Causes, symptoms and treatments for hamster allergies

Hamsters are loved and adored not only by children, but also by adults. Many of them, believing that these animals take up little space and do not require special living conditions, purchase hamsters in the hope of pleasing, first of all, their children, as well as themselves.

However, unfortunately, allergy to hamsters has become increasingly common lately, which is becoming a real problem for its owners.

Why does the disease occur?

Until now, the mechanism of this feature of the body has not been fully studied, but it can be described relatively accurately as follows:

  • first, the body becomes familiar with the allergen and identifies it as a foreign element;
  • when the allergen re-enters, histamine is already ready for its visit - a substance that is activated when “strangers” appear, signaling this to other organs;
  • then the reaction of these organs begins in the form of a runny nose, cough, etc.

A reaction of this kind can be either almost immediate or delayed - symptoms may not appear from 2-3 hours to several days.

How to choose a hamster for a child - distinctive features of the Dzungarian and Syrian breeds

In each individual case, the clinical manifestations differ from each other. Symptoms of the disease can be mild or severe. The degree of manifestations depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s immune system.

Depending on the speed of appearance of the clinical picture, allergic reactions are divided into two or three types:

  • immediate – trouble occurs within 5–10 minutes after contact with the hamster;
  • delayed – symptoms are noticeable after a few hours;
  • delayed - the disease manifests itself over several days.

Allergies to hamsters usually occur in a delayed or delayed manner. Some patients do not immediately feel discomfort; only after a large amount of allergen accumulates does a violent allergic reaction occur, which can lead to serious consequences.

Symptoms of hypersensitivity to hamsters include:

  • the occurrence of frequent sneezing with the appearance of a large amount of mucus (allergic rhinitis). The symptom is often confused with the course of respiratory infections and is treated with completely inappropriate medications;
  • feeling of suffocation. Dangerous for the patient’s life, accompanied by attacks of hypoxia;
  • As a result of spasm of the muscle cells of the bronchi, larynx, and trachea, shortness of breath appears. The lumen of the respiratory tract is significantly reduced, which leads to difficulty breathing;
  • hives. The most common symptom is characterized by the presence of red spots on the skin and mucous membranes of the victim. The spots tend to merge into one whole, causing an erythematous rash;
  • allergic conjunctivitis. The mucous membrane of the eye becomes noticeably red, a person’s vision decreases, and “sand in the eyes” is felt;
  • Quincke's edema. It is characterized by swelling of all mucous membranes due to contact with the allergen. The nasal passages, larynx, and trachea become swollen, which leads to suffocation. Lack of urgent medical care leads to death;
  • anaphylactic shock. Accompanied by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, the pulse becomes thread-like and rapid. The pathological process is life-threatening for the allergic person.

Symptoms are not specific to hamster allergy. The clinical picture may accompany any type of hypersensitivity. It is important to find out the root cause of the unpleasant condition, immediately provide first aid to the victim, and subsequently limit contact with the allergen.

Interesting fact! Most often, allergies appear to the Djungarian hamster (a rodent of small size, dark color, with a characteristic black stripe on its back).

Nowadays, almost every home is home to some kind of animal. Most often, a child's first pet is a hamster. The rodent is not picky, lives in a cage, and rarely causes trouble. If, after the new family member has moved in, the baby begins to sneeze and cough, do not rush to attribute the symptoms to a cold.

If your baby is allergic from birth, before getting a hamster, donate blood to test for antibodies to waste products of furry pets in order to avoid an acute immune reaction to contact with the animal. Allergies in children are complex and lead to serious consequences. Be vigilant, ventilate the room often, monitor the baby’s reaction to interaction with the animal, and if you notice any unpleasant symptoms, immediately call an ambulance.

The simplest type of therapy is complete exclusion of contact with the allergen. This method is used when severe symptoms occur that threaten the patient’s life. To prevent a sharply negative outcome, refuse to have a hamster in your home.

When the family of a child suffering from some kind of allergy is going to purchase this cute animal, the first question that may arise is whether there can be an allergic reaction to hamsters. This disease can develop in anyone, regardless of age. But as statistics show, many allergy sufferers are children.

Risk factors

If we talk about what can cause an allergy to Djungarian hamsters, then the reason may be hidden in the following factors:

  • a person’s predisposition to any allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance to certain proteins contained in the animal’s waste products;
  • weakened immune system;
  • the presence of certain chronic diseases.

Human allergic reaction to hamsters

Development mechanism

An allergic reaction occurs only after allergens enter the human body. Such substances are proteins that are found in large quantities in the urine of Djungarian and other hamsters, as well as in their saliva, fur and skin. Therefore, human contact with at least one of these waste products can cause the disease.

The development mechanism itself, if an allergy to a domestic rat, hamster, or other allergen occurs, consists of several stages:

  1. Penetration of allergenic substances into the human body.
  2. Formation of an antigen complex in the blood.
  3. Histamine is released into the blood, which contributes to the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

When a hamster allergy first begins to develop, the symptoms that first appear are the same as for any other hypersensitivity to an allergenic substance. This is not surprising, since the development mechanism for each type of disease is the same. The first systems of the human body that signal increased sensitivity are the skin and the respiratory system.

If an allergy to hamsters occurs in children, the symptoms are no different from those in adults.

Signs on the skin

Symptoms of hypersensitivity are characterized by:

  • the appearance of redness on the skin;
  • red rash on the body;
  • severe itching of the affected areas of the skin;
  • Minor swelling may occur.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction on the side of the respiratory system include:

  • difficulty breathing, which is caused by swelling of the airways;
  • copious mucus discharge from the nose;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • severe tearing;
  • A dry cough may occur.

These are all signs of allergic rhinitis.



Symptoms of enteropathy develop quite rarely. They can occur if the allergen enters directly into the oral cavity and then into the gastrointestinal tract.

Negative symptoms of enteropathy may include:

  • nausea, in rare cases vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • bloating.


Is there an allergy to hamsters in children that has complications? This is a fairly common question that parents ask. After all, it is very important for any parent to protect their child from any danger.

If you answer this question, the answer is clear - complications can develop in any person, regardless of his age. A dangerous form is anaphylactic shock. This reaction, which develops very rapidly, threatens not only general health, but also life in general. If assistance is untimely or incorrectly provided to the victim, most cases become fatal.

In order to recognize anaphylaxis, it is enough to know the following symptoms:

  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • the skin turns pale;
  • a severe rash or red spots may appear on the body;
  • heart function is disrupted;
  • suffocation develops as a consequence of swelling of the respiratory tract;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • Quincke's edema.

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How to find out what you are allergic to?

The characteristics of the breeds will help you choose the right hamster breed for your child. Thus, Djungarians are more active and aggressive than Syrian hamsters. Although the first ones are half the size of their Syrian relatives, they will need a slightly larger cage, since they love to run around. The Syrian hamster is cleaner than the dwarf hamster, which is more difficult to train to the litter box. Their color may be different. Djungarian hamsters live up to 2.5 years, and the life expectancy of Syrian hamsters is slightly longer.

If the animal is chosen for a small child, then the most suitable breed will be Syrian hamsters. For older children (schoolchildren), you can also buy dzungaria.

Hamsters are cute, unpretentious rodents that children love so much. Although at first glance the animals seem harmless, they can nevertheless cause the development of an allergic disease. Therefore, before you get such a pet at home, you should make sure that they do not provoke allergies.

  1. Immune – at this stage, allergen particles (fur, saliva, animal epidermis) enter the body. The immune cells of the body perceive such substances as foreign, which leads to further hypersensitivity to this type of allergen.
  2. Biochemical – re-entry of the allergen into the body. During this period, an immune response occurs, cells begin to secrete a special substance - histamine, which leads to the appearance of the main symptoms of the disease.
  3. Clinical – characterized by the presence of clinical symptoms of allergies (sneezing, rhinitis, lacrimation, urticaria and many others).

Any person can develop an allergy to hamsters, but there are categories of patients who are at risk. Their pathology appears very often. Provoking factors include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • weakening of the immune system.

Depending on the characteristics of the human immune system, allergies in children and adults can develop immediately (5-10 minutes after contact with animals), as well as after a certain period of time (from 3-4 hours to several days).

About the reasons for the development of allergies

Among the common causes of allergic reactions to Djungarian, Syrian and other breeds of hamsters are:

  • weakened immune system;
  • development of genetic factors;
  • individual intolerance;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • contact with saliva, urine or animal skin flakes.

Most often, a child who spends a lot of time with a hamster, unlike an adult, is exposed to allergenic effects. Sometimes hamsters, during active play, or when frightened, bite the owner, opening a free path for the allergen into the circulatory system with the subsequent development of allergy symptoms.

It is important to note that in most cases a child is allergic to dzungarians. The reason lies in the cleanliness of the breed, its beauty and the absence of unpleasant odors, which attracts potential hamster owners. Due to the supposed hypoallergenicity, many buyers do not think about the possible risks that could lead to the development of a reaction in a child and an adult.

What does it arise for?

There is no allergy to the fur of Djungarian hamsters; the allergens are usually their urine and saliva. These secretions contain a protein that causes a violent reaction from the immune system. Therefore, doctors confidently claim that there is an allergy to Djungarian hamsters.

Important! Externally, Djungarians, compared to other breeds of hamsters, look cleaner and have almost no smell. However, allergies to their secretions occur more often.

Children are more susceptible to allergies to Djungarian hamsters: they play with hamsters a lot, pick them up, after which the rodents sometimes bite them, sometimes until they bleed. In this case, the allergen with saliva directly enters the bloodstream - the most convenient path for protein particles opens.

Preventive measures

An allergy to a hamster does not always force owners to part with their pet, so in such a situation it is necessary to take into account a number of preventive techniques that will help communicate with the rodent as painlessly as possible. So:

  • After finishing feeding or after cleaning the hamster's cage, you should thoroughly wash your hands and thoroughly disinfect all exposed areas of the body. This can be done using special products or antibacterial soap. You cannot be near your pet for a long time.
  • Regularly ventilate the room in which the rodent’s cage is located 2-3 times. It is advisable to dust and wet clean every day.
  • When cleaning the cage, pay special attention to the sanitary area of ​​the hamster, which must be washed with special care.
  • If possible, it is better to entrust caring for a hamster to a family member who is not susceptible to allergies.

Do not ignore compliance with preventive rules when interacting with a rodent, since protective measures will help not only prevent the development of symptoms, but in some cases avoid unpleasant symptoms. If, while taking the necessary measures, a Syrian hamster or another breed of rodent causes an allergy, immediately seek medical help. A timely investigation and prescription of therapeutic therapy will save you from serious consequences while maintaining good health.

Are there allergies to hamsters?

How does an allergy to hamsters manifest: main symptoms

Respiratory system

Allergies are accompanied by two symptoms:

  • sneezing. It occurs as a result of an unconditioned reflex, which ensures clearing of the respiratory tract. The irritant is eliminated by forced exhalation through the nose. When a person inhales particles of hamster epidermis, he constantly sneezes;
  • shortness of breath. The frequency and depth of breathing is impaired. The owner of a furry fidget feels a lack of oxygen and heaviness in the chest.

After a long stay with the source of the lesion, a person experiences increased anxiety. Depression often occurs.


An immunological reaction occurs quite quickly. Tissues in the area of ​​developed subcutaneous tissue suffer. The lips, cheeks, oral mucosa, and eyelids begin to swell. Fluid accumulates, forming swelling in the larynx area. The person feels suffocated.

Important! Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner can result in death.


Here there is a rash and hives. Itchy redness appears on the skin. If the rash affects the mucous membrane, pale pink blisters form. The acute form lasts up to 2 weeks. Negligence results in chronic urticaria for a person.

Clinical symptoms

At stage 3 of the immunopathological process, symptoms of an allergy to a hamster appear. Most often these are skin inflammations and breathing problems. But other dangerous signs may appear.

Skin reactions usually appear first at the site of exposure to the allergen. Then itching and redness, rash, and swelling of the skin occur. A person may experience individual symptoms or all of them at once, and their severity also varies.

Allergy to hamsters in adults and children is manifested by catarrhal symptoms. They are similar in that during their development the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, and bronchi become inflamed. Breathing is often impaired.

When an allergen penetrates from the stomach into the small intestine, the digestion process is disrupted. This occurs due to damage to the villi of the jejunum. In this case, inflammation develops, flatulence, abdominal pain, and diarrhea appear.

The risk of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, erosions on the mucous membrane, and damage to the villous layer of the small intestine increases.

The most dangerous immunological reaction is anaphylactic shock. In 20% of cases it leads to death.

Under the influence of allergy mediators, blood circulation is disrupted, the stroke volume of the heart decreases, blood pressure drops, weakness is felt, and cold sweat is released. The person cannot breathe or speak normally and needs urgent resuscitation.

If the hamster's sensitivity to allergens is increased, the risk of developing vascular collapse increases. Then the vascular tone drops sharply or the mass of circulating blood quickly decreases. This leads to a decrease in venous flow to the heart, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the brain.

The person feels very bad, the pulse is thread-like, weak, and frequent.

Anaphylaxis requires long-term hospital treatment.

From the respiratory system

Frequent manifestations of hamster allergies are sneezing and shortness of breath. A person sneezes when, during inhalation, irritants (for example, particles of a pet’s epidermis) enter the sensitive nasal mucosa.

The frequency and depth of breathing are impaired as a result of spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, larynx or trachea. Then the volume of the lungs decreases, a feeling of lack of oxygen arises, and heaviness appears in the chest. Due to breathing difficulties, a person with a hamster allergy experiences anxiety and depression.

With high sensitivity to allergens, suffocation occurs and the risk of hypoxia (including brain tissue) increases.

An acute allergic reaction can lead to bronchial obstruction, when a person breathes heavily and develops paroxysmal coughing and wheezing. In such cases, it is necessary to take a drug to relax the walls of the bronchi and visit a doctor.

An allergy to a hamster often manifests itself with catarrhal symptoms: rhinitis, bronchitis. In the first case, the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, in the second, breathing becomes difficult, swelling of the bronchi begins, coughing, and pain in the chest begins.

Many people mistakenly confuse allergies with ARVI and independently carry out symptomatic treatment, which does not produce results.

Urticaria and allergic conjunctivitis

A common hypersensitivity reaction to hamsters is urticaria. Then red spots or light pink blisters appear on the skin on the mucous membranes. Such formations can be single or merged, and they can also be of different sizes. In acute allergies, urticaria lasts about 2 weeks, but sometimes longer.

In rare cases, hamsters provoke the development of specific dermatitis. Atopic eczema is manifested by redness, rash, and peeling of the skin. Skin changes associated with contact dermatitis range from erythema to blisters and ulcers.

Often, if you are allergic to a hamster, the conjunctival membrane becomes inflamed. At the same time, the sensitivity of the eyes to light increases, itching, pain occurs, and tearing increases.

Quincke's edema

There is another dangerous reaction to the action of an allergen - Quincke's edema (angioedema). Immediately after contact with the irritant, areas with developed subcutaneous tissue rapidly swell - fluid accumulates in the area of ​​the lips, eyelids, cheeks, and oral mucosa.

The most dangerous is swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi. This symptom can lead to suffocation, so when the first signs of Quincke's edema appear, the victim must be hospitalized immediately.


It is also a mistake to think that an allergen can enter the body only through contact with an animal. It can also occur through inhalation of invisible protein particles in the air or through contact with a cage or feeder. Symptoms of allergy to the Djungarian hamster:

  • redness and tearing of the eyes;
  • runny nose and swelling of the nasal sinuses;
  • cough, often dry;
  • itching, often turning into urticaria;
  • causeless shortness of breath;
  • wheezing;
  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • sometimes swelling of the larynx (Quincke's edema), anaphylactic shock.

All the symptoms of an allergy to jungaric mushrooms interfere with leading a normal life, but some of them are dangerous:

  • local rashes can develop into progressive urticaria with characteristic blisters throughout the body;
  • respiratory failure if left untreated leads to asthma;
  • Tearfulness and conjunctivitis irritate the cornea of ​​the eye, this can provoke various eye diseases and visual impairment.

Allergy treatment

There are several main treatment methods. They include drug treatment with special antiallergic drugs and exclusion of the allergen and its effect on the body. Sometimes treatment necessarily includes therapy for symptoms that appear during an acute reaction. But there are other treatment methods.

As mentioned above, special elimination therapy is carried out.

Since the elimination test is the most accurate in identifying food allergic reactions, the suspected allergen is eliminated from the diet. And if after a week or two there is a general improvement in the condition, then this indicates that the person is allergic to one or another product.

THIS therapy is one of the most proven and frequently used methods of combating allergies and their manifestations. Special antiallergic, so-called antihistamines, such as Loratadine, Cetrizine, Suprastin and others are prescribed and taken (now their number is quite large).

The action of such drugs is based on blocking the work of special receptors that perceive a special substance histamine (hence why they are antihistamines), which causes an allergic reaction, teasing the receptors. That is, they reduce or remove the susceptibility of the body and the receptors themselves to the allergen.

Important! The decision to prescribe glucocorticosteroids can only be made by a doctor. They are used very rarely and in limited quantities, as they have a lot of side effects.

Such steroid drugs very often disrupt the body's hormonal levels.

If manifestations of allergies are accompanied by rhinitis, it is recommended to rinse the nasopharynx with special solutions. Most often they use a weak warm saline solution, chamomile, butterbur or calendula brewed in warm water.

Traditional medicine also recommends water procedures - hot water can relieve symptoms for a short time by clearing the sinuses and washing off allergens from the skin or hair.

Afterwards, it is recommended to drink special herbal teas (you can buy them at a pharmacy or collect them in person), since natural herbal teas have a comprehensive effect on the body, relieve spasms, have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect, and promote the removal of phlegm.

It is also recommended to inhale with herbs or essential oils. Boiling water is poured into a deep bowl, herbs with a disinfecting and calming effect (chamomile, mint, St. John's wort) are added there and covered with a towel, and then the steam is inhaled.

Therapy is based on the use of antihistamines that “turn off” histamine receptors. Side effects of traditional pharmaceutical products of the first generations are presented:

  • depression of the central nervous system;
  • drowsiness and lethargy;
  • bowel disorder in the form of constipation and diarrhea;
  • impotence;
  • toxic effects on liver cells;
  • abnormal heart rhythm;
  • destabilization of pressure indicators.

Such drugs are contraindicated for asthmatics, as well as pregnant women and women during lactation. The very first antihistamines relieve acute allergic attacks accompanied by Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock, are presented:

  • "Diphenhydramine";
  • "Pipolfen";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Clemastine."

Modern antihistamine drugs are suitable for long-term therapy, and are presented:

  • "Terfenadine";
  • "Astemizole";
  • "Loratadine";
  • "Cetirizine."

Third-generation pharmaceutical products relieve itching, asthmatic attacks, shortness of breath and allergic rhinitis. The dosage is selected by an allergist individually, based on data from clinical studies and allergy tests. Treatment using SIT therapy, which is based on the smooth adaptation of the body to allergens, has been recognized as effective. A feature of the method of microscopic introduction of the allergen is a gradual and smooth increase in concentration over two or three courses.

Stages of development of an allergic reaction

Allergies develop gradually

There are 3 stages of reaction development: immune, biochemical, clinical. Their development takes some time, but there are times when a few minutes are enough for pronounced symptoms to appear.

At the first stage, a potentially dangerous component penetrates into the body - a protein contained in the secretions of a rodent. Dzungarian and Syrian breeds have much more of it than other breeds. If the body determines that the component is allergic, then the body reacts to the irritant, and it goes into “combat readiness” mode.

The biochemical stage begins with repeated interaction with the protein. The reaction is fixed, and the early recognized foreign substance is rejected by the immune system as dangerous. At this stage, the body initially perceives it negatively. Antibody production begins.

During the clinical stage, acute symptoms appear. The severity of the symptoms that appear depends entirely on the general condition of the person. If the body is weakened or has some chronic diseases, then the immune system desperately fights the foreign protein.

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Bedding made from scrap materials

It is not difficult to make a bedding for a hamster with your own hands, but you cannot use newspapers or hard paper for this. This is explained by the fact that the baby will taste it all; newspaper paint is unlikely to be useful.

Paper napkins

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to give napkins to a hamster. If they are without drawings, paint or flavorings, just plain white, then you can. This is a good alternative to wood fillers if your baby is allergic to wood dust. Therefore, if you don’t know what to replace sawdust with, feel free to go to the household chemicals store and buy odorless white table napkins. The baby will appreciate your efforts, because this is good material for arranging a nest. The rodent will tear the napkin into small pieces (you can help him) and make a warm nest.

Toilet paper

Rodents rarely use toilet paper for toileting. Offer this material to your baby and he will use it in decorating his bedroom. But can hamsters be given paper? Definitely yes. The main thing is that the composition does not contain flavorings or other additives.

Sometimes cotton wool is used as bedding, but this is not the best option. This bedding is dangerous for the Djungarian hamster - it gets tangled between the tiny fingers. Cotton wool is a subject of debate; many people use it as bedding, arguing that nothing bad happened to their pets and, moreover, Syrians love to wrap themselves in it. In fact, there are many known cases of Djungarians breaking their legs after getting tangled in cotton wool.

Causes of the disease

Doctors have not yet been able to fully understand the nature of allergies. There are the following versions:

  • heredity - if at least one of the parents has an allergy (to any irritants, not just animals), in almost 70% of cases the child will also have one;
  • chronic respiratory diseases are a common prerequisite for allergies to rodents;
  • polyvalent allergy - an already existing reaction to other irritants;
  • poor environmental situation.

Wood filler: pros and cons

Wood granular filler. The optimal filling for the cage is wood filler or a smaller option - pressed sawdust.

The material has good absorbent properties and is able to retain odor for a week.

Since the granules are quite heavy, the animal is not able to scatter them around the perimeter and around the cage. If you want to feast on the flooring, the rodent will not get hurt and will not stain its fur coat.

The product is environmentally friendly, but has several disadvantages.

  • Wood filler is slightly more expensive than regular sawdust.
  • The presence of wood dust, which provokes allergies.
  • Inconvenience associated with the animal's movement on large pellets.
  • When spot cleaning a cage, it is difficult to distinguish the contaminated area.


Anaphylaxis is the most dangerous immunological reaction, since out of ten cases, two are fatal. It develops rapidly, causing impaired blood circulation, a decrease in the stroke volume of the heart and a decrease in blood pressure.

The first symptoms in a child are usually a runny nose, sneezing, dry cough, hoarse voice, and red eyes. Children often complain that their eyes are itchy, they don’t feel like eating, and their condition is usually weakened. If you suspect an allergy in a child, it is very important to immediately exclude contact with a rodent and seek help from a doctor.

Parents should refuse to buy a rodent if:

  • the child has a predisposition to allergies;
  • he often suffers from colds;
  • The allergy has occurred previously to other animals.

Why is it dangerous?

Manifestations of allergies can be varied, and among them there are two extremely dangerous ones:

  1. Quincke's edema. It is rarely observed, but it is important for parents to know the manifestations of this dangerous condition. In most cases, swelling develops rapidly. Lips, eyelids, tongue swell, breathing is difficult. In some cases, more serious symptoms are observed: neurological disorders, severe abdominal pain, asphyxia. If a child experiences these symptoms, it is important to call an ambulance, give him an antihistamine, for example Suprastin (preferably intravenously), eliminate anything that may interfere with breathing (unfasten the top buttons, remove jewelry from the neck), and remove all suspected allergens.
  2. Anaphylactic shock. Deadly condition. If a child develops anaphylaxis, he or she needs immediate medical attention. Signs: drop in blood pressure, convulsions, various disturbances of consciousness, increased body temperature, weak pulse, skin swelling, acute pain in the heart.

First aid: call an ambulance, eliminate suspected allergens, lay the child horizontally, turn his head to the side, eliminate anything that may interfere with breathing.


First of all, you need to make sure that it is the new pet that is to blame for the pathological reactions. It is quite possible that the culprit is, for example, house dust or plant pollen. They find out whether there is an allergy to jungaric mushrooms, or whether another allergen is to blame by applying several solutions with different allergens to a small area of ​​skin.

If after 10 minutes the examined area turns red and begins to itch exactly where the protein was applied, the suspicion of a pet can be considered justified. But the test is not always accurate, and there are errors. The final diagnosis is made using a blood test, which will show the concentration of antibodies to the foreign substance.


To get rid of allergies for several years, the patient is given a microscopic dose of the allergen as an injection, gradually increasing the concentration of the substance. Usually, a full course is enough for the body to get used to the stimulus and stop reacting negatively to it within 3-5 years.

If such radical measures are not for you, then use drug treatment:

  • initially they use 1st generation antihistamines (Suprastin, Diphenhydramine), they are often sufficient, but if their effectiveness is low, more modern drugs are prescribed - Claritin or Telfast;
  • to remove toxins from the body, activated charcoal is usually prescribed;
  • To activate the immune system, Derinat is prescribed, for example.

How to cure rodent allergies

A special diagnosis based on laboratory tests, medical history and visual examination performed by the attending physician can tell you how to get rid of allergies to various hamsters. Only a full range of medical measures will allow you to create an individual treatment plan that will help get rid of the consequences of allergies. Do not forget about the need to avoid contact with allergenic hamsters, including being in the same room with a rodent. Try to quickly find new owners for your pet, then recovery will be significantly accelerated.

Treatment with medications includes:

  • Taking antihistamines to relieve swelling and reduce itching. Often, the doctor prescribes effective medications like Telfast or Claritin, which are well tolerated by the body without causing side effects. Do not self-medicate, since the dosage must be calculated according to individual parameters, taking into account the person’s age and weight.
  • To increase the body's immune defense, it is recommended to take immunomodulators "Timolin", "Likopid", "Derinad" and a number of other drugs. Prescription may occur in the form of aerosols, drops for the eyes and nose. Often, immune substances are recommended to be used even after recovery in order to strengthen the defense systems, which helps prevent relapses of allergies.
  • To help the body remove toxins more effectively, it is recommended to take enterosorbents, which are part of activated carbon or “Lingin”. The therapeutic effect of the drugs significantly reduces the pronounced signs of allergies in children and adults.
  • In severe cases, treatment is carried out with hormonal drugs like Prednisolone or Cetirizine to quickly get rid of negative symptoms. Hormonal drugs are not suitable for long-term treatment, as they have a lot of side effects, but people with allergies will find it useful to replenish their home medicine cabinet with one of the drugs for emergencies.

The treatment of an unpleasant disease is successfully achieved by specific immunotherapy (SIT therapy), with the help of which the body is accustomed to the microscopic introduction of allergens, gradually increasing their concentration. Practice shows a high percentage of positive results with a long period of remission. Special therapy is possible only under the guidance of the attending physician and in the amount of 2-3 courses in order to achieve a lasting result.

Depending on the degree of symptoms, the doctor prescribes antipyretic drugs, and if pain develops, prescribes analgesics and antispasmodics.

Three generations of drugs

In antihistamine therapy, medications block histamine receptors. There are three generations of drugs.

  1. The first generation includes Diphenhydramine, Clemastine, Hifenadine. They are used to relieve angioedema and anaphylaxis. The main disadvantage of drugs is inhibition of the central nervous system, therefore these drugs are contraindicated in children and pregnant women.
  2. The second generation includes Astemizole, Loratadine, Terfenadine. The drugs do not interfere with the functioning of the central nervous system and are prescribed for long-term use, however, they may have a toxic effect on the liver and damage the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The third generation is the most modern medicines. These include: “Xizal”, “Telfast”, “Erius”. They are considered safe, but still have side effects such as insomnia, nausea, and headaches. They are usually prescribed to relieve itching and swelling. A pediatric allergist will help you choose a drug for your child.

In case of severe allergies, hormonal drugs are prescribed: Prednisolone, Cetirizine, Hydrocortisone and others. Such drugs quickly and effectively relieve symptoms.

To achieve effective removal of toxins from the body, it is recommended to take enterosorbents (“Polysorb”, “Lignin”).

To strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to take immunomodulators, for example, Timolin, Lykopida, Imunofan, Derinat. All these drugs can be prescribed in any form, for example, drops in the nose or eyes.

Alternative methods are folk remedies. It is very important to understand the specifics of these methods. Some types of herbs may not only be useless, but will also aggravate the situation; the effectiveness of alternative methods has not been scientifically proven.

With the permission of a pediatric allergist, the use of alternative treatment is permissible. So, to eliminate symptoms of the respiratory system, use olive oil, chamomile, and peppermint.

How to treat?

When an allergen is identified that has caused a deterioration in a person’s condition, the first thing that is necessary is to remove the cage with a representative of the hamster order from the room. After this, it is extremely important to carry out a thorough wet cleaning and ventilate it in order to remove small fluffs of wool that have settled on furniture, carpet and other surfaces, along with dust. Most often, therapists offer several treatment options for allergic reactions. They also recommend that if you have a slight intolerance to the animal’s hair, its saliva, or dandruff, reduce the time you spend near your pet, but not limit it completely. It is believed that such training will be very useful for stimulating the functioning of the human body's defenses.

Drug therapy

The main medications for the treatment of allergic reactions can be divided into several groups. These include:

  • antihistamines – stop the production of histamine, thereby increasing the body’s strength in the fight against the allergen. Can only be prescribed by a doctor;
  • corticosteroids - prescribed only in cases where the patient’s life is in mortal danger;
  • sorbent - act as additional therapeutic manipulations. Remove harmful substances from the body, help improve the functioning of the body's defense system.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional methods of treating allergic manifestations include:

  • use of mumiyo decoction;
  • Take a glass of decoction daily for two weeks, including chamomile, nettle, string, and calendula.

Allergic rashes in children go away faster if you lubricate the areas of redness and peeling with celery juice and aloe. The vitamin and mineral composition of these plants helps to accelerate the regeneration of the skin, moisturize it, and stop processes that are inflammatory in nature.

Folk remedies

You need to approach their use with caution - some herbs can be harmful if the tincture or decoction is not prepared correctly. The same applies to dosage.

Traditionally, decoctions and baths of chamomile (especially for itching), calendula, and peppermint are considered useful. Rosehip decoction taken orally helps well - it is rich in vitamins that activate the fight against allergies.

For severe itching, baths with nettle or celandine help well, however, these herbs should be collected in the spring; at other times of the year they contain relatively harmful substances.


Of course, if you are finally convinced that rodents cause an allergic reaction in someone in the family, it is better to refuse to keep animals - give them to someone who loves them or return them to the pet store.

But before buying pets, you need to firmly understand preventive measures so that allergies do not make themselves felt in the very first days. If a dwarf appears in your house, get used to the new rules of cleanliness: ventilate the room more often, wash the floors regularly, vacuum the carpets, clean the cage at least once every 3 days. There is no need to bathe the hamster itself - it is useless, and even harmful for him.

It is advisable to let your friend run on the floor, not on the carpet. Don't let him bite you, even when playing. After cleaning the cage and contacting the animal, be sure to wash your hands with soap. And under no circumstances handle food beforehand.

Allergy treatment

To eliminate the immunological reaction, elimination and antihistamine therapy is carried out. Treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies only after the doctor’s approval.

First of all, a person with allergy symptoms should avoid contact with the allergen (hamster biological fluids). This is elimination therapy. The patient delegates the responsibility for caring for the animal to relatives or friends (without allergies).

The cage with the pet must be moved to another room; it is forbidden to pick up the hamster or bring it to your face. It is also necessary to change the toilet filler as often as possible.

The allergist prescribes medications to the patient that block histamine receptors. These medications reduce or remove the sensitivity of the body and receptors to the allergen.

For severe immunological reactions, medications from the group of glucocorticosteroids are used. Immunomodulators increase the body's resistance to allergens. Enterosorbents cleanse the body of toxins and reduce allergy symptoms.

After the doctor's approval, the patient can use herbal remedies

However, this must be done carefully, as some plants themselves can provoke allergies.


There are 3 generations of antihistamines that are used to treat hamster allergies:

  1. Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenistil. These drugs relieve angioedema and symptoms of anaphylaxis. However, they depress the functioning of the nervous system, so they are prohibited for pregnant women and children.
  2. Claritin, Allergodil, Zyrtec. These medications are distinguished by their selective action on H1 receptors, practically do not disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system, and therefore are suitable for longer-term use. However, they can negatively affect the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract (including the liver) and the cardiovascular system.
  3. Levocetirizine, Desloratadine, Fexofenadine. These are modern medications that help eliminate allergy symptoms (itching, swelling). It is believed that they are the safest, practically do not interfere with the functioning of the heart, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, and do not interact with other medications. Adverse reactions (insomnia, nausea, headache) occur rarely.

For severe allergies, which are accompanied by serious dysfunctions of the body, steroid drugs are prescribed, for example, Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone, Hydrocortisone.

They are used for medical reasons in limited quantities, as they disrupt hormonal levels, have many contraindications and can cause serious adverse reactions.

Enterosorbents cleanse the body of toxins and reduce the symptoms of hamster allergy. For this purpose, Polysorb, Lignin, Smecta, Atoxil, Enterosgel are often used.

To strengthen the immune system, doctors prescribe immunomodulators in the form of drops in the nose or eyes. Timolin, Derinat, Likopid, Imunofan and some others are used as part of complex therapy.

The decision to prescribe drug combinations and the regimen of use is made by the attending physician.

Traditional methods

If an allergy to hamsters is accompanied by rhinitis, then it is necessary to use a nasopharyngeal rinse. To do this, use saline solution, infusion of butterbur, calendula or chamomile.

Warm liquid is drawn into a syringe without a needle, injected into the nasal passage, and then exhaled with force, while closing the other nostril. This allows you to clear the nasal passage, wash away allergens from the mucous membrane to ease allergy symptoms.

The patient can drink herbal teas. They relieve spasms, symptoms of inflammation, have a sedative effect, and accelerate the removal of sputum.

To eliminate catarrhal symptoms, inhalation is carried out with herbal decoctions or essential oils (for example, eucalyptus). The following will help relieve allergy symptoms:

  • olive oil;
  • peppermint;
  • chamomile;
  • horseradish root.

But you should use folk remedies only after consulting an allergist, since some herbs do not cause a therapeutic effect or provoke negative reactions. In addition, the effectiveness of non-traditional remedies has not been proven.

Manifestation of allergies

When the pathogen enters the human body, the immune system enters into an active fight with it, during which histamine is produced - a kind of antidote. Sometimes an allergic reaction appears precisely to the antidote that has arisen in the human body. Each person is unique, and therefore everyone’s body reacts differently.

In most cases, the following manifestations of an allergic reaction occur:

  • nausea,
  • Quincke's edema,
  • drowsiness,
  • runny nose,
  • headache,
  • sneezing,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • cough,
  • itchy eyes and other symptoms.

The occurrence of very severe stages of allergies is possible with improper treatment, or in its complete absence. Especially if a person has frequent contact with a pet. But when bitten, the body’s reaction will occur much faster. In this case, treatment should be carried out immediately, since symptoms will appear much faster than with normal contact.

If there is no treatment, it is likely that a person will develop bronchial asthma. In case of complete inaction, the signs of the body’s reaction will gradually intensify. The child’s body reacts with greater intensity, so treatment is mandatory. Allergy to hamsters in children, as well as in adults, is a rather serious disease, especially if contact with the irritant continues.


The main reason for the development of allergies to hamsters is not the animal’s fur, but its saliva and dander, and in some cases food. The body's reaction often occurs after an animal bite.

The cleanliness of hamsters does not affect the ability to induce a specific immune response. Thus, Djungarians, which are valued for their beauty and lack of odor, are more likely than other breeds to provoke allergies in children and adults.

Allergies to hamsters are not as common as reactions to dogs and cats, but have recently become increasingly common. The disease develops in the presence of the following factors:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • polyvalent allergy, in which an acute immune response occurs when exposed to different allergens;
  • chronic diseases (bronchial asthma, bronchitis);
  • weakening of immune defense.

The risk of developing an allergic reaction increases if the room where the hamster lives is rarely wet cleaned and there is no normal ventilation. In this case, the allergen accumulates in the air and is more likely to cause a negative reaction.

The mechanism of development of hamster allergy goes through three stages: immune, biochemical and clinical. During the immune stage, the body first comes into contact with the fur and saliva of the animal. The allergen can get on the skin or in the respiratory tract and be perceived as a foreign protein, causing hypersensitivity. The biochemical stage occurs upon repeated contact, in which case histamine is produced. At the clinical stage, pronounced symptoms of an allergic reaction are noted: shortness of breath, rhinitis, difficulty breathing, and in severe cases, anaphylactic shock.

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