Cat hiding in a box
Mysterious story: why do all cats love boxes?
Many cat lovers notice their pets’ strange craving for boxes and bags. Worth appearing in
Syrian hamster
What to do if your hamster died? How to bury a hamster
One of the most popular, but short-lived pets is the hamster. Lovely
Do I need to do a PCR test for coronavirus if I have been vaccinated?
Infectious disease doctor, hepatologist, parasitologist. Deputy chief physician of the O-Tri clinic. Graduate of the Military Medical Academy named after. S.M.Kirova. Engaged in
Syrian golden hamsters: breed characteristics and maintenance
The Syrian, or golden hamster, comes from distant Syria. It was first discovered in early 1839
Parasites in rats: fleas, lice eaters, lice and ticks - treatment and prevention
Parasites in rats: fleas, lice eaters, lice and ticks - treatment and prevention
Decorative rats are neat animals for which their owners provide decent living conditions. Unfortunately, parasites
27 interesting facts about hamsters
8 interesting facts about hamsters. Nobody expected this from them!
No. 9 They have very poor eyesight. They suffer from myopia and like many animals
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
Water and drinking bowls for guinea pigs - what should they be?
Home Guinea pig 02/07/2019 Despite their name, guinea pigs are not considered the most water-consuming
Types of fur in rodents
The white mouse is an excellent decorative pet
Almost every person has acquired a pet at least once in their life. Some prefer ordinary types
Cartoon rabbit performing on stage
Furry Drummers: Why do rabbits drum with their hind legs?
74 comments October 2, 2013 Vladimir Khomyakov Talk to me It has been noticed that for the most
With timely diagnosis, coccidiosis can be successfully treated
Symptoms of coccidiosis in rabbits and treatment at home, prevention
Treatment of coccidiosis in rabbits Iodine mixtures Preventive measures Video Coccidiosis in rabbits is found everywhere
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