The most common diseases of domestic hamsters

Hamsters are perhaps one of the most charming pet rodents. There are many types of hamsters in the world, however, only some are kept as pets. For example, Syrian hamster, Roborovsky's hamster, Djungarian hamster, Campbell's hamster. They differ in size, color, behavior. Thanks to their funny habits and cheerful character, they manage to win the true love of their owners. But loving owners often do not suspect that hamster diseases are quite common.

Hamsters, like other rodents, are extremely sensitive to infectious diseases. Contact with a sick animal, unfavorable external environment, and improper care put the hamster's health at risk. The rapid metabolism of rodents contributes to the rapid development of the disease, and this creates additional difficulties in treatment.

What are the most common diseases in rodents?

Any disease of a small rodent is accompanied by a deterioration in its appearance and a decrease in activity. Healthy individuals lead an active lifestyle, show interest in everything that surrounds them, and demonstrate a good appetite. The coat looks well-groomed, breathing is calm, and the eyeballs are clean.

If any deviations from the normal condition are detected, you must have your pet checked at a veterinary clinic.


There are several factors that provoke health problems in a hamster:

  1. Poor quality food and water.
  2. Exposure to drafts and cold.
  3. Excess moisture in the cell.
  4. Lack of a secluded place for the pet to sleep and rest.
  5. Sudden temperature changes.

General symptoms and signs of illnesses

You can tell if your pet is sick by the following signs:

  1. Decreased mobility.
  2. Refusal to eat food.
  3. Rapid weight loss.
  4. Sneezing and sniffling.
  5. Intense discharge from the eyes and nose.
  6. Getting the fur around the tail wet.
  7. Loss of fur.

A sick pet quickly loses weight, sneezes and sniffles.
If such symptoms are detected, you should consult a veterinarian. It is important to examine your pet as quickly as possible, as it may die.

Quite often, hamsters are affected by respiratory infections, as a result of which they develop severe pneumonia. In the early stages, the rodent hides in a cage, sneezes and suffers from discharge from the eyes and nose. If left untreated, it will become difficult for him to breathe with his mouth open. Prolonged pneumonia will lead to the death of the animal.

A common sign of illness is that your hamster is underweight, so it is recommended that you weigh your hamster regularly.

Adult individuals of the Syrian breed weigh 90 g, and the Dzungarian breed weighs from 30 g.

Inflammation of the pouches

The inside of the cheek pouch can be easily damaged by a sharp object. Since the hamster uses it constantly, pieces of food will get into the wound, which will further aggravate the situation. If you suspect, take your baby to the vet. He examines the animal, turning the bags outward. Under no circumstances try to do this yourself: there is a high risk of harming your pet even more. Such wounds are cleaned with conventional bactericidal agents, but first you need to remove food debris from them with special tweezers.

Overview of common diseases in pet hamsters

Rodent diseases can be contagious or non-contagious.

The first group includes:

  1. Bacterial infections. They provoke the development of skin, gastrointestinal and other inflammations.
  2. Viral. They affect the mucous membranes and eyes, and also contribute to the appearance of tumors.
  3. Fungal. Accompanied by skin diseases.

Bacterial infections provoke the development of inflammation.
Certain diseases are transmitted to people, so you should take precautions when caring for an animal and try to get it to a veterinary clinic as quickly as possible. Only after performing a series of tests will a specialist be able to make an accurate diagnosis and predict further developments. Many diseases are fatal, but the owner needs to do everything possible to ensure that the pet recovers.

The list of non-communicable pathologies includes:

  1. Bruises, bites and injuries as a result of a hamster falling from a height or fighting with other animals.
  2. metabolic disorders in the body, including diabetes mellitus, which often occurs in representatives of the Dzungarian breed.
  3. Illnesses due to stressful situations. Heart diseases, heart attacks and strokes.

Bacterial and viral

Pet rodents are vulnerable to bacterial and viral infections. They can become infected from contact with other sick animals, get sick from eating stale food or being in a dirty cage. Certain diseases are transmitted from people to pets and vice versa.


It is a dangerous infectious disease that develops against the background of an increased concentration of E. coli in the digestive organs. The disease is contagious, so if there are several hamsters in a cage, each individual will need to be tested.

Colibacillosis is an infectious disease.

The second name for colibacillosis is “wet tail”, since the key sign of the development of the pathology is severe diarrhea. In the early stages, there is a decrease in appetite, rapid weight loss, lethargic and restless behavior, and the presence of moisture in the coat.

As symptoms worsen, your pet's stool becomes urine-like. After detecting the listed signs, you need to contact your veterinarian for help and advice on the treatment of colibacillosis. In most cases, the animal is prescribed drugs of the tetracycline group, which are added to food or water. Occasionally, Chloramphenicol injections are used.

Curing a hamster is possible only in the initial stages of the disease.

For the purpose of prevention, pets should be kept in separate cages and cleaned frequently.


It is a respiratory tract infection caused by round bacteria – diplococci. General symptoms manifest themselves in the form of weakness and lethargy. The pet begins to tremble, and discharge appears from his nose. In some cases, the hamster completely refuses food.

A special serum is used to treat the infection. It is important to introduce it as early as possible, since diplococcosis can kill the animal in 2-3 days.


Accompanied by a lethargic and apathetic state of the pet. The animal also refuses to eat and loses its appetite. Treatment is ineffective.

Salmonellosis is accompanied by a lethargic state.

Viral pneumonia

The disease develops against the background of a weakened immune system and increased activity of pneumococci. In most cases, this is facilitated by severe hypothermia or a deficiency of vitamins in the body.

Characteristic symptoms:

  1. Decreased activity, lethargic behavior of the animal.
  2. Lack of appetite.
  3. Cough and wheezing.
  4. Mucous discharge.

After completing a course of treatment with vitamins and antibiotics, the pet becomes completely healthy.

Aujeszky's disease

It affects the nervous system and leads to increased anxiety in the pet. The hamster begins to twitch, itches constantly and ceases to show interest in food. For a quick recovery, he is given a special serum. Without proper treatment, paralysis and death of the individual occurs.

Aujeszky's disease affects the nervous system.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

It is transmitted from infected females to cubs and manifests itself in the form of general weakness of the body and rapid weight loss. In the early stages, choriomeningitis is treatable. It is important to start controlling the disease as early as possible, since the disease can be transmitted from animals to people.


The disease develops as a result of the proliferation of tuberculosis bacilli in the intestines or respiratory tract. There are 2 forms of the disease - pulmonary and intestinal. An animal can become infected through airborne droplets or through food.

Tuberculosis develops as a result of the proliferation of bacilli.

The disease is accompanied by shortness of breath, loss of appetite and complete exhaustion of the body. In the pulmonary form, a severe cough is observed, and in the intestinal form, diarrhea is observed. As the symptoms worsen, the animal's eyes become cloudy. Since tuberculosis is incurable, it is better to euthanize your pet.


The disease affects females and manifests itself in inflammation of the uterus and appendages against the background of increased activity of streptococci.

The disease occurs with frequent childbirth and sexual intercourse. To save your pet, you need to take him to surgery.


It is an infectious disease widespread among rodents.

There are several forms of listeriosis:

  1. Spicy.
  2. Subacute.
  3. Chronic hidden.

Listeriosis is widespread among rodents.
Pets can become infected through eating contaminated food or through contact with other sick animals.


The presence of the disease is indicated by exhaustion of the body, apathetic and lethargic behavior, seizures and the appearance of cyanosis on the mucous membranes. There are no effective treatments, so it is better to euthanize the hamster.


The development of the disease is accompanied by a lethargic and apathetic state, loss of appetite and complete refusal of food, loss of coordination of movements and urinary incontinence. A few days after the defeat, the pet dies.

Paralysis is accompanied by loss of coordination of movements.

Mouse pox

In the chronic form, the pet feels acute pain and its paws swell. Initially, liquid, watery discharge appears on the affected areas, which soon dries out, forming crusts. It is almost impossible to cure a sick hamster.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

A serious infectious disease, it is incurable, so if a pet becomes infected, it will have to be euthanized and an autopsy performed to determine the cause of the disease. The first symptoms are weakness, difficulty breathing, fever. The main carriers of the causative agents of lymphocytic choriomeningitis are mice, therefore, to prevent the disease, it is necessary to protect your pets' country enclosures from these rodents. It is also very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, since this disease is also dangerous for humans.

Parasitic, fungal, dermatological

Regardless of breed characteristics, hamsters are susceptible to fungal and parasitic diseases. Djungarians are often diagnosed with lichen, trichomoniasis and dermatophytosis. Animals are often attacked by worms. As a result of the development of such diseases, pets experience severe itching, restlessness and deterioration of the coat. Scratches, wounds and rashes form on the body.

Hamsters are susceptible to parasitic diseases.

With dermatophytosis, the skin becomes yellowish and begins to peel off. In the absence of effective treatment, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the lesions, provoking the development of inflammation in the structures of the dermis.

In addition, hamsters are vulnerable to dermatitis, dermatosis and allergic reactions. With a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, the condition of the coat worsens, and the protective functions of the immune system are reduced.


This condition is very similar to lichen. The external difference is that with lichen, wounds and scales appear on the skin, and with baldness, the pet’s skin is smooth. But these features appear over time, and at the beginning the diseases look exactly the same, so in order to establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a veterinarian and conduct some tests.

In case of baldness, you need to understand for what reasons it appeared. Most often, such diseases occur due to vitamin deficiency or after severe stress. In the first case, you just need to purchase an additional source of vitamins suitable for your pet. In the second, try not to aggravate the animal’s stressful situation, do not move its cage or make noise around it. By the way, when a pet is stressed, it also needs vitamins.

Eye diseases

Due to their physiological characteristics, representatives of the Syrian and Dzungarian breeds and some other species are subject to ophthalmological pathologies. Among the most common diseases is conjunctivitis of serous, purulent or allergic etiology. In addition, the animals are vulnerable to cataracts, uveitis and glaucoma.

Some hamsters have ophthalmic pathologies.

The development of eye diseases can be determined by the following signs:

  1. Swelling.
  2. Redness of whites.
  3. Increased tear production.
  4. The presence of mucous or purulent discharge.
  5. Sticking of eyelids.

If these signs are detected, you should show your pet to a specialist to identify the pathogen and select treatment. Without proper therapy, there is a risk of developing purulent processes and deteriorating vision.


The disease manifests itself in heaviness and sticking of the pet’s eyelids. In most cases, it is caused by a cold, but sometimes the disease is bacterial in nature. For the purpose of therapy, the hamster's eyes are washed with salted water or treated with special drops prescribed by a specialist.

Dental problems

Like any other rodent, hamsters' front teeth are in a state of perpetual growth. However, too fast a pace can cause pain and inconvenience to the animal, because it does not have time to grind them down. Sometimes a bad bite leads to pain in the mouth. Such defects are common and often inherited. It can be noticed by increased salivation and refusal even of favorite treats. It is best to take your pet to a veterinarian, as only he can determine the exact cause and prescribe effective treatment.

Endocrine pathologies, gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic disorders

In addition to viral, colds and fungal diseases, hamsters experience metabolic problems, disruptions in the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract organs. In most cases, pathologies are hereditary, but sometimes they occur due to improper care.


In the wild, rodents spend most of their time on the move. In the cage, they are limited in activity and begin to rapidly gain weight. Obesity is the first path to the development of cardiovascular pathologies and muscle atrophy. To avoid such troubles, it is important to monitor the diet and provide your pet with comfortable conditions for physical activity. To do this, install a running wheel, tunnels, ladders and other accessories in the cage. It is necessary to periodically let the hamster free-range and ensure that it does not get hurt.

Obesity in hamsters provokes the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

Mature individuals are susceptible to obesity and urolithiasis more often than young ones. The problem is rare among active representatives of the Dzungarian breed. Syrian hamsters are more prone to obesity.

Escherichia coli

An infectious disease causes severe discomfort to animals and can lead to their death. As the disease progresses, the rodent's intestinal flora changes.

E. coli appears as a result of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and is accompanied by high body temperature and bloody diarrhea.


The disease affects the digestive organs, causing bloating and diarrhea. Predisposing factors include the lack of hay in the pet’s diet. To combat enteritis, an enema is given by introducing feces from a healthy animal.

Enteritis affects the digestive tract.


A hamster is susceptible to food poisoning as a result of poor quality food and the presence of dirt or household chemicals on food. Symptoms: loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea.

The course of therapy is prescribed by a specialist, guided by the diagnostic results. In this case, it is necessary to correctly distinguish poisoning from a viral infection.


Hamsters are susceptible to disease if they consume excess carbohydrates. In addition, genetic predisposition contributes to this. The development of diabetes mellitus can be detected by the smell of acetone, which comes from the pet’s urine and saliva. You need to donate blood for analysis. The final diagnosis must be made by a specialist. In order to prevent diabetes, it is necessary to review the diet and eliminate sugar from the animal’s diet. You should also have all your vaccinations.

Diabetes mellitus occurs when there is an excess of carbohydrates.


It develops against the background of metabolic disorders and age-related changes in the pet’s body. With improper feeding, cholesterol plaques accumulate on the walls of the rodent's blood vessels, causing obstruction of blood flow. After some time, the plaques completely clog the vessel, causing it to burst.

If the hamster behaves strangely, can barely walk and shakes, it may soon die.

Stone disease

The problem arises as a result of impaired salt metabolism, which causes sand to accumulate in the bladder, kidneys and bile ducts. Soon it turns into stones, which begin to move and cause unbearable pain in the animal. In addition, with this disease, the rodent's tail curls between its legs and blood appears in the urine. In representatives of small breeds, stone disease is incurable.

Stone disease occurs due to metabolic disorders.

Genitourinary system

Disturbances in the genitourinary system are accompanied by loss of appetite, problems with bowel movements and lethargic behavior of the hamster. If you detect symptoms in the early stages and begin treatment, more dangerous consequences can be avoided.


As the disease progresses, the pet's lower abdomen begins to hurt and a burning sensation appears when urinating. As a result of losing a large amount of fluid, the rodent is always thirsty. In most cases, cystitis develops against the background of hypothermia, which is possible even due to a running fan.

With cystitis, the hamster's stomach hurts.

Antibiotics are used to treat the disease. The main thing is to make an accurate diagnosis, since cystitis is often compared to colibacillosis due to its characteristic feature - wet fur.

For prevention, it is not necessary to allow the hamster to become hypothermic, so it is better to keep his cage away from open windows.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

It is a hormonal disorder that develops with frequent sexual intercourse or childbirth. The rodent becomes irritable and lethargic, and swelling appears in the abdomen. The frequency of bowel movements is reduced. To cure the female, you will need to resort to surgery.

Video “Rabies: what is the danger from cute animals?”

In this video, epizootologist Evgenia Shilova will tell you why rabies is dangerous in hamsters and about known cases of their disease.

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Other diseases in hamsters

Rodents have other health problems. To combat them, you need to consult a veterinarian and perform a diagnosis.

Caused by stress

Hamsters are quite vulnerable to stressful situations. They are afraid of loud sounds, suffer due to poor nutrition, unfavorable living conditions or increased attention from other pets, such as cats. As a result, they may develop eczema, baldness, paralysis and heart attack.

Hamsters are vulnerable to stress and are afraid of loud noises.

To avoid such a scenario, you should not shout at the rodent or allow other pets near the cage. In addition, you should choose the right diet and keep the cage in places where there are no drafts.


If there are problems with the cardiovascular system, the hamster experiences shortness of breath, increased heart rate and decreased activity. In the early stages of the disease, pets are treated by changing living conditions or by injecting Effortil.


The causes of the disease are hypothermia or a viral infection. A cold manifests itself with symptoms such as general weakness, intense discharge from the nose and eyes.

When you have a cold, you feel weak.


If you notice a black spot or abrasions on the pads of the limbs, on the back or in the abdomen, you need to treat them with zinc-based ointments or fish oil. Treatment of abrasions may take several months.

Inflammation of the pouches

The cheek pouches are often damaged by contact with a sharp object. If food starts to get into them, this will worsen the pet’s condition. To prevent complications, you will need to take the rodent to a veterinarian for examination and cleaning of wounds with bactericidal preparations.


The disease is transmitted from one individual to another. In most cases, herpes does not have pronounced symptoms and goes away in 6-9 days.

First aid

To maintain immunity, treat your rodent with vitamins. Add a water solution of echinacea to your drink. Infusions of coltsfoot and nettle leaves help with sneezing and coughing. Inject the liquid into your mouth with a syringe or pour it into a drinking bowl. Buy vitamin drops at the pet store and mix them into your food.

Treatment of a runny nose in a hamster involves cleaning the nose with a swab soaked in furatsilin or a 2% solution of boric acid or chamomile decoction. Try instilling streptocide. Dissolve half the tablet in a glass of water, irrigate the mucous membrane with one drop three times a day.

Disinfectant liquids are also suitable for washing watery eyes. For purulent conjunctivitis, use eye drops "Albucid" or "Floxal", "Tobrex" with antibiotics. Through the nasolacrimal duct, the medicine enters the nose and has a therapeutic effect.

Drugs used to treat rodents

Some medications are dangerous for the body of hamsters, so it is better to avoid using them. Among them are Penicillin, Ampicillin, Gentamicin and cephalosporins. It is forbidden to use antibiotics without consulting a veterinarian.

To strengthen the body, pets are given vitamin tablets and liquid concentrates.

Fungal infections are treated with the following drugs:

  1. Triderm.
  2. Fluconazole.
  3. Ketoconazole.
  4. Griseofulvin.
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