How to choose the right cage for a guinea pig and arrange its home

What types of cages are there for guinea pigs?

You can buy a home for the animal ready-made, but it’s even better if you make the cage yourself. Regardless of whether it is purchased or homemade, the rules for keeping a rodent are the same.

Pet store sellers do not always offer exactly the models required for these rodents. You need to carefully consider this issue and know exactly what will benefit the pig.

Aquarium and terrarium

It’s interesting to observe your pet’s behavior through glass. Filler and food do not fall out of the aquarium onto the floor, the smell does not spread throughout the room, solid walls protect against whistling, which the animal can use to wake up household members in the morning. These are common arguments from sellers who offer an aquarium as a home for a pig. All of the above is true, but the sellers are disingenuous, keeping silent about how hard life is for a rodent in an aquarium, and how short its life is.

No matter what size the aquarium is, normal ventilation will not be achieved, since high solid sides contribute to air stagnation. It heats up, the concentration of carbon dioxide increases, and there is a lack of clean air. Ammonia vapors from the animal's toilet will constantly irritate the pet's respiratory tract. These factors lead to the development of respiratory tract diseases, weaken the immune system, and reduce appetite. The terrarium has a similar effect on the animal.

An owner who does not want his pet to suffer will never put him in an aquarium.


A dune is a plastic box, similar in structure to a terrarium. Consists of two parts: a tray and transparent walls. For ventilation there is a lattice door in the ceiling.

This is reliable protection from the cold, there is no dirt on the floor, and it is convenient to observe the life of a rodent. But you can’t achieve good ventilation in a dune either. Therefore, all the negative aspects, like in an aquarium, remain.

It is justified to purchase Dune for hairless pigs to eliminate the risk of hypothermia.

You can purchase a dune to keep young animals until their immunity is strengthened.

For chinchillas and degus

Tall trellis structures for chinchillas and degus feature numerous levels and climbing features. The pig does not know how to cling to fences with its paws. Even a small height is dangerous for her.

Pigs should not buy a two-story cage designed for chinchillas. Animals will not appreciate such housing.

Display cabinets

It is convenient to use fences in the form of display cases for guinea pigs. Most often they are made from old bookcases with their own hands.

It is a pleasure to arrange such a home for an animal. The display cases are made multi-level, but the transitions are arranged in such a way that the pig does not fall.

To provide the rack with ventilation, the back and side walls are made perforated. It turns out to be a good option for keeping pigs.

Lattice cage

Slatted housing is similar to those used for keeping rabbits. The high sides of the plastic tray protect against the scattering of sawdust. Cleaning such a home is easy. The area with lattice walls and ceiling is provided with good ventilation.

The rods are used to attach accessories to them - a drinking bowl, a hammock.

A lattice cage is an ideal option, provided that it has a large area or a stationary enclosure is equipped nearby.


No matter how good the cage is, it will never be able to fully satisfy the pig's needs for active walks.

It is not always possible to devote a lot of time to your pet, arranging walks around the room. The way out is an enclosure for a guinea pig. It can be bought ready-made or built from scrap materials. It is a fence made of plastic or metal mesh. If possible, she is placed next to the cage. Or they make an external one for a balcony or yard.

Inside the enclosure there are a minimum of items that may be useful for the rodent to play with. The whole emphasis is on expanding the space. If the enclosure is very large, it will be equipped with everything necessary. In this case, you can buy a small cage.

The fenced area should be clean and spacious. The wider and longer it is, the better.

Cage too small

This is one of the most common mistakes new owners make. Guinea pig experts recommend a cage of at least 80 cm in length for one animal. For two animals, a cage of at least 120 cm in length will be required.

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Do not buy small houses for hamsters, rat or chinchilla cages, which are designed for the construction of additional floors. Guinea pigs cannot live in such houses; sharp rises are dangerous for their spine. Many experts consider aquarium cages in which both the ceiling and walls are closed to be a real evil for these rodents.

They are practically not ventilated, and a large amount of harmful gases accumulates in them: the pig literally suffocates in the fumes from feces. To keep two male pigs, the cage size must be even larger, as they may fight for territory.

Guinea pig cage size

To equip a guinea pig cage with everything necessary, you need to maintain the dimensions. Rodents have a genetic need to be active. In the wild, they forage for food, covering vast distances. Thanks to activity, they keep their body in shape. In a cramped home, the animal will quickly gain excess weight.

The cell size is calculated so that there is approximately 0.7 square meters per individual. meters of area. The ceiling should allow the animal to stand on its hind legs. Not less than 0.5 sq. meters are added for the second rodent.

In a country house it is easier to provide the animal with space. For this purpose, enclosures are set up in the fresh air during the warm season. If the dimensions are limited to the standard dimensions of 600x400 mm, you should often give the rodent the opportunity to walk around the apartment. The rodent should not be left alone during walks.


Large cages should be comfortable and safe. Multi-level homes with ladders in the form of rungs are dangerous for pets. The paws instantly get stuck between the bars.

Recommendations regarding cage designs are as follows:

  • One-story dwellings are much more convenient for animals.
  • The animal must climb onto existing elevations (for example, onto the roof of a house) along a ramp.
  • The pallet must have reliable fastenings so that it does not fall off during transportation. At the same time, it should be conveniently removable for cleaning.
  • The optimal distance between the rods is 25 mm.

To make the animal easy to remove, you need to provide a wide door or a removable roof. The second option is preferable.

Cells - pros/cons

Each individual cage has its pros and cons, for example, a covered surface made of transparent plastic - such a house retains heat well and at the same time it is poorly ventilated. An aquarium-type section protects well from ventilation, on the other hand, an open top can cause an unpleasant odor in the room. Speaking about all the pros and cons of terrariums for guinea pigs, it is important to take into account the factor of individual significance - this means that a rodent belonging to a certain breed will take root differently in a particular terrarium, accordingly, the cage needs to be selected. In order for a pet to be able to spend time normally in a cage, it is necessary to thoroughly learn about its habits, habits, how susceptible it is to a small space, and based on detailed information, an appropriate terrarium is selected.


A high-quality cage for a guinea pig is not cheap; the price depends not only on the size, but also on the material used. The following are in demand:

  • Stainless steel metal rods. Durable and resistant to contact with detergents material. Usually comes paired with a plastic tray.
  • Plexiglas walls are quite safe and hygienic, but quickly lose their attractiveness, as they are easy to scratch.
  • Wooden environmentally friendly. But they become saturated with moisture and odors. The animals gnaw them.

You can lay a tarpaulin in a wooden cage on the floor. It is waterproof and easy to clean.

When choosing a material for making a home for a pet, take into account that he likes to chew on everything around him. There are types of plastic that are resistant to rodent teeth.


Toys are added for interest. Paper bags, crumpled paper, cardboard boxes, balls, wooden blocks, hard plastic cat and rabbit toys, fleece tunnels, small fleece blankets and hanging bird toys may be of interest to your guinea pigs.

Just make sure there are no small parts that could come off or be chewed off and swallowed.

Wheels and exercise balls are not recommended; Many experts believe that guinea pigs' bodies are not designed for this type of exercise and the risk of injury is too great. Try to do the exercises using other means.

Popular manufacturers

The quality and cost of a guinea pig cage varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.


Products for rodents from this Russian company are sold at low prices. Triol wire cells are large and functional. The high-sided trays are made of beautiful plastic. The door is located on the ceiling. Some models have removable slatted floors, which protect the rodent from dampness.

Convenient fasteners allow you to quickly assemble and disassemble the cage. The grille is coated with a durable coloring compound.


The Italian company ferplast produces comfortable housing for animals made of plastic, metal and wood.

There are models on stands with a removable bottom. This is convenient in summer for installation in the yard. Additional compartments are available to increase space. The two-story cages are equipped with a ramp. You can find Ferplast products where folding walls act as doors and ramp houses. The rods are coated with a compound that is resistant to the teeth of pigs.


Wire models with pallets made in Belgium are made of durable colored plastic. Convenient fastening elements, plastic is easy to wash. The walls fold back, so you can clean the cage from any side.

Dune containers are equipped with a large mesh door on the ceiling to allow air to enter. It is convenient to load the feeder with food and take out the animal.


Durable single-level structures from the Italian manufacturer are designed specifically for guinea pigs. They have a large plastic base and a lattice top. For their manufacture, materials of excellent quality were used. The animals will love the shelf with a safe ramp. The ceiling and side walls are equipped with folding doors. If you are satisfied with the price of a cage from this company, you can safely buy it and not worry about the comfort of your pet.


An interesting model of the Guinea habitat plus cage-aviary is offered to rodent lovers by an American company. The canvas tray is equipped with Velcro, making it easy to remove for cleaning and washing.

The midwest model can be quickly transformed into an aviary for walking. A connection between two cells is provided. If you disassemble the ceiling, you will get additional sections for the enclosure or internal partitions. All parts are easy to disassemble and fold.

Rodent Production Companies

Among some of the leading corporations producing terrariums for pets, Trixie (Germany), Savic (Belgium), Triol (Russia), Imac (Italy) are of particular interest.


The Trixie group of companies is a German concern, one of the leading not only in Europe, but also beyond its borders. Trixie has been making guinea pig cages for over 30 years. Terrariums are distinguished by comfortable contents, durable materials, and durability. The simplest example is a lattice section with galvanized material.

This guinea pig house is very roomy, it opens both from the side and from the top. This design has a plastic tray, which has a beneficial effect on the role of the rodent’s life. The German terrarium is easy to fold, which is its significant advantage.


The Belgian company Savic has also specialized in the production of cages for pets for a very long time. All types of Savic cells are very popular, including in Russia. Here is one example of a lattice cage.

Among the advantages over other cages are a plastic tray, a removable iron element, installation attributes, etc.


Functional terrariums (cages) Triol (Russia) are the domestic answer to Western manufacturers of animal cages. The company successfully produces all types of pet houses, in particular for guinea pigs. One of the most popular cages is model 4104B - with elements of modification, plus, it includes transitions for animals.


The company has been manufacturing terrariums for small furry animals for a long time, but the prices are above average. Italian developers give preference to single-story cages. As a non-standard example, the following type of terrarium is given, which is shown in this picture.

The cage is made of plastic - a tray and a roof, and the body between them is completely lattice. There are passages for rodents, as well as a play wheel.

How to make it yourself

A homemade cage will save money. If you show your imagination, such a home will not only be comfortable and economical, but also aesthetically beautiful.

Home craftsmen use thick construction cardboard, wood, plywood, and plexiglass. To make the frame you will need wooden blocks. If you use old furniture, the price will be even lower.

To ensure good ventilation, you cannot do without a metal mesh with cells of 3 cm for an adult animal and no more than 1 cm for cubs.

Tools for work you may need:

  • Roulette (large ruler);
  • level;
  • wood saw or hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • metal scissors for mesh;
  • screwdriver (drill);
  • knife for plastic.

It is necessary to prepare wood glue, nails, screws, door fittings (hinges, latches). Sometimes they make sliding doors. Guide skids are purchased for them.

Manufacturing step by step:

  • Choose a ready-made one or make a cell drawing.
  • Prepare all materials.
  • Transfer the drawing to wood or plywood.
  • Cut out the parts using a jigsaw or hacksaw.
  • Make a rectangular frame base from four bars.
  • Nail a sheet of plywood or wood onto the base on top of the frame (this is the floor of the first floor).
  • Glue a sheet of plastic or tarpaulin to the tree to protect it from odors and moisture.
  • Screw the vertical and then horizontal frame guides.
  • Attach the back and side walls of the cage.
  • Attach sliding runners for the door or hinge to the façade slats.
  • In the side walls, if they are made of plywood or wood, windows are cut out and covered with mesh.

The roof is done last. You can choose any shape, depending on the chosen design. It is best if the roof is retractable or removable, made of transparent plastic or metal mesh on a wooden frame.

When making a two-tier model, a small hole is cut out in the floor of the second floor, where a ramp is placed. All elevations and shelves are equipped with convenient ramps made of thin boards, onto which a strip is glued at small intervals.

The wooden blocks that are left after the cage is made can be placed in the cage as toys in different configurations.

Where to place the cage

Regardless of whether a pig’s cage is expensive or cheap, there are certain rules that you need to know when choosing a placement location:

  • The cage should be placed away from drafts;
  • the place should be quiet;
  • UV rays should not reach the rodent;
  • heaters and heating radiators near the cage are not allowed;
  • the animal will not be comfortable in a dark and damp corner;
  • the air temperature in the room should not be more than 24 C;
  • a stand is used for the cage, so it will be more convenient for the rodent to observe the household from an elevated position.

The principle of placement is this: you need to give the pet the opportunity to plunge into the thick of the events that are happening in the room. At the same time, there must be protection from unfavorable factors such as drafts, noise and heat.

Arrangement of the cage

A rodent's home is multifunctional. The arrangement of the cage includes items that will be needed not only for food and rest, but also for active entertainment.

To avoid fights, each pig is given a house. They can be purchased plastic or homemade wooden. The flat roof will serve as an observation post. Instead of stairs, a ramp is installed, which is securely fixed.

The animal's dining room is equipped with feeders for dry grass and grain, and a drinking bowl. It is preferable to install a plastic tank with a tube with a ball valve at the end.

Feeders should be safe: without edges or edges, food residues can be easily cleaned off. The best models are plastic, ceramic, stainless steel, and enameled. Senniki are made from mesh or fabric; they buy ready-made plastic ones that are attached to the walls.

Animals will love a hammock, a soft bed, toys made from natural materials, and a labyrinth with several holes. A hammock can be easily made from a regular towel. The space should not be cluttered; all these attributes are installed if space allows. Free space is also an element of the game where the animal can run and jump.

The rodent loves to roll an ordinary tennis or hard rubber ball. You need to choose a large ball so that it is difficult to chew it.

The animal can try any objects that are used to furnish the cage. Under no circumstances should glass figures be left in the cage. Even a very small chip can cause a dangerous wound to your pig.

To prevent the animal from wanting to spoil things, there should always be dry grass and branches of fruit trees in the hay barn.

Pigs are very shy, but at the same time they easily make contact with other pets. It is possible that the rodent will share a bed in the enclosure with a kitten or puppy.

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