Rating of the best parrot breeds for home keeping in 2022

Birds bring positive variety to the everyday boring life of a person. Parrots occupy a special place among feathered pets. This is explained by the sociability, curiosity, extreme activity and fun of this species of bird. Pet stores and breeders offer a wide range of parrots, but it is advisable to take into account that not all of them are domestic species and are suitable for living with humans. To ensure that the pet is a joy for all family members and feels comfortable, it is appropriate to consider the selection criteria and review the best breeds of parrots for 2022 that can be kept at home.

Parrots for children and beginners

Birds are kept for children. The birds are unpretentious in care and maintenance, the child learns responsibility. The future pet is chosen based on financial capabilities, living space and the age of the child. Errors are possible. At the persistent requests of a child, sometimes a large parrot is purchased. It ends badly: the bird returns to the pet store or to the breeder. This is the best case scenario. At worst, she is rarely remembered and kept in disgusting conditions. The pet dies due to poor care.

To avoid such a situation, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the breed of bird you plan to purchase.

Who to choose for a small apartment, a cockatiel or a budgie? The child insists on cockatiel. This bird requires a large cage and quite expensive food. Will adults be able to support it? Is there a secluded corner for a cage in the apartment? Will the cockatiel be comfortable there? By answering these questions, parents will be able to make a final decision.

Important! A budgerigar would be an ideal pet for children. He is small, cheerful, and learns to talk easily. With good care, it can live up to 15 years.

Which parrot is better to have at home if the space allows you to keep a large bird, but there is no experience in keeping it? There is only one recommendation - a budgerigar. A novice “poultry farmer” can take care of him.


Which parrot is best for a child, other than a budgie? The bird is good for its unpretentiousness and cheerful disposition. Budgerigars quickly become tamed and make contact easily. Able to remember and reproduce 150-200 words. With regular training, they will delight the little owner with their achievements.

The parents decided to get a parrot for their child. How to choose a budgie?

  1. The male, up to 6 months old, has a pink-violet beak. With age it turns blue. The older the bird, the brighter the blue color of the beak;
  2. In young females, the color of the beak is soft pink. In individuals older than six months, it becomes darker. An adult or old bird has a brown beak;
  3. There are black waves on the heads of young birds. After 4 months they disappear or become almost invisible;
  4. The parrot's cloaca area should be clean. If the bird's feathers and cloaca are contaminated with droppings, the parrot is not healthy;
  5. A healthy bird is active. She chirps cheerfully and pesters her cage neighbors. A ruffled parrot with dull or closed eyes is sick.
  6. If you plan to further train your parrot to talk, the male is ideal for this. Females chat less often.
  7. The cost of a bird ranges from 800 to 1500 thousand rubles. Males are more expensive than females.


The choice of a parrot for a home is based on the desire of the future owners and the ability to keep this or that bird. If you want to buy a large parrot, but there is too little space in your apartment, the cockatiel will be an alternative.

The parrot is classified as medium. It is slightly smaller in size than a pigeon. Cockatiels are mostly gray in color. But light yellow and ivory-colored individuals can be found. The birds have a funny crest on their heads. Males differ from females in their red “blush” on their cheeks and their massiveness. Female cockatiels are rather small, they have pale cheeks and a shorter crest. A Corella will cost about 3500-4000 thousand rubles.


How to choose lovebirds? There are several subspecies: pink-cheeked, masked, Fisher's, black-cheeked, black-headed, collared. The list can be endless. The most common are rosy-cheeked, masked and Fischer. They differ in appearance.

The highlight of pink-cheeked birds is the color of their heads. The main background is most often green. The head is green-white. The cheeks are pale pink.

The masked lovebird is the most beautiful. The upper part of the head, back and chest are bright yellow. The muzzle is black, with a clearly visible red beak. Large white eyes with black pupils complete the image of the bird. The lower back and body are green.

Fisher's lovebird can be green or yellow. Its muzzle is painted bright orange or red. The beak is yellow or red. Of all the subspecies, this is the most expensive.

Males and females cannot be distinguished by appearance. It is acceptable to keep one parrot, but it will be sad and lonely. He has been wary of his owners all his life. He sits on your hand if you really try and train him, flies around the room, and responds to his name. However, he doesn’t like unnecessary touches. A solitary lovebird is more comfortable in a cage than with a person.

A couple of lovebirds are quite noisy at home. Birds are busy only with themselves, “talking” in their own language. They scream loudly, and the scream is quite disgusting. Having a child is not an option. Suitable for an adult or a married couple without children. Not everyone can withstand constant screaming. A pair of lovebirds can cost up to 10,000 - 12,000 thousand rubles.

Which parrot talks more?

How to choose a talking parrot for your home? If a person wants a pet to speak well, then it is better to choose a Gray. Representatives of this breed are capable of not only mechanically repeating phrases, but also conducting dialogue. True, they are quite expensive.

What kind of parrot should I buy that can talk but is cheaper? The answer is simple - wavy. The cost of such parrots is low, from about 700 rubles. With due diligence of the owner, they can learn to speak and remember up to 150 words.

Serious parrots

Large parrots are suitable for keeping in your own home. Birds such as Grays, cockatoos and Amazons need a lot of space. But they will not make the owner bored. Grays are the most trainable. They can remember up to 500 words. Cockatoos are also mischievous and imitative. Intelligence allows them to master different tricks. Amazon is the laziest of the three. But it is well tamed, recognizes its owner, and masters about 200 words.

Which parrot to choose is up to the future owner to decide. Before purchasing, you should find out about the characteristics of the chosen breed.


In Russia, the most common red-tailed Gray. This is a large bird, its weight reaches 500 grams, and its height is 40 centimeters. Grays have a powerful beak that can easily crack a coconut. The bird is gray in color and has white glasses on its face. The tail feathers are scarlet-red.

Jaco is highly intelligent. With constant practice, his vocabulary can be replenished with a sufficient number of words. It is easily tamed, recognizes its owner, and allows itself to be petted. Keeping your bird in a cage all the time is not recommended. Gray needs free movement. The bird returns to the cage when the need arises to eat, sleep or go to the toilet.

The price of a gray coat reaches 150 thousand rubles. Life expectancy is 25-30 years.

What kind of parrot should I get if I have no experience communicating with them? Not exactly hot. The bird needs constant communication and proper care. For beginners, it is better to start with small parrots; budgies are the ideal option.


Which parrots are best kept at home, subject to proper care and maintenance? A cockatoo will make a good feathered friend. Surprisingly sociable birds. The bird is easy to train and loves the company of people. Cunning and quick-witted, the cockatoo will master 350-400 words. With constant practice, of course.

In terms of imitation, he has no equal. The parrot enjoys learning different tricks. Learn to dance? Easily. Imitate singing? Even simpler. Teasing family members? With pleasure.

This is interesting! The most popular in Russia is the yellow-crested cockatoo. Its main color is white. The head has a yellow tuft. This feature makes the bird look like a punk. The neat crest looks like a mohawk when the bird is excited. In a calm state, the crest is folded and lies horizontally.

Large comrades, weigh up to 1.5 kilograms. The height reaches 50 centimeters. Able to live up to 40-50 years. Such a bird costs about 100–120 thousand rubles.


Muller's Amazon is widespread in Russia. This is a large bird, weighing up to 750 grams. Height does not exceed 40 centimeters.

Muller's Amazon is not suitable for beginners. A bird that falls into the hands of people without experience can become dangerous to others. The bird has a powerful beak, with which it explores the world and tests its owner's strength. The consequences of such an inspection can be bloody.

It is not considered a parrot for an apartment if its area does not allow the bird to have a separate room.

Intellectually developed, he is not inferior to a cockatoo in mastering new tricks. But the lazy bird is not interested in this. He would like to eat, fly and follow his owner. A sociable bird, it cannot stand loneliness at all.

The color of the Muller's Amazon is green with a hint of bright green flowers. There is a yellow stripe on the head, starting from the beak to the back of the head. The powerful beak looks like a triangle. Expressive eyes.

The parrot has an interesting character: he is lazy, but if he needs to achieve something, he will manipulate his owner no worse than a smart dog. Needs training by an experienced person. The bird needs control.

Male or female - let's pair

Some species live quietly in celibacy throughout their lives. At the same time, males can limit themselves to periodic platonic flirtations with the owner or mistress, and are very happy with that.

Females, even in the absence of males, can make a nest. By the way, this is one of the ways to determine the sex of a bird. Girls begin to put twigs or paper torn into strips under their tails.

If you decide that your parrot is fine without a mate, be prepared for the fact that you will become his life partner. At the very least, he will need much more attention than if you decide to buy him a soul mate.


Some are already sold in pairs - most often these are lovebirds and wavy ones. Know! When buying a girl for a male parrot, feel free to put the lady in the cage. If the opposite happens, the parrot will perceive this as an encroachment on her sovereign territory and may injure the new resident boy.

Remember! These birds have a matriarchy

When purchasing a male for a female, buy him a separate cage and transfer the female there. Attempts to “slip” the groom into the bride’s living space can result in a serious fight, plucking of the male and even damage to his skull (don’t forget that even small parrots have sharp and hard beaks). Moreover, in some species the females are larger than the males, so the battle a priori will not be equal.

What is needed for a parrot in an apartment

It all depends on the chosen breed. But every bird needs its own corner. The cage should be positioned so that the bird is not disturbed unnecessarily.

Minimum cell dimensions (in centimeters):

  • For budgies 40*25*40;
  • For lovebirds 60*35*60;
  • For cockatiel 50*50*65;
  • For grays 70*50*80;
  • For cockatoos 60*60*110;
  • For Amazon 70*50*90.

It requires wooden perches if we are talking about a large bird. Serious parrots love to taste what they sit on.

A cage with a retractable bottom is convenient. It must be washed daily, especially for large birds. The cages are sold already with feeders. The drinking bowl will have to be purchased separately. For budgies, cockatiels and lovebirds, a plastic drinking bowl that is attached between the bars with a spout is an ideal option. For large birds, hanging metal drinkers are chosen, or a second feeder is adapted for this purpose. Both the feeders and the water bowl should be easy to get out of the cage.

The main diet of any bird is dry food. The choice in pet stores is quite wide. The more expensive a pack of food is. The better its composition. This is a proven fact. The basis of the diet of budgerigars is millet, oats, and millet. For lovebirds and cockatiels, sunflower seeds are added to this composition. The full composition is always indicated on the packaging. Feed is divided according to the type of bird.

Attention! You should not feed your bird food that is not intended for him. Cockatiels are not fed budgie food. Grays are not good food for lovebirds.

Large parrots love nuts and berries. Their food must contain these products. Vegetables and fruits, nuts, and berries serve as additional food. Cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, apples, pears, dill - all this is suitable for pampering the bird.

The cage is equipped with toys. For a budgerigar and a cockatiel - this is a mirror, all sorts of bells, wooden ladders. Grays and cockatoos easily deal with new toys; a wicker ring or rope toys are suitable for them. But no toys can replace the company of the owner. Every bird needs attention.


When financial capabilities allow you to choose a bird that is more expensive than the wavy and larger, you can consider a medium-sized parrot - the cockatiel.

Their colors are not as rich as wavy ones. The colors are gray, yellow, and ivory. The head is crowned with a funny crest. A long, pointed ponytail completes the look. The cockatiel is distinguished by its elegant beauty, emotionality, and tameability. The average price is 3500 rubles.

Word learning is low. Bird owners will need patience to teach their cockatiel to speak human words. But males can imitate the song of songbirds.

Males are distinguished by their “rosy” cheeks and larger dimensions. Females are smaller, their cheeks are pale, and their crest is not as lush.

How I chose

My favorite topic, let's separate "mind" from "mind". I introduce such terms simply for understanding, they do not mean anything beyond the scope of this article.

In nature, all birds are “intelligent”, because they protected themselves from predators and bad weather for millions of years, and also obtained food and reproduced. “Intelligence” for a person means the ability to learn, obedience and simply a comfortable existence in an apartment.

The more intelligent the bird, the more problems it will bring to its owner. If she doesn't like the cage, she will figure out how to open it. He will figure out how to get the fruit out of the box. Or how to get to the wires. No, we don't need that at home. Please give us a bird that is “smart” according to human preferences.

This also has its reservations, but I still chose for you not very independent and intelligent birds. Criteria: the bird can be taught to speak, it is capable of learning commands and is human-oriented.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a new family member, we advise you to follow the following rules:

  • young birds (28-35 days) adapt more easily to new conditions, it is easier for them to get along in a new place;
  • talkative individuals - males who have no rivals; in order for an individual to speak, you need to communicate with it regularly;
  • a sick parrot sits on a perch, does not chirp, does not make contact;
  • In a healthy individual, the pupils should not be cloudy, there should be no stains, mucus or other secretions on the beak, the claws should be clean, without signs of growths or peeling.

Conditions of detention

It is better to keep parrots in a cage most of the day: in an apartment they can get hurt or do something bad. For small parrots, a cage of 50 cm in height is enough; for medium ones, an aviary is needed, and for large ones, up to a whole room. By the way, most parrots are calm towards representatives of their own species, but are intolerant of other species of parrots.

Remember that the parrot came to you from equatorial latitudes; in the apartment they need to be protected from hypothermia, drafts, vitamin D deficiency and dry air. Nutrition and vitamins are selected individually for each species; water should always be available.


Photo: pixabay.com How they differ: It has a very variegated color, with males having a more saturated color. They are considered calm and quiet birds. Unpretentious in content. They can imitate the singing of different birds.

Speech ability: Remember about 10 words. They sing well, whistle various melodies and sounds, and can meow, croak, and bark.

Size: 25 – 35 cm

Weight: 90 - 120 g

How long does it last: From 20 to 30 years


Photo: pixabay.com How they differ: The breed is not noisy, but whimsical. It must be protected from drafts. They love to communicate. Owners need to pay special attention to these birds.

Speech ability: Remember about 60 - 100 words. Can speak in short sentences. Amazons are self-taught. They often mutter something under their breath, or rather under their beak, and then they can give out phrases that no one specifically taught them.

Size: 35 – 41 cm

Weight: 400 – 700 g

Lifespan: From 15 to 50 years


The most popular smart parrot. It was a representative of the gray species that was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the smartest parrot. This baby will also live to be 60 years old if quality care is provided - unfortunately, Grays are very demanding of their conditions. And they need training; if you don’t do it, the baby will grow up aggressive.

Jaco easily learns new words, sounds, and melodies. Many people's vocabulary will be smaller than this bird can learn! In terms of intelligence, they are at the level of a German Shepherd, they can be taught any commands and skills.

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