Diversity in the diet of a budgie or what grass can be given to the bird

The diet of a budgerigar, like any other animal, must be balanced. To properly create a menu for these birds, you need to include in it a maximum of natural sources of vitamins and microelements. Let's find out what grass budgies love, which will only benefit the body, and which can cause harm.

Do you need greens in the wavy's diet?

Wild parrots lead an active lifestyle, so most of the time they search for food. They eat not only seeds, but also plants and fruits. These products are not high in calories, but are rich in beneficial microelements.

In the wild, it is almost impossible to encounter an overweight individual, since such birds will not be able to escape from predators.

Domestic wavy cats lead a sedentary lifestyle. They do not search for food, and also fly little around the apartment or house. Their diet is formed only through the efforts of the owner.

Often people prefer to give the wavy exclusively grains and store-bought food. This leads to excess weight, deterioration of immunity and even vitamin deficiency. To prevent negative consequences for your bird's health, it is recommended to regularly include grass feed in its diet.

Does your parrot like grass?

Not really

dead nettle

Next up we have another very tasty and healthy weed that looks like nettles. Hence the second name - dead nettle. Only jasmine, unlike nettle, does not have a stinging effect.

White lily (Lamium album) belongs to the Lamiaceae family. This perennial herbaceous plant reaches up to one and a half meters in height and has a succulent, hollow, tetrahedral stem. Dead nettle blooms from May to September. And the seeds ripen from August to October.

Claryweed is very widespread. It grows in gardens and parks, in vacant lots and along fences and paths.

Benefits of claspberry: White clasp flowers contain a large amount of mucus, tannins, saponins, essential oil, alkaloids (traces), ascorbic acid, flavonoids (isoquercitrin, 3-glycoside-kaempferol, choline, histamine, tyramine), vitamin C. In addition to the leaves Of these substances, carotene was found - up to 15 mg%, and a glycoside was found in the roots.

People use jasmine both in folk medicine and in cooking. Yes! Add fresh damask leaves to fresh vegetable salads!! It tastes like spinach, and in terms of the amount of valuable substances - like nettle. The most priceless and delicious weed!!

This useful weed can be fed to parrots both fresh and dried. To prepare dried jasmine for the winter, leaves and flowers are collected during flowering, and rhizomes - at any time.

All parts of the plant are suitable for parrots to eat: stems, leaves, flowers, seeds and rhizomes.

What kind of greens can you give?

There are many varieties of herbs that can be included in your bird's diet. Each herb has its own characteristics and beneficial microelements. They can be found in any lawn, and you can also grow certain plants specifically.

Permitted and useful herbs are:

  1. Clover. Its leaves contain carotene, oils and fiber. With the help of such food, the full development of the bird is ensured, and inflammation is also prevented. Clover is a natural antiseptic, and you can use not only meadow clover, but also creeping clover.

  2. Plantain . It helps normalize digestion and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Woodlouse. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and also improves the performance of the circulatory system.
  4. Dandelion . It is advisable to give the birds young shoots, which have a positive effect on the development of young parrots.
  5. Coltsfoot . It is considered an ideal choice for wavy fish as it contains many vitamins and minerals. Such greens have a positive effect on the respiratory, cardiac and nervous systems of the bird.
  6. Wheat sprouts. They help prevent anemia or food poisoning. Protects against parasites and skin diseases.
  7. Ezhovnik . This herb is also called chicken millet. It is an excellent source of iron, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin B.
  8. Nettle . It contains many useful vitamins, but before giving it to the wavy, it is necessary to scald the grass, and it is also advisable to give it in dried form.
  9. Beet tops . It is represented by a sweet and healthy herb that wavy birds love.
  10. Chicory herb . It has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system of the wavy, as it contains a large amount of potassium. Additionally, this green contains sulfur, vitamin A, fructose, inulin and calcium.
  11. Leaf salad . It is considered an ideal treat for birds and also has a positive effect on the immune system.
  12. Carrot tops . It contains keratin and many other vitamins that contribute to the effective development of poultry.
  13. Wood shoots . It is advisable to choose young leaves so that the bird can tear them easily. Leaves of birch, linden, chestnut, apple, pear or plum are selected.
  14. Barley . It contains potassium and silicon, which are necessary for every bird. Regular use of this herb has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and plumage.
  15. Spinach . It is considered a beneficial herb as it contains vitamins A and C, as well as calcium, potassium and iron, but it should be given to your parrot in limited quantities as it contains a lot of oxalic acid.
  16. Series . You can give stems, leaves or even inflorescences, either raw or dried. They contain tannins, essential oils, vitamins A and C, as well as other microelements.
  17. Blooming Sally . It contains vitamin B, flavonoids, coumarin, tannins, pectins and other useful elements. It can be given fresh or dried. Some owners prefer to brew tea from this herb for their pets.
  18. Milk thistle . This herb is a prickly weed that contains many vitamins, microelements and biologically active components. It includes zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron, as well as vitamins A, E, K, C. You can feed your parrot leaves, stems, fruits, and roots. The plant should be introduced into your pet’s diet gradually.
  19. Quinoa . It is represented by a plant that is resistant to various factors. Grass is easy to find in any country house or garden. It is a source of amino acids and also contains fiber, vitamin E, mineral salts, potassium and other substances.
  20. Ordinary cuff . It is represented by a grass with a unique composition that grows next to ponds and swamps. It has disinfecting properties and also has a positive effect on the bird’s metabolism and immunity.

It is necessary to collect herbs only in meadows or closed areas, since greenery growing near roads is polluted and often infected with parasites.

There are some types of herbs that should not be given to a parrot. These include:

  • many indoor plants that contain poison dangerous to parrots;
  • St. John's wort;
  • tansy;
  • sagebrush;
  • celandine;
  • onion;
  • buttercup.

Such wild herbs contain alkaloids, nitrates and other harmful substances that have a negative impact on the health of the wavy. Therefore, you need to choose only healthy herbs that can be combined with each other.

Dill and parsley

Relatively recently, ornithologists argued that parsley is harmful to parrots, but after special research it turned out that only the root of this plant causes harm. Therefore, parsley can be given to birds in small quantities , and it is also gradually introduced into the bird’s diet. Parsley is considered an essential source of amino acids and antioxidants.

Dill is a forbidden herb for wavy plants. Some owners do not listen to the advice of experts, so they give this plant to their pets. A small amount of dill does not lead to poisoning or other negative consequences, but can sometimes cause illness. Therefore, it is advisable to abandon this weed, replacing it with more useful plants.

Let's talk about dill and parsley

More recently , both parsley and dill were considered harmful to budgies, despite containing a huge amount of benefits.

As for parsley, as a result of the research it was established that only the root of the plant is harmful to birds, and the greens are very useful. Is it possible to give parsley to a parrot? Now this question is answered positively, with a caveat: in small quantities.

Dill was also considered forbidden. But there are cases, and often, when wavy fish calmly feast on this greenery and feel normal. Would you like to treat your pet to this herb? Start with a small branch, carefully observing its condition and behavior.

Pamper your pets with vitamin greens!

House plants that budgies can eat

Eating indoor plants often becomes the main cause of poisoning and even death of the wavy. This is due to the fact that some flowers are prohibited from being given to parrots, since they contain substances that negatively affect the bird’s health.

Harmless plants include:

  • chlorphytum;
  • hibiscus;
  • aloe;
  • balsam;
  • arrowroot;
  • citrus tree;
  • rose;
  • toast;
  • bamboo;
  • dracaena.

These flowers are completely safe for the wavy, if they were not purchased several hours ago, so they can be treated with various chemicals.

Dangerous indoor plants that cause significant harm to the bird’s body include anthurium, monstera, spathiphyllum, philodendron, colocasia, alocasia or syngonium. These flowers have a specific excretory tissue with protective functions. As soon as the parrot approaches these plants, they secrete poisonous juice, causing swelling of the larynx and oral mucosa. The juice, if it gets into the eye, causes conjunctivitis or changes the cornea.

Birds should not touch croton, acalypha, milkweed and jatropha . They contain euphorbine, which causes serious poisoning. It is accompanied by severe burns of the larynx, inflammation of the mucous membrane and disruption of the digestive system.

It is forbidden to allow birds near eucharis, hemanthus, clivia, hipperastrum, brovallia, petunia, allspice, datura, brugmansia or ornamental pepper. Eating such plants causes serious poisoning, so the bird develops nausea, drowsiness, diarrhea and vomiting. Among coniferous plants, the yew tree is dangerous.

Sow thistle

Thistle is a well-known weed. It is very difficult to exterminate it in the garden, because it carries enormous life potential, and its root system is designed in such a way that even if the entire plant is dug up by the roots, and a fragment of the root remains in the ground, a new strong plant will soon grow from it!

Garden sow thistle (Sónchus oleráceus) or field sow thistle (Sónchus arvénsis) is a perennial plant of the Aster family. Distributed on all continents and in all regions. It can be seen in fields, along reservoirs, along roads, on forest edges, in vegetable gardens. It blooms all summer with yellow flowers, which turn into fluff at the end of flowering.

Leaves, flowers, seeds, stems and roots are edible for humans and birds. When cut, the stem secretes milk, for which thistle is nicknamed milkweed, milkweed, and hare grass.

People have been using this plant in medicine for a long time. It has milk-producing, choleretic, tonic, anti-inflammatory, restorative, vitamin-rich, and hemostatic properties.

Thistle is a magnificent honey plant. Thistle honey is one of the most aromatic and delicious. Sow thistle contains huge amounts of vitamin C and carotene. Also rich in bitterness, fatty oils, and alkaloids. Contains inulin, choline, tartaric acid.

How to give it to a bird

It is advisable to give green food to the wavy from childhood. Young birds are happy to try new foods, but become more and more picky as they age. Each pet has its own preferences, so even the most useful grass may not cause much delight in the wavy, so you will have to limit yourself to other plants.

If for various reasons a parrot refuses to even try grass food, then you can change its shape, size and even texture . Large leaves often arouse the curiosity of a small bird. Sometimes parrots prefer dried grass, which smells pleasant and also rustles unusually. If the birds are kept in pairs, then one wavy can teach the other to eat grass.

Many owners grow plants on their own in their garden or dacha, which allows them to provide their pet with fresh, clean and healthy grass all year round.


Purslane (Portulaca Oleracea) is native to India and Persia, but has now spread throughout the world. It used to be treated as a weed, but recently it has been cultivated and eaten. This weed with fleshy leaves and yellow flowers has many beneficial properties and unique nutritional value. Purslane seeds may not lose their viability after lying in the ground for up to 40 years. It grows both in a well-kept garden and in arid climates.

Purslane contains more Omega-3 fatty acids than many fish oils! This weed also has one of the highest levels of vitamin A of any leafy green plant (1320 IU/100 g, providing 44% DV). The high vitamin content helps the body fight against the formation of cancer cells and maintains eye health.

In addition, purslane is a powerful antioxidant and perfectly supports the immune system and overall health. It contains two different types of betalain alkaloid pigments: red beta cyanide and yellow beta xanthines, which are potent antioxidants and mutagens. In addition, purslane contains vitamins C and B-complex, including riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, as well as carotenoids, trace elements (iron, magnesium and calcium).

By introducing this plant (both fresh and dry) into your parrot's diet, we will help him stay healthy and cheerful.

Features of collection

Anyone can figure out which plants are appropriate to give to a bird in order to provide its body with useful microelements. But at the same time, certain rules are taken into account, on the basis of which the grass is collected and stored.

These include:

  • It is not recommended to pick plants that grow next to the roadway or railway tracks, since here they are heavily polluted and often infected with parasites;
  • for collection, it is advisable to choose open clearings in the forest, lawns located in parks, as well as fields or forest strips, since here it is possible to obtain clean, healthy and fresh greenery;
  • when choosing grass, you need to carefully examine its leaves, since they must be dense and have an even color;
  • Leaves that have any stains should not be picked, and leaves with darkened edges should not be thrown away;
  • preference is given to young greens, which have a soft structure, and also do not have too strong a taste, which repels many parrots;
  • any herb is introduced gradually, for which the bird is offered a small amount of the plant, and if there is no negative reaction in the form of diarrhea or vomiting, then the dose can be increased daily;
  • To create a varied diet, it is recommended to combine different herbs.

Some pet stores grow various plants themselves, which are sold in small plastic containers, and they are affordable, and you don’t have to worry about the grass being infested with parasites.

Common cuff

Common lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) is a unique weed in its rich biocomposition and an outwardly familiar weed; has a lot of names: God's tear, breast grass, kalachik, gourd of the heart, sick man and many more nicknames once given by the people to this green doctor.

The cuff grows along the edges of reservoirs and swamps, on the edges of forests in the middle zone. It got its name because of the very beautiful shape of the leaves, reminiscent of a cuff.

In the morning, this unique plant secretes liquid from the microholes of its leaves, which accumulates in the folded leaves. It is often mistaken for dew, but it is not dew. The moisture that the plant releases has a magical effect on the skin, rejuvenating it and preventing aging. It also has a general strengthening effect on the body. This invaluable liquid can be collected in a glass container and taken orally or wiped on the face instead of washing.))

The healing properties are so multifaceted that it is even called “disease”. Since ancient times, infusions have been used for cuts and wounds as a hemostatic and disinfectant, for metabolic disorders, diabetes, colds, diseases of the lungs and bronchi, for rejuvenation, for gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis and oncology.

The richness of the biochemical composition of this plant is amazing: – Ascorbic acid – Lipids – Fatty acids – Flavonoids – Phytosterols – Tannins – Manganese – Zinc – Iron – Boron – Nickel

How to store

Grass brought from the street should be rinsed well with water, but without soaking, otherwise the plants will lose their beneficial properties.

Picked greens are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. To do this, it is advisable to use special plastic containers intended for food products. It is recommended to wrap bunches of greenery in paper towels and periodically spray them with water to prevent drying.

If the weed is dried, it can be stored on a windowsill or on a cabinet shelf.

Collect or buy?

If there is a square or lawn with clean plants near your home, it is easier and better to collect them in small portions every day. This will ensure the freshness of the product and its variety. This option is suitable for spring and summer.

Less attractive is buying a set of greens at a pet store. The herbs do not arrive there freshly picked. It is also unknown in what place they were collected, or for how long ago.

To provide birds with vitamin greens in winter, it is recommended to grow them at home, in flower pots. This is done with buckwheat, oats, wheat, rye, and barley.

Home germination

At home, you can sprout different herbs, for example, buckwheat, rye and even oats. With the help of such actions, the optimal diet of the wavy is ensured even in winter.

The process is divided into stages:

  • the seeds are sorted as empty grains are removed;

  • the seed is soaked for 30 minutes in water;
  • shavings or soil are added to the container;
  • the seeds are distributed on top in an even and dense layer;
  • they are covered with sawdust or soil, and also watered with warm water;
  • the container is covered with film;
  • the container is moved to a warm place.

Literally after 4 days the first shoots appear, and after another 7 days you can pamper the bird with fresh herbs.


He is also bird's knotweed, dog's pepper, woman's bitterling, bird's buckwheat, murava, goose grass.

It is a low-growing annual plant with small leaves and white, green or pink flowers. The plant either spreads along the ground or grows straight up.

Knotweed is the scourge of gardeners and summer residents, since it is very difficult to remove from the site. It is resistant to destruction by herbicides and resistant to trampling.

This grass is used as a food plant for birds. But people also take it for food: they bake pies with knotweed, add it to salads and dressings. And from its roots a blue dye is obtained.

And here are the beneficial substances of bird knotweed: – Vitamin E – Vitamin K – Vitamin C – Fiber – Resins – Pectin – Ash – Calcium – Phosphorus – Silicon – Manganese – Iron – Zinc – Wax – Essential oils – Tannins – Flavonoids – Glycosides – Sugars – Silicic acid – Easily digestible carotene – Several types of coumarins. – Phenocarboxylic acids.

Is it possible to give millet to a parrot?

Most of the parrots' daily diet is grain mixture. The main component in it is millet - up to 60% of the mixture. Since millet is a processed millet, it can also be given to parrots. However, birds should not be fed just one type of grain; The grain mixture should include 4-5 types of cereals, and the share of millet cereals among them should not exceed 50-60%. During processing, millet loses some of its beneficial properties, so it is not recommended to completely replace millet with it. However, feeding your parrot millet is beneficial. Due to its high calorie content, this cereal is excellent for feeding sick and weakened birds. It normalizes digestive function and improves the condition of the feathers. High protein content has a good effect on the development of chicks. However, an excess of this food in the diet can cause obesity.

Sprouted food

Sprouted food is nutritious, for this reason it can be used to replace grain mixtures. It contains a high level of fiber and beneficial vitamins. Due to the balanced composition, when consuming this food, the birds' immunity increases, their metabolism returns to normal, and malfunctions in the body are restored.

If you don’t know what you can feed your budgie, then sprouted food would be an excellent option. The main thing is to germinate the grains correctly:

  • It is recommended to select grains for cooking;
  • then washed under running water;
  • the grains are filled with warm water and left overnight;
  • then the grains are washed again, laid out on a saucer and covered with damp gauze, which is folded 3-4 times;
  • The gauze needs to be moistened every 4 hours;
  • after 24 hours the first shoots will appear;

The sprouted grains can be given to the parrot immediately. They can be stored for no more than 2 days.

Nut mixes

The grain feed contains nuts. Sometimes their concentration exceeds the needs of the bird. It is recommended to partially remove the nuts so as not to harm the liver. Not all types of nuts are suitable for your pet. For example, you should not offer peanuts: they can be affected by mold, which causes dangerous diseases.

It is necessary to discard fruit seeds:

  • bird cherry;
  • cherries;
  • plums;
  • apricot

Bitter almonds are not the best food for parrots. Sweet almonds, pistachios, pecans and macadamia nuts will be much more beneficial.

Daily diet

Having figured out what else budgerigars eat besides food at home, breeders are wondering how to organize feeding. It is known that the basis of the diet is grain feed. You need two teaspoons of them per day. Using only grain feed is harmful to your pet, and therefore half of the daily menu is taken up by greens, fruits and vegetables.

To properly feed your parrot, you should follow simple rules:

In addition, it is worth considering that if for some unknown reason the “wavy” refuses grain feed, it must be replaced with something else.

What to do if you eat it?

To determine if a parrot is poisoned by parsley or dill, you need to pay attention to external signs. The pet becomes lethargic and begins to refuse food. The bird's feathers are ruffled, its wings are lowered and tightly closed. As a treatment, a special drug is used - an adsorbent. It is administered using a medical syringe or pipette. If there is no appetite for 5-6 hours, the bird may faint from hunger, which will lead to death. To avoid this, you need to feed the bird liquid porridge in small portions.

Why does a parrot need oats?

As I already said, sprouted grains have a number of medicinal benefits for poultry health. The seeds contain all the necessary nutrients, B vitamins, macro- and microelements. They are preserved during germination and take on a more concentrated form.

Daily consumption of oat pards will strengthen your pet’s immunity and increase the body’s protective functions. Eating fruits is of great importance for the prevention of infectious and colds. It is necessary to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The sprouted plant contains no harmful components. The sprouts form ingredients that protect the bird's body and prevent the development of diseases.

Don't forget to maintain hygiene!

Important! Properly selected sand will additionally have an antibacterial effect and help prevent the growth and development of bacteria and parasites on the bird’s body.

By adhering to the basic recommendations of this leaflet, you can easily create a complete, balanced menu for your budgie. And your feathered pet will delight you with its excellent health, good health and cheerful mood!



Every loving owner will not refuse to pamper their pet with a nutritious treat. This is how the wavy feels that you love him and care about him.

Important! Such treats can be offered to the bird as a reward or as an element of the game - this will help make the friendship with your pet even stronger!

Simple wire cutters

The most primitive device is very similar to ordinary scissors. Only one of its cutting surfaces is equipped with a small notch with a sharp edge. Using such a device is easy, provided you have some skill and experience. For young dogs, nail trimming is always stressful. They do not want to sit quietly, they strive to tear the paw out of the owner’s hands and in every possible way complicate the process. So Litbro.ru will not recommend such a gadget to novice dog breeders. The risk of causing serious physical injury to your pet is too great. Well, for experienced owners who have used similar tools more than once, nothing better can be desired. Cheap and very effective.

Cost – 35 – 72 rubles.

More advanced versions of hand cutters offer expanded functionality.

Although their main part, in the old fashioned way, is based on two cutting surfaces. Service additions imply only human convenience. Models with rounded ends, a container for cut claws and lighting have proven themselves very well. The fact is that some dogs have the habit of looking for clipped ends on the floor and eating them. Sharp, bent cuttings can damage the stomach wall and cause bleeding. A small “waste collection” effectively solves this problem.

Price – 636 rub.

Another gadget from the line of simple nippers has comfortable ergonomic handles that allow you to securely hold the tool while trimming nails.

This is important when the animal gets nervous and breaks out.

We pay attention to one more detail - the expansion spring. It fixes the cutting surfaces in the open state, which makes the operation somewhat easier.

Otherwise, the functions of the device duplicate all the features of its predecessors. To properly shorten claws, you must have the skill and achieve unquestioning obedience from your dog or cat.

Cost – 229.93 rubles.

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