Choosing toys for a guinea pig and making them yourself

L:.1 —> Our article today will be useful to guinea pig lovers. We talked in our articles about the care and maintenance of these charming rodents. But we haven’t touched on the topic of leisure yet. Meanwhile, guinea pigs love to play no less than, for example, cats or dogs. Today we’ll talk about what to do with a guinea pig and what safe toys you can offer it.

Guinea pigs are wonderful pets, fun to watch and easy to care for. But if you don’t pay enough attention to the furries, they can become sad and even get sick. To keep your pet active and cheerful, there are many ways to entertain him. But first, let's discuss what toys you shouldn't buy for a guinea pig.

Handy fun

To entertain your pet, you don’t have to run to the pet store and buy expensive toys for guinea pigs. There are items in any home that will bring a lot of pleasure to your guinea pig.

Even things that the owner has been planning to throw away for a long time can become the animal’s favorite pastime.

Ping pong balls

An alternative to expensive toys for rodents are regular ping pong balls. They are easy to find in stores and are inexpensive. The choice of balls is quite large, they come in different colors, with all kinds of patterns. Animals will love such a colorful ball, although the pig can quickly switch to other objects. Caring for the toy is simple - wash it when it gets dirty and throw away the worn-out ball in a timely manner, as the pet can chew it into small pieces, and this is unsafe.


You can make your guinea pig happy simply by giving him the opportunity to admire his reflection in the mirror. An old unnecessary mirror is easy to find, and buying a new small mirror will not be difficult or expensive. The owner himself will receive a lot of positive emotions watching his pet parade in front of the mirror and examine his new friend. It is safer to place the item outside the cage, but if the mirror does not have raw edges, you can place it inside. You will have to wipe the toy often, as it gets dirty quickly.


You can play with benefit. Children's wooden blocks will serve as excellent entertainment and training for a rodent's teeth. Bright colorful toys are made of non-toxic materials, so you don’t have to worry about your pet’s health. The cubes will fit well into the interior of a guinea pig's home and will help the animals keep their teeth in excellent condition.

Animals happily chew on wooden objects; you just need to make sure that the pig does not overdo it, otherwise intestinal upset may occur.


The pet will rustle ordinary newspaper sheets with great pleasure. For convenience, the paper must be crumpled and offered to the animal. The pig will appreciate such a gift. The breeder's task is to make sure that the paint does not contain harmful substances. For playing with animals, a press is suitable, which is made on the basis of ingredients that are safe for health.

Carton boxes

Guinea pigs have a natural affinity for hiding in burrows. You can give your pet the opportunity to hide in a cozy shelter for free by using an ordinary cardboard box (for example, a shoe box). It is enough to make a few holes so that the animal can easily get inside, and the toy is ready. You can place bedding or hay at the bottom of the box. This is a great way to provide your animal with interesting activities for a long time.

Twigs/Chew Sticks

Another way to give your pet the opportunity to grind down his teeth is with branches of fruit trees. An apple or pear tree is perfect. But cherries, peaches, apricots and plums can harm the pig’s health. If there is nowhere to pick fresh branches, then the toy can be replaced with special chewing sticks from the pet store. You should not store a lot of branches or sticks at once, as the rodent may not like them.

Old towels or wool blankets

Another household item that can be used by a rodent instead of going to the trash is old towels and wool blankets. The material should be washed well, cut into small pieces and placed in different places in the pen. If you fasten a rag to the lattice of the cage, you can build a kind of hut that the pig will definitely like. The toy needs to be washed periodically.

Drinking bowl

A drinking bowl is a thing of paramount importance; you need to choose it as convenient as possible and from good materials. After all, this affects the quality of water, and, consequently, the health of the pet.

Therefore, it is better to buy a drinking bowl in a specialized store, but for those who are on a limited budget or are not afraid to take risks, there is an option from 98.41 rubles.


  • looks cheap, especially because of the strange unnecessary inscriptions;
  • although there are quite a lot of colors (purple, orange, green, pink, blue, indigo and red), you cannot choose a specific one;
  • paid delivery, which doubles the price.

Sizes: 80 ml, 125 ml, 250 ml.

Material: plastic and stainless steel.

There is also a simpler option, in only two colors (yellow and blue), but for only 58.23 rubles and free delivery. Attached to the cage bars using a plastic holder.

Hay toys

Toys that can be filled with hay deserve special attention.

They are an integral part of the guinea pig's home. There are many options for making a hay bark with your own hands from available materials. Almost any “toy” can be given “new life” by filling it with hay.


A lost pair of socks can still do a good job. If you fill it with hay and offer it to the animal, then the owner is guaranteed an interesting spectacle. And the pig herself will be happy to get acquainted with a new subject that will captivate her for a long time and will not soon get bored. When the hay runs out, the animal chews the sock, then it is necessary to replace it with a new one.

Egg trays

You can fill empty egg trays with hay. A tightly closed tray placed in your pet's cage will generate great interest. First, the box will serve as a hay barn, and then as a teeth trainer. If necessary, the tray can be cut into pieces.

Brick with holes

Brick can be combined not only with hay, but also with branches of fruit trees. You need to stick branches into the holes, and fill the middle of the resulting device with hay. An enthusiastic pet can break the structure, so it will have to be restored periodically. But this versatile toy is worth it.

Toilet paper tubes

Guinea pigs enjoy chewing on toilet paper or paper towel tubes. The device can be filled with hay or empty bushings can be placed in the cage. Toys can be replaced with new ones as needed. This free fun will give your pet no less pleasure than those that the breeder will have to spend money on.

Walking outside and at home

Outdoor walks are organized subject to the following conditions:

  • Choose a secluded place where there are no animals or people.
  • Enclose the play area using an aviary or other devices. Or use a harness and leash.
  • Go out only in warm, dry weather. If during the morning walk the dew has not yet left the grass, blot it with a paper towel.

While on the street, the pig requires constant supervision because it is in a high-risk area. Before leaving the house, you should apply an anti-parasite spray to the fur so that the animal does not bring ticks or fleas from the street.

The walk lasts about an hour or until the animal shows signs of fatigue: it reduces activity, stops playing, or sits motionless.

Toys for active pigs

Some toys may not appeal to your guinea pig and may even be unsafe, according to some breeders. But most active and inquisitive pigs will appreciate the labyrinth, running wheel and other simulators. In addition, a passive lifestyle can lead to obesity in the animal, and this is not very good for its health and well-being.

Tunnels and labyrinths

Tiny little critters will love to climb and explore the artificial burrows. In a spacious cage you can arrange a whole system of passages.

An assortment of tunnels and labyrinths are available in pet stores. Most often they are made of plastic, wood or fabric. There are herbal tubes that a pet can chew without harm to its health. The cost of the finished product may unpleasantly surprise the breeder. Therefore, many owners adapt improvised materials for arranging the play area.

You can easily make a tunnel yourself from a sewer pipe, the sleeve of an old sweater or nylon tights. The size and diameter of the hole depend on the parameters of the cage and the pig. The main thing is that the animal fits freely in the aisle.

A labyrinth system can be easily made from boxes. Holes are made in the walls of the boxes. The passages are made from plastic pipes or bottles. The bottom and narrow edge of the bottles are cut off in advance. The edges are processed. Then the master can show his imagination and make the path from one passage to another twisted and interesting for the rodent.

You can whet the animal’s interest in a new entertainment by laying a path of seeds or nuts.

Stairs and slides

Guinea pigs love heights. Stairs or a slide can become an animal's favorite pastime. There is no need to worry about the safety of your pet, because pigs have very dexterous paws and developed muscles. The animal feels quite confident when climbing up stairs or up a hill. The pig may have problems descending, so it is necessary to soften the place of the fall if it happens.

You can make a ladder for guinea pigs with your own hands from twigs, pencils or chopsticks, tying them together with a rope.


Animals can spend a lot of time on swings. There are many options for swings - metal, wood, plastic. In the pet store you can find a lot of different designs - a board on a movable rod, a swinging tube and others.

You can make a swing for a guinea pig yourself:

  1. A homemade swing made from half a coconut will look very exotic in a guinea pig’s home and will become a convenient entertainment for pets. You need to make holes in the shell and hang the swing in the cage.
  2. The structure can also be made from a plastic bottle. The plastic must be dense. The narrow part and bottom of the bottle are cut off, the remaining ring should correspond to the size of the animal. Next, the product is attached to the ceiling with ropes.

To arouse interest in this fun and teach the animal to swing on its own, you can use a treat. You need to put a treat in the middle of the swing, the pig will reach for it and the mechanism will start working.

How to make a hammock house

To make a house you will need:

  • durable fabric 130 cm long and at least 30 cm wide;
  • pieces of fabric 35 cm long and 25 cm wide;
  • sling 200 cm;
  • 4 carabiners for fastening;
  • bias binding 150 cm long;
  • a piece of rectangular plywood 30 cm long;
  • thread, needle, centimeter and scissors.

For a piece of fabric 130 cm long, fold the edge with the outer side inward and hem it, leaving one side free. Plywood is inserted into the resulting pocket. You can use thick cardboard instead of plywood. Softer cardboard or padding polyester is wrapped into the other edge of the long sheet. It turns out two pockets. The free edges of the pockets are sewn together. The part of the product with plywood will be the floor of the house.

To strengthen the walls and roof, you need to cut the sling into two equal parts. The edges of the sling are burned to prevent unraveling. Each part is sewn along the walls and ceiling along the edges of the product.

Smaller pieces of fabric are sewn so that they form the walls and ceiling. The end result should be a square shape.

The frame of the house is ready. To make an entrance, you need to make a round hole in the rectangular shape of the fabric. This will be the entrance. It is better to process the edges of the hole or trim it with tape. The fabric itself is sewn from the end of the product. You can simply cover the back wall with fabric, or you can make another entrance there. It is better to make the entrance hole with a diameter of at least 15 centimeters. You can cut a circle by folding the fabric in half twice so that the center of the hole is in the resulting corner. Then cut off this corner at a distance of 7.5 cm from the edge. When you unfold the fabric, you will get a round hole.

Carabiners are sewn to the slings with strong ribbons or laces. The product is ready for use. All that remains is to hang the hammock in the cage at a height convenient for the pig.

There are different variations of hammock houses. They can be made cylindrical or in the form of tents.

Rodents prefer a house more than other types of hammocks because they can hide in it and relax from prying eyes.

Guinea pig wheel

Do guinea pigs need a wheel? On this issue, the opinions of rodent holders differ. Some believe that running in a wheel can have a bad effect on your pet's spine. If the wheel is more than a meter in diameter, then it will not cause harm, but such a device cannot always be placed in an animal’s cage.

Other owners believe that regular exercise on the running wheel keeps their guinea pig in good shape.

It is better to focus on the reaction of the animal itself. Many pets really love this entertainment. Some don't even pay attention to other toys unless the treadmill is removed from the cage. Therefore, the period the animal stays in the wheel should be limited.

Other game devices

  • Ropes. At a low height, you can place ropes of different lengths, which the pig will be happy to climb. The rope material must be durable.
  • Obstacle course. It can be made from cubes, flower pots, boxes and other available materials. Such entertainment can interest an animal no less than a maze.
  • Containers for digging. The natural instincts of guinea pigs will be fully satisfied if a container with sand or earth is installed in the cage.
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