What games can you use to entertain your hamster at home?

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When choosing a pet, hamsters are often chosen. They are cute and don't take up a lot of space. Not many people know how to play with a pet. Entertainment is very different from the fun of cats or dogs. Hamsters do not like to have their fur coat petted. Every owner should know this.

Often the owner wants to show his love and begins to hug and even kiss him. Rodents don't like this kind of fun. He may be scared, and such fun will be very stressful. The pet can painfully bite anyone who pinches it with their hands. Djungarians especially do not like such contact. How to play with a hamster? Every owner should know the answer.

What games do these rodents enjoy?

Despite all of the above, hamsters will be able to learn all sorts of games over time. But you should start taming them gradually and carefully. Initially, the animal should simply be placed in the palm of your hand and treated to food. And only then can you try to touch the baby or offer him some games. Over time, he will learn to walk around his owner and will study him in every possible way. But this is possible only when his fear of man completely disappears. To do this, it is worth remembering that you should not shout loudly or make all sorts of sudden movements when you are with your pet.

Rodents of this species simply love to explore all kinds of passages and tunnels. They actively get acquainted with new subjects. Therefore, you can place various toys and other similar things in the cage. Having fun with them sometimes turns out to be so funny that the owner can watch the pet’s actions for a long time. In addition, you can come up with many other exciting games yourself.

We must not forget that you should play with these animals only when they are awake and in an excellent mood. Otherwise, you should give up entertainment so as not to provoke aggression in your pet. There is also no need to be extremely persistent if your pet does not understand the essence of some games.

Important points

Since dwarf hamsters are more aggressive, they need to be tamed before playing. If you don't know how to play with a dzungar, take running games as a basis. The running balls and fenced areas where you can place your child are great.

What else can you do with a hamster for various recreational activities? Play inside the cage. Buy special wooden chew toys for your pet. They are made from environmentally friendly wood, so they do not pose any danger.

The question of how to play with hamsters is difficult to answer unequivocally. Each animal has its own character and hobbies. The main thing for the owner is to find a common language with his pet, so there will be common games.

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Entertainment Features

Every owner of such an animal should know that playing with it has a number of simple but very important subtleties. All entertainment with hamsters must be built on trust. You should also understand that it is more pleasant for them to climb through all sorts of labyrinths than to endure the stroking of the owner. Of course, you shouldn’t refuse to pet the animal at all, but this should not be done very often.

At the same time, the main thing here will be his trust in the owner. It is also not recommended to overuse treats for your hamster's participation in entertainment. It’s good if games are based on exploring new surfaces, spinning on a wheel, and similar active fun.


With proper nutrition and proper care, hamsters rarely get sick, but no one is immune from a number of common diseases. Below are the most common diseases, as well as the causes of their occurrence and treatment recommendations.

  • Cystitis is a consequence of a urinary tract infection and manifests itself in frequent urination mixed with blood. As treatment, chloramphenicol injections are given at a rate of 5 mg per 100 g of weight twice a day.
  • Enteritis is also infectious in nature and in 20% of cases ends in death. Its first signs are watery diarrhea. Antibiotics neomycin and tetracycline are prescribed as treatment.
  • Scabies is caused by scabies mites, which lay eggs in the top layer of the skin. The parasite feeds on skin dandruff and is too annoying for animals. Scabies can be ear, head and general and is treated with a 3% solution of the drug “SK-9” and sulfur ointment. You can also use a 1% solution of chlorophos in combination with a 1% solution of D-33. Repeated treatment is performed after a week.
  • Rectal prolapse occurs from diarrhea or constipation. If promptly contacted by a veterinarian, it can be easily treated without amputation.
  • Rickets occurs due to the lack of vitamin D in food and occurs more often in young hamsters in winter.

Examples of games with hamsters

You can play many entertaining games with these funny and very cute rodents. To make them safe, the owner must first wash their hands so that they do not smell like food or have other odors that are unpleasant to the baby. Here are some examples and nuances of entertainment with pets:

  1. Before the game begins, the hamster can be released from the cage and placed on the sofa. He will most likely explore a surface that is unfamiliar to him. But do not forget that the animal can simply fall asleep.
  2. Rodents of this species, like some others, love to run on wheels. This is not only fun for them, but also a great way to lose weight.
  3. But with the same success, pets can run around their owner, examining him and his clothes.
  4. Hamsters love to have fun with napkins because they can be torn or bitten.
  5. In addition, they enjoy running on various slides and stairs, and also play with all kinds of toys. You can do all this yourself or buy it at a pet store. It is important to pay attention to the fact that these accessories are not made of plastic, which is very harmful to rodents.
  6. Many people build mazes for their pets using paper, cardboard, old bags and other household items that are unnecessary. It’s a good idea to hide tasty treats for rodents in such a labyrinth.

All new games should be started with extreme caution , carefully observing the animal’s reaction. Despite the fact that hamsters living at home rarely carry dangerous diseases, owners, especially young ones, should wash their hands after playing with them.

An ideal house for your beloved Khoma

Buying a pet is a serious, responsible step. It is advisable to start with arranging housing for the animal. And only when everything is ready, you can go for the hamster itself - to the pet store or to the selected breeder. Cages measuring 60x40 cm (bottom) are suitable for keeping small rodents. A hamster's home can be one-story or have several tiers. This animal is quite active and curious. While awake, your pet will never sit still. What does it take to keep a hamster in its cage? If the height allows, make a shelf (or several) and a ladder to it. There must be a house in the cage. All types of rodents need shelter where they will feel safe. Be sure to purchase a drinking bowl and feeder. Very often people are afraid to get hamsters because of the unpleasant smell. This problem can be solved by training your pet to relieve itself in a certain place. Those who want to try to teach their hamster good manners will have to purchase a special toilet for small rodents.

Is it possible to walk a hamster?

Despite the fact that many owners never take their animals outside, this can be done, but taking precautions:

  1. It is recommended to walk only adults, not cubs.
  2. Places near roads and noisy, crowded places are the worst places for rodents to walk.
  3. Hamsters can also be released onto the ground. It is only important that there is no prickly grass or glass on it.
  4. Animals should not be allowed near birds.
  5. It is worth protecting your hamster from cats and dogs.

Few people know that there are even special leashes for such pets. In addition, you can purchase or make your own playpen, which will be appropriate indoors and suitable for outdoor entertainment.

Games with hamsters usually bring only joy to both adult family members and children.

But in order for them to bring pleasure not only to the owner, but also to the baby himself, simple rules should be followed:

  • you need to play with the animal every day;
  • since they prefer to sleep during the day and stay awake at night, you need to have fun with them in the evening hours;
  • Syrian hamsters are more sociable and easier to train, unlike their smaller counterparts;
  • Rodents must not only live, but also play alone. If several animals are involved in the game, this can lead to unpleasant consequences;
  • if children are having fun with a pet, they should be explained in advance all the subtleties of communicating with the animal;
  • During games it is important to understand the animal. If she does not want to play and starts, for example, biting, you should immediately stop communicating and leave the hamster alone.

Playing with a small pet is exciting, fun and, moreover, useful for him. But we must not forget that all entertainment should be based on the rodent’s knowledge of new places and objects. And animals of dwarf breeds should be taught to have fun carefully, gradually and less persistently.

Hamsters are very active and friendly animals, so like any other pet, they need toys and accessories for an active pastime.

In addition to the mandatory attributes - water bowls and feeders, there is a large selection of accessories for games and maintaining physical development, which will please not only your pet, but also you.

Not only children, but also adults love to watch hamsters; these animals evoke affection and win hearts with their friendliness. Of course, playing with a dog or cat is not comparable to playing with rodents; the hamster is not happy about being stroked and will not run after the ball like a dog, but despite this you can have a pretty exciting time. If you take Homa in your arms, he will not regard this as a manifestation of care, interest and love for him. Most likely, the rodent will experience stress, because a person is a huge object for him, potentially dangerous.

Hamsters in the animal world lead a completely different life - they search for food, are active at night, and when they are not busy collecting food, they explore the territory. Therefore, touching is not natural for a hamster; it is necessary to leave the animal alone, especially if the animal shows dissatisfaction. For example, a Djungarian hamster can bite painfully, a Syrian hamster is more tolerant, but you should not abuse it.

Tama the Cat: Train Station Master

This happened in the early 2000s, when the unprofitable Kishi station in the Japanese city of Kinokawa was almost closed due to unprofitability. Residents, of course, protested, but it is unlikely that their efforts would ultimately be crowned with success. The situation was saved by a local cat named Tama, who loved to bask in the sun near the train station. The station manager noticed how enthusiastically passengers reacted to this couch potato and gave him the official position of caretaker. The cat was given a uniform cap, a badge and a monthly salary in the form of free food.

The duties of the newly minted minister included advertising functions. He greeted passengers, allowed himself to be petted, and was always somewhere on the platform. It must be said that this policy very quickly led to commercial success. Tourists began to come to Kishi station just to look at the railway cat and take pictures with him. From that moment on, there was no further talk about closing the station.

But the unusual cat's career did not end there. In 2008, Tama became a supervisor and was charged with monitoring the performance of professional duties by staff. That same year, the cat was knighted. Another year later, according to the project of the famous designer Eiji Mituku, the railway included in the schedule a train dedicated to the legendary animal. The carriages were painted with views of Tama, the locomotive was decorated with his muzzle, and meowing signaled the opening (closing) of the doors. But this did not become the crown of the cat’s career.

A year later, Tamu was appointed third party of the railway company, entrusted with the post of executive director. By his old age, it was already difficult for him to work every day, and the management allowed the elderly cat to come to work 3 days a week.

Tama died at the ripe old age of 14. But even after this, the career did not end. Posthumously, the cat was elevated to the rank of Eternal Station Master, thus perpetuating his memory. After all, over the years of work, this four-legged employee has brought considerable income to his company. The tourist flow through the station increased to 300 thousand people annually, and the financial indicator amounted to more than 1.1 billion Japanese yen.

The company's management did not want to accept the loss of such a profitable and already promoted advertising brand. Tama was replaced by Nitama (the second Tama). True, later with the third cat there was an overlay. He was found at Okayama Station and offered a position in Kishi. But the owner did not agree to the move. Next came Yontama (the fourth Tama), who had already had to undergo a special training course before taking her place on the platform of the railway station.

And the flow of tourists wanting to take a photo with the legendary heirs of the first Tama still does not dry out.

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Games with hamsters

To begin with, the hamster must be tamed, allowed to get used to the new environment, to the smell of your hands, only after that will it show interest in games.

The more frequent the contact, aimed at affection and goodwill, the faster the hamster will trust you.

For the purpose of taming, they often use their favorite delicacies, taking goodies from your hands, the animal also hears your smell, gradually getting used to it. You should not try to play or establish communication when the rodent is resting or sleeping. Most rodents sleep during the day after an active night, and the hamster is no exception. During active games, it is worth removing the water; a sudden splash of water on the pet’s face or fur coat can frighten the pet.

If your pet does not show any desire to make friends, give him time; do not shout or punish the animal. The hamster most likely will not understand what his fault is, but he will harbor a grudge and trust will be lost.

Adaptation and taming of a hamster after purchase

Moving to a new home is extremely stressful for a hamster. In the first days, the cage should be placed in a quiet place; if possible, ensure peace and quiet in the selected room. Make sure the bowl and drinking bowl are full. But you shouldn’t try to communicate with a new family member yet. Give your hamster time to get used to the new sounds and smells of your home. For now, think about what to name your hamster, boy or girl. If you plan to try to teach your pet to respond to calls, choose a short and simple name. About a week after moving, you can try to make friends with the hamster. First, try feeding the animal by hand.

Be patient and be prepared for the fact that not on the first try the pet will dare to take the offered treat from the outstretched palm. When the hamster feels confident in its new home, you can try picking it up. At this stage, it is important to follow the rule of the golden mean. You should not suddenly grab the animal and pick it up if it is clearly resisting. But you shouldn’t be afraid or refuse tactile contact at all, otherwise your pet will grow up wild and will never be allowed into your hands.

Games in the cage

If there are other pets at home or you are worried about the safety of your home, you can diversify your pet’s leisure time with the help of special devices. Play complexes of different sizes and variations can be purchased at many pet stores or you can build them yourself.


By placing a plank on a round block, you can build a rocking chair. So that the hamster understands what needs to be done, place a treat on the opposite side. After a while, the animal will learn to balance and will have fun.

Football with a hamster

To play football with a hamster you need some equipment that you can easily make with your own hands.
This does not require special skills or specific materials. All you need is a little accuracy, dexterity and those things that can be found in almost any home, namely: • a piece of cardboard about 1 meter * 1 meter (you can even use a capacious cardboard box) • large and sharp scissors • glue stick, glue gun with clear stems • white and green paper (you can use crepe or crepe paper to give the effect of a real football grass surface) • 1 medium-sized plastic or paper cup of any color • A small ball or round object that will act as a ball (you can buy a mini doll ball in a toy or pet supply store, its price will be about 70 rubles) To assemble an impromptu football field, just glue the cardboard into the shape of an ordinary box and cut a round hole (the size of a glass) on one side of the box. A glass with a cut out bottom is inserted into the prepared hole and secured with a glue gun. It will serve as the entrance to the box. After these simple steps, you can begin the most interesting part - decorative finishing of the football field. Green paper acts as grass here. It can be glued to the surface of the box with instant glue and decorated as desired. To assemble the gate, use white paper cut into thin strips. There are no special recommendations here; it all depends on the owner’s imagination.

To play, a soccer ball is placed on the field, near a glass. The hamster is placed in a glass from the outside. Passing through the glass, the animal involuntarily pushes the ball, and it flies into the goal. The game captivates hamsters and their owners for a long time, so it is quite popular.

Bottle maze for hamsters

Bottle maze is a fun game that won’t bore your furry pets for a long time. Creating equipment for it will not require much effort and time. Hamster owners will need several plastic bottles. Their size, shape and color do not matter (very small ones are not suitable, since the hamster simply will not fit into them). In addition, scissors and a glue gun (or bright, high-quality tape) will be useful for your work. To decorate the labyrinth, you can use any decorative elements: buttons, ribbons, corks, plasticine, rhinestones, beads, appliques.

To make a labyrinth, you must first draw a diagram, from which it will be clear in which places the bottles will be attached to each other. Next you need to make holes in the bottles according to the plan. Scissors, a utility knife, or any sharp cutter will be useful for this. It is important that the diameter of all holes matches the diameter of the bottles inserted into them. And of course we must not forget that the labyrinth must have at least one entrance and exit. After cutting, you need to insert all the bottles into each other according to the diagram and secure them with tape or glue. Almost done. All that remains is to decorate the labyrinth. There are no restrictions here. But, it is important to glue all the decor very securely so that the hamster cannot accidentally swallow it.

To complete the maze, the hamster is placed in one of the entrances, and then the owners only watch as their pet tries to find a way out. By the way, at the end of the tunnel, you can put your hamster’s favorite treat to reward him for a good game.

Cardboard box hamster maze

This idea is slightly reminiscent of the previous one, but the main building material here is cardboard.
You will need a lot of it. You can use boxes, individual sheets, and even toilet paper rolls. As with the bottle maze, you can’t do without a pre-drawn diagram. It will help you assemble the game faster. According to it, you need to fasten all the walls of the labyrinth. Here scissors, a knife, paper clips, glue, tape and a glue gun will come to the rescue. On average, making such a labyrinth will take from 30 minutes to 3 hours. It all depends on the complexity of the circuit and the speed of work. You can attach the walls of the future labyrinth so that the hamster runs between them, or you can make holes in them. The main thing is to make them large enough. It is important to understand that hamsters are active animals, so strength is very important when creating a maze. In addition, you need to make the walls high enough so that the pet cannot climb on them and break them.

The course of the game is not much different from the process of playing in the bottle maze.

Hamster walking ball

All hamsters love to run, so a walking ball is an indispensable thing for animal owners. Making such a game is quite easy. To do this you will need 2 five-liter plastic bottles, a knife and tape. It is necessary to cut off parts of the bottles from the top at approximately a distance of 15-18 centimeters from the cap. And then connect the resulting halves of the ball using tape. Thus, the whole job will take no more than 10 minutes. But the ball itself can be a great game for many years.

For a walk, the animal is placed inside through a lid, which is subsequently tightly closed. By moving its paws, the hamster rotates the bottle, and it rolls along the floor or other surface. With this game, you can allow your hamster to safely move around the house without the fear of someone accidentally squashing it. You can come up with a very large number of games with hamsters, but these four are very easy to prepare and fun to play. They will delight both furry pets and their owners.

Animal made from nylon tights

An even more original and cheerful rodent can be made from ordinary nylon tights and padding polyester. So, let's look at the main stages of how to make a hamster using available materials:

  • We make a cylinder from a strip of padding polyester, fill it with small pieces of the same padding polyester, assemble it with a thread and tighten it.
  • We stuff the resulting design into tights, preferably flesh-colored 20 denier.
  • We twist the spout from the synthetic padding polyester, insert it and tighten it, starting from the top, bringing the needle to the face. We sew each stitch 2-3 times.
  • By stitching the nose diagonally from top to bottom, we form the nostrils.
  • We create the outline of the nose on both sides, drawing the thread from our first injections to the nostril.
  • We shape the cheeks by adding padding polyester and tightening the contours.
  • We make a mouth by bringing the needle from the back of the head to the intended corner of the mouth.
  • Next is a smile - a short stitch in the corners of the mouth, with a slight inclination perpendicular to the line of the mouth.
  • We form a chin with a funny dimple, forehead and eyebrows.
  • We make eyes out of beautiful buttons.
  • We put padding polyester for the arms, hind legs, back and tail. We stitch using already proven technology.

Now you know how to make a hamster yourself from different materials. You can review the instructions with your children. They will really like it and it will be interesting to make an animal with their own hands. In addition, it will contribute to the development of imagination.

Hamsters can be trained to come when called, just like dogs and cats. The key point in this matter is to find a favorite treat that will motivate the animal; thanks to the treat, the process of so-called “training” will be consistent and regular. If you want your furry pet to come to you as soon as you call his name, stock up on healthy treats that your hamster will love, and also be prepared to set aside a few free minutes every day for training. In addition, you can use a special clicker for more effective training - this will help the hamster learn its name faster.

Interesting things outside the home

If your pet is very inquisitive and has settled in after a while, you can take walks outside the cage. In addition to walking around the apartment, you can diversify your pet’s leisure time by installing gaming accessories or creating an entertainment corner.

Among hamster breeders, the walking ball is the most famous and common device. It is useful for the animal - in addition to exploring the territory, the homa is engaged in physical activity. The ball is an excellent toy in terms of safety - you don’t have to worry that the rodent will hide somewhere and die, you won’t accidentally step on it, and the homa won’t hurt itself.


In the wild, hamsters spend a lot of time in underground burrows, exploring new passages and adding new ones. By building a tunnel, you will give your pet an unforgettable adventure. You can build an excellent gaming complex from a transforming tunnel, complicating and updating the route.

All about walks in nature

Many owners are interested in the question: is it possible to take a hamster for walks outside? The answer is definitely yes!

But for safety reasons, it is worth remembering:

  • You can walk only adult individuals who are not afraid of extraneous noises and smells;
  • you can only walk away from roads, in spacious and clearly visible areas;
  • Walking fields should not be littered to avoid injury from glass or metal.
  • make sure that the animal does not eat poisonous plants or food waste;
  • You should choose places where there are no stray animals or birds of prey.

Games without devices

Let's look at the fun that rodents love:

  1. Place the hamster on a flat surface and cover it with a light cloth, the rodent will look for a way out, similar to a maze;
  2. Give a hamster a napkin - the animal will tear it into pieces with interest and then try to make a nest;

The main point of all the fun is that before playing you need to wash your hands , if they contain the smell of food, the animal may bite painfully. In the animal world, hamsters are constantly exploring new territories and searching for food, all of which can be organized at home. By taking an ordinary box and diversifying it with a labyrinth and rooms from small boxes, you can make a playpen, but do not forget that you need to look after your pet.

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