How a shelter for chinchillas appeared in Pushkino and what came of it

Today, chinchilla breeding as a home business is a type of entrepreneurship that has no competitors. Many farmers are interested in raising chinchillas; they ask questions: is it profitable to breed chinchillas, what is needed for business, where to start planning, how to organize the sale of products. Answers to these questions, as well as reviews from experienced entrepreneurs, can be found in this article.

Breeding chinchillas: let's weigh the pros and cons

Advantages of chinchilla business

  • This is a relatively free niche in the Russian business sector.
  • The demand for our products is constantly growing.
  • Good profitability: the cost of maintaining an animal for up to 2 months does not exceed 1 thousand rubles, and the income from each individual is 15 thousand rubles.
  • You can start from scratch with minimal effort and without investing a lot of money.

Farm maintenance costs

  1. Purchase of rodents: at least 10 females and a couple of males (100-150 thousand rubles).
  2. Home improvement: purchasing equipment (cages and much more can be made with your own hands).
  3. Food expenses: on average 10 thousand rubles per year per head.
  4. Electricity costs: light, air conditioning, convector.
  5. Taxes to the state, state duty for business registration.
  6. Advertising (may not be required if there are established sales channels).

Comparison with other types of fur-bearing animals

Chinchillas reproduce worse than rabbits and produce no more than 3 cubs in one litter. But chinchilla skin is much more expensive than rabbit skin, because it surpasses it in quality and beauty.

Chinchilla fur is not as durable as mink fur, but a mink coat costs less because it is inferior to a chinchilla coat in several respects: softness, lightness and color range.

Possible risks

  • Diseases. The risk of developing the disease in the entire population is very low, since chinchillas have good health and are naturally hardy animals. Serious deficiencies in the care and feeding of pets can lead to an epidemic.
  • Lack of distribution channels. This problem will not arise if you think everything through in advance.

How a shelter for chinchillas appeared in Pushkino and what came of it

Spartak Furman did not intend to organize his own animal nursery. But one day a new animal, not even immediately identified, appeared in his house. It’s hard to say who was luckier that day: the exhausted chinchilla, who was about to give her soul to God, or the man who, with her help, found what he loved. The Moscow Region Week correspondent went to visit the breeder and his pets to find out how they live together.

Be careful, escape!

The entrance to the house, where almost a hundred chinchillas live, is blocked from below by a shield. By some miracle, the owner manages to notice how someone’s shadow is hiding behind the enclosures. Spartak, with his usual movement, takes out three fugitives from the gap between the cells. The chinchilla is a nimble animal. And also smart: she uses every opportunity to go AWOL with maximum benefit for herself. Particularly savvy people find ways to open the locks on their homes.

“She’s fast, but timid,” said the owner of the nursery, carefully placing all the caught animals in their homes. — When you catch a chinchilla, it starts to throw off tufts of hair in panic. You need to grab them by the base of the tail, or at least by the ear. When we still lived in an apartment and there were few chinchillas, I bought a net to catch them if they ran away.

How the first chinchilla that came into the family ended up on the street is unknown. Five years ago, a breeder's daughter found her in a trash heap.

“At first we didn’t understand what kind of animal this was,” recalls Spartak. “They even thought it was a rabbit.” She was wounded and frail. We looked at the photos on the Internet, figured it out, and went to the veterinarian. Cured. Now her name is Gerda.

She still lives happily in the nursery, has had two boyfriends and regularly brings offspring to her rescuers.

Kai is here too. He was bought as a pair for a selected girl who, unable to overcome her natural habit of living in a pack, became very bored. The gentleman turned out to be harmful, and in order to avoid fights, after the first birth he was placed in another cage. The couple broke up, and Chip came to marry Gerda. By this moment, Spartak finally realized that the gray animals had sunk into his soul.

Chinchilla man who?

The nursery houses chinchillas of different colors and with different biographies. Spartak specifically took some from other breeders - he has an equally enthusiastic and more experienced friend, zoologist Alexander Kozlov, living in Troitsk. Someone had to be saved from people.

“One boy was given to me when he was three months old; he was missing part of his tail,” says Furman. — People buy animals and either treat them carelessly, or troubles happen... I had this happen - they took a healthy animal, then they called: there was an injury. The paws are broken or something. There is a boy who has only one toe left on his hind paw. When I picked it up, I thought it was all broken. A separate cage, plenty of food, no stress - he seems to be on the mend. Then we look - for some reason it is swollen. Treated with leeches! This is what the doctor advised, and it helped.

A new animal from inattentive owners arrives at the nursery approximately once a month. It is difficult to treat chinchillas, since veterinarians know much less about them than about cats and dogs. Spartak Furman found his doctor in Ivanteevka when he first came to see Gerda. In the cage of Natalya Ipatova, who undertook to examine the former tramp, sat two animals of no less sad fate. Their owners dropped them off right under the clinic door. Spartak has not yet brought new residents to the doorstep.

Printer storm

While we are figuring out which animal in the nursery is tame and which is not, someone carefully tugs on my sleeve from behind. I turn around: one of the local pets with the most mischievous expression on its gray muzzle is trying to eat my jacket.

“Everyone has their own character,” Spartak smiles, while the unexpected gentleman and I figure out who is right. – Some are phlegmatic, some are nimble. Some people like to sit in their arms, while others may bite if you reach for them. If you want the animal to get used to being petted, you need to pay attention every day.

A chinchilla and a person can coexist together in much the same way as a cat with its owner: it can be a soul-to-heart relationship with an evening sitting on the arms or, conversely, with sudden surprises in the form of an unplanned pogrom. The second option in the nursery is best illustrated by Kai.

“He ran away once, and then we dealt with the consequences,” said Spartak. — I needed to print something, but the printer didn’t work. I double-checked everything, and finally decided to look at the cable. I look - it’s been chewed through! Chinchillas, if you are not careful, can easily damage your purse, wallpaper, or furniture. Their teeth grow throughout their lives, and they are very sharp. There should always be twigs and wooden blocks in the cage so that the animal can sharpen its teeth.

Pride without prejudice

The owner of the nursery decided to take care of chinchillas seriously despite the fact that he is allergic to dust. It is difficult for him to clean his cages because they contain sand, hay, and sawdust. But sometimes assistants come to Spartak. A chinchilla rescuer lectures children at a local leisure center and some of them learn how to handle the animals from him. The most stubborn one, Grisha, has already done vaccinations for rodents together with the owner of the nursery.

“This is just my hobby,” admits Furman. – I usually work as an administrator at a children's center. I just really love chinchillas. We will go to the exhibition in February. I have bred animals that I am proud of. But I still love Gerda most of all.

How to organize a business

Purchase of animals and equipment

To start breeding chinchillas at home, you need to purchase the animals themselves and arrange a place for keeping them. For this you will need:

  • Cages: 1 cage for 2 rodents, it is recommended to place cages in 2 rows of 6 pieces each, minimum room area – 18 sq.m.
  • Drinkers, feeders, hay bowls: nipple drinkers and hanging feeders protect food and water well from contamination.
  • Houses and beds: animals need a place for privacy; the size of the bed should not be less than 12 cm in width.
  • Filling: Sawdust, shavings or hay.
  • Bathing suits and sand: you cannot skimp on sand; the quality of the fur will suffer as a result.
  • Toys and exercise equipment for teeth: grinding teeth is vital for rodents; the ideal option is a mineral stone.
  • Cleaning and disinfection products: non-toxic specialized products and ultraviolet lamp.
  • Convectors: maintaining optimal humidity levels.
  • 60 W lamps: per 1 sq.m. 1 lamp required.
  • Air conditioning and heater: temperature control.
  • Feed and hay.

Business registration

To conduct a business legally, you must register it. Beginning entrepreneurs, if desired, can first register a private subsidiary plot (personal subsidiary plot) and avoid the need to pay taxes. Gradually increasing production volumes, the farmer becomes an individual entrepreneur, and therefore must register the farm with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur (individual enterprise). The entrepreneur chooses the type of taxation that is beneficial for him - the Unified National Economic Tax with a rate of 6% of net profit.

In addition to the Federal Tax Service, the business is registered with the local veterinary service.

To run a chinchilla breeding business, you do not need licenses or permits; you only need 2 documents:

  • document confirming ownership of the farm;
  • registration with the veterinary service.

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Business plan

A business plan will help you keep everything under control and get the maximum benefit from your new venture.

First, you should start calculating potential profits: from the amount of expected income (calculated by predicting the receipt of offspring), subtract the amount of estimated costs for the preparation and monthly maintenance of rodents.

Approximate costs of maintaining a livestock of 50 chinchillas:

  • Chinchillas - 100-150 thousand rubles.
  • Cages – 2 thousand rubles X 25 (2 animals per cage) = 50 thousand rubles.
  • Feed – 1,000 – 1,500 rubles per day.
  • Other expenses (electricity, taxes, veterinary care, advertising, etc.) – 20 – 30 thousand rubles.
  • The income from 50 chinchillas is easy to calculate: offspring of 300 puppies per year will bring about 1 million rubles.

When drawing up a business plan, you should take into account that breeding animals cost about $100, which is 2 times more expensive than pets, and the cost of a skin is approximately $80.

Sales of products

Sales channels

Sales of products are possible in three directions:

  • breeding animals to other farms;
  • skins in studios and factories, as well as at auctions;
  • dietary meat can be sold by advertisement or delivered to restaurants;
  • small individuals to pet stores.

Beginning entrepreneurs and farmers whose production is constantly growing may need advertising. For these purposes you can use:

  • Internet;
  • leaflets;
  • pet stores.

Do chinchillas eat meat?

Chinchilla meat is eaten, it is dietary and medicinal. It is recommended to be used for cancer, sclerosis and tuberculosis.

Carcasses are sold after the animal is slaughtered for fur.

It is not profitable to specifically raise animals for meat, because even a novice farmer knows how much a rodent weighs—at best, the animal’s weight reaches 1 kg.

Chinchilla weight chart

DaysAverage weight of a chinchilla in grams according to the M.P. table. Pavlova Average weight in grams
Farm table
Adults 505Adults 606

Reviews from experienced entrepreneurs

Daria, Pskov region

My parents are breeding chinchillas. They started with a small number of individuals, but then they realized that these animals are very profitable, now they have more than 100 heads. The farm is located right on the plot in a special extension. To maintain the heat at least 18 degrees, a heater was installed; it doesn’t turn on that much. Once they forgot to turn it on, 6 chinchillas died. Animals are not fussy about caring for them, but they need to be fed and watered every day and cleaned regularly. The animals eat little and take up minimal space. Parents sell chinchillas to pet stores and sell them online as pets, since they are not involved in skinning.

Fedor, Saratov

When I decided to start farming, I was looking for a business in which I didn’t need to invest a lot right away. Among my friends who breed animals, there is a chinchilla specialist, he explained everything, and it turned out that chinchillas are what I need. I don’t slaughter them for fur; I mainly sell breeding specimens to beginning farmers in Russia and neighboring countries, and sell the rest to a pet store. I am glad that I chose such a profitable path in farming.

10 places where animals are given into good hands

Charitable Foundation "Bim" The Foundation is already 25 years old, and now it has five shelters in Moscow. Any assistance in the form of food, medicine or finance is recorded in the register of charitable parishes. To pick up a pet, you need to leave your contact details and take time to think, and if you decide that you are definitely ready, they will bring it straight to your home. The shelters also contain rabbits, horses, a cow, a wolf and even a lion - they are not adopted, but you can visit them.

Nika Foundation A private organization unites two shelters (“Nika” and “Santa”) and exists on the money of the founders and donations. Mostly cats and dogs live here - they are regularly vaccinated and examined by doctors. The Foundation deliberately does not publish the addresses of shelters to avoid provocations. However, employees will tell you everything in detail by phone: 8 (925) 080 1125, 8 (962) 915 2139, 8 (903) 795 8974. And advice for “young” owners can be found on social networks.

Shelter for rodents "Ovsovye" "Ovsovye" was created by the married couple Olga and Vasily Sigunov in order to shelter and rehome abandoned and pet store rodents. Here you can not only adopt a rabbit, hamster, guinea pig or chinchilla, but also leave the animal while you leave. To do this, you need to “equip” the animal with a supply of food and a cage. Well, if you decide to part with your pet, by prior agreement you can bring it here for further adoption. True, you will have to make a financial contribution for his maintenance and treatment.

Charitable animal shelter "Alma" After the recent arson, one of the oldest shelters in Moscow is gradually acquiring new enclosures and cabins. About two hundred dogs live here and are looking for new owners. In addition to mongrels, in Alma there are collies and terriers - all these are pets that were once abandoned or planted. The shelter is located in the southeast of the city, but the address, for obvious reasons, is not indicated on the website.

Animal Assistance Fund “Forest Shelter” In addition to cats and dogs, gerbil mice, rabbits, ravens and other living creatures live here. Each pet has a veterinary passport and undergoes regular examinations. You can also come here to interact with animals or bring the necessary medications. Constant contact with humans gradually socializes the animals, which means they get used to their new owner more easily.

Charitable Foundation “Love Animals” The foundation has more than one hundred and fifty cured and adopted animals. Volunteers themselves bring the dog or cat they like to your home. And there is a logical explanation for this - employees look at the conditions in which the animal saved by their efforts will live. Social support for the Love Animals Foundation is provided by the Obereg veterinary clinic; every person who “adopts” a pet receives a 10% discount on services here.

Shelter "Gore and Co" This dog shelter not only accepts all possible help from sympathizers, but also happily places doggies in good hands. Both mongrels and purebred inhabitants live here. The site has photographs of some of them with detailed descriptions and character traits of the pets.

International Charitable Foundation “Givers of Hope” On the website you can get information about which shelters the foundation works with and how to help animals. The addresses of special collection points for gifts for animals are also indicated. But most importantly, in the “adopt a dog/cat” section you can find the very pet you have been dreaming of for so long.

Shelter “Call of the Wild” This shelter keeps a log of visits and donations, which can be found on the website. And in order to adopt an animal, you need to draw up an agreement indicating your passport details. Pets are given away free of charge, and employees bring the animals home themselves to make sure that their ward will be in good hands.

Forum “Dog and Cat” Here you can discuss the problems of our little brothers, find out where to get veterinary care, how to care for your pet, and what dangers await a person who decides to adopt or adopt a dog or cat. The forum constantly monitors dubious organizations that, under the guise of charitable foundations, pocket donations. There is even a special form with which you can check a questionable phone.

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