If you keep a rat as a pet, you will likely be alarmed by its sudden baldness. Many owners find it difficult to understand whether this is a consequence of a natural process such as shedding or something wrong with the pet. However, there is no need to worry ahead of time. It is often very easy to determine the cause of hair loss in rodents.
In this article, we will explain to rat owners why it is normal for rodents to sometimes lose hair. We’ll also go over the main problems that can cause premature baldness in pet rats, and their possible solution.
Symptoms of vitiligo
The manifestation of the disease begins with the appearance of a primary white spot.
The spot can appear both on smooth skin and on mucous membranes, the spots can increase in size and begin to merge with each other, most often the lesions are symmetrical in nature. The lesions are localized most often on the extremities, mainly on the flexor and extension surfaces, face, skin folds, in places of constant trauma and friction. It should be noted that vitiligo does not appear in the area of the palms and soles
Increased pigmentation around the lesion
One of the characteristic signs of vitiligo is a rim of hyperpigmentation around the lesion; it may be only slightly darker than healthy skin in this area.
Hair bleaching within the lesion
The hair on the body, scalp, eyebrows, beard, etc. is bleached.
If a rat’s fur falls out in clumps, large bald spots, ulcers and other changes in the skin (lumps, scales) are observed, then the cause is probably the development of the disease. Decorative rodents can suffer from various types of dermatitis, lichen, and fungi. Baldness can also begin due to diseases of internal organs and metabolic disorders.
What to do if hair loss is accompanied by additional symptoms and deterioration in the animal’s well-being? It is recommended to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible; you should not treat the animal yourself. Only a trained doctor will be able to correctly diagnose, prescribe comprehensive treatment and correctly calculate drug doses.
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Nutritional deficiency
Your pet's rat hair may also fall out due to a lack of vitamins or minerals needed by your rat. This does not necessarily mean that your rat is not eating enough. Indicates that your rat's diet is not balanced by race, size or age.
You should visit your veterinarian and get specific advice. It is always recommended to combine rodent food with vegetables and fresh seasonal fruits. The veterinarian will recommend the healthiest ones for your rodent..
Pododermatitis is a fairly common phenomenon among rodents, characterized by a disease of the paws and otherwise called “painful heels.” Most often, the disease affects the guinea pig's hind limbs and hock joint.
The following factors contribute to the development of pododermatitis:
- Inappropriate conditions for keeping a piglet. Dampness and dirty litter are favorable soil for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
- Excess weight of the pet, it puts additional stress on the paws.
- Low physical activity of the pig.
- Uneven, wire floor in the cage. If every step causes deformation of the animal's foot, it is likely to develop pododermatitis.
- Lack of certain vitamins, in particular vitamin C.
- Claws cut at the wrong time.
Then, without appropriate treatment, ulcers and wounds appear on the paw, the animal becomes lethargic and apathetic, and may even cry.
Then Levomekol or Solcoseryl ointment is applied. Antibiotic therapy is sometimes required if the wounds are severe and threaten to develop into blood poisoning. In severe cases, an x-ray may be necessary to ensure the bone is intact.
Seasonal molt
In the spring, some rats molt. Sometimes rodents lose some of their hair during the change of season, and this changes their coat. In spring, hair returns.
Continue to monitor your pet to make sure it has new hair. If they begin to grow back over time, then baldness was a consequence of molting.
One more thing: try not to worry if your rats don't shed at the same time. Sometimes their seasons are different because you keep them indoors and they tend to not understand when the seasons change.
Russian Spaniel
The rat as a pet is becoming more and more popular among many people. This animal is becoming so popular due to its unpretentiousness in food and care, as well as its ability to live in a limited space (cage), although most owners, from time to time, allow their pets to roam around the house.
But, unfortunately, like all other types of domestic animals, the decorative rat can suffer from various diseases. One of the most common reasons why rat owners go to a veterinary hospital is skin pathologies, including hair loss.
In this case, you need to figure out whether your pet’s hair loss is really associated with some kind of problem in the body. The fact is that with the arrival of spring, many animals, including domestic rats, undergo fur renewal. Normal seasonal molting, as a rule, takes place without any changes in the behavior of the animal. During this period, a healthy animal will not scratch its skin until it bleeds and ulcers.
If the fur falls off in clumps, and wounds, abrasions or sores appear on the skin, then most likely your pet needs to be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible. As mentioned above, skin diseases in domestic rats are a fairly common ailment and this is a serious reason to seek help from a veterinarian.
Causes of hair loss in decorative rats
The causes of skin diseases can be very different: poor diet, dirty or rough bedding, parasites, stress and more.
Many owners of decorative rats “forget” that they need to feed the rodent with food intended specifically for such animals, and not feed the pet with whatever they have to (sausages, dumplings, sweets, pickles and other human food)
As bedding for a decorative rat, you can use wood shavings from deciduous trees, hay, and paper (you will have to change it daily). You can buy ready-made bedding at a pet store made from corn cobs or by-products of grain and grass processing.
The most common causes of baldness
The most common disease in hamsters is the appearance of bald patches on the fur.
This indicates the onset of the disease. But sometimes there are cases when hair loss is normal . The skin around the eyes, mouth and nose goes bald first. Then the animal's back and abdomen become bald.
The main causes of hair loss can be:
- allergy to toilet filler
- food allergies;
- food poisoning;
- stressful state;
- deficiency (vitaminosis) or excess of vitamins (hypovitaminosis);
- fungal diseases;
- presence of skin mites;
- lichen
Fungi and viruses
If a rodent develops peeling skin in addition to hair loss, the cause may be a fungal infection that causes lichen. A hamster may have microsporia, a fungal disease that affects the skin and fur, or trichophytosis, a ringworm. Broken hairs remain on bald areas of the skin. They are first visible on the face, behind the ears, then appear on the sides. The skin becomes inflamed, and if treatment is delayed, scabs and purulent areas may appear. The hamster gradually loses his appetite.
As soon as the first symptoms appear, you need to consult a veterinarian.
Reference! Only a qualified specialist, based on laboratory tests, will indicate the exact cause of hamster baldness, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.
Poor nutrition
An incorrectly selected diet can cause hair loss in a hamster. If the owners overindulge their pet with exotic fruits or are addicted to foods high in carbohydrates, then all this will be reflected in the animal’s coat. These feeds should be reduced and fresh greens and crushed grain mixtures added. Protein food should be present in the diet every day; for this, the hamster is given a small boiled piece of chicken meat.
Hamsters, like other animals, can suffer stress from changing their place of residence. If your hamster's hair begins to fall off after he arrives in your home, this may be due to stress and the body's adjustment to a new diet. As soon as the animal adapts, the hair loss will stop.
An allergy in a hamster can be caused by litter, which serves as both a place for the rodent to sleep and a toilet. He spends most of his time there. If the litter is of poor quality, it can become a source of infection and cause skin allergies in the pet , which will lead to hair loss. In this case, you need to remove the litter and lay shredded paper towels on the hamster.
Important! Don't forget about regular cleaning of the cage.
Old age
If your pet is about three years old, it means old age has arrived. The fur gradually begins to fall out, becoming sparse and coarse. Old age is a biological process and it cannot be stopped. In this case, the loss of hair does not bother the rodent.
If the hamster's active behavior does not change, but the fur is shedding, it means that seasonal molting has begun. Instead of lost hair, young hairs grow, different in color from the old ones. This process goes quite quickly and soon the hamster will acquire new shiny fur.
Rats are social creatures that love to live in society. This is why it is advisable to live in pairs: two castrated males, two females, or a castrated male and a female. If rats feel lonely, they may become depressed and this can affect your fur.
Sometimes living with people provides enough company to satisfy the need for companionship. But if you are away from work, school or on weekends, it can be very sad for your pet rat, who will feel abandoned. Therefore, living with a partner is the smartest and healthiest option.
Why does it itch?
The owners of some guinea pigs notice that their pets not only shed a lot of hair, but also itch at the same time. There are cases when the itching is so severe that the animal seriously injures itself.
Itching in a guinea pig is almost always caused by the activity of ectoparasites; lichen causes itching extremely rarely. At the same time, fleas, lice, ticks, and lice-eaters can parasitize a piglet’s body. A cat flea can also spread to a guinea pig if this pet also lives in your house. Fleas cause severe itching, and crusts may form on scratched areas. With a large number of parasites, anemia may develop.
The most common parasite found in guinea pigs is the Trixacarus mite, otherwise known as the itch mite. The parasite lives up to its name by causing severe, incessant itching. Crusts, scabs, sores, and redness appear at the bite sites. Bacteria can enter wounds, causing severe suppuration and infection. The pig becomes very restless, loses weight, and if there are a large number of parasites, it can twitch convulsively and throw itself at the cage.
Features of people born in the year of the Fire Rat
Rats are attractive, even when they use their small and sharp teeth. With their tenacious paws they will grab a tasty morsel and will not hesitate to profit at someone else’s expense. However, they do not shy away from hard work when they know that their work will be paid in full.
- Their charm and sociability sometimes mislead others about the true goals of Rats. They themselves are careful and easily create illusions that bring their results.
- They are good speakers and know how to win over even the biggest skeptics. Rats succeed in any task where they need to speak convincingly and beautifully. They can be excellent public relations specialists or television presenters.
- Rats have a well-developed sense of self-preservation. They will never take risks for the sake of thrills, so they are rarely found among extreme sports enthusiasts.
- A significant disadvantage of the owners of this sign is the inability to maintain self-control. They quickly become angry, but also quickly lose their temper.
- Rats work better with their brains than with their hands, so humanitarian professions are easy for them.
The Fire Rat man is a workaholic. He spends most of his life at work
At the same time, it is important for him to know that his work will be appreciated and fully paid. Will not tolerate disrespect or self-neglect
He knows what he is capable of and is not afraid to show it. In relationships he is caring, ready to give everything for the good of the family. But if his interests are neglected for a long time, it can break off the relationship once and for all. He cannot be convinced by tears or persuasion. Sometimes he loses his purpose in life and becomes apathetic and lacking initiative.
The Fire Rat woman is a good housewife and a confident woman. She can succeed in any field, from creativity to elite sports. She will not hide behind the backs of men; she will achieve everything herself, albeit with a huge amount of effort. She is confident in herself, but does not seek to prove anything to anyone. She is indifferent to criticism and is not afraid of rumors. From the outside it seems that she is a real iron lady, but deep inside she hides her tender and vulnerable essence. The man who recognizes the real her will devote himself entirely.
Features of caring for hairless breeds
Caring for hairless cats is not difficult. However, there are a number of features.
Keeping hairless cats
The skin glands of hairless cats secrete a special wax-like secretion that protects the animal's skin. With poor diet or poor health, more secretion is released, and the pet stains things and furniture. It is imperative to find out the provoking factors and eliminate them. But the main reason is diet.
For moderate skin discharge, cats should be wiped with wet wipes or a sponge soaked in water. You can also give the sphinx a bath. Some animals even like it. The main thing is not to bathe often. Thorough and frequent washing has the opposite effect. The skin begins to secrete more lubricant, and the cat gets dirty even faster.
It is necessary to protect your pet from drafts and hypothermia. Especially after bathing, try to dry the cat as quickly as possible.
Hairless cats love sunbathing, but you need to accustom them to tanning gradually and in doses, otherwise there is a risk of getting a burn.
A mandatory procedure for hairless cats is cleaning their ears and claws. Due to the waxy coating, the ears, the space between the fingers, and under the claws quickly become dirty. Clean with a cotton pad soaked in water or a special lotion.
The peculiarities of hairless cats include their “style” of nutrition. Animals have an increased metabolism in order not to freeze without a woolen coat. Therefore, the appetite is excellent. Pets eat a lot and are completely picky.
They feel good on both natural and industrial diets. However, in the first case, a balanced diet is important, which is difficult to achieve without certain knowledge. Therefore, premium and super-premium industrial food is chosen for pets.
Typically, cats with fur are fed 2 times a day. Sphinxes feed more often - 3-4 times. The main thing is that the pet does not overeat so much that it cannot crawl away from the bowl and is not hungry.
Such animals are often bathed with special products that reduce sebum production. But they begin to eliminate the acne problem by revising their diet.
It is known that different genes contribute to “abnormal” fur development. Several varieties of hairless cats – Sphynxes – are officially recognized in the world:
- Canadian Sphynx;
- Don Sphynx;
- Petersburg Sphinx (Peterbald, Peterbald).
But there are species that are just going through the process of becoming:
- Elf;
- Bambino;
- Dwelf;
- Ukrainian Levkoy;
- Kohana (Hawaiian hairless).
Cat breeders have developed different attitudes towards pebbles. To some they seem scary, to others incredibly beautiful.
Canadian Sphynx
A pear-shaped belly, paws resembling human hands, a tail curled into a donut, huge ears, eyes resembling a lemon - this is all he is - the Canadian Sphynx. The breed is simply called the Canadian. Of the outdated names - Canadian hairless, Canadian bald, moon cat, because the animal looks like an alien creature.
The entire body of the Canadian is covered with light fluff no more than 2 mm long. Therefore, the leather has a suede-like feel to the touch and has also been compared to a peach or nectarine. All sphinxes have hair on their nose, behind their ears, paws, and the tip of their tail. During estrus and pregnancy, i.e. when hormonal changes occur, hair may appear on other parts of the body. Also, in some Canadians, if it is genetically determined, the fur sometimes grows at low temperatures or an unsuitable diet.
Not only the appearance, but also the character of the Canadian Sphynx is unique. The animals are sociable, loving, and smart (they are in the ranking of the smartest cats). Loneliness is a disaster for them. Canadians need to be kissed, hugged, and slept next to them.
At the age of about 1 year, hairless cats begin puberty and in this they are not much different from other breeds. The first heats begin at 5-12 months. The period of pregnancy and childbirth occurs in females without pathologies. There are on average 3-4 kittens in a litter. Females usually have a lot of milk, so mastitis often occurs.
Kittens are known for opening their eyes early - as early as 3-4 days. While in other breeds the eyes open on average at 7-10 days.
The most difficult period is weaning kittens from their mother. Switching to a new type of diet often leads to diarrhea. Therefore, if a kitten has diarrhea, urgent action is needed. Because due to accelerated energy exchange, babies quickly lose strength.
Molting in baby rats
Rats are completely hairless at birth. They need a little time to grow a shiny coat.
Soon their hairs grow back and they begin to look like adults. But usually baby rats molt between 3 and 4 weeks of age. And they become completely hairless again.
New fur grows in the cubs (although there are cases when rat pups, after complete baldness, no longer grow full fur) after the first molt. Although they will continue to shed throughout their lives, the adult's shedding should not be as heavy.
After the first molt, rats regain their clean qualities and regularly tidy up their fur.
Quite often, the reason a guinea pig becomes infected with parasites is interaction with other animals.
Pay attention to this. Walking an animal outside in green grass may not have the most pleasant consequences
Guinea pigs can be kept together in same-sex pairs. If one of the pair gets sick, temporarily isolate the individual from the healthy animal. The cage, feeder and house must be washed thoroughly with disinfectants and dried. If you just bought a second animal from a pet store, temporarily quarantine it and monitor its health before introducing it to other pets.
It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the cage. Pigs quickly contaminate the bedding with urine, which can cause irritation and inflammation. It needs to be changed on time.
At least once a month, you should inspect your guinea pig's body for wounds, irritations or inflammation. If you notice anything strange, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.
Why doesn't my dog shed in spring?
It should be spacious and large. It can be purchased at a specialized store, which will have everything you need for a comfortable stay for your pet. Place all kinds of swings, sticks, a wheel there, and be sure to put a house there.
For filler, use large sawdust or white paper or cardboard. Cleaning must be carried out weekly with mandatory treatment of all components and assemblies with disinfectants. Such measures are necessary to prevent infections.
Place the cage in a secluded place, away from drafts and sunlight.
Don't forget to also place all the necessary feeders and drinking bowls there.
Skin diseases
If a cat develops sores on its skin and hair falls out in clumps, there is a high probability of pathology. In most cases, dermatological diseases are accompanied by severe itching and suppuration in the areas of scratching.
Ringworm and other fungus
Dermatophytosis, or infectious skin diseases caused by fungi, is contagious to humans. Infection with lichen is accompanied by itching, deformation of the claws, redness and peeling of the skin. The main symptom of this pathology is the focal formation of bald spots, which over time merge into more extensive lesions.
Malfunctions of the endocrine system
Hormonal disturbances not associated with postpartum activity may indicate disturbances in the endocrine system. Most often this occurs after taking hormonal drugs that suppress sexual desire. Another characteristic symptom, in addition to constant itching, is symmetrical hair loss on both sides of the body.
Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicle caused by poor animal care. Small ulcers with yellowish-green contents appear at the base of the hairs. Most often they appear on the neck or face, causing severe itching. When an abscess ruptures, pathogenic microorganisms quickly penetrate into it, causing a secondary infection.
The occurrence of dandruff
The cause of baldness in cats can be dandruff, that is, a dry form of seborrhea. It occurs when sebum production is reduced, disrupting the skin's natural exfoliation cycle. In addition to dandruff, dry seborrhea is accompanied by itching, an unpleasant odor, thinning and excessive loss of hair follicles. Most often, this condition is explained by a decrease in immunity, but sometimes the root cause lies in flea or tick infestation.
Tick or flea infestation
Infection with ectoparasites, which inject foreign protein during feeding, is always accompanied by itching. The animal itches constantly, gnawing into the affected areas and biting off pieces of fur. Scratching can lead to a secondary infection in the wounds. Suppuration begins.
The location of the lesion depends on the type of parasite. They can live on the back, paws or tail. Some mites (especially scabies) dig their tunnels right under the eyes of the unfortunate pet. Due to unbearable itching, the cat becomes apathetic and irritable. He sleeps poorly and refuses to eat. His weight is dropping and his condition continues to deteriorate. Dandruff appears on bald areas.
The body spends all its strength to fight malignant neoplasms. There are simply no resources left to nourish the hair follicles. If your pet is constantly thirsty, suddenly loses weight, suffers from bloating, upset stools and bouts of bloody vomiting - do not hesitate and immediately sign up for a diagnosis. Oncology detected in the early stages is treatable.
Alopecia is one of the types of hair loss. It can be caused by all sorted reasons, suggesting the appearance of partially or completely bald areas on the body. If the loss of hairs is not frightening (molting), then it is not classified as alopecia.
With this genetic anomaly, the kitten's fur disappears in the first months of life or is absent at birth. This alopecia is not always generalized - some areas of the skin may retain hair. Bald areas become darker and often suffer from seborrhea.
Due to its peculiarity, the baby remains forever vulnerable to direct sunlight and severe frost. As he grows older, his skin becomes rougher and less vulnerable, but the increased risk of burns and frostbite remains.
Solar dermatosis
Solar dermatosis is an inflammatory disease that develops with high sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. The pathology occurs in pets with a white coat that are devoid of melamine. This pigment is not only responsible for color, but also provides sun protection.
When exposed to sunlight, the animal's skin turns red and hair falls out. The affected areas begin to peel off and itching appears. Despite the absence of pain, irritation is difficult to miss. Without treatment, ulcers appear in its place. Increases the likelihood of developing skin cancer.
Baldness at the injection site
Baldness is one of the side effects of subcutaneous injection of certain drugs. In most cases, the injection site is quickly restored. If the bald spot persists for too long after vaccination or antibiotic therapy, consult your veterinarian.
Psychogenic alopecia
Hair loss in cats can be psychogenic in nature. That is, the cause in this case is obsessive behavior. For no apparent reason, a completely healthy, well-fed and well-groomed cat goes bald in a short time. With careful observation, the owner may notice some features: the cat is overly preoccupied with grooming procedures.
When a cat constantly licks, bites and pulls out fur, it not only violates the integrity of the coat, but also injures the skin. In bald areas, areas of redness, sores and sores may form. To get rid of the pain, the animal licks the injured areas even more, which only worsens the situation.
This behavior is called biased. If a cat is in a stressful situation for a long time, for example, he cannot catch a bird outside the window, or is limited in physical activity, he shifts the action to himself, as if he is self-soothing. The most common expression of biased behavior is “self-grooming.”
The reasons that cause psychogenic baldness can be very different:
- Isolation and limitation of physical activity.
- The appearance of a new member in the family - it can be a new pet or a newborn baby. The focus of attention shifts to the “new guy,” and this fact causes negative emotions in the cat.
- Separation from owner or family members.
- Repair or relocation.
- Boredom.
These problems can be avoided if you pay enough attention to the cat: play with it often, caress it, provide conditions for normal physical activity, and take care of its psychological comfort.
Stress is a factor that can also cause hair loss in your rat. If the cage is too close to a TV or other sound source, it may change your rat's mood or prevent him from resting. Your rat's home should be in a quiet place. You should watch this to identify the causes of stress... Rats are really very sensitive!
Another large and hostile pet can also cause panic in rodents. Children are also a cause of stress. Being shocked, stressed, being held by the tail and hearing very loud voices inches from your delicate ears will certainly be a terrifying experience for a new rat in the house.
The solution is to prevent your rat from getting into trouble with another pet or a troublesome child. Find a quiet place to encourage your rodent to relax.
Another reason why animals' fur comes out in clumps is dermatitis. These include skin diseases accompanied by severe itching, inflammatory processes and profuse hair loss. Chinchillas, which naturally have good immunity, very rarely suffer from dermatitis.
Among all the known ones, the most common is allergic dermatitis caused by a change in food or bedding, accessories or sand for bathing. Allergic dermatitis manifests itself not only in itching and rapid hair loss, but also in redness of the eyes, frequent sneezing, hoarseness and heavy breathing. Coping with allergies is simple - exclude the animal’s contact with the allergen. Rinse the cage, refuse food (if that is the problem), replace the bedding and change the toys.
Fungal infections
In addition to allergic dermatitis, animals are susceptible to small fungi that cause:
The more common name for these diseases is lichen. Both diseases have very similar symptoms - the appearance of well-defined and slightly raised areas of skin, often oval or round, covered with dry scales or blisters. The hair around the affected areas quickly falls out and if treatment is not taken, the chinchilla can become completely bald in a very short time. When diagnosing lichen, it is worth remembering that the disease can be transmitted to humans and is highly contagious. Treatment includes the use of a number of measures, and depending on the extent of the damage, injections, ointments, sprays or tablets are used.
For external treatment of affected skin areas, use:
- Lamisil,
- Exoderil,
- Clotrimazole,
- Nystatin,
- Medical sulfur,
- Chlorhexidine.
In the initial stages, only external treatment is sufficient. For more serious damage, it is necessary to add Nizoral tablets to the treatment. The animal is given 1/14 of a tablet per day, and the course of treatment is a month. A good analogue to tablets is the Vakderm F vaccine. Give 0.3 or 0.5 ml per day with an interval of 10 days, two or three times. A normal reaction is a sharp increase in bald spots after the injection.
Years of birth that correspond to the sign
According to the eastern horoscope, the sign of the Rat includes those born in 1924, 1936, 1948,1960,1972,1984, 1996, 2008, 2022. However, it would be wrong to describe the character of these people with signs alone. The thing is that this animal is divided into five species, according to the elements to which it belongs. To understand in more detail which of them a person belongs to, consider the table:
Birth period | Animal name |
05.02.1924-23.01.1925 | Wood Rat |
24.01.1936-10.02.1937 | Fire Rat |
10.02.1948-28.01.1949 | Earth Rat |
28.01.1960-14.02.1961 | Metal Rat |
15.02.1972-02.02.1973 | Water rat |
02.02.1984-19.02.1985 | Wood Rat |
19.02.1996-06.02.1997 | Fire Rat |
07.02.2008-25.01.2009 | Earth Rat |
25.01.2020-11.02.2021 | Metal Rat |
It is worth paying attention to when the Year of the Rat begins and when it ends. According to the Chinese calendar, the calculation is carried out not from January 1 to December 31, as is customary to count according to the Old Slavic chronology, but according to the intervals indicated in the table
General rules for avoiding problems
Hair loss in a pet has many different causes, some of which the owner can deal with on his own. Rational feeding, introducing vitamin and mineral supplements into the diet, and carrying out hygiene procedures will help preserve and maintain the health of your pet’s coat. It should be remembered that the beauty of a cat’s coat is not only an aesthetic pleasure, but also an indicator of the pet’s health.
Against the backdrop of apparent well-being, has your four-legged pet's fur begun to thin out? We’ll tell you in this article what causes a cat’s hair to shed a lot and how to deal with it.
Improper diet, vitamin deficiency
The condition of the coat is the first to reflect the lack of essential microelements and vitamins in the animal’s diet. Often a simple vitamin complex can improve the situation. Food from a pet store is usually balanced, but you can often observe a situation where a domestic rat does not eat its entire portion, choosing only tasty pieces. In this case, it is recommended to limit treats and switch the animal to good granulated food. Vitamin supplements will also help if the animal has suffered stress - a nervous and anxious state can also trigger shedding.
IMPORTANT: Remember that you cannot constantly give vitamin supplements - an excess of microelements is no less harmful than a deficiency. Therefore, after completing the course, you just need to make sure that your pet receives a full diet, including vegetables and fruits.
What diseases do decorative rats and mice suffer from?
Many people believe that tame domestic rats and mice never get sick. This opinion is wrong. These pets can be affected by various serious diseases, some of which are dangerous to humans. The causes of diseases can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, and single-celled pathological microorganisms.
Most often, domestic rodents are affected by the following diseases:
- ectomelia;
- listeriosis;
- salmonellosis;
- pneumonia;
- mycoplasmosis;
- coccidiosis;
- scab;
- actinomycosis.
- This disease is also called smallpox. It is provoked by a virus that, upon entering the rodent’s body, multiplies in the internal organs and skin. The disease is very dangerous. The chronic form is manifested by ulcers, swelling, spots on the skin - then tissue necrosis and gangrene develop. In the acute form, symptoms are not expressed, but the animal dies within 24 hours.
– dangerous for humans. Mice and rats become infected through infected bedding, food, and care items. The main symptoms are fever, apathy, and lack of coordination. After contact with sick animals, it is strongly recommended to thoroughly disinfect your hands.
– pathology of bacterial nature. The main symptoms: apathy, diarrhea, intermittent breathing, without treatment - swelling, paralysis, irreversible organ damage. Antibiotic therapy (chloramphenicol, biseptol, sulfadimethoxine) is effective for salmonellosis.
– affects the respiratory system of mice and rats. Its main pathogens are coronavirus and Sendai virus. The clinical picture of the disease is as follows: discharge from the nose/eyes, sneezing, difficulty breathing (accompanied by wheezing), redness of the eyes, swelling under the throat. With pneumonia, rodents behave apathetically and lose a lot of weight. A course of antibiotics in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, and vitamins is effective.
– the causative agent of the pathology is a single-celled microorganism of the Mycoplasmataceae family. The infection can be genital or respiratory, but most often manifests itself as mixed. The lymph nodes become enlarged, discharge is observed from the nose, and inflammatory processes in the lungs are observed. Genital forms occur hidden.
– the disease affects the intestines and liver. The causative agent is single-celled coccidia. Symptoms: exhaustion, frequent digestive disorders, jaundice.
Scab and actinomycosis
– fungal pathologies. The fungus enters the rodent's body through a flea/tick bite or through contaminated food. The skin is affected (ulcers, grayish blisters, scabs), and the hair falls out. Abscesses on the oral mucosa may be observed.
A nutritious diet and ideal living conditions will help protect your pets from these diseases.
Frequently asked questions about chinchilla breeding
When purchasing chinchillas for breeding and sale, various questions arise.
Why chinchillas don’t reproduce - the main reasons for refusing to mate
Reasons for refusal to mate may be:
- inappropriate age of the couple;
- weak or sick animal;
- improper conditions of care and maintenance;
- individual qualities.
At what age are chinchilla babies ready to “say goodbye to mommy”?
Chinchilla cubs weigh on average 30-75 grams, require mother's milk and continue to eat it for another two months. Small chinchillas are allowed to be separated from an adult female when the weight of the babies reaches 200-260 grams.
Can relatives of chinchillas mate?
To exclude sick and weak offspring with birth defects, it is not recommended to mate chinchilla relatives.
How to make friends with a future chinchilla pair before mating?
Before placing one animal with another, it is recommended:
- choose a cage with a height of less than one meter and a width of 75 cm;
- thoroughly wash the enclosure before adding the chinchillas;
- remove all foreign objects from the cage so that the animals are not injured during a possible fight;
- build a maze of boxes so that the male can escape if the female shows aggression;
- roll the female in sand with the male's feces, and place the male rodent in the female's uncleaned cage;
- first place the male in his cage, and place the female next to him;
- the owner of the animals must observe the behavior of the couple for four hours. If chinchillas begin to show aggression or fight, they are immediately isolated and given medical care;
- to distract rodents from the conflict, it is necessary to add coarse hay to the enclosure - it will distract them from rude behavior;
- You will have to observe the behavior of the animals until the end of the day;
- It is recommended to feed the couple with high-quality food that includes fresh fruits, useful microelements, and various vitamin supplements;
- wait patiently until your beloved pets prepare to reproduce;
- if mating has not occurred for a long time, start looking for another partner.
Description of the breed
Both Canadian and Russian cats have an elegant physique, a neat muzzle, large eyes, soft, elastic, hot to the touch, covered with folds skin.
Appearance and standards
The breed standard for the Sphynx is strict; a description of the appearance of Don and Canadian cats is given in the table.
external sign | Canadian breed | Don breed |
head | wedge-shaped, not elongated, with rounded contours | graceful, elongated, high cheekbones, wedge-shaped, with large eyebrows |
eyes | large, round, with a slight slant, expressive look | large, almond-shaped |
ears | disproportionately large, wide at the base, widely spaced | large, slightly tilted forward |
vibrissae | short | short or curved, the hairless variety has no mustache |
neck | short, strong | long, graceful |
torso | medium-sized, harmoniously built, voluminous breasts | strong, sinewy, with well-developed muscles, wide chest |
limbs | the front ones are longer than the back ones, sometimes slightly curved | medium length, graceful |
tail | medium length, in some individuals the tip is decorated with a brush, like a lion's | medium length, straight, with rounded tip |
weight | 3–6 kg | 4–7 kg |
The Sphynx breed comes in a variety of colors. Cats are:
- solid colors - black, white, red, blue, silver, lilac, brown (chocolate and cinnamon), cream;
- tabby - patterned (spotted, striped, marbled);
- bicolors - two-color;
- tortoiseshell – multi-colored with the obligatory presence of black and red;
- color point – Siamese color;
- calico - white color with black and red spots;
- Van – white color with slight cream-blue spotting.
The color of the iris is determined by the color, the pet can be green-eyed, yellow-eyed, blue-eyed. White sphinxes come with heterochromia - different eyes.
How dangerous is a rodent bite?
Contact with an infected rodent is dangerous not only due to rabies, but also other dangerous infections (sodoku, tetanus, leptospirosis, yersiniosis) that these animals can carry.
Delayed diagnosis can lead to severe complications, including death. For this reason, the condition of a person who has been bitten by a decorative or ordinary rat must be monitored for several days.
Decorative rats have sharp teeth, which they can use to inflict lacerations and damage small bones of the fingers, leaving cracks in them.
Pet bites can lead to psychological trauma or phobias. Similar complications occur in children, adolescents, and impressionable people.
After being bitten by a decorative rat, it is important to take immediate measures that will reduce the likelihood of complications that can be caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the blood. After treatment, a person must visit a doctor
Cruel treatment
We are in no way suggesting that you can abuse your rats. But perhaps the rat had another owner who used violence against it. After such treatment, the rat may begin to lose hair.
Or the rat was specially bred by an indifferent breeder with the specific intention of making it food for another animal. These rats are usually very poorly treated and rarely socialized, which can cause terrible suffering for the rat.
The only thing you can do is give them love, support, time and hope that they will recover from their ordeal.