Why does a hamster bite and how to stop the animal from biting?

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10/20/2018 This question is on the minds of all parents who bought an animal for their children to foster a love of nature and a desire to take care of someone. Hamsters are cute, fluffy, funny creatures that evoke sympathy and affection with their funny habits. However, problems may arise with them if a “biting habit” suddenly appears. So how to stop a hamster from biting?

Why do hamsters bite? (Dzungarian, Syrian, etc.)

Do hamsters bite? is a common question asked by new pet hamster owners. Parents who are planning to purchase an animal for their children also ask this question.

The short answer is yes. Hamsters, including the dwarf Djungarian and Campbell's, bite, but only under certain circumstances.

Fright. Perhaps you are making a lot of noise? Is your hamster in a noisy part of the house? Noise is a common reason why a hamster may become scared. In addition, the rude attitude of young children can also upset the hamster. When you first bring your hamsters home, leave them in their new cage for a couple of days to allow them to settle in and become accustomed to their surroundings. Gradually teach them the presence of a person and a human voice so that it is not a strong irritant for them.

The smell of food. A hamster may bite you simply because it thinks your fingers are food, not out of fear or aggression. Their sense of smell is very developed and they can easily mistake their hands for leftover food. Wash your hands after handling food to minimize the risk of your hamster biting you.

Protective instinct. Hamsters are territorial animals, so they may see you as a threat if you stick your hands into their cage or nest, especially if you are unfamiliar to them.

Frightened, upset hamster. If you suddenly offend your hamster, do not expect a kind reaction from him. The usual cause of the disorder is sudden or unexpected awakening or nest intrusion. It's best if you let them wake up on their own if you want to play or interact with your little pets.

Features of handling Campbell's hamsters

Breeds of domestic hamsters are not as diverse as we used to think. Today it is common to breed the following breeds:

  • Dzungarian (Sungur);
  • Syrian hamsters;
  • Angora hamster;
  • Roborovsky's hamsters;
  • Campbell's hamster.

Campbell's hamsters are one of the most problematic species to keep at home. For a comfortable stay for one hamster, it is enough to purchase a cage measuring 50 by 30 cm. Hamsters are unusually nimble, so the distance between the bars of the grid should not be more than 0.5 cm so that the pet does not escape. It is advisable to provide the animal with a running wheel. Under natural conditions, hamsters are excellent runners and sometimes cover considerable distances, so in a cage they need to receive sufficient physical activity.

Campbell's hamsters are nocturnal, which can be an obstacle to their communication with humans. They become active at night, and by morning they hide back in the house or nest. You can only communicate with them in the evening or early in the morning.

Incredible love of freedom is another characteristic feature of Campbell's hamsters. They don’t like to be picked up and begin to defend themselves and let their teeth in. Experienced owners often remove animals from cages while wearing gloves. However, once in your arms, these hamsters quickly come to their senses, becoming tame and affectionate.

Why does a hamster bite your finger?

Even an already tamed and domesticated hamster can bite its owner. This is a rodent, and trying everything by tooth is a natural instinct. Therefore, this cannot always be regarded as a manifestation of aggression. The reasons may be different, let’s consider them in more detail.

Did you know? Hamsters swim well by taking air into their cheek pouches and using them as floats.

Female pregnancy

During pregnancy, females perceive any changes very aggressively. Even replacing water with clean water or giving food can provoke a desire to bite the owner.

If the reason for the sudden manifestation of aggression is hormones, it is worth changing the bedding, water and food less often, and it is better not to play with your pet at all for some time. Important! A female with offspring is very dangerous and aggressive. Maternal and self-preservation instincts work simultaneously!

Hands smell like food

Your hands may smell like food. The smell is not noticeable to you, but the hamster picks it up immediately. It is logical that instinctively he must now taste what attracted him so much with its aroma.

Mistreatment of animals

In defense, the hamster may bite you if you pick it up incorrectly or pull it out of the cage. It is correct to grab the animal by the side or from below.

It’s even better to open your palm and wait, the inquisitive fluffy will become interested, sniff it and climb into your hand.

Important! Try not to touch the hamster's head, this is extremely unpleasant for them.

Wants to play with the owner

When playing with its owner, the animal may lightly pinch the fingers or skin of the hands. This is not aggression, rather, on the contrary, a playful mood. But if the bites become noticeable and painful, most likely the pet is tired and it’s time to take a break.

Grinds down teeth

If your hamster's diet does not contain mineral stones, branches of fruit trees, or dry dandelion roots, he has a clear problem with his incisors. And with such a deficiency, your fingers are the least he can grind his teeth on. This is a very serious gap in the care of this rodent, which negatively affects its health.

A hamster bit until it bled: what to do and how to treat the wound

If your pet does bite you, do not stress him out by screaming, even if you do not understand the nature of aggression. It’s better to try to find the reasons and eliminate them as soon as possible.

There is no need to panic; hamsters are not carriers of rabies. There is no need to squeeze anything out of the lacerated wound. It is enough to wash the bite wound with antibacterial or regular laundry soap, then lubricate it with brilliant green and hydrogen peroxide. But if your pet has been in contact with other pets, then it can become a carrier of:

  • toxoplasmosis (an extremely dangerous disease for the expectant mother);
  • listeriosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • and, according to some doctors, salmonella and meningitis. Although practice does not confirm this method of transmission of these infections.

If the bite site turns red, bruises, itches, or is swollen, consult a doctor immediately. Did you know? Vietnam has legally prohibited the breeding of these pets, considering them to be the main carriers of most serious infections. For breaking the law, residents of the country face a huge fine.

How to stop a hamster from biting

As a rule, this brave man attacks children more often, since they spend more time with him and constantly try to pick him up and cuddle him. We need to explain to them that a pet is a living creature, not a toy.

And his teeth are the only way to protect himself from the threat. But if a child is eager to take care of a cute creature, teach him to be more attentive to the animal’s daily routine. You should not pull the animal if it is washing itself or sleeping.

Well, the main rule is to gradually and regularly accustom your pet to handling:

  1. Start by treating him to his favorite food, stick your hand into the cage and wait until the little greedy sniffs it, gradually remembering your smell, and then swallows the treat.
  2. The next step is to get him to take the treat from your hand.
  3. You can switch to tactile contact when he is already fearlessly eating from your hands.
  4. The final stage can be considered the moment when he allows you to pull yourself together.

Find out how long they live, what diseases they suffer from, how to find out the gender of hamsters, whether they need to be washed, why hamsters squeak and itch. By correctly teaching a child or adult how to handle a cute pet, you may well be able to minimize or even avoid animal bites and their consequences. And then your communication with your furry pet will be filled with positivity, positive emotions and nothing will overshadow it. >Why does a hamster bite: video

How to solve a problem

We have already explained above why a hamster bites - be sure to take these tips into account to reduce the risk of repeated aggression.

You can also give several recommendations that can reduce the likelihood of getting bitten:

  1. Do not pick up a sleeping or sleepy hamster - if he is asleep, he may simply not understand and bite you.
  2. Not all rodents like it when someone puts a hand into their cage, even for games - let the hamster go out through the open door and only then pick it up.
  3. After touching any foods with your hands (both those your hamster loves and those with a strong smell), be sure to rinse them thoroughly - preferably without using soap or gel with a strong smell.
  4. Don't pick up your pet unexpectedly. Say at least a few words in advance so that he understands that you are nearby, which means that he is not in any danger.

Having taken this data into account, you will probably no longer ask the question: “What should I do if the hamster bites?”


Beautiful hamster! Yes, this is a Syrian hamster, golden in color, long-haired, male.

Don't just let him smell your hands and don't show him your fingers. He cannot grab it right away, as he must see who is taking it. Give it a sniff and immediately feel free to pick it up with both hands; it’s better that you do this and not a child; adults have larger hands. The fact is that he has already realized that they are afraid of him; when he bites, they leave him alone. On the contrary, you reinforce in the hamster’s mind that it is possible to bite, and you also give a treat for it. Now you can give “sweets” only after he sits in your arms. Try it!

You can replace the shavings with wood filler.



Is your hamster still small? Squeeze your “terrible beast” more often. Take it from above so that the homie does not reach you with his teeth, and hold it in your arms without putting a finger or hand under his muzzle. They held him, talked to him, gave him a treat - and into the cage. And so 3-4 times per evening. The more and more often you hold it in your hands, the faster you will tame it.

I once had a hamster who would throw himself on his back and scream at the sight of me, not to mention that he would bite like a hungry wolf as soon as he stuck his hand into the cage. It took 2 months to tame such an animal. Became a completely tame “bun” who climbed into his hands

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