“Why do you dream about a cat in a dream? If you see a Cat in a dream, what does it mean?

Why do you dream of a talking cat? This vision in a dream is interpreted differently by different interpreters. Some dream books consider it evidence that the sleeper has “warmed a snake on his chest”, an omen of bad news, financial difficulties or mistakes. For others, on the contrary, it is a sign that soon a white streak will come in life, and it will go into a calm channel.

Be careful: you are surrounded by treacherous people

A dream about a cat speaking in a pleasant voice symbolizes the deceit of a person pretending to be benevolent.

Seeing a talking cat in a dream means: you are surrounded by deceitful, unreliable people. You shouldn't plan anything serious until you figure out who is who.

Why does a man dream about a pet that suddenly speaks like a human? In the dreamer’s life there is a person who uses him for his own selfish purposes. It’s better to distance this acquaintance from yourself so as not to regret it later.

Dream interpretation of a talking cat, why do you dream of a talking cat in a dream - AstraMuseum

Since time immemorial, cats have been considered magical animals that can be in the real and astral world at the same time. These animals are considered a complex, mysterious and ambiguous symbol, an emblem of magic and mysticism.

At the same time, it is difficult to find a person who would not be touched by small kittens.

How many pleasant emotions are evoked by furry, funny babies sleeping or playing! But in the world of dreams it often happens that a phenomenon that evokes pleasant feelings in reality can be interpreted as something not entirely favorable.

Seeing kittens in a dream is most often considered an unfavorable sign, but not at all scary. Animals can dream of minor troubles , minor illnesses, minor difficulties or minor quarrels.

What exactly a kitten dreams about depends on a number of nuances. Eg:

  • Do you see one animal or several in a dream?
  • Are the babies you dream about ragged and skinny or fluffy and beautiful?
  • Do only kittens appear in the dream, or do you see an adult cat along with them?
  • Do you buy a furry baby yourself or does someone give it to you?
  • Do you stroke your baby in a dream or play with him? And how does he react to affection - does he purr or scratch?

It may even be that you are dreaming of a dead kitten. In addition, you need to take into account the color of the animal , and who is dreaming about a kitten - a man or a woman, a girl in love or a mother. Taking into account all these subtleties, you can get the most truthful interpretation of the dream.

Seeing kittens from the outside

If in a dream you looked at the babies but did not touch them, try to remember what the kittens looked like - their appearance will play a decisive role in the interpretation of the dream.

  1. One pretty baby promises the dreamer some profit. Probably, receiving it will be associated with fuss and troubles, however, nothing bad will happen. However, the profit will be small - you will receive some kind of monetary reward or bonus.
  2. Many kittens dream of trouble . They will not be global, but they will temporarily add trouble to you. Sometimes such a dream means minor health problems.
  3. If a woman sees a dream in which there are many animals, it can be interpreted as a warning. During this period of life, you cannot be gullible - your enemies are preparing a trap for you, and if you are not careful, you risk greatly regretting the consequences. You should be especially vigilant when communicating with the opposite sex.
  4. Lovers who see furry babies in their dreams will face difficulties in their relationships . Such a dream warns that a difficult period of conflicts and suspicions is coming in a relationship. It is better to try to prevent problems, thereby avoiding them - otherwise the relationship may not withstand such a test.
  5. If you dream of one dirty and skinny animal, this is a kind of advice sent to the dreamer from above. A person who has such a dream should not trust the first impression and buy into external gloss when meeting new people, otherwise he will have many disappointments along the path of life. First of all, this interpretation concerns women.
  6. Babies who have just been born and have not even had time to open their eyes symbolize the dreamer’s internal state . Most likely, you are now going through a period of life in which you feel helpless, like a blind man, not knowing what to do next. Try to gather your strength and get out of this situation.
  7. Thoroughbred, well-groomed, beautiful and fluffy animals are a favorable symbol that promises you good luck in business, pleasant emotions and gifts. However, be careful - all these pleasant moments can be associated with a selfish and insincere person. For example, they may give you something with intent, expecting some kind of favor in return.
  8. Seeing dead kittens in a dream (if they died without your participation) is a good sign. The dream symbolizes that soon minor problems and troubles will be resolved on their own, without your intervention.
  9. If you dreamed of a cat with kittens, this is a symbol of a strong family , care and offspring. The dream means that order and harmony will reign in your home.

Contact with kittens

If in a dream you are not just an outside observer, but also touch animals , the interpretation will depend on what exactly you are doing.

  1. Petting a kitten is not a good sign. The dream warns that there are hypocritical, flattering and insincere people next to you who are hiding under the masks of friends.
  2. If a cute, fluffy baby purrs and cuddles up to you, this promises a new romantic acquaintance, flirting and dates.
  3. Playing with a kitten is a bad omen, especially if the baby bit the dreamer while playing. Such a dream means that a loved one is insincere with you, his thoughts towards you are bad, and his conscience is unclean.
  4. Buying a kitten in a dream is a warning that you may soon face fraud. You may be deceived with money or drawn into some kind of financial fraud. Please use caution.
  5. If you were given a baby, this is a sign of loneliness . Either you are already single, or you will become so in the near future.
  6. Killing a kitten in a dream is a good omen, meaning that you will soon solve your problems and get rid of your troubles.

Color of babies

, what color the animals were also plays a significant role .

  1. Redheads - monetary reward, profit.
  2. Gray, smoky (especially if the animals are well-groomed and fluffy) - comfort and well-being in the house . If there is a crisis in the family now, rest assured that everything will change for the better very soon.
  3. Whites are a pleasant acquaintance. Perhaps you will meet a new friend, or start a romantic relationship.
  4. Black - help from above , certain mystical events in life.
  5. Striped - betrayal and deception. Be careful and don't trust others too much.
  6. Multi-colored - disappointments . Such a dream suggests that you are gullible and not very far-sighted, as a result of which you are easily misled and deceived.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about kittens?

In addition to the above, different dream books may interpret dreams about kittens differently.

  • Miller's dream book says that these animals in a dream are a symbol of the troubles that haunt you. Killing a kitten in a dream means getting rid of problems in life. If a woman dreams of a cute, white and fluffy animal, the dream book warns that her enemies will lure her into a trap, from which the dreamer will eventually get out safely thanks to her own prudence. If you dream that a snake is killing kittens, your enemies will look for ways to harm you, but ultimately, all the machinations will turn against them.
  • According to Sigmund Freud in his dream book, kittens symbolize excessive sensuality and excitability. The dream book states that if in a dream you feed your baby with pleasure, in reality you want to have sexual relations with several minors at once. Caressing a kitten in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in life you want sex with a young partner. If the baby himself caresses you, this is a sign of your sexual attractiveness to others.
  • Aesop's dream book says that seeing a cat with kittens in a dream is a sign of trouble with children. Perhaps your child is deceiving you or hiding something. Seeing a small kitten hiding in a tree from an angry dog ​​is a warning that you should be careful. And if the animal runs away from the dog onto the roof, beware of repeating the dangers that you once avoided.
  • The dream book of Nostradamus associates kittens with global changes. So, if in a dream you see a basket of furry babies being brought into the palace with honors, the dream book says that after 10 years a strong political leader will come to power, whose reign will be marked by independence and democracy. The people will honor this person to the point of deification.
  • According to Loff's dream book, a cat is a symbol of magic and intuition. According to the dream book, kittens mean that the dreamer needs to listen to his intuitive sense more often. Also, the appearance of furry animals in a dream can be a symbol of your desire to study magic and occult sciences.


Why do you dream about a cat in a dream?

A man became friends with a cat 10 thousand years ago. And since then, he has become one of the favorite pets, which not only brightens up the gray days and lifts the mood, but also provides significant help around the house, destroying rodents. However, in collections of interpretations this symbol is considered complex and ambiguous. Why do you dream about a cat?

The cat, like the Phoenix bird, dies and is resurrected again - and so on 9 times. It is not for nothing that many nations, including Egypt, considered this animal sacred, and killing it was punishable by death.

At the same time, everyone is familiar with the wayward character and quarrelsome disposition of cats, for which they began to be credited with such human qualities as cunning, a tendency to deceive, and anger. In many dreams, cats represent insidious enemies and competitors , and graceful cats represent dangerous seductresses.

A dream involving such a mythical animal is often prophetic - you just need to be able to decipher it correctly.

White cat

Why do you dream about a white cat?

White color is a symbol of purity and innocence, but not in relation to this animal. Such an image indicates the presence in life of dishonest people who strive with all their might to gain trust.

For women who have a permanent partner, a white cat promises betrayal of their lover, and young ladies, after what they have seen, should be wary of a roguish and handsome suitor, dishonest in his hands and thoughts. Such a dream also foreshadows a surprise from an old acquaintance.

If in your night dreams you saw an animal with fur the color of snow, then you should be wary of an attack of a chronic disease.

A big cat

Why do you dream about a big cat?

  • — the size of the animal represents your fears of enemies. Maybe the problem is not so global that we need to focus on it so much?
  • - a clumsy and lazy big cat should not cause you any fear. The ill-wishers have so far taken up defensive positions and are in no hurry to go on the offensive, which means you can think through your actions and take revenge on them;
  • - a “oversized” animal promises deception, and the larger its size, the greater the fraud;
  • - a big talking cat indicates that you cannot establish relationships with the opposite sex at all, but if you wish, you can overcome your complexes.

Cat in the house

Why do you dream about a cat in the house?

A pet that purrs and seeks affection indicates the selfish motives of the flatterer in your environment. If the cat shits in the house, then disappointment cannot be avoided.

If your own pet caught a mouse in the kingdom of Morpheus, then you can expect big profits and winnings. To drive a cat out of the house and see him hiding in the distance means that in reality your enemies will stop trying to harm you.

Seeing a cat and a dog in the house is a favorable sign: true friends will not leave you in trouble and will help you get out of a difficult situation.

Catching the cat

Why do you dream of catching a cat?

  • - such a dream is interpreted as follows: you yourself provoke troubles that fall on your head;
  • - catching a cat and eventually grabbing it means that in real life you will also catch a scoundrel by the hand and avert trouble from yourself;
  • - if the dreamer caught a cat that wouldn’t give in, struggled and hissed, then in reality his jealousy will drive his other half into a frenzy, and she will zealously begin to fight for her freedom.

Lots of cats

Why do you dream about a lot of cats?

The more of these animals in night dreams, the higher the probability of prediction. If they behaved unfriendly, attacked and left claw marks, then your enemies conspired against you and are developing a plan for moral destruction.

Dreaming of catching a cat, and with it kittens, means solving small everyday problems. If these representatives of the fauna were red in color in a dream, then you will become an object of lustful interest from the opposite sex.

Animals of different colors always promise good luck, but if they were striped, then you will not yet achieve stability in business.

Attacking cat

Why do you dream of an attacking cat?

  • — did the purr behave aggressively in the kingdom of Morpheus? This means that in reality you will have to reflect a very painful blow - in the figurative sense of the word;
  • - a cat attacking and biting the hand portends intrigues and gossip at work, and if the leg is the object of his rage, then someone from a closer environment is plotting;
  • - blood after an animal attack warns you against new acquaintances;
  • - a wound on the body left by cat teeth and claws indicates that jealousy will soon overwhelm you.

Source: https://astromuseum.ru/tolkovanie-snov/sonnik-govoryashhij-kot-k-chemu-snitsya-govoryashhij-kot-vo-sne.html

Dream details

Remember the details of the vision. So this was:

  • your pet - someone close to you will cause some kind of trouble;
  • your own, who has already died - financial problems in the family;
  • a stranger - they can set up a dirty trick at work;
  • street - you will find out bad news;
  • kitten - minor annoying difficulties await.

Get rid of complexes, reconsider your attitude towards the opposite sex

A kitten in a dream, having started a conversation, suggests, according to the dream book: you want to do something that it is better to refrain from. Do not give in to these thoughts, avoid actions that you will later regret.

Why do you dream of a talking cat? Sometimes it indicates the sleeper’s inherent sexual complexes, fears, or mistrust of members of the opposite sex.

This vision, according to the dream book, suggests: a man needs to change his attitude towards women and become less obsessed with thoughts about failures in sexual terms. Then relationships with women will improve significantly.

Dream interpretation cat

Dream interpretation cat.

The dream book of the Magickum project is based on the analysis of dreams that have come true, which is why it is the best dream book on the Runet according to user recognition. There are many rules for deciphering dreams, however, after reading even this characteristic of the symbol, you will be able to understand the essence of what your subconscious has shown you.

Read the symbol options below and find those that match the plot of your dream.

Cats in dreams mean either illnesses and experiences, or such human traits and relationships as affection, attraction and intimate connections. Almost always any animal is an image of a person. And the manifestations of his nature in the aspect of a specific animal.

For example, if in your dream you saw a beautiful fluffy cat clinging to you, trying to touch you in some way, such a dream means that in reality you have a fan or an interested person who has a desire for intimacy with you.

If in your dream you are holding a cat in your arms, the dream means helping someone close to you. This is the case when they need help and you should not refuse it. If the cat is bleeding, the dream concerns one of the close relatives (blood).

But caressing, kissing, stroking a cat in a dream already means your feeling of strong attachment to someone and the desire to get closer to this person. Playing with a cat is flirting. Feeding the cat means reciprocating the feelings of the admirer.

In general, it’s worth mentioning right away that a cat is an image of a man or a guy, and a cat is an image of a woman or girl

In dreams you can almost always feel or directly know how old or young the animal is in front of you.

The same can be said about the characteristics of the animal. For example, the color of a cat directly indicates the “suit” of a person.

The same applies to characteristics: a big, fat, fat cat. Like the person he symbolizes: large, tall, well-fed or rich, since fat in a dream, which does not always coincide with reality, people symbolize “weight” in society, including due to material wealth.

If you dream about a cat

The number of animals is the number of people. That is, two or three cats are two and, accordingly, three specific people. If there were simply a lot of cats, then the dream indicated the “power” of the events taking place.

If you dream about a lot of cats, such a dream means that there is a lot of slander and envy around you, and this will definitely result in intrigue. Typically, in such dreams you will feel wariness, fear or hostility from animals.

In those rare cases when you dream of cheerful and playful cats (a lot), and they look beautiful, the dream means a society of admirers in which you will soon find yourself.

Ginger cats can mean lustful persons of the opposite sex

A black cat often dreams of bad luck. But there are times when a black cat in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s personal occult or latent abilities. And in this case, if the dream was pleasant to you, the cat is a symbol of protection.

A white, clean, fluffy cat is a suitor with sincere intentions, however, it is very important for him to have physical contact with you.

Gray cats usually symbolize envious, deceitful and especially unprincipled people. Even if such a cat in a dream was beautiful and you liked it.

Sometimes you dream of blue cats - this is a symbol of a male male. Women will understand what I mean

It happens that you dream about green cats. This is a phantasmagoria and it means a synthesis of symbols. Such a dream means an inexperienced lover.

The tricolor cat is a symbol of protection and good luck. This is a sign of fortune.

A tabby cat is an unbalanced person.

If in your dream the cat was in the house, it means that the situation will unfold in your house, affecting your family or one of the household members.

This will already be clear from the plot of the dream itself. All other places where cats appear in dreams will be additional symbols indicating the area (relatively speaking) of the event.

Dream book of dreams come true

Mangy, wet, shabby cats in dreams symbolize illness. If such a cat scratches or bites you, the illness may drag on for a long time. The same thing happens if you fight with a cat in a dream.

Aggressive, angry cats mean a meeting with thieves, envious and selfish people. If only they have a chance, they will definitely try to cheat you, deceive you and steal from you.

Sick, dying, injured cats are a good sign. Indicates the end of your adversities, illnesses naturally. If in your dream you kill a cat, the dream predicts that you will soon sort out your problems yourself and quite successfully.

But giving birth to a cat is not a very good symbol. Because it indicates that you yourself will become the cause of future problems. It means roughly the same thing if you were looking for a cat in a dream. It's like looking for adventure on your own.

The only difference between these symbols is what effort you made and for how long. Such a dream does not fall under the above definition in cases where the dreamer actually lost his cat.

Finding, meeting, catching a cat means a new love adventure. To save a cat is to follow your whim

A wild cat is a person with an unbridled temper, uncontrolled emotions, and can also mean a bachelor. A domestic cat is a married man. And a cat with kittens often means a man and his children.

If in a dream a cat bites or attacks, the dream indicates conflicts, slander, slander and worries.

If a cat takes a shit, it means meanness from a person from your environment. If in a dream a cat has marked territory, such a dream promises women a scandal and a showdown due to connections on the side, and for men it indicates the seducers of their other half. If a cat urinated in a dream, expect a scandal. Also see the symbol “poop, shit”

Killing, strangling, or drowning a cat in a dream means recovery (the most important thing!) and getting rid of big troubles. The only difference here is how you deal with your problems...

Active actions, aggressive defense, passive perception - ignoring. The main thing is that you have already seen this in a dream, which means that everything will soon appear in reality. First, everything happens in the mental world, and then in life.

Dead, dead cat - the end of a bad period

What he touched on will be visible from the additional symbols of the dream, they will definitely be there. Sometimes such a dream means that the end of the relationship between lovers has come. Or you will lose affection for someone.

If you were given a cat in a dream, expect a trick from your close circle. Roughly, everything will look like this: they will help or offer you something, supposedly for your benefit, however, it will later turn against you.

Fighting cats mean that your enemies will quarrel, and this will come in handy for you

A cat and a dog fighting in a dream means that you will have a patron and they will help you in some way to cope with the problem.

If in your dream you see a cat catching mice, catching a mouse, or eating a mouse, the dream means that your enemies will have something to do that will distract your enemies from you. It will consist in the fact that they will solve their minor and unpleasant problems.

If a rat bites a cat in a dream, your enemy will be destroyed by the wrong hands.

A talking cat in a dream, like any other animal, means intuitive foresight or inspiration. His words, since you have already chatted, should have meaning for you, like instructions or a hint. Perhaps in the form of an allegory.

If a cat eats fish in a dream, it means that you have a fan who also looks at your wealth.

Cat's head - see separately.

Try to check the information

Why do you dream of a black talking cat? The dream book recommends being careful: an accident may occur or an illness may suddenly begin.

A black cat having a conversation with a sleeping person in a dream acts as a warning: do not believe everything they say, check the information.

Seeing him also means: you will soon meet an insidious person who will try to divert your attention and get some benefit for himself, says the dream book.

What will the details tell you?

dream books recommend remembering what kind of cat it was:

  • your cat spoke - a relative or friend will plant a pig;
  • the dreamer’s deceased cat spoke - material difficulties;
  • there was someone else’s cat in the dream - colleagues want to frame the dreamer;
  • stray cat - bad news;
  • kitten - minor but annoying problems.
  • your cat spoke - a relative or friend will plant a pig;
  • the dreamer’s deceased cat spoke - material difficulties;
  • there was someone else’s cat in the dream - colleagues want to frame the dreamer;
  • stray cat - bad news;
  • kitten - minor but annoying problems.

Dreams on the topic

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