How to independently distinguish a boy from a girl chinchilla

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03/23/2019 The first thing that interests future owners when choosing a pet is who is in front of them: a boy or a girl?
The care of the animal and its character are related to the characteristics of gender. It is quite difficult to determine the sex of a chinchilla, but it is possible. You need to know how to do it correctly. It is advisable to become familiar with the differences in behavior characteristic of both sexes.

How to extend the life of a pet?

In order for an animal to live to a ripe old age, a rich life, it needs proper care.
Chinchillas are no exception. They need to create the right “habitat” in the apartment. That is, the place where they will live must be comfortable and fully meet their requirements in life. The cage for the animal should be spacious. The minimum area is 0.5 square meters.

The following devices must be installed in the cage:

  • a house in which the animal will hide;
  • wooden shelves for teeth points;
  • hanging drinking bowl;
  • feeder, can be either wall-mounted or floor-mounted;
  • mineral and salt stones for sharpening teeth - they can also be a source of minerals and vitamins for animals;
  • fill the floor with special wood filler;
  • hanging canopy.

The video below clearly shows what should be in a chinchilla's cage, and why all this is needed.

It is also important to monitor the temperature of the room in which the chinchilla’s cage is located. In nature, they are accustomed to cool mountain air

At home, you need to get closer to a similar temperature. Although up to 25 degrees Celsius is considered a suitable temperature, the ideal room temperature will still be about 17 degrees above zero. This temperature is more similar to the highlands of South Africa.

In the wild, chinchillas are accustomed to making their own sand baths. This is how they take care of their hygiene and, accordingly, their health. You cannot deprive them of this procedure at home. Bathing in the sand should be regular and even daily. To do this, you can put a container with sand in the animal’s cage, deep enough so that it can bathe on its own whenever it wants.

Nutrition plays one of the most important roles in the process of healing and increasing the longevity of chinchillas.

There is a list of foods that should be avoided in a rodent's diet.

  1. Sweet foods, such as grapes. Chinchillas' bodies do not produce insulin, which means they will not be able to cope with blood sugar.
  2. Fatty nuts have a negative effect on the liver of animals, and this also includes sunflower seeds.
  3. The stone fruit tree, its branches and fruits contain hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous to rodents.
  4. Coniferous tree branches.
  5. Toxic substances that may be contained in paper products (such as newspapers and wallpaper). They poison the body and lead to diseases of the animal’s gastrointestinal tract.


Due to the fact that the genitalia of the cubs of this animal are even smaller than those of adults, determining sex becomes a more difficult task. However, it is still necessary to complete it.

Chinchillas are able to reproduce as early as three months of age, however, this can become very stressful for the female. Therefore, sex determination and placement of boys and girls of this species of animals must be carried out before the age of three months.

In order to find out the sex of the animal, there is an alternative option - show the animal itself or a photo of its genitals to a specialist. It could be:

  • professional breeder;
  • veterinarian.

When transporting chinchillas to a veterinary clinic, care must be taken to ensure minimal stress for the animals. To do this, you can cover the cage with a towel, and in winter, first place small pieces of fur and wool in it, in which the animals can hide from the cold.

How to avoid stress in chinchillas when determining gender

Chinchillas do not belong to the category of animals that immediately and unconditionally trust their owners. They are easily frightened and difficult to tame. And if you do something against their will, they will lose trust in the person for a long time. It will be difficult to restore contact. Moreover, having experienced stress, they may refuse to eat and drink, their hair will begin to fall out, and their immunity will decrease. Therefore, before picking up an animal and examining it, you need to earn trust and tame it. As a result, he must understand that no manipulation on the part of the owner will cause harm.

A baby chinchilla will need to be raised for at least a month. They are tamed gradually. A gentle conversation with your pet and offering a treat from your hand will help break down the psychological barrier. Gradually, the animal will gain confidence and will not be afraid when it is picked up.

Ways for the lazy

At the heart of laziness is the desire not to do something yourself. Therefore, if you bought chinchillas and do not want to take part in determining the gender of your charges, you can shift the responsibility onto someone else’s shoulders. Namely, on the shoulders of the following characters:

  • for a veterinarian;
  • to a chinchilla seller.

Let's see what consequences can await you when choosing one of these two options.

If you have made a choice in favor of a veterinarian

The only prerequisite here should be the choice in favor of a good veterinary clinic, since some inexperienced doctors can injure the animal during the examination. It is best to immediately ask the selected specialist if he has ever dealt with chinchillas and whether they have determined their gender. This question is by no means an idle one, since in many small towns these seemingly common animals were never treated by veterinarians due to their absence.

If you have an experienced veterinarian in front of you, then the probability of correctly determining the sex will be close to 100%, since over the years of study and work he has already learned to determine the sex of the animals that interest us.

If you have made a choice in favor of the seller

We do not recommend trusting a chinchilla seller, even if he makes a very good impression. If you buy an animal at a pet store, then there is a possibility that the seller really knows how to determine the sex of chinchillas. However, if you buy an animal secondhand, from breeders, then you are taking a pig in a poke. If you come across an unscrupulous breeder, he may tell you the sex of the animal at random.

In addition to the fact that you may be misinformed by an unscrupulous seller about the animal’s gender, there is a high probability of purchasing underdeveloped offspring with poor health indicators.

If a breeder does not know where he has boys and girls in his litter, he does not breed them. Upon reaching sexual maturity, closely related chinchillas begin to mate uncontrollably. As you know, intercourse between brothers and sisters produces large offspring with multiple developmental defects.

Prices for swimsuits for chinchillas

Sexual characteristics of the animal

You can tell which is a boy and which is a girl by looking at the chinchilla's genitals. For a person who has not previously had experience in determining sex, this method may seem quite difficult, especially if only one individual has fallen into their hands. But when there are several animals of different sexes in a cage at once, then when comparing their genitals, it will be much easier to distinguish, for example, where the males are.

To look at the animal's genitals, you need to take the chinchilla by the tail and remove it from the cage. After that, they turn her over with her back down and see what her genitals look like. Males will have testicles visible. They are a small mound near the anus. In fur-bearing animals that have not yet reached puberty, the testicles are weakly expressed, and therefore this method is more suitable for adult chinchillas.

The main method to distinguish between males and females is to determine the distance between the anus and the genitals. The gap between the anus and the penis in males is approximately 3 mm. If the examination is carried out on baby chinchillas, then the distance in boys will be less than indicated, but when compared with girls of the same age, the difference is noticeable. In females, the gap between the vagina and the anus is practically absent.

After the examination, it is recommended to give the animal a treat, as this procedure can cause stress in the pet, which will negatively affect its health.

When the female is in full heat, that is, ready for mating, it will be easiest to distinguish her from the boy. Her genitals swell slightly and become distinctly pink. She may refuse food, scattering it around the cage. A white-transparent fluid begins to come out of the vagina. If there is a male in a cage with a girl ready to mate, he changes his behavior. The boy begins to show more attention to the opposite sex. During the mating season, the male chinchilla makes a characteristic snort.

For professionals who constantly work with fur-bearing animals, finding out who is who is not difficult almost immediately after the animals are born. Therefore, if you do not have confidence in your own strengths and skills, it is recommended to purchase animals in specialized places. This could be a chinchilla farm or a pet store.

At what age is the sex of a chinchilla determined?

It is difficult to distinguish a boy chinchilla from a girl chinchilla even in adulthood, and young chinchillas up to a year old look the same.
Behavioral characteristics also cannot serve as a criterion. If a chinchilla jumps on the back of another, this can be either a natural action of the male or a sign of dominant behavior of the female - matriarchy occurs in chinchillas, and the female takes on the role of leader of the group. Therefore, the only way to determine the gender of a chinchilla is to examine its genitals.

However, the examination does not guarantee accuracy - externally, male and female organs look very similar, the only difference is the position relative to the anus.

In small animals this crack is very small, 1-3 mm, so it is very easy to confuse a boy with a girl. Over time, this difference increases, making it easier to distinguish males from females in adults.

IMPORTANT: chinchillas are able to reproduce from the age of three months, so the issue of gender determination is quite serious.

Early pregnancy (up to 6-7 months) can also destroy a woman’s health. Therefore, it is very important to distinguish between the sexes in time and separate boys and girls into separate cages.

Sex determination of adult rats

At the age of one and a half months, the genital organs of rats are finally formed and after this period the animals become sexually mature and ready to reproduce. Therefore, the easiest way to find out the gender of an adult rodent is to carefully study the structure of its genitals.

Sexual differences between female and male:

  • the main distinguishing feature of adult males is their rather large testicles, which can be seen or felt by slightly lifting the animal’s tail;
  • A female rat can be recognized by two rows of nipples on its abdomen, while male rats have mammary glands completely absent;
  • The sex of rodents is also determined by the distance between the urethra and the anus. In females, these organs are located nearby and the distance between them does not exceed two to three millimeters. In males, the distance between the urogenital and anal openings is approximately five to six millimeters.

Important: when determining the sex of a rat, lifting the animal by its tail is not recommended. After all, this method causes discomfort to the pet and is stressful for him.

It is not difficult to examine the animal’s genitals if you place it on your palm with its belly up and hold its head with your other hand so that the rodent does not spin.

Best companions

While female chinchillas can sometimes be aggressive with other females, most of their aggression is directed towards males trying to mate with them. therefore, if you already have a boy chinchilla , it is better to place another male with him. Fixed opposite sex duets sometimes work, but generally only in cases of littermate siblings. Littermates who have never been separated feel comfortable together and are therefore less likely to fight. For these exotic rodents to live together, it is better to equip the most spacious enclosure.

Determining the sex of baby rats

In baby rats, the sex can be determined no earlier than five days of age. The only thing that can indicate in small rats which individual is in front of you, female or male, is the presence of nipples in females. During this period, the animals still lack hair, and in girls you can find barely noticeable nipples. In boys they are completely absent, and in place of the genitals you can see small dark spots, which over time will secrete into the testicles.

Video: how to determine the sex of little rats

The sex of rats can be determined as early as five days of life. First of all, a male can be determined from a female by the presence of primary sexual characteristics

If you don’t want to pick up a rodent, then you can observe the behavior of the animal and pay attention to its dimensions, but these will be indirect signs

A decorative pet rat is a smart animal that will become a true friend for you. With proper upbringing, the animal can learn its name and respond to the owner’s call.

Help: sounds for rats are different from ours. The rat brain “hears” many things differently than a human. Animals love clicking and hissing sounds, so you should choose an appropriate name. If a combination of sounds is unpleasant for decorative rats, then they will simply ignore them.

What to do if you are not sure whether you were able to recognize correctly

If after examination you are not sure about the correct gender determination, you need to contact a specialist. These can be experienced breeders, veterinarians.

Consultation with a pet store seller

Among sellers in pet stores, there are rarely specialists who can determine the sex of rodents. Even if the seller has a sincere desire to help the buyer choose an animal of a certain gender, it is not a fact that he will not make a mistake. But it also happens that an experienced seller can accurately determine the sex of an animal by its behavior.

Sellers at the market often say the gender that suits the buyer. Therefore, in the end it turns out that after a year a couple from the same litter gives birth to sick offspring.

There is no point in misleading clients about gender in large nurseries that have an important reputation. Therefore, it makes sense to buy from serious large breeders.

Character, behavior and habits

Each animal has its own character, but there are features that unite this species. All animals are very inquisitive. They will not ignore changes in the environment and new things in the cage. They react violently to the arrival of guests and find a favorite among family members.

Shushi are nocturnal animals; they like to sleep during the day. Watching them sleep is very funny. Everyone has their own preferences: some sleep on their sides, others curl up in a ring or take another “uncomfortable” position. Usually the animal wakes up at 7-8 pm, and its peak activity occurs at 10 pm.

Chinchillas make very interesting sounds. Each sound has its own meaning, and with their help you can understand how the animal feels. Lonely shushis often make searching sounds. This is how they try to find their relatives. A male paired with a female often sings a mating song and performs a dance, twirling his tail.

When the animal gets angry, it begins to click its teeth and make a cracking sound. If her displeasure is caused by a person or another chinchilla, she may attack the offender. Their attacks are quite funny: the snarling rodent stands on its hind legs, stretches out, releases a stream of urine and tries to bite. Their bites are harmless. Despite the fact that they have sharp and long teeth, they are not able to bite through the skin.

Relationships with rodents and other animals are usually complex. Shuni do not pay attention to other animals as long as they are not touched. But as soon as a cat or dog becomes interested in the animal, he will begin to experience severe stress. If you want to keep a chinchilla in a house where there are already pets, give it a separate room.

Negative sides

Do such adorable animals have any drawbacks? Like all other animals, you cannot do without them.

  • Chinchillas are scared. Fear can lead to cardiac arrest. Therefore, they need silence, these animals cannot tolerate loud noises, as mentioned above.
  • If you let your pet out for a walk, do so only when accompanied by its owners. Otherwise, he will bite everything that gets in his way. He also bites couch cushions and wires.
  • Their bite is very painful. If you grab the animal roughly and sharply, you will have to meet its sharp teeth.
  • They love to swim in the sand. At the pet store you can purchase special sand for bathing chinchillas. And a bathing bowl with high sides. Otherwise, the entire area around the cage will be covered with this sand.

  • A difference has been discovered between a boy chinchilla and a girl chinchilla. You will need it to avoid buying two males. These buds are unlikely to get along in the same cage. Constant bickering and mutual unloading are guaranteed if they live together. It is better to leave two females, they are much calmer and more devoted to their comrades.

Sexual characteristics

The best method for determining the sex of an animal is to know the external characteristics characteristic of males and females. Their external genitalia are easily distinguishable. But at the same time, those who are just starting to breed these rodents can also make annoying mistakes

Therefore, it is important to know that in males the distance between the genital organ and the anus is quite large, while female chinchillas are famous for the almost continuous arrangement of these organs

What is the gender of this chinchilla?

It’s easy to examine the genitals of this cute and furry pet:

  • lift the baby carefully by the tail;
  • carefully examine his genitals, if necessary, parting the thick fur with your fingers;
  • After the examination, you should give the rodent its favorite food and calm it down.

Indeed, even such a simple and absolutely painless action as examining the genitals becomes a significant stressful situation for the animal. Often, after such actions by the owner, a small animal may lose its former activity and curiosity for several days.

In addition, animals in a stressful situation may refuse to eat. It is not surprising that fears of this type often lead to serious illnesses.

Therefore, you should examine the baby’s genitals with extreme caution, constantly stroking and soothing him

And when the animal is too restless, you should prepare it for this procedure in advance by gently stroking its genitals and the areas around them.

In addition, some animals are initially not ready to be handled and even resist touching. Such individuals should be accustomed to this gradually. To do this, you need to carefully insert your hands into the cage. Soon the baby will begin to be held. At the same time, do not forget to reward him with treats. It is best to hold the chinchilla under the belly and by the base of the tail. But you shouldn’t hold her in your arms against her will. This can negatively affect the psyche of a gentle creature.

Determining the gender of a chinchilla

You can determine which chinchilla is a boy and which is a girl using several criteria. Some of them allow you to find out the sex of a small cub, while others allow you to find out the sex of a more mature animal.

Determining gender by appearance

It would not be at all difficult to navigate when determining sex by the color of the animal, but in the case of chinchillas there is no such difference. But there is another external sign. Females differ from males in size. Females are usually larger. This also played a role in the dominance of female chinchillas in pairs.

But this distinctive feature does not always work. You can focus on size if:

  • the animals presented belong to the same litter;
  • animals of the same age;
  • All chinchillas have the same diet.

Determining gender by behavior

You shouldn’t rely on a chinchilla’s size alone to determine its gender.

You definitely need to pay attention to the behavior of the animal. The female is easily distinguished by her manifestation of a dominant position among the rest of her brothers.

The girl chinchilla is inquisitive, actively explores the surrounding space, plays, and is more interesting to watch than a boy. Females sometimes show their dominant qualities by imitating the behavior of males. Girls can jump on their backs, imitating the mating process. At such moments they are often mistaken for males.

The character of male chinchillas is calm, they are easily tamed, and are practically not aggressive, which is why males are most often chosen for children. Boys can be called overly apathetic and silent, they show little interest in their owner.

Girls become even more active during the mating season, they may refuse food, or they may scatter food throughout the enclosure.

During this period, males, wanting to attract the attention of the female, also begin to show activity and emit constant snorts.

It should be remembered that chinchillas, like other animals, may have different personalities, and, for example, at some certain moment the female will not always behave actively.

Determining gender by genitals

A more accurate way to determine the sex of a chinchilla is to examine the animal's genitals. If a person has never encountered such a procedure before, this can cause a number of difficulties, especially if it is necessary to determine the sex of only one animal and there are no other individuals for comparison.

There are no very noticeable differences in the structure of the genital organs of female and male chinchillas. Even in a male who has reached sexual maturity, it is impossible to detect the testicles, since in these animals they are located inside the body, and not outside, like in many animals.

The miniature urethra and penis of chinchillas are unlikely to make it possible to determine who is a boy and who is a girl, since in appearance they look the same.

Without knowing this feature, it is impossible to determine in any other way by the genitals where the female is and where the male is.

So, for males this distance is much greater than for females. Visually this is clearly visible. In a male it can be up to 4 mm. In the female, the distance from the anus to the urethra is practically absent, it is no more than 1 mm.

The first thing that interests future owners when choosing a pet is who is in front of them: a boy or a girl? The care of the animal and its character are related to the characteristics of gender.

Chinchilla pregnancy chart.

Upper date—female mating Lower date—appearance of young

For example: taking the mating date of January 16 means that the cubs should be born around May 6, consider that the female's period of birth can vary from 106 to 114 days, the table is approximate plus 1-4 days.

You have read the article about breeding and sexing of chinchillas. You can ask all your questions about chinchillas on our forum, in the Livestock Forum section

Going to the pet store

If you want to keep several individuals at the same time, it is very important to differentiate which one you buy. This is the key to preventing a showdown, also to avoid unplanned reproduction, or, on the contrary, to provoke it

People who are just planning to have such a funny and active pet in their home are wondering what the differences are between a male and a female? After all, different sexes often have different habits, behavior, learning abilities, and so on. It is worth noting that if you choose a chinchilla for solitary housing, then gender is not particularly important, but there are still some features.

There are practically no external differences; if there are any, they are extremely difficult to notice. You can tell which is a boy and which is a girl by observing the animals. Girls are bolder and more active than males. Precisely because females are more interesting in behavior and interesting to watch, they are more often chosen as the only favorite.

Living in nature in a pack
of these animals, it is the females that dominate.
But, despite the advantages of active behavior, the female can be more aggressive during the period of heat, and girls are also susceptible to stress.

Male chinchillas are more flexible than their female companions. They are also easier to tame, which is a big plus; they do not show aggression.

Pregnancy and newborn chinchillas

Chinchillas have a long gestation period of about 110 days. Births usually occur in the morning, within minutes of each other.

Chinchillas are born covered in fur, with their eyes open, and weigh about 60 grams. They are quite active from birth and can run around. The small size is usually small, with an average of 2 puppies born, but up to 6 can be born.

A woman is protective of her baby and can become very aggressive towards potential danger or those who threaten her babies. Chinchilla mothers are good parents and provide warmth, milk, and protection to their litters. Some fathers can also be good caregivers, but some may become aggressive towards their puppies and even try to kill them.

Chinchillas will be able to eat solid food at about a week of age, but will still be dependent on their mother and her milk until about 8 weeks of age. Once weaned, the young chinchillas will be ready to go to their new homes.

Determining the sex of the animal: how to distinguish a boy from a girl chinchilla

Many animal lovers purchase chinchillas in pairs for further breeding. Of course, no one will be happy if a pet store accidentally or intentionally sells two males or two females.

Therefore, it is better to learn how to independently determine the sex of furry animals. Moreover, if the couple produces offspring, transferring the cubs to new owners, it will be necessary to find out their gender.

The name that the owner will give to his pet also depends on the gender.

You can determine the sex of a chinchilla as early as 45 days old.

At what age is the sex of a chinchilla determined?

The younger the animal is, the more difficult it is to determine its gender.

Since chinchilla cubs are already separated by gender at the age of two months, before this moment it is necessary to determine who is a boy and who is a girl.

Moreover, chinchillas reach sexual maturity by the age of three months, but such early pregnancies negatively affect the health of the female.

IMPORTANT! The sex of the cubs can be determined at the age of 45 days. Up to 3-4 months, you can distinguish a boy from a girl only by the location of the genitals

With age, the distinctive features become more pronounced

Up to 3-4 months, you can distinguish a boy from a girl only by the location of the genitals. With age, the distinctive features become more pronounced.

How to avoid stress in chinchillas during genital examination?

Chinchillas are quite shy animals and the slightest stressful situations can negatively affect the animal. Thus, an illiterate examination of the genitals can lead to the following consequences:

  • the animal’s refusal to eat for up to several days, resulting in a sharp weight loss;
  • decreased activity;
  • decline in immunity and development of diseases.

In order not to create a stressful situation when examining a chinchilla, you should prepare for this procedure in advance.

You can examine the genitals and determine the sex of the animal as follows:

  • take the chinchilla and, turning it belly up, place it on your lap;
  • push the fur of the animal apart, pulling it with your fingers on both sides;
  • release the animal and give it a treat.

IMPORTANT! The fur must be spread apart, as sometimes it can stick together, which will lead to erroneous sex determination.

You can additionally consult with a breeder or consultant at a pet store.

What to do if you are not sure about the correct gender of chinchillas?

If, after observing the behavior of the animal and examining its genitals, there are still doubts about the sex of the animal, then the best solution would be to compare several animals at the same time.

If possible, you need to take 2-3 chinchillas at once and place them on your lap. The inspection may require the assistance of another person. When comparing the genitals of several chinchillas, it will be more likely to immediately find out which of them is female and which is male.

Consultation with a seller at a pet store or breeder

When buying a chinchilla in a pet store, of course, you can consult the seller about the sex of the animal.

But there is no guarantee that the information received will be reliable, since stores often employ people who have virtually no experience in keeping animals, not to mention special education. But there is still a possibility that the seller is experienced in this matter.

When purchasing an animal directly from a breeder, it is also not always possible to obtain reliable information. Many unscrupulous breeders are ready to name the gender desired by the buyer so that only the animal can be purchased.

IMPORTANT! If a breeder does not know how to determine the sex of chinchillas, it means that he cannot correctly place sexually mature animals, which leads to inbreeding and the birth of offspring with developmental defects

Consultation with a veterinarian

Experienced veterinarians can determine the gender of a chinchilla with almost 100% accuracy. But, if the doctor has never dealt with such animals, the possibility of an error cannot be ruled out. You should choose a good veterinary clinic and an experienced specialist.


Good veterinarians and experienced breeders can easily determine the sex of an animal, but it is better to learn how to independently distinguish between male and female chinchillas. It is quite possible to do this if you study all the possible differences between them. These skills will be especially useful if further breeding of animals is planned.

Formation of a breeding pair

The gender of the chinchilla is especially important if you plan to have two pets. There are features that should be taken into account when forming pairs. For breeding, you need to take individuals from different litters, otherwise the offspring will have physical defects and low immunity.

You also need to be able to form a couple. In chinchillas, relationships are formed according to the principle of matriarchy. If a male is placed with a female, she will react aggressively to the fact that a new resident has appeared on her territory. It is very rarely possible to solve this problem and remove the negative factor. It is much easier to first get a male and then place a girlfriend with him. This way the pair will form faster. To do this, you also need to be able to determine the sex of a chinchilla.

How to distinguish a boy chinchilla from a girl chinchilla

Chinchillas willingly play the role of pets. These furry rodents, native to South America, live a very long time. Unlike their small relatives, hamsters, chinchillas live up to 20 years. This is why the issue of a pet’s gender is of particular importance.

A boy chinchilla differs from a girl in the location of the genitals and behavior.

The only way to determine the sex of an animal that has not reached sexual maturity is to study the location of its reproductive organs. Up to three to four months of life, the differences between females and males are only in the distance between the penis/anus in a boy or the vagina/anus in a girl.

You can find out who you are holding in your hands like this:

  • if the distance between these organs is 3 mm or more, it is a boy;
  • if the organs are located practically without any gap, it is a girl.

To make it clearer, you can compare the animals. Gradually, the difference between the structure of the genital organs of males and females will become more and more obvious. And at about 4 months. in boys, under the tail, you can already see emerging testicles - a secondary sexual characteristic. Starting from 7 months. the testicles are already so large that when comparing two animals of different sexes, it is simply impossible to confuse a male and a female.

Tame chinchillas will allow you to examine themselves, but this should only be done when the animal is full, satisfied, and in a good mood. Lift the tail carefully so as not to hurt the pet, and after the examination, be sure to treat it with something tasty.

General recommendations

We understand how to determine whether a chinchilla is a boy or a girl. We remind you that in boys the distance from the external genitalia to the anus is much greater than in girls. In females it is almost invisible.

How do you keep pets?

  • Need a larger cage. The minimum cage size per person is 80*80*50. Can you now imagine the size of an apartment for several rodents?
  • The cage is used to build a house. You can buy it or make it yourself. The house must be made of wood because these pets love to chew everything they see. Wood won't cause much trouble, but if they eat plastic, it's a disaster.
  • They use corn filler as filler. This is the safest thing for these voracious animals that love to taste everything with their teeth.

  • It is better to buy cast iron feeders that can be hung on the cage. Or heavy ceramic ones so that the chinchilla cannot knock them over.
  • A drunkard must be big and hung up. Chinchillas do not drink a lot, but if they do drink, it is for a long time.
  • There should be hay in the cage; animals love it.
  • And don't forget the sand bath. Watching chinchillas bathe is a pleasure.

Differences between female and male rats in appearance and character

Experienced owners who keep three or more rats claim that a girl is distinguished from a boy not only by physiological signs, but also by behavior. And in the appearance of tailed pets you can also notice distinctive features that allow you to determine where the female is and where the male is:

  • male representatives are slightly larger than females and have a more powerful and robust physique;
  • girls have a graceful elongated body, and boys have a pear-shaped body; If we compare the structure of the fur, then females have smooth, silky and soft fur, while males have harder and denser fur;
  • females are inquisitive and restless and actively explore the surrounding objects, testing all things “by tooth.” Boys behave calmer, can sit in their house for a long time and spend all their free time sleeping;
  • females are more aggressive than males and often bite their owners, especially if the animal is frightened or defends its offspring;
  • You can tell a boy rat from a girl rat by the smell of their feces. In adult males, the urine has a sharper and more unpleasant odor than in females.

Important: if the owner plans to keep two rats in one cage, but does not want to breed them, then it is better to purchase females for this purpose. Girls get along well and get along well with each other, while two boys can start fights over territory and food

To control the reproduction of tailed pets, it is advisable to determine the sex of rodents no later than they reach one month of age, and place males and females in separate cages.

Before purchasing a rodent, it is important to evaluate the pros and cons of rats, whether it is right for you and whether you can care for it. It is also an important question to learn how to determine the age of a rat, in order not to get into trouble and not acquire an elderly animal.

Determining the sex of domestic rats 3.4 (67.59%) 58 votes

Rats are social animals, and if you do not want your pet to be sad, it is better to have them in pairs or groups. It is very desirable that they be same-sex, since these rodents are unusually prolific

Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine the sex of the rat. Puberty in these domestic animals begins at 5-6 weeks of age, so until this time, different-sex individuals need to be placed in different cages

Features of males and females

External differences between individuals are not very noticeable. Sometimes girls can be bigger. The coat and body shape are exactly the same. Females often behave more actively, love to play, and explore everything around them. This is explained by the fact that in natural conditions, females in flocks occupy a leading position. But they are also more vulnerable emotionally. They can be aggressive during estrus.

Since females are more active, they require more time and attention. If you don’t walk the animal in the evening before going to bed, it will make noise at night to attract the attention of its owners. Girls will do this more persistently.

Play areas must be arranged for pets, which include labyrinths, hammocks, a house, and ladders. If a girl is not equipped with such a corner, then she will have nowhere to put her ebullient energy. You need to know about this feature when buying an animal.

For children, they try to choose male chinchillas. It is believed that they are calmer and easier to tame. They have a more flexible character. Although it also happens that they are indifferent to their owners. This is also the other extreme, which does not suit everyone. They won’t bite when the animal is picked up, but you won’t get any affection from them either. They are reluctant to make contact with people.

But it is not always possible to distinguish a boy from a girl chinchilla by behavior and character. Boys can also be very active and curious, subject to stress.

Consultation on what kind of character a pet has is usually given by specialists from large nurseries. There, a separate dossier is created for each animal, where all its achievements are described.

Representatives of both sexes need to be educated and tamed, then they will become real pets that bring only joyful troubles. The chinchilla quickly gets used to a routine where there is a place to sleep, walk around the apartment and play. She will be grateful for the care from her owner and offer her soft fluffy sides to be stroked.

An animal that has gained trust in a person can sit on its owner’s shoulder for hours, feeling completely safe.

How to determine gender?

Determining the gender of an animal such as a chinchilla can be done in several ways. Namely:

  • to size;
  • by behavior;
  • by genitals.

It is immediately necessary to make a reservation that it is advisable to compare the size of two animals only if they are of the same age. First of all, this concerns the choice when purchasing at a pet store. Often, even the seller cannot confidently distinguish between the age and sex of animals

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to size only if the age of the chinchillas being compared is precisely known. So, among individuals of the same age, the female will have larger dimensions than the male. It is also worth keeping in mind that the size depends on the diet of the individuals, as well as on the state of health

If the animal is sick, receives unbalanced food and does not have enough vitamins, its size may be smaller than that of its peers. Age also plays an important role. If there is a male in one cage that is older than the female, then his size can be large

It is also worth keeping in mind that the size depends on the diet of the individuals, as well as on the state of health. If the animal is sick, receives unbalanced food and does not have enough vitamins, its size may be smaller than that of its peers. Age also plays an important role. If there is a male in one cage that is older than the female, then his size can be large.

The behavior of animals of different sexes can also be used to determine sex, since it has certain differences. Thus, in a pair of chinchillas, females play a dominant role, which can be determined by their greater activity and temperamental behavior.

Here it is worth paying special attention to the fact that during the mating process the male is not behind the female for the entire period. Often, female chinchillas provoke the male by imitating his movements during mating. Females of this species are distinguished by great curiosity and playfulness.

Thanks to this, their behavior is always more interesting to observe. Girls can also be called more playful and sociable, which can be explained by their dominant role in the pack, be it in the natural environment, a pet store or a home environment. However, this temperament also has its drawbacks, which include excessive aggression during the period of heat, as well as low stress resistance of chinchilla girls

Females of this species are distinguished by great curiosity and playfulness. Thanks to this, their behavior is always more interesting to observe. Girls can also be called more playful and sociable, which can be explained by their dominant role in the pack, be it in the natural environment, a pet store or a home environment. However, this temperament also has its drawbacks, which include excessive aggression during the period of heat, as well as low stress resistance of chinchilla girls.

Males, on the contrary, are always calm and affectionate. They are much easier to tame. Therefore, if you plan to have one chinchilla for a child, then a boy will be the best choice. However, passivity and lack of keen interest in the owner can disappoint the child.

Determining the sex of an animal by its genitals can be called the most difficult method, but at the same time the most accurate. The difficulty of examining the genitals is that the animal may decide that it is in a dangerous situation and experience stress. In this case, chinchillas shed their fur, which does not always please the owners.

To ensure that the chinchilla does not experience stress, when checking, it is necessary to perform all actions with the utmost care and delicacy. Taking the chinchilla in your hands, you need to stroke the animal. This will make him feel calmer and more comfortable.

Then you need to carefully grab the animal by the scruff of the neck and turn it over with its belly up and its muzzle towards you

This way he will be calmer and more comfortable. Then you need to carefully grab the animal by the scruff of the neck and turn it over with its belly up and its muzzle towards you.

After this, you need to slightly pull the skin in the place where the genitals are located. This will expose them and allow you to examine them. When independently determining the sex of a chinchilla, you should know that it is quite difficult to do this visually due to the similarity of their appearance. The only difference between a female and a male is the distance from the anus to the urethra. In males of this species it is larger - about 4 mm. In females, the distance is insignificant - up to 1 mm. After the inspection, the chinchilla can be petted again. An excellent solution would be a small treat at the end of the procedure.

Let's sum it up

Determining the sex of chinchillas is not an easy task. Not only does their size make it more difficult, but they must be used to your touch beforehand or they won't let you touch them.

The sexing of chinchillas, unlike the methods to which we are accustomed, differs not in the presence of genital elements such as testicles, penis or cock, but in the distance from the animal's anus to its gonad. The size of this distance in males varies from 1 to 4-5 millimeters; in females it is almost or completely absent. If you are unsure about the sex of the chinchilla you want to test, you can test another animal at the same time with the help of a friend. By comparing them with each other, you will quickly find out who is who.

Testing to determine the sex of chinchillas should be done with extreme caution, as strong pressure and reaching can injure or stress them.

The sex of these unusual animals can also be determined by observing their habits. There is a stable matriarchy within this species, so the most impudent animal in the cage will probably be the female.

Certain features of appearance can tell you whether you see a man or a woman in front of you. If the animals you are interested in are the same age, the female will always be larger and more active than the male. However, if the animals are of different ages, then the method of determination by appearance is not reliable.

Character of the female chinchilla

In the wild, females of these animals are the leaders in the population. Therefore, even in captivity, a female can injure a male if he is placed in her cage, for example, for the purpose of mating. When breeding animals, a girl must be placed with a boy, but not vice versa.

The female in the apartment behaves very actively, trying to explore every corner. At the same time, she really does not like to be in the arms of her owner. But these animals, despite this, love communication with people. They are very cheerful and cheerful, which can be a little disturbing for overly nervous or busy household members.

Can you tell the gender of a chinchilla if it's wearing a sombrero?

The female chinchilla easily learns simple commands and remembers her name perfectly. You can teach her some exciting and funny tricks.

But it is also important to understand that communication between such a rodent and its owner can be minimized if the girl lives in the same cage with an individual of the same sex

Important! In its natural environment, a chinchilla can only be gray in color. All other colors were bred artificially by geneticists

To size

If you compare two chinchillas (male and female) of the same age, the female will be noticeably larger. Although this only applies to animals of the same age. It is far from a fact that in a store you will see chinchillas of the same litter or at least the same age in one group.

If there is a female chinchilla and a much older male chinchilla nearby, he will naturally be larger. In addition, the size depends on the health of the animal and how it was fed.

If a chinchilla is unhealthy, has received little food or has been fed food that is not enriched with the required amount of nutrients, it will look weaker than its peers who have received normal care and nutrition.

Did you know? Baby chinchillas are born immediately sighted.

By behavior

Females, in addition to being larger than males, have greater agility and temperament. Perhaps it is for this reason that in a couple they are the leaders.

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If you see two chinchillas trying to mate, do not rush to conclusions about who is a boy and who is a girl. The animal behind is not necessarily male. Since females lead the pair, they sometimes tease their partners by imitating their movements during intercourse.

By genitals

The most accurate way to determine the sex of an animal

The check should be carried out very carefully; the chinchilla should not experience stress. Take the animal in your hands, stroke it, caress it, talk to it in a soft, quiet voice

Then take the animal by the scruff of the neck and turn it over with its belly up, so that the animal’s head is facing you.

Did you know? The chinchilla has the densest fur of any animal. This fur is not subject to seasonal molting, but in a dangerous situation the animal can shed it.

Important! When independently determining the gender of an animal by its genitals, hold it with its head towards you. Otherwise, the animal may start kicking, and its hind legs are quite developed and it may well, if not injure you, then cause you a lot of inconvenience

Gender can only be distinguished by the distance from the anus to the genitals. In a male, this distance is approximately 4 mm; in females, the perineum is practically absent; the maximum distance between the anus and urethra does not exceed 1 mm. We can say that these two organs form one whole.

Behavioral characteristics of the male

There are a number of traits that are common to animals of a certain sex, but you can't tell for sure if you're looking at a male or female. For example, this is usually a woman:

  • more than boys;
  • more active;
  • take a dominant position.

It is typical that males jump on the female from behind, but often the owners of these animals notice similar behavior of a girl towards a boy. Each animal has its own personality, and size depends on color and genetics, so these criteria cannot be relied upon with confidence.

Male rodents almost never bite and are known for their calm dispositions. Even they only scratch accidentally or in extreme situations. But at the same time, such a person can hardly be called calm. Sometimes she can be very nervous, which should be taken into account when purchasing and further raising her.

Young chinchillas, during their first stay in the house of a new owner, can hardly leave the house. If he is scared and hiding, he should not be disturbed unnecessarily.

Read more: Chinchilla diseases - their symptoms and treatment

But active acquaintance and play with it can only begin a few days after acquisition, when the animal gets used to the new atmosphere. Otherwise, the incompetent actions of the owner can permanently damage the delicate psychology of the animal. In addition, male children prefer a nocturnal lifestyle. Therefore, placing their cage in a room where people sleep may not be desirable.

Pets can make incredible noise while running and playing. However, they will be an ideal companion for people who are very busy and cannot devote much time to their pet.

Gender characteristics

Many chinchillas like to live in duets with other representatives of the species. But it’s worth remembering that chinchillas still have some gender differences. If you plan to keep multiple pets together, consider which gender of chinchilla you would choose.

Female chinchillas are tougher than males. They can act aggressive towards other females and males if kept together. Mature chinchilla girls can even kill their neighbor if it is a young chinchilla boy. It is also worth considering that female chinchillas can be especially cumbersome when they are hot, as they will especially show signs of territorial aggression. During this time, it will be better if the chinchilla girl lives separately from other pets. Separation can help prevent injury or death when aggression is present. A boy chinchilla will most likely be calmer.

Settlement of a same-sex individual

In natural conditions, chinchillas live in packs. Therefore, in order for them to feel more confident at home, it is recommended to keep them in pairs. It is important to correctly find out the gender of chinchillas who will live together.

If it turns out that a friend is placed with the girl, you need to give them the opportunity to get used to it at a distance. Otherwise, there will be a battle for territory and the establishment of a hierarchy.

First, the females are placed in different cages not far from each other. In order for them to get used to the smells of “strangers,” they are allowed to use one sand bath from time to time.

After about a week, you can try planting them together on neutral territory. For example, in an old cage, carefully cleaned and washed of odors. If they are not aggressive, you can leave them together.

The chinchilla boy will get used to his new neighbor easier and faster. But they also need to arrange a preliminary acquaintance so that the animals do not react so emotionally to the placement process.

Conflicts can be avoided or reduced to a minimum if same-sex animals are taken from the same litter.

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