How to catch a hamster: effective methods, recommendations and advice from owners

It happens that small rodents get lost and hide somewhere. What to do? How to catch a hamster in an apartment? Don't panic under any circumstances, stay calm. The article will give useful recommendations that will help you. The main thing in this matter is to be patient.

So, how to catch an escaped hamster? Don't worry! If your rodent is in the apartment, then it is very likely that you will find it. It is possible that you will not need a day or two for this. Try not to make sudden movements so as not to scare the hamster.

Be sure to close the doors to prevent the rodent from escaping. Seal all cracks, if any. You should not open the windows so that the hamster does not accidentally fall out.

As soon as you realize that the rodent is not in the cage, immediately remove other animals (dogs, cats, etc.) from the room. This is necessary so as not to create unnecessary stress for the hamster.

5 proven ways to control wild hamsters in your garden

The appearance of wild hamsters in a garden or summer cottage brings a lot of trouble to their owners.
Unlike domestic furry pets, which cannot eat a lot of things, a wild hamster is omnivorous and is capable of destroying fruits, vegetables, root crops and grain crops in the countryside. Owners of household plots, in order to protect and preserve their crops, must know the basic rules for dealing with hamsters, which cause a lot of trouble. The main difference between wild species and domesticated individuals is the tricolor color of the coat. They can also be distinguished due to the physiological characteristics of animals - the appearance of cheek pouches intended for transporting food, the reserves of which they constantly replenish.

The main reason why you need to get rid of hamsters is that even though these animals are loners, if a nourishing place is found, their relatives will immediately find out about it. Also, the wild species of rodents is quite prolific. In a year, one female can give birth to up to three litters (this is about forty babies), which in two months will independently reproduce and in the warm season can quickly populate vast territories and destroy almost everything that can be eaten.

Tracking a fugitive

We follow simple tips:

  • Hamsters are nocturnal animals, so you need to catch them in the dark, when they are active.
  • Leave some seeds or other treats on the floor of each room - the animal will get hungry and give itself away when starting its meal.
  • Sprinkle a little starch or flour around the treats you left for the animal - this is so that the fugitive leaves traces. This way you will understand in which direction the traveler is moving.
  • Flour and starch are poured in a similar way along doorways or in front of the animal’s intended shelter.
  • To catch the baby, place foil or plastic bags on the floor - the animal’s movements will be accompanied by a rustling sound.

Signs of hamsters appearing in a summer cottage

Wild species of rodents are not afraid of humans.
Fighting hamsters in the garden is a troublesome task. If there is a lot of food in your area, then the animal will live peacefully and often not in one copy. At a time when his reserves are in danger, he can put up violent resistance and attack a person, protecting his bins.

Signs of a rodent appearing in a suburban area are:

Having discovered trails, burrows or other signs of rodent habitation, you should immediately look for effective ways to get rid of hamsters in the garden.

A single effective method of exterminating wild hamsters has not yet been invented. Everyone chooses for themselves the most acceptable method from many existing ones.

Glass jar

There is an option for another trap. But it can only be used if you constantly monitor it. You will need 5 kopecks and a glass liter jar. Place the latter on a slant on the coin so that there is room for the rodent to climb into the jar. To bait, place a tasty treat for your pet in the middle of the jar. As soon as he approaches the “yummy”, the jar will cover him and he will need to be taken out immediately so that he does not suffocate. So be sure to keep an eye on the can if you use a trap like this.

Why do hamsters appear in the countryside?

The hamster is one of the few wild animals that is not afraid of people.

Moreover, it can live in your house, and often several individuals live in a human home at once.

If there is a good supply of food in the yard, the rodent will certainly occupy this territory. And if there are attempts to destroy his storage room, he may even attack.

The following signs will help identify the presence of an animal on the site:

Important: If you discover the presence of hamsters in your area, urgently look for methods of disposal. Otherwise, you may lose your harvest.

Of course, there is no single effective way to get rid of the pest. However, there are proven methods with which you can still defeat hamsters.

Ways to get rid of rodents

How to get rid of a country pest? When it invades, all methods will be good. At the same time, do not forget to take care of your own safety.

So, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most effective methods:

You can get rid of an uninvited neighbor by different means. Moreover, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.

Destroying a rodent's home

To destroy the home of rodents, you can use several methods:

Of course, the destruction of rodent homes is a temporary event. Often, after such an attack, pests return and choose new locations. However, this method allows you to preserve a completely seasonal harvest.

We use poison

In the fight against garden pests, all methods are good. Therefore, if you cannot drive out the hamster by destroying its home, stock up on poison.

To completely exterminate the army of uninvited guests, the following drugs will help:

Important: Before using poison, take care of your own safety. Wear a protective suit, gloves and a respirator. All the drugs described above must be used strictly according to the instructions. This is the only way to count on a positive result.

We resort to mechanical methods

Another great way to defeat rodents is to catch them mechanically. Of course, you can try to catch the pests manually, but this method will not bring a positive result, since a frightened animal is very dangerous and can bite, which will provoke unpleasant consequences.

It is much more effective to catch uninvited guests using a trap. This method is safe not only for humans, but also for pets.

The cost of a trap will cost an average of 250-300 rubles. Remember, when buying a trap, try to choose a metal device with a thickness of 2 mm or more. Otherwise, the caught animal will easily gnaw the trap and leave.

Ultrasonic repellers to help

Today, ultrasonic devices are very popular in the fight against wild rodents.

Such a device emits intolerable sounds for animals that the human ear is unable to detect.

There are a number of advantages of such a device:

However, despite the effect, this device still has disadvantages:

In addition, there is an opinion that such a device is dangerous for humans. The sound produced negatively affects the membrane structures of cells. Therefore, it is recommended to use the device at a time when there are no people or pets in the area.

How to prevent hamsters

It is impossible to prevent a hamster invasion. However, you can try one ancient method that allows you to contain an army of rodents outside your dacha.

You've probably noticed that people who make ash paths are the least likely to complain about rodent attacks.

This is due to the fact that ash, entering the animal’s stomach, corrodes its mucous membrane, as a result of which the hamster dies. And fly ash gets into the rodent's intestines when washing.

To scare away an uninvited guest using this method, make ash paths around the perimeter of the site.

Of course, such a kind of protection will not give you a guarantee that hamsters will not enter your area. But as observations show, sometimes this measure helps stop the invasion.


It is quite difficult to prevent the appearance of these pests in a timely manner.

The problem is that these uninvited guests regularly raid the plots, especially during lean seasons.

Therefore, all that a summer resident can do is to regularly inspect the area and, if traces of a hamster are noticed, immediately use the entire arsenal at his disposal.

Remember, your goal is to protect the area in such a way that neither you nor your beloved pets are harmed.


Preventing escapes. What should the owner do to avoid problems?

In order not to wonder about how to catch a hamster, it is worth preventing its escape. And how to do it? Make the cage more secure. To do this, check all loose, poorly functioning and falling off parts of the cage. If there are any malfunctions, correct them immediately.

If the rodent often escapes, then lock the cage well. To do this, use a metal lock. It must be secured externally. You should not use a plastic lock for these purposes. It is more harmful, and may also be useless, since the hamster can simply chew it off.

It is also worth removing sources of stress and fear. Then he will have ideal living conditions. In a room where it is constantly noisy and loud, the rodent will feel uncomfortable living. If you notice signs of dissatisfaction in your hamster (for example, he runs away from the cage, behaves apathetically, etc.), then think about the possibility that your pet needs more attention from you.

What to put in hamster traps. How can you get rid of hamsters in your dacha forever?

The wild hamster is not the cute creature that many people keep in cages at home. This is a voracious creature that does not disdain any food. For summer residents this is a real disaster. In one night, several of these rodents can destroy a huge amount of crops and crops. Therefore, people ask the question “how to get rid of hamsters.” But unfortunately, everything is not so simple. Fighting can be a very difficult and expensive task that not everyone can afford.

Protecting the harvest is the main task of many dacha owners who are faced with this problem. When you find fruits spoiled by them, this is one thing, but when more than half of the crop is destroyed, this is completely different. At the first sign of pests, action must be taken. At first, when they have not yet multiplied much, there may be one or several individuals. For a large area there will be no serious damage. But if you don’t fight hamsters, then next year there will be such a number of them that it will be very difficult to cope with. In a day they can destroy a huge amount of crops.

Bucket traps

How to catch a hamster? Take advantage of one trap you can make yourself. Take a clean, deep bucket. It doesn't have to be quite deep. To soften the fall, place a towel (sawdust) at the bottom of the bucket. Next, you need to place some food in the bucket. This is necessary to lure the hamster to the bucket. You can use flavored “goodies” for this, such as apple and peanut butter. You can also place a cardboard toilet paper tube or a teeth grinding block in the bucket. In addition, you can additionally place lettuce leaves in a bucket and place a container of water so that the rodent can quench its thirst.

Then you need to make steps for the hamster. How to make them? You can lay out disks or a stack of books in the form of steps. You can also use Lego parts for these purposes. Also, in addition to steps, make a ramp. Note that the steps themselves should go to the top edge of the bucket from the outside.

You can use a napkin instead of foil. Standing on it, the rodent will simply fall into the bucket. I would also like to say that you shouldn’t pour too much food on the steps that lead to the bucket. You don't want to feed the hamster, but to attract it. Otherwise, he will simply eat and hide. Then you need to wait until the animal gets hungry. Such traps should be installed in every room if you do not know where exactly the rodent is hiding.

Fighting a hamster in a summer cottage

Flooding of holes. If you need to smoke out an animal so that it changes its place of residence, simply fill the hole with water. Be prepared that you will have to fill it a lot, since the hole is deep, has several exits, and some of the water will be absorbed by the ground. But in order to catch the hamster, you need to block all the exits except the one into which we will pour water. Thus, the rodent will have no other choice but near you, and here you will catch it. This should be done during the day, when the animal is at home.

Poison baits also work well. But you need to select them well and give a good dose. These pests are resistant to poison in small doses. Therefore, try to add a serious dose of poison and place the bait around the area. Be careful that the bait is not eaten by pets.

There are other ways to deal with hamsters in the country, but they are not very effective. In any case, beware of them. These are dangerous rodents that can harm not only the garden, but also humans. Even if caught in a trap, he is still dangerous and will jump on you.

Hamster trap:

Pest trapping process:

1. And in the city, dozens of hungry cats, trained on rats and dogs, are looking in vain for food. (cats don’t eat carrots and cabbage)

2. If it is known that this is a hamster, then it has been seen. Like in the song, “I’ll go out into the field at night with a gun. »

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