How to determine the gender of a hamster: distinguish between boys and girls

Useful tips

When you determine the gender of your hamster, you should follow certain rules so as not to harm him.
First of all, you should remember that this procedure can be quite stressful for your pet. If your hamster is not used to being handled, he may struggle and even bite you. Therefore, you should prepare it a little. First, wait until the pet is as calm as possible (it is best to carry out the examination in the middle of the day, at this time hamsters are most calm). Give him something tasty to eat, pet him lightly, and only then pick him up. It’s also worth preparing yourself. When picking up your hamster, make sure your hands are clean and odorless. If they smell something tasty, the hamster may bite your finger. It is best to wash your hands first and preferably without soap. And don't forget to dry them thoroughly.

You need to hold the hamster very carefully, but at the same time so that he does not escape. When holding the hamster in your hand, you should lightly pinch its chest with your thumb and index finger, and use the rest to support its body (use your other hand if necessary). Never let your hamster's underside hang from your hand, this can be very harmful to him. The examination must be carried out carefully and carefully, but quickly; you should not hold the hamster in your arms for too long.

It is worth remembering that hamsters are not cats or dogs; their bodies are structured completely differently. They should not be picked up by the scruff of the neck or placed on their back. At best, you will simply cause pain to the hamster, and at worst, you will harm his health.

Always be prepared for the possibility that your hamster will vomit. It is best to carry out the sex determination procedure on your knees, with something soft underneath, since a fall even from such a height can be fraught with consequences for a hamster. Also, do not forget that hamsters run very quickly and crawl into any crack, it will be very difficult to catch him, and therefore it is better to keep him over a bucket or box. Or at least close the door to the room and cover all the places where the hamster could crawl.

Remember that babies can only be held in your arms a month after their birth, otherwise you can kill their smell, and then their mother will not take care of them. This is all you need to know to correctly determine the gender of your hamster.

Each of the above differences may have certain exceptions, for example, due to the characteristics of the breed or disease, and therefore several methods must be used simultaneously. If, at the end of the examination, you have not been able to reliably find out who is in front of you - a male or a female, then you can ask for help from a veterinarian or simply a more experienced breeder than you.

For information on how to determine the sex of a hamster, see below.

How to properly hold a pet

To avoid causing damage, you need to know how to properly hold your pet during the examination:

  1. Lift your pet by the front legs, lightly squeezing it with your index and thumb.
  2. The back part is held with the other hand.
  3. A second person examines the animal or takes a photograph to make the procedure go faster.

Hamsters should not be picked up by the scruff of the neck, turned over on their backs or upside down, because it brings them pain and discomfort.

Gently hold the hamster.

At what age can you determine the sex of a hamster?

It will be possible to correctly determine the sex of Homa when he is about a month old. Until this age, you still won’t be able to see anything. Newborn hamsters should not be cuddled prematurely, since their genitals have not yet matured, and it is unlikely that they will be able to tell their gender. Moreover, if the babies are still very small and the mother feeds them herself, then the smell of someone else (from your hands) can scare her away. She simply will not approach this baby, mistaking him for a stranger

Therefore, if you urgently need to buy a boy hamster, then you should pay attention to more or less adult animals

Yes, sometimes there are cases when it is necessary to determine the sex of a very tiny animal

The procedure should be performed very carefully. Better with an assistant

One will hold, the other will perform the manipulation. After the examination, give your hamster something to eat to calm him down after such an invasion of privacy.

So what are you going to determine here? The patient himself is slightly taller than a student's eraser. It's too early.

Determining the sex of a hamster based on character and size

Several methods can tell you how to find out the sex and distinguish a female from a male, but they do not give a 100% guarantee:

  1. Weight. The female is always born larger than the male. Do not forget that when determining sex, Syrian hamsters must be the same age.
  2. Behavior. Rodents can behave differently. A female hamster is more active and aggressive, males are calmer. But this method may not bring an accurate result, since various factors can affect their mood.

How to distinguish between Djungarians: a boy and a girl

Experienced hamster breeders warn that this kind of pet reacts very painfully to rude behavior.

Therefore, you should pick them up very carefully so as not to frighten them. There are several ways to recognize the reproductive organs of females and males.

Important! Beginning owners, when determining the sex of dzhungarikas, make a common mistake - they take them by the scruff of the neck and lift them so that they spread their paws. Experienced hamster breeders consider such techniques unacceptable.

By appearance

Many breeders distinguish Djungarian hamsters by their external characteristics.

In this aspect, you should pay attention to the following signs of females:

  • big sizes;
  • less dense and short hair (do not forget that the quality of the fur of animals largely depends on the conditions of their keeping, health and genetic characteristics);
  • absence of a navel (in males it is clearly expressed);
  • rounded back (in a mature male the end of the back is pointed and “looks” upward).

It will also be useful for you to learn about the features of breeding a Djungarian hamster at home, and also find out how to reproduce correctly, what cage a Djungarian hamster needs, how long a Djungarian hamster lives on average, and what to name a Djungarian hamster.

By behavior

In order to understand who is who, just watch the pets.

From an early age, female Djungarians are distinguished by:

  • increased activity (males are characterized by phlegmatic nature);
  • aggressiveness towards every attempt by the owner to touch or pick up (they may even bite).

Did you know? A hamster's mouth can hold as much food as it weighs. But in extreme conditions, the animal hides its brood behind its cheeks.

By gender

This method is considered the most accurate.

The technique of examining animals is carried out in 2 ways:

  1. Gently hold the hamster in your palm, holding it gently with your thumb. In this case, the tail part of the body should remain uncovered so that it is possible to examine the animal’s genitals. If necessary, hold it from below.
  2. Carefully take your pet by the base of its head and place it on the palm of your other hand, belly up. At the same time, lightly hold it with your thumb.

If during the examination the pet begins to squirm, it is better to leave it alone, postponing your idea until better times

It is important that your actions do not scare the animal.

In case of obedience, pay attention to his reproductive organs. However, do not forget that the genitals of Djungarian hamsters are too small, and those of young animals are also underdeveloped

Males are characterized by the following characteristics:

  • the presence of testes, which are convex almond-shaped formations in the perineal area (increase with age);
  • a large distance between the anus and the genitourinary canal (this place in male animals is densely covered with hair).

Important! When visually examining hamsters, cryptorchidism cannot be ruled out, in which the testicles of the rodent do not descend into the scrotum, remaining almost invisible in the abdominal cavity.

Females are characterized by:

  • the distance between the genitals and the anus is no more than 3 cm (usually this place is covered with hair);
  • the presence of 2 rows of tiny papillae that stretch from the chest to the bottom of the abdomen (their number usually does not exceed 8).

Why is this necessary?

As often happens, not all pet store sellers really understand what they are selling. Therefore, it is much more reliable to determine the sex of the animal yourself. It is important to distinguish between the sexes of hamsters if you are going to buy several at once. If you plan to breed these animals, then you need at least one boy and one girl.

If you want to buy several hamsters, but are not going to breed them, then, on the contrary, you need same-sex individuals , because hamsters, like all rodents, reproduce very quickly. At the same time, it is better to buy girl hamsters, because two adult males locked in one cage can fight and injure each other, and females are much calmer in this regard.

Experienced breeders recommend housing hamsters separately, regardless of their gender. The only exception can be same-sex hamsters from the same litter.

If hamsters live in the same cage from birth, then later they will behave more calmly.

It is also important to be able to determine the sex of a hamster when purchasing one individual. Gender greatly influences character and behavior. So, male hamsters use smell to attract females, and therefore they will smell very strongly. You will have to take care of their cleanliness and wash the cage more often.

On the other hand, females are much more active, and since the hamster is a nocturnal animal, this can be a serious problem, especially if you live in a small house. In addition, boys get along much better with people, they are easier to handle and in general are much more communicative.

Don't forget about the nickname for your pet. If you determine the gender incorrectly, you can greatly miss the name. It is unlikely that your pet will be offended by this, but your child may be upset when the truth is revealed.

How to distinguish a boy from a girl?

Externally, the sexual characteristics of hamsters vary somewhat depending on the age of the individual.

The main signs for which adult animals should be examined are the following:

  1. Size. Females are noticeably larger than males, but this trait only works when keeping several pets at once, when a visual comparison can be made.
  2. Body shape. In the male, the tip of the back is slightly pointed and pointed upward, while in the female the back is rounded.
  3. Sexual characteristics. After 35 days of life, the male hamster has clearly visible almond-shaped testicles, distinguished by their convexity. In females there are no bulges in this area.
  4. Adult females have evenly spaced nipples - with normal development of the individual there are 4 pairs of them.


How to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster?

Djungarians are one of the most popular types of hamsters, so potential breeders are often faced with the question of how to distinguish a boy from a girl? To solve this problem, you should rely on the characteristics of males and females characteristic of this breed:

  1. From the age of 4 weeks in male jungarians, by lightly pressing in the groin area, you can feel the testicles that have begun to appear.
  2. It is easier to feel the navel of a Djungarian boy, regardless of age.
  3. Males have thicker fur.
  4. In Djungarian girls, the distance between the urinary opening and the anus is no more than 3 mm.
  5. Females are wilder, more active and harder to handle.
  6. It is almost impossible to feel the navel in girls, but at the same time there are 4 rows of paired nipples on the pet’s tummy.

The presence of several individuals of Djungarian hamsters at once will allow you to determine the gender by size. Females always surpass males in this indicator.

How to determine the sex of a Syrian hamster?

The signs by which you can distinguish between a female and a male Syrian hamster are similar to the methods for determining the sex of a dwarf hamster

You should pay attention to the presence of papillae, denser vegetation in a boy, the size of the individual, as well as the location of the genitals. In female hamsters, the distance between the urinary canal and the anus is always minimal


Features of determining the sex of babies

Until babies are at least a month old, it is undesirable to recognize their gender. And it’s better not to touch the crumbs at all!

The most common mistake when trying to determine the sex of a hamster is the desire to find out whether the “fluffy” one has testes. But this approach often leads to incorrect conclusions, since some breeds of hamsters (especially Djungarians) have small genitals. In young individuals they are not yet fully formed, and in some mature males the testicles may not descend into the scrotum, but hide in the abdominal cavity.

Article on the topic: How much does a hamster cost in a pet store, on the market and when purchased secondhand, prices for Djungarian and Syrian hamsters in different countries

In cases where the testes are visible to the naked eye, it is impossible to make a mistake in distinguishing a boy from a girl hamster. Almond-shaped, rounded formations in the crotch of the animal can be distinguished from about the sixth week of the “fluffy” life. Over time, the male's testicles increase in size, and determining the sex of a Syrian hamster is not difficult at all.

In other species of rodents, females can be distinguished from males already on the 20-30th day after birth by the location of the urethra relative to the anus. In boys, there is a furry gap between the two holes. In adult Syrian males it is about 1.5 cm (in young animals it is approximately 0.5 cm). In females, the vagina is located almost next to the anus, there are no areas of skin with fur between the openings, and a characteristic bald patch can be seen.

In dwarf species of hamsters, the structure of the genital organs is quite difficult to recognize, and if it is not possible to determine the opening for urine output, then most likely the female must be examined. But the older the animal becomes, the easier it is to recognize its gender.

Proper inspection

Before you begin the examination, the hamster needs to be calmed down. To do this, just pet him, and you can talk to him in a calm voice. Give your baby a small piece of his favorite treat.

To avoid possible injuries if the rodent suddenly escapes from your hands, it is better to inspect it over something soft. Place a towel or blanket folded in several layers on your knees.

Take the hamster carefully, but you need to hold it tightly so that it does not escape. To do this, place the animal on your left palm with its belly down, and with the thumb and forefinger of your right hand, grab it by the fold between the shoulder blades. This will help fix the animal in the desired position. The animal will not be able to turn its head and bite its owner. Carefully turn the hamster onto its back and begin the examination.

Finding out the gender is important, even if you plan to keep only one hamster. This is necessary in order to give the rodent a name.

If you buy an animal for a child, he will definitely ask you whether it is a boy or a girl. In pet stores, keep animals in one cage. Therefore, careful attention to the gender of the hamster will allow you to avoid buying a pregnant female.

How to calm your pet correctly

During the examination, the hamster may worry and squirm. If your pet is very nervous, then it is best to put him back in the cage and wait until he calms down.

If the examination was still possible, then after the procedure it is necessary to give the animal a treat and lightly pat it on the back to relieve tension.

Give the animal a treat to calm it down.

Advice from professionals

Experts in the field of breeding Djungarian hamsters give their recommendations for determining the sex of pets.

Do not try to find out the sex of the jungarik until it is at least three weeks old. Trying to discern sexual characteristics, the owner risks harming the fragile hamster, whose body is still forming. To see the genitals, carefully grab the adult animal by the scruff of the neck with your fingers and lift it up. This way the furry pet’s body is in an elongated position, and sexual characteristics become more clearly visible. You can try to see the gender in a way that is less stressful for the animal.

Place the rodent on its back in your palm and hold it securely, but very carefully with your thumb so as not to hurt. To calm an animal alarmed by such manipulations, you can gently stroke its abdomen, and then the parts of its body of interest will be clearly visible. If there is still a need to determine the sex of a small cub, then you can carefully touch it at the location of the genital organs. In boys, small swellings are felt in the groin area - the future testicles. Pay attention to the size of your pet

Females are usually larger and more plump than their partners.

Observing the behavior of a hamster and noticing its passivity or aggression, you should not draw conclusions regarding gender. Both aggression and excessive calmness are more often associated with the health of the pet. If you notice that the animal has lost its appetite or has begun to bite the owner’s fingers, take the hamster to the veterinarian; perhaps the rodent has caught a cold, has been poisoned, or is experiencing a vitamin deficiency.

You will learn how to determine the sex of a hamster in the video below.

You don't have to think about how to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster if it lives alone. Those who intend to breed them or have bought a couple of animals just so that they don’t get bored need to be aware of the gender differences in rodents.

Recognition of newborn rodents of the Dzhungarika breed

It is quite difficult to determine whether the Djungarian hamster in your home is male or female. This applies if you bought a small rodent. The thing is that small pets do not yet have clearly defined genitals. Therefore, the question begins to arise about how to determine the sex of a furry at an early age.

It is best to seek help from a specialist who works in a pet store. He will tell you exactly who you have chosen. Experienced specialists will help you make the right choice. You just need to choose a consultant carefully, because most workers in a pet store do not have veterinary education and can deceive you.

A quality specialist will not only help you buy the right animal, but will also give advice on determining the sex of a Djungarian hamster at home. In case the pets begin to reproduce and you sell the babies, you need to know the basic rules for determining sexual characteristics in order to be able to sell small rodents.

Article on the topic: Which hamster is better, Djungarian or Syrian: differences, comparison, which one is better to choose for a child

Breeders' advice

It is easier to find out the sex of a Djungarian hamster using the recommendations of experienced breeders:

It is better to examine the genital organs of a jungarian when he is already 3 weeks old. There is no point in doing this earlier, since the genitals of young animals are not yet fully formed; they are small even in adult animals

In addition, when trying to examine the genitals, the risk of damaging the hamster’s fragile body increases.

It is important to properly prepare your pet for a genital examination. It is best to do this when he is relaxed, but not asleep. If you try to examine the genitals when the animal is active or sleeping, it will try to break free and bite you

Stress can cause your pet to hibernate. If his body is not sufficiently prepared for prolonged suspended animation, he may even die.

Before the examination, you need to pet the dwarf and treat him to his favorite treat. The procedure can be carried out on a terry towel or soft blanket.

You should hold your pet tightly, but do not hurt him. Otherwise, he will begin to break free, squeak, and try to bite the owner.

To determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster, you need to place it on your left palm, grab the fold of skin in the interscapular area with two fingers of your right hand. Then you should carefully lift it so that the body is in an elongated position. Then you can easily examine the animal’s genitals.

There is a less stressful way to determine the sex of a dwarf. You need to take the animal by the base of its head - create a ring from your thumb and forefinger - and hold it with the rest of your fingers below. In this position, the genitals can be clearly seen. If necessary, you can hold your pet's lower body with your other hand.

If during the procedure the animal begins to actively resist, then it is better to let it go so as not to cause stress. To calm the pet, return it to the cage and treat it with treats.

If necessary, you can try to distinguish a Djungarian boy from a girl at an early age. To do this, you need to carefully touch him in the area where the testes are supposed to be located. The male will feel 2 small swellings in this place, but the girl will not. The main thing is to press lightly on the groin area so as not to injure your pet.

Of the additional criteria for determining sex, one of the most proven is the size of the Djungarian hamster. Girls often have a larger body than boys.

You don't need to be an expert to find sex differences in Djungarian hamsters

It is necessary to pay attention to the intimate organs, the appearance of the pet and its behavior. Boys have a larger distance between their genitals and anus than girls.

In addition, the former have a scent gland, while the latter have nipples. The inspection should be carried out carefully.

Sex determination in adults

It is important to remember that neither the color nor the shape of the muzzle (sellers in pet stores often focus on this) can determine the sex of rodents!

In adults, body size can serve as a sign of sex. Nature dictates that females are always slightly larger than males. This definition is never 100% accurate, but it gives some hint. The second visual clue can be the shape of the rodents' body. In boys, you can see the back, pointed towards the tail, which seems to stick out upward, but in hamsters it is rounded.

Article on the topic: Which hamster is better to get, how to choose a hamster for a child, where to buy and what to pay attention to

You can also tell the sex of a rodent by the shape of its shoulder blades - in boys they are pointed, while in girls they have a rounded appearance. In addition, males (especially Djungarians) have longer hair than their female counterparts.

Another visual difference between boys and girls is rapid growth and weight gain. If the “fluffy” gets bigger and fatter every day, and his appetite does not decrease, then we can assume that this is a pregnant hamster.

Observing the behavior of the animal will also help us understand who is in front of us: a boy or a girl. Females are quite capricious and sometimes do not stand on ceremony with those who feed them - being “out of sorts”, they can bite painfully or refuse to be handled. Males are much more phlegmatic and kinder - they rarely refuse the opportunity to climb into the palm of the one who treats and strokes them.

On the other hand, aggressive behavior of a rodent may be a sign of a serious illness. In this case, you need to keep an eye on his appetite, bowel movements and the condition of his coat. And if something is wrong with your pet, you need to contact a veterinarian in a timely manner.

The scent gland in the abdomen, with which the male marks his territory, will help to distinguish a boy from a girl. It is difficult not to see a hairless plaque of a round shape and yellowish color at the site of the navel. Girls of the Dzungarian breed simply do not have such a gland. But they have two rows of nipples visible (in young individuals they resemble “pimples”), while in boys the abdomen is completely covered with hair.

Tama the Cat: Train Station Master

This happened in the early 2000s, when the unprofitable Kishi station in the Japanese city of Kinokawa was almost closed due to unprofitability. Residents, of course, protested, but it is unlikely that their efforts would ultimately be crowned with success. The situation was saved by a local cat named Tama, who loved to bask in the sun near the train station. The station manager noticed how enthusiastically passengers reacted to this couch potato and gave him the official position of caretaker. The cat was given a uniform cap, a badge and a monthly salary in the form of free food.

The duties of the newly minted minister included advertising functions. He greeted passengers, allowed himself to be petted, and was always somewhere on the platform. It must be said that this policy very quickly led to commercial success. Tourists began to come to Kishi station just to look at the railway cat and take pictures with him. From that moment on, there was no further talk about closing the station.

But the unusual cat's career did not end there. In 2008, Tama became a supervisor and was charged with monitoring the performance of professional duties by staff. That same year, the cat was knighted. Another year later, according to the project of the famous designer Eiji Mituku, the railway included in the schedule a train dedicated to the legendary animal. The carriages were painted with views of Tama, the locomotive was decorated with his muzzle, and meowing signaled the opening (closing) of the doors. But this did not become the crown of the cat’s career.

A year later, Tamu was appointed third party of the railway company, entrusted with the post of executive director. By his old age, it was already difficult for him to work every day, and the management allowed the elderly cat to come to work 3 days a week.

Tama died at the ripe old age of 14. But even after this, the career did not end. Posthumously, the cat was elevated to the rank of Eternal Station Master, thus perpetuating his memory. After all, over the years of work, this four-legged employee has brought considerable income to his company. The tourist flow through the station increased to 300 thousand people annually, and the financial indicator amounted to more than 1.1 billion Japanese yen.

The company's management did not want to accept the loss of such a profitable and already promoted advertising brand. Tama was replaced by Nitama (the second Tama). True, later with the third cat there was an overlay. He was found at Okayama Station and offered a position in Kishi. But the owner did not agree to the move. Next came Yontama (the fourth Tama), who had already had to undergo a special training course before taking her place on the platform of the railway station.

And the flow of tourists wanting to take a photo with the legendary heirs of the first Tama still does not dry out.

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Sexual characteristics in hamsters

Inexperienced hamster breeders first of all look to see if the animal has testes. This approach often leads to erroneous conclusions, especially if it is necessary to determine the sex of the Djungarian hamster: the genitals are too small. In young animals they are not fully developed, and hamsters of different sexes must be placed in different cages no later than at the age of 4 weeks in order to avoid inbreeding and unwanted offspring. Our article on determining the age of a hamster will help you find out how many weeks your baby is. We cannot exclude cases when the testicles do not descend into the scrotum, but remain in the abdominal cavity and are completely invisible (cryptorchidism).

If the testes are clearly visible, there is no doubt that the hamster is a male. Convex almond-shaped formations in the perineal area can be distinguished at the age of 35-40 days. With age, the testicles increase significantly in size, and determining the sex of an adult Syrian hamster is no longer difficult.

A reliable sign by which you can distinguish a female from a male already at the age of 3-4 weeks is the location of the urethra relative to the anus. The male has a space between the holes covered with fur. In an adult Syrian hamster the gap is 1-1.5 cm, in young animals it is about 0.5 cm. In the female, the vagina is located almost close to the anus, hair does not grow between them, and a characteristic “bald spot” is formed. The structure of organs is difficult to understand in dwarf hamsters due to their small size; if you cannot find the urogenital opening at all, you have a female dwarf hamster.

The older the animals become, the easier it is to recognize whether the animal in front of you is a female or a male. In dwarf hamsters, this process is always more difficult than in Syrians, due to the tiny size of these animals.

Additional gender differences:

  • in a female hamster, two rows of nipples are clearly visible (in young ones these are barely visible “pimples”), while in males the abdomen is completely covered with hair;
  • Dwarf hamsters have a clearly visible sign of belonging to the masculine gender - an odorous gland on the abdomen, with the help of which they mark territory. You can find out the sex of an adult dzhungarika by its presence or absence. A round, hairless, yellowish plaque is located at the site of the navel. A female Djungarian hamster cannot have it.

Why be able to distinguish hamsters by gender?

Anyone who plans to acquire a small decorative animal must understand that distinguishing between females and males is as important as knowing what to feed a Djungarian hamster, how to choose the right cage for it, etc.

Why is it important to determine the sex of these rodents? There are several answers to this question. Firstly, a male and a female are specially purchased if they want to breed rodents at home

In this case, future breeders simply need to know how to distinguish Djungarian hamsters by sex, so as not to acquire two same-sex animals. In addition to the fact that such a couple will not produce offspring, they can also seriously mutilate each other. This is especially true for adult representatives of the breed staying in the same cage. Their nature is as follows: as long as Djungarian hamsters live, they do not put up with competitors on their territory.


, a male and a female are specially purchased if they want to breed rodents at home. In this case, future breeders simply need to know how to distinguish Djungarian hamsters by sex, so as not to acquire two same-sex animals. In addition to the fact that such a couple will not produce offspring, they can also seriously mutilate each other. This is especially true for adult representatives of the breed staying in the same cage. Their nature is as follows: as long as Djungarian hamsters live, they do not put up with competitors on their territory.


, sometimes a store clerk or a novice breeder from whom you can buy an ornamental rodent does not know how to determine the sex of the animal. In this case, the buyer must learn to independently distinguish females from males of this breed in order to choose a suitable animal for himself.


, sometimes a person wants to have a boy or a girl Djungarian hamster. Anyone who wants to have a male animal needs to be especially careful when purchasing. After all, there are cases when a female is sold to an inexperienced buyer, and at that time she may already be pregnant. Such an acquisition will not please a person who planned to keep one animal, but instead acquired a large family of rodents.


, in order to choose a name for your pet. After all, if you don’t know who he is (a boy or a girl), then what should you call him?

Recognition by breed of Syrians

Quite often the question arises of how to find out the gender of your Syrian hamster. This is necessary so that you can save on a cage, because males can live in the same cage. But a female will never be able to get along in the same “room” with another representative of her sex.

You should also look at the distance between the excretory organs and the genitals.

  1. In males, these organs are located at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other.
  2. The female will have them in close proximity.

Once you have determined the gender of your hamsters, it will now be much easier to care for them, because males and females require completely different care. Moreover, you will know in what conditions to keep several rodents so that there are no embarrassments. This definition will allow you to control the breeding process of pets in order to avoid rapid and unnecessary fertility.

How to find out the gender of a Syrian hamster

The main difficulty in determining the sex of the Syrian hamster lies in the fact that these animals are quite small in size and have a very lively character, which makes it difficult to examine them properly.

The importance of determining gender is difficult to overestimate, since almost all parameters of the character and physiology of your future pet depend on it. For example, females are more prone to aggressive behavior, less friendly towards people and, most importantly, are able to give birth to offspring, which is not always convenient for their owners.. Did you know? The body of representatives of the largest known breed of hamster - European - reaches a length of 30-35 centimeters.

Did you know? The body of representatives of the largest known breed of hamster - European
- reaches a length of 30-35 centimeters.
Reliable determination of the sex of Syrian hamsters is possible only after they reach the age of 35–40 days.

Before this, they are too small in size and are not recommended to be picked up at all. Below you will find a description of the main parameters by which you can distinguish a female from a male Syrian hamster.

Find out what kind of cage is needed for a Syrian hamster.

Placement of excretory and genital organs

The described animals are characterized by significant differences in the structure and placement of the excretory and genital organs on the surface of their bodies. For example, in males, in the area of ​​the tail and genitals, the presence of almond-shaped testes is determined, which serve for the synthesis and accumulation of germ cells and other sperm components in them.

These anatomical formations become especially noticeable from the beginning of April to the end of October, since it is at this time that representatives of the species living in the wild begin to actively reproduce.

In addition, in males, the opening of the organs that remove urine and feces and the opening responsible for releasing the genital organs are located at a distance of 1–1.5 centimeters, while in females the opening of the cloaca and the entrance to the genital organs are almost close to each other, in some cases, visually almost merging with each other.

Important! Inspection of the genital organs of hamsters must be carried out by holding the hamster's head tightly, but not firmly (so as not to injure the animal) between the palm and little finger - this minimizes the likelihood that a frightened animal will be able to bite you.


Due to the fact that the body of Syrian hamsters is almost completely covered with soft, most often golden-colored thick fur, it is sometimes quite problematic to examine this sign of sexual dimorphism properly. Sometimes it is better to try to feel the mammary glands, but this can further frighten the animal and put it in a state of stress.

Read more about how to feed and care at home.

However, if you manage to get a good look at your pet's belly, you will see that there are a number of nipples located on it. Males are characterized by the presence of two barely defined nipples, while the female has four, very well defined ones.

End of the back

It is believed that female Syrian hamsters have a more rounded tail end of the back, while in males it is somewhat pointed and directed upward. This sign is perhaps the most unreliable of all and can often cause incorrect gender identification, since it very much depends on the skeletal anatomy of each specific representative of the species and is situational in nature.

For example, if you examine a hamster while playing, eating, or being in an excited or alert state, then this sign can vary significantly.


Due to the fact that females, according to their biological purpose, have to feed their cubs, their tummies are often covered with fur to a much lesser extent than the tummies of males.

However, like the previous one, this sign cannot be called 100% reliable, since it often happens that females who have never given birth or raised offspring have almost the same level of abdominal skin hair as males.

And those female Syrian hamsters who have never had sexual intercourse will almost always have a lot of fur on their tummies due to specific changes in their hormonal levels.

You will probably be interested in reading about how long domestic hamsters of various breeds live, what breed of pet hamster to choose, as well as how much a hamster and its maintenance cost.

Secondary signs for gender recognition

How else can you determine gender? The symptoms described above are considered the most common and basic. But besides them, there are also secondary “signals” that are worth paying attention to.

  1. Back shape. If you rub your hamster's back, you will notice certain differences. In males it is pointed and slightly raised at the tail. Females have smooth and wider backs.
  2. Testes under pressure. If you cannot visually see the testes, you can try to gently press on the area around them. Usually they begin to appear outward. A similar thing happens in boys. Girls do not have testes, and, of course, there is nothing to manifest themselves.

Determination of sex by behavior and size

Another important reason why you need to learn how to determine the sex of hamsters is their character. Individuals of the same sex do not get along well with each other. They may fight, be aggressive, and be constantly uncomfortable.

You can try to find out who is in front of you based on behavior.

  1. Girl hamsters are more active.
  2. Boys sleep a lot and get along better with people.
  3. Girls love to play a lot and often.
  4. Males are more fluffy and long-haired.

Please remember that these signs are not reliable for determining gender. It is important to consider the character of the animal. If in most cases males are calm and non-conflicting, this does not mean that you cannot come across a real activist and restless toy.

And finally. Do not forget that your search with predilection for the animal is short, but still a shock. To calm him down, relieve irritation and stress, treat your baby to something tasty and pat him on the back.

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Brief characteristics of dzhungariks

The Djungarian hamster, nicknamed “Djungarian” for short, is quite unpretentious in everyday life, cute and funny. In addition, this hairy-footed hamster is scrupulously clean, not particularly picky in terms of feeding, and also does not bother with a repulsive odor.

Domesticated dwarfs differ from their free-ranging counterparts, as well as neighboring species (Campbell and Syrian) by their characteristic coloration. All Djungarian hamsters have a dark stripe along their spine, wider than that of Campbell's.

This dwarf rodent, growing up to 10 cm and weighing 35–65 g, has an extremely short tail, which is practically hidden from prying eyes when the animal sits down. Wool covers not only the dzhungarik's body, but also its feet. The dominant color of the fur is often diluted with noticeable white patches. Acceptable colors of the Djungarian hamster:

  • standard – brownish-gray with a white belly;
  • pearls – matte white with gray streaks;
  • sapphire – bluish-gray with a white belly;
  • tangerine - reddish-cream.

The Djungarian hamster will brighten up the leisure time of both adults and growing family members. Even preschoolers can take care of rodents: for this reason, jungarians are often purchased to please the child. This dwarf hamster can be fully recommended to those who have never kept animals before.

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Possible reasons for eating baby hamsters

Offspring with health problems

In the wild, in order for the entire viable hamster species to survive, weak offspring are destroyed, which will interfere with the rodents' ability to escape from danger.

Domestic hamsters, which have long been tamed by people, remain true to their natural instincts, developed over centuries, which have saved them for a long time in the wild.

Born sick and weak, hamsters are usually eaten by their mothers. Injuries received by hamsters before or after birth equally make newborn babies weak and are immediately classified as non-viable. Such cubs, with almost one hundred percent probability, will be destroyed.

Important! If you notice a sick or even dead hamster in the cage, do not remove it; the female herself decides what to do with it. Your unnecessary interference may cause the death of all remaining offspring. This is due to foreign odors

Not being able to smell herself, the mother may start to panic and kill the rest of the newborn hamsters. Don't worry, these rodents eat everything, including meat. No matter how shocking it may sound, the female herself will “clean up” her nest

This is due to foreign odors. Not being able to smell herself, the mother may start to panic and kill the rest of the newborn hamsters. Don't worry, these rodents eat everything, including meat. No matter how shocking it may sound, the female herself will “clean up” her nest.

If this does not happen within several days, then use gloves to remove the dead cub. This will at least somehow protect other hamsters from your smell.

Unpreparedness to become a mother

Often, the first pregnancy of a female hamster can cause severe anxiety, anxiety and drive the young mother into a stressful situation.

The female is not ready for pregnancy, nor for giving birth and caring for her babies. This reason can provoke the killing of unwanted offspring. The subsequent gestation of offspring and their birth usually do not cause such a reaction in the female.

Weight of cubs

Many or seemingly large numbers of newborn babies. Having become a mother for the first time, doubts overcome both people and animals. Can I cope, do I have enough milk? Your female, who was very small herself, gave birth. I lost a lot of energy and vitality. And then numerous newborn offspring squeal nearby and ask for food. The hamster may panic and think that she won’t be able to feed everyone, and it will be difficult to cope with such a horde of babies. Therefore, this is where natural instinct kicks in; several individuals of the offspring can be eaten.

In order not to provoke the occurrence of such a situation, the owner needs to improve living conditions and improve the hamster’s nutrition as much as possible. She now needs nutrients and minerals, as well as vitamins. Feed her special food for pregnant females, vegetables and fruits. Don't forget about clean water.

Male living with offspring

After the process of mating a female with a male, they must immediately be separated into different cells. This is due to the fact that the male is completely devoid of any parental instincts. He will not even think about whether to leave his offspring or not, he will destroy them.

Some owners think that the hamster is jealous of the offspring of the female and receives little attention from her. In fact, such passions do not need to be attributed to them. Let us remember that the hamster is a loner by nature. And the struggle for territory is ongoing all the time. Here in the cage there is a whole brood of competitors, which are easier to deal with while they have not yet grown.

Interesting facts about hamsters

  • Although the animal is a herbivorous rodent, its diet can include all kinds of insects. This gives the body additional protein.
  • In North America, forest hamsters act like magpies - they carry shiny things into their burrows. But in place of the stolen item, they almost always leave a pebble or a twig, as if exchanging. But in reality, everything is simpler - the animal simply throws what it was carrying in order to grab the sparkling thing.
  • The cheek pouches can hold an amount of food equal to a fifth of the animal's weight.
  • Hamsters are born with teeth, which continue to grow throughout their lives, being worn down by gnawing. The teeth of guinea pigs are similar.
  • The animals are quite smart. They are trainable and usually easily remember their name and the faces of those in their household.
  • Most domestic golden hamsters come from a single female, who gave birth to twelve babies in 1930.
  • If we convert the age of these animals to human ones, then one year is equal to 25 human years.
  • During long runs, the animals mark their path with the help of scent glands.
  • The animal does not see very well, and also does not distinguish colors, but it has a well-developed sense of smell and hearing.
  • This feature has been noticed in dwarf hamsters - the female can delay the birth of a new litter while she feeds the previous one, this happens both at home and in the wild.

  • In science, cells extracted from the ovaries of Chinese hamsters are used in the production of many drugs for serious diseases, in particular multiple sclerosis and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
  • In Vietnam, keeping these animals at home is prohibited by law because they carry infectious diseases.
  • Newton's and Syrian hamsters are listed in the Red Book and are on the verge of extinction in the wild.
  • Food reserves can reach 90 kg. Like squirrels, hamsters store much more than they can eat.
  • As a rule, only one animal lives in each large branched burrow.
  • Hamsters are good swimmers - they have adapted to draw air into their cheek pouches, creating something like a float.
  • The name of the animal originates from the ancient Avestan dialect and roughly translates as “enemy pressing in the ground” due to the habit of the animals bending plant stems in the ground to get food.

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Determining the gender of the Syrian hamster

You can recognize different-sex representatives of this breed by almost the same characteristics as the Djungarian babies:

  • Feel the body for the presence of nipples.
  • Boys have thicker fur coats.
  • Determine at what distance the genital organs are located; in females it is only a few millimeters.
  • Their gonads are located on the sides.

It is necessary to understand that determining the sex of these rodents is not a difficult task, but very painstaking. The examination must be carried out with extreme caution so as not to harm the baby.

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