How long do ferrets live at home and how to extend this period?

Ferrets have been known as loving pets for over 2,000 years. Domesticated ferrets are called ferrets or furo. This subspecies comes from the forest ferret. All existing species and subspecies of these animals interbreed with each other, as well as with related species of small predators (for example, mink, weasel) and produce viable offspring.

In recent years, ferrets have become popular pets in our country, so many of us are interested in the question of how long ferrets live at home. The answer to this depends on a number of circumstances, the most important of which are the conditions under which the animal is kept.

How long do ferrets live in the wild?

Ferrets are very common predatory animals.

How long do ferrets live in the wild?

Their biology is characterized by the following data:

  • body length - 45-50 cm, of which more than a third is the tail;
  • weight - up to 1.5 kg, females are about 1.5 times smaller;
  • habitats - everywhere where a ferret can find a safe refuge, including near people;
  • the main source of food is small rodents, but near humans they also hunt poultry;
  • The lifespan of a ferret in the wild is usually 3-4 years, although some individuals live up to 6-8 years;
  • animals become sexually mature at the age of 6-10 months, females usually give birth to 4-6 cubs twice a year.


Walking a ferret on the street or keeping it only in an apartment is a personal matter for each breeder. But walks in the fresh air can significantly strengthen your pet’s immunity.

You can take a ferret outside only if it is vaccinated against most dangerous diseases, and if the walk is in a place safe from wild animals.

Due to the fact that ferrets are inquisitive and impressionable animals, playing with fallen leaves, in the sand or in snowdrifts will bring your pet a lot of pleasant experiences.

Video: useful information about your pet

Ferrets are delighted with digging holes and tunnels in the snow, but the animal must be accustomed to the cold gradually, in doses, starting with 10-15 minutes of being outside and excluding sudden temperature changes.

If you provide your ferret with tasty, varied and healthy food, quality living conditions and give him at least a little attention, then your pet will be strong and healthy, and will be able to remain your devoted and faithful friend for many years.

How many years do ferrets live at home?

It is much easier to answer the question of how many years ferrets live at home, since these animals are constantly in our sight. They are active, sociable, and playful, which makes ferrets desirable pets. In their lifestyle, ferrets resemble cats, but their instincts of wild animals are more pronounced.

How many years do ferrets live at home?

The typical lifespan of a ferret in a domestic environment is 8-10 years, which is more than twice as long as in the wild.

This is equally characteristic of both domesticated and wild species of animals. Wild ferrets often become our pets. This fact must also be taken into account when answering the question of how many years do domestic ferrets live.

Among ferrets, long-lived animals are considered to be animals over the age of ten years. If they live to be 12 years or more, such ferrets can be considered the patriarchs of the tribe. These animals are quite trainable. In any case, they are easy to accustom to the tray, places to eat, and even follow some of the owner’s commands. This means that it is in our interests that a well-bred animal lives longer and continues to delight us with its presence in the house.

Lifestyle and habits

The ferret belongs to the mustelidae family. He has a long flexible body, covered with beautiful and dense fur, short legs, and a fluffy tail. There is a contrasting pattern on the muzzle. Domesticated horis living in human housing have an individual character. However, all animals, without exception, are playful, friendly, funny and curious. The animals quickly get used to their owners and willingly play with the inhabitants of the house.

Important! The ferret's character deteriorates during the breeding season: the animal becomes irritable, sometimes even aggressive. Veterinarians strongly recommend spaying and sterilizing the animal.

Ferrets are predators by nature, so they are nocturnal, even living at home. The animals like to hide in secluded corners, hide in shoes and stir up the soil in flower pots. If small toys and food are found in a secluded place in the apartment, this is the pet’s doing.

Information! The ferret gets along well with cats and dogs, but living together with rodents and birds is contraindicated.

Pets usually easily learn to go to the litter box and respond to their name. A healthy animal is hyperactive, does not sit in one place, and the idea arises that there are several ferrets in the apartment. For an animal to live comfortably, proper upbringing and training is necessary.

How long do spayed ferrets live?

Keeping a ferret in an apartment entails similar problems that cat owners experience. During the rutting period, the ferret also marks its territory, but at the same time uses potent substances in the form of secretions from the anal glands. In nature, they serve as a deterrent to natural enemies and a way to attract females. The smell of these marks is extremely unpleasant and strong.

The ferret's rut ​​lasts from spring until late autumn, and to satisfy his passion he needs 3-4 partners. The only way to get rid of these inconveniences is sterilization. In this regard, the animal owner has a question about how long domestic sterilized ferrets live. There is no definite answer to this, since no special research has been conducted on this topic.

How long do spayed ferrets live?

We will limit ourselves to general observations about how sterilization affects the lifestyle of ferrets in general. The animals' activity decreases slightly and their appetite increases. They spend less energy because they don't have to worry about procreation. For this reason, it is recommended that sterilized ferrets be restricted in their food intake. Overeating can lead to serious diseases of internal organs.

Equally important is the optimal timing of sterilization. It is this reason that can negatively affect the longevity of a pet. Since sterilized ferrets live only at home, keep in mind that castration of an animal before puberty is the main cause of developmental disorders and genitourinary diseases. In turn, late sterilization leads to hormonal imbalances and disorders with all the negative consequences.

Untimely sterilization can contribute to the early death of a pet, before it even reaches the age of five years.

And for him this is the prime of his life. That is why the answer to the question of how long sterilized ferrets live largely depends on you. If you treat your animal responsibly, sterilizing a ferret generally improves its quality of life and will allow it to reach an advanced age - ten years or more.

General information

The ferret is a mammal of the mustelidae genus. Vigilant and dexterous, this animal is a born hunter. As soon as it gets dark, the ferret goes hunting. The predator feeds on voles, gophers, frogs, insects, etc. It is important for him to have his own shelter, which, however, he rarely digs on his own. It settles and lives in hollows, haystacks, burrows of other animals, in buildings such as barns and cellars.

The domestic ferret (ferret) was bred from the forest at the beginning of our era in Europe. Appreciating the agility and hunting instinct of the animal, the man pursued the goal of obtaining a catcher of mice and rats. Interestingly, representatives of this species are often confused with stoats.

If you attempt to domesticate a ferret found in the wild, you will not succeed.

What rules regarding nutrition and training must be followed to ensure that the ferret's life expectancy is as long as possible are described below. Don't forget: it's not just how long a ferret lives that matters, but also the quality of its life.

How to increase the lifespan of your pet ferret

To increase the lifespan of a pet ferret, the owner should follow a few basic rules.

Only get a young animal under six months of age. Be sure to sterilize him between 6 and 10 months and, if possible, minimize keeping the ferret in a cage (even a well-equipped one), or even better, try to do without one at all. Finally, feed your ferret a healthy diet that includes raw meat and do not overfeed the animal. And of course, vaccinate your ferret against leptospirosis, carnivore distemper and other diseases (your veterinarian will recommend the full list).

Also, don’t forget to keep your ferret’s personal belongings clean, and he is guaranteed to live a long and happy life.

How to care for an animal after castration

After surgery, the ferret is wrapped in a blanket or blanket to provide him with a comfortable environment and help him adapt faster.

Ferrets recover from anesthesia very quickly, but for several hours they cannot control their actions: pets can rise to their paws and immediately fall to the side, shaking their heads. Within a day, the ferret's condition returns to normal.

Sutures are treated with chlorhexidine or another agent prescribed by a veterinarian.

You should not expect a drastic change in behavior from your ferret. The animals become calmer a couple of months after the operation, and over time their temperament gradually evens out.

Feeding your ferret after sterilization

After sterilization, the metabolism changes somewhat, and some processes in the animal’s body slow down.

To maintain a normal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, special food is needed not only for sterilized ferrets, but for all ferrets. Ready-made professional food should be purchased only from premium and super premium manufacturers with an impeccable reputation.

Bosh Totally Ferret ferret food is a complete, super premium ferret food. This food contains easily digestible proteins, vitamins and minerals that make your pet's coat smooth, shiny and silky. This food is even used in the diet of ferrets that are preparing to participate in an exhibition.

Before bedtime

Bedtime routines can be simple or complex, depending on a person's schedule and preferences.

It's best to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every day. Other steps in your bedtime routine may include:

  • reading or listening to classical music 30-60 minutes before bed
  • drink a cup of chamomile tea an hour before bed
  • Avoid TV, phone and computer screens before bed

A study found that bathing 1-2 hours before bed helped people fall asleep on average 10 minutes faster than usual. Taking a warm bath or shower signals the brain that it is time to sleep.

Incentive management

This technique involves strengthening the connection between a person's bed and sleep to improve sleep quality. People following this technique should

  • only go to bed when they are tired and get up if they do not fall asleep within a set time (usually 15-20 minutes)
  • use the bed only for sleeping and not for eating, reading or other activities
  • get up at the same time every day

Sleep restriction therapy

People usually combine this approach with stimulus control therapy. Sleep restriction therapy involves adapting time spent in bed to meet sleep needs. For example, those who lie in bed for 9 hours but sleep for only 7 should not spend more than 7 hours in bed.

People should keep a sleep diary to determine the average amount of sleep they get. Add 30 minutes to your average sleep time to account for the time it takes to fall asleep.


Some supplements may help you sleep. You should talk to your doctor before taking supplements, especially if you are taking other medications or have health problems.

Historical reference

The first mention of the ferret is found in the works of the Greek satirist Aristophanes. He lived from 448 to 385. BC e. and in his plays he described a certain marten-like animal that was a pet. Another Greek historian, Strabo, described the fret's hunt for rabbits that flooded the Balearic Islands. There is also evidence according to which Genghis Khan himself in the 13th century, while in Afghanistan, used ferrets for hunting.

In Russia, the history of keeping ferrets begins in 1971, when a pair of furos was given to Soviet zoologists Dmitry and Yulia Ternovsky from the Prague Zoo. The ferret began to spread as pets only in the mid-90s. In 2002, the first clubs for domestic ferret lovers were organized.

Decoding feed contents

From time to time, ferret owners find it difficult to understand the description of food on the packaging. But experts suggest understanding the contents together:

Find animal proteins (protein). At the top of the ingredient list should be chicken or another form of animal protein. The list of high-quality feeds should include two or more types of meat.

Be careful - there may be grain. See the list of components to see where the grain is located.

Grain foods are very difficult to digest and provide no nutritional value for ferrets.

Check the percentages. Although not required by law, some commercial companies advertise protein and fat percentages on packaging. Choose dry food brands that offer 32 to 40% protein and 18 to 22% fat. When it comes to canned food, choose brands that contain approximately the same amount of protein and fat as dry food.

Choose food with the lowest fiber and ash content. High amounts of fiber (more than 3%) can cause stomach upset and loose, foul-smelling stools. An ash content below 7% will reduce your ferret's risk of kidney stones.

Choose foods that contain taurine to help keep your ferret's eyes clear and healthy and his heart functioning well. This amino acid is found only in animal tissues.

Thus, the food should contain a lot of animal proteins, but should not contain a lot of plant proteins, because... ferrets are unable to digest them, and it turns out that vegetables and grains are completely useless for them. Also, too much plant fiber in the diet can lead to various diseases.

You should know that when choosing food you need to focus on the first listed ingredients - they must consist of meat. Avoid foods with cornmeal or other plant products as the first ingredient on the list.

Remember, ferrets should not starve, if they eat natural foods, then they should eat at least twice a day, and if they eat professional food, then they should stand constantly.

Proper care

We are responsible for those we have tamed. An animal is not a toy, it requires, like a child, that effort be put into its maintenance and upbringing, and therefore its care must be appropriate. You can't feed your ferret whatever you have to. The basis of the diet should be raw rabbit, turkey, offal, chicken, trout, buckwheat, low-fat cottage cheese, quail eggs, vegetables, and special vitamin complexes.

Proper ferret diet

The lack of necessary minerals in a ferret’s diet leads to the development of gastrointestinal diseases, vitamin deficiency, decreased immunity, and hair loss. The water in the drinking bowl should always be clean. It is necessary to ensure that the rodent does not get any prohibited product, because even a small piece of harmful food can cause food poisoning in the animal. It was noted that ferrets fed dry food were more likely to develop cancer. It is important to feed your pet natural food.

You cannot feed an animal in a closed cage for days: this negatively affects its physical and moral health. You need to regularly arrange walks and games in the fresh air. We must not forget about training and muscle loads. The ferret is a friendly animal, inquisitive and easy to contact, so it needs attention and dedication from humans.

It is necessary to observe the rules of animal hygiene, regularly carry out wet cleaning in the room where the rodent lives, ventilate, and change bedding.

How does a sugar pregnancy test work?

Early pregnancy tests—including the type a woman uses at home, as well as blood and urine tests used by doctors and midwives—test for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

A woman's body produces hCG early in pregnancy, and levels of this hormone increase as pregnancy progresses. As a result, most hCG tests can detect pregnancy within a few days. An increase in hCG levels is one of the signs that the pregnancy is developing normally.

It is believed that a sugar test can also indicate hCG and that sugar reacts with hCG in the urine, causing clumping. However, the lack of specificity in the instructions indicates the unreliability of this test. Factors that may explain why sugar sometimes thickens include the amount of urine and the type of sugar a woman uses, as well as specific conditions in the home, such as humidity.

Treatment of bronchitis

Treatment for bronchitis depends on whether the condition is chronic or acute. Acute bronchitis usually does not require treatment and goes away on its own. Because viruses cause most cases of acute bronchitis, doctors do not prescribe antibiotics to treat it.

Remedies that may relieve symptoms:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids: Water helps thin mucus, which makes coughing easier.
  2. Cough medicines: to relieve cough and discomfort.
  3. Humidifier: Using this can make breathing easier.
  4. Lozenges: Frequent coughing from bronchitis can cause a sore throat. Sucking on lozenges may reduce pain.
  5. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Bronchitis can cause chest pain and fever. NSAIDs reduce fever and discomfort.
  6. Inhalation breathing treatments: Using albuterol relaxes the muscles around the airways and opens them up. This may reduce wheezing and make breathing easier.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis includes the same treatment methods as for acute bronchitis. The following may also help:

  • Quitting smoking
    : Smoking irritates the respiratory tract. Quitting smoking can reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent progression of the disease.
  • Inhaled steroids
    : Over time, chronic bronchitis can lead to changes in the lungs, including inflammation. Inhaled steroids reduce inflammation, which may improve breathing.
  • Oxygen therapy
    : Some people with chronic bronchitis may have low oxygen levels due to damage to the lungs. Oxygen therapy can reduce shortness of breath and exercise intolerance.
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