Names for parrots - how to choose according to the character, type or gender of the bird, a list of nicknames by letter of the alphabet

General recommendations for choosing a name

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a name and one day discover that your Kesha turned out to be not a boy, but a girl, before buying a bird, find out how to determine the sex of a parrot.

Remember that you are giving a name to a budgerigar for life, so take your time and watch it. Whether he is cheerful, inquisitive, playful or “talkative”, silent or a bully. What are his habits and preferences?

If you decide to get a male, you will have a better chance of teaching him to talk. The very first thing a bird usually begins to say is its name. Therefore, the name for a boy’s budgerigar should be short so that he can pronounce it easily.

There are several general rules for choosing a name for a pet:

  1. The name should be liked and evoke positive emotions in all family members, including your bird.
  2. You cannot name your pet after your household members or names that are similar to other pets.
  3. Sometimes funny or overly fancy parrot names are difficult to pronounce. Choose a simple name that is easy to remember and pronounce.
  4. It is important that the name contains sounds that are attractive to the budgie and easy to pronounce.

Sometimes it happens that a pet comes to you from another owner and you categorically do not like its name. Remember that the bird is already under a lot of stress when the owner changes. There is no need to aggravate this condition. If you can’t come to terms with your new pet’s nickname, come up with a similar one that will be in tune with its first name.

Nicknames by character

All parrots are different, and the difference is not only about color and size. The behavior of each individual varies dramatically. Some parrots are quiet and calm, while others are noisy and love to get into mischief. So the nickname of the bird may be based on some special character trait.

Contrasting pair of necklace parrots Shustrik and Milenok

  • Chatterbox
  • Silent
  • Grumpy
  • Shustrik
  • Tishka
  • Vortex
  • Glutton
  • Bully
  • Lascun
  • Milok
  • Vredina
  • Proud man
  • Hero
  • Buddy
  • Milenok
  • Iris
  • Clean
  • Altruist
  • Miracle
  • Good guy
  • Brave
  • Otorva
  • Robber
  • Hooligan
  • Thief
  • Caprisulya
  • Sissy
  • Ideal
  • Fear
  • Recklessness
  • Shy
  • Lyricist
  • Hypocrite
  • Melancholic
  • Joker
  • Quibbler
  • Bustler
  • Mr. Tact
  • Modest
  • Uvet
  • Don Juan
  • Lovelace
  • Censor
  • Etiquette
  • Shame
  • Miser
  • Zhmotyara
  • Rodent
  • Simpleton
  • Balda

Where to look for inspiration

The name of a pet sounds very original, which is in tune with its appearance or habits. In this list, look at the options for naming a boy or girl budgerigar, focusing on the color or character of the pet:

For birds with yellow plumageSun (or Sunny), Asterisk, Bee, Lemon, Yolk, Zheltushka, Zlata (Zolotse, Zlatko), Goldie, Freckle, Apricot (Apricot)
For blue (light blue) parrotsIndigo, Vasilis (Cornflower), Goluba, Forget-me-not, Blue
For green parrotsGreena, Elka, Zelenusha, Lavrushka, Zelenka, or in honor of the cartoon crocodile - Gena
Suitable for white parrotsSnezhka (Snowball), Pearl, Zephyr (Marshmallow), Chamomile, Jasmine, White, Blondie
For active petsZhik, Egozik, Shustrik, Zabava, Yula, Lushpayka, Shurshun, Igrash
For the nasty birdsSkoda, Egoza, Naughty, Crazy, Badass, Fierce, Hurricane, Thunderstorm, Tiger
For the sociableWhistler, Tweet, Grumpy, Happy
For beautiful girlsCoquette, Beauty, Coco, Dushka, Istoma, Beauty, Confetti, Tsarina, Sheri, Charina, Cherry, Franta, Venus, Nochka, Flori, Fairy
For the smart and thoughtfulUmka, Kopusha, Uma, Quiet, Dobryan, Muse

Several good options for parrot names from simple to graceful:

What to consider when choosing a name

It's difficult to choose a nickname. To do this, you need to rely on several aspects and features of the parrot.

What to consider when choosing a name for a parrot


The size of the bird depends on the subspecies. It is better to call small pets affectionately: Nancy, Yosya, Venya.

Serious and exotic nicknames are suitable for representatives of large breeds: Pedro, Rodrigo, Amanda.

Appearance of the feathered

It's easy to choose a nickname depending on the color.

  1. For a yellow pet I recommend: Gold (translated from English: golden), Zlata, Sunny.
  2. Green birds are called: Greenfinch, Kiwi, Yakhont.
  3. Suitable for blue parrots: Aqua, Goluba, Forget-me-not.
  4. White color is associated with the words: Snowflake, Raffaello, Coconut.

Favorite letters and sounds

When choosing a name for a budgerigar, keep in mind that not all sounds can be easily pronounced by the bird.

Particular favorites for parrots are:

  • consonant letters “p”, “ch”, “sh”, “d”, “g”, “f”, “zh”, “k”, “sch”, “p”;
  • vowels “i”, “a”, “e”, “e”.

If you don't care whether your pet talks or not, you can choose a name for him that contains your less favorite ones:

  • consonant letters “m”, “ts”, “l”, “n”, “s”, “z”;
  • vowels “o”, “ya”, “yu”, “u”, “e”.

Important! Choose names for budgies that do not contain a soft sign, especially in the middle of the name. It will be very difficult to pronounce such a nickname.

What sounds are suitable for a name?

The most important requirement for a name for a parrot is ease of pronunciation. The bird first remembers this word and highlights it by ear. The next step is the ability to respond. When the pet masters it, it can begin to reproduce the name on its own.

Having set the task of teaching a parrot to pronounce its nickname, the owner must be patient. The pet will not speak immediately. Moreover, the easier it is for him to pronounce the word, the faster this will happen. It should be taken into account which sounds birds cope with without difficulty, and which ones can become a stumbling block on the way to reproducing human speech

Important: cockatiels and other capable birds can imitate any sounds. They do not find it difficult to reproduce words. Even fancy nicknames are suitable for them.

Nicknames for boys budgerigar

There are a great many options for naming a male parrot. Alphabetical list of names for boy parrots that have not yet been mentioned:

AAbbu, Abrasha, Adonis, Azor, Alex, Almaz, Albert, Viola, Alf, Cupid, Andryusha, Antosha, Argo, Arik, Arkasha, Arkhip, Archie, Ataman, Ajax
BBadi, Baz, Byron, Buck, Bucks, Bali, Balu, Bumper, Banjo, Leopard, Golden Eagle, Billy, Bonbon, Bonya, Borya, Bruce, Bubenchik, Bush, Brawler
INValera, Van, Wasabi, Voucher, Venya, Willie, Wilson, Winston, Winch, Whiskey, Vitya, Vovka, Woody, Wooper
GGavrik, Gavryusha, Hamlet, Garik, Harry, Hector, Hera, Hermes, Gesha, Goga, Gray, Grinya, Grisha
DDema, Justin, Jake, Jackie, Jackson, Jim, Joy, John, Johnny, Dobby, Dyusha
EEgor, Egosha, Emelya, Erik, Erosha
ANDZharik, Zhuzhik, Julien
TOKapitoshka, Kiryusha, Klepa, Koki, Kosha, Crash, Chris, Krosha, Kubik
MMagnit, Makar, Maksik, Marik, Mickey, Milan, Misha, Monty
NNarcissus, Niki, Niko, Nordic, Nolik, Nyashik
ABOUTOzzie, Ostap, Osya
PPie, Patrick, Pegasus, Peter, Petrusha, Peter, Pitti, Pirate, Prosha, Pushkin, Pushok, Pierre
RRafik, Riccardo, Ricky, Rocky, Roma, Romeo, Rorik, Rubik, Rusya. Ryzhik, Rurik
WITHSema, Seryozha, Silver, Styopa
TTagir, Taras, Timur, Tishka, Tony, Tori, Tosha, Totosha, Trepa, Trash, Trisha
FFarik, Felix, Figaro, Fidel, Flint, Fush
XHulk, Harvey, Hip, Crunch
HCharlie, Chelsea, Churchill, Chibis, Chizh, Chizhik, Chicky, Chico, Chip, Chichi
ShShell, Bumblebee, Shrek, Schumacher, Shurik, Shosha
EElvis, Andy, Erwin, Eric, Erro
YUYugo, Eugene, Julius, Younga
IYako, Yarik, Yarosha, Jason, Yasha

Nicknames from movies and animation

Birds in leading roles are rare in cinema. However, such works still occur. A nickname in honor of the famous movie screen character will highlight your parrot's acting abilities.

Corrudo's Ruffed Parakeet surveys the surroundings from the highest branch

  • Nigel
  • Darling
  • Niko
  • Pedro
  • Raphael
  • Roberto
  • Thiago
  • Eduardo
  • Iago
  • Poly
  • Tuesday
  • Carrudo
  • Polynesia
  • Woody Woodpecker
  • Willie
  • Donald
  • Road Runner
  • Plaki Plak
  • Sweetie
  • Arthur
  • Cecil
  • Trigger
  • Zazu
  • Dodo
  • Valiant
  • Jeremiah
  • Diablo
  • Tendai
  • Easy
  • Malachi
  • Kevin
  • Screw loose
  • Scuttle
  • Gas Gus
  • Fenton Quackshell
  • Mzingo
  • Zheltik
  • Pick it up
  • Talker
  • Dodo
  • Kaggy-carr
  • Carfax
  • Torchik
  • Foghorn Leghorn
  • Chick
  • Chocobo

What to name a girl

The names for girls' budgies are also beautiful and varied. In this list of names you will definitely find a suitable name for your female:

AAbra, Augusta, Agness, Ada, Adele, Alika, Alice, Alya, Ariana, Ariel, Assol, Asta, Astarte, Acha, Asha, Ashika
BBaby, Bella, Benny, Bertha, Betsy, Brenda, Bretta, Britney, Britta, Brusya, Businka, Busya, Bootsy, Bella
INVanessa, Vasilisa, Vesta, Veronica, Vika, Virginia, Vita, Vlasta, Wally
GGabby, Gaga, Gaida, Hera, Gerda, Gira, Gita, Glasha, Gloria, Granni, Greza, Greita, Gressi, Gretta
DDakki, Dama, Damka, Dana, Debi, Desi, Jackie, Dzheli, Dzhelika, Jerry, Jessie, Judy, Julia, Dolly, Dorrie, Dunya, Dusya, Haze, Demi, Dune
EErika, Erma
ANDJacqueline, Zhanna, Zheri, Zherika, Jo-jo, Josephine, Jolly, Zhudi
ZZara, Zena, Zina, Zita, Zura
ANDWillow, Ida, Idzhi, Isabella, Isolde, Inga, Inza, Irma, Ista
TOCameo, Camilla, Karina, Katyusha, Katya, Kerry, Kitty, Kisha, Button, Cora, Christy, Ksyusha, Carr, Katie
LLucky, Lana, Lara, Laura, Lesya, Lisa, Linda, Lola, Laura, Lotta, Lucy, Lyalya
MMalta, Martha, Matilda, Mary, Mickey, Mirta, Monica
NNastya, Nata, Natasha, Nelly, Nessie, Niki, Nicole, Nymph, Nira, Nita, Nora
ABOUTOdette, Ollie, Alsi, Orsha
PPandora, Pani, Patricia, Patya, Peggy, Penelope, Pika, Pitta, Polly, Bullet, Puma, Paige, Perry
RRalph, Rummy, Rachelle, Ricky, Rimma, Rita, Rose, Roxy, Ronnie, Rumba, Ressi
WITHSaji, Sally, Santa, Sarah, Sweetie, Selena, Setta, Cindy, Susie
TTara, Tata, Tasha, Tweety, Terry, Tessa, Tina, Tiffany, Tori, Tutti, Tyusha
UUlana, Ulli, Ulya, Uma, Una, Ondine, Urma
FFaina, Fanny, Farina, Phoebe, Flora, Franta, Frezi
XHunny, Chloe, Holly
HChaga, Chaki, Changa, Chara, Charina, Chacha, Celesta, Chiki, Chinya, Chita, Chich, Chichi, Choli, Chucha
ShShammi, Shanni, Charlie, Charlotte, Shaggy, Sheila, Shelly, Shandy, Shanny, Sherry, Shura
EEdgey, Alice, Ellie, Elsa, Elma, Elfa, Emmy, Erica, Esther
YUYudita, Yukka, Yuma, Yummi, Utah, Yushka
IJava, Berry, Yana, Yanina, Jasper

Of course, only silent girls can be called complex names, because the first thing a bird says is its name.
This is where owners begin teaching their pet to talk. If you do not set such a goal, you can call your budgie by any name. In this video, watch the rating of the best names for female parrots:

Nicknames by color

The color palette of parrots is almost limitless. Their colorful colors are pleasing to the eye and make you admire. If your parrot has a predominant color, then it is quite possible to choose a name based on it.

Sun parrot Buttercup

  • Buttercup
  • Gold
  • Dill
  • Lavrukha
  • Lemon
  • Angus
  • Onyx
  • Chernysh
  • Blackberry
  • Imp
  • Domino
  • Motley
  • Spot
  • Spotty
  • Ivory
  • Blizzard
  • Glacier
  • Powder
  • Cloud
  • Frosty
  • Latte
  • Snickers
  • Porter
  • Batter
  • Nectar
  • Banana
  • Lightning
  • Pepper
  • Tomatik
  • Scarlet
  • Pistachio

This is interesting: cool nicknames for girl parrots.

If you decide to have a couple

The selection of names for two birds is twice as interesting. Here, many try to name a couple of budgies, boys or girls (or pets of different sexes), with famous names of characters from movies and books, as well as funny combinations of nicknames:

  • Bonnie and Clyde;
  • Kai and Gerda;
  • Kate and Leo;
  • Batman and Robin;
  • Romeo (Roma) and Juliet (Julie);
  • Trisya (Tristan) and Izya (Isolde);
  • Bella and Edward (Ed);
  • Jacqueline and Kennedy;
  • Jules and Verne;
  • Terra and Hera;
  • Margo and Gosha;
  • Cookies and Tookies;
  • Chuk and Gek;
  • Antosha and Tosha;
  • Manya and Vanya;
  • Totoshka and Toshka;
  • Chip and Dale;
  • Winnie and Pooh;
  • Coca and Kiki;
  • Thelma and Louise;
  • Mark and Twain;
  • Rusya (Ruslan) and Lyusya (Lyudmila);
  • Napoleon (Polik) and Josephine (Josie);
  • Odysseus (Disi) and Penelope (Penny);
  • Guy and Ricci;
  • Nazar and Zakhar;
  • Mickey and Ricky;
  • Kiwi and Banana;
  • Chacha and Chichi.

Nicknames in honor of media personalities

Shocking antics and bright colors are sometimes used by media personalities. Rich, colorful outfits sometimes resemble the plumage of parrots. The following personalities became especially famous for their love of extravagant and shocking outfits and performances.

Pearl Corella Prince

  • Enrique
  • Kurt Cobain
  • Elvis Presley
  • Michael Jackson
  • Vitas
  • Justin Bieber
  • Marilyn Manson
  • Billy Porter
  • Shia LaBeouf
  • Bai Ling
  • Dzhigurda
  • Conchita Wurst
  • Mister Creed
  • Boy George
  • Cee Lo Green
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Alice Cooper
  • Prince
  • Liberace
  • Elton John
  • David Bowie
  • Eljay
  • Little Big
  • Niletto
  • Post Malone
  • Ganvest
  • Tekashi
  • Morgenstern
  • Iggy Pop
  • Kiss
  • Sid Vicious
  • Ozzy Osbourne
  • Till Lindemenn

What to do if the bird does not respond to its name

It happens that you have chosen a good name for your budgie, you talk to it, teach it, but the bird does not react to the name in any way. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Improper care and living conditions. Perhaps it is worth reviewing the parrot's diet and making it more varied. Or take a more careful approach to hygiene and cleaning of his home. Maybe the parrot is cramped in the cage. All these factors often cause discomfort in the bird, which is why it does not care about its name at all.
  2. A sick bird may also not respond to its name.
  3. If the name of a budgerigar is similar to the name of a cat, the association is not a pleasant one for the bird. That's why she doesn't respond to the name. But if you have already named a bird that way, you should not change the name. Change the emphasis, if possible, or pronounce the name with a different intonation, more affectionate.
  4. Extraneous noises can interfere with getting used to the name during your communication with the parrot: a loud TV, turned on household appliances, noisy conversations of other people - all this distracts and sometimes frightens the bird.
  5. The most common reason is that you don’t pay enough attention to your pet, don’t communicate with him enough, and therefore he rarely hears his name. It is not surprising that the bird does not respond to him. If you want to become friends with your parrot, work with it as often as possible.

Fairytale nicknames

The chic, dazzling bright colors of parrots evoke thoughts of fairy-tale creatures. Just like the heroes of fairy tales stand out against the backdrop of ordinary people, the fantastic images of parrots stand out strikingly against the backdrop of familiar birds. Therefore, it seems to us that a “fairytale” name will favorably emphasize the image of your pet.

Amazing Prospero decided to have a snack

  • Jembo
  • Kurumba
  • Koschey
  • Emelya
  • Kolobok
  • Sivka-Burka
  • Miracle Yudo
  • Gorynych
  • Nuhuko
  • Firebird
  • Dobrynya
  • Popovich
  • Muromets
  • Elisha
  • Kozhemyaka
  • Nutcracker
  • Pinocchio
  • Cheburashka
  • Aladdin
  • Blue Beard
  • Aibolit
  • Mowgli
  • Water
  • Little Mu
  • Little Longnose
  • Dunno
  • Kibalchish
  • Mazay
  • Harlequin
  • Artemon
  • Barmaley
  • Basilio
  • Gulliver
  • Duremar
  • Guidon
  • Goodwin
  • Carlson
  • Kuzya
  • Karabas-Barabas
  • Moidodyr
  • Munchausen
  • Pierrot
  • Pechkin
  • Piglet
  • cockroach
  • Hottabych
  • Cipollino
  • Bubble
  • Lapot
  • Saltan
  • Prospero
  • Chernomor
  • Berendey
  • Midas
  • Polkan
  • Goblin

How to teach a parrot to say its name

The simplest method of teaching a bird to talk is to say the same light and short words over and over again. Of course, almost all breeders start by teaching the parrot to pronounce its name.

It is worth considering that each parrot is individual. One very soon begins to say his name with the prefix “good”, while others require longer training. To make things go faster for you, pay attention to these recommendations:

  1. Carry out training only when the bird focuses its attention on you. If you keep repeating “Kesha (Fluff, Maxik, Umka, etc.) is good,” and at the same time the boy is cleaning his feathers, eating food or looking at himself in the mirror, there will be no sense in learning his name in this way.
  2. During the learning process, the parrot should constantly be interested in communicating with you and talking. When your pet loses interest, end the training. Otherwise, he will begin to react to the sound of his name as something very boring.
  3. The budgerigar's interest in communicating with you can be reinforced with a play stand and training can be carried out when the parrot is on it. You can accompany each action of the bird with the sound of its name: “Kapa (Gerda, Lucy, etc.) plays with a bell, rides on a swing, rattle a rattle.”

Having so many different options for beautiful, original, funny and memorable nicknames, for you now what to call a boy or girl budgerigar will no longer be a problem. It will be very easy if you use your imagination and have a little patience.

Watch this video about the difficult choice of a name for your feathered friend:

Musical nicknames

Of course, parrots are not known for their silence. They love to talk and chat. And if your favorite melody starts playing, the parrot will certainly join the performer! Your pet's musical gift can be distinguished by one of the nicknames based on a special term.

We recommend watching: 325+ beautiful names for roosters

The incomparable blue and yellow macaw named Obbligato

  • Antiphon
  • Accelerando
  • Bagatelle
  • Bebung
  • Glissando
  • Ground
  • Detache
  • Deaton
  • And dream
  • Fork
  • Clavier
  • Verse
  • Carol
  • Consort
  • Damento
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Morgent
  • Musical
  • Noel
  • Obbligato
  • Organum
  • Ostinato
  • Passage
  • Pycnon
  • Portamento
  • Pointillism
  • Rakokhod
  • Ricochet
  • Straspey
  • Tactus
  • Tonary
  • Tremolo
  • Unison
  • Falsity
  • Faubourdon
  • Shred
  • Endorser

Choosing a nickname for a feathered pet

A new pet has appeared in your family, and you just can’t decide on a name. Of course, this is not an easy task, because parrots live not a year or two, but more than 10 years. You must approach the choice of nickname with all responsibility so that a true friend appears in your life. The name of the parrot must also be given taking into account its vocal characteristics, so that it will soon learn to pronounce its nickname. Various names for boy parrots and names for girl parrots can be found further in the table.

General recommendations

Often, owners of birds choose nicknames for them without thinking about those around them. Think carefully about what to name your parrot. You should not choose an obscene or abusive name for a friend, so that he does not suddenly shout out his nickname, for example, in front of children. It’s better to give cool names that, on the contrary, can cheer you and your guests up. A non-speaking parrot can be called anything you like, but a speaking one should be given a special name. Long nicknames are difficult for parrots to pronounce; you will have to work with your pet to teach him to pronounce his name correctly and beautifully.

The hissing sounds, “ch”, “k”, “sh” are best mastered by parrots. Birds also like the growling sound “r”; they easily learn to pronounce nicknames containing this sound.

Much attention should be paid to vowel sounds. Parrots pronounce words melodiously, that is, they draw out the vowels “Go-o-osha”

Parrots have difficulty pronouncing sonorant consonants: “n”, “l”, “m”. Some species have difficulty pronouncing sounds such as “s”, “z” and “ts”. Of course, after long and hard training, the parrot will be able to pronounce them. But don’t you want your pet to be screaming its name after the first lessons?

Sometimes parrots are given double names, for example, Mickey Mouse, Merry Poppins, Sherlock Holmes. When giving such a nickname to a bird, be prepared that the bird will only respond to its full name. It is unlikely that you will be able to accustom your parrot to its abbreviated nickname. Choose a name that is convenient for both your pronunciation and your pet’s pronunciation.

A parrot can be called:

  • by the name of your favorite movie character: Terminator, Shrek, Stirlitz, Rocky, Zhiglov, Ricci, Rassomakha;
  • by the name of a literary character: Azazzelo, Holmes, Watson, Gulliver, Lannister, Lolita;
  • by name or surname of famous people: Sentra, Putin, Kalashnikov, Pugacheva, Kobzon, Tyson, Twain, Pushkin, Murphy, Kutuzov, Rokossovsky.

Take a closer look at your parrot, maybe some features are noticeable in its appearance or behavior... So name it based on its features: Zipper, Whirlwind, Storm, Tenderness...

Most often, it is very difficult to determine the sex of parrots; not even every experienced ornithologist will be able to identify a male or female at first glance. Therefore, you can choose a neutral name for the bird, so to speak, unisex. Often they buy a couple of parrots at once, so the question arises of what to name a boy’s parrot, and what to name a girl’s parrot.

A successful choice of a nickname for a bird does not guarantee that it will be instantly learned. You need to exercise your pet for at least a few minutes every day. The nickname must be pronounced affectionately, gently, in a loving voice. Over time, the bird will get used to its name and will try to repeat it. Don’t scold your pet if he doesn’t succeed, because everything needs to be learned. After the parrot has mastered the name, it will begin to learn other simple words and then form phrases. Females are more suggestible in terms of learning.

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Funny names for your feathered friend

Many people believe that the name of a parrot (especially a budgie) should be cheerful, sonorous, funny and unexpected. What to think of? We offer the most original nicknames:

  • Bun;
  • Cucaracha;
  • Pretty;
  • Sushi;
  • Sexy;
  • Piggy;
  • Yakuza.

You can call the parrot girl even more extravagantly: Puffy Katie, Mulatto Chocolate, Mary-Vanna, Lady Macbeth, Wonder Bird, Mary Poppins, Pimply-Pimples. This will make everyone smile when they hear the bird call itself by that name.

Creative names

If you name your pet by association with characters from films or books, you will get an interesting nickname:

  • Batman.
  • Holmes.
  • Poirot.
  • Stirlitz.
  • Silver.
  • Cleopatra.
  • Dobrynya.
  • Casanova.
  • Koschey.
  • Roksolana.
  • Cinderella.

Cool names speak about the owner’s sense of humor:

  • Fox.
  • Shrimp.
  • Porsche.
  • Jester.
  • Ferrari.
  • Shashlik.
  • Sauce.
  • Cake.
  • Kettle.
  • Socket.
  • Dowel.
  • Robinson.
  • Millionaire.

A parrot's nickname turns out to be extravagant if it is taken from the names of famous musical groups and singers: Boniem, Na-Na, Jackson, Smokey.

Features of choice

When choosing a name for your winged pet, you should take into account the fact that over time the bird may start talking. This means that it should be easy to pronounce. When choosing a nickname for a male parrot, it is recommended to listen to a number of recommendations.

  • The nickname should not be long, but parrots easily perceive clear and clear sounds. Birds especially love words with the letter “R”. The most popular short names that include growling sounds are Garik, Marik, Patrick.
  • Names that contain the sounds “K” and “Ch” are suitable. Parrots easily remember and pronounce them. This category includes the names Casper, Chizhik, Charlie.
  • Some breeds, for example, macaws, prefer to pronounce words with long vowels, so the options Korzhik, Kesha, Kerry, Henry are suitable for them.
  • There are varieties of birds that find it difficult to pronounce the whistling sounds “C”, “Z”, “S”, and the letters “L”, “M”, “N” also cause difficulties, so if possible, try to avoid names with these sounds.

How to call your pet?

Using his name, of course. For this purpose, you choose what to name the female or male parrot. You should say your pet's name as often as possible. Especially when he is still learning to pronounce it. When calling a bird or drawing its attention to something, say its name gently and slowly. He must hear every sound of his nickname and remember its pronunciation. Warmth in the voice is no less important, because it depends on its presence whether the bird wants to respond to the name given to it.

Pronounce the bird's name clearly and clearly. New sounds should not appear in it, and even more so it should not be distorted. Children tend to change the sound composition of pet names. So before you name a white parrot Gabriel, think about whether it will turn into “Gawliel.”

If your family has children who will interact with a parrot, warn them that the bird quickly remembers what you call it, so you need to pronounce its name correctly.

Table of names suitable for budgies

As soon as the bird learns its name, you can begin to study other not very difficult words that are present in the everyday life of the family where the “talker” lives.

For ease of perception, we decided to bring all the names for parrots into one single table, dividing them according to the gender of the pet.

And these are not all the names you can call your feathered pets.

Interesting nicknames for boy parrotsOriginal names for girl parrots
Alex, Cupid, Antoine, Argoshi, Arkasha, Ajax, Boy, Bosun, Vini, Gosha, Grisha, Danko, Diego, Doni, Derek, Gerard, Zhek, Jean, Zeus, Zero, Zephyr, Yorick, Iris, Kesha, Kaen, Kevin, Crash, Lexus, Lord, Buttercup, Max, Mars, Nikki, Noris, Orlik, Oscar, Papyrus, Pegasus, Petrusha, Pitti, Prosha, Racardo, Ricky, Richie, Rocky, Roni, Tishka, Timmy, Totosha, Trash, Figaro, Farik, Fedor, Chucky, Chip, Chirik, Shurik, Yusha, Yarik.Adele, Asya, Betty, Vicky, Dasha, Dana, Doreti, Jeri, Zarya, Zira, Inga, Iris, Irene, Katie, Christy, Lika, Lynsey, Mary, Mika, Mila, Molly, Musya, Nata, Nona, Nancy, Nesti, Olya, Audrey, Pepa, Petty, Pusya, Rose, Rita, Reni, Ruzi, Tasha, Tori, Tefi, Tesi, Tutti, Tessa, Terry, Tyusha, Sarah, Sonya, Sebi, Ulya, Fanny, Flora, Hanny, Tsatsa, Tsypa, Chacha, Chucha, Sharon, Shura, Elvira, Alice, Erica, Esther, Yucca, Utah, Java.

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