How to play with a guinea pig: rules and tips

More and more people are keeping guinea pigs as pets. This unpretentious animal is constantly on the move and in order for it not to get bored, various toys, houses, labyrinths, ladders, etc. are added to its cage. All this, and more, can be bought either in specialized stores or made with your own hands. Let's look at what ways there are now to cheer up your pet.

Guinea pigs are very active and friendly animals.

Why do guinea pigs need toys?

Guinea pigs are friendly and very active animals. They require constant attention from a person, and to prevent your pet from getting bored, you should constantly keep it occupied with something, while choosing the right toys and accessories for it. Also, the guinea pigs’ cage must have entertainment that will help them keep themselves in good physical shape (slides, swings, etc.), because they are very active animals. They will also find objects that wear down their teeth, which grow throughout their lives, useful.

Care of offspring

In addition, if caring for sea piglets rests entirely with you, you will need to gently massage their tummies with a cotton swab previously soaked in vegetable oil. Normally, this is done by the female in order to stimulate bowel movements in babies and prevent stagnation in the intestines of newborns. Without such massagers, little guinea pigs may experience pain and suffer from constipation.

The lactation period for guinea pigs lasts about three weeks, which is how long they will feed their offspring. After this, the piglets are already completely independent and can do without the help of their parent.

What kind of toys should be for guinea pigs?

As stated above, not all toys are suitable for guinea pigs. For example, walking balls and running wheels are contraindicated for them. And all because of their weak muscles, because they cannot move quickly, and curvature of the back in such toys can lead to fractures and injuries.

For the same reason, treats suspended from the ceiling on strings, as well as bells and rings, are not suitable for them. It is difficult for guinea pigs to stand on their hind legs to reach a toy, so such entertainment will also be useless.

You should pay attention to the fact that such animals love to chew on everything, so there must be a toy in the cage that performs a similar function. By the way, for the same reason, there should also be nothing in the rodent’s house that contains materials that are harmful to the pet. By gnawing through everything, a rodent can reach the bars of the cage that are saturated with paint containing lead, a toy that contains chemicals inside, etc. Therefore, it is worth carefully familiarizing yourself with the composition of the accessories and toys that are placed in the cage.

The best toys for guinea pigs are those that can be played with on the floor of the cage, or in a specially equipped playpen. These include ladders, tunnels, cubes, balls, and various shelters.

Attention: toys for guinea pigs should not emit unpleasant strong odors, otherwise the rodent will simply refuse to approach them.

Accessories for guinea pigs

Most often, tunnels are made of fabric

Guinea pig tunnel

Small pets love to explore and climb artificial burrows, and in a suitable cage you can create a global system of passages.

Labyrinths and tunnels are presented in a large assortment in modern pet stores. Most often they are made of fabric, wood or plastic. You should be prepared for the fact that some materials that an animal can chew without causing harm to its health are very expensive, so the cost of such tunnels is far from budget.

Tip: in order to whet the animal’s interest in a new toy, it is enough to make a path in the maze from nuts or seeds.

The bed can be made in different shapes

Guinea pig bed

A bed in the form of a rug or mattress are items that your pet will definitely like. They differ from each other only in that the latter has sides.

The bed can be made in any shape: rectangular, square, round, and if desired, you can add fur. As soon as the animal gets tired, it will climb onto its bed, laying its head on the side, which will replace its pillow, and go to sleep.

A hammock makes your guinea pig feel sheltered


A hammock is a great alternative to replacing an uncomfortable house that is often already added to a pet's cage. The guinea pig can lie either in the hammock itself or under it. Thanks to this accessory, the animal feels hidden, but at the same time the owner can watch his pet.

Tip: Initially, your pet may be scared of a new accessory, but after a while he will realize that it is a necessary and interesting item. You should know that animals are always wary of new objects that appear in their cage. Don't rush things until your pet learns a new subject.

Your pet will definitely love a slide or stairs

Stairs and slides

Pets love heights. Your guinea pig will definitely love a slide or stairs. There is no need to worry about the safety of the animal, as they have very developed muscles and dexterous paws. Such pets feel confident when they climb up a slide or ladder. By the way, a ladder can be made from twigs, chopsticks or pencils, tying them together with a rope.

Important: the animal may have problems descending; to do this, you need to soften the place of the fall in order to protect it.


Guinea pigs love swings. Today there are many options for such toys: plastic, wooden, metal. And in pet stores you can choose either a board on a movable rod or a swinging tube.

In order to interest the animal in the swing, you can use a treat. It is enough to place a treat in the middle of the toy, which the pet will reach for, and the mechanism will begin to work.

Walking ball for guinea pig

Walking balls, according to veterinarians, are a dangerous toy for guinea pigs. After all, the bodies of these animals do not have the necessary flexibility, so they are not suitable for running in a ball. Moreover, most likely, in such a toy the animal will simply look at the wall of the ball, since they are myopic.

Therefore, you should not throw money away, because such toys are not suitable for guinea pigs, regardless of their size. This accessory is more suitable for mice, hamsters or rats.

A harness can harm your guinea pig.

Leash and harness

Quite often in pet stores you can find various types of walking belts for guinea pigs. But they are just as dangerous as walking balls. After all, even a slight tug can cause the animal’s ribs to break. And if the animal gets scared, then it may begin to squirm in the harness or try to escape, which will also lead to unwanted damage, from broken ribs to a fractured spine. Such damage is not always noticeable the first time, since pigs usually do not show that they are in pain.

Advice: it is best to take pigs out for walks in special pens.

How do you walk your pig?

Necessary for care

Like any other pet, a guinea pig requires a wide variety of grooming accessories. These include:

  • cage or aquarium;
  • feeder;
  • sippy cup;
  • house;
  • filler;
  • mineral stone;
  • toys;
  • carrying;
  • hygiene products;
  • brush-comb and nail clipper.

Cage or aquarium

Keeping a guinea pig is allowed both in an aquarium and in a cage. The main condition is size: the dwelling must be at least 50 cm in length and 30 cm in height so that the animal can move comfortably. If you have decided on a cage, then it is best to take a closer look at the options that have a plastic bottom. Plastic is quite easy to care for, it is easy to wash, dry, etc. A wooden base is not suitable due to the fact that these animals drink a lot of liquid per day, and therefore excrete a large amount of urine. The wood will simply become unusable in a very short time. You can purchase an aquarium in the above sizes. It, like a cage with a plastic bottom, is easy to wash and clean. But you should be careful, since glass is a very fragile material and when moving it, for example, to another room, you should follow safety rules (the pet should not be in the aquarium, it should be transferred to a carrier).



The feeder should be heavy enough so that the guinea pig cannot knock it over. An excellent option would be bowls made of ceramics, stainless steel, etc. It is also recommended to buy 2-3 containers. For example, one will be used for vegetables or fruits, and the second for dry food.

Sippy cup

A vertical ball sippy cup is perfect for a guinea pig. It is usually made of plastic with a metal tip. In such a drinking bowl there is no need to change the water daily, but this is done about 2-3 times a week.


Be sure to install a small house in the cage or aquarium. Your pet will sleep in it, relax, or simply retire when he wants to be alone. Most often, such houses are made of wood with a round “door” cut out in the middle. The most optimal size is 25 cm in length and 15 cm in height. This space is enough for the animal to hide and at the same time feel comfortable.



When arranging the cage, do not forget about the bedding. It will create comfort in the cage, prevent the animal from freezing and, to some extent, maintain cleanliness. You can use sawdust or ground corn cobs as a filler. Under no circumstances put cotton wool, newspaper, paper, etc. in the cage as bedding, as this is not safe for your pet’s health.

Mineral stone

To maintain dental health and calcium levels in your guinea pig's body, mineral stone is essential. After all, it serves not only as a vitamin complex, but also perfectly helps the animal grind its teeth. This stone is sold in a pet store, and its price is quite affordable.



Guinea pigs are somewhat similar in behavior to decorative rabbits. They love to play. Therefore, be sure to buy some interesting and funny toy for your pet, for example, a tunnel, a hammock, a mirror, a rolling wheel, etc. The game will not only bring joy and pleasure to the animal, but will also strengthen muscles, and will also be an excellent preventive measure against obesity.


If your plans did not include traveling together or any trips with your guinea pig, then you will still need a carrier. Transporting an animal in your arms, in a box or blanket is strictly prohibited. For example, you need to visit a veterinarian or transport the animal to another house or apartment; in such life situations, a carrier will definitely help you out. The pig will feel safe and the transportation process will go smoothly.

Hygiene products

Guinea pigs are considered clean animals, but sometimes they are still allowed to be bathed. For such cases, it is necessary to use special hygiene products that can be purchased at a pet store. The most popular of them:

  • "Biogance" - bio-perfume;
  • "Veda" - wheat shampoo.

Brush-comb and nail clipper

Caring for your guinea pig's coat and claws is extremely important. To do this, you need to purchase a special comb with soft bristles (combing is done daily), as well as a nail clipper for trimming the claws (the procedure is performed as they lengthen).

Pet mirror

Guinea pigs love to look at their own reflection. It is not necessary to buy a special mirror for this, because you can find a similar thing in any home. Not only the animal, but also the owners will get pleasure from such an accessory, watching the guinea pig when the animal curiously examines itself in the reflection.

The mirror should be wiped every day, as the animal, touching it with its nose and paws, will quickly stain its surface. Believe me, it will be fun for the animal.

Attention: if it is a mirror fragment and its edges are not processed, you should attach it to the outside of the cage, that is, behind the bars. If the mirror is made in a factory, then it can be placed inside the cage.

For a guinea pig, the wheel must be very large in diameter

Tips and tricks

Pigs are shy animals and must first get used to their new surroundings. Therefore, it is recommended to gradually accustom the animal to games, walking in the house and on the street. First, the pet is taken out of the cage for a short period of time. They watch his behavior. Then they begin to interest me in various games.

When walking, furniture suffers from rodent teeth. For safety, it is covered with covers.

It’s easy to catch your pet at the end of a walk; just lure him with a treat.

If you take your pet outside after rain or in the morning when there is dew on the grass, you can blot the area with a paper towel. This way the pig will not be wet.

Do you need a wheel for a guinea pig?

Rodent keepers are still divided on whether a wheel is necessary for guinea pigs. Some believe that such an accessory can harm the animal’s spine. But, if the wheel is more than 1 meter in diameter, then it will not be able to cause any harm to the guinea pig, but such an accessory will not fit into every cage.

But other owners of such animals believe that constant exercise in the wheel helps to keep guinea pigs in good shape.

Advice: you should focus on your pet’s reaction, because many guinea pigs really love this kind of entertainment. And some do not pay attention to such entertainment at all, or, on the contrary, they may refuse other toys while the wheel is in the cage, using it as a treadmill. In such a situation, it is better to limit the time the guinea pig stays in the wheel.

How often

In nature, pigs lead an active lifestyle. They live in groups and constantly communicate with relatives, look for food, and run away from predators. Therefore, they are often kept in pairs - so that they provide each other with communication and do not get bored in the absence of the owner. Different-sex and same-sex couples are acceptable, but in the first case you will have to take care of sterilizing the animals.

If you have purchased one pet, the owner entertains it. Every day, spend at least 30–40 minutes, and preferably 1–2 hours, talking and playing with your pig.

DIY guinea pig toys

In order to come up with an activity for your animal, you should not immediately go to the pet store and buy expensive toys. In any home you can always find items that will bring a lot of pleasure to your pet. Moreover, guinea pigs can play with things that do not provide any value to you.

Some accessories you can make yourself

Tube hay

Guinea pigs are very fond of toys that contain dry grass (hay fields) inside. Anyone can make hay from a tube; to do this, you just need to have well-dried hay (timothy grass is best) and a cardboard tube from disposable paper towels or toilet paper rolls. And if the toy becomes unusable, it will be quite easy to change it by replacing the filler or tube.

There is nothing complicated in making such a toy - just stuff hay into a paper tube and place the resulting accessory in the cage.

Tip: you can let the animal play with an empty tube, because guinea pigs will happily chew on them or roll them from place to place.

Another option for sennitsa - from a sock

Sock stuffed with hay

The usefulness of such a toy is as high as that of a hay basket made from a tube. To make this toy, all you need is an old, clean sock and some dry hay. We stuff the sock with hay and sew it up. After this, we place a new toy in the animal’s cage. You can be sure that your guinea pig will appreciate the new toy and will not get tired of it soon. Most likely, the animal will play with it until the sock is completely chewed and its contents spill out.

paper ball

A tennis ball is ideal for entertaining your rodent, but if you don’t have one, you can make one out of plain paper. To do this, just crumple a piece of paper into the shape of a ball and give it to the animal. You can use parchment paper or tear out a piece of paper from a children's notebook.

Important: you should not use magazines and newspapers to make paper balls, since printed publications use lead in printing ink. After playing with such a ball, the animal may become poisoned.

The simplest tunnel option is made from an ordinary pipe

Pipe tunnel

In the pipe tunnel, the guinea pig can both relax and play. To create it, all you need is a piece of plastic sewer pipe, which needs to be placed in a cage. By the way, a pipe tunnel will be more comfortable and softer if it is lined with fabric.

Help: to make such a toy, it is best to use a “knee” or a tee.

Paper bag

An unexpected toy for your pet will be a paper shopping bag brought from the supermarket. It will become an excellent shelter for the animal. All you have to do is cut a hole in the bottom of the bag through which the guinea pig will climb into it, while listening to the rustling of the paper. You can put hay or a piece of treat inside the bag so that your pet can quickly begin to explore a new toy.

Team training

After taming, they begin to train guinea pigs

It is important to remember that you should not shout at your pet or use force against it.

You should not try to master all the tricks in one training session. It is better to start with simple commands, and after successfully mastering them, move on to more complex options.

The tasty reward should be removed gradually and only after the command has been fully mastered.


The simplest command for any animal. To teach this command to a guinea pig, you need to place the animal on a flat, hard surface. A treat is held over the pet's head. The animal reaches for the treat, at which time the owner calmly says “stop.” The animal can reach the treat by standing on its hind legs. When this happens, the animal is praised and treated. The command must be repeated several times and the pet must be treated. These actions need to be repeated until the animal understands what is required of it. After mastering the command, it is repeated periodically so that the pet does not forget.

To me

This team will need about two weeks to train. To begin with, the rodent is placed on a flat surface a meter from the owner. Then the owner shows the pig a treat and calls him by name in a calm voice. As soon as the animal approaches, you need to pet it and treat it with a treat. It is better to do classes every day. After mastering the command, the distance between the student and the teacher is increased.


To execute this command, you need to bring the treat over your pet's head. When the pig becomes interested in the treat, you need to slowly begin to describe a circle above the animal’s head. It is better to move your hand clockwise, while repeating the command “circle” or “turn around”. You should not immediately make a circle if the animal quickly loses interest in the treat. You can first make turns of 45 degrees, then 90 and until the turn is complete. You need to train every day so that the animal does not forget the learned elements.


It doesn't take much effort or training to execute this command. All you need to do is hold a piece of the animal’s favorite treat with your lips. Then you need to bring the pig to the owner's head. As soon as the pet smells the tasty treat, it will reach out to its owner’s lips and take a piece.

Give me your paw

This command is more difficult to execute than the previous ones. To do this, you need to put the pig on the sofa. The owner himself is located in front of the rodent on the floor. He extends his left hand, palm up, towards the animal, and with his right hand he lures the animal with a treat. When the animal begins to move towards the person, the owner gives the command “give me your paw.” And as soon as the student’s paw is in his hand, the animal is praised and treated to something tasty.

It is important to be careful so that the animal does not fall on the floor

Achieving results in executing this command requires regular training.

Roll the ball

This command is also based on the guinea pig's natural desire to eat. To execute the command you need a ping pong ball or other small light ball, a strip of carrot or celery. Place the treat under the ball and wait for the pet to become interested in it. And then you can give the command “Push.” To get the treat, the pig will have to push the ball with its muzzle. This team needs to be trained regularly to achieve results. After a few sessions, the bait is removed from under the ball.

Jump through the ring

This command will require a ring and a treat. You can make the ring yourself from wire or use a tennis racket after removing the fishing line.

First, the ring is placed edge-on on the floor. A pig is placed on one side of the ring, and a treat on the other. Having noticed the treat, the pet will go to it through the ring. At the same time, the owner gives the command “ring”. If your pet doesn’t see the treat, you need to move it closer.

As soon as the pig gets through the ring, he should be praised and allowed to treat himself. Over time, the ring is raised. The final lifting height of the ring is considered to be a distance of 3 cm.

Trained guinea pigs are not exotic, but a completely normal phenomenon. Each owner can teach the animal to follow commands in order to develop it and entertain it. And the owner will also have a pleasant time with his pet.

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