Little rabbits. Dwarf domestic rabbit breeds.

Decorative, or as they are also called, small rabbits appeared relatively recently, but have already won special attention among the majority of the population around the globe. The reason for this popularity lies not only in the unusual appearance, but also in habits, nutrition and methods of care. Having decided to get yourself this beauty, you need to carefully weigh everything several times, because this pet, in addition to its beautiful appearance, can also bring with it a lot of trouble.

Now small rabbits are divided into two types: dwarf and decorative. Very often, inexperienced buyers fall for the tricks of dishonest sellers who can sell them a regular decorative rabbit instead of a dwarf one. Basically, the deception is revealed only when the decorative rabbit begins to grow up. To avoid this unpleasant moment, let's look at each type in more detail.

A decorative breed of rabbits is bred solely for the soul. In other words, any type of rabbit that has no practical use can be classified as decorative rabbits. In this case, the appearance of the rabbits, ranging from color, size and characteristics of the breed, can be absolutely anything. It is acceptable to call an ordinary rabbit decorative, which many breed specifically to produce offspring, skins or meat.

Standards are what not only allows one to clearly distinguish a decorative rabbit from a dwarf one, but also determine the breed that sellers offer. Every day more and more new breeds of dwarf rabbits appear, but we can consider only a few of the main and most popular of them.

Won't they grow up like meat ones?

I am often asked about the size of dwarf rabbits, some are afraid that they will be very large, like meat rabbits, and others want an adult palm-sized rabbit, so I decided to make a brief overview of the parameters of different breeds of rabbits.

As we can see in the photo above, even the largest dwarf rabbits will never approach the size of meat breeds. The maximum weight of a lop-eared rabbit is 2 kg, while meat rabbits weigh 5 kg or more, that is, their meat counterpart is at least 2-3 times more. So, we should not forget about the character of the animals, the selection of dwarfs is carried out not only by size, but also by the character of the animals, they must be kind to humans and not have bad habits. While meat rabbits are selected only for productive qualities and good manners, this is not a prerequisite for admission to breeding.


Summing up the decorative breeds of rabbits, it is worth once again highlighting important points when choosing a breed:

  1. In total, there are more than 200 types of decorative rabbits, but when purchasing from the seller, there must be a pedigree for the animal indicating the breed and parents.
  2. Dwarf breeds weigh a maximum of 2 kg, and the length of the ears does not exceed 6 cm.
  3. Each variety of eared animals has its own character, and before purchasing a pet, you should carefully study this aspect in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.
  4. Long-haired species require regular brushing and removal of pellets. In addition to such care, it is also worth regularly vaccinating your rabbit - which and when to do is described here.
  5. Rabbits cannot tolerate loud sounds or bright lights. This can cause them to lose their appetite and get sick.

Also read about the dwarf breed - the fold-eared Ram.

We want a rabbit the size of your palm

It all depends on the size of your palm)) But seriously, there are no adult dwarf rabbits the size of a hamster; babies can be this size, for example minors. At 1.5 months they weigh about 300-400 grams, the size of half a palm.

Adult animals weigh about 1 kg and measure about 20-25 cm, which is just the size of the palm of an adult man or slightly longer than the length of a ballpoint pen. But we must take into account that such a small animal requires more careful care and maintenance, as it is easy for them to cause various injuries through negligence.

Why are decorative individuals needed?

Decorative dwarf rabbits are bred not for meat or fur coats, but as pets. A miniature, furry animal often becomes the best friend not only for a child, but also for adults. The external characteristics of the breeds are varied, so everyone can choose a rodent to suit their taste.

Each animal differs not only in external characteristics, but also in character. Decorative rabbits are calm, peaceful creatures. Conflicts rarely arise between them; they get along well in the same territory. But there are breeds that have a more wayward character. We need to find an approach to them.

It should be remembered that the character and disposition of a pet is often shaped by its owner. A reverent, affectionate, friendly attitude will be the key to raising a pet with the same behavior.

Dwarf rex

Rex rabbits can weigh up to 5.5 kg; dwarf breeds are lighter (up to 1.5 kg). Rex ears are not very long, up to 13 cm, erect.

The dwarf rex is truly unique. They have the shortest hair (1.5 cm) and the smallest whiskers among all decorative rabbits. They have a dense body, short legs, a narrow head, and medium-length ears (up to 7 cm).


Many pet lovers often refuse to purchase a dwarf pet due to the problem of a strong unpleasant odor. But this factor can be eliminated by daily cleaning the animal’s cage, replacing the bedding, and also ventilating the room where the animal lives. It is recommended to castrate a male decorative rabbit so that he does not mark his territory with secretions with an unpleasant aroma. It is possible to train your pet to use a litter box, which is easy to clean like a cat. If, after completing all the steps, the smell persists, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian, as this may indicate a violation of the rabbit’s kidney function.

Dwarf hotot (Blanc de Hotot)

A very rare, and therefore more desirable breed for lovers of rare and beautiful animal breeds. This little animal was bred in Germany, although the French were the first to try to breed this breed.

The average weight of an adult individual barely reaches the 1.3 kilogram mark . A small but very compact body, very short ears, short and strong legs and an amazingly beautiful black eye rim are the characteristic features of this breed. Unlike other dwarf rabbit breeds, they are very playful, sociable, obedient and gentle.

Their fur is dense, shiny and fine. A true dwarf hotot has an exclusively white body color, but with breeding it can also produce another type of color. Today, the breed of colored dwarf hotots has already been officially recognized.

Determination of gender

When buying a dwarf animal 1-2 months old, you can make a mistake in determining the gender of the animal. Small rabbits of the same breed are practically indistinguishable from each other. If a pet is purchased from a special nursery, then documents are attached that indicate the sex of the individual, as determined by specialists. And ordinary stores or the market do not give any guarantee in choosing a female or male ornamental hybrid.

To accurately determine whether it is a female rabbit or a rabbit in front of you, you should do certain simple manipulations:

  • move the tail to the side and place the animal on its hind legs with its belly up;
  • lift the animal by the withers with one hand, and squeeze the genitals with the fingers of the other;
  • a female rodent will have a pink triangle, a male rodent will have a pointed penis.

Advice! The genitals of a dwarf rabbit originate immediately from the opening of the anus, and in a male rabbit they originate at a distance of about four centimeters.

Colored dwarf

This breed is also known to many as the short-haired dwarf rabbit. Typically, the body weight of an adult colored dwarf can range from 800 grams and barely reach one and a half kilograms . The animal's ears are always positioned upright, their length can vary from 5 to 5.5 cm. Despite their miniature size, practically absent neck and small body, the paws of rabbits of this breed are very strong. At the moment, more than 60 colors of the colored dwarf have been recorded. The fur coat of these pets has a very neat appearance and does not require special care.

It should be noted that during puberty, rabbits of these breeds can show aggression towards the owner, even sometimes biting or hitting with their paws. Typically, maturation occurs at one and a half years. Many sellers recommend spaying or neutering these animals to reduce aggression.

To summarize, we can conclude that the colored dwarf is quite funny and perfectly plays the role of a charming, active and funny pet.

Lion head

Little rabbits. Dwarf domestic rabbit breeds. Lion head

Judging by the name, rabbits of this breed are the smallest rabbits of all the above.:) The weight of an adult individual barely reaches 1.6 kilograms.

The unique structure of the ears and the fur framing the muzzle and ears give this animal the appearance of a lion. Thanks to the short hair on the body, the head looks even larger than it actually is. Sometimes, but really very rarely, it becomes possible to find a species of dwarf lion's head, which, along with long hair on the face, is also decorated with long hair on the sides. Compared to their counterparts, the care and maintenance of these small rabbits is quite simple. Short hair does not require constant brushing, as it does not tangle or mat. Another, no less interesting feature of lion head rabbits is the beautiful edging around the eyes.

Rabbits of this breed are distinguished by their miniature but strong bodies. Their eyes always match the color of their fur coat, which can be completely different. The appearance of rabbits of this breed is quite charming; erect ears, a large head, strong and small paws will not leave anyone indifferent. It is impossible not to note the pliable and soft nature of pets, which can easily replace a real friend for a child. My only recommendation is that these rabbits simply hate being picked up by their ears.

Angora dwarf rabbit

The first type of Angora rabbit has 20 centimeters of thin Angora fur. Due to its decorative appearance, it is not immediately possible to determine what kind of animal it is.

The second type of Angora rabbit is smooth-haired; these rabbits have a fur length that barely reaches 5 centimeters; naturally, their fur coat requires less care.

In both species of dwarf angora, the weight of an adult individual ranges from 1 to 1.6 kilograms. Their long hair completely hides their miniature body. The coloring of rabbits of this breed is predominantly white; gray individuals are rare, but active work is now being carried out to breed blue, red, gray and black Angoras. It is very rare to have blue eyes in rabbits of this breed. One cannot fail to note the tufts of fur, which give this animal a very funny look.


Little rabbits. Dwarf domestic rabbit breeds. Hermelin.

This small white rabbit is also called the Polish rabbit or stoat. This breed has a very interesting history; previously it was bred specifically to produce skins reminiscent of ermine. The main feature of the Hermelin breed is the exclusively white color of not only the coat, but also the claws and skin. The eye colors of rabbits of this breed are blue and red. Small rabbit ears flaunt on a relatively large head. In general, the rabbit resembles a small toy, but it looks very impressive.

Due to their rather thick fur, they practically cannot tolerate heat. The character traits of both females and males are quite unique. Males are very lazy, they do not like being disturbed unnecessarily. Females, on the contrary, are active, but a little aggressive. But, all these features are quite individual. In general, breeding or keeping rabbits of this breed is recommended only to experienced rabbit breeders.

Dwarf ram

The dwarf ram is the smallest lop-eared rabbit. This baby is 28 cm tall and weighs about a kilogram.

The main decoration of the dwarf ram is long (up to 20 cm), fleshy ears, pressed tightly to the head and forming a kind of crown. Like all lop ears, they stick up at birth and fall off by three months. Their fur is soft and delicate. About 22 colors were developed.


The diet of dwarf decorative rabbits should contain a lot of fresh vegetables (carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, rutabaga, radishes, cucumbers), as well as fresh greens (dandelions, clover, cereal sprouts, nettles), dry fruits (bananas, papaya, pears, apples) and hay. Animals need to be fed about 2% (of total food) table salt. Animals can be given 1-2 tablespoons of granulated dry food per day. Pets also need vitamin supplements.


Care measures for decorative rabbits should be aimed at maintaining the hygiene of not only the animal’s cage, but also the condition of the animal itself. A dwarf pet with long hair needs frequent combing and trimming of disturbing fur areas. Rabbits should constantly trim their growing nails, but bathe them only when necessary. In hot weather, rodents need to wipe their ears with a damp cloth and place bottles of ice in the cage. The cages or enclosure need to be cleaned frequently, as well as the drinking bowl and feeder.


Once you have at least approximately decided on the choice of a furry pet, you need to start thinking about keeping decorative rabbits.

Where to start? To begin with, from the premises. They live in an ordinary room at a standard temperature

It is important that it is not wet or with a lot of drafts - this is unacceptable for decorative rabbits

The room needs to be cleaned regularly, just like the cage. A dusty and dirty home can cause many diseases. It’s a similar story with sunlight - it should be there, just not direct rays, especially not constant ones.

If you want your rabbit to live freely in an apartment, albeit with its own cozy corner, pay attention to everything that it can chew, because you can be sure that it will try. Rabbits chew on anything they can put in their mouths, and the wires are the first to suffer.

It is best to keep him in a cage, and when releasing him, carefully monitor him so that he does not do anything. Do not forget that if he tries to chew the wires, it can harm not only the equipment, but also the animal - the wire may be live.


The most dangerous diseases for dwarf rabbits are myxomatosis, rabies and viral infections. In addition, animals often suffer from conjunctivitis and gastrointestinal disorders. Hypothermia or severe heat exposure is dangerous for delicate animals. The pet needs constant examination and attention, which will allow timely identification of the symptoms of the disease that has arisen and elimination of them with timely treatment.

Dwarf decorative rabbits are popular pets that bring joy to their owners and small children. Having decided to get this animal, you should choose the right breed that corresponds not only to your own desires and goals, but also to the possibilities of keeping it in the apartment. In addition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the biological characteristics of the pet, methods of caring for it, feeding habits of the rodent and possible difficulties in raising it.


A cage about 70 cm long is suitable for dwarf rabbits. It is better to buy a large house right away.

The dwarf rabbit needs a lot of space - it needs to run and jump

The cage is kept warm. It must have a plastic tray because the feet of mini rabbits are not adapted to the grid. Sawdust or hay are suitable as bedding. They are poured in a layer of 3-5 cm. Changed every 3-4 days.

Inside there should be a feeder, preferably heavy (you can hang it), as well as an automatic drinker, which is attached to the bars of the cage, and a manger for hay.

Optimal microclimate:

  • temperature 18-20˚С;
  • absence of dampness and drafts.

The cage should not be exposed to direct sunlight. High levels of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and carbon dioxide in the air are harmful to ornamental animals. They do not tolerate stuffiness.

Downy breeds

Rabbit down consists mainly of delicate wool fibers and is valued higher than sheep. It is widely used for the manufacture of knitwear and is obtained from shaggy animals, the length of which reaches 12-20 cm.

The most promising varieties in this direction include white downy, angora downy and arctic downy rabbits.

White downy breed

This relatively young breed was bred in the last century on the basis of classic Angoras. Its representatives are medium in size and weigh about 4 kg with a length of up to 54 cm. White downy rabbits have neat ears and short limbs.

Compact animals are covered with long 15-centimeter hair, which is characterized by great elasticity and is not prone to the formation of tangles.

Angora down breed

This ancient Turkish rabbit breed is a long-haired variety. The average weight of the Angora is 3 kg, and the length of its fur reaches 25 cm.

Each ear of a representative of this breed is crowned with a shaggy tassel, and the compact cylindrical body of the animal is covered with luxurious hair.

Arctic fox rabbit

This breed has long been bred in Russia. It is characterized by its small size and elastic, moderately dense gray or dark gray fur.

The average weight of animals reaches 3-3.5 kg, and the weight of fluff that can be collected from 1 individual is 350-400 g.

Fur varieties

The meat-hide breeds include some of the breeds already described above, but there are also species that focus on producing high-quality skins in addition to meat.

Voile silver

On the territory of Tatarstan, as a result of crossing the Soviet chinchilla, white giant, Flanders and Viennese blue breeds, a veil-silver breed was bred. She is gray in color with a subtle dark veil pattern. The silver tone appears after the first molt, and the veil pattern after the second. The fluff has a rich blue color. Standard weight is 4.5-4.8 kilograms.


This English beauty with an attractive skin, rather small, was bred in the lands of Foggy Albion as an ornamental animal. Russian breeders crossed her with several larger breeds: the Flandre and the Viennese Blue, a white giant. The result was large rabbits, weighing up to five kilograms, raised not only for meat, but also for their excellent skin. The dominant color of the skin is white, and black-brown spots on the neck, ears, nose and center of the back are a distinctive feature of the breed. There are up to eight rabbits in a litter.


An ancient German elite breed of rabbits. This is a fluffy dog ​​with velvety fur, short and dense, similar to plush or sheared high-quality sheepskin. The color scheme is represented by chestnut or brown tones, diluted with lighter spots. It is the product of a natural mutation of the Flanders genus. It is highly valued for its beautiful skin. Underdeveloped whiskers, which are much shorter than those of other rabbits, are a characteristic of this breed. They weigh from three to five kilograms.

Vienna blue

It is a hybrid of Flanders and Moravian Blue and is an endangered species. The pride of the breed is the skin of a gray-blue or steel uniform color, which is acquired after the second molt. The hairline is very thick - 20,000 hairs per 1 cm². Successfully imitates the more valuable fur of fur-bearing animals. Live weight indicators are about 5 kilograms. Litter – 8-9 babies per litter. By the age of four months, newborns gain up to three and a half kg.


This breed with roots of simple gray wild rabbits appeared on the Russian market at the beginning of the last century. It is called so for the similarity of the color of the skin with the color of an ermine. Rabbits that are white from birth acquire dark pigmentation after a month, and by six months the unusual color is fully formed, famous for the darkening of the tip of the nose, ears, paws and tail.

Rabbits are small, weighing up to four kilograms. They are resistant to diseases, omnivorous within the limits of their diet, and quickly adapt to any conditions. Female rabbits are prolific, with a litter containing about eight babies.

Soviet Marder

This breed was developed in Armenia thanks to two-stage selection. At the first stage, a Russian ermine and a Soviet chinchilla were crossed. The second shows the obtained specimens with local ones, blue in color. The result was short-haired animals with a valuable velvet skin, reminiscent of a marten. They are highly valued for the beauty of their skins, but mixed colors reduce the quality of the skins. An interesting transition is formed from the main light brownish color to a darker shade in the area of ​​​​the muzzle and paws.

Walks and games

The well-known expression “Movement is life!” is suitable for rabbits. If the animal lives in a country house, then you can organize outdoor walks for it. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to let him out of the cage to wander around the room. We should not forget that these are rodents, for whom all wires and cords are attractive. During walks, the cage door should be kept open so that the pet can get in at any time.

For full development, decorative rabbits need to have fun and play different games. You can do this yourself or entrust it to your children, receiving double benefits. A small rubber ball is good for games. Various household items can also be used as toys.

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