8 types of Yorkshire Terrier crosses with other dogs

Today, there is a fascination among some dog lovers with mixtures - attempts to cross different breeds and obtain so-called mestizos. Metis is the result of a combination of genetically dissimilar dogs - for example, a Yorkie and a Spitz, or a toy terrier, or a Chihuahua. On the Internet you can see many photos depicting mixed breeds from various combinations of purebred dogs - this practice is especially widespread in Western Europe and the USA.

The practice of crossing breeds is quite common in Europe and the USA.

Chihuahua mix (Chorki)

Chorkies are a mix of Chihuahuas and Yorkshire terriers. Their appearance is due to the widespread and high popularity of both breeds. They are small dogs with a compact, well-built body, a small head and erect ears. Their weight varies from 1.5 to 4 kg and depends on the body weight of both parents. The color of Yorkshire terriers is genetically stable, but the Chihuahua genes are most often responsible for the color of the Chorkie's coat, and it is impossible to predict what the puppy will be like.

As a rule, the coat of mixed breeds is golden or black, but dogs with fawn or black coats with white spots are also not uncommon. The length of the coat is also unknown in advance - a Chorkie may have a long coat and stubble on the face or medium-length hair, but most often in adult individuals the coat is long and straight. These dogs are characterized by high activity, friendliness, devotion to the owner and fearlessness.

They are smart, but very stubborn, which makes the training process very difficult. Therefore, raising and training a pet will require patience and perseverance. Among the breed's diseases are hypoglycemia and joint diseases, the average life expectancy is no more than 15 years.

In the professional literature, these dogs are also called Yorkie - Chi, Chia - Yorkie, Yorkie - Huahua.


This is the name given to Yorkie and Chihuahua mixes. As purebred dogs, these dogs are not recognized by any association in the world. However, in their circles these animals are still called designer animals. Outwardly, these mestizos are almost identically similar to both parents. From Chihuahuas they adopted erect ears, expressive eyes and round heads. Moreover, their coat has the same structure as that of Yorkies. They adopted the features and sizes from this breed. The weight of such dogs directly depends on the size of the parents and can range from 1.5-4 kg.

Most devils are red or fawn in color. There are also mixed breeds with black and tan coats and white spots. In any case, most pet lovers agree that the exterior of these mestizos is usually very pleasant.

Judging by the reviews of their owners, these dogs have a rather serious character. Cherki are very active and playful. But, carried away by entertainment, they can, unfortunately, even bite the owner. In any case, the Cherki do not allow children to squeeze themselves.

In a family, these Yorkie mixes choose one owner and remain faithful to him for the rest of their lives. In most cases, they only tolerate the other residents of the apartment. The owners almost always become jealous of other pets. Therefore, it is undesirable to get, for example, a cat or even a hamster at the same time as such a dog.

Both parent breeds of the Cherk differ, as is known, primarily in courage. Therefore, such mestizos are often compared in character even to little devils. A small devil on a walk can freely and completely without fear rush even at a very large dog. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to let such a mestizo off a leash on the street.

What kind of people is this or that breed suitable for?

They may differ in character, identical to people.
If the owner is energetic and leads an active lifestyle, then Toy will suit him. For those who like regularity, sneezing is typical. If you have children who are ready to walk the kids for a long time and play with them, an Englishman will do. This breed loves to run, jump and be outdoors. It is not recommended for those who have children of kindergarten age. They see the animal as a toy.

For a Chihuahua, being active can be a burden. Toys have fragile bones. Active play with young children often leads to injury.

Separate attention should be paid to the comparability of breeds. If there are others, you need to take into account the nature of both. Toys get along well with Yorkies or Pinschers. They have similar, active characters.

For a sneeze, the best friends can be: Shih Tzus or Papillons. Both will calmly coexist with large, purebred dogs. Thus, Toy Terriers are dogs that have a longer muzzle, a docked tail and erect ears. They are more mobile and aggressive. Susceptible to injury. They have thin, fragile bones.

A fringe of hair emerges from behind the ears. Long-haired dogs have uneven hair. Most of the body is practically hairless. No undercoat. The color is monochromatic. There are only red and fawn colors, in various shades.

Chihuahuas have a more measured character. Small length and smaller paws than the English ones. The pedigree breed has a slightly flattened muzzle. Ears droop. The fur is evenly distributed. The color is different.

Various shades and color schemes are combined. For both it is necessary to create special living conditions. The house must be on the floor. They are afraid of heights and can get injured when jumping. The choice is yours!

Breed diseases

Despite the efforts of breeders aimed at improving health, Biewer Yorkies have the following breed diseases:

  1. Portocaval shunt. Congenital vascular pathology, characterized by growth arrest, vomiting and convulsions.
  2. Acute pancreatitis. It is provoked by poor nutrition and excess weight of the animal.
  3. Legg-Perthes disease. Inflammation of the head of the femur and its subsequent necrosis. Accompanied by lameness and atrophy of muscle tissue.
  4. Tracheal collapse. It is a subsidence of the trocheal rings, which leads to difficulty breathing. The disease cannot be cured completely, but its dynamics can be controlled.
  5. Inflammation of the gums.
  6. Early tooth loss.
  7. Bronchitis.
  8. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

In addition, puppies may suffer from herniated discs, which cause paralysis in the hind legs. Due to their low weight, Biewer Yorkies do not tolerate anesthesia well, so any surgical intervention is fraught with death.

Most diseases are hereditary. Before buying a puppy, you need to pay special attention to the pedigree history.


The result of crossing Yorkshire terriers and Maltese dogs became Morkies or, as they are also called, Yorkties - affectionate, friendly and devoted designer puppies, characterized by high endurance and stamina. These dogs have a long, straight and silky coat, similar in color and texture to that of a Yorkie. Disadvantages include a tendency to early tooth loss, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of your pet’s oral cavity, teaching them to hygiene procedures and brushing their teeth from a very early age.

Morkies are stubborn dogs and difficult to train. They are not suitable for people with a soft character - with such owners, Yorkies will feel like leaders of the “pack” and behave according to their status.


The first mating is carried out after the second heat at the age of 15-18 months. Earlier mating can harm the dog’s body and provoke the development of pathologies in the puppies in the womb. If the girl was not bred before the age of four, it is better to abandon breeding forever. Puberty in boys begins at the age of six months, so the optimal period for the first mating is 9-14 months.

If you do not want to have offspring, then dogs are sterilized. As a rule, Bievers are castrated after the onset of puberty, at 7-8 months. Sterilization is carried out later, but the young body copes better with surgical intervention (+ poor tolerance of anesthesia by beavers). This will prevent the appearance of offspring and relieve the consequences of marks and estrus.

Is it possible to breed a Biewer with a Yorkie?

No, the Biewer and Yorkshire Terrier are different breeds, so their puppy will be considered a mixed breed. Such matings are prohibited by the standard. If breeders have crossed a Yorkie and a Biewer, they should not offer the puppies for sale.


The Chorkie is a very smart, but extremely stubborn dog that is difficult to train, precisely because of its character.

More than anything else, the dog loves to play with people and other animals, but you shouldn’t flirt with it too much; you can get a good rebuff in the form of a bite from sharp teeth.

It is better not to let her near small children; she does not like having her ears or tail pulled, and, as mentioned above, she is capable of biting a child.

Naturally, this does not apply to all Chorkis; among them there are quite peaceful and extremely patient individuals.

Chorkies have absolutely no sense of fear, so when going for a walk with them it is better to hold them by the leash . Since it is possible that she will try to attack a pit bull passing by, or someone else larger.

It is better not to leave your pet alone for a long time, as they tolerate separation very poorly, become nervous and wild, and a long recovery will be required before the dog returns to normal.

In addition, the dog is considered to be very touchy; an attempt to shout at it for any offense may result in a refusal to communicate with the owner throughout the next day.

A similar character trait was passed on to the Chorkie from the Chihuahua.

In general, the character of a mestizo is most suitable for those who lead an active lifestyle, walk a lot and play sports; small dogs will be happy to keep their owner company, not missing the opportunity to have plenty of frolic.

It should be noted that pets are difficult to retrain, so the rules of behavior in an apartment need to be explained to the dog from birth.

Family life

These hybrids get along well with other pets and love children very much. To avoid injury, do not leave your child and puppy alone.

Find out which dogs are most similar to Spitz.

They love to walk, so they are suitable for people who prefer an active lifestyle, but they can also adapt to the habits of older people.

When arranging space in an apartment, do not give preference to passage areas or corridors, so as not to step on the dog. They prefer to coexist in the room directly with the owner, then they do not feel lonely.

Mixed breed with Spitz

Most often, to obtain original Yorkie puppies, they are bred with Spitz dogs. Puppies born as a result of such mating inherit the best qualities of both parents and have an attractive appearance and good health. Such dogs are not prone to developing genetic pathologies and, according to experienced breeders, are characterized by a high rate of survival.

Mestizos also have the following positive qualities:

  • friendliness;
  • intelligence and intelligence;
  • loyalty;
  • cheerful character;
  • ability to learn;
  • lack of aggression;
  • empathy.

All this is possible only if you carefully select purebred parents with a similar temperament, otherwise the puppy may have various deviations regarding both appearance and health.

Here are some typical photos.

Each puppy has a unique set of characteristics, so it is impossible to predict the length, color or texture of the coat. It is also impossible to judge in advance the character of the future pet, but if any undesirable traits appear, they can be easily corrected with proper upbringing, training and socialization. The only thing we can talk about with confidence is the size of the mestizos. Adults do not grow large; they have a compact, less often medium size.

Caring for the hair of a Yorkie-Spitz crossbreed is primarily aimed at regular brushing to avoid the formation of tangles and monthly cutting of split ends of hair that impede normal coat growth.

A little history

No one knows the exact origin of the Pomeranian. But the fluffy baby with a curled tail always brought smiles of affection to passers-by. There is a legend that when the wise men came to the newborn baby Jesus with gifts, they were accompanied by 3 Spitz dogs.

The modern variety comes from the southern coast of the Baltic region of Pomerania. Before becoming a companion dog, Spitz dogs served as guards for peasant sheep. In the 17th century, thanks to Queen Charlotte, the breed came to England, where its selective selection and official registration began.

The Yorkshire Terrier gained its popularity in the 18th–19th centuries in the county of Yorkshire, located in the north of England.
They were also bred by peasants, since in order to stop poaching, they were forbidden to have large dogs. Their main responsibility was to protect buildings from hordes of rodents. Attention! Both breeds have playful, easy-going personalities and are suitable for people of all ages and temperaments.
The breeders had an idea, based on these two popular babies, to breed a cross that would absorb the best qualities of each breed. Particular attention was paid to the health of the mestizo.

Why is this done?

Attempts at crossing are usually called designer breeding of dogs - with a competent approach and knowledge of the basic laws, you can get quite interesting results. The results of the mixture are not suitable for exhibitions, but they have a rather interesting exterior, which contains features of both varieties. In addition, the character of a mixed breed from a Yorkie and, for example, a toy terrier, also combines the characteristics of both parents.

It is important to follow one of two rules:

  • Crossing two purebred individuals;
  • A union of two identical design crosses.

Crossing of different breeds is done to develop new designer breeds. As mentioned above, the main goal of designer breeding is the exterior of the future dog - a Yorkie and a toy terrier or Spitz provide a very interesting amount of external data.

In addition, in some cases, in this way they try to obtain mixed breeds with hypoallergenic properties for people who love dogs, but are allergic to them.

Let's also not discount the desire of some breeders to be known as pioneers - if you manage to get a new unique species, you can become famous and earn a lot of money. Although many dog ​​breeders are quite skeptical about such an idea as crossing breeds.

Most dog breeders are quite skeptical about breed crossings.

Is it worth buying

If a Yorkie mix dog does not belong to the designer group, you can purchase it for a very low fee. Most breeders consider such dogs, even if they are born from purebred parents of different breeds, to be ordinary mongrels. However, mestizos are often very nice. Moreover, it is in this way - by crossing dogs of different varieties - that new interesting breeds are ultimately obtained.

Of course, for those people who want to have a four-legged friend, but do not have enough money to buy a dog with a pedigree, it is worth purchasing an inexpensive crossbreed. It is often impossible to predict what the appearance of a mixed-breed Yorkie puppy will be like from a representative of another breed. But even the ugliest dogs in most cases become real family favorites for many years.

The only thing is that sometimes mestizos can adopt not the best qualities from their parents, but the worst. In this case, the dog may grow up unhealthy. This, as already mentioned, often happens with crosses of Yorkies and Pekingese.

Shih Tzu (Shorki)

The practice of mating Yorkshire terriers with Shih Tzus is also widespread, also aimed at producing designer puppies called Shorkies. These dogs are distinguished by their compact size, wide, pretty muzzle, body type, reminiscent of a Shih Tzu, and the color of a Yorkshire terrier. At the same time, some individuals may have spots of various shades on their fur.

Some sources note that Shorkie wool is hypoallergenic.

Types of crossbreeds

There are the following varieties of dogs obtained from the combination of different species:

  • A mongrel is a product of natural selection that was created without human intervention. Such a dog usually does not resemble any purebred individual, but it is distinguished by enviable health and survival skills.
  • A mixed breed is a mixture of two purebred dogs or a purebred and a mongrel. Some puppies in the litter may have traits similar to their purebred parent.
  • The phenotype is the result of mating of purebred parents who do not have pedigrees. A problem may be the fact that one or both parents may be carriers of genetic diseases that are inherited.

The result of a cross between different breeds may not always be successful

  • A breeding individual is the product of crossing two purebred individuals with a pedigree. There may be puppies in the litter that do not meet the standard - according to the rules, they are subject to rejection.

Description of the pomchi

Chihuahuas are crossed with Pomeranians. Hence the name of this cross, based on the first syllables of the breed name - Pomchi.


The Pomchi is the only mix that has been considered an independent breed since 1998. This dog is an indoor dog and is a companion by nature. The breed has good health and is also people-oriented.

Externally, the dog resembles a long-haired Chihuahua with a neater face. The head is the same rounded as that of the Mexican ancestor, the ears are the same, but more rounded, like those of a Spitz. The tail is curled.

There is an opinion that the Pomchi's blood contains an admixture of Lapland Spitz and Pug.


After a sharp drop in prices for Pekingese at the end of the 20th century, in well-known kennels, bitches of this breed began to be bred with Yorkshire terriers, which were expensive and had a small number at that time. Females born after such matings were again crossed with Yorkies. Such puppies were more expensive than Pekingese, but cheaper than Yorkshire terriers.

Mixed breeds of Pekingese and Yorkies (Yorkinese) have the following features:

  • loud, booming bark;
  • desire for self-affirmation;
  • no need for long walks;
  • bad reaction to one's own kind;
  • difficulty in learning;
  • fearlessness;
  • jealousy of the owner and his attention;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • luxurious coat.

Yorkies have an attractive appearance and an aristocratic character, but due to their poor health they are rare. Puppies obtained as a result of crossing Yorkies and Pekingese do not always inherit only the positive qualities of their parents, so it is impossible to know in advance what they will be like. Often, mestizos have an undesirable set of characteristics and, as a result, poor hair, squint, non-closed fontanel and other problems.

Mestizos are not recognized by any canine organization, therefore they cannot participate in exhibitions and official breeding, they do not have a pedigree.

Varieties of Pugs

As a rule, pugs have a light shade of fur and a black muzzle. These are the representatives of the breed that we most often meet on the street. It's rare, but you can still find black pugs. They are rare and therefore more expensive.

The recognized colors of the breed are:

  • beige (the most common, the coat is a warm beige shade with a slightly darker spine line, the muzzle and nose are completely black);
  • silver (very light coat with a silvery cold tint);
  • apricot (a warm yellowish shade with a transition to bright orange, often also called peach);
  • black (anthracite shade is very rare, but such dogs are considered the elite of the breed and are in demand at exhibitions).

Other possible shades are considered non-standard. Such representatives of the breed cannot participate in exhibition activities and produce officially registered offspring.

Toy - terrier

Perhaps the most controversial mixes of Yorkshire terriers are the result of crossbreeding with toy terriers. By nature, these are active and independent dogs. The appearance of mestizos can be attractive or not. One can only judge with certainty the size of such dogs: Torques do not grow large, since their parents are representatives of small breeds of dogs.

As a rule, Torks have medium-length fur and not very thin paws, so they are liked by people who do not want to care for the long coat of Yorkshire terriers and who do not like Toys for their thin and slightly crooked limbs.

Feeding your pet

It is not recommended to feed mixed breeds only dry food .

This will cause their tooth enamel to wear away quickly and can also cause kidney problems.

But if owners have no other option, you can soak the dry granules before serving or periodically give the dog wet food.

You can feed the mestizo with natural food. In this case, it is worth excluding harmful and allergenic foods and making sure that the menu is balanced.

Jack - Russell

A cross between Yorkshire Terriers and Jack Russells, these are small dogs growing to a maximum of 30 cm at the withers, with a long and soft coat of black-brown or white-black-brown color. Yorkie Russells have a friendly and fearless personality and get along easily with other animals and people. These pets do not tolerate loneliness well and need constant attention from their owners, the lack of which is reported by loud howling and destructive behavior.

These dogs cannot tolerate cold and are not suitable for outdoor living. These are exclusively domestic pets, which, however, require regular walks and exercise. The coat requires careful care, as it tends to get tangled and very dirty after walks. In addition to possible genetic pathologies, Yorkie Russells are prone to dental diseases, which means it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pet’s oral cavity and brush its teeth 2-3 times a week.

Life expectancy is on average 12 - 16 years, subject to proper care and comfortable living conditions.

Mini Yorkie

The main feature of mini Yorkies is their miniature size. They weigh about 2 kg.

This causes some difficulties in keeping and caring for such pets:

  • they must be constantly monitored and should not be left on beds, sofas and other surfaces elevated above the floor - the dog may fall and damage the bones;
  • You should not get a Mini Yorkie if there is a child at home, as children often do not calculate their strength when playing with a pet and can damage the musculoskeletal system;
  • There are some difficulties in breeding the breed, so if you are not a professional, then you should not do it.

Important! If you decide to purchase a mini Yorkie, then buy a puppy only from trusted pets. Some dog breeders, in order to breed this subspecies, feed the puppies poorly or do not properly monitor their health. Interestingly, these are not the smallest representatives of the breed! There are also so-called “micro-Yorks” or “super-mini”, which weigh about one and a half kilograms or even less

Interestingly, these are not the smallest representatives of the breed! There are also so-called “micro-Yorks” or “super-mini”, which weigh about one and a half kilograms or even less.

Such small dogs have health problems, most often with the musculoskeletal system. In addition, they live shorter than standard Yorkies.

Baby - face Yorkshire terrier

The peculiarity of this subspecies is that the muzzle does not meet the standards of the Yorkshire Terrier breed.

Here's what it is:

  • the head is round in shape;
  • the muzzle is shorter than that of a traditional Yorkie;
  • ears are below forehead level;
  • the eyes are large, protruding, which makes the look seem surprised, a little like a doll’s eyes;
  • upturned nose.

Thanks to this, the muzzle looks very cute, hence the name: baby face, because the muzzle resembles the expression of a child, a doll. However, these features cause specific health problems, for example:

  • chronic conjunctivitis;
  • frequent eye injuries (due to bulge);
  • teeth often fall out (so you have to carefully monitor them);
  • snoring and grunting (due to improper placement of the nasopharynx).

You can buy this cute pet only with unlimited attention and care.

Features of maintenance and care

The Yorkie mix does not come in large sizes and feels comfortable in small city apartments. To prevent the dog from feeling loneliness, the bed should be within walking distance of the owner. Dogs are not kept in the yard - they require communication, and they are not adapted to living in unfavorable conditions.

Dogs do not need long walks; they can be taught to visit the cat litter box from early childhood. If desired, walking takes place for half an hour, twice a day. The dog is led on a leash so that it does not get lost or fall under the wheels of a car.

A combination of characteristics of the coat can cause problems with its care. The coat grows quickly, young animals need to be combed daily. To prevent tangles, brushes with a massage effect are used.

The condition of the hair depends on:

  • from air humidity;
  • diet - if there is a lack of vitamins and minerals, it will become faded, sparse, like in old photographs;
  • influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Important! Dogs have their ears and teeth cleaned and their eyes wiped regularly. You can wash your dog no more than once a month.


A cross between a dachshund and a Yorkshire terrier (dorki) is the result of research carried out presumably at the end of the 20th century. breeding work in the USA. The choice fell on these dogs, since both of them belong to decorative and hunting breeds and are suitable for each other in size. Dorks are small rectangular dogs, weighing about 4 kg and reaching a height of more than 30 cm at the withers. They are similar in appearance to dachshunds, but have a wider muzzle and small, semi-erect, triangular-shaped ears.

Today, there are 2 varieties of these mestizos, differing from each other in coat. The first type has long, soft and slightly wavy hair, which is easy to comb and does not tend to bristle in different directions, making the dog look neat. The coat of the second variety is shorter and very hard; caring for it requires regular brushing only with metal brushes and haircuts at least twice a year.

Almost any coat color is allowed, but the most common is black and tan with a little gray.

The hunting blood of Dorks is the cause of some problems in their character:

  • stubbornness and willfulness;
  • jealousy of other pets;
  • the need to dig holes;
  • constant barking;
  • hunting instinct aimed at small animals.

Any character flaws can be corrected with proper upbringing, socialization and training. In addition, Dorks need regular active walks and games, which help get rid of accumulated energy and extinguish the hunting instinct. Basic care for these pets consists of feeding them a high-calorie diet appropriate for their activity, daily cleaning of the ears and eyes, and trimming their nails as they grow back.

How to choose a puppy?

  • Look at the puppy's parents, so you can determine the possible development of the dog;
  • You should not take lethargic and motionless puppies, most likely they are unhealthy;
  • Observe the Chorkie during the game - how he communicates with his brothers, you will also see defects in the joints, if any;
  • Play with the puppy yourself; if he is too excited and aggressive, it is better to choose another one;
  • The wool should be clean, without tangles;
  • Inspect your dog for ticks and fleas;
  • Watch him eat;
  • Check your eyes, mouth, and ears for any discharge.

How to distinguish Spitz dogs from other breeds and mixed breeds

Sometimes, Spitz dogs can be easily confused with mixed breeds and representatives of other breeds. To prevent this from happening, you need to buy an animal from a trusted place, where you can be sure that the puppy has been well fed and is healthy. In addition, Spitz dogs can be distinguished by external characteristics .

First of all, it's wool. Spitz have a double warm coat: one part is long straight hair, the second is a delicate soft undercoat consisting of short hairs. The coat should be combed regularly and washed when dirty.

Spitz dogs have neat ears that are set wide apart. The tail is above their back and curls into a ring. Growth varies depending on age and variety.

When buying a Spitz, you need to inquire about the availability of documents about the origin of the offspring . If the pedigree is zero, the dog may not be purebred. But this will not prevent the animal from being a faithful friend, and not all owners take animals to exhibitions.

Choosing a dog is not only pleasure, but also responsibility. First you need to weigh the pros and cons, because the animal requires a lot of attention. But this care will more than pay off with the love and devotion of the pet.

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