken out of her crate.

Night noise

Don't expect your rat to sleep on the same schedule as you. They are nocturnal, which means their normal sleep cycle is to play at night and sleep during the day.

Scavenger hunt

Rats take whatever they can get and then bring it back to their lair. They are especially prone to stealing items that they can chew, such as things made of wood, plastic, or rubber. Rats also hoard food; so don't be surprised to find a little edible stash hidden in your rat's cage.


Rats do not box for fun or play. They box to show who is the alpha rat. They have a natural social hierarchy with the dominant rat emerging from the pack.


If your rat is chewing or licking you, it may be showing affection by grooming you. They also have a great sense of smell, so a rat may chew, lick your hand, or smell you after you have eaten or cooked food. Your pet may bite you if it finds leftover food, such as crumbs or sauce, on your hands.


In the wild, rats live in underground burrows. Pet rats will also dig burrows or the ground, especially if they are offered bedding or a pile of shredded paper, to create a safe and comfortable place to sleep.

wiggling mustache

We have GPS to get from point A to point B. Rats have whiskers which they use to navigate objects and also to maintain balance. The rodent moves its whiskers to literally get a better sense of its surroundings, such as to see whether an object is moving or static and to gather other spatial information.

Tail movements

If you suddenly grab your rat, he may flick his tail, trying to feel his way through what is happening. The rat also uses its tail for balance, which it holds straight while running. They even use their tail to support themselves in a standing position.

Bulging eyes

Eye bulging occurs when a rat's eyes move in and out of their sockets. Don't worry, the animal isn't completely crazy yet. In fact, the rat may be quite relaxed and happy at this point.

Teeth grinding

Protruding eyes usually occur along with teeth grinding, also called bruxism. Rats' teeth are constantly growing, so teeth grinding helps keep them under control. A rat is more likely to grind its teeth when it is relaxed and content, similar to how a cat purrs. The sounds made by her jaw moving back and forth and her teeth grinding create vibrations and cause the rat's eyes to bulge.

Black-tailed rat

The black-tailed rat is another species of the mouse family, the distinctive feature of which is its tail covered with thick hair. Animals are common in New Guinea and Northern Australia. Their habitat is the coastal zone of rivers and other bodies of water, where after the surf, rodents collect food thrown out by the waves. The animals hide in hollows or between thick branches of trees, where females make nests for future offspring. The presence of fur is a distinctive feature of born rat pups. In addition, they mature and grow much faster than their relatives.

Moustache wiggling

Rat whiskers are sensitive antennas that help animals navigate in space. The information that rodents receive with the help of such a navigator is so detailed that the animals not only move confidently in the dark, but also receive an almost complete understanding of the surrounding objects, including the features of their dynamic trajectory.

When a rat moves its whiskers, it not only explores odors, collects information about the world around it, but also maintains the balance of movement. It is with its sensitive whiskers that the animal first of all checks unfamiliar objects, including the palms of people.

Is it possible to pick up a rat by the tail?

Rough actions towards the tail are undesirable. This process is very fragile, and with a careless movement, for example, lifting a rat by it, you can easily break it or tear off the skin. If you need to pick up a rat, grab it under its chest by its body.

In cases where the tail is damaged, you can provide first aid to your pet:

  • In case of an open fracture, it is necessary to stop the bleeding; to do this, treat the damaged area with chlorhexidine or miramistin. Peroxide is usually not used on rodents, as it causes unpleasant pain.
  • After antiseptic treatment and stopping the bleeding, it is necessary to apply a healing ointment - Levomekol, or a veterinary drug - Terramycin in the form of a spray.
  • The wounded area is covered with a band-aid; the ideal option is a band-aid with a bactericidal liner.

Interesting! New breeds of rats - tailless ones - have been developed as a result of fashion. The breed of short-tailed rats is called Manx. Perhaps the animal is not bad aesthetically, but representatives of this breed are susceptible to many diseases, and their life expectancy is shorter than that of their relatives with long tails. Therefore, it is obvious that the tail is a necessary part of the rat’s body.


People have often wondered why rats have a tail. This process has two purposes, which ensures the normal functioning of the animal. The first purpose is to regulate body temperature. The blood vessels inside the rat's appendix are able to expand and allow a larger volume of warm blood to pass through them. The liquid is returned to the rodent’s body already cooled, which helps lower the animal’s body temperature.

The cycle in the opposite direction occurs when body temperature drops. Therefore, the rat’s tail serves as a kind of thermostat.

Rat without a tail. Almost

This little pig was born among ordinary rats)

They thought the tail would fall off, because there were no vertebrae there, she couldn’t use it, but the baby was already 2 months old)

An option for those who don’t like rats because the “tail is disgusting.” Or maybe someone else has encountered similar anomalies in rats?

No duplicates found

Professor speaking at a conference

-if you cut off the tail of rats after birth for many generations, then the rats begin to be born tailless.

— how would you comment on the case with the hymen?

It was Academician Kapitsa who asked Academician Lysenko at a session of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences:

— Did I understand correctly that if you saw off one horn of a cow, and its descendants also sawed off one horn, then in the end one-horned cows will be born?

-Then another question. Why are all women born virgins, and Jews are born uncircumcised?

Manx is the name given to such mutants in rats. You are lucky that your baby is in good health. This usually comes with problems. After all, since there is no tail, there is no part of the spinal cord, the function of the spine is impaired, as a result, problems with walking, problems with defecation and urination.

Breeders usually keep such rat pups for themselves, since it is not good to give away a potentially problematic animal to people.

She’s probably uncomfortable, rats use their tails so much. Don’t others pinch her?

Rats are cool if they're not bald)

No no no! Bald people are the coolest.

Cut it off and sell it like a Chihuahua

Mother Nature loves to play tricks. Still a cutie!

Regular bobtail. Nothing strange.

Just in the hot post above about breeding piglets

Or maybe you shouldn’t engage in breeding without understanding the topic and breeding rats with a mutation in particular?

About tailless rats, I’ll quote from an article on Ra with my relatively “healthy” tailless rat? According to foreign Manx breeders, pups in a Manx litter are “rarely” non-viable and die in the first days of life...”

Are you really willing to condemn your potential offspring to problems with thermoregulation, balance, and a host of other problems for your own amusement?


Tips and tricks for injuries

Even the most responsible and attentive owner is sometimes unable to keep track of the animal. If a rat has torn off its skin or your pet has fallen from a height, you should remember simple rules:

  • Examine your pet carefully. If the skin is severely damaged or the animal has difficulty moving, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Find out whether the animal could have been accidentally stepped on to rule out injuries to the spine and limbs.
  • Do not forget that minor tissue damage is only visible on an x-ray.

If a rat breaks its leg after falling from a great height, carefully restrain the animal and apply a splint to prevent movement.

In case of fractures, it is important to ensure complete rest and limit movement as much as possible.

When an animal's limbs are broken, the recovery process largely depends on the prompt actions of the doctor and breeder. After being examined by a veterinarian and prescribing treatment procedures, strictly follow the recommendations and make sure that the rodent does not fall again or damage the skin.

How to help a rat if it is panting, choking or grunting

Common causes of shortness of breath and breathing problems in rats are pneumonia and heart attack.

The most important thing to do is contact a veterinarian. Only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment. If wheezing or other breathing problems occur, you can provide your pet with first aid and additional measures to the main treatment.

If wheezing or other breathing problems occur, you can provide your pet with first aid and additional measures to the main treatment.

To provide first aid to the animal, you need to drop a few drops of Corvalol into the rodent’s mouth and rush to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Try to handle your pet as little as possible during an attack. In this state, he is capable of injuring your hand with a bite. Because of this, the animal may fall, which will further aggravate the situation. You should remove all unnecessary and traumatic objects (tunnels, ladders) from the cage. During an attack, the rat does not control itself and can injure itself.

If your rat is sneezing more than usual, listen carefully to the animal's breathing. In the case when the breathing is even, there are no mucous discharges from the nose, you just need to observe the behavior of the animal. You should not start treatment until you are sure that the animal is actually sick. The cause of sneezing may be a simple allergy or dust.

If the animal makes unnatural, grunting sounds, your rat is sick! Contact your veterinarian immediately!

Grunting sounds in the sinuses indicate that they are full and breathing is difficult. The disease progresses very quickly, so it is worth taking steps to consult a veterinarian. Based on the diagnosis, he will prescribe a course of antibiotics.

Ratologist will help save the rat

Measures to restore animal health

In order to cure your pet as quickly as possible, in addition to a course of antibiotics, it is necessary to take measures to restore the animal.

— The rodent’s cage must be reliably protected from drafts. — The room in which the cage is located should have normal air humidity. It should not be overdried.

— The cage should be thoroughly cleaned daily: the ammonia smell irritates the animal’s nose and breath.

— A heating pad installed in the cage also promotes recovery.

— Echinacea decoction will help strengthen the rat’s immune system.

— If the pet is not alone, you need to seat the animals in different cages to prevent the spread of infection.

Small rat

The taxonomy of the rat does not end there; its continuation is the small rat. The Pacific or Polynesian rodent is found in the Philippines, New Zealand, as well as the countries of Asia and New Guinea. The habitat of the animal is forest and forest-steppe zones.

Depending on the distribution area, the length of the animal’s body varies. The animals inhabiting the mainland of the continent reach up to 15 cm, small rats living on the islands do not grow more than 11 cm. The weight of the animal is also small: only from 40 to 80 g. The fur of a small rodent on the back is brown, in the abdomen - light tones Its distinctive characteristics also include a pointed muzzle, large ears and short legs. The tail has a length commensurate with the size of the body, and is covered with scaly rings.

The diet of the small rat is very diverse, it includes: seeds, fruits and parts of plants, as well as insects, spiders, bird eggs and tiny chicks.

Small rats reproduce throughout the year; the reproduction process becomes especially active in the summer.

Decorative pets

Rats for those who are embarrassed by the rat's tail.

No duplicates found

A rat without a rat tail is like macaroni and cheese without the cheese.

Like a samurai with a sword, but without a sword.

Here's another breed: Banana rats. Banana rat.

As for me, without tails, rats look stupid, like guinea pigs... On the contrary, I like tails, especially when they wrap around a hand or cling to something)

bitch what confuses me is not their tail, but their giant balls, and how they rub them against people

As the wonderful writer Olga Gromyko wrote:

The tail in a rat is the most necessary part. It is not at all cold, wet and disgusting, as unfortunate people who have never touched this tail claim, but delightfully rough and at the same time velvety, warm

He hangs behind the rat for a reason, but for an important purpose, working at the same time as a balancer and a cling - when the rat runs along a narrow ledge, rope or hand. The rat also knows how to casually swipe souvenirs from the shelf with it, and then look down at the fragments with sincere amazement: “I have nothing to do with it, it’s all him, the prankster!” But for some reason she is very offended when for him she is pulled out of the created harm (like a hole in a pillow)

During use, the tail turns somewhat brown and loses its marketable appearance, so before the exhibition, Severe Minsk Breeders conduct a secret ritual of cleaning it. The tail is soaked in warm water and brushed with the husband’s toothbrush (that’s why the ritual is secret - otherwise it won’t be good!) until it shines. The judges cannot resist such magnificence, and the triumphant breeders take away a bunch of diplomas and rosettes from the exhibition.

Twisting rats' tails is a favorite pastime of rat keepers. If you gather several rats in a bun, their tails will be woven into a braid. You can also lift the rat by the tail - then it will touchingly tuck its hind legs and walk on its front legs. There are few painful endings in the tail, so the rat does not experience much discomfort, being tolerant of the owner’s foolishness. The most chic thing is to make yourself a “mustache” from the tail of a rat sitting on your shoulder, holding it between your lip and nose. This makes an indelible impression on impressionable ladies who accidentally end up at a rat exhibition.

However, pulling a rat's tail should be done with great caution (Severe Minsk Breeders prohibit pulling at all, but this is too great a pleasure to give up). Everyone has heard about the lizard, and some even about the flying dormouse, which leaves the very hind limb in the teeth of the predator, but few people know that a rat is capable of the same meanness

The tip of its tail (more precisely, the last third) is intended by nature itself to be sacrificed to the enemy, so under no circumstances should you catch a rat by it, much less lift it! The skin will come off like a glove, the exposed cartilage will soon dry out and fall off, and the saddened rat breeder will only have to cry on the forum: “The tail has come off, what should I do?!” Unfortunately, they won’t sew it back, and it won’t grow back.


Interesting facts from physiology

Veterinarians and biologists, studying the anatomical and physiological structure of the rat, noted a number of interesting facts:

  • numerous laboratory studies on rodents are explained by the similarities in physiology between rats and humans;
  • the animals lack tonsils and thumbs;
  • males have tissue for the formation of mammary glands, but there are no nipples even in their infancy;
  • females have a vestigial penis that can be used for urination;
  • In rats, the right and left lungs have different structures. The first has 4 beats, and the second has only one;
  • rodents have an appendix, which is sometimes confused with a frolicking internal tumor;
  • unlike humans and cats, albino rats do not suffer from hearing problems;
  • ultrasonic exposure causes discomfort to rodents, but they can easily tolerate it;
  • Rodents do not have lips around their mouths. Instead, a folded gap is formed above the lower jaw;
  • The male spends 2 seconds on fertilization, so keeping different-sex individuals in the same cage guarantees the presence of offspring.


What sounds do domestic and wild rats make?

Under natural conditions, rodents live in colonies and communicate in three complementary ways:

  1. High frequency sounds. Used by cubs to find their mother or by males during the mating season. The human ear is not able to recognize this signal.
  2. Chirping. Rapid rhythmic chattering of teeth is used to warn relatives of approaching danger. A domestic rat can also chirp if it is scared.
  3. Smells. They play a key role, since the rat’s sense of smell is more developed than other senses. Wild animals mark their territory with scent glands, and also recognize relatives by a specific smell.

As they became domesticated, people learned to distinguish and identify some of the sounds of their pets.

With the help of a piercing loud squeak, the animal tries to convey its fear or pain. Inspect the area around the cage and analyze what might have frightened your pet. It is likely that the rat could hear the cat or the hum of the vacuum cleaner from the next room.

If the rat does not live alone in the cage, put it away. Inspect carefully for bites and injuries. If there are no visible signs of damage on the body, and the pet does not calm down and continues to squeak for a long time, contact your veterinarian immediately. Your pet may experience severe pain due to internal injuries.

An abrupt loud squeak when pulled out of the cage signals that the pet is not in the mood to contact a person.

Rat King - truth or myth?

The Rat King is recognized as a rare phenomenon. The tails of several rodents become so tightly tangled that the rats cannot free themselves and untangle them.

Such rats quickly die because they cannot coordinate their actions to obtain food or simply direct movement. Such cases are very rare: throughout the world, over a long period of time, there are only a few dozen such remains. Often these discoveries were made by accident by ordinary people - on their farms, basements or near mills, but despite this, a huge number of myths about such monsters arose, especially in ancient times.

The most interesting thing in these stories is that no one has ever seen such kings live; only rat remains testified to this. To date, there is not a single photo, much less a video, to prove this phenomenon.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine that the tails were intertwined after death, i.e. It is logical that the knot arose during life - the constant bustle of rats could lead to this. A rat can live without food for a maximum of 4 days, i.e. Confused and unable to come to an agreement, such animals are doomed to death.

There is a version about the “fusion” of tails due to cramped circumstances: in a cramped and narrow space, sooner or later the tails will become connected. Or, according to another version, the tails may become tangled due to contamination, food debris, blood or sticky substances sticking the rats' tails together. Another theory is that the tails freeze together when rats try to stay warm in cold weather. In any case, after waking up, the rats try to run away in different directions, only tightening the knot more.

Here are some interesting facts about the common rat's tail. What fact was the most unexpected for you?

What I am a master at is talking incessantly about hamsters. I have three hamsters at home, and my husband has a pet rat. That’s how we live, the six of us eat, the six of us sleep :)


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According to the NFRS, there are currently two such varieties - sphinxes and manxes.

The NFRS has a show regulation of which states;

'Any mutation that the society deems harmful to the health of the rat shall not be shown in any class, including New Varieties & pets'.

The NFRS currently has two varieties held under this regulation, the hairless or sphinx and the tailless or Manx. I have written this article to make it clear why these decisions where made and what they mean, as there appears to be some confusion about this.

Several mutations are responsible for hairless, most dominant but some are recessive. Some of these mutations are very harmful and produce rats with persistent skin infections etc while most only appear to affect the coat. The commonest one in the UK is the double or homozygous rex, which you get when you cross two rexes together. In this case approx 25% of the kittens will have a very weak coat, which grows through and then breaks off. Most hairless mutations are like this. Another recessive mutation turned up via imported stock. The hairless mutations I have seen all had whiskers (curly ones) but at least one mutation does not have them. Some are prone to growing eyelashes.

This variety is showable in the US (especially in the warmer states) but not in the UK at shows with NFRS support. These rats are much more sensitive to cold than normal rats and are more prone to injuries due to their lack of a protective coat. Both of these things makes them unsuitable for showing.

tailless rats are due to the interaction of several genes and possibly environmental factors as well. Some strains are prone to produce them. For instance the Siamese which went to the US in the '80s, but in my experience they are just as likely to appear from the crossing of two unrelated strains. Some tailless have a small stub of tail but most that I have seen have none at all or perhaps a very tiny finger-like projection. Most tailless are perfectly healthy, however some have problems with nerve impairment to the bowels and the bladder and a few lack hip sockets and are missing some pelvic bones.

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