Chinchilla colors are a type of domestic rodent. All breeds and colors of chinchillas with photos and names

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03/25/2019 There is a generally accepted opinion that the only chinchilla color is gray. However, this is not the case. For decades, breeders have been trying to develop fluffies with interesting colors. This article contains useful information about what colors of chinchillas can be found in nurseries.

Chinchilla breeds

These domesticated rodents are divided into two varieties with characteristic body structure and tail length:

  • Large, short-tailed Peruvian chinchillas come to us from Bolivia and Argentina. These places are their homeland, and there they live in the wild, but only in protected areas, because local residents exterminate them for their valuable fur. In addition to nature reserves, they are also bred in specialized farms. Short-tailed chinchillas not only have thick, fluffy fur, but also a rather massive trunk. Standing on their hind legs, the animals reach a height of up to 40 centimeters and weigh about 800 grams. The tail of large rodents is short and covered with coarse, short hair.
  • Coastal long-tailed chinchillas are common in Chile. They have a small body and a long tail covered with thick fur. Their weight does not exceed 700 grams.

Both chinchilla breeds are light gray in color. However, thanks to the efforts of breeders, long-tailed chinchillas now boast a huge variety of shades of their magnificent fur.

Angora chinchilla

One of the subspecies of animals with a long tail is the Royal Angora chinchilla. It was not artificially bred. The rodent appeared thanks to the efforts of nature itself.

This animal was first spotted in the 1960s. However, it was included in the breed catalog only in 2001. Raising this subspecies in artificial conditions is extremely difficult, since the male and female chinchillas of this breed do not always produce long-haired children, and often have short hair. For this reason, the breeder is required not only to be professional, but also to carefully select pairs for breeding the Angora breed.

Angels have silky, long fur and a bushy tail. They also have long hair on their head and paws. The muzzle of this breed of chinchilla is flattened, which is why they are popularly called Persian. The animals themselves are black, blue, diamond and purple in color.

“Angora chinchillas” are the most expensive. The price of one copy is more than 50 thousand rubles. The fur of a pet is so valuable that the high cost of rodents has remained at the same level for more than ten years.”

Dwarf chinchilla

Mini chinchillas are also a natural genetic mutation. These animals have a small body, short legs and a bushy tail. The weight of rodents does not exceed 300 grams.

Dwarf chinchilla animals give birth as young as their normal counterparts, so childbirth is difficult. In most cases, children do not survive. The animal must be under the supervision of a veterinarian throughout pregnancy. The shades of these adorable little animals can vary.


Depending on the length of the tail, chinchillas are classified as long-tailed or short-tailed.

Small long-tailed or shore chinchilla

Under natural conditions, these rodents live in Peru and Chile. Females of this subspecies weigh one and a half times more than males - from 500 to 600 g. The body length of the coastal chinchilla ranges from 20 cm, and the tail adds another 10–12 cm to it. The body has a rounded shape, the head is slightly elongated, oval .

It will probably be useful for you to learn how to make a cage, a hammock, a wooden house for a display case and the display itself for a chinchilla.

The ears of these rodents are large, erect, and have rounded ends. The hind limbs are 2 times longer than the forelimbs. There are 5 grasping toes on the front paws, 4 on the hind paws, and all of them are supporting. The fur is thick and comes in different colors, but the back will always be darker than the chest and belly.

This subspecies is most often used as pets.

Important! Since chinchillas have very thick fur and no sebaceous glands, these animals cannot be bathed in water.
In order for chinchillas to clean their fur, you should put a special bath with fine volcanic sand in their cage.

Short-tailed or large chinchilla

This rodent differs from its long-tailed relative by having a tail that is half as large. The average size of large chinchillas is 30 cm. Adult females weigh on average 800 g, and males - 700 g. The body of the short-tailed subspecies is dense and round. The neck is short, the head is large, hook-nosed, with medium-sized ears and large eyes. There are long whiskers on the muzzle that help the chinchilla navigate in space.

The food of short-tailed animals should always be of high quality, as they can be sensitive to the components of factory food.

What types of chinchillas are there: color options

In their natural habitat, these animals have many enemies, and nature itself took care of their survival, giving them an inconspicuous and inconspicuous gray-brown color. In fact, thanks to the gray color of their fur, these furry animals blend into the rocky terrain around them, thus hiding from predators.

However, since these animals were bred in nurseries and farms, breeders have sought to breed animals with new colors, resulting in animals having white, black and beige fur. Years of breeding have resulted in animals with unusual and interesting colors such as purple, sapphire, white and pink.

What color are chinchillas:

  • Gray, also called agouti, is considered the standard color for chinchillas;
  • White fur of varying degrees of saturation with inclusions of pinkish and beige tones;
  • Brown or pastel, which ranges from light beige to rich chocolate tones;
  • Black coat color with varying depth and saturation of shade;
  • unusual and original colors such as purple, sapphire and pink.

Important: the colors of these rodents are divided into dominant and recessive. The dominant color is the color that appears immediately after the animal is born. In the recessive variant, the rodent does not have a specific fur color, but carries the gene responsible for a certain shade, and can pass it on to offspring after crossing.


The chinchilla is a herbivore and therefore you will need to stock up at home:

  • oats,
  • corn,
  • sunflower,
  • barley,
  • wheat,
  • oatmeal
  • hay,
  • peas,
  • chalk,
  • herbal flour.

All cereals are usually mixed and placed on a plate in a cage. And of course a bottle of water.

The chinchilla eats very little. During the day, an adult animal eats:

  • about 30 gr. feed (total 2 tbsp.),
  • Hay 1-2 times a week.

So for a year a chinchilla needs 12 kg of feed and 6 kg of hay.

Standard gray color of chinchillas

The gray coat is characteristic of both wild and domestic chinchillas. But depending on the shade and depth of color, the gray standard is divided into moderately dark, light, medium, dark and very dark.


Rodents of this color are characterized by light gray fur with a silvery sheen. The belly, chest and paws are pale, almost white.


This is the most typical and common fur color of these animals. The animals have a coat of a uniform gray shade, but a lighter color on the stomach, legs and chest.


These animals have a gray-black coat with a blue tint that is lighter in color around the belly and chest.

Moderately dark

Chinchillas have a dark gray coat with ash shades on their paws, face and sides. The coat on the belly is blue and white.

Extra dark

The animal's fur is gray, fading to a lighter shade on the sides and chest. The belly is light beige.


Everything is simple here. Females are valued and almost everyone is eager to adopt them if they are a professional breeder. Oddly enough, there are usually more boys born, so there is no shortage of them.

Males are not yet so valued because chinchillas are polygamous animals. You can keep just 1 male for several females and you will not have any problems with reproduction.

If you plan to buy only 1 animal for your home, then it is better to take a male, since its maintenance is no different from a female, and it costs at least 1.5 times less.

Breeds with white fur

White chinchillas look elegant and familiar. They have their own nuances.


These animals are not identified as a separate breed. An albino is an animal that, at the genetic level, lacks color pigment. He has milky fur and red eyes.

White Lova

A representative of an interesting variety of chinchillas is White Love. It has a white color with a cream tint. He has beautiful dark ruby ​​eyes.


It is created by crossing white and beige individuals. The coat is pure white, the fluff on the ears is soft pink, and the eyes are a darker shade. Sometimes a white-pink mosaic is found, in which case snow-white spots of irregular shape appear on the pink back. A characteristic feature of this color are light freckles on the pink ears.

Did you know that these animals began to be used as a source of valuable fur at the end of the 19th century. Since one fur coat required more than a hundred skins, clothing made from such fur was considered the most prestigious and expensive.

So, in the 20s of the last century, for one chinchilla coat in the German Empire there were about 500 thousand gold marks, and in the 90s in America - more than 20 thousand dollars.

White mosaic

Unlike silvered specimens, these animals have distinct gray patches evenly distributed throughout their fur. The ears and beard are dark, the paws and tail are light, and the back has a light gray veil.

White ebony

This appears as a deep black dust on the snow-white coat. The dust is rich in color on the head, ears, paws and base of the tail.

We recommend reading about other rodents you can keep in your home.

Sometimes localized spots appear on the sides. Sometimes the base may have a light beige tint instead of white.

White velvet

These rodents wear a nice, light, velvety coat that can be beige or silver. It is characterized by distinctive gray spots on its front legs and head.

physical characteristics

In addition to fur and color, the proportions of a chinchilla's body are very important. The most valuable animals are those with the following characteristics:

  • Correct body proportions; the animal should have approximately the same distance between the shoulders and the sacrum.
  • The head should be quite wide, and not narrow like that of rats. This face looks much more beautiful.
  • Beautiful, wide and shiny eyes.
  • Short, not elongated neck.
  • The weight of an adult should be about 600-800 grams.
  • The ears should be round in shape, this is easy to determine visually.

Animals with beige fur

The main shade of these rodents is pastel. However, it has several variations. In addition, the older the chinchilla, the darker its fur will be. It can be brown, red or beige. This type of rodent can be transverse.


This type of rodent has uniformly colored light beige fur and pink ears. Single dark hair is allowed in this shade.


These rodents, on the other hand, have irregular colors. The entire coat is beige, the undercoat and tips of the hair are brown. When choosing a chinchilla, pay attention to the color difference between the rest of the body and the belly.

Beige tower

The fur color of these animals ranges from light to dark beige, which is paired with a brown pattern along the spine.

Brown velvet

The main color of the fur of these animals is beige, with a chocolate-colored back and head, and a sand-colored belly.

Wellman beige

The chinchilla has light beige fur, light ears and dark eyes.

Beige Sullivan

These rodents have rich beige fur and red eyes.

Genetic calculator

Chinchilla genetics is an interesting and rather complex science. A large combination of genes and their combinations, dominant and recessive manifestations can confuse even experienced breeders. Therefore, a special genetic calculator for chinchilla colors was developed. The main genes of the parents are entered into the calculator: white, beige, sapphire, ebony, purple, velvet and angora, as well as the degree of manifestation of the genes:

  • Present or not,
  • Double or not
  • Carrier or not,
  • Gene shade (from light to dark).

Based on the data obtained, the calculator calculates not only the genotype of the parent pair, but also all possible colors of the offspring and the probability of obtaining them. The calculator is useful not only for beginning breeders, but also for those who want to breed a new color morph or fix a specific gene. You can find a genetic calculator on numerous websites of chinchilla breeders and large nurseries.

Breeds of chinchillas with dark fur coats

Among homoebony with rich black fur, the “black velvet” breed stands out.

Black velvet

The contrast of black and white is always mesmerizing. Furs with a black body and tail combined with a lighter belly look amazing. The stronger the contrasts, the higher the breed's rating.

This variety was developed in the 1960s. It is believed that dark fur indicates the high quality of the breed. Black velvet is distinguished by markings: light stripes on the paws, a charcoal mask, darkened fur on the head. The older the animal, the clearer the characteristics of the breed. Breeders are warned: the gene is lethal. It is forbidden to cross “velvet” animals. This will end badly for women and youth.

Rules of care

When you decide to get a chinchilla, you must take into account that the room in which it will live must meet certain requirements, first of all, it must be warm, light and dry, and the animal also needs good ventilation.

Care and maintenance of chinchillas requires the presence of fresh air, absence of drafts and humidity of 50-70%.

The most suitable temperature for chinchilla health is 18-20°C.

Also, to keep this cute animal you will need a special chinchilla cage.

The cage should be equipped with wooden shelves for the animals to rest. The width of the shelves should be 15 cm.

If desired, the cage can be equipped with ladders and tunnels. The cage must have a house in which the animals can rest and have offspring. The bedding in the house needs to be constantly changed.

The house should have the following dimensions: length 30 cm, depth 15 cm, height 15 cm, the house should be twilight.

A ceramic or iron feeder and drinker are attached to the wall of the cage or mounted on the door.

Rare breeds

The most expensive chinchillas are distinguished by their rare and amazing coloring. Breeders have developed interesting breeds of animals that evoke genuine emotions.

Beige chinchilla Tower

One of the most common subspecies. The fur color is beige in all possible shades. These rodents are distinguished by a pattern on their backs and beautiful, shimmering fur. The ends of the hair are darker, as is the undercoat. Homo beige chinchillas only come from parents who have a dominant beige gene. Obtaining homo-beige animals is important for color fixation and subsequent breeding. Beige animals can be crossed with any species and color without any restrictions.


The basic pastel color is available in several color morphemes:

  • Original pastel,
  • Pastel velvet,
  • Chocolate,
  • Homogeneous.

Fur color is all shades of beige. Depending on the shape, it can be sand or straw, or a rich chocolate color.

White Lova

The white catfish color scheme is relatively new and was only discovered in 2002. Fur color is creamy white. Most of them are champagne-colored. They are distinguished from Wilson's chinchillas by their dark ruby ​​round eyes.


The original color of ebony is characterized by a special and very bright shine of the coat. Ebony can come in all shades of grey. The most important thing is uniformity of color, dense undercoat and silvery shine. There is also a form of velvety ebony. The ebony gene can be either dominant or recessive.


Rodent owners have a light lilac coat that contrasts with a white belly. The animals' ears and nose have a purple tint. The unusual coloring is passed on only in the first and second generations. Purple chinchillas mature late and can only mate after a year and a half.


A blue-gray or light blue cape with a graphite veil paired with a white belly and pink ears looks stunning. The eyes are shiny black. Sapphires are one of the most expensive and sought after chinchillas.

Color appears up to 7-8 months. Young rodents with a declared sapphire color are best purchased from specialized nurseries.

White and pink diamond

It is considered a rare animal with a pearl coat and a pink tint. Ears are harmonious pink.

Animals have a lethal gene, so they cannot be mated. They will pair well with rodents with other coat colors.

Blue Diamond

More valuable than sapphires are purebred chinchillas with light blue fur, a metallic tint and dark patterns along the spine and head.


The fabulous bright lilac trunk fur contrasts with the white belly. There is a purple bandage on the nose and ears.

The color of lavender is passed on through the first and second generations. Rodents reach sexual maturity late. The ability to produce offspring appears at the age of one and a half years.


These pussies can be the subject of a lucrative business. A description of the chinchilla breed with a photo and name will help in choosing animals. When breeding these rodents, keep in mind that gray and beige rodents are easier to breed, but are more common. They are cheaper. Sapphire and violet are rare colors, more expensive, but much more difficult to breed. The breeder has to study many nuances and strictly follow them. Therefore, to maintain the financial well-being of the farm, it is necessary to think through a reasonable balance between breeding different species of this beautiful and amazing animal.

Work continues to breed new species. Scientists from different countries are studying this problem. The animal is of great interest both as a pet and for industrial purposes.

Chinchillas support the household. They are attached to their owner tenderly and for a long time. Of great interest is the breeding of animals in pairs, when you can observe love and friendship that can be envied.

Origin story

The homeland of the chinchilla is considered to be the USA, where in 1880 an ordinary cat with a smoky color gave birth to a kitten with amazing silver fur, playing with tints from light to dark.

Experts were so amazed by this shade of fur that they deliberately began breeding cats with the same color. Today, chinchillas are found in the British and Persian breeds.

Although the formation of this type of cat took place at the end of the 19th century, the standard was approved only in the 80s of the 20th century, almost 100 years later.

As a result of breeding work, cats' eyes acquired a bluish-green and emerald color. The Persian chinchilla was originally bred to have a surprisingly long and smooth coat.

In the late 70s of the last century, this variety began to be added to the British and Burmese breeds.

Blue diamond

Many people have probably heard about the unusual “blue diamond” color.
The color is simply mesmerizing with its cool blue color, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. At one time, this color was the dream of any breeder. There has been a lot of controversy about the nature of this mutation. The first blue diamond was born in 2001 on a fur farm in Kent, Southern England, from the English chinchilla breeder Ivana Ongley. At that time, the 12-15th generation of chinchillas previously brought from the USA lived on his farm. In addition to standards, Ivan was also engaged in breeding violets. During all this time, he did not notice anything unusual in his herd, except that sometimes very light afro-violet ones were born to him.

One day he decided to place one such light purple boy under 4 standard girls, carriers of the violet gene, in order to continue the line of light purples in the future. But, unfortunately, the purple boy fell ill and soon died. Then Ivan placed his brother of the standard violet bearer with the girls, whom Ivan nicknamed “Diamond” for the unusual blue shine of his fur. Soon all the females became pregnant, and a little later they gave birth to offspring. Among the children born, one of the boys turned out to be an unusually soft blue color, which came as a complete surprise to Ivan.

In the same year, 2001, in Holland, on the Santiago chinchilla farm owned by Bert and Coby Bouwens, a gentle blue violet was born from a beige velvet violet father and a beige violet mother. And a few weeks later, when Ivan Ongley was visiting the Bowens, he was very surprised at the sight of this blue baby and admitted that he had exactly the same child, born from Almaz and one of the four females. The Bowens were friends with Ivan for more than 15 years and often exchanged their animals. After studying the pedigrees, they came to the conclusion that in both cases, all these animals had common ancestors. Coby came up with the name for this new mutation, blue diamond, based on the fact that the animals' fur was an icy blue hue, and that the father's name was Diamond. The invented name for the new mutation turned out to be so suitable and natural that Bert and Ivan immediately agreed with such a beautiful definition.

That same year, an epidemic broke out on Ivan’s farm and many of his animals died. Afraid of losing the boy with his new beautiful color, Ivan decided to give him and his parents to Bert. After which the Bowens continued to develop this new mutation, they believed that in addition to violet and sapphire, it also contained a recessive beige gene. In their pedigrees, they indicated blue diamond as a separate gene, or as a carrier of it. This added price and exclusivity to this color.

In addition, all attempts by American breeders at that time to obtain diamonds by crossing sapphires with violets were unsuccessful. It was only in 2003 that Niels Sorig from Denmark was able to obtain the first velvet diamond from chinchillas with the colors velvet, violet and sapphire. Thus, proving that blue diamond is not a separate mutation, but a manifestation in a homozygous state of two recessive genes, sapphire and violet. In other words, a diamond is a sapphire violet, or violet sapphire.

The first diamonds were small in size and had poor quality fur. Nils continued to work on this mutation, each time passing the born animals through his high-quality fur standards. By April 2010, he had over 190 blue diamond chinchillas on his farm. And in September 2011, Niels Sorig presented for the first time at the Copenhagen fur auction two lots of blue diamond skins, which were successfully sold. This confirmed the resulting high quality of his animals, thanks to successfully carried out breeding work.

Currently, amateurs in Russia have obtained many animals with this color. White, beige, velvet diamonds and diamonds with the ebony gene are also no longer uncommon. Foreign breeders went even further; they produced German diamonds, where the basis was not Afro-violet, but Deutsch violet. A little later, trips appeared, where they managed to mix three recessive genes, sapphire, afro and deutsche violet. Many breeders are now working on producing angora diamonds.

Character traits

By nature, Scottish chinchillas are aristocrats. Without contradicting their own principles, they do not stoop to conflicts with other pets living in the house. Quite sociable and peaceful, cats prefer to get along with everyone, including dogs. However, if the need for protection arises, these cats will be able to fend for themselves without unnecessary help.

Scottish chinchillas prefer not to show their affection. They do not allow themselves to be intrusive, have a reserved character, and do not like excessive squeezing. To some, these pets may seem phlegmatic, but, despite their apparent indifference, they rarely refuse the opportunity to play with both the owner and his children.

They are moderately patient, they can wait for their owner and miss him in his absence. When bored, pets can follow their owner, waiting for their portion of attention.

Chinchillas of this type are characterized not only by their royal appearance, but also by their extraordinary intelligence. They very quickly understand the rules established in the house and adapt to everything, including the lifestyle of their owners. Being inquisitive by nature, they often sit on the windowsill, looking at what is happening on the street. If they have their own toys, they will always find something to occupy their time in the absence of household members.

Character traits

Chinchilla cats can be called noble aristocrats. They have a soft, easygoing character, become attached to their owner and get along with children - they tolerate it even if they pull their tails. But if possible, they try to retreat from the nursery as quickly as possible. Left alone, the animal will prefer special toys rather than the owner's furniture.

As already mentioned, cats are human-oriented, and therefore require increased attention to their person. Their favorite place is on their owner's lap. Loneliness is contraindicated for representatives of this breed - they experience stress, feel sad, and may even get sick. At the same time, chinchillas are self-sufficient and do not like it when their personal space is invaded. If the cat does not want to be touched or stroked at the moment, she will make this clear.

As kittens, animals can spend hours playing, running after toys or rustling candy wrappers. However, as cats grow older, they play less and less, as if to demonstrate that they are representatives of the royal breed. An adult cat will prefer bliss in some warm and soft place to games.

At the same time, it is still important to play with your pet, since a sedentary lifestyle is a direct path to obesity and disease.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their delicate character and intelligence. Cats are clean and easy to train. The owners also note that chinchillas are big fans of “talking.” They respond to affection with numerous purrs; they can meow to their owner when they are bored or something is bothering them. The usual “meow” and “mur” have many intonations in their “lexicon”.

Causes of unpleasant odor

A foul odor can appear for two reasons:

  • improper care of your pet;
  • problems with his health.

In order for the animal to please others and not cause them discomfort, you need to understand in detail possible mistakes in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Important! A chinchilla should absolutely not be allowed to roam around the apartment unattended. The animal is very inquisitive and gnaws on everything that gets in its way, so a walk can end in poisoning, electric shock, suffocation, etc.


Conditions of detention

There are a number of reasons that can lead to various diseases in an animal. The cheerfulness of a pet depends on how well the conditions for its life in your apartment are created.

The main factors influencing the health and mood of a chinchilla are:

Room air temperature. The most suitable temperature is +18…+20°C. Temperatures below or above normal negatively affect the health and activity of the chinchilla. Fluffy becomes lethargic and drowsy and refuses to eat. The temperature of +26°C is critical for the animal, causing heatstroke with a fatal outcome. Drafts. In the room with the cage there should always be a flow of fresh air, but without drafts that can cause colds in the animal. Air humidity. It is required to create humidity in the range of 50–60%. Chinchillas do not feel comfortable in rooms with high humidity. Direct sunlight. Placing the cage on the sunny side can lead to various diseases. Loud and sharp sounds. Chinchillas are very shy, so you should avoid shouting, loud music, etc.

etc., careless behavior can lead to stress and illness in the animal. Correctly selected cell. The size of the display case must be at least 70 cm high and 50 cm wide

The cage should be equipped with a drinking bowl, feeding trough, hay box and litter tray, as well as a lot of various shelves for entertainment. And if you also install a running wheel and a hammock, then your chinchilla will be infinitely happy. Nutrition. In addition to food and hay, which form the basis of the diet, rodents should receive plenty of twigs and salt wheels for grinding down their teeth. Chinchillas also love other healthy treats: dried apples, rose hips, hawthorn. Toilet filler. You can use sawdust, wood pellets, or buy regular cat litter. Many people mistakenly believe that hay is a suitable material for a tray. Hay is good for nutrition, but once it is collected in the cage as bedding, it must be removed before it becomes moldy or begins to rot.

Did you know? The chinchilla's skeleton has the ability to compress vertically, so they can penetrate the narrowest cracks and holes.

Animal diseases and health problems

Insufficient care is not the only reason for the foul odor emitted by the pet. Sometimes, despite the ideal cleanliness of the cage and tray, an unpleasant odor appears. It’s worth sounding the alarm if the animal itself smells. Very often, the cause of this kind of trouble can be health problems with the chinchilla.

If the animal smells bad, these could be the following possible ailments:

  1. Chronic diarrhea.
  2. Intestinal infection.
  3. Diseases of the urinary system.
  4. Complications after childbirth.
  5. Dental diseases.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor may be a consequence of the animal’s negative emotional state. A chinchilla can become stressed for several reasons. These include:

  • severe fear;
  • fight among teenage rodents;
  • female refusal;
  • prohibition of free movement outside the cage.

Advantages and disadvantages

The breed was bred as a universal breed, so it is slightly inferior to the meat subspecies. But with good feeding, you can quickly fatten up heavy rabbits.

Advantages of the Soviet chinchilla:

  • They quickly adapt to different weather and living conditions.
  • High productivity in females.
  • Due to their large size they produce a lot of meat.
  • Fur is highly valued due to its high quality and unusual color. The density of the fur is twice as high as that of other breeds.


  • Spacious cages are needed for maintenance.
  • Requires a lot of grain and hay for feeding.
  • The farm requires significant expenses.

How to choose?

When choosing a golden kitten, you need to decide on the following points:

  • the character traits of which breed appeal more;
  • a kitten is purchased only for an adult or for a family with a child;
  • readiness for everyday care;
  • Is the chinchilla expected to live in the house with other representatives of the fauna?

For adults who have no other pets in their home, of course, you can choose any kitten you like based on suitable characteristics and preferred color. Families with small children or other animals are better off choosing the Scottish breed.

It is better to get a Persian chinchilla for those families where children have already reached the age of 10, as it behaves warily towards small children

If suddenly the baby persistently shows attention to the cat at a moment when it is not in the mood, then it may show aggression: hiss intimidatingly, scratch or bite

When purchasing, it is important to find out the availability of vaccinations, and, if possible, study documents related to the pedigree

In addition, you should take into account the fact that babies up to 3 months can be tabby in color, but as the cat gets older, it will become more uniform. Therefore, many responsible breeders do not sell kittens under three months of age, but give them the opportunity to spend longer with their mother so that their color, healthy psyche and immunity are finally formed.

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