Beautiful names for ferrets boys and girls, list of the best

Ferrets are domesticated representatives of the mustelid family; their closest “relatives” are weasels, minks and stoats. Small, rodent-like animals have a calm and affectionate, completely non-aggressive character and do not require special care. At the same time, they are very active, nimble and curious. These animals can become excellent companions for adults and faithful “play” companions for children.

Such a cute pet like a ferret needs to be named in a special way; simple, uncomplicated nicknames can sound banal and ordinary. We offer you a list of the most beautiful and elegant, sweet and funny, rare and original nicknames that will highlight your pupil and make him a unique, one and only “personality”.

Nature lover Gray

Choosing a name

The ferret is not only a whimsical animal, but also demanding in terms of care.
He needs to choose a diet so that it is balanced with vitamins and minerals. It is mandatory to carry out regular vaccinations, starting from the age of three months. What to call this unusual and playful animal? The ferret needs attentive care, care and constant contact with humans. A mischievous and active ferret, when bored, will cause significant damage to your order and integrity of furniture and other household utensils. but this does not make him less desirable or loved. Such an energetic creature is given a more interesting name that would fully reveal its character.

Sometimes the name comes by itself, and looking at the furry animal you understand what to call it. You can choose a suitable name for an animal based on its external qualities:

  • maybe you will discover distinctive features by looking at it and the name will come by itself;
  • the name of the animal corresponds to its appearance, similar to the names of other dogs and cats that came to the yard a long time ago;
  • observe the character of the animal, and you will understand what to call it;
  • cases of choosing a name are common among idols;
  • you can easily find a name among the fantasies of similar breeders;
  • according to some breeders. It is recommended to avoid hissing sounds in the name, the animal has a negative attitude towards them.

Ferrets are irritated by hissing sounds, so don't include them in your name.

There are many variations among names for girls and boys. Nicknames can be very different, from human names to the names of cats and dogs, as well as the names of favorite singers and actors. The choice of name is approached jointly as a family, or alone. Sometimes a name comes at the most unexpected moment, during some conversation, listening to a program, watching a movie.

Name for the mongrel

If your dog is a mongrel, then choosing a name for it depends entirely on your imagination. Of course, not all owners are in a hurry to give her free rein, and most often the black dog is named Chernysh, the stern, evil chain guard is Fierce, the dog picked up from the street is Naida, the shaggy one is Doll, etc. But simple options are not always the best, because in the case of mongrels it is often difficult to predict what size and appearance the pet will be when it grows up. A male the size of a Malamute will look comical with the name Baby or Bunny. Often the owners of mongrels are embarrassed to give their animals unusual, pretentious, as it seems to them, names, and it is completely in vain - your shaggy friend will not have a complex because he, for example, is Archibald, and not Druzhok, and it will be convenient for you if A dozen more will not respond to your call along with your pet. Perhaps your children will want to help you find a nickname for the puppy - they will be pleased to name their little friend after a character from their favorite cartoon series or book.

List of girl names

What names can you choose for a ferret? So that they are beautiful, not too hackneyed:

  • Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, Aria, Arona, Alsa, Arya, Annika, Alya, Alsana, Ailsa, Alvea, Benda, Brenda, Belgium, Bella, Basya, Brunnhilde, Berona, Bersa, Barsa, Bunny, Britney, Bona, Verona, Varia, Venezuela, Velda, Verna, Vessia, Valarie, Velora, Vinnitsa, Vicki, Vilaria, Vraeya, Hestia, Godna, Gerda, Grina, Grassia, Gastoni, Gremmie, Pear, Hekta, Hecate, Gadriel, Donna, Dama, Dreya, Danny, Demi, Deborah, Dinara, Dulsina, Julia, Dobrana, Dora, Demeya, Dilla, Ena, Essi, Erona, Evita, Evgenia, Eromira, Priestess, Zhdana, Zhitta, Zhaniya, Zhensana, Zhessi, Zena, Zeta, Zama, Zemfira, Zirra, Zora, Zoryushka, Villainess, Ivy, Irona, Toffee, Irma, Ilta, Inka, Izza, Inora, Iveria, Isolde, Izmina, Izora, Kelly, Kami, Cameo, Camellia, Castia, Claire, Coldy, Kerry, Constance, Cassie, Klyuvdia, Kelsey, Luci, Lucia, Lucia, Lucy, Luma, Luna, Lucky, Lori, Lizzie, Lorena, Lorsi, Luria, Linara, Lima, Lassie, Lourda, Larry, Monica, Mirabelle, Mariel, Munira, Morena, Mechia, Mercy, Molly, Malvina, Marika, Mirra, Mistia, Miranda, Mrs., Malza, Mivetta, Muchacha, Milla, Noki, Nuki, Norel, Novella, Nizzi, Nozira, Nikki, Nedeya, Nursi, Naina, Nessie, Olda, Olza, Oya, Orina, Olivia, Olissa, Orsa, Orange, Otema, Okami, Okkiya, Palma, Palmyra, Pistia, Price, Putinka, Purina, Pussy, Perlita, Ponty, Perry, Rivzana, Ricky, Rowena, Rocky, Ruby, Rudy, Ruza, Rose, Rita, Rochelle, Raquel, Sania, Safira, Selena, Surry, Cynthia, Cindy, Samara, Solly, Sangira, Sarma, Sandy, Selma, Trixie, Twixie, Tiana, Triana, Toffee, Terra, Teira, Tiron, Tigria, Tobel, Ursa, Urika, Urma, Urga, Una, Udora, Uzza, Fanya, Fenya, Fiji, Furma, Ferra, Folsa, Fuchsia, Hannah, Heidi, Hillary, Hinora, Hella, Chloe, Khitra, Khiveya, Tsana, Tsolli, Tsushima, Tsurma, Tsara, Tsatsa, Tsiveya, Tsilli, Tsifia, Tsona, Chussi, Chuva, Miracle, Chukeria, Chara, Chora, Chamiya, Chelsea, Shaera, Shelley, Shona, Sharma, Shania, Shakira, Sheba, Joke, Enora, Erna, Erona, Elsa, Ermi, Era, Eda, Eva, Everia, Erica, Yuvi, Yulda, Yulza, Yunira, Yuna, Justina, Juno, Yudviga, Yurna, Yukki, Yuteira, Yuventa, Yakki, Jaffa, Yara, Yassa, Yadvina, Yarokki.

These are the beautiful names you can come up with for female ferrets.

Names for ferrets

It all depends on what exactly you are looking for. Very often difficulties arise when choosing a nickname for, for example, a boy or a thief in law. The same thing happens for animals, such as a dog or a cat, even a horse and a cow. Collection == : Nicknames of girls for ferrets Short tags ( Nicknames, girls, ferrets , ) Date: 13:30:08 Jamison Katia Corley Holly Tiana Sid Bradd Derick Korefanchik Gonzalo Nealy Jannet Lontz Longnecker Montaya Tonia Renollet Wilma Nelle Binkiewicz Roxanna Maurice Gutiennez Brianna Beulah Georgianna Agatha Jake Keas Yoshie Lon Sabina Glinda Maritza Saldana Jorgensen Quinton Basore Murden Wade Brock Fegette Tammara Spurgeon Banning Zack Arron Ute Daner Sering Hadges Elayne Micheal Nickleberry Chmelicek Denardo Erinn Kerry Sparkle Zachery Mohamed Shayne Arturo Leonor Bobby Early Stenger Sydney Guetersloh Tia Evan Malkiewicz Amira Gar ry Andres Issac Gwirtz Sam Lieutenant Colonel Bernard Sammie Trebbe Darbyshire Zumstein Mauro Chirdon Durrell Byron Roberta Hudas Nickerson Palmira Audra Bogle Holley Lesia Jessie Preti Gordon Lampl Yun Malecha Stephen Constance Dirkse Donny Beenel Jamie Brazel Loydick Coy Henrietta Storino Deitz Buck Vanesa Carl Marcell Wingard Guinasso Vito Rountree Phebe Nydam Tyesha Dill Santa Jewett Taggert Soon Ruffo Sol Jamal Jane Chernusya Valda Elman Kosharikk Kassell Bonamico Terence Deleppo Wilford Seacrist Wobbleton Mihalak Dario Phoebe Hugh Theron Nelda Casey Bilsborough Bates Morgan Victorian Irmgard Stepanida Stgermain Genaro Iwanicki Minten Chasen Thaddeus Amal Exum Rachel Noelle Kucel Antonio Mason Rosalee Soukup Asa Marcellus Krumm Lucila Cocking Layne Sonia Chilek Sergio Ed Paris Heidi Margarito Vainio Rang Eng Hassen Hayley Nestor Felisa Cleveland Reineke Velotta Carylon Ezekiel Jefferson Parone Coyle Shannon Jorge Susan Euna Walter Vogtlin Pedone Alena Schurz Kevin Fidel Plotrowski Quintin Rodrick Linhart Lisha Nevada King Ree Gretchen Stead Kraig Hillary Jerrell Lavelle Mckinley Mohammed Elizabet Los Sandra Ulysses Krysta Karie Alden Weisinger Artinian Scot Shara Chiou Elba Homa Maida Randa Smialek Milo Corey Montreal Maito Colding Ochiai Tiffany Stahly Bart Corazon Clotilde Renae Haysbert Petrina Yun Zauala Casserly Ava Abram Santiago Del Enedina Estela Fred Reill Petix Federico Karger Incle Dorthy Penders Speers Del Orrick Quintana Febus Tremore Wobbe Kintz Myles Blea Gerrity Ray Guzewicz Arbolida Hurlebaus Kid Kenna Brancati Hilary Amee Erler Korgie Jeannetta Laverne

House training

Wear a leash and collar while speaking to them and calling them by name. This will allow the ferret to roam freely. They easily get used to leashes and love to go for walks.

Please note that ferrets are curious. They will study everything and everywhere in your, and now their home, and climb into hard-to-reach places

Make sure that in your absence the ferret does not harm your property or itself. Keep him in a cage in your absence. Call him by his name and talk to him as you put him in and out of his cage. Play with the animal, they have a lot of energy and it needs to be directed in a positive direction, otherwise he will do mischief.

Keeping and breeding ferrets is a painstaking task, but not difficult. If you follow all the rules for growing them, feed, care for and take care of them correctly, there will be no problems or incidents. Pay special attention to their diet, since this will determine how long the ferret will live, how healthy he will be, and what his mood will be. A pet requires attention and time, so purchase it responsibly.

Which one?

All purebred dogs are divided into three types:

  • The first type is the pet class.
    These are simple pets that do not have any special external characteristics and will not attend exhibitions or engage in breeding work. Such dogs are loyal friends and companions. Their price is low, however, it often depends on the breeder.
  • The second type is the breeding class
    of dogs with high exterior characteristics. They take part in exhibitions, and if you approach them competently, it will not be difficult to obtain a high-quality headboard. Many representatives of this type are breeding animals, so they will cost more than the pet class.
  • The third variety is exhibition or show class
    . There are not many such dogs; they can be called close to the ideal standard. Animals of this type are representatives of blue blood. Experts know them by name. Buying such a dog is not easy - you have to wait for months and years. At exhibitions they always take prizes, but in breeding they do not live up to expectations. Their prices are very high.

How to name a domestic ferret - varieties of names

In the matter of his upbringing, the owner will have to show more rigor and perseverance in order to achieve the desired results.

4. Uncastrated males will be active, noisy, restless and even aggressive. They constantly mark their territory (fraught with a strong pungent odor), lose their appetite and are constantly looking for a female.

5. If you do not want to breed small ferrets, then it is best to castrate the male. Castration period: 6-8 months.

6. The ferrets' rut lasts from March to September. Ferrets need to be introduced to the male's territory. The mating process occurs noisily, with squeals and fights.

Why do people prefer ferrets?

This is a funny animal that is not deprived of its charm and beauty. He can be trained to go to the litter box, just like a cat. At the same time, it is a devoted pet. You can walk with him on the street, putting a harness on him. It usually does not cause allergies, and it is also difficult to get bored with it. These are independent and intelligent animals that easily get along with other pets.

What kind of troubles can you face with a ferret?

Ferrets have a peculiar musky odor that not everyone will like. Also, when an animal gets scared, it releases characteristic stink glands (prianal glands). Ferrets need a lot of attention as their active and playful life can lead to injury. Ferrets are easily excitable and can be aggressive. During the rut, they mark the territory. They cannot always get along with hunting dogs. Ferrets have one unpleasant passion - tearing up garbage cans, so letting them out of the cage is risky.


So who am I - Fretka, Ferret or Furo?

You will think of so many names and what is the correct name for this animal:

  • ferret
  • furo or
  • domestic ferret (lat. Mustela putorius furo).

In 1758, Linnaeus named the ferret Mustela Furo (its modern scientific name). Before this, there were names in Latin, first viverra, later furectus, furetus and furo.

"Mustela" is derived from the Latin word mus (i.e. mouse) and means "mouse catcher".

"Putorius" comes from the word putor (stench, Latin), indicating the peculiar musky smell of ferrets.

"Furo" means "thief" from the Latin fur.

The name of the animal will depend on where you live, more precisely in which country or continent. So in many European languages, not one, as in Russian, but two words are used. In English these are polecat and ferret. The word polecat refers to wild ferrets living in nature, and ferret refers to their domesticated relatives (which became the Russian “fertka”).

And as already mentioned, it will be called differently everywhere:

  • in England - Ferret
  • in Sweden - Tam-iller
  • in Holland - Fret
  • in Germany - Frettchen
  • in French - Furet
  • in Italy - Furetto
  • in Spain - Huron
  • in Finland – Fretti
  • in Czech - Fretek.
  • on the territory of Poland - Fretka, and this word is also used in the Slovak and Latvian languages.

And we have already borrowed from them, because as sources indicate on our territory of the former USSR, choreography appeared with cellular choreas originally from Poland.

Having dug a little into some sources, it turned out that in England the word ferret most likely comes from the Middle English furet, and it comes from the Old French furet, which in turn comes from the vulgar Latin frittus and the diminutive Latin fur, i.e. thief.

This way you can understand that “ferret” and “domestic ferret” are synonyms. Many owners of pet ferrets use the word “ferret” rather than “ferret”, since the word “ferret” has not yet become commonly used.

And the Latin name of the domestic ferret can be translated into Russian as “smelly thief who catches mice.”

It’s up to you to decide what to call the animal, but know that a decorative ferret is not the same as a wild one. The difference between a domestic ferret and its wild relatives is the same as between a dog and a wolf.

And finally, this fact: newborns are called puppies in America and Europe, but in some countries, for example in Australia, they are called kittens.

Welcome to the world of chorepop!

Proven rules that are followed when coming up with a nickname

Among the numerous questions about caring for ferrets, their preferences for food and their own home, the theme of the name for the new nimble and cute pet will also be important. The most important requirement of newly-made owners concerns only one thing - that the invented name ideally suits the animal itself

In this case, the first selection criterion concerns the need to name the ferret by gender. After all, when it comes to naming a boy ferret, they are guided by the same requirements; in order to name a girl ferret, you need to think in a slightly different direction.

But there are general rules for this fascinating and no less fun process:

  1. Initially, the nature of the nickname for the animal is chosen, since you can call a ferret either a cool or a more serious nickname. You need to decide which one is preferable.
  2. It is not recommended to use the nickname of someone you want to annoy or ridicule, since it is the owners who will have to use this nickname every day when calling their pet.
  3. The same applies to the names of any of the household members or friends who are often in the house, since the animal will constantly be confused about who exactly is being called at the moment, and this makes the animals unnecessarily nervous.
  4. You should not name your new pet by the name of your previous pets. Even if you really miss the friend who left you, you should not perceive the new one simply as a replacement for him.
  5. If the ferret already has a name, it is highly undesirable to change it, since the new environment already makes him nervous, and getting used to a new nickname can cause unnecessary stress.

Once several suitable options have been selected, they should be slowly listed and the behavior of the ferret himself observed. He will definitely like one of the nicknames, and he will react positively to it.

Simple and creative European and American nicknames

Nicknames of foreign origin always sound beautiful and “look” good on all animals, including ferrets. We offer a list of the most interesting options.

Male names:

  • Arno;
  • Henri;
  • Alan;
  • Barry;
  • Bert;
  • Brad;
  • Graham;
  • Jacob;
  • Justin;
  • Don;
  • Damian;
  • Diarmit;
  • Diego;
  • Jerome;
  • Zach;
  • Ingmar;
  • Clark;
  • Crispen;
  • Carlos;
  • Laurent;
  • Luigi;
  • Luke;
  • Porenzo;
  • Marvel;
  • Nigel;
  • Oscar;
  • Ralph;
  • Ron;
  • Ray;
  • Sammy;
  • Simon;
  • Tomaso;
  • Todd;
  • Umberto;
  • Warren;
  • Franz;
  • Harley;
  • Shelton;
  • Eliot.

Surprised Damian
Female names:

  • Amalia;
  • Adeline;
  • Agnes;
  • Becky;
  • Brianna;
  • Veysey;
  • Wendy;
  • Vivian;
  • Greta;
  • Gladys;
  • Deirdre;
  • Dilight;
  • Donna;
  • Dorothy;
  • Giselle;
  • Jacquette;
  • Yvete;
  • Clarissa;
  • Carrie;
  • Luanda;
  • Lionella;
  • Monica;
  • Marissa;
  • Marita;
  • Noemia;
  • Odile;
  • Pamela;
  • Paloma;
  • Rosanna;
  • Rosalind;
  • Suzanne;
  • Sabrina;
  • Sarah;
  • Trisha;
  • Trixie;
  • Hilda;
  • Abby;
  • Andy;
  • Eliza.

We recommend watching: 355+ beautiful names for frogs and toads

For some reason, wary Deirdre
The cute girl Matilda is a typical representative of her “race”. She is smart, lively, active and very inquisitive. Matilda explores every corner of the house with interest, loves to walk and explore the world around her. It looks like a life full of adventures and amazing discoveries makes this cutie the happiest ferret in the world!

View this post on Instagram

Posted by Matilda the Ferret (@matya_ferret)

Variety of names

Official name. Babies purchased from breeders already have a name written on their puppy card. As a rule, nicknames are given according to the letter of the litter to simplify control over it.

This name may be long and little perceived from the point of view, or rather, the hearing of the ferret. In this case, the nickname can be shortened, modified, or even better, the pet can be given a middle name for everyday use at home.

A name that a ferret himself would choose

When deciding what to name your ferret, you need to take into account the behavioral characteristics of your pet. If a ferret is interested in something, is busy exploring an object, is trying to crawl through a crack, is digging a flower out of a pot - a constant sound with a predominance of voiceless consonants will not distract the pet’s attention from its occupation

For example, you can refer to the lists of names for ferrets recommended on many sites dedicated to these animals. Remember: due to the physiological characteristics of the hearing aid, it will be difficult for your pet to perceive and focus on names such as Pirate, Pedro, Puff, Pierre. But a name like Peeves will immediately attract his attention. The ferret is a specialized hunter of small mammals and ground-nesting birds. For him, responding positively to a sound like a squeak is an instinctive reaction.

Animals also react negatively to hissing sounds. This also needs to be taken into account when choosing a name for your ferret.

Name for a deaf ferret. Unfortunately, congenital deafness is common among ferrets of rare colors. Such a pet will not be able to respond to a sound name, so it makes no difference what verbal expression you choose to individualize your animal. To communicate with him you will need to choose a different method. Ferrets are sensitive to vibrations. The animal clearly detects, for example, the vibration of the floor if you lightly stamp your foot on it, or the vibration in the air when you clap your hands loudly. In order for your cool friend to communicate with you, choose actions that generate vibration as a sign system.

The unique sound of the name. When choosing a nickname, make sure that it is unique, that is, it does not sound the same as the words that you use in everyday life. A ferret's hearing is so subtle and sensitive, its psyche is so tailored to the way of life in nature, that for it even its name and its diminutive are completely different sounds and symbols. Therefore, if a ferret hears its name sounding without reference to it personally, psychological confusion will arise, which will make it difficult for the animal to self-identify with the name given to it.

When referring to recommendations, be careful. In one of his sketches, the great satirist A. Raikin said: “Why study yourself if it is more profitable to teach others?” Unfortunately, there are often educational articles on the Internet that are not written by specialists. Some sites provide entire lists of names for ferrets. When following such advice, it is better to be careful and not take the recommendations unconditionally. For example, one such site suggests a name for a male ferret, Wilbur, describing it as best suited for large ferrets that like to bathe. Small ferrets also love to swim, and such a sound combination is difficult for the animal’s hearing aid to perceive, and the name itself evokes not very pleasant associations with the title of the popular film “Wilbur Wants to Commit Suicide.” Do you think it’s cool to call your pet this name? And in your desire to give your pet a cool name, won’t you look stupid at best? For example, nicknames for female ferrets are offered: Flora, Nera. Tell me, will you like it if you are called the kingdom of plants or the name of the goddess of the night and dark sorcery? Not to mention the fact that these ferret girls are unlikely to be able to distinguish their name in the stream of sounds.

Don't use hissing sounds in your name; ferrets don't like them.

When choosing a name...

Next are a couple of tips for owners.

If you decide to buy 2 adorable little rats at once, then keep in mind that the pair must keep same-sex animals. Accordingly, they need to choose paired, consonant and interesting names.

If you have a couple, then you can choose names that are consonant

What to name a rat girl and her friend?

Cynthia and Sansa, Dina and Daima, Chyna and Chastukha, Rozochka and Vetochka, Milka and Fanta, Tyukha and Mukha, Chanel and Farsi, Ocher and Odetta, Umka and Bara, Festa and Ammi, Asya and Alya, Louise and Thelma, Hallie and Berry, Mouse and Mashka, Mushka and Mouse, Lulu and Lusha, Shpulya and Mulya, Lyalka and Doll.

It is advisable to choose a name for a girl rat that is not offensive, although the rat doesn’t care, but still the female is a lady.

Don't be afraid of the consonance of names. The Rat has a very fine ear for music, and each of the lovely ladies will determine which of them you are addressing.

In addition to botany, computer games, musical groups and geography, names for girl rats can be selected from the pantheon of pagan gods, female, of course: Diana, Hera, Athena, Cybele, Ceres, Vesta, Minerva, Juno.

You can select the names of Greek and Roman goddesses in pairs:

Artemis and Diana, Aphrodite - Minerva, Hecate - Trivia, Hemera - Diesa, Gaia - Terra, Dido - Elissa, Elythia - Lucina, Megaera - Furina, Muse - Kamena, etc.

What do you call the boy and his neighbor's rat?

Feint and Pound, Muscat and Ayran, Tyopa and Tisha, Esaul and Jaeger, Edward and Alvin, Sherlock and Shustrik, Schweppes and Vint, Kulyok and Malek, Ratatouille and Donut, Speight and Bogart, Chip and Dale, White and Black, James and Bond, Elvis and Presley, Sherlock and Watson, Lestat and Armand, Aragorn and Bilbo, Sinbad - Buzurg - there are many options!

The option with the Greco-Roman gods will help you make the best choice of a male name for a male: Apollo - Phoebus, Ares - Mars, Boreas - Aquilon, Hephaestus - Vulcan, Dionysus - Bacchus, Saturn - Chronos, Poseidon - Neptune, Thanatos - Mors, Lucifer - Phosphorus , Hades - Pluto.

By giving a rat a name, you, as it were, define him as a person.

It doesn’t matter whether he accepts his nickname or whether you have to call him by tapping or whistling, for you he will no longer be one of many, but your warm bundle. And it was you who endowed this lump with individuality

Magic! By the way, a good name for a female...

Often the names for boy and girl rats are determined by the color of their coat:

Zlata, Belka, Leva, Nochka, Hashish, Peony, Ice, Ray, Mabel, Yakhont, Sycamore, Tyson, Onyx, Opal, Neon, Jasper, Duncan, Foxy, Gray, Blackie, Brown (Brownie), etc.

Name for the sphinx

Nicknames with a mythical and mysterious touch are suitable for the Sphinx

How can you choose a good name for a rat that doesn’t have a fur coat at all? What if this is a sphinx rat?

This is the only true breed of rat! – The rest of the decorative rats differ in species, but this rat is the result of the work of American geneticists, by fixing the mutations that deprived this animal of its fur. Sometimes there are sphinxes covered with thin, barely visible down. You can name Sphynx cats by breed: Donchak, Luntik, Canada, Peter, Peterbald, Muna.

It can be mythical and mysterious: Anubis, Walpurgis, Evangeline, Marquise, Grace, Olympus, Lucky, Ozz, Pompey, Moreau, Sanseviera, Smalta.

Or you can have a cool one: Fluff, Surprise or Pamposha, Charming, Honduras, Gollum, Lysik, Toffee, Globe.

And if you want to name the rat in a completely unusual way, give him the famous dog nickname!

For example:

Mukhtar, Dozor, Baron, Sharik, Bim, Trezor - for boys and Vyuga, Rada, Groza, Gerda, Palma, Naida, Zabava or Zadira - for girls.

Choosing a name and accustoming it to a nickname is the first stage of a rat’s getting used to its owner. Now you can safely begin taming and training the rat.

Previous Care and maintenance of ratsDomestic decorative rat: care and maintenance at home (photo)

A little about the content

We talked about names for ferrets and made lists of the best ones. But one cannot fail to mention such an important point as the maintenance of these animals.

It all starts with the cell. If you buy a ferret from a pet store, they may sell you a cage suitable for a guinea pig, but not for this cute predator. Firstly, future housing for a ferret should be vertical and consist of at least three floors. As in the photo.

Secondly, the dimensions of the cage should be 60*80*45 cm. And this is the minimum. The width of the rods is no more than 5 cm. Otherwise, the cunning animal will simply bend them aside and go for a walk.

Now let's mention feeding. Pet stores have a fairly diverse selection of dry food for ferrets. Don't take the cheap one. It usually contains cereals and bone meal. There are no useful substances there: just solid dyes and preservatives.

A very small pet can be fed cat spiders. Only high quality ones, not the cheapest ones. If there is no time/opportunity/funds to purchase food, homemade food will help out. Meat, cereals and vegetables.

Ferrets are smart creatures. They are easily tamed and can become ideal walking companions or just family pets.

Little thief

The appearance of a ferret immediately and on the spot strikes any animal lover, in particular, a lover of furry rodents. The body of this animal is plump, but at the same time incredibly flexible. The most talented gymnast will envy his plasticity. On the face with an eternally cunning expression, the eyes shine like two beads. Graceful paws seem to never stand still, and the beautiful “fur coat” of ferrets just attracts them to itself. Indeed, the fur of these animals is very pleasant to the touch.

There is no doubt that the ferret is very cunning. This is confirmed by those who are familiar first-hand with nimble rodents. Fluffy animals are extremely fond of stealing; this instinct is in their blood. Even from the name it is clear that the ferret is a little thief. After all, its second name is “furo”, which translated from Latin means “little thief”. From Greek the translation is pronounced as “cunning”.

What to name a female ferret

Well, your childhood dream has come true, and you have acquired a wonderful ferret - a sweet, friendly, affectionate female. She amazes you with her plasticity of movement and is very graceful. In addition, the ferret is very curious and, despite all your efforts to protect your pet from trouble, still strives to stick its nose where it shouldn’t.

Funny and cute nicknames

Adorable, funny and friendly names are an excellent choice for cute and affectionate animals. And here are some examples:

  • Chord;
  • Admiral;
  • Diamond;
  • Azimuth;
  • Azazel;
  • Boss;
  • Blik;
  • Bike;
  • Bard;
  • Bead;
  • Squirrel;
  • Pennant;
  • Dwarf;
  • Grandee;
  • Jazz;
  • Pearl;
  • Bully;
  • Arrogant;
  • Prince;
  • Button;
  • Yoke;
  • Lady;
  • Mirage;
  • My lord;
  • Cutie;
  • Norushka;
  • Prince;
  • Palm;
  • Titanium;
  • Bassoon;
  • Candy wrapper;
  • Fairy;
  • Crunch;
  • Harvest.

Serious Grand Boy

And what should we call such a miracle of nature?

Names for ferret girls: Avira, Agita, Agasha, Adimal, Adil, Azazel, Azali, Aishu, Aida, Aika, Amira, Amisi, Aikhina, Aichuna, Ayaka, Acrobat, Alivias, Alize, Alisana, Alesia, Allyana, Alouette, Almasha , Alfasa, Amalia, Ambriyas, Amilia, Amzina, Amiya, Aminaya, Amirasha, Amorka, Anabel, Aniska, Annita, Annis, Anana, Anfiska, Angel, Anyunya, Anesha, Appasha, Arvinsha, Arvisha, Arganda, Arinalia, Arishana, Ariyasa , Arching.

Arlyanas, Armita, Archita, Arkas, Askolta, Asolami, Assolka, Azolka, Aska, Asya, Atetessa, Athinas, Afroditas, Akhayashina, Ahirelka, Ashiya, Aya will also sound good.

Bagzilka, Bagirka, Bagirals, Basiza, Bakalyasha, Baksusha, Bambuchacha, Bandashka, Barberry, Barbie doll, Bardina, Bastasha, Basyanya, Bafunya, Baffisa, Begimati, Beilisa, Bekina, Bekkis, Bellas, Billosnezh, Betsy, Beshana, Bibu, Beggy, Bikini, Bixasha, Blitsy, Blomi, Bozena, Bollisa, Bonis, Bonyasha, Bosia, Bosyasha, Boshalya, Bridges, Brinny, Bruda, Butterfly, Bula, Buli, Bulka, Bootsy, Busenka, Bunka, Busyasha, Bootsy, Butsy, Bianca, Bette.

Yabimolka, Yabirash, Yadvigasha, Yadmanya, Yadanda, Yazyunda, Yakasya, Yakima, Yakisha, Yalia, Yamala, Yamerli, Yamita, Yanasha, Yandi, Janissary, Japan, Yaro, Yarri, Yarta, Yarka, Yasmin, Yaska, Yasya, Yata, Yatrin, Yashka.

Requirements for training a ferret to the chosen name

Once the ideal nickname has been chosen for the new furry family member, you can move on to training the animal. There are also some important tips for this:

  • you should not immediately move from the main name to its diminutive variants, the animal can easily become confused and nervous;
  • It is not recommended to change the chosen name, especially if you do it every few days;
  • It is best to accustom a ferret to your name during the feeding process, when the animal is addressed by its name and offered food; after a while, ferrets begin to respond as soon as they hear their name;
  • if the reaction is correct, you can first treat the animal with its favorite treat, and then move on to simple stroking;
  • When using the ferret's name, raising your voice, shouting and swearing is not allowed.

And one more important requirement for choosing a nickname for a ferret - it should be liked not only by members of the household, but also by the animal itself! If the animal quickly gets used to its nickname, then you have made the right choice.

Original nicknames for the coolest animals

The names of geographical objects will sound very serious, businesslike and even “cool” as nicknames. Nothing limits your imagination here: look for inspiration in any country in the world!

Our offers:

  • Amman;
  • Alaska;
  • Atoll;
  • Atlanta;
  • Bristol;
  • Brittany;
  • Bavaria;
  • Vistula;
  • Varna;
  • Valencia;
  • Vancouver;
  • Le Havre;
  • Grenoble;
  • Greece;
  • Dublin;
  • Dubai;
  • Dakota;
  • India;
  • Canberra;
  • Kenya;
  • Loire;
  • Mine;
  • Ottawa;
  • Reims;
  • Seine;
  • Sicily;
  • Sydney;
  • Turin;
  • Trieste;
  • Umbria;
  • Ethiopia;
  • Utah;
  • Java;
  • Jamaica.


Almost every breeder of these animals, speaking about their names, categorically does not recommend using the names of deceased animals, since they supposedly carry a negative aura. But a ferret is a living creature just like a human. Why do we often name children in honor of a grandfather or grandmother who is no longer alive, believing that they will keep the child from danger? Therefore, when choosing a name for a ferret, remember the main thing - it should, first of all, please you and your household, and not meet the recommendations of various advisers. After all, it is chosen to evoke positive emotions, and not to satisfy the requirements of numerologists, Feng Shui specialists, astrologers, sorcerers and other “specialists”, for whom it is often not the emotional connection between you and your pet that is important, but the satisfaction of their ambitions.


"Delicious" nicknames

If you are a foodie, look to gastronomy for inspiration. Inspired by culinary masterpieces and tantalizing aromas, the nicknames are unusual, sound original, and evoke smiles and positive emotions.

We recommend watching: 395+ beautiful names for insects (ants, spiders, crickets, etc.)

Interesting options:

  • Icecream;
  • Almond;
  • Peanut;
  • Avocado;
  • Loaf;
  • Biscuit;
  • Wafer;
  • Pomegranate;
  • Pear;
  • Granita;
  • Jelly;
  • Gelato;
  • Julien;
  • Zest;
  • Figs;
  • Cream;
  • Caramel;
  • Sweetie;
  • Latte;
  • Muffin;
  • Mousse;
  • Meringue;
  • Olive;
  • Nutella;
  • Donut;
  • Paste;
  • Pate;
  • Ricotta;
  • Risotto;
  • Tartlet;
  • Tart;
  • Halva;
  • Cheesecake;
  • Eclair;
  • Apple.

Charming Toffee

How to get used to a name

So, you've finally chosen a nickname. But I would also like the little animal to learn it and respond.

To begin with, understand for yourself that a name once chosen should not be changed after a few days to a new one that suddenly seemed more sonorous or suitable to you.

For some time, until the ferret gets used to the sound of his nickname, call him only by his full name, without using diminutive forms that can confuse the animal - after all, he can perceive each one as a new name.

The greatest effect is achieved by this approach: persistently pronounce the name immediately before feeding. Very soon the animal will get used to the fact that it receives food at the same time as this sound, and will begin to respond to it at any other time.

At first, you need to reward the ferret for this with some favorite treat, then the treat can be replaced by simply stroking it.

You should not use a nickname if you want to rein in a mischievous person or if he is extremely busy with something: he simply “will not hear” your call and will continue to ignore it in the future. And in general, accustoming to a name should take place with positive emotions - without shouting, dissatisfaction, or punishment. The ferret is a freedom-loving animal; it does not want to obey anyone.

Have you chosen a name?

Not really

Charming nicknames

If you constantly admire your beautiful ferret, choose an equally beautiful name for him:

  • Ada is a sweet girl.
  • Abe is a father of many children.
  • Alfie - similar to an elf.
  • Barney is a cute little bear.
  • Bella is beautiful and/or snow-white.
  • Billy is a ferret who has shown great success in training.
  • Boru - named after a comic book character.
  • Tsai - bright, colorful (in Chinese).
  • Caleb is honest, sincere.
  • Chava is vital, cheerful.
  • Domino is a black and white pet.
  • Dinka is small and cute.
  • Eve is life, progenitor.
  • Irv is short for Irving.
  • Fifi is from the full name Josephine.
  • Fergie is strong-willed.
  • Flipper is the one who turned the whole house upside down.
  • Ghost is white as a sign.
  • Gonzo is the name of a character from The Muppet Show.
  • Homer is a wise ferret named after an ancient Greek philosopher.
  • Hugo is very smart.

Dear Fergie:

  • Hotfoot - literally “hot feet”; very fast ferret.
  • Iggy is fiery, fiery.
  • Ina is a lover of order and cleanliness.
  • Jalapeño - hot green pepper; the nickname of an evil and furious pet.
  • Jasiri is unusually brave, undaunted by anything.
  • Kai means "ocean" in Hawaiian.
  • Kiya is an exotic African flower.
  • Coco is "night" in the Native American language.
  • Lamar means “who came from the sea” in Spanish.
  • Lala - "tulip" in Bulgarian.

This is Kai:

Don't call me that

Don’t let your pet’s name become a petty revenge against a person who somehow offended you, and in this way you want to annoy him.

This is not the best option for two reasons: firstly, you will constantly remind yourself of the offense, calling the animal by its “enemy” name several times a day; secondly, if you have become attached to the new tenant of the apartment, is it worth naming him with the name of the offender, because it will be projected onto the innocent animal and will most likely cause antipathy towards it?

You shouldn’t name your pet as a joke or “for fun” either - you can quickly get bored with the name “not seriously”, but the animal is already accustomed to it, and renaming it will lead to restless behavior and even stress.

The same situation may arise if the ferret already had a nickname before you acquired it, and then you suddenly decided to give him another one. It’s better not to do this - a new unfamiliar environment is enough for him.

You should not give the name of a person who has already died - this will also be a constant reminder of pain with a natural negative charge.

This condition equally applies to the name of a former pet who died of illness or died. In addition to being a reminder, some believe, this step may attract a negative aura to the new inhabitant. Even if the owner is far from such superstitions, it is better not to take risks.

Ferrets are cute animals, and the name should be appropriate. It is not a good idea to name a family member or close friend who often drops by.

A smart animal will simply get confused in names and nicknames - whether you are calling him or not - and will not respond to the call at all, and will never get used to the nickname.

However, giving human names to animals, no matter how cute and cute they may be, is not entirely ethical.

It’s easy to put yourself in the shoes of a person who suddenly finds out that his neighbor’s ferret is his namesake: Boris or Lisa. Some will take this with humor, while others will be deeply offended, especially if the person considers the ferret to be cunning and thieving.

A nickname such as Snezhok, Belyanka, Umka, Yukki that does not correspond to its color would be inappropriate for a “dark-skinned” ferret. The same applies to the breed.

People who have a ferret as a pet will not be disappointed. He is extremely interesting to watch.

The fluffy, beautiful, playful and cunning animal is very funny. Based on these definitions, you can come up with a cute nickname. And if you also know that he has the makings of a real kleptomaniac - he carries everything that is bad or that he himself has his eye on, then the scope for imagination in terms of choosing a nickname is practically unlimited.

It would not be amiss to include in this process the translation from Latin or Greek of the word “furo”, which in the first case means “little thief”, and in the second - “cunning”.

What rules should you follow when choosing a nickname for ferrets?

The first step when choosing a ferret as a pet is to decide which one you want: a boy or a girl. After all, the nicknames for boys and girls are strikingly different from each other. After such a choice, you need to take into account several rules for quick and correct identification with the name:

  • Once you have chosen a ferret, take a close look at its behavior. This way you can understand which nickname suits him best: serious or funny.
  • There is no need to choose a ferret name for fun or to make someone laugh. Indeed, in this case, you will quickly get tired of this nickname, but both you and the animal will quickly get used to it and will no longer be able to rename it.
  • There is no need to name the ferret after someone living in the house. After all, the animal will constantly get confused about whose name it is. This may negatively affect his condition and character.
  • You should not name a ferret after an animal that you had before and died or died. After all, there is such a thing as an aura, which can transfer to a currently living pet.
  • If you purchased a ferret already with a name, then you should not change it. After all, the animal has already suffered enough, finding itself in a new and unfamiliar environment. And getting used to a new name is another stress for the animal.

After carefully weighing all the pros and cons, select several names for your pet. If you alternately call him these names, the ferret will definitely respond to one of them. This will mean that he likes the name, so it is advisable to call him by this name. Very often, pet owners give their pets foreign and sonorous names. They are often named after their favorite movie actors, movie characters, TV series or cartoons. Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone. The main thing is that your pet likes this nickname. After all, in this case, there is a high probability that he will get used to it faster.

Is she a ferret or is he a ferret, choose the gender of your pet

After you have decided what kind of pet to get, a new question and a new task arises: a boy or a girl? Females and males always differ: some of them are calmer, kinder, while others, on the contrary, are active and aggressive. We decided to tell you about all the pros and cons of ferrets of both sexes, and then the choice is yours.


1. Independent, but more trainable than the male. Getting her used to the litter tray is not that difficult if you devote enough time to this issue.

2. The behavior of each female is individual, but basically most of the time she explores the territory of her cage.

3. Females are less attached to their owners, they are more interested in their personal space.

4. They cope with a change of environment without stress. They will also take the change of owner calmly.

5. Females are more active, restless and playful than males. The world around them constantly attracts them, they are interested in everything around them.

6. Girls are considered less dangerous to children.

7. It is recommended to have females for those who have no experience in keeping ferrets.

8. The main issues that the girl’s owner will have to decide are sterilization or obtaining offspring. Ferrets cannot come out of heat on their own.

9. Females, as a rule, successfully reproduce annually for 3-4 years. You can breed a female two weeks after the start of estrus. When choosing a pair, you should stick to the same color from both manufacturers.

10. A pregnant female requires more attention. She eats, drinks and sleeps more often. Ferrets actively shed during this time, but their behavior calms down, becomes more cautious and less playful. At the beginning of estrus, the female must be given vitamins. Calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, and yeast are added to the feed.

11. The female’s pregnancy lasts 40-45 days.


1. During adolescence, males will behave violently, trying to dominate their owner. Later they become calmer and even lazy.

2. Males are more attached to the owner than females. Some can even sleep in their owner's arms.

3. It is much more difficult to train a male ferret to use a litter box; girls are more accommodating in this regard.

Noble nicknames

Give your baby a little aristocracy! Elegant and graceful names that were traditionally awarded to kings, princes and noble nobles will help with this.

Ideas for boys:

  • Aristarch;
  • Alpin;
  • Arthur;
  • Antoine;
  • Archibald;
  • Benjamin;
  • William;
  • Vicente;
  • Henry;
  • Harold;
  • Gabriel;
  • Gustav;
  • George;
  • James;
  • Joseph;
  • Christian;
  • Carmichael;
  • Lawrence;
  • Leonardo;
  • Mycroft;
  • Oliver;
  • Osvaldo;
  • Patrick;
  • Roger;
  • Robert;
  • Somerset;
  • Stewart;
  • Theodore;
  • William;
  • Ferdinand;
  • Francis;
  • Charles;
  • Edward;
  • Elijah.

Full of self-respect, “aristocrat” George
Ideas for girls:

  • Ariana;
  • Henrietta;
  • Anabella;
  • Annunciation;
  • Benedetta;
  • Beatrice;
  • Virginia;
  • Victoria;
  • Gertrude;
  • Gloria;
  • Henrietta;
  • Geraldine;
  • Jessica;
  • Josephine;
  • Caroline;
  • Catherine;
  • Clotilde;
  • Lucretia;
  • Louise;
  • Patricia;
  • Penelope;
  • Rihanna;
  • Stephanie;
  • Ulrika;
  • Francesca;
  • Felice;
  • Charlotte;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Eulalia;
  • Eugenia.

"The Crowned Person" Elizabeth

Main features of a home thief

Ferrets, with their cute appearance, are able to outright defeat everyone around them, and without any additional effort. At the same time, the animal’s physique is distinguished by incredible flexibility and plasticity, which even the most talented gymnasts would envy.

The look of these pets deserves special attention. Small sparkling eyes are always fraught with some kind of cunning and look very much like beads. Another feature of these animals concerns their graceful paws, which cannot remain in place for even a split second. The incredibly soft, pleasant to the touch “fur coat” of small animals does not leave others indifferent.

Of all the behavioral features of ferrets, the following should be highlighted:

  • resourcefulness;
  • plastic;
  • nimbleness;
  • cunning;
  • incredible love for theft.

It is generally accepted that the desire to steal is in the blood of ferrets, as an unconditioned reflex that all animals possess. That is why ferrets are deservedly called little thieves. Even the second name of ferrets “furo” translated into Greek sounds like “cunning”, and in Latin it means “little thief”. Although this does not make the love for them any less, this feature is often taken into account when thinking about what to call a ferret that appears in the family.

Interestingly, kleptomaniac ferrets prefer to steal an item and then hide it in one of their secret storage areas. Thus, it turns out that any serious nickname will look inappropriate with the rather frivolous behavior and character of the animal itself

However, it is not so rare to find unique ferrets that just want to come up with something more serious and important as a nickname.

Nicknames for "thieves"

Ferrets have a "scandalous" reputation for stealing, hiding and chewing on a wide variety of objects. If your pet is not averse to borrowing “treasures” for his bins, choose a nickname for him:

  • Tyev is a thief.
  • Robbie, Robin Hood is a noble thief.
  • Raffles is a famous thief from Great Britain.
  • Bandit.
  • Fagin is the hero of Dickens' Oliver Twist.
  • Dodger is a Dodger.
  • Sneaky Pete - Sneaky Pete.
  • Sundance - from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
  • Chewie, Chewbacca, is the adorable smuggler from Star Wars.
  • Nip - plucker.
  • Nosh - appetizer, snack.
  • Munch - chewing.
  • Champ - champing.
  • Chomp - champ.
  • Swiper.

In the photo - Chewie:

Rules of choice you tell me what your name is

It is believed that the nickname of an animal should fully reflect its character, and in addition, be beautiful in sound and pleasant to the ears not only of the owner, but also of its potential bearer.

Many experts believe that the name should be “calculated” based on the time of birth of the cub, which determines both the character and future inclinations of the animal - based on the signs of the zodiac. It is even argued that a ferret that was born, for example, in January, has all the traits of a “human” Capricorn, and he will be the clear leader.

You can not give a name immediately after the arrival of a new tenant, but for some time observe his habits, demeanor, and it is possible that some character trait will serve as a clue.

It is logical to choose a name based on the appearance of the animal, based on the color and the shape of the patterns on the fur.

The most suitable nicknames should be short and sonorous, rare enough for everyday use. Often they become the names of characters from favorite cartoons or books.

Some experts are inclined to believe that appropriate nicknames are more suitable for a mischievous, playful ferret thief; the heroic Conrad is unlikely to suit him. There are even lists of names with corresponding characteristics, based on which it makes sense to name your pet.

Names for ferrets can vary according to gender, so to speak, although many of them will suit both females and males.

Popular names

Domestic ferrets can be white, pastel, pearlescent, chocolate, black-brown, and also show sable coloring. Among the common nicknames, those that highlight the natural beauty of the “fur coat” and the features of appearance stand out. We have compiled a selection of the most popular nicknames for ferrets. It included not only “colorful”, but also simply beautiful names.

Nicknames for boys:

  • Albino;
  • Adam;
  • Augustine;
  • Velvet;
  • Bruno;
  • Belysh;
  • Black;
  • Bright;
  • Brown;
  • White;
  • Viper;
  • Winter;
  • Volcano;
  • Darren;
  • Ginger;
  • Glaze;
  • Gray;
  • Cotton;
  • Kupo;
  • Mitt;
  • Marron;
  • Knight;
  • Noir;
  • Fluff;
  • Rudy;
  • Snowy;
  • Truffle;
  • Tippy;
  • Flake;
  • Choco.

Wary Bruno
Nicknames for girls:

  • Agatha;
  • Albina;
  • Aurora;
  • Aisa;
  • Bianca;
  • Bruna;
  • Branca;
  • Belyanka;
  • Bella;
  • Snow White;
  • Walda;
  • Gracie;
  • Canella;
  • Lighta;
  • Mitt;
  • Mufti;
  • Pearl;
  • Pusha;
  • Puff;
  • Selena;
  • Snezhana;
  • Toppa;
  • Chocolata;
  • Shiny.

Curious Bella

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