Review of popular brands of food for hamsters and the specifics of the diet of rodents

Hamsters are cute, fluffy animals that have firmly won the hearts of people as pets. These pets do not expect much attention, are not fussy about care and nutrition, and do not require walking or training. At the same time, they are affectionate and funny. If your choice fell on a hamster as a new family member, you are unlikely to be disappointed. And now, you have bought a house for your pet, all you have to do is take care of the hamster’s nutrition, and the charming little lump will delight you and your family. But how to choose the right food for hamsters? What advantages and disadvantages should be taken into account? What to look for when choosing food?

Hamster food rating

The priority in preparing the review was to identify contradictions when comparing customer reviews and characteristics provided by the manufacturers of the products in question. Also, the third-party opinion of experts in the field of hamster nutrition was taken as a basis.

The TOP was built around the following product features:

  • Purpose – for the Dzungarian and/or Syrian breed;
  • Type of feed – grain, combined, granulated;
  • Animal age – for young or adults, universal options;
  • Natural composition;
  • The ratio and variety of components;
  • Taste and aroma;
  • Sizes and hardness of granules;
  • Purity of compositions;
  • Content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • The degree of saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • Speed ​​and quality of digestion and assimilation of products;
  • Effects – improving the condition of the coat, strengthening the immune system, etc.
  • Daily norm, frequency of use and cost-effectiveness of consumption.

Also, to compile the rating, it was necessary to analyze the reaction of rodents to this or that food - whether they develop allergies and addiction when consumed daily, the appetite with which they eat, how many granules and which ones remain in the bowl after eating. In addition, when studying the products, their expiration date, type and volume of packaging, and their availability on the market were taken into account.

Vitamin supplements

Do-it-yourself food for hamsters cannot always provide your pet with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. In winter, there are no green tops, and vitamins purchased at the pet store in the form of tablets and drops are used as a replacement. They are mixed into the animal's food according to the instructions.

Food for Djungarian hamsters

The diet of this breed should include regular and dried fruits, legumes, grains, greens, and grass. Additionally, they can be pampered with milk, cottage cheese, and meat. VyborExpert specialists surveyed more than a hundred buyers and, by selecting the safest, tastiest, healthiest and most affordable mixtures, compiled this rating.

Beaphar Care+Dwarf Нamster

This is a complete diet, made taking into account the needs of the Dzungars. It is premium and developed with the participation of veterinarians. The food is extruded and consists of small granules of the same size. Due to this, the rodents eat it completely and all the necessary nutrients enter the body.

The recipe for food for hamsters “Beaphar Care + Dwarf Hamster” is enriched with proteins and fats, which give energy to animals. The minerals in the mixture are used in chelated form, facilitating their better absorption. The composition includes spirulina and echinacea, which strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to viruses.

The product is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which promote proper blood circulation and normalize heart function. It also restores intestinal microflora thanks to its probiotic content, and Yucca reduces the odor of urine and excrement. The food is suitable for all ages.


  • Low consumption – up to 5-15 g per day;
  • A large amount of fiber in the composition - 9.6%;
  • Strengthens bones;
  • Variety of formulas, so you don’t get bored with food for a long time;
  • Includes quite a bit of meat.


  • When calculating the daily allowance, you need to take into account the age and weight of the pet;
  • Small package – 250 g.

The composition is based on grains rich in carbohydrates. Therefore, when the daily norm is exceeded, rodents quickly gain excess weight. Reviews note that the food has a pleasant smell and animals eat it with pleasure.

Chica Bio

Chica Bio food is intended for Djungarian hamsters. The composition is based on natural ingredients, so it is suitable for daily use for a long time. It is non-addictive and non-allergenic due to its balanced formula.

The composition includes whole grains - wheat, oats, millet, corn, as well as legumes (lentils). These components supply the body with energy, and pumpkin seeds, dried apples and carrots increase immunity. To grind teeth, the manufacturer added birch branches to the packaging. The package comes in 900 g, which is enough for more than a month.

Chica Bio has a pleasant fruity aroma to which pets react quickly. The food is easily digested due to the absence of difficult-to-digest by-products in the composition, which are replaced with meat granules. The food is homogeneous and relatively pure, therefore it causes a good appetite in animals.


  • Convenient craft packaging;
  • Refined grains;
  • No nuts or sweeteners;
  • Shelf life – 24 months;
  • High concentration of proteins – 14%.


  • Not sold everywhere.

According to reviews, food for the Djungarian hamster rarely remains in the bowl after eating, which indicates its good taste. Vitamins A and E, which the composition is rich in, give the fur silkiness and smoothness.

Some nuances of feeding

You need to care for hamsters strictly according to the recommendations of specialists. When planning a diet, it is necessary to take into account age, current health status and physiological processes such as hibernation or gestation.

Newborn hamsters

In most cases, the female feeds the children on her own if she is provided with the right conditions. Therefore, there is no need to disrupt the natural cycle. If the female runs away, leaving her offspring orphaned, she has to feed them special food. For the first few days after birth, newborn hamsters are given kitten formula. Pets need to be fed every 2 hours using a pipette.

You can feed the offspring of domestic hamsters yourself using kitten formula.

Individuals aged 2 weeks are given infant formula “Gerber” and “Agusha”, cereals without milk and sugar, and also greens grown at home.

3-week-old animals are offered crushed adult food.


As a rodent ages, its teeth begin to deteriorate, so it stops eating as before. Against the background of age-related changes, pureed vegetables and chopped feed should be included in the diet. You can give your rodent baby cereals that do not contain milk. And to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, your pet should be periodically fed grain porridge.

Pregnant or nursing

During pregnancy or nursing the offspring, the female needs to be given a lot of protein food. This includes boiled fish, chicken, eggs, shrimp and mealworms.

Sick and weak

If your pet is sick, he will have to be fed using a syringe without a needle. In most cases, warm chamomile is brewed for such rodents. The use of honey or milk is prohibited. If the hamster refuses to eat food, you will have to forcefully give it, otherwise the pet will not recover.

Universal food for hamsters

There are no formulations on the market yet that are tailored specifically to the needs of Syrian hamsters. Therefore, they buy universal compositions for them, suitable for dzhungariks. Among such formulas, the team selected two products that meet the criteria of safety, effectiveness, and good value for money.

Little One Hamsters

A complete food designed to meet the needs of both Djungur and Syrian hamsters. It is a mixture of homogeneous granules with a smooth surface that do not injure the pet’s cheeks. The product is made using sunflower seeds, peas, and peanuts, which supply the body with protein.

Little One Hamsters is aimed at all ages. It is based on wheat, oatmeal, barley, millet, buckwheat, peas and corn. Thanks to this, the animal receives enough energy and at the same time the risk of developing allergies is almost zero. Adding carrots to the composition strengthened the immune system and added sweet notes to the taste.

The product is available in paper bags with a capacity of 900 g. It is a supplier of potassium, zinc, copper, biotin, vitamin A, E and D3. This varied formula helps strengthen bones and teeth, improve vision, and normalize digestion.


  • One package is enough for at least a month;
  • Hamsters don't leave anything behind;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Variety of components;
  • Nice smell.


  • No meat pellets.

Reviews note that hamsters eat the food well and with appetite. With regular use, they become more active and look healthy. However, the manufacturer recommends combining the mixture with fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as eggs, meat and cottage cheese.

Fiory Superpremium Criceti

A budget-friendly combination food suitable for hamsters of any age. First of all, it is designed to strengthen the immune system, which is facilitated by Yucca extract, buckwheat, honey and a number of other natural ingredients in the composition. The active substances are selenium, chelated minerals, omega-3, which are absorbed by 90-98%.

The food is suitable for both Djungarian and Syrian hamsters. Animals react normally to it due to its hypoallergenicity and good digestibility. The mild effect on the body is due to the natural composition, which is based on rye, peas, peanuts, and wheat. They promote normal growth of the pet and maintain energy at the right level.

The food is a source of antioxidants that slow down the aging of the body and protect it from the negative effects of environmental factors. It quickly fills you up and gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time, so it is consumed sparingly. This is a supplier of vitamins B1, B2, PP, D, necessary to improve the functioning of the heart and liver.


  • Improves kidney function;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • The granules are easy to chew;
  • Biologically available substances;
  • Supports skin health.


  • There are dyes, although they are natural.

There are two types of packaging available for sale - volumes of 400 and 850 g. By purchasing a larger container, you can save a lot of money.

Waka High Quality

The food mixture is created for hamsters of all breeds and ages. It is mainly intended to maintain immunity in animals. In addition, it ensures shine and silkiness of the coat, prevents obesity and guarantees protection against parasites.

High Quality waka, thanks to the content of flax seed and probiotics, improves the absorption of food and stabilizes digestion. It also provides a source of energy due to the inclusion of sunflower seeds in the composition. Nuts and dried vegetables improve appetite and help quickly saturate the body.

The granules in the package are smooth, pleasant to the touch, and not hard. They are easily chewed by hamsters and chewed without problems, which promotes better absorption and digestion of food. They contain many vitamins: A, C, D, E, B, as well as biotin. Thanks to this, the health of rodents is fully supported.


  • Packaging 500 g;
  • Profitable price;
  • Made from selected grains;
  • Small granule size.


  • There is a lot of oats, which sometimes remain in the feeder.

This is the cheapest feed mixture in the rating, not inferior in vitamin content to other participants.

Animal Zoom World

This product is distinguished by the presence of individual packages that are placed in cardboard packaging. This prevents moisture and pests from getting inside and changing the taste and nutritional properties of the mixture. The composition includes cereals - oats, millet, wheat, corn, barley. Because of this, hamsters become more active.

Food for Djungarian and Syrian hamsters “Zoomir Zveryushki” also contains fruits and vegetables (carrots, paprika, etc.). This helps strengthen the body and makes the taste pleasant. Due to its varied composition, the product does not bother animals for a long time, but also does not cause addiction to them.

The package contains 450 g of the mixture, which, if used daily, lasts for 2-4 weeks. The manufacturer indicates that to maintain a feeling of fullness, it is enough to feed the animal 2-4 times a day; lactating and pregnant hamsters need to be given it more often.


  • Optimal ratio of components;
  • They put surprises in the packages;
  • The packaging contains recommendations for caring for pets;
  • Contains an herb that cleanses the intestines and kidneys;
  • Small granules.


  • Pets do not have a great passion for oats.

As reviews show, the diet is carefully balanced and does not cause allergies in pets even with a sensitive stomach.

Versele-Laga Crispy Muesli Hamsters & Co

The food for hamsters "Versele-Laga Crispy Muesli Hamsters & Co" is characterized by the content of crunchy muesli, which gives pleasure to rodents when chewed. They contain mainly components of plant origin: grains (40%), seeds, vegetables. In such a symbiosis, food is well absorbed and digested.

Versele-Laga Crispy Muesli Hamsters & Co provides dental care and proper digestion. The content of vitamins A, E, D3 determines the positive effect of the mixture on the immune system, bones, skin, and wool. The food is also a source of copper, which normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system.

Two volumes are available for sale - 400 and 1000 g, but small packages are not always available. Depending on the breed, age and size of the hamster, the daily allowance is from 10 to 15 g. It is also suitable for rats, mice, and gerbils.


  • Zip-lock fastener on the packaging;
  • There is practically no garbage;
  • Correspondence of the amount of nutrients to the needs of animals;
  • After eating, the feeling of fullness persists for a long time;
  • Not hard on the stomach.


  • There are often herbal granules left in the bowl;
  • Lots of sunflower seeds.

To complete the diet, it is recommended to dilute the mixture with other sources of protein - meat, cottage cheese, etc.

Vegetables and fruits, green plants

To make food for hamsters as rich in vitamins and minerals as possible, pieces of vegetables and fruits and the vegetative part of plants are added to it. The list of permitted foods is extensive; rodents can be offered carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, bell peppers, apples, pears, bananas, peaches, plums, a variety of berries and dried fruits.

Prohibited foods include cabbage, onions, garlic, sorrel, exotic fruits and mushrooms.

An equally important source of vitamins are green shoots of young plants, leaves of clover, plantain, rose petals, lettuce and parsley. It is important that the vegetative part of the plants is collected away from large highways and dusty roads.

How to choose food for a hamster

If you need a universal food for your Syrian hamster and dwarf, which can be given to both young and adult animals, then you need to choose a product with the appropriate marking. The grains must be selected, not hard, so that they can be easily chewed without damaging the mucous membrane.


There are universal foods and those designed specifically for Djungarian hamsters. For such a breed, it is better to buy a special product, the components of which are selected taking into account their needs.

The most popular on the market is a combination mixture that combines fruits, grains, vegetables, herbs, and meat. It is especially recommended to give it during increased activity of the animal to replenish energy reserves.

Also in demand is a grain mixture, which includes more than 50% wheat, oats, rye, barley, and millet. This combination is relevant only in the absence of allergies in animals, which often occurs in old age.

If a rodent likes to selectively eat its favorite treats, then you should prefer a granular composition, where all the particles are the same size. In this case, it is unlikely that anything will remain on the plate.

Animal age

Conventionally, according to the intended purpose, food can be divided as follows: for young and adult hamsters, as well as universal ones, which have no age restrictions. The former usually contain more proteins, since they are necessary for the active growth of the animal, and the latter, the amount of carbohydrates and fats is reduced in order to avoid the development of obesity.

Special Needs

Such needs include the absence of hypoallergenic components in the composition, impaired digestion, low level of immunity, obesity, poor condition of teeth and fur, skin diseases, and kidney problems. For each of these problems, it is recommended to choose the appropriate formulas. Universal mixtures do not have a healing effect, but can only maintain health.

Prohibited Products

An extensive list of approved foods may give the false impression that rodents can be fed scraps from your own table. In fact, hamsters should not be fed foods with added sugar or honey. This is due to the tendency to develop diabetes mellitus, which is especially characteristic of Djungarians.

Salt, spices, oil, watermelons, citrus fruits, smoked meats and sausages, pasta, and mint are also prohibited.

It is not necessary to purchase granules or mixtures from pet stores; you can make food for hamsters on your own. But it is important to monitor the balance of the composition, the freshness and naturalness of the ingredients offered. Only properly selected nutrition will ensure a long and healthy life for your hamster.

What food is best for a hamster?

The main thing is that it is well absorbed and digested without problems, and does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. If there is nothing left in the bowl after eating, then the diet is composed correctly. To maintain normal appetite, it is important that the mixture has a pleasant aroma and taste, for which fruits and vegetables and various natural flavors are added to it.

To choose the right food for hamsters, you should consider the following factors:

  • If you choose to eat individual granules to avoid incomplete intake of nutrients into the body, it would be logical to choose Beaphar Care + Dwarf Hamster.
  • If the priority is the absence of allergies to components, then the best option would be Chica Bio based on natural additives.
  • Growing hamsters can be given Little One Hamsters with a high protein content, which is useful for strengthening the body.
  • If you first need to strengthen your immune system, then Fiory Superpremium Criceti will be just right.
  • If your pet's fur is in poor condition, it is recommended to pay attention to Vaka High Quality.
  • For picky animals who love treats, you can choose the balanced composition of “Zooworld Animals”.
  • Fans of plant-based foods will enjoy Versele-Laga Crispy Muesli Hamsters & Co, which is based on natural ingredients.

From time to time, food can and should be changed, so it would be logical to take note of several products from the rating at once.

What does a rodent eat in nature?

Being an omnivore, the hamster eats almost everything that comes into contact with it. The exact diet is determined by the habitat. If a rodent lives in a steppe or semi-desert, it feeds on protein foods, including:

  1. Insects.
  2. Snails.
  3. Zhukov.
  4. Worms.

The importance of protein feed increases after hibernation or during gestation.

Field and garden individuals eat greens, fruits, cereals and vegetables. Feeding domestic pets should completely replicate the diet of their wild counterparts.

The natural instinct of hamsters is to be thrifty. Therefore, closer to the winter season, they fill up their storage. In this case, the pantry must be located in a hidden place and inaccessible to other animals. When keeping a rodent at home, you will need to periodically remove supplies, since food quickly spoils and emits an unpleasant odor.

What to feed sick and weakened rodents

The menu for sick and weakened pets depends on the nature of the pathology. For example, if an animal has lost its incisors, solid food is contraindicated until new teeth grow. For diarrhea, before visiting the veterinarian, give boiled rice, rice water and chamomile infusion. For pain, offer soft, tasty and easy to eat food. For example, meat purees and porridges.

Exhausted and weakened pets must first be forced to eat. In critical condition, the animal begins to prepare for hibernation. This is the last attempt to survive.

To prevent your pet from falling asleep, pour a lot of grain food into the cage. This will create the appearance of large reserves and relieve stress. Peeled oats and wheat are suitable for feeding; you can add some peas and corn.

After getting out of a stressful state, the hamster stops intensively stocking up. He needs to be given high-calorie, tasty food for 2-3 weeks. Softened porridges and purees are suitable. There should always be food in the tray.

The fact that the hamster is not feeling well can be indicated by its lethargic state and refusal to eat.


The life of a hamster, like almost any other living creature, is impossible without water. At the same time, many owners of such small decorative pets in vain think that they practically do not need to drink, since they do not have time to drink the entire water bottle in a day. But in reality they drink a lot. Therefore, it is worth changing the water in the drinking bowl every day.

You should also remember that the water container is a special bottle that hangs on the cage, but in no case should it be a bowl dangling under your feet. It is also important that rodents do not need to use distilled or boiled water for drinking. Tap, well, or filtered liquid, which is consumed by people themselves, is excellent for them.

Cage or labyrinth?

The size of the Syrian hamster is quite small, but this does not mean that it needs a small house. Before buying an animal, think about where it will live. You have several options.


The simplest and most common home for rodents is a cage. Its minimum dimensions are 30*40 cm, but it is advisable to choose a larger cage. The distance between its rods should be no more than 1 cm, otherwise the animal will be able to escape.

It is important that the cage has at least 2 floors. Arrange a dining room and playroom on the first floor, and a bedroom on the second. 3 floors will provide even more opportunities.


In addition to the cage, the pet can live in a maze. A house with many rooms on different tiers connected by pipes is very similar to a hole and the animal will definitely like it.

You don’t have to furnish your new house right away. Observe how your pet behaves. Remember where he sleeps, where he made a toilet, and where he prefers to play. Now you can start filling the maze.

Place for a cage

Where should you place your pet? You should not put it in the bedroom, as it will be very noisy at night. Most often, the place for the cage is the kitchen or hallway.

The house should not be placed near sources of light and heat. Also, the animal will be greatly disturbed by music systems and television.

Cage equipment

What should a Syrian hamster have in its cage?

  • House for sleeping. It is better to choose a small house made of wood or plastic. It should have one entrance and a window.
  • A bowl. Buy one that your pet won't be able to roll over. It is important that the bowl is easy to clean. The most suitable materials are clay and steel.
  • Drinking bowl. It is convenient for rodents to drink from hanging droppers.
  • Wheel. This is an optional element of the cage, but it will come in handy if the animal does not have enough space to run. The charging wheel should be solid, this is safer for fingers and paws.
  • Toys. The hamster happily tinkers with small objects - nut shells and plastic balls. Try giving him a toilet paper cylinder. You can also purchase special toys at a pet store.

Can vitamins for humans be used in animal diets?

Some hamster owners, in order to save money, practice adding vitamin and mineral complexes to their animals' food intended for human consumption. Before doing this, you should think carefully several times. A dosage intended for humans can cause the development of hypervitaminosis in animals and cause their death. For this reason, it is strictly forbidden to use nutrients prescribed to people to maintain normal body functioning.


You can use sawdust, scraps of soft paper, or wood cat litter as bedding. If you choose the latter option, purchase unflavored granules.

Can newspapers be used as bedding for a Syrian hamster? Many people put them under the main filler. This greatly simplifies cleaning, but is very harmful to the health of the animal. Printing ink contains lead, which can cause poisoning.

The Syrian hamster has a specific smell, so it is necessary to regularly clean its cage. Change the filler on a schedule - every 2-3 days. It won't take long, and your house will always smell good.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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